Ikeda causes a Volcano to blow up!!!
(too old to reply)
2006-08-10 11:52:01 UTC
Nikken said:

"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of the
Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with great
ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical phenomenon.">>>>>>>>>>>>
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000

Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.

Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.

2006-08-10 12:25:49 UTC
Post by Yelps
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of the
Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with great
ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical phenomenon.">>>>>>>>>>>>
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
No, Ikeda used his political influence to "win" the case. As you well
know, the only witness wasn't a cop that night, got paid handsomely by
SGI to lie on the stand, etc., etc., etc.
Post by Yelps
Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Post by Yelps
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.
Nothing like a seeking spirit when one donates to a religion, eh foul mouth?


P.S. All the lies you are posting now were posted years ago by the likes
of Wersant and the Rubys. The were all soundly refuted. Do you have a
memory problem or are you just stupid?
2006-08-10 21:58:50 UTC
Cody posts:

P.S. All the lies you are posting now were posted years ago by the likes
of Wersant and the Rubys. The were all soundly refuted. Do you have a
memory problem or are you just stupid? <<<<<<<<

Oh yeah? refuted by who, YOU? Bratcher? Derek? What a joke. None of you
could "refute' your way out of a wet paper bag. These things I'm posting
are just Actual Quotes from Mongrel Central and you defending it is just a
delusional, defect.

Imagine what you would say if D. Ikeda were to say "the Volcano Blew up
because of Nikken?" You gang turf Pinhead. Don't pretend you actually
believe Nikken. You just pretend to be a believer.

Post by Yelps
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of
the Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with
great ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical phenomenon.">>>>>>>>>>>>
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.
2006-08-11 00:04:45 UTC
Post by ~Cody~
P.S. All the lies you are posting now were posted years ago by the likes
of Wersant and the Rubys. The were all soundly refuted. Do you have a
memory problem or are you just stupid? <<<<<<<<
Oh yeah? refuted by who, YOU? Bratcher? Derek? What a joke. None of you
could "refute' your way out of a wet paper bag. These things I'm posting
are just Actual Quotes from Mongrel Central and you defending it is just a
delusional, defect.
Imagine what you would say if D. Ikeda were to say "the Volcano Blew up
because of Nikken?" You gang turf Pinhead. Don't pretend you actually
believe Nikken. You just pretend to be a believer.
Yawn. I thought you plonked me. No self control? Everything you have
been posting here are just boring summer reruns. Business slow?

Post by ~Cody~
Post by Yelps
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of
the Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with
great ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical phenomenon.">>>>>>>>>>>>
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.
2006-08-11 00:28:31 UTC
Post by ~Cody~
Post by ~Cody~
P.S. All the lies you are posting now were posted years ago by the likes
of Wersant and the Rubys. The were all soundly refuted. Do you have a
memory problem or are you just stupid? <<<<<<<<
Oh yeah? refuted by who, YOU? Bratcher? Derek? What a joke. None of you
could "refute' your way out of a wet paper bag. These things I'm posting
are just Actual Quotes from Mongrel Central and you defending it is just a
delusional, defect.
Imagine what you would say if D. Ikeda were to say "the Volcano Blew up
because of Nikken?" You gang turf Pinhead. Don't pretend you actually
believe Nikken. You just pretend to be a believer.
Yawn. I thought you plonked me. No self control? Everything you have
been posting here are just boring summer reruns. Business slow?
The business of insanity is booming.
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
2006-08-22 04:14:45 UTC
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
Post by Yelps
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of the
Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with great
ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical phenomenon.">>>>>>>>>>>>
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.
2006-08-22 05:07:56 UTC
I got one better!!!...True story....
On June 12, 1980, the Greatful Dead were playing a concert in Portland
Mt. St. Helens erupted the 2nd time that day. ( 1st time was in May 1980 ).
Know what song the Greatful Dead were playing at the time of Mt. St. Helens
They were playing "Fire On The Mountain".
So.........does that put Jerry in the same league or higher with Diasaku
Or can you say Jerry causes a volcano to blow up........

Something to think about.............
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
Post by Yelps
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of the
Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with great
ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical
Post by clown
Post by Yelps
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.
Reginald Carpenter
2006-08-22 09:49:48 UTC
Re: Ikeda causes a Volcano to blow up!!!

Group: alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren
Date: Mon, Aug 21, 2006, 10:07pm (CDT-2) From: ***@comcast.net

I got one better!!!...True story....
On June 12, 1980, the Grateful Dead were playing a concert in Portland
Mt. St. Helens erupted the 2nd time that day. ( 1st time was in May 1980
). Know what song the Grateful Dead were playing at the time of Mt. St.
Helens erupting?

They were playing "Fire On The Mountain". >> So.........does that put
Jerry in the same league or higher with Daisaku
Or can you say Jerry causes a volcano to blow up........ <<<
Something to think about.............
RC comments: Answer - Well, if we (all) go by/ reason, according to the
extremely NST - Negative STUPID thinking of the so called Nichiren
Shoshu priest-hoods, then "Sho' You Right" (Barry White) -- "Jerry did
it"! LOL.

But then, the way that I think about it & remember when the "Grateful
Dead" finally came to town to play at the lakefront in Chicago years
ago, the weather was an absolutely beautiful, "picture perfect" day all
day, sunny & bright with "Blue Skies"! - Willie Nelson version.
So, giving "credit where credit is due," I blame all that good weather
on them too, and all of the "Good Vibrations" that were emanating from
the good music and all of the "Dead Heads" that came to town to attend
the sold-out concert. They were never a problem to the city or anyone
being camped out & partying out the weekend. It was a phenomena that I
don't think Chicago people had ever seen before to occur in this city's
concert going history. Well, "better late than never"! LOL.

WorldPeace! } : < { 0
"clown" <***@yahoo.com> wrote in message news:***@m79g2000cwm.googlegroups.com...

I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen-rufu, and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into Buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not be
what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
=A0=A0=A0=A0It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self
importance. clown hidden
Yelps wrote:
Nikken said:
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of
the Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with
great ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding
major disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you
arrogant pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.

<<< Stone Eagle >>>
Airborne in Cyberspace*
2006-08-22 09:17:43 UTC
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,
Another cultist who has been conned by Old Fat Lips.
Post by clown
and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up,
You're wrong.
Post by clown
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood"
You mean "how can I make sure everyone buys my ghost written books so I
can be filthy rich?"
Post by clown
although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
Um, SGI is NOT Buddhism. Ikeda is not a Buddhist. SGI is a cult that
lies and says it is Buddhism.
Post by clown
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden

Post by clown
Post by Yelps
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of the
Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with great
ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical phenomenon.">>>>>>>>>>>>
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.
2006-08-25 23:28:39 UTC
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head

Post by clown
Post by Yelps
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of the
Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with great
ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical phenomenon.">>>>>>>>>>>>
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.
2006-08-26 13:55:56 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism. I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
2006-08-26 14:07:21 UTC
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.

2006-08-26 15:58:53 UTC
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer? You
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
2006-08-26 16:51:05 UTC
Name a single person that has done more to spread Nichiren Buddhism [than
[Daisaku Ikeda]
37. Gakkai members give the guidance, "Thanks to the Gakkai," and
"Thanks to Ikeda Sensei." Is this correct guidance?

This kind of guidance and thinking is a grave mistake. The reason the
current Soka Gakkai members cannot correctly believe in Nichiren Shoshu
is precisely because they place the highest priority on "Thanks to
Ikeda Sensei." The second president, Mr Josei Toda, stated:

"It's no good unless those three, an excellent Law, and excellent
master, and an excellent lay believer, are all present.
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is of course the excellent Law. The Dai-Gohonzon is
the excellent Law. Furthermore, the High Priests are the only ones who
have received the Daishonin's teachings, and as our masters, have
transmitted to us the Daishonin's innermost enlightenment exactly as it
is with nothing lacking during 64 transmissions.

"Therefore, when we worship the Dai-Gohonzon through the High Priest,
benefits will definitely come our way. I consider it an extraordinary
honor merely to sit in the position of being the represetative of the
excellent lay believers." (The Complete Writings of Josei Toda, Vol.
4, p. 399)

The Gakkai is [Derek's note: was] a body of lay people (believers), and
it is only natural for Gakkai members to respect the Gakkai president,
but it is upside-down and a slander to respect him more than the Three
Treasures. Gakkai members have been able to receive benefits until now
"Thanks to the Gohonzon" and "Thanks to the correct Buddhism." It is
not "Thanks to the Gakkai" or "Thanks to Ikeda Sensei."

[Refuting the Soka Gakkai's "Counterfeit Object of Worship," c. 1996,
Nichiren Shoshu Temple]

Derek Juhl
2006-08-26 16:55:29 UTC
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer?
Yeah, follow the Law, not the person. Ever hear of that? Kosen Rufu is a
group effort, not following some "hero".
Post by clown
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
Again, you're ill informed but what else is new?
Post by clown
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Um, SGI has done more to give Nichiren Buddhism a bad name than anyone
else, starting with the con man, Ikeda.

SGI-USA issued 500,000 Gohonzons before they got the boot. Now, SGI-USA
has, at most, 40,000 members. The other 460,000 people are now against
Nichiren Buddhism. The SGI "propagation effort" is a revolving door.

SGI is a mind control cult and, anyone that has had anything to do with
it except those brainwashed like you, agrees with that assessment. Ask
any Japanese person who is not a member of your cult what they think
about Ikeda and the answer will be "a dangerous politician with too much
political power".

2006-08-26 17:51:21 UTC
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer?
Yeah, follow the Law, not the person. Ever hear of that? Kosen Rufu is a
group effort, not following some "hero".
Post by clown
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
Again, you're ill informed but what else is new?
Post by clown
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Um, SGI has done more to give Nichiren Buddhism a bad name than anyone
else, starting with the con man, Ikeda.
SGI-USA issued 500,000 Gohonzons before they got the boot. Now, SGI-USA
has, at most, 40,000 members. The other 460,000 people are now against
Nichiren Buddhism. The SGI "propagation effort" is a revolving door.
SGI is a mind control cult and, anyone that has had anything to do with
it except those brainwashed like you, agrees with that assessment. Ask
any Japanese person who is not a member of your cult what they think
about Ikeda and the answer will be "a dangerous politician with too much
political power".
Cody everyone knows the low opionion you have of SGI there is no
dispute there, but can you please point out where in your post you said
who had spread Nichiren and Daimoku around the world more tha Daisaku
Ikeda? I read it several times and couldn't find it. It is a little
pathetic that you can give no answer and instead enjoy spreading
slander. Just because I give you the regard of reading your post is no
reason to subject me to your point of view in regards to other matters
such as the evil nature of SGI and Daisaku Ikeda. We could argue that
anothertime, IF you answer this question today. Who has spread Nichiren
buddhism around the world more than Daisaku Ikeda.? Now ifyou don't
answer this question. I will stop replying to your comments and ignore
whatever you say from here on out. Why not act like a human being? You
are entittled to whatever opinion you like, but I am tired of your
never ending quest to avoid real discussion of anything and when logic
fails to turn to insult. If you want to trade insults, let's start a
thread for that. Or is that what you think the whole board is for?
clown hidden
2006-08-26 18:46:23 UTC
Post by clown
Cody everyone knows the low opionion you have of SGI there is no
dispute there, but can you please point out where in your post you said
who had spread Nichiren and Daimoku around the world more tha Daisaku
Ikeda? I read it several times and couldn't find it. It is a little
pathetic that you can give no answer and instead enjoy spreading
slander. Just because I give you the regard of reading your post is no
reason to subject me to your point of view in regards to other matters
such as the evil nature of SGI and Daisaku Ikeda. We could argue that
anothertime, IF you answer this question today. Who has spread Nichiren
buddhism around the world more than Daisaku Ikeda.? Now ifyou don't
answer this question. I will stop replying to your comments and ignore
whatever you say from here on out. Why not act like a human being? You
are entittled to whatever opinion you like, but I am tired of your
never ending quest to avoid real discussion of anything and when logic
fails to turn to insult. If you want to trade insults, let's start a
thread for that. Or is that what you think the whole board is for?
clown hidden

You are so funny. NOT!!! What you are is a pathetic hypocritical man
or woman. Who knows since you don't use your name instead you hide
behind your clown mask. Sad!!!!
I think you should look in the mirrow before you start attacking and
judging anyone. After all, you are the man who spreads hate and
bitterness all across the internet starting with Will's group and
continuing on to my e-mail until you got yourself kicked off of Will's
group and blocked from my e-mail and now I see you are back at Will's
group. Letting you back on dragged WIll's credibility all to hell. It
is because of people like you that I am no longer a member of that
group. I cannot stand your kind of compassion. Plenty of people over
there just like you. I think you should take your hate and bitterness
and emptiness and find something productive to do with yourself.

2006-08-27 00:07:07 UTC
Wow are you stupid, you know all about me and claim I'm hiding. This is
the same shit you always do. Do you want to pick a fight with me? If
you don't, don't. You don't like me. Big fat fucking hairy deal. And if
you want to fight with me I'll rip you a new one any time I choose.
clown hidden
2006-08-27 00:14:31 UTC
Post by clown
Wow are you stupid, you know all about me and claim I'm hiding. This is
the same shit you always do. Do you want to pick a fight with me? If
you don't, don't. You don't like me. Big fat fucking hairy deal. And if
you want to fight with me I'll rip you a new one any time I choose.
clown hidden
Ooooooooo, a macho man. How quaint. Did you also vote for Bush?

2006-08-27 01:01:44 UTC
Post by clown
Wow are you stupid, you know all about me and claim I'm hiding. This is
the same shit you always do. Do you want to pick a fight with me? If
you don't, don't. You don't like me. Big fat fucking hairy deal. And if
you want to fight with me I'll rip you a new one any time I choose.
clown hidden
No only with cowards who come online, post trash and hate filled
garbage and hide behind a silly, stupid name. You don't frighten me.
You are a pathetic excuse for a man. Of course, you could be a woman
but really I don't much care.

Go ahead big man!!! Rip me a new one. LOL. You really are pathetic.
And so full of yourself.

2006-08-27 02:31:11 UTC
Then as now you attack me and cry if I respond. I love my name by the
way and care little about your opinion of it. If Ikeda didn't do what
he did we would not be here talking about (if we ever would talk about)
nichiren buddhism. And if you could read you would know I never said he
did everything all by himself, I said he did more than anybody else.
They are not the same. Find someone you respect maybe they could slowly
explain it to you.

clown hidden
2006-08-27 03:58:23 UTC
Post by clown
Then as now you attack me and cry if I respond. I love my name by the
way and care little about your opinion of it. If Ikeda didn't do what
he did we would not be here talking about (if we ever would talk about)
nichiren buddhism. And if you could read you would know I never said he
did everything all by himself, I said he did more than anybody else.
They are not the same. Find someone you respect maybe they could slowly
explain it to you.
clown hidden
You are the epitomy of a disrespectful, hatefilled, arrogant,
anti-social being. I'm not crying. You couldn't possibly ever mean
enough to me to make me cry. Nobody attacked you, you attacked first
and we responded in kind cause you are just a creep. The garbage that
you sprouted, the hate, the negativity, the disdain, even going so far
as to devile Mother Teressa and the Pope along with muslums,
christians, jews, catholics, the list is endless. YOU posted trash
hate filled crap about them. Go screw yourself clown boy.

2006-08-27 09:26:46 UTC
Post by clown
Then as now you attack me and cry if I respond. I love my name by the
way and care little about your opinion of it.
I must admit, you are a clown.
Post by clown
If Ikeda didn't do what
he did we would not be here talking about (if we ever would talk about)
nichiren buddhism.
Speculation. Ikeda wasn't to take over after Toda so we can't say what
would have happened had the person Toda really wanted to take over did.
Post by clown
And if you could read you would know I never said he
did everything all by himself, I said he did more than anybody else.
And I said Nichiren Shoshu spread despite the cult, not because of it.
Post by clown
They are not the same. Find someone you respect maybe they could slowly
explain it to you.
clown hidden
How patronizing of you.

2006-08-27 19:54:36 UTC
Post by ~Cody~
How patronizing of you.
What else can one do with someone like you? It seems to me, you
invited me here so you and your friends could insult me. The fact that
I even patronize you is the compassion of the bodhisattva.I bless you
in your ignorance. Half of what you say is a personal attack and the
other half ridiculous nonsense. But you are always right and I am
always wrong. So bless you in your ignorance. Is there something else
you would rather I say to you?

clown hidden
2006-08-27 22:28:21 UTC
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
How patronizing of you.
What else can one do with someone like you? It seems to me, you
invited me here so you and your friends could insult me.
Actually, inviting you here was a mistake, something even I make.
Post by clown
The fact that
I even patronize you is the compassion of the bodhisattva.I bless you
in your ignorance. Half of what you say is a personal attack and the
other half ridiculous nonsense. But you are always right and I am
always wrong. So bless you in your ignorance. Is there something else
you would rather I say to you?
clown hidden
No, go back to the hole your crawled out of; you're not serious about

2006-08-28 00:38:54 UTC
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
How patronizing of you.
What else can one do with someone like you? It seems to me, you
invited me here so you and your friends could insult me.
Actually, inviting you here was a mistake, something even I make.
Post by clown
The fact that
I even patronize you is the compassion of the bodhisattva.I bless you
in your ignorance. Half of what you say is a personal attack and the
other half ridiculous nonsense. But you are always right and I am
always wrong. So bless you in your ignorance. Is there something else
you would rather I say to you?
clown hidden
No, go back to the hole your crawled out of; you're not serious about
O.K. bend back over.
2006-08-27 17:24:02 UTC
If Ikeda didn't do what he did we would not be here talking about (if we ever would talk
about) nichiren buddhism.
This is a logical fallacy. Just because a result has a certain cause,
does not mean that it could not have had a different cause.

Derek Juhl
2006-08-27 16:05:20 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
Wow are you stupid, you know all about me and claim I'm hiding. This is
the same shit you always do. Do you want to pick a fight with me? If
you don't, don't. You don't like me. Big fat fucking hairy deal. And if
you want to fight with me I'll rip you a new one any time I choose.
clown hidden
No only with cowards who come online, post trash and hate filled
garbage and hide behind a silly, stupid name. You don't frighten me.
You are a pathetic excuse for a man. Of course, you could be a woman
but really I don't much care.
Go ahead big man!!! Rip me a new one. LOL. You really are pathetic.
And so full of yourself.
Usenet demographic:

potty mouth = small penis
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
2006-08-28 00:54:36 UTC
Post by Kurt
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
Wow are you stupid, you know all about me and claim I'm hiding. This is
the same shit you always do. Do you want to pick a fight with me? If
you don't, don't. You don't like me. Big fat fucking hairy deal. And if
you want to fight with me I'll rip you a new one any time I choose.
clown hidden
No only with cowards who come online, post trash and hate filled
garbage and hide behind a silly, stupid name. You don't frighten me.
You are a pathetic excuse for a man. Of course, you could be a woman
but really I don't much care.
Go ahead big man!!! Rip me a new one. LOL. You really are pathetic.
And so full of yourself.
potty mouth = small penis
LOL. Pretty funny.

Post by Kurt
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
2006-08-28 07:32:35 UTC

"Anti Ikeda Anti Gakkai Personality Disorder"

The delusionary belief that Daisaku Ikeda and the Sokagakkai International
are sinister and to be feared and hated. A form of group disorder,
associated with wild remarks, fabrications and criticism against Daisaku
Ikeda and the world-wide Buddhist Peace Movement called the Soka Gakkai
International. Symptoms can be Paranoia, extreme negativity, thought
insertion, perseveration, magical thinking, concrete thinking,
alterations in ideas of reference, poor reality testing, waxy flexibility
and stereotypical movements and behavior. Secondary symptoms include but
are not limited to: compulsive lying, severe and long term personal grudges,
lethergy, extreme jealousy, belligerence, paranoid conspiracy theories,
obsessional behavior, delusional thinking, current or previous severe
alcoholism and/or drug abuse and the concocting of frivolous lawsuits that
all are thrown out of court or result in the SokaGakkai being forced to
counter sue. Unsubstantiated claims that Ikeda or the Gakkai have been
involoved in Murder, Rape, Fraud, etc. have been made by people with AIAGPD
and despite all these claims being disproven and shown in court to be
unsubstantiated, they continue to believe these things as a group delusion.
Those with the disorder who follow Nikken Abe, apparently do not see acts
of Nikken Abe such as excommunication of all the many millions of SokaGakkai
members, making up more then 95% of the Nichiren Shoshu believers, Nikken's
attacks against Nichiren Shoshu and the Sokagakkai's "Dai Gohonzon," Nikken
100% court failures. and the alteration of important historical documents.
the destruction of the most important Temple ediface in Nichiren Shoshu
history at the cost of more then 200 Million Dollars of Gakkai believer's
donations and will deny all such realities. When confronted by these
realities, people with this disorder will persist in their denial. In some
cases the disorder will develop into psychosis or appear in people who have
previous diagnosis of a Psychosis or Chronic Drug and Alcohol addiction
and/or other serious personal problems. Some people with AIAGPD, will group
together in the internet chat groups and join forces despite their own
affiliations, disregarding important differences between themselves, in
order to jointly attack Ikeda or the Soka Gakkai.

Although many of the people with this disorder are not affiliated with the
group of Priests known as the "Nikken Sect," a offshoot of what was
"Nichiren Shoshu Buddhism," most all of the followers of Nikken exhibit the
disorder. Other's with the disorder also dislike real Nichiren Shoshu
doctrines as much or even more then they dislike the Gakkai.

In the face of overwhelming evidence that Daisaku Ikeda, is in fact a great
humanitarian and tireless and devoted worker for world peace on the world
stage, and overwhelming evidence that the Sokagakkai, strives to be an
altruistic organization, including being a notable NGO of the United
Nations, people with this disorder become obsessed with a vengence to
disprove Ikeda or the Soka Gakkai's, motivations or intentions and their
delusions can be seen to stem from, grudges and personal failures or other
personality disorders or Psychosis.


Craig Bratcher
Rick Ross
John Ayres, alias "Jon Jon"
Nikken Abe
Masatomo Yamazaki
Genjiro Fukushima
Brad Nixon
Nobuko Nobuhiro
Junkou Nobuhira
Gendai magazine
Shukan Shincho newspaper
Nobuhira case*
Nikken Abe Prostitute scandel
Nikken "geisha" case.
Mixed Nikken Sect burial ashes cases.

*" Nobuhira's Case, June 26, 2001, was Dismissed by the Japanese Supreme
Court as the Abuse of the Right to File Suit.
"Mrs. Nobuko Nobuhira was once a leader of Soka Gakkai, but using her
position, she borrowed money from members and did not return. When a member
complained, Mr. Junkou Nobuhira, her husband who is a gang member,
threatened them. Finally, they were both kicked out of the organization.
In order to get revenge, Nobuko published a fabricated story that she was
raped 3 times by a Soka Gakkai leader, and subsequently, filed a suit
against him.
However, the evidence was quite insubstantial and the motive of the
defendant was questionable. Therefore, the court judged that the suit was
designed neither to resolve the conflict nor protect the human right of the
defendant. Rather, it was designed to give personal damage and burden to
the plaintiff. This is a case of abuse of the right to file suit. If the
court continued the investigation, it would assist the unreasonable scheme
of the defendant. Therefore, the court dismissed the case."
It should be mentioned that a weekly magazine, Shukan Shincho, published
the fabricated story of Nobuko in 35 issues. Mr. Eiichi Yamamoto,
ex-editorial member of Yomiuri Newspaper, criticized Shukan Shincho as
"Verbal Terrorism" in his two books, GENRON NO TERRORISM (I) and (II),
published from Ohtori Shoin, Tokyo, Japan in 2001 and 2002.

Yamamoto explained that the fabricated story was usedpolitically by the
majority party (Liberal Democratic Party) which was losing seats in the
legistrature. Instigated by Yamazaki, (who was an ex-lawyer of Soka Gakkai,
but had been jailed for 3 years because he threatened Soka Gakkai for money
to save his company), two LDP members read Shukan Shincho's fabricated
stories in 1996 during a nationally televised session of the Diet for the
purpose of damaging the Komeito Party (which is supported by Soka Gakkai).
However, since the truth came out later, the Prime Minister Ryutaro
Hashimoto apologized Soka Gakkai twice, once in April and once in June 1998.
The party newspaper of LDP published on April 28, 1998 official apology for
having published untrue articles."

100 Nichiren Shoshu Temples Did Not Chant For Nikken
Nichiren Shoshu Taisekiji Newsletter

About 100 Nikken Sect temples ignored the notification of having a Daimoku
meeting toward the Nikken court appearance. Various expressions of temple
priests/Danto members toward the court appearance of Nikken were heard. Some
priests and his family went out to play Pachiko (pin ball) Gambling at the
time of Nikken's court appearance. Some indeed DID chant, but only 5

Those priests who did not chant for Nikken could be punished soon. Nikken
who has a nickname of "High Priest of Prostitution (BAISHUN HOSSU)" appeared
in the Tokyo District court on December 22nd to testify for the so-called
Seattle incident. Nikken submitted his notebook which he claimed to have
written (WHO BELIEVE THIS??) his schedules and activities of the U.S. visit
back in 1963 March and kept saying that he had no such troubles with
prostitutes at that time. His testimony was full of lies and it will be
overturned totally by the cross-examination to be held on February 2, 1998.

His court appearance, a big stain on the Nichiren Shoshu history, is
considered to be equivalent to Daishonin's Tatsunokuchi decapitation
according to the rotten Emyo (Myokanko members' bi-weekly magazine published
12/1, 1997) editors. It is certainly silly enough to mention, but Nikken's
disgraceful behavior can never be compared to the sacred behavior of
Daishonin. The Shumuin (Executive Department of Nikken Sect) sent out a
strong notification (so called Intatsu) to all the temples on December 2,
1997 ordering to have a Daimoku meeting at each temple " for the sake of
safety of the sacred body (Nikken)" during the hours of the Nikken's court

However, various reports came from many temple believers to reveal such fact
that almost 100 temples DID ignore the notification from the Shumuin
concerning the Daimoku meeting for Nikken. A priest of Kyushu island temple
clearly told his temple members not to care about the Daimoku meeting for
Nikken. Some poor members of the temple came to chant for Nikken but the
priest told them to wipe the windows clean for the coming New Year's

Tomyoji temple in Osaka was renewing the carpet during the hours of Nikken's
court appearance when a few strong members came to chant with the priest.

Gikan Hayase, Kotoku Obayashi, Shinsho Abe and Seigaku Umeya went to the
court. Some other temples had only 2-3 members or 5-6 members with a priest
to chant for Nikken. One report was sad enough to tell that there was only
one member chanting in the temple during that time even though the priest
was in the temple building.

Further more, the Fukujoji temple in Kagawa prefecture had a Daimoku meeting
but quitted chanting in 5 minute. One more report from some temple was as

During Nikken's testimony the priest and believers quit chanting after 30
minutes and were chatting and laughing throughout the testimony hours.

It can easily be assumed that these disobedient priests who did not obey
Shumuin's notification can be punished by the so- called "Instant Boiling
Water Maker (Nikken's nickname)". Here is another example of disobedience
against Nikken at Tokugyoji temple in Takehara-shi, Hiroshima. The priest's
son did not show up at the Daimoku meeting, and even worse the relative
members went to the Pachiko (pin ball) Gambling during the Nikken's court
appearance hours. Who knows whether these priests and their relatives are
acting wisely or lacking belief in Nikken ? But it is true for sure that all
of these priests are making fun of Nikken "High Priest of Prostitution", and
they are different from the Emyo editors.

How different ?? These disobedient priests will never take the Nikken's
court testimony as Daishonin's Tatsunokuchi decapitation.

Who had the Daimoku meeting at Head Temple Taisekiji ? Only two did. They
are Mutsubo and Rentobo. Here are the names of the temples where no one did
chant for Nikken.

The following is the list of temples which did not chant for Nikken:

[Hokkaido and Tohoku Area] Chihouji, Daijiin, Kyokouji, Houryuji, Shiganji,
Kaidouji, Housenji, houseiin, Honkyuji, Houkouji, Gonenji, Chouenji,
Houkaiji, Kouanji, Tokumyoji, Jogyoji, Shinshoji, Ichijoji, Nouseiji,
Shinkakuji, Jissetsuji, Shinmyoji, Houyakuji, Houtokuji, Hourinji, Houjuin,
Noushinji, Shoukyouji, Honyouji, Toukouji, Houjouji, Sokuseiji, Kairenji,
Koufuji, Housenji, Myohoji

[Tokyo, Kanto and Koushinetsu Area] Daigoji, Myoinji, Butsujoji, Oukenji,
Houshouji, Daikyouji, Renkyuji, Heishouji, Shoukyouji, Honshouji, Daikyouji,
Honshuji, Kaitokuji, Myouhonji, Seitaiji, Kenshouji, Kakutokuji, Rengyouji,
Kaihouji, Jikkyouji, Shinzenji, Ichidouji, Kyoukouji, Fukutokuji

[Kansai and Chubu Area] Houmyouji, Nyakuhouji, Kenmyouji, Honkanji,
Shinmyouji, Hougoji, Myoutaiji, Jyomyoji, Kyoushinji, Shoumyoji, Keimyoji,
Housoji, Houeiji, Myoeiji, Tokuseiji, Honkakuji, Kyogyoji, Kaikenji

[Chugoku, Shikoku and Kyushu Area] Nikkoji, Hokyuin, Daizenji, Hoseiji,
Kakushoji, Daishinji, Seikenji, Kaimyoji, Kaishinji, Houdenji, Tokuzoji,
Hoenji, Monpoji, Kaioji, Renshuji, Keirakuji

94 temples all together. On the same day after Nikken was released from the
court, the Shumuin sent a Fax message to all the temples stating as follows;

"Thank you for leading the Daimoku meeting during the court appearance
hours. "

How did the disobedient priests think about this message ??

Nichiren Shoshu Reformation Priests
December 28, 1997

"Tour for a Hot Spring after the pilgrimage to Taisekiji Temple" --A bait to
catch the 100,000 pilgrimage participants

Toward the 100,000 pilgrimage scheduled in March, '98, the Sanuki-Honmonji
temple members are now vigorously approaching the temple members trying to
let them register by January 10, '98.

According to their plan they schedule to leave on March 26, '98 at 8:00pm,
to arrive at the head temple early next morning at 6:30am. Their Gokaihi
time is 8:00am on the arrival day. After the Gokaihi they plan to attend the
service at 10:00am and leave the Head Temple AS QUICK AS POSSIBLE (around
1:00pm) to get on a big tour for a HOT SPRING in Miya.
They are to stay there one night and leave at 8:00am on the next morning for
the next stop - a shopping at souvenir store for dried sea food. The they
wll visit an AMUSEMENT PARK called the Den Park. They plan to return home at
8:00pm. This schedule tells us the fact that the temples are no longer able
to gather members for pilgrimage without having some kind of
entertainment -- "Hot Spring Tour".

Also, it tells us that Nikken temples have already lost the spirit of
significant and sacred pilgrimage. The temples are rather trying to protect
themselves by only meeting the number, which was set by Nikken; railroading
of 100,000 pilgrimage -- 10,000 a day for 10 days.

Nichiren Shoshu Reformation Priests,
2006-08-26 20:13:51 UTC
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer?
Yeah, follow the Law, not the person. Ever hear of that? Kosen Rufu is a
group effort, not following some "hero".
Post by clown
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
Again, you're ill informed but what else is new?
Post by clown
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Um, SGI has done more to give Nichiren Buddhism a bad name than anyone
else, starting with the con man, Ikeda.
SGI-USA issued 500,000 Gohonzons before they got the boot. Now, SGI-USA
has, at most, 40,000 members. The other 460,000 people are now against
Nichiren Buddhism. The SGI "propagation effort" is a revolving door.
SGI is a mind control cult and, anyone that has had anything to do with
it except those brainwashed like you, agrees with that assessment. Ask
any Japanese person who is not a member of your cult what they think
about Ikeda and the answer will be "a dangerous politician with too much
political power".
Cody everyone knows the low opionion you have of SGI there is no
dispute there, but can you please point out where in your post you said
who had spread Nichiren and Daimoku around the world more tha Daisaku
Ikeda? I read it several times and couldn't find it. It is a little
pathetic that you can give no answer and instead enjoy spreading
slander. Just because I give you the regard of reading your post is no
reason to subject me to your point of view in regards to other matters
such as the evil nature of SGI and Daisaku Ikeda. We could argue that
anothertime, IF you answer this question today. Who has spread Nichiren
buddhism around the world more than Daisaku Ikeda.? Now ifyou don't
answer this question. I will stop replying to your comments and ignore
whatever you say from here on out. Why not act like a human being? You
are entittled to whatever opinion you like, but I am tired of your
never ending quest to avoid real discussion of anything and when logic
fails to turn to insult. If you want to trade insults, let's start a
thread for that. Or is that what you think the whole board is for?
clown hidden
Easy answer: Ikeda has not spread True Nichiren Buddhism to *anyone*.
Anyone who has shakubukued someone into Nichiren Shoshu has done more
than Ikeda ever has, is or will.

What I posted is the truth, not an insult. SGI is a sleazy, blasphemous,
creepy cult. You should be ashamed to count yourself as a member.

2006-08-27 00:01:21 UTC
You can call SGI sleazy, you can say I should be ashamed I'll accept
that as your opinion. But when you say that anyone who brought one
person into your organization has done more, sorry Cody, then you
reveal who is the truly brainwashed. The Undefeated KING OF KOSEN
THE ONE AND ONLY!!..... oh, you know who it is I don't even have to
say it. In fact you think he's greater than I do you believe gods or
demons are concerned with his actions and blow shit up because he says
things. You are nuts, you are paranoid and you are damned funny. Unless
you really do believe more than half of what you say in which case you
are pathetic. Now Cody, after a few glasses of scotch, would you ... oh
forget it!

clown hidden
2006-08-27 00:17:02 UTC
Post by clown
You can call SGI sleazy, you can say I should be ashamed I'll accept
that as your opinion. But when you say that anyone who brought one
person into your organization has done more, sorry Cody, then you
reveal who is the truly brainwashed. The Undefeated KING OF KOSEN
THE ONE AND ONLY!!..... oh, you know who it is I don't even have to
say it. In fact you think he's greater than I do you believe gods or
demons are concerned with his actions and blow shit up because he says
things. You are nuts, you are paranoid and you are damned funny. Unless
you really do believe more than half of what you say in which case you
are pathetic. Now Cody, after a few glasses of scotch, would you ... oh
forget it!
clown hidden
I'd say you should lay off the scotch. As Baudelaire asked, "Am I
drinking the bottle or is the bottle drinking me?"

2006-08-26 20:55:19 UTC
The correct answer to Clown's question is of course obvious. The members of
NSA and the priesthood, when the priesthood and laity were together, prior
to 1991, spread Nichiren Daishonins buddhism worldwide in the largest
numbers. Some of these members are still with SGI. Some practice with the
priesthood. Some no longer practice buddhism at all. Some are deceased.
Mr. Ikeda contributed at that time to the spread of buddhism. The
priesthood did, too, as did many lay members. So, it was a unified effort
by many, not just the accomplishment of one person. Those are the facts.
Anything else is just silly. op
2006-08-27 00:12:25 UTC
Post by op
The correct answer to Clown's question is of course obvious. The members of
NSA and the priesthood, when the priesthood and laity were together, prior
to 1991, spread Nichiren Daishonins buddhism worldwide in the largest
numbers. Some of these members are still with SGI. Some practice with the
priesthood. Some no longer practice buddhism at all. Some are deceased.
Mr. Ikeda contributed at that time to the spread of buddhism. The
priesthood did, too, as did many lay members. So, it was a unified effort
by many, not just the accomplishment of one person. Those are the facts.
Anything else is just silly. op
Right everyone contributed the same amount worked just as hard and
took the inititive exactly the same to say anything else is just silly.
Why I did at least as much myself.
clown hidden
2006-08-27 01:29:28 UTC
Post by clown
Post by op
The correct answer to Clown's question is of course obvious. The members of
NSA and the priesthood, when the priesthood and laity were together, prior
to 1991, spread Nichiren Daishonins buddhism worldwide in the largest
numbers. Some of these members are still with SGI. Some practice with the
priesthood. Some no longer practice buddhism at all. Some are deceased.
Mr. Ikeda contributed at that time to the spread of buddhism. The
priesthood did, too, as did many lay members. So, it was a unified effort
by many, not just the accomplishment of one person. Those are the facts.
Anything else is just silly. op
Right everyone contributed the same amount worked just as hard and
took the inititive exactly the same to say anything else is just silly.
Why I did at least as much myself.
clown hidden
What about Mr. WIllams Clown boy??? Doesn't he count amongst your
deluded fantasys about who did what and how much? Shit for years Ikeda
didn't come here all that often and it was Mr. WIllams and his band of
Japanese war brides who are REALLY responsible.

I normally don't even get annoyed when the mindless people start going
on and on about his supreme greatness but as I really don't feel like
playing your stupid mind games that are designed by you to be
argumentative and I don't even like you so frankly I could care less
about what I say to you. You knew the reaction you would get by
posting this here and you did it anyway. Very mature of you.

2006-08-28 06:32:15 UTC
Yes I never knew what a completely over flowing septic tank this place
was. It's an assylum for lunatics. I think you are hysterical in both
meanings of the word. I always have. I really am charmed that you have
such deep emotions for me. If your hot email me privately.
clown hidden
2006-08-28 08:10:09 UTC
Post by clown
Yes I never knew what a completely over flowing septic tank this place
was. It's an assylum for lunatics. I think you are hysterical in both
meanings of the word. I always have. I really am charmed that you have
such deep emotions for me. If your hot email me privately.
clown hidden

For someone with such a low opinion of your fellow buddhists and this
list you sure seem to enjoy telling people about this group and
encouraging them to come here and post. I'v read your posts doing that

As for your insults to me. Do you really think I care one way or
another what someone like you thinks or says? Not hardly.

As for whether or not I am hot I'll leave that to your vivid
imagination but no matter. You couldn't handle me. I am far too much
woman for you.

2006-08-28 15:39:47 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
As for your insults to me. Do you really think I care one way or
another what someone like you thinks or says? Not hardly.
As for whether or not I am hot I'll leave that to your vivid
imagination but no matter. You couldn't handle me. I am far too much
woman for you.
No, Ilike fat chicks, really.
clown hidden
2006-08-28 15:50:07 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
As for your insults to me. Do you really think I care one way or
another what someone like you thinks or says? Not hardly.
As for whether or not I am hot I'll leave that to your vivid
imagination but no matter. You couldn't handle me. I am far too much
woman for you.
No, I like fat chicks, really.
clown hidden
As fqar as "encouraging" anyone to come here: someone asked me for the
address, I posted it and said not much disscussion went on here. You
spin it as encouraging, very revealing.
clown hidden
2006-08-28 15:50:13 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
As for your insults to me. Do you really think I care one way or
another what someone like you thinks or says? Not hardly.
As for whether or not I am hot I'll leave that to your vivid
imagination but no matter. You couldn't handle me. I am far too much
woman for you.
No, I like fat chicks, really.
clown hidden
As far as "encouraging" anyone to come here: someone asked me for the
address, I posted it and said not much disscussion went on here. You
spin it as encouraging, very revealing.
clown hidden
2006-08-28 15:53:03 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
As for whether or not I am hot I'll leave that to your vivid
imagination but no matter.
Translation: I'm not hot.
clown hidden
2006-08-28 17:34:37 UTC
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
As for whether or not I am hot I'll leave that to your vivid
imagination but no matter.
Translation: I'm not hot.
clown hidden
OK If you say so clownboy. Now I understand why you are alone in your
life. Really why don't you take some classes or get a life coach.
They can teach you how to approach women the appropriate way. I am
sure it's scary being you and I would be afraid also if I were you but
a good life coach will help you over your real and perceived
limitations and low self esteem and help you help yourself.

And there is always surgery.

C'mon Clownboy you can do it. Just get yourself out of your chair and
go get a life.
Go Clownboy...........

2006-08-28 19:43:13 UTC
You are incorrect about my being alone as you are about so many things.
Since you seem to be so attracted to me, I just wanted to know if the
feeling could be mutual. Since I despise the way you are I thought I
might like the way you look. I'm not surprised to be disappointed. So I
have no use for you, and it seems you like to use me as a punching bag.
That's not under my control so it's not my problem. I have no use for
you as you are mean spirited, foolish and most likely nothing to look
at. You go your way and I'll go mine. Good luck.
clown hidden
2006-08-28 23:45:51 UTC
Post by clown
You are incorrect about my being alone as you are about so many things.
Since you seem to be so attracted to me, I just wanted to know if the
feeling could be mutual. Since I despise the way you are I thought I
might like the way you look. I'm not surprised to be disappointed. So I
have no use for you, and it seems you like to use me as a punching bag.
That's not under my control so it's not my problem. I have no use for
you as you are mean spirited, foolish and most likely nothing to look
at. You go your way and I'll go mine. Good luck.
clown hidden
Ahh what's the matter clownboy did I hurt your itty bitty little
feelings? LOL. Impossible since I doubt you have any. I highly doubt
you have a significant other in your life since you seem to spend most
of your waking hours online.

I'm sure you are as lonely and bitter in real life as you come off
online. If you do have a significant other you must be pretty unhappy.
Happy people are not filled with hate or bitterness. You are filled
with both.

Perhaps you should chant. I highly doubt you practice anyway. If your
online postings are any indication of your practice with the SGI I
suggest you join NS or another sect because you are a piss poor
reflection on SGI and you are clearly not a happily practicing
buddhist. Too much bitterness and hatred inside of you for that.

I think another sect might bring you the peace and acceptance you so
clearly crave.

Before despising me clownboy you should really look in the mirrow. I
am nothing more than a reflection of society who I am sure would
despise you as well if they knew how bigated and hatefilled you really
are. That's why you post under your psuedo silly name. You don't have
the courage of your convictions or else you would man up and stand
behind your words.

For the record, I pretty much despise you as well.

I'm guessing you are a stalker since you seem to be following me around
the internet and trying in vain to send me all those nasty e-mails you
seem so fond of sending.

Must be frustrating to be blocked by the woman you seek.

For the record, I am a happily married woman and not at all interested
in the likes of you.

2006-08-29 02:18:29 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Perhaps you should chant. I highly doubt you practice anyway. If your
online postings are any indication of your practice with the SGI I
suggest you join NS or another sect because you are a piss poor
reflection on SGI and you are clearly not a happily practicing
buddhist. Too much bitterness and hatred inside of you for that.
Reflections are on the individual. The org is something they identify
with. Really practicing is something else entirely.

DC is the same person, just changed religions. Same with Reggie.
clown needs to find his way.
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
2006-08-29 05:13:15 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
You are incorrect about my being alone as you are about so many things.
Since you seem to be so attracted to me, I just wanted to know if the
feeling could be mutual. Since I despise the way you are I thought I
might like the way you look. I'm not surprised to be disappointed. So I
have no use for you, and it seems you like to use me as a punching bag.
That's not under my control so it's not my problem. I have no use for
you as you are mean spirited, foolish and most likely nothing to look
at. You go your way and I'll go mine. Good luck.
clown hidden
Ahh what's the matter clownboy did I hurt your itty bitty little
feelings? LOL. Impossible since I doubt you have any. I highly doubt
you have a significant other in your life since you seem to spend most
of your waking hours online.
I'm sure you are as lonely and bitter in real life as you come off
online. If you do have a significant other you must be pretty unhappy.
Happy people are not filled with hate or bitterness. You are filled
with both.
Perhaps you should chant. I highly doubt you practice anyway. If your
online postings are any indication of your practice with the SGI I
suggest you join NS or another sect because you are a piss poor
reflection on SGI and you are clearly not a happily practicing
buddhist. Too much bitterness and hatred inside of you for that.
I think another sect might bring you the peace and acceptance you so
clearly crave.
Before despising me clownboy you should really look in the mirrow. I
am nothing more than a reflection of society who I am sure would
despise you as well if they knew how bigated and hatefilled you really
are. That's why you post under your psuedo silly name. You don't have
the courage of your convictions or else you would man up and stand
behind your words.
For the record, I pretty much despise you as well.
I'm guessing you are a stalker since you seem to be following me around
the internet and trying in vain to send me all those nasty e-mails you
seem so fond of sending.
Must be frustrating to be blocked by the woman you seek.
For the record, I am a happily married woman and not at all interested
in the likes of you.
Youi do seem to spend a lot of time figuring out who I am and what I
should do. You also seem concerned about my manhood. It is also funny
that you would think I am interested in you. You have always seemed
like an idiot to me, glad you're happy. What I can't figure out is why
you bother. I'm stalking you???? You respond to a post of mine with
personal attacks and when I respond to you, you say I'm following you
around the internet. Are you smart enough to see why I think you are an
idiot? (Don't respond it's rhetorical, or respond, I don't want you
accusing me of telling you what to do.)
clown hidden

2006-08-27 03:44:51 UTC
Post by clown
Post by op
The correct answer to Clown's question is of course obvious. The members of
NSA and the priesthood, when the priesthood and laity were together, prior
to 1991, spread Nichiren Daishonins buddhism worldwide in the largest
numbers. Some of these members are still with SGI. Some practice with the
priesthood. Some no longer practice buddhism at all. Some are deceased.
Mr. Ikeda contributed at that time to the spread of buddhism. The
priesthood did, too, as did many lay members. So, it was a unified effort
by many, not just the accomplishment of one person. Those are the facts.
Anything else is just silly. op
Right everyone contributed the same amount worked just as hard and
took the inititive exactly the same to say anything else is just silly.
Why I did at least as much myself.
clown hidden
I didn't say that everyone did exactly the same amount. Why actually,
Clown, most of us were so busy we didn't have time to measure how much the
person next to us was doing.
I'd have to say that just about every pioneer member I know of, including
the priests, including President Ikeda, including Mr. Williams, including
Bridget, including Cody, including Dc, and many, many, others, gave their
all. That is why Nichiren's buddhism spread, like it or not. That's the
truth, and I'm sticking to it. op
2006-08-27 04:11:43 UTC
Post by op
Post by clown
Post by op
The correct answer to Clown's question is of course obvious. The members of
NSA and the priesthood, when the priesthood and laity were together, prior
to 1991, spread Nichiren Daishonins buddhism worldwide in the largest
numbers. Some of these members are still with SGI. Some practice with the
priesthood. Some no longer practice buddhism at all. Some are deceased.
Mr. Ikeda contributed at that time to the spread of buddhism. The
priesthood did, too, as did many lay members. So, it was a unified effort
by many, not just the accomplishment of one person. Those are the facts.
Anything else is just silly. op
Right everyone contributed the same amount worked just as hard and
took the inititive exactly the same to say anything else is just silly.
Why I did at least as much myself.
clown hidden
I didn't say that everyone did exactly the same amount. Why actually,
Clown, most of us were so busy we didn't have time to measure how much the
person next to us was doing.
I'd have to say that just about every pioneer member I know of, including
the priests, including President Ikeda, including Mr. Williams, including
Bridget, including Cody, including Dc, and many, many, others, gave their
all. That is why Nichiren's buddhism spread, like it or not. That's the
truth, and I'm sticking to it. op
You go baby... Stick to that truth because your truth IS the reality
truth not clownboy's twisted version. Giving all this credit to one
man as if that one man is some sort of outer realm human going around
the world bring peace to the regions. I wonder why the UN hasn't
called on him to lead the world to peace.

Well clownboy even if your deluded theory was right and it's not but
even if you are right please tell me why the world's looking so insane
right now? I don't see peace anywhere. Do you?

We all did it, side by side together. Mr. Williams gave of himself
tirelessly and, as it turns out, not appreciated much except by those
of us who were so fortunate to know him and spend time with him and
understand our debt of gratitude. Mr. WIlliams did it baby NOT PI.

2006-08-27 07:54:07 UTC
Post by op
I didn't say that everyone did exactly the same amount. Why actually,
Clown, most of us were so busy we didn't have time to measure how much the
person next to us was doing.
I'd have to say that just about every pioneer member I know of, including
the priests, including President Ikeda, including Mr. Williams, including
Bridget, including Cody, including Dc, and many, many, others, gave their
all. That is why Nichiren's buddhism spread, like it or not. That's the
truth, and I'm sticking to it. op
It may be part of the truth. Are you saying that without President
Ikeda's efforts on behalf of kosen rufu some one else would have taken
up the slack and it would have been brought to you anyway and that his
contributions were not significant in doing so? That he himself did not
inspire people to follow him? If I live another 20 years I'll see what
the encyclopedia says.
clown hidden
2006-08-27 09:30:14 UTC
Post by clown
Post by op
I didn't say that everyone did exactly the same amount. Why actually,
Clown, most of us were so busy we didn't have time to measure how much the
person next to us was doing.
I'd have to say that just about every pioneer member I know of, including
the priests, including President Ikeda, including Mr. Williams, including
Bridget, including Cody, including Dc, and many, many, others, gave their
all. That is why Nichiren's buddhism spread, like it or not. That's the
truth, and I'm sticking to it. op
It may be part of the truth. Are you saying that without President
Ikeda's efforts on behalf of kosen rufu some one else would have taken
up the slack and it would have been brought to you anyway and that his
contributions were not significant in doing so? That he himself did not
inspire people to follow him? If I live another 20 years I'll see what
the encyclopedia says.
clown hidden
Unlike you and your cultmeister, some people follow the Law, not the
person. Would you eat shit for him? Die for him? Kill for him?

2006-08-27 17:31:31 UTC
Post by ~Cody~
Unlike you and your cultmeister, some people follow the Law, not the
person. Would you eat shit for him? Die for him? Kill for him?
Wear diapers for him?


One of the most memorable of these early culture festivals was in Chubu
in September, 1982. It was pouring rain and all the organizers got
together at 5AM to do morning gongyo. When they finished at 6AM, Sensei
turned around to ask the YWD behind him if it was going to stop
raining. She didn't know what to say, and Sensei said, "You are
merciless. We are not God so we have no way of knowing whether this
rain will stop or not, but our prayer should be that it must stop no
matter what." Sensei ordered 30,000 towels to put on the ground so it
wouldn't be so muddy, and thousands of umbrellas and raincoats. He went
to the field very early and said, "Congratulations on this great
victory!" Then he went from the first base to the outfield to encourage
20,000 flashcard youth division. They would have to be there for 8
hours awaiting the late afternoon show. ***For the last 2 weeks they
had been controlling their meals so they wouldn't have to go to the
bathroom on this day. Still, many of them wore diapers as a
precautionary measure since it would be impossible for the to get up
once they were seated.***


Derek Juhl
2006-08-27 17:30:08 UTC
Post by clown
It may be part of the truth. Are you saying that without President
Ikeda's efforts on behalf of kosen rufu some one else would have taken
up the slack and it would have been brought to you anyway and that his
contributions were not significant in doing so? That he himself did not
inspire people to follow him? If I live another 20 years I'll see what
the encyclopedia says.
"We would be unable to see the great development of Nichiren Shoshu
without the High Priest. Please keep this spirit in mind as the
fundamental spirit of the Gakkai." Toda Josei Zenshu, Vol. 3, p. 235

Derek Juhl
2006-08-26 18:37:59 UTC
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer? You
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Silly Man. Slander? You should talk. You, who sent me the MOST foul
and disgusting e-mails. Hmm...... Outside of the SGI or NS or
another Nichiren sect who else knows who Ikeda is? Is he well known
among the masses in the world? A household name like Mother Teressa or
the Pope or Nelson Mandela. Pick your name. I will concede that Ikeda
has done more within the SGI than anyone else in terms of traveling,
writings (whether he actually wrote them or not seems to be the subject
of some questions).
In the real world nobody knows who Ikeda is.

2006-08-26 20:15:21 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer? You
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Silly Man. Slander? You should talk. You, who sent me the MOST foul
and disgusting e-mails. Hmm...... Outside of the SGI or NS or
another Nichiren sect who else knows who Ikeda is? Is he well known
among the masses in the world? A household name like Mother Teressa or
the Pope or Nelson Mandela. Pick your name. I will concede that Ikeda
has done more within the SGI than anyone else in terms of traveling,
writings (whether he actually wrote them or not seems to be the subject
of some questions).
In the real world nobody knows who Ikeda is.
They do in Japan and if they aren't a member of Ikeda's cult, they think
him to be a dangerous politician, not a religious leader.

2006-08-26 20:36:27 UTC
Post by ~Cody~
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer? You
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Silly Man. Slander? You should talk. You, who sent me the MOST foul
and disgusting e-mails. Hmm...... Outside of the SGI or NS or
another Nichiren sect who else knows who Ikeda is? Is he well known
among the masses in the world? A household name like Mother Teressa or
the Pope or Nelson Mandela. Pick your name. I will concede that Ikeda
has done more within the SGI than anyone else in terms of traveling,
writings (whether he actually wrote them or not seems to be the subject
of some questions).
In the real world nobody knows who Ikeda is.
They do in Japan and if they aren't a member of Ikeda's cult, they think
him to be a dangerous politician, not a religious leader.
Yes you are right Michael. My bad. I did indeed mean to mention Japan
as well. Of course he is very well known there. What they think of
him I don't really know other than what you and others say here but yes
other than Japan, NS, SGI or another Nichiren Sect I doubt he is well
known to many other people. The common folk.

2006-08-26 21:28:10 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by ~Cody~
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer? You
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Silly Man. Slander? You should talk. You, who sent me the MOST foul
and disgusting e-mails. Hmm...... Outside of the SGI or NS or
another Nichiren sect who else knows who Ikeda is? Is he well known
among the masses in the world? A household name like Mother Teressa or
the Pope or Nelson Mandela. Pick your name. I will concede that Ikeda
has done more within the SGI than anyone else in terms of traveling,
writings (whether he actually wrote them or not seems to be the subject
of some questions).
In the real world nobody knows who Ikeda is.
They do in Japan and if they aren't a member of Ikeda's cult, they think
him to be a dangerous politician, not a religious leader.
Yes you are right Michael. My bad. I did indeed mean to mention Japan
as well. Of course he is very well known there. What they think of
him I don't really know other than what you and others say here but yes
other than Japan, NS, SGI or another Nichiren Sect I doubt he is well
known to many other people. The common folk.
Ikeda is extremely well known in Japan. The scandel mags have been doing
writeups on him for 30 years. The third largest Political Party in Japan
was started by him. But he is not a pop celebrity and none of the scandels
turned out to be true.

People who try to say he is an unknown in Japan will at the same time tell
you he wins all his court cases because he is so powerful and rich. They
cannot have it both ways. Anyway to diss Ikeda----.

2006-08-26 21:37:21 UTC
Post by Yelps
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by ~Cody~
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer? You
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Silly Man. Slander? You should talk. You, who sent me the MOST foul
and disgusting e-mails. Hmm...... Outside of the SGI or NS or
another Nichiren sect who else knows who Ikeda is? Is he well known
among the masses in the world? A household name like Mother Teressa or
the Pope or Nelson Mandela. Pick your name. I will concede that Ikeda
has done more within the SGI than anyone else in terms of traveling,
writings (whether he actually wrote them or not seems to be the subject
of some questions).
In the real world nobody knows who Ikeda is.
They do in Japan and if they aren't a member of Ikeda's cult, they think
him to be a dangerous politician, not a religious leader.
Yes you are right Michael. My bad. I did indeed mean to mention Japan
as well. Of course he is very well known there. What they think of
him I don't really know other than what you and others say here but yes
other than Japan, NS, SGI or another Nichiren Sect I doubt he is well
known to many other people. The common folk.
Ikeda is extremely well known in Japan. The scandel mags have been doing
writeups on him for 30 years. The third largest Political Party in Japan
was started by him. But he is not a pop celebrity and none of the scandels
turned out to be true.
People who try to say he is an unknown in Japan will at the same time tell
you he wins all his court cases because he is so powerful and rich. They
cannot have it both ways. Anyway to diss Ikeda----.
I already said my bad. I forgot to mention Japan. Of course he's well
known there. Here's a little story. Several years ago we had our
carpet cleaning guy come and clean out then carpets in our house. He's
japanese. I asked him if he knew of the SGI? He said yes but really
wouldn't elaborate. When I questioned him on what he thought of the
SGI his face got dark and he said he didn't like them and didn't want
to get into it further. He's never been a SGI buddhist by the way. I
wonder why, since he's never been a member, he would have such an
obviously negative view point of the SGI?

Personally, I am sick to death of hearing about these stupid court
cases. Enough already. Funny how if you mention suing the SGI for the
emotional damage they did to their members they tell you that's it bad
karma to sue them, it's your karma that whatever happened happened of
which I agree to a point but how come they say it's bad karma to sue
them but they have no problems suing NS?

Like you said. Can't have it both ways.

2006-08-26 22:32:13 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
I already said my bad. I forgot to mention Japan. Of course he's well
known there. Here's a little story. Several years ago we had our
carpet cleaning guy come and clean out then carpets in our house. He's
japanese. I asked him if he knew of the SGI? He said yes but really
wouldn't elaborate. When I questioned him on what he thought of the
SGI his face got dark and he said he didn't like them and didn't want
to get into it further. He's never been a SGI buddhist by the way. I
wonder why, since he's never been a member, he would have such an
obviously negative view point of the SGI?
I worked for a Japanese company in the '80's. When I mentioned I was a
Soka Gakkai member (at the time) the other Japanese employees were
incredulous! And when I asked them their opinion of Daisaku Ikeda they
got really quiet, hemming and hawing around like "he's ok" but you
weren't really convinced it was their true opinion! This spoke volumes
to me.

2006-08-26 22:51:35 UTC
Post by Wayno
Post by r***@yahoo.com
I already said my bad. I forgot to mention Japan. Of course he's well
known there. Here's a little story. Several years ago we had our
carpet cleaning guy come and clean out then carpets in our house. He's
japanese. I asked him if he knew of the SGI? He said yes but really
wouldn't elaborate. When I questioned him on what he thought of the
SGI his face got dark and he said he didn't like them and didn't want
to get into it further. He's never been a SGI buddhist by the way. I
wonder why, since he's never been a member, he would have such an
obviously negative view point of the SGI?
I worked for a Japanese company in the '80's. When I mentioned I was a
Soka Gakkai member (at the time) the other Japanese employees were
incredulous! And when I asked them their opinion of Daisaku Ikeda they
got really quiet, hemming and hawing around like "he's ok" but you
weren't really convinced it was their true opinion! This spoke volumes
to me.
I worked for a Japanese company in LA before I came here. They were very
anti SGI for the reasons I have already stated in another post.

2006-08-26 23:20:29 UTC
Whatever else you say about him also does not refute that He is the
one person most responsible for spreading nam-myoho-renge-kyo around
the world regardless of how you feel about his politics. Why not just
say it out loud Cody? He has done more for world-wide kosen rufu than
anyone else. You can still hate him. Just face facts.

clown hidden
2006-08-26 23:24:59 UTC
Post by clown
Whatever else you say about him also does not refute that He is the
one person most responsible for spreading nam-myoho-renge-kyo around
the world regardless of how you feel about his politics. Why not just
say it out loud Cody? He has done more for world-wide kosen rufu than
anyone else. You can still hate him. Just face facts.
clown hidden
Sigh, again:

Ikeda has not spread True Nichiren Buddhism to *anyone*. Anyone who has
shakubukued someone into Nichiren Shoshu has done more than Ikeda ever
has, is or will. Ikeda has convinced millions of people to abandon True
Buddhism and, that, son, is not cool.

What I posted is the truth, not an insult. SGI is a sleazy, blasphemous,
creepy cult. You should be ashamed to count yourself as a member.

2006-08-27 17:35:05 UTC
Whatever else you say about [Daisaku Ikeda] also does not refute that He is the
one person most responsible for spreading nam-myoho-renge-kyo around
the world regardless of how you feel about his politics. Why not just
say it out loud Cody? He has done more for world-wide kosen rufu than
anyone else. You can still hate him. Just face facts.
"Even if doctrines other than those of Nichiren Shoshu were to spread
throughout the entire world, it could not be called Kosen-rufu." The
Complete Writings of Nittatsu Shonin, Part 2, Vol. 6, p. 295

Derek Juhl
2006-08-28 20:36:11 UTC
Nichiren Daishonin.....

Post by clown
Whatever else you say about him also does not refute that He is the
one person most responsible for spreading nam-myoho-renge-kyo around
the world regardless of how you feel about his politics. Why not just
say it out loud Cody? He has done more for world-wide kosen rufu than
anyone else. You can still hate him. Just face facts.
clown hidden
2006-08-26 23:34:12 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by Yelps
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by ~Cody~
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly
cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't
it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer? You
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Silly Man. Slander? You should talk. You, who sent me the MOST foul
and disgusting e-mails. Hmm...... Outside of the SGI or NS or
another Nichiren sect who else knows who Ikeda is? Is he well known
among the masses in the world? A household name like Mother Teressa or
the Pope or Nelson Mandela. Pick your name. I will concede that Ikeda
has done more within the SGI than anyone else in terms of traveling,
writings (whether he actually wrote them or not seems to be the subject
of some questions).
In the real world nobody knows who Ikeda is.
They do in Japan and if they aren't a member of Ikeda's cult, they think
him to be a dangerous politician, not a religious leader.
Yes you are right Michael. My bad. I did indeed mean to mention Japan
as well. Of course he is very well known there. What they think of
him I don't really know other than what you and others say here but yes
other than Japan, NS, SGI or another Nichiren Sect I doubt he is well
known to many other people. The common folk.
Ikeda is extremely well known in Japan. The scandel mags have been doing
writeups on him for 30 years. The third largest Political Party in Japan
was started by him. But he is not a pop celebrity and none of the scandels
turned out to be true.
People who try to say he is an unknown in Japan will at the same time tell
you he wins all his court cases because he is so powerful and rich. They
cannot have it both ways. Anyway to diss Ikeda----.
I already said my bad. I forgot to mention Japan. Of course he's well
known there. Here's a little story. Several years ago we had our
carpet cleaning guy come and clean out then carpets in our house. He's
japanese. I asked him if he knew of the SGI? He said yes but really
wouldn't elaborate. When I questioned him on what he thought of the
SGI his face got dark and he said he didn't like them and didn't want
to get into it further. He's never been a SGI buddhist by the way. I
wonder why, since he's never been a member, he would have such an
obviously negative view point of the SGI?
Personally, I am sick to death of hearing about these stupid court
cases. Enough already. Funny how if you mention suing the SGI for the
emotional damage they did to their members they tell you that's it bad
karma to sue them, it's your karma that whatever happened happened of
which I agree to a point but how come they say it's bad karma to sue
them but they have no problems suing NS?
Like you said. Can't have it both ways.
SGI members have sued the temple for losing the ashes of their loved ones,
mixing them together and secretly reburying them and various other real
world realities. If a person in the Gakkai was emotionally abused in a
severe way they would have grounds for a lawsuit, but trying to blame the
Gakkai itself, is like blaming the United States and suing the governemnt
because someone on your block abused you.

No one said people are going to be perfect or that a struggle for Kosen
Rufu, isn't going to be stressfull.

2006-08-27 00:11:49 UTC
Post by Yelps
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by Yelps
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by ~Cody~
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't
it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer? You
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Silly Man. Slander? You should talk. You, who sent me the MOST foul
and disgusting e-mails. Hmm...... Outside of the SGI or NS or
another Nichiren sect who else knows who Ikeda is? Is he well known
among the masses in the world? A household name like Mother Teressa or
the Pope or Nelson Mandela. Pick your name. I will concede that Ikeda
has done more within the SGI than anyone else in terms of traveling,
writings (whether he actually wrote them or not seems to be the subject
of some questions).
In the real world nobody knows who Ikeda is.
They do in Japan and if they aren't a member of Ikeda's cult, they think
him to be a dangerous politician, not a religious leader.
Yes you are right Michael. My bad. I did indeed mean to mention Japan
as well. Of course he is very well known there. What they think of
him I don't really know other than what you and others say here but yes
other than Japan, NS, SGI or another Nichiren Sect I doubt he is well
known to many other people. The common folk.
Ikeda is extremely well known in Japan. The scandel mags have been doing
writeups on him for 30 years. The third largest Political Party in Japan
was started by him. But he is not a pop celebrity and none of the scandels
turned out to be true.
People who try to say he is an unknown in Japan will at the same time tell
you he wins all his court cases because he is so powerful and rich. They
cannot have it both ways. Anyway to diss Ikeda----.
I already said my bad. I forgot to mention Japan. Of course he's well
known there. Here's a little story. Several years ago we had our
carpet cleaning guy come and clean out then carpets in our house. He's
japanese. I asked him if he knew of the SGI? He said yes but really
wouldn't elaborate. When I questioned him on what he thought of the
SGI his face got dark and he said he didn't like them and didn't want
to get into it further. He's never been a SGI buddhist by the way. I
wonder why, since he's never been a member, he would have such an
obviously negative view point of the SGI?
Personally, I am sick to death of hearing about these stupid court
cases. Enough already. Funny how if you mention suing the SGI for the
emotional damage they did to their members they tell you that's it bad
karma to sue them, it's your karma that whatever happened happened of
which I agree to a point but how come they say it's bad karma to sue
them but they have no problems suing NS?
Like you said. Can't have it both ways.
SGI members have sued the temple for losing the ashes of their loved ones,
mixing them together and secretly reburying them and various other real
world realities.
Don't believe him? Just check the SGI SS web site for the source. I am
sure that they will be completely unbiased and give you objective truth.
Post by Yelps
If a person in the Gakkai was emotionally abused in a
severe way they would have grounds for a lawsuit, but trying to blame the
Gakkai itself, is like blaming the United States and suing the governemnt
because someone on your block abused you.
No one said people are going to be perfect or that a struggle for Kosen
Rufu, isn't going to be stressfull.
Typical gak speak. SGI is OK, you're fucked up guidance. And to think I
used to think David was intelligent and could see through this shit.

2006-08-27 10:39:40 UTC
Post by Yelps
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by Yelps
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by ~Cody~
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly
cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't
it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will
tremble at
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer? You
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Silly Man. Slander? You should talk. You, who sent me the MOST foul
and disgusting e-mails. Hmm...... Outside of the SGI or NS or
another Nichiren sect who else knows who Ikeda is? Is he well known
among the masses in the world? A household name like Mother Teressa or
the Pope or Nelson Mandela. Pick your name. I will concede that Ikeda
has done more within the SGI than anyone else in terms of traveling,
writings (whether he actually wrote them or not seems to be the subject
of some questions).
In the real world nobody knows who Ikeda is.
They do in Japan and if they aren't a member of Ikeda's cult, they think
him to be a dangerous politician, not a religious leader.
Yes you are right Michael. My bad. I did indeed mean to mention Japan
as well. Of course he is very well known there. What they think of
him I don't really know other than what you and others say here but yes
other than Japan, NS, SGI or another Nichiren Sect I doubt he is well
known to many other people. The common folk.
Ikeda is extremely well known in Japan. The scandel mags have been doing
writeups on him for 30 years. The third largest Political Party in Japan
was started by him. But he is not a pop celebrity and none of the scandels
turned out to be true.
People who try to say he is an unknown in Japan will at the same time tell
you he wins all his court cases because he is so powerful and rich.
cannot have it both ways. Anyway to diss Ikeda----.
I already said my bad. I forgot to mention Japan. Of course he's well
known there. Here's a little story. Several years ago we had our
carpet cleaning guy come and clean out then carpets in our house. He's
japanese. I asked him if he knew of the SGI? He said yes but really
wouldn't elaborate. When I questioned him on what he thought of the
SGI his face got dark and he said he didn't like them and didn't want
to get into it further. He's never been a SGI buddhist by the way. I
wonder why, since he's never been a member, he would have such an
obviously negative view point of the SGI?
Personally, I am sick to death of hearing about these stupid court
cases. Enough already. Funny how if you mention suing the SGI for the
emotional damage they did to their members they tell you that's it bad
karma to sue them, it's your karma that whatever happened happened of
which I agree to a point but how come they say it's bad karma to sue
them but they have no problems suing NS?
Like you said. Can't have it both ways.
SGI members have sued the temple for losing the ashes of their loved ones,
mixing them together and secretly reburying them
(Correction: "reburying" them, all together in huge sacks" out in the woods
in an unmarked, hidden area. )

and various other real
Post by Yelps
world realities. If a person in the Gakkai was emotionally abused in a
severe way they would have grounds for a lawsuit, but trying to blame the
Gakkai itself, is like blaming the United States and suing the governemnt
because someone on your block abused you.
No one said people are going to be perfect or that a struggle for Kosen
Rufu, isn't going to be stressfull.
2006-08-27 22:26:40 UTC
derek writes:.

22 decisions favourable to SGI out of 172 lawsuits is a mere 12.8%.

Derek Juhl <<<<<<<<<<

And who is your source and date for this complete and utter lie? Craig
Bratcher? Jon Jon? Reina? Nikken? Each time you re-post a lie it goes
down on your rap sheet.

2006-08-27 22:30:33 UTC
Post by Yelps
And who is your source and date for this complete and utter lie? Craig
Bratcher? Jon Jon? Reina? Nikken? Each time you re-post a lie it goes
down on your rap sheet.
I cited the source. If you didn't read it, that is not my problem.

Derek Juhl
2006-08-27 22:31:35 UTC
Each time you re-post a lie it goes down on your rap sheet.
This, from an Ikeda apologist who has been posting so much SGI

Derek Juhl
2006-08-28 02:40:30 UTC
OH I see the article was in Wikopedia and cites their source as :
"Daibyakuho, the Hokkeko organ newspaper; November 1,"


Even the few case Nikken won were lost on appeal and the Ashes cases were
turned into a class action.

Nikken lost 100% of his cases.

Post by Yelps
derek writes:.
22 decisions favourable to SGI out of 172 lawsuits is a mere 12.8%.
Derek Juhl <<<<<<<<<<
And who is your source and date for this complete and utter lie? Craig
Bratcher? Jon Jon? Reina? Nikken? Each time you re-post a lie it goes
down on your rap sheet.
2006-08-28 03:09:16 UTC
Post by Yelps
Even the few case Nikken won were lost on appeal and the Ashes cases were
turned into a class action.
Nikken lost 100% of his cases.
Prove it.

Derek Juhl
2006-08-27 17:40:08 UTC
Post by Yelps
SGI members have sued the temple for losing the ashes of their loved ones,
mixing them together and secretly reburying them and various other real
world realities.

All in all, Soka Gakkai or Soka Gakkai members (acting as private
persons) filed over 130 lawsuits in Japanese courts against Nichiren
Shoshu, the high priest, local Nichiren Shoshu temples, or their
resident priests between 1991 and 2001. The numerous defamation suits
aside, most of these were over disputes concerning cemeteries and
burial rites or the return of offerings Soka Gakkai members had made in
the past.

For its part, Nichiren Shoshu also instigated 39 suits against Soka
Gakkai, its officers, and other allies between 1992 and 2004. Here,
outside of counter suits in conjunction with the aforementioned
Seattle/Clow Incident suits, the focus was usually on return of
property (temples) on which priests who had allied themselves with Soka
Gakkai were squatting or for injunctions against parties who were
harassing Nichiren Shoshu priests or temples.

As of November 1, 2005, a total of 177 suits had been filed in Japanese
courts and final decisions reached in 172. Of these 172, 34 ended in
court-recommended settlements, 22 in decisions favorable to Soka
Gakkai, and 116 in decisions or withdrawals favorable to Nichiren
Shoshu (source: Daibyakuho, the Hokkeko organ newspaper; November 1,


Derek Juhl
2006-08-27 19:55:47 UTC
Post by d***@netscape.net
Post by Yelps
SGI members have sued the temple for losing the ashes of their loved ones,
mixing them together and secretly reburying them and various other real
world realities.
All in all, Soka Gakkai or Soka Gakkai members (acting as private
persons) filed over 130 lawsuits in Japanese courts against Nichiren
Shoshu, the high priest, local Nichiren Shoshu temples, or their
resident priests between 1991 and 2001. The numerous defamation suits
aside, most of these were over disputes concerning cemeteries and
burial rites or the return of offerings Soka Gakkai members had made in
the past.
For its part, Nichiren Shoshu also instigated 39 suits against Soka
Gakkai, its officers, and other allies between 1992 and 2004. Here,
outside of counter suits in conjunction with the aforementioned
Seattle/Clow Incident suits, the focus was usually on return of
property (temples) on which priests who had allied themselves with Soka
Gakkai were squatting or for injunctions against parties who were
harassing Nichiren Shoshu priests or temples.
As of November 1, 2005, a total of 177 suits had been filed in Japanese
courts and final decisions reached in 172. Of these 172, 34 ended in
court-recommended settlements, 22 in decisions favorable to Soka
Gakkai, and 116 in decisions or withdrawals favorable to Nichiren
Shoshu (source: Daibyakuho, the Hokkeko organ newspaper; November 1,
Derek Juhl
Oops. Good one, Derek.

2006-08-27 20:32:17 UTC
Post by ~Cody~
Oops. Good one, Derek.
22 decisions favourable to SGI out of 172 lawsuits is a mere 12.8%.

Derek Juhl
2006-08-28 00:58:55 UTC
Post by ~Cody~
Oops. Good one, Derek.
Notice that none of the SGI members has replied to this:


All in all, Soka Gakkai or Soka Gakkai members (acting as private
persons) filed over 130 lawsuits in Japanese courts against Nichiren
Shoshu, the high priest, local Nichiren Shoshu temples, or their
resident priests between 1991 and 2001. The numerous defamation suits
aside, most of these were over disputes concerning cemeteries and
burial rites or the return of offerings Soka Gakkai members had made in
the past.

For its part, Nichiren Shoshu also instigated 39 suits against Soka
Gakkai, its officers, and other allies between 1992 and 2004. Here,
outside of counter suits in conjunction with the aforementioned
Seattle/Clow Incident suits, the focus was usually on return of
property (temples) on which priests who had allied themselves with Soka
Gakkai were squatting or for injunctions against parties who were
harassing Nichiren Shoshu priests or temples.

As of November 1, 2005, a total of 177 suits had been filed in Japanese
courts and final decisions reached in 172. Of these 172, 34 ended in
court-recommended settlements, 22 in decisions favorable to Soka
Gakkai, and 116 in decisions or withdrawals favorable to Nichiren
Shoshu (source: Daibyakuho, the Hokkeko organ newspaper; November 1,


Court-recommended settlements: 20%
Decisions favourable to SGI: 13%
Decisions or withdrawals favourable to Nichiren Shoshu: 67%

Derek Juhl
2006-08-26 22:49:36 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by ~Cody~
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
Post by ~Cody~
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism.
The only problem is that Ikeda has been spreading Ikedaism disguised as
Buddhism. SGI is a cult and it being spread is grave blaspheme.
Post by clown
I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Um, currently, outside of Japan, there are more Nichiren Shoshu members
than SGI Ikeda cult members. Close enough for you, Mr Ill Informed?
Post by clown
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
Ikeda has tried to stop Kosen Rufu, persuading millions of people to
abandon True Buddhism and that ain't no joke.
Yes, I am aware that there are many NSS members. You think I am not
because you are arrogant. Name a single person that has done more to
spread Nichiren Buddhism. A simple question. Got an answer? You
yourself appear to me to have dedicated your life to attacking Ikeda.
What a waste of time. The single most important person in the world
wide spread of Nichiren Buddhism which has been helpful to your
organization as well as his, as you should well know. It is unfortunate
that you consider the be all and end all of true buddhism to be
veneration of the priesthood. You are the victim of your own simple
minded nonsense. So, who is the person who has done the most to spread
Nichirenism? I would think l if you had someone you would argue that,
instead of avoiding the question. Facts are facts and history is
history, regardless of your opinion. What single person has done the
most for world-wide kosen rufu? Daisaku Ikeda. History and fact. What
have you got? Slander and innuendo. I guess in your world you win. I
don't expect a real answer from either you or Bridget. Surprise me.
clown hidden
Silly Man. Slander? You should talk. You, who sent me the MOST foul
and disgusting e-mails. Hmm...... Outside of the SGI or NS or
another Nichiren sect who else knows who Ikeda is? Is he well known
among the masses in the world? A household name like Mother Teressa or
the Pope or Nelson Mandela. Pick your name. I will concede that Ikeda
has done more within the SGI than anyone else in terms of traveling,
writings (whether he actually wrote them or not seems to be the subject
of some questions).
In the real world nobody knows who Ikeda is.
They do in Japan and if they aren't a member of Ikeda's cult, they think
him to be a dangerous politician, not a religious leader.
Yes you are right Michael. My bad. I did indeed mean to mention Japan
as well. Of course he is very well known there. What they think of
him I don't really know other than what you and others say here but yes
other than Japan, NS, SGI or another Nichiren Sect I doubt he is well
known to many other people. The common folk.
When I first got on line, I used ICQ a lot and ended up chatting with
quite a few Japanese people and the general consensus was that he is a
dangerous politician and the SGI is a political organization that
controls the New Komeito, a political party in Japan.

SGI, by far, has turned off more people than they have shakubukued, even
before the split.

2006-08-26 21:06:52 UTC
A simple question name someone who has done more. I have nothing to do
with it. Fame has nothing to do with it. Mother Teresa has nothing to
do with it. Just as my emails to you getting me banned from Don's group
has nothing to do with Cody and his nonstop slander of Ikeda and SGI.
What happened there was you publicly called me an asshole and I
privately called you a cunt, when you made that public, I was banned
for life, or am I confused about that?. The only similarity is the two
of you can't answer a question.
clown hidden
2006-08-26 21:21:01 UTC
Post by clown
A simple question name someone who has done more. I have nothing to do
with it. Fame has nothing to do with it. Mother Teresa has nothing to
do with it. Just as my emails to you getting me banned from Don's group
has nothing to do with Cody and his nonstop slander of Ikeda and SGI.
What happened there was you publicly called me an asshole and I
privately called you a cunt, when you made that public, I was banned
for life, or am I confused about that?. The only similarity is the two
of you can't answer a question.
clown hidden
You are an asshole and this post right here proves that. Your garbage
filled posts filled with slander and hate are not at all buddhism. You
have a long, long way to go to become a decent human being. Calling
someone what you called me is the lowest form of incivility and
rudeness as well as crass and disgusting.

I'm guessing your parents didn't teach you how to man up. I don't like
you. Simple. You got banned for life cause you are a pig. I got
banned for like 1 day for posting your disgusting e-mails to me. I may
be a bitch but at least the members of that group called for me to come
back. You they just threw an online party celebrating your departure.

2006-08-26 23:14:19 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
A simple question name someone who has done more. I have nothing to do
with it. Fame has nothing to do with it. Mother Teresa has nothing to
do with it. Just as my emails to you getting me banned from Don's group
has nothing to do with Cody and his nonstop slander of Ikeda and SGI.
What happened there was you publicly called me an asshole and I
privately called you a cunt, when you made that public, I was banned
for life, or am I confused about that?. The only similarity is the two
of you can't answer a question.
clown hidden
You are an asshole and this post right here proves that. Your garbage
filled posts filled with slander and hate are not at all buddhism. You
have a long, long way to go to become a decent human being. Calling
someone what you called me is the lowest form of incivility and
rudeness as well as crass and disgusting.
I'm guessing your parents didn't teach you how to man up. I don't like
you. Simple. You got banned for life cause you are a pig. I got
banned for like 1 day for posting your disgusting e-mails to me. I may
be a bitch but at least the members of that group called for me to come
back. You they just threw an online party celebrating your departure.
Yes I'm aware they had a party. They were so independent that they
could not handle dissent. When you could go back and see the posts it
wasn't hard to see who was right who was wrong and who was emotionally
Well, now that you have satified yourself as to my pedigree can you
tell me who has worked successfully to spread nam myoho renge kyo more
than Daisaku Ikeda ? No one but Jose Toda even comes close. Are there
some japanese who have been Nichiren Buddhists for centuries? Of
course. Now in modern times who has successfully taught Nichiren
buddhism in Japan and around the world as has Daisaku Ikeda? No one.
Choke on it if you don't like it. The truth remains the truth.

clown hidden
2006-08-26 23:20:29 UTC
Post by clown
Now in modern times who has successfully taught Nichiren
buddhism in Japan and around the world as has Daisaku Ikeda?
Daisaku Ikeda is no teacher. He's a former layleader who got too big
for his britches and thought he could do a simple takeover of Nichiren
Shoshu. He thought wrong.

2006-08-26 23:34:54 UTC
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
A simple question name someone who has done more. I have nothing to do
with it. Fame has nothing to do with it. Mother Teresa has nothing to
do with it. Just as my emails to you getting me banned from Don's group
has nothing to do with Cody and his nonstop slander of Ikeda and SGI.
What happened there was you publicly called me an asshole and I
privately called you a cunt, when you made that public, I was banned
for life, or am I confused about that?. The only similarity is the two
of you can't answer a question.
clown hidden
You are an asshole and this post right here proves that. Your garbage
filled posts filled with slander and hate are not at all buddhism. You
have a long, long way to go to become a decent human being. Calling
someone what you called me is the lowest form of incivility and
rudeness as well as crass and disgusting.
I'm guessing your parents didn't teach you how to man up. I don't like
you. Simple. You got banned for life cause you are a pig. I got
banned for like 1 day for posting your disgusting e-mails to me. I may
be a bitch but at least the members of that group called for me to come
back. You they just threw an online party celebrating your departure.
Yes I'm aware they had a party. They were so independent that they
could not handle dissent. When you could go back and see the posts it
wasn't hard to see who was right who was wrong and who was emotionally
Well, now that you have satified yourself as to my pedigree can you
tell me who has worked successfully to spread nam myoho renge kyo more
than Daisaku Ikeda ? No one but Jose Toda even comes close. Are there
some japanese who have been Nichiren Buddhists for centuries? Of
course. Now in modern times who has successfully taught Nichiren
buddhism in Japan and around the world as has Daisaku Ikeda? No one.
Choke on it if you don't like it. The truth remains the truth.
clown hidden
Firstly, his name at birth wasn't "Daisaku" but "Taisaku" which means
"fat boy". No wonder he changed it. Ironic that he became a fat cat
heading up a cult with brainwashed members willing to take a bullet for
his sorry ass.

People started practicing and continued to practice Nichiren Shoshu
Buddhism despite SGI, the leadership mind control system and the
adulation of a dangerous Japanese politician, not because of it. Why?
Because the practice is true, not because some sleazy fat man had his
lackeys buy him awards, honorary degrees and had his name plastered all
over the place.

One time I was invited to "strict guidance" at Mr Ted Osaki's apartment
in Maryland. We did Gongyo and then he pulled out the scotch. After
talking endlessly to me about the greatness of Ikeda, he said, "would
you eat shit for sensei? I mean, if he asked you to start eating a pile
of shit would you refuse or would you say 'hai', grin and bear it, and
eat it up?"

I didn't know what to say. After some thought, I said no, I wouldn't do
it. He then informed me that I would never be a "top senior leader". Now
that I have been away from the cult for years and think back, it's scary
the crap that I did and what other did.

The truth is the truth. SGI is a creepy cult.

2006-08-27 00:54:07 UTC
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
A simple question name someone who has done more. I have nothing to do
with it. Fame has nothing to do with it. Mother Teresa has nothing to
do with it. Just as my emails to you getting me banned from Don's group
has nothing to do with Cody and his nonstop slander of Ikeda and SGI.
What happened there was you publicly called me an asshole and I
privately called you a cunt, when you made that public, I was banned
for life, or am I confused about that?. The only similarity is the two
of you can't answer a question.
clown hidden
You are an asshole and this post right here proves that. Your garbage
filled posts filled with slander and hate are not at all buddhism. You
have a long, long way to go to become a decent human being. Calling
someone what you called me is the lowest form of incivility and
rudeness as well as crass and disgusting.
I'm guessing your parents didn't teach you how to man up. I don't like
you. Simple. You got banned for life cause you are a pig. I got
banned for like 1 day for posting your disgusting e-mails to me. I may
be a bitch but at least the members of that group called for me to come
back. You they just threw an online party celebrating your departure.
Yes I'm aware they had a party. They were so independent that they
could not handle dissent. When you could go back and see the posts it
wasn't hard to see who was right who was wrong and who was emotionally
Well, now that you have satified yourself as to my pedigree can you
tell me who has worked successfully to spread nam myoho renge kyo more
than Daisaku Ikeda ? No one but Jose Toda even comes close. Are there
some japanese who have been Nichiren Buddhists for centuries? Of
course. Now in modern times who has successfully taught Nichiren
buddhism in Japan and around the world as has Daisaku Ikeda? No one.
Choke on it if you don't like it. The truth remains the truth.
clown hidden
What you call "dissent" other's call being a pig or borish or whatever
term suits your fancy. What pray tell has DI done all by his lonesome
to do more to spread KR than someone else? I say, and I think I'm in
the majority on this, that it took a whole village to do what you are
giving DI sole credit for.

2006-08-27 17:45:22 UTC
Post by clown
Well, now that you have satified yourself as to my pedigree can you
tell me who has worked successfully to spread nam myoho renge kyo more
than Daisaku Ikeda ? No one but Jose Toda even comes close.
Speaking of Josei Toda, the following speech was given by him on
January 29, 1956. Reference Toda Josei Zenshu, Vol. 3, p. 235.

Stand Up for the Gakkai Spirit (excerpt)

Since the time of the former president, Mr. Makiguchi, the Gakkai
spirit has been to support any High Priest, and the Gakkai will keep
this spirit forever. If anyone in this organization complains about
this, and goes against this Gakkai spirit, I'll be ready to expel him
from the organization even if he should be a top leader. The lay
believers' spirit and attitude toward the Head Temple must be like

A couple of years ago, a Gakkai member in the Kansai Area spoke
disparagingly about the High Priest. He eventually received great
negative effects from the Gohonzon, and his life completely came to
ruin. I have no further comment about this. It is quite natural for
this to happen to a person who slanders the High Priest.

No matter who becomes the High Priest, I will try to support him the
same way I supported High Priest Nissho Shonin. I will, in fact,
support the new High Priest as I would support Nichiren Daishonin and
shall proceed on our journey towards Kosen-rufu. Now we have two
retired High Priests who are living, which means that we have three
High Priests. I am so appreciative of the virtues of each successive
High Priest over the last 700 years. We would be unable to see the
great development of Nichiren Shoshu without the High Priest. Please
keep this spirit in mind as the fundamental spirit of the Gakkai.


Derek Juhl
2006-08-26 15:25:29 UTC
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism. I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
You need to get on the outside and look in. The SGI draws people for
fellowship and its "Peace, Culture, Education" social agenda with
Buddhist overtones. Many people are drawn to religions with a strong
co-dependent leadership structure.

It also has a tremendous marketing and PR department.

In the 70's the SGI was much larger than it is today. The SGI had to do
away with the more authoritarian way and change its religious doctrine
in order to keep members. It hasn't recovered. It will continue to morph
however it can to retain and draw members, and get further away from the

Nichiren Shoshu firmly believes that the correct religion will prevail
by daimoku and sincere shakubuku, following the Daishonin.

The quality of believers that I see today is very different from the
ones in SGI. They tend to be much more serious and knowledgeable. We
also have more people joining who are already successful in their lives,
but really want a strong spiritual connection. We don't have leaders and
followers, so there is no co-dependent situation.
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
2006-08-26 20:59:49 UTC
Post by Kurt
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism. I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
You need to get on the outside and look in. The SGI draws people for
fellowship and its "Peace, Culture, Education" social agenda with
Buddhist overtones. Many people are drawn to religions with a strong
co-dependent leadership structure.
It also has a tremendous marketing and PR department.
In the 70's the SGI was much larger than it is today. The SGI had to do
away with the more authoritarian way and change its religious doctrine
in order to keep members. It hasn't recovered. It will continue to morph
however it can to retain and draw members, and get further away from the
Nichiren Shoshu firmly believes that the correct religion will prevail
by daimoku and sincere shakubuku, following the Daishonin.
The quality of believers that I see today is very different from the
ones in SGI. They tend to be much more serious and knowledgeable. We
also have more people joining who are already successful in their lives,
but really want a strong spiritual connection. We don't have leaders and
followers, so there is no co-dependent situation.
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
Kurt, I am not being sarcastic, but I want to know this: Don't you consider
your relationship with the priests to be one of leaders and followers? It
does seem like that to me; someone looking in...
Can you explain the difference you see between that and the SGI model? op
2006-08-26 21:10:55 UTC
Post by op
Post by Kurt
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism. I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
You need to get on the outside and look in. The SGI draws people for
fellowship and its "Peace, Culture, Education" social agenda with
Buddhist overtones. Many people are drawn to religions with a strong
co-dependent leadership structure.
It also has a tremendous marketing and PR department.
In the 70's the SGI was much larger than it is today. The SGI had to do
away with the more authoritarian way and change its religious doctrine
in order to keep members. It hasn't recovered. It will continue to morph
however it can to retain and draw members, and get further away from the
Nichiren Shoshu firmly believes that the correct religion will prevail
by daimoku and sincere shakubuku, following the Daishonin.
The quality of believers that I see today is very different from the
ones in SGI. They tend to be much more serious and knowledgeable. We
also have more people joining who are already successful in their lives,
but really want a strong spiritual connection. We don't have leaders and
followers, so there is no co-dependent situation.
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
Kurt, I am not being sarcastic, but I want to know this: Don't you consider
your relationship with the priests to be one of leaders and followers? It
does seem like that to me; someone looking in...
Can you explain the difference you see between that and the SGI model? op

I'd like to know the answer to this as well. No matter how much I read
or hear or see it does seem to me that the HP insists that you follow
him because he is the lifeblood of ND. I'm not saying I agree or
disagree with this but it's one of the biggest issues for me re; NS.

If someone wanted to practice with the temple could they do it and
would they be welcome if they didn't buy into the theory that the
Priests are somehow seperate from the rest of us. They have, according
to my understanding of NS's belief system the lifeblood of ND and we
lay believers do not. Is this correct from NS's viewpoint?

Thanks Kurt,

2006-08-27 16:17:25 UTC
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by op
Post by Kurt
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism. I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
You need to get on the outside and look in. The SGI draws people for
fellowship and its "Peace, Culture, Education" social agenda with
Buddhist overtones. Many people are drawn to religions with a strong
co-dependent leadership structure.
It also has a tremendous marketing and PR department.
In the 70's the SGI was much larger than it is today. The SGI had to do
away with the more authoritarian way and change its religious doctrine
in order to keep members. It hasn't recovered. It will continue to morph
however it can to retain and draw members, and get further away from the
Nichiren Shoshu firmly believes that the correct religion will prevail
by daimoku and sincere shakubuku, following the Daishonin.
The quality of believers that I see today is very different from the
ones in SGI. They tend to be much more serious and knowledgeable. We
also have more people joining who are already successful in their lives,
but really want a strong spiritual connection. We don't have leaders and
followers, so there is no co-dependent situation.
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
Kurt, I am not being sarcastic, but I want to know this: Don't you consider
your relationship with the priests to be one of leaders and followers? It
does seem like that to me; someone looking in...
Can you explain the difference you see between that and the SGI model? op
I'd like to know the answer to this as well. No matter how much I read
or hear or see it does seem to me that the HP insists that you follow
him because he is the lifeblood of ND. I'm not saying I agree or
disagree with this but it's one of the biggest issues for me re; NS.
If someone wanted to practice with the temple could they do it and
would they be welcome if they didn't buy into the theory that the
Priests are somehow seperate from the rest of us. They have, according
to my understanding of NS's belief system the lifeblood of ND and we
lay believers do not. Is this correct from NS's viewpoint?
Thanks Kurt,
Though the lifeblood is important for establishing the way that the
doctrine gets protected, the SGI are the only ones hammering into
members that the HP is infallible.
The day I see a current HP going against the doctrine as I see it, is
the day I rethink things.
The SGI are the ones saying the priests are separate and higher than us,
not the priests. Yes, they exist in their own hierarchy, but it is
always stressed that priesthood and laity are equal, and both are
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
2006-08-27 16:23:10 UTC
Post by Kurt
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by op
Post by Kurt
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism. I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
You need to get on the outside and look in. The SGI draws people for
fellowship and its "Peace, Culture, Education" social agenda with
Buddhist overtones. Many people are drawn to religions with a strong
co-dependent leadership structure.
It also has a tremendous marketing and PR department.
In the 70's the SGI was much larger than it is today. The SGI had to do
away with the more authoritarian way and change its religious doctrine
in order to keep members. It hasn't recovered. It will continue to morph
however it can to retain and draw members, and get further away from the
Nichiren Shoshu firmly believes that the correct religion will prevail
by daimoku and sincere shakubuku, following the Daishonin.
The quality of believers that I see today is very different from the
ones in SGI. They tend to be much more serious and knowledgeable. We
also have more people joining who are already successful in their lives,
but really want a strong spiritual connection. We don't have leaders and
followers, so there is no co-dependent situation.
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
Kurt, I am not being sarcastic, but I want to know this: Don't you consider
your relationship with the priests to be one of leaders and followers? It
does seem like that to me; someone looking in...
Can you explain the difference you see between that and the SGI model? op
I'd like to know the answer to this as well. No matter how much I read
or hear or see it does seem to me that the HP insists that you follow
him because he is the lifeblood of ND. I'm not saying I agree or
disagree with this but it's one of the biggest issues for me re; NS.
If someone wanted to practice with the temple could they do it and
would they be welcome if they didn't buy into the theory that the
Priests are somehow seperate from the rest of us. They have, according
to my understanding of NS's belief system the lifeblood of ND and we
lay believers do not. Is this correct from NS's viewpoint?
Thanks Kurt,
Though the lifeblood is important for establishing the way that the
doctrine gets protected, the SGI are the only ones hammering into
members that the HP is infallible.
The day I see a current HP going against the doctrine as I see it, is
the day I rethink things.
The SGI are the ones saying the priests are separate and higher than us,
not the priests. Yes, they exist in their own hierarchy, but it is
always stressed that priesthood and laity are equal, and both are
I guess the reason the brainwashed SGI cult members believe it is
because they follow the Person, Ikeda, and not the Law and they think we
do the same thing.

2006-08-27 17:53:31 UTC
Post by Kurt
The SGI are the ones saying the priests are separate and higher than us,
not the priests.
Soka Gakkai once explained this correctly:

Soka Gakkai Seikyo Times, August, 1979
No. 218, Pages 16-17 (excerpt)

The Unity of Priesthood and Laity

At the beginning of On Rituals (Kegi Sho), the ninth High Priest,
Nichiu Shonin, wrote, "All people with faith, whether they are lay or
clerical, high or low in status, are equal as they are entities of
Myoho-renge-kyo. However, just as a bamboo is made up of upper and
lower joints, the positions of the Priesthood and the laity should not
be confused, with the decorum between the two politely observed." The
former half of the passage explains that all people are equal with
regard to faith in the Dai-Gohonzon. This also means that Nichiren
Daishonin's Buddhism is equally given to all people of the world as the
Daishonin says that the Dai-Gohonzon is "the supreme object of worship
on the earth."

However, this equality between the Priesthood and the laity does not
imply that we may disregard the propriety between the two and their
respective roles. This is the point that the High Priest teaches in the
latter half of the passage.


Derek Juhl
2006-08-26 22:12:14 UTC
Post by op
Kurt, I am not being sarcastic, but I want to know this: Don't you consider
your relationship with the priests to be one of leaders and followers? It
does seem like that to me; someone looking in...
Can you explain the difference you see between that and the SGI model? op
It's more like teacher-student relationship. SGI is master-slave

2006-08-27 16:11:15 UTC
Post by op
Post by Kurt
Post by clown
Post by r***@yahoo.com
Post by clown
I do consider Daisaku Ikeda the single most important person in
worldwide kosen rufu,and I think the Lotus Sutra backs that up, by
defining buddhahood as asking the question,"how can I quickly cause all
beings to enter into buddhahood" although it's true he didn't do it all
by himself but without him the history of Nichiren Buddhism would not
be what it is, but even I do not believe the earth will tremble at his
It is great rhetoric and it serves to increase self importance.
clown hidden
This is a joke right? You are not serious? Ikeda the single most
important person in worldwide kosen rufu? LOL. Nah, your playing head
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren B uddhism. I certainly can't think
of anyone. Who do you nominate? It's hard to imagine who comes close.
Maybe to you kosen rufu is a joke?
clown hidden
You need to get on the outside and look in. The SGI draws people for
fellowship and its "Peace, Culture, Education" social agenda with
Buddhist overtones. Many people are drawn to religions with a strong
co-dependent leadership structure.
It also has a tremendous marketing and PR department.
In the 70's the SGI was much larger than it is today. The SGI had to do
away with the more authoritarian way and change its religious doctrine
in order to keep members. It hasn't recovered. It will continue to morph
however it can to retain and draw members, and get further away from the
Nichiren Shoshu firmly believes that the correct religion will prevail
by daimoku and sincere shakubuku, following the Daishonin.
The quality of believers that I see today is very different from the
ones in SGI. They tend to be much more serious and knowledgeable. We
also have more people joining who are already successful in their lives,
but really want a strong spiritual connection. We don't have leaders and
followers, so there is no co-dependent situation.
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
Kurt, I am not being sarcastic, but I want to know this: Don't you consider
your relationship with the priests to be one of leaders and followers? It
does seem like that to me; someone looking in...
Can you explain the difference you see between that and the SGI model? op
It's more of a partnership as teacher/student. The priests stick only to
the doctrine. They stay out of our personal lives. There is no political
or social agenda, only the practice, so people come strictly seeking
spiritual growth.
I see the SGI as trying to be more things for more people. The
leadership structure still creates problems, even though the
authoritarian aspect has been reduced. It's peers leading peers.
To reply by email, remove the word "space"
2006-08-26 16:31:41 UTC
Post by clown
No, I'm serious. Name someone who has worked more or accomplished
more in terms of spreading Nichiren Buddhism [than Daisaku Ikeda].
"Even if doctrines other than those of Nichiren Shoshu were to spread
throughout the entire world, it could not be called Kosen-rufu." The
Complete Writings of Nittatsu Shonin, Part 2, Vol. 6, p. 295

Derek Juhl
2006-08-25 21:52:57 UTC
Post by Yelps
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of the
Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with great
ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical phenomenon.">>>>>>>>>>>>
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.

Kiss your money goodbye again. You kissed it goodbye the first time
when you gave it and now you need to mentally kiss it goodbye.

I cannot believe that this is still the topic of discussion. Give it
up already. I couldn't disagree more with the statement above for no
man, no matter who he is, has the power to make a volcano erupt. Why
give it any credence by posting this tyrade?

2006-08-26 14:30:34 UTC
This is disgraceful slander David. You have so lost your connection
to the Dai-Gohonzon, that you desperately continue to make bad causes
in your thinking and action. You are getting tarnished by illusion and
you are reflecting the world of Daisaku Ikeda's bad karma...it seems
that it will lead to you to suffering, not the virtue, wisdom and joy
that transforms the karma of those who have a seeking mind to the
Dai-Gohonzon. Do you believe you could sit in front of the
Dai-Gohonzon and think these same thoughts.....your thoughts would be
corrected right away. The scum is in your thinking
Post by Yelps
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of the
Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with great
ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical phenomenon.">>>>>>>>>>>>
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.
2006-08-26 19:08:44 UTC
Post by wgjewel
This is disgraceful slander David.
YEAH ITS A VOLCANO CAUSED BY IKEDA !!! How dare I slander such SANITY of


You have so lost your connection
Post by wgjewel
to the Dai-Gohonzon, that you desperately continue to make bad causes
in your thinking and action. You are getting tarnished by illusion and
you are reflecting the world of Daisaku Ikeda's bad karma...it seems
that it will lead to you to suffering, not the virtue, wisdom and joy
that transforms the karma of those who have a seeking mind to the
Dai-Gohonzon. Do you believe you could sit in front of the
Dai-Gohonzon and think these same thoughts.....your thoughts would be
corrected right away. The scum is in your thinking
Post by Yelps
"On November 16th, 1990 exactly one day after Daisaku Ikeda gave his
contemptuous speech which openly scorned and slandered the Lifeblood of the
Law of Nichiren Shoshu, Mt. Fugen in Shimabara, Japan, erupted with great
ferocity. This was followed by a long of series of compounding major
disasters. Indeed, it was truly the most mystical
New Year's Address, January 1, 2000
Yeah the Mystical reality that you lost all your court case, you arrogant
pig. Maybe that was the Xenu Volcano you sick whack job.
Give my money back to the Gakkai you scum bag.
2006-08-26 19:26:54 UTC
I refer you to the Gosho Passage Jim Heckler posted...August 23rd
If the people are filled with joy, auspicious omens will appear in
the heavens, and quakes caused by the god Taishaku will shake the
earth. On the other hand, if their minds are obsessed with evil, there
will be ominous changes in the heavens and terrible calamities on
earth. The magnitude of sinister occurences in the heavens varies
according to the degrees of the peoples anger; the same holds true of
disasters on earth. Japan today is filled with people, from the ruler
on down to the common citizens, whose minds are possessed by great
evil. This evil is born of their hatred for me, Nichiren.
On Omens
MWND, Vol.4, p.151
Post by Yelps
Post by wgjewel
This is disgraceful slander David.
YEAH ITS A VOLCANO CAUSED BY IKEDA !!! How dare I slander such SANITY of
2006-08-26 20:16:24 UTC
Post by wgjewel
I refer you to the Gosho Passage Jim Heckler posted...August 23rd
If the people are filled with joy, auspicious omens will appear in
the heavens, and quakes caused by the god Taishaku will shake the
earth. On the other hand, if their minds are obsessed with evil, there
will be ominous changes in the heavens and terrible calamities on
earth. The magnitude of sinister occurences in the heavens varies
according to the degrees of the peoples anger; the same holds true of
disasters on earth. Japan today is filled with people, from the ruler
on down to the common citizens, whose minds are possessed by great
evil. This evil is born of their hatred for me, Nichiren.
On Omens
MWND, Vol.4, p.151
Better watch it, Dot, old DC may plonk you for showing him up like this.

Post by wgjewel
Post by Yelps
Post by wgjewel
This is disgraceful slander David.
YEAH ITS A VOLCANO CAUSED BY IKEDA !!! How dare I slander such SANITY of
2006-08-26 21:06:15 UTC
Be more ridiculous.

Imagine being able to claim that someone you didn't like CAUSED a volcano to

That is just plain insane and has NOTHING to do with the principle of
Buddhism. It is just mentally ill.

Nikken claiming Ikeda caused a Volcano to erupt, is mentally ill. In
psychiatry it's called "ideas of reference"


Its just the mentally ill person believing that all events relate to
themselves and is NOT the same thing as the principles in the Gosho or in
Buddhism anymore then psychosis is the same as religious experience or that
metaphor is the same as believing the metaphor literally--which is called
"concrete thinking" in psychiatry.

"concrete thinking:
This is the opposite of positive formal thought disorder in that the links
between thoughts are very rigid. It is sometimes called concrete thinking.
The patient is unable to think in abstract terms and will give an
over-literal interpretation of proverbs e.g. when asked about the phrase "a
rolling stone gathers no moss", the explanation revolves around stones and
Concrete thinking is a symptom of schizophrenia."

Post by wgjewel
I refer you to the Gosho Passage Jim Heckler posted...August 23rd
If the people are filled with joy, auspicious omens will appear in
the heavens, and quakes caused by the god Taishaku will shake the
earth. On the other hand, if their minds are obsessed with evil, there
will be ominous changes in the heavens and terrible calamities on
earth. The magnitude of sinister occurences in the heavens varies
according to the degrees of the peoples anger; the same holds true of
disasters on earth. Japan today is filled with people, from the ruler
on down to the common citizens, whose minds are possessed by great
evil. This evil is born of their hatred for me, Nichiren.
On Omens
MWND, Vol.4, p.151
Post by Yelps
Post by wgjewel
This is disgraceful slander David.
YEAH ITS A VOLCANO CAUSED BY IKEDA !!! How dare I slander such SANITY of
2006-08-26 21:15:20 UTC
Post by Yelps
Be more ridiculous.
Imagine being able to claim that someone you didn't like CAUSED a volcano to
That is just plain insane and has NOTHING to do with the principle of
Buddhism. It is just mentally ill.
Nikken claiming Ikeda caused a Volcano to erupt, is mentally ill. In
psychiatry it's called "ideas of reference"
Its just the mentally ill person believing that all events relate to
Sounds like Narsasism(sp?), not "ideas_of _reference" but I'm not a
