Post by Noel PantonThe Complete and Final Teaching on Perfect Enlightenment Sutra declares, "The beginningless illusions and ignorance that beset all living beings are all produced by the perfectly enlightened mind of the Thus Come Ones."
Well the ChasJulian hybrid is a good example of the ignorance and beginningless delusions of all living beings.
Actually a better example of delusion is your low-function high-function Gohonzon theory:
Noel's Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories ARE STILL The Stupidest Ideas, Ever +
Post by Noel PantonFrom when he was 32 he first said Namu Myoho Renge Kyo. Until he was 50, eighteen years latter no Gohonzon existed. His follower's practice was devotion to Nichiren(Namu Nichiren) chanting Daimoku and studying his letters which were enough for them to have temporary enlightenment.
1. If Nichiren Daishonin's magical man-God powers conferred High-Function-Gohonzon-like effects on his followers during his magical life, then after he died and those magical powers waned, then the vast majority of his Gohonzons conferred (WHICH WERE NOT Noel's "grand finale" Gohonzons) would now express their Low-Function-Gohonzon effects and his followers would suffer incalculable evil effects.
2. This is due to the utter disregard in which Nichiren Daishonin held them due to his limited imagination (Oh, I can die, what will happen to them then?)
3. Therefore in Noel's logic: Nichiren Daishonin is a crappy Buddha.
1)Has the Gohonzon been written by Nichiren ?
2)Does the person who has Nichirens Gohonzon have devotion to Nichiren ?
If these requirements have been met then it doesn't matter if the Gohonzon isn't a complete 10 world Gohonzon.
Because Nichiren is Buddha there is no discrimination between complete and incomplete Gohonzons
Gohonzons that are not written by Nichiren create discrimination between complete and not complete Gohonzons because the High Priests that wrote them are not Buddhas.
Even though the power of Nichirens Gohonzons are equal, since he declared his mission complete in Koan 2nd, I still think that the inscriptions of his 10 world Gohonzons is what made it complete. It's the best thing we can have in this age of quarell and dispute when Shakyamuni Buddha's teachings have fallen into confusion and lost their power to lead people to enlightenment.
1) the 10 world Gohonzons written by high priests
2) Devotion to Nichiren
Even those that have complete transcribed 10 world Gohonzons that are written by priests will lose the benefits from the practice if their devotion is not to Nichiren
1) not complete 10 world Gohonzons written by high priests
2) Devotion to Nichiren
Devotion to Nichiren may compromise not having 10 world Gohonzons because Nichiren is the oneness of the Person and the Law
1) not complete 10 world Gohonzons written by high priests
2) not devoted to Nichiren
Overall the worst scenario is having a High priest Gohonzon that doesn't have 10 worlds and members and leaders not having devotion to Nichiren/Sun Lotus who is Buddha of the oneness of the person and the law in this age of Mappo
Unfortunately, this fate is the present day reality of SGI.
Any copy of Nichiren's Gohonzons by High priests that arent 10 worlds aren't such a good idea when they are given out to people. Those type of Gohonzons should only be for the priest's private collection. I think Nichikan's was one for private collection that slipped through the safety net that Ikeda seems to have strategically bought from a young priest who couldn't care less.
An original Nichiren 10 world Gohonzon is the image of Nichiren the Buddha of absolute freedom in the Latter Day of the Law
- hide quoted text -
"I, Nikko, saw the shadow and the figure of my master, Nichiren, as the Honzon very clearly on the sea surface when I was on a small boat with him while the boat was rocking with the gentle motion of the waves on our way. Thus, I, Nikko, copy the Gohonzon of my master without even a little difference, which I believe it has to be so!"
Your initial theory on this issue and your modified theories are insupportable by either document or reason.
1. Your initial theory requires that Nichiren Daishonin exuded a field that activated the low-function-Gohonzons that most of his followers had. Was that like an electromagnetic field mediated by some new force-carrying boson like the photon, gluon, or the W and Z intermediate vector bosons? Or was that like the gravitational field that is transmitted by modifying the curvature of space-time? I presume that it was transmitted at the speed of light. These field carrying particles have not been detected yet at CERN's LHC, so they must be much heavier than the Higgs Boson.
2. Your initial theory required Nichiren Daishonin not to have the basic imagination to foresee that his death would inactivate the majority of Gohonzons that he had bestowed upon his most loyal followers, or not to care about that inevitable inactivation as a bad Buddha.
3. Your initial theory requires that when Nichiren Daishonin described these Gohonzons to his followers as the "supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa" that he was lying, since he knew a later high-function-Gohonzon revision would have permanent powers greatly transcending the powers of the low-function-Gohonzons that he was bestowing.
4. Your modified theory (to cover up the gaping holes in your initial theory) requires that ten-world high-function Nichiren Daishonin Gohonzons exude a field that activates less-than-ten-world low-function Nichiren Daishonin Gohonzons. That field would also require specific bosons as a carrier particle or changing the curvature of space-time, and they must be heavier vector bosons than the Higgs.
To wrap this up, each and every version of your theory is nothing less than the stupidest idea I have ever heard of.
The force-carrying particle for the transmission of the power of the Gohonzon is in fact the photon, which interacts with the rods and cones at the end of the optic nerve, producing a raw image that is transmitted to the thalamus in the center of your head, and then to the visual cortex at the back of your head, which processes the image and adds 5 times as much metadata information to the image sent back to the thalamus, which then is transmitted to the cerebral cortex at the top of skull, where your world-view is maintained.
However, that world-view is inactive until sound (from the pure and far-reaching voice out of your own mouth and reverberating in your skull) is mixed into that image and that stereo-sound-technicolor experience activated in the cerebral cortex is where the activated complex known as enlightenment occurs.
My theory requires no new fields or force-carrying particles and requires no new brain physiology to function.
Occam's razor says that I am right and you are wrong. The simplest explanation wins the day.
On Saturday, December 23, 2017 at 5:26:28 AM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel Panton"Because the Lotus Sutra manifests the Buddha's spiritual aspect when one embodies that spiritual aspect in a wooden or painted image possessing thirty-one features, the image in its entirety becomes the living Buddha. This is what is meant by the enlightenment of plants.
It is for this reason that T'ien-t'ai states, "All things having color or fragrance are manifestations of the Middle Way." Commenting on this, Miao-lo adds: "However, although people may admit that all things having color or fragrance are manifestations of the Middle Way, they are nevertheless shocked and harbor doubts when they hear for the first time the doctrine that insentient beings possess the Buddha nature."
Ch'eng-kuan of the Flower Garland school stole T'ien-t'ai's doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life, using it to interpret the Flower Garland Sutra. Then he wrote: "Both the Lotus and Flower Garland sutras reveal the doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life.
The Flower Garland Sutra, however, is the teaching of enlightenment for people of the sudden teaching, because it was preached earlier, while the Lotus Sutra is the teaching of enlightenment for people of the gradual teaching because it was preached later. The Flower Garland Sutra is the root because it preceded all the other sutras. The Lotus Sutra consists of nothing but branches and leaves."
He puffed himself up like a mountain, thinking that he alone had mastered the true teaching. In reality, however, he did not know about the enlightenment of plants, the heart of the doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of life. Miao-lo ridiculed the ignorance Ch'eng-kuan showed in the above-quoted statement."
Opening the Eyes of Images
Nam[u] Myoho Renge Kyo down the middle of the Gohonzon is the enlightened aspect of the 9 worlds. They receive the light by the lines that flow from Nam[u] Myoho Renge Kyo into the 9 worlds. This means that the fundamental darkness of the 9 worlds will become latent. Enlightenment/wisdom and fundamental darkness do not appear at the same time
The 9 worlds have their own individual shades of delusion this is why they all need to be present so their original enlightenment can manifest through having faith and chanting to a 10 world Gohonzon
The common mortal is one with delusion and enlightenment and it's our choice which way we go
Noel, you are drawing an improper conclusion. All nine worlds, and any 6 worlds of the nine worlds, or any two worlds of the nine worlds ... are all contained in the world of Buddhahood ... which is the effect of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.
This is why any Gohonzon with "Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nichiren" down the middle is a fully functional Gohonzon.
This is also why any Gohonzon with the ten worlds on it that DOES NOT HAVE "Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nichiren" down the middle is NOT a functional Gohonzon.
The essential component is having "Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nichiren" down the middle to be a fully functional Gohonzon.
Are we clear on that?
You are, once again, screaming in the mirror, dude.
Your kindergarten-level ideas about the Gohonzon are ludicrous, only 5-year-olds would follow you into the perfect cul-de-sac you have found yourself.
Here's a question for you, without giving much away that you should discover for yourself: just precisely where is the world of humanity/human beings located on these various ten-world Gohonzons that you speak of? Is the world of humanity/human beings always in the same spot on all of these? Where is it located on your so-called "grand-finale" Gohonzon? Is it where you think it should be? Do you think location on the Gohonzon relative to Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is important?
Think carefully before you answer, that answer will be very telling. And don't go asking others for help, answer this yourself, out of your own enlightenment.
Post by Noel PantonWhy do you want to know, Hasnt your sensei taught you the basics yet
Like I thought. You can't answer the simplest question, whose implication would stem from your goofy Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories.
You have not thought this incredibly stupid idea through skin depth.
At least try and examine your dumb theory and answer the question.
Unless you really don't believe it yourself, it is just another phantasmagoria of your crazy mind? Another drug-induced dream?
Is that all you are doing, spewing your cranial ejaculations in all directions?
Here it is again: A question for you, without giving much away that you should discover for yourself: just precisely where is the world of humanity/human beings located on these various ten-world Gohonzons that you speak of? Is the world of humanity/human beings always in the same spot on all of these? Where is it located on your so-called "grand-finale" Gohonzon? Is it where you think it should be? Do you think location on the Gohonzon relative to Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is important?
Once again, think carefully before you answer, that answer will be very telling. And don't go asking others for help, answer this yourself, out of your own "ten-world" Gohonzon enlightenment.
Post by Noel PantonYou need to study Gohonzon for yourself to find the answers that you seek
investigate for yourself by using your own brain
You can start with translating these charts
Stop dodging the question and answer it. I know you can't, because it would reveal the skin-depth of your utter foolishness, but try anyway.
Here it is again for you: A question for you, without giving much away that you should discover for yourself: just precisely where is the world of humanity/human beings located on these various ten-world Gohonzons that you speak of? Is the world of humanity/human beings always in the same spot on all of these? Where is it located on your so-called "grand-finale" Gohonzon? Is it where you think it should be? Do you think location on the Gohonzon relative to Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is important?
One more time, think carefully before you answer, that answer will be very telling. And don't go asking others for help, answer this yourself, out of your own "ten-world" Gohonzon enlightenment.
Post by Noel PantonWhy do you want to know, Hasnt your sensei taught you the basics yet
Like I thought. You can't answer the simplest question, whose implication would stem from your goofy Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories.
You have not thought this incredibly stupid idea through skin depth.
At least try and examine your dumb theory and answer the question.
Unless you really don't believe it yourself, it is just another phantasmagoria of your crazy mind? Another drug-induced dream?
Is that all you are doing, spewing your cranial ejaculations in all directions?
Here it is again: A question for you, without giving much away that you should discover for yourself: just precisely where is the world of humanity/human beings located on these various ten-world Gohonzons that you speak of? Is the world of humanity/human beings always in the same spot on all of these? Where is it located on your so-called "grand-finale" Gohonzon? Is it where you think it should be? Do you think location on the Gohonzon relative to Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is important?
Once again, think carefully before you answer, that answer will be very telling. And don't go asking others for help, answer this yourself, out of your own enlightenment.
Post by Noel PantonYou need to study Gohonzon for yourself to find the answers that you seek
investigate for yourself by using your own brain
You can start with translating these charts
Stop dodging the question and answer it. I know you can't, because it would reveal the skin-depth of your utter foolishness, but try anyway.
Here it is again for you: A question for you, without giving much away that you should discover for yourself: just precisely where is the world of humanity/human beings located on these various ten-world Gohonzons that you speak of? Is the world of humanity/human beings always in the same spot on all of these? Where is it located on your so-called "grand-finale" Gohonzon? Is it where you think it should be? Do you think location on the Gohonzon relative to Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is important?
One more time, think carefully before you answer, that answer will be very telling. And don't go asking others for help, answer this yourself, out of your own "ten-world" Gohonzon enlightenment.
OK, I'll assume that you don't have an answer there, how about a simpler question. What is the name of the part of the Gohonzon that you associate with the world of Humanity/Human Beings?
Presumably, if you believe you have a ten-world Gohonzon, you must have some idea what entity on the Gohonzon is associated with the world of Humanity/Human Beings on that Gohonzon, yes? Or are completely and transparently blowing smoke?
Post by Noel PantonOk, let's make it easy for you. Here's one for you, number 26 in the Gohonzon chart which is notably absent amongst many other worlds in the Gohonzon that your sensei intentionally chose for you so as to gradually devalue the Gohonzon over time and have less dependence on it and more on the organization and him
Tenrin Jo-o
Chakravartin ~ Wheel Turning King
The wheel turning king is the ideal monarch, and in many ways is the worldly counterpart of the Buddha. They are even said to possess all of the thirty-two marks which the Buddhas, celestial bodhisattvas, and the higher deities possess.
Post by Noel PantonNumber 27 in the Gohonzon chart is also said to be associated with the world of Humanity
Ajase Dai-o
King Ajatashatru
Got that wrong Noel.
The world of Humanity/Human Beings is present on every single Gohonzon. It is located on the Gohonzon centered on the character Myo.
The world of Humanity/Human Beings is at the very heart of the world of Buddhahood.
That collocation is another proof that "common mortals are ... the true Buddha."
I'll let you figure out for yourself, where the other eight worlds and the world of Buddhahood should be located.
Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise, in case you should find a way out of the trap of your Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories, which are nothing more than and expression of deep hatred for Nichiren Daishonin, who would have been the perpetrator of the difference.
On Friday, January 12, 2018 at 5:31:13 PM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonGood that you bought up this point as it brings out revelations
Noel, you can wrap as much fallacious reasoning, based improperly on quotes from the Gosho as you want, and you still are professing that (1) Nichiren Daishonin would give his his most loyal and early followers Low-Function Gohonzon that would stop working upon his death, (2) when his magic life powers stopped making those Low Function Gohonzons work properly, and then (3) at the last Nichiren Daishonin gave the latecomers of his followers High Function Gohonzons that would work properly after his death. This is nothing more than despising Nichiren Daishonin, the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law as either an incompetent or someone who clearly did not care about his most loyal early followers. Noel, Your Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories Are The Stupidest Ideas, Ever. And it is clear that you hate and despise Nichiren Daishonin and his Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra.
Post by Noel PantonYou deserve the Gohonzon you have that relects your charachter. A form of karmic retribution so to speak which would explain why the sgi chants like a chain saw to a possibly demon possessed Gohonzon that didn't have its eye opening ceremony performed by Nichiren
This why it could be better to chant to any of Nichiren's Gohonzons than from transcribed Gohonzons from no matter what sect it came from
As long as there is still commitment to Nichiren as Buddha/10 world Gohonzon then all his Gohonzons would be functional
So as far as how many worlds there are in Nichiren's Gohonzons is only secondary to who performed the eye-opening ceremony on the Gohonzon.
However because in koan 2nd he said that he completed his mission which coincided with his first inscriptions of 10 world Gohonzons I presume he was telling us that 10 world Gohonzons are the way to go
Hmmm. As any scientist will inform you in the darkness of your ignorance, coincidence is not necessarily causation, in Latin this fallacy is called "Post hoc ergo propter hoc"
However that failed reasoning sinks ... you are extending your hogwash and horse apples theories to NOW INCLUDE that it is the utter devotion to Nichiren Daishonin, THAT is what allows the magical powers of his Low-Function Gohonzons and his High-Function Gohonzons to work better than anyone else's Gohonzons: even when they are downloaded as a pirate copy printout, from the traitorous thieving priests who betrayed him to worship statues of Shakyamuni as a falsely-deified man-God like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth.
So, evil causes related to procuring stolen Gohonzons are ignored by cause and effect, the most important thing is utter devotion to the NEW man-God or God Almighty named Nichiren Daishonin.
It is switching your false-deification from Shakyamuni to Nichiren Daishonin that powers your stolen Gohonzons, that is your new magic trick.
This ignores the fact that we are all Buddhas with the same powers, and that "the actual name of the entity" that is the eternal Buddha is in fact "Myoho-Renge" according to Nichiren Daishonin's own words.
Here's another wonderful quote from the wonderful guy that you would falsely deify, Nichiren Daishonin that utterly refutes your hogwash and horse apples theories. From "Those Initially Aspiring to the Way", WND I, p. 887:
... As for the meaning of Myoho-renge-kyo: THE BUDDHA NATURE
... Therefore, when once we chant Myoho-renge-kyo, with just
... NATURE OF ALL BUDDHAS; all existences; all bodhisattvas; all
... voice-hearers; all the deities such as Brahmā, Shakra, and
... King Yama; the sun and moon, and the myriad stars; the
... heavenly gods and earthly deities, on down to hell-dwellers,
... hungry spirits, animals, asuras, human and heavenly beings,
... and all other living beings. This blessing is immeasurable
... and boundless.
It is our own Buddha nature that makes the Gohonzon a true and honest mirror of our true selves, and that only happens when we chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo (as opposed to Noel's Soto Zen meditation in front of his stolen Gohonzon printout.) While it is true that we only chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo because Nichiren Daishonin told us about it and asks us to, and that we chant because we follow him as Jogyo, the eternal leader of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, of which we include ourselves as members ... there is absolutely no necessity of giving a man long dead the control of turning off and on the power of our Gohonzon. He is quite busy elsewhere, I assure you and does not have his hand on the magical Gohonzon power supply switch.
Post by Noel PantonSince Nichiren's Gohonzons have no value for you it shows that you aren't a Nichiren Buddhist but rather a slanderous demon possessed Ikedabot. You have shown your true colours to be that of a Shingon Dharma body worshipper that has cut himself off from the buddhas reward and manifest body.
The oneness of the 3 bodied Tathagatta thus come one Namu myoho renge kyo that Nichiren manifested in the Gohonzon
Your Gohonzon doesnt have 3 of the lower worlds where Shingon doesn't have any which is another similiarity of you deficient practice
The is not apparent at all: my refutation of your Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon theories (which are nothing more than hogwash and horse apples,) does not equate to slandering Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons.
If that were the case, your theories would equate to Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons, which would make them the object of devotion. That is only true for Noel and no one else: and that is only true because Noel's ten-world Gohonzon theory is based on Noel's purely theoretical insight, without any actual insight to support it. It is a purely imaginary exploit.
In fact, I have a better opinion of Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons than you: (1) whereas you prize the last few over the rest, I consider each and every one of his Gohonzons to be the "supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa," and (2) I believe that others, such as Nichikan, can also inscribe the Gohonzon, the "supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa," however, (3) no Gohonzon should be stolen by traitorous priests who betrayed Nichiren Daishonin after his death to worship statues of Shakyamuni as a man-God like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth, to be subsequently pirated on the web and finally printed out like a laundry list.
Refuting your second point, all Gohonzons, even those with just Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nichiren printed down the middle, possess all of the nine worlds in the world of Buddhahood on them, and when you chant to one that wasn't stolen, pirated and printed out like a laundry list, in an environment free of gross slander of the Law and evil accretions, you will perceive that yourself reflected in the mirror of your life.
On Sunday, January 14, 2018 at 12:35:01 PM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonYou have justified all Gohonzons including those that haven't been inscribed by Nichiren, even those with just Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nichiren printed down the middle that possesses all of the nine worlds in the world of Buddhahood, haven't the possibility of being possessed by Demon and Devils
Once again, you spout hogwash and horse apples in place of reason.
(1) If you are saying that a specific paper Gohonzon must have its eyes opened by Nichiren Daishonin, or a priest who is a true follower of Nichiren Daishonin: in person with eyes on that paper or wooden Gohonzon, then your stolen and pirate-downloaded printout is invalid, so you cannot be saying that.
(2) If you are saying that the original needs the eye-opening ceremony by Nichiren Daishonin, or a priest who is a true follower of Nichiren Daishonin, and then all good quality copies made by Nichiren Daishonin, or a priest who is a true follower of Nichiren Daishonin are then valid: then my Nichikan Gohonzon, with its eyes opened by the 26th High Priest and rescuer of the Fuji School is perfectly valid.
Any other argument invalidates any copies of Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons like yours.
This is completely apart from the evil causes you made to receive that Gohonzon from traitorous Nichiren Shu priests, who betrayed Nichiren Daishonin after his death, by distorting Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra into a statue-worshiping cult deifying Shakyamuni as a man-God like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.
Post by Noel PantonYou haven't convinced me that you are of sound mind Chas it comes with your baggage that you haul arround like a stinking carcass
It would be hard to convince someone who has invented his own theory about Gohonzons, with no support whatsoever from Nichiren Daishonin, or his closest followers Nikko Shonin and Nichimoku Shonin. Aside from the fact that your crap theories cast such an incredibly bad light on the Daishonin for never mentioning this "critical point," that you pulled out of your own mind, or where it's permanently lodged.
Surely, a critical detail so important (low function Gohonzons not working properly, or only use Nichiren Gohonzons, forever and ever) would have been mentioned somewhere to someone in a Gosho letter, or the Ongi Kuden (Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings,), or Nikko's, or Nichomoku's writings.
No, it only emanates from those traitorous priests of Nichiren Shu, who betrayed Nichiren Daishonin after his death, to distort Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism into a statue-worshiping cult idolizing Shakyamuni as a man-God like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahwe/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.
And that is why I cannot convince you to abandon your own fantasies about this, for which you can show no documentary proof of any kind from the three founders of the Fuji School.
On Tuesday, January 16, 2018 at 1:10:46 PM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonNichikan said that Nichiren's 10 world Gohonzons were the best of the best so tell Nichikan that Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories Are The Stupidest Ideas, Ever while your chanting to his 5 world Gohonzon and show contempt for Nichiren Daishonin and his Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra
Show me the precise quote. And the reference to it as well, don't just pull it out of your head, or where it's permanently lodged.
Post by Noel PantonDo you have a Japanese friend that can translate for you because Google translations aren't the best
I feel you are about to shift your ground showing me an unrelated quote that you have incorrectly interpreted. I'm getting to know your insanity pretty well :(
I want to see a quote supporting your low-function versus high-function Gohonzon theory specifically, from a source that can be checked (and I will check it!) What I DON"T WANT TO SEE is a quote from Nichikan simply admiring Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzon inscribing style.
Think about this: Why would Nikko Shonin, Nikko Shonin and Nichikan Shonin ... who are all true followers of Nichiren Daishonin and supremely competent priests of the Fuji School ... why would they inscribe their own Gohonzons if they were by definition an inferior object of devotion?
Nichiren Daishonin declared that the Gohonzon is "the supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa", HE DID NOT SAY "only Gohonzons I INSCRIBE with ten worlds at the end of my life for the lucky few who received them ... are the supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa."
Just give me the Japanese and the documentary reference proving the unprovable: title, volume, page number, author.
On Wednesday, January 17, 2018 at 2:28:03 AM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonNikko transcribed 10 world Gohonzons from the Dai Gohonzon and less than ten for his private collection. Nichimoku and Nichikan's Gohonzons would have to be from their private collection. Something must have happened to their 10 world Gohonzons that were transcriptions from the Dai Gohonzon that High Priests are supposed to do being part of their job description. Maybe you can ask Nichiren Shoshu WTF is going on!
Post by Noel PantonSomething wasn't completed before Koan 2nd the fulfillment of his purpose of inscribing 10 world gohonzons
You did not give the title, volume, page, and author of that document like I asked, so it's not a usable reference.
All you do is evade the killer questions destroying your Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon theories, which are not mentioned in the Gosho Zenshu anywhere. That lack of mention guarantees that the stuff that you are making up out of your brain, or where it's permanently lodged, is bunk.
Something so important as (1) Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons are the only ones to ever chant to. and (2) No one truly following Nichiren Daishonin should therefore ever inscribe a Gohonzon, except for his own "private collection," and never to be shared outside that "private collection," and (3) Nichiren Daishonin might say things that are wrong about all of this before a certain date (Koan 2nd), but Noel will get it right and straighten everyone out 700+ years from now ...
That stuff about "private collection" of Gohonzons is a dead giveaway, Noel. You are a pirated stolen Gohonzon printout collector and are projecting that on the founders and rescuers of the Fuji School (Nikko Shonin, Nichimoku Shonin, Nichikan Shonin.)
Why can't we find any trace of your special "Noel wisdom" anywhere in the Gosho, Noel? Because it's all crap!
Admit it, you are pulling all of this out of your ass. You are making all of this up whole cloth.
On Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 12:13:21 AM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonThe reference I gave you was from the author Nichikan. Here it is again get it translated and don't be so slack then you will see what Nichikan said: "Nichiren's Gohonzons from 2nd Koan were the best of the best."
If that note of appreciation on Nichiren Daishonin by his loyal follower Nichikan Shonin is your only proof, then your arguments and Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories are not only the stupidest ideas ever, but they are the deadest as well. That quote does not rise to the occasion of issuing your Sears-Catalogue-Admonitions below.
OK, this is like pulling teeth, you gave me the author Nichikan, now I want Document Title, Volume, Page information for your quote.
Post by Noel PantonAll you do is evade the killer questions destroying your Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon theories, which are not mentioned in the Gosho Zenshu anywhere. That lack of mention guarantees that the stuff that you are making up out of your brain, or where it's permanently lodged, is bunk.
Of course they are not mentioned directly however he says it through whats behind his sentences and in his actions.It is a fault of yours and your fellow cultists that you cannot see deeply into situations because you have had your head so deeply planted in Ikedas ass that unless it comes from him you cant accept anything
That is clearly a lie. I give you countless direct quotes from Nichiren Daishonin and the Lotus Sutra primarily to counter that kind of lie about Sensei. You ignore and despise what Nichiren Daishonin says constantly. This is why you cannot produce a single quote from Nichiren Daishonin backing your contention that we are to follow Noel's Sears-Catalogue-Admonitions foolishness:
Good: Only Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons are good, all others harbour demons.
Better: Only Nichiren Daishonin's ten-world Gohonzons are better.
Best: Only Nichiren Daishonin's ten-world Gohonzons at the end of his life are the best - they are superior and every other Gohonzon gives a lesser high, and maybe is demonic.
You have created this fantasy, which puts the spotlight on Nichiren Daishonin for handing out low-function Gohonzons to his earliest and most loyal followers, showing just how much you think of his compassion and concern for those loyal followers.
You have yet to produce a single quote from the Gosho Zenshu on this garbage theory. If this theory were true, why would his two closest disciples Nikko Shonin, Nichimoku Shonin and the restorer of the Fuji School inscribe Gohonzons? You claim it was only for their "private collection" and not for anyone else to chant to, thereby projecting your own "Gohonzon collector" antiques-road-show-bullshit on the founders and the restorer.
All of these "Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories" have been pulled out of you ass on the fly, during these discussions to answer my refutations: you have no basis outside of Noel's ass.
Post by Noel PantonSomething so important as (1) Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons are the only ones to ever chant to. and (2) No one truly following Nichiren Daishonin should therefore ever inscribe a Gohonzon, except for his own "private collection," and never to be shared outside that "private collection," and (3) Nichiren Daishonin might say things that are wrong about all of this before a certain date (Koan 2nd), but Noel will get it right and straighten everyone out 700+ years from now ...
(1) Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons are the only ones to ever chant to.
Since we have originals why wouldn't we. Why bother with a transcription unless your emotionally involved with the person Ikeda who authorized the printout for you
I understand that you do not have a set of ethical values related to ends versus means ... and so pirating and downloading a stolen Gohonzon printer image, from the source of the traitorous priests at Nichiren Shu who distorted Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra into a statue-worshiping cult idolizing Shakyamuni as a man-God like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah ... those kinds of causes pass muster with you, because the ends of your collector's greed at possessing the "best" over everyone else, and then trumpeting that publicly to get everyone and sundry following "Noel's Collector Buddhism" path to collection Nirvana are served by whatever means necessary. However, Noel, the ends DO NOT JUSTIFY THE MEANS. And your crazy ends are not rational, either.
Post by Noel Panton(2) No one truly following Nichiren Daishonin should therefore ever inscribe a Gohonzon, except for his own "private collection," and never to be shared outside that "private collection,"
Post by Noel PantonHave you bothered to click on the link I sent you of the Gohonzon charts that Nichiren Shoshu made. If you did you would have seen that there were many less than 10 world Gohonzons that were made by the priests. These types of less than 10 Gohonzons weren't handed out to the masses as it is the tradition of the major sects such as Kempon Hokke, Nichiren Shu and Nichiren Shoshu to issue complete 10 world Gohonzons to the laity. Have you ever wondered about that in your impenetrable Ikedaized thick skull of yours
I don't click on your links, because I don't want your pirated and stolen Gohonzon images in my browser cache. Make your arguments in clear text and clarify your references fully.
Post by Noel Panton(3) Nichiren Daishonin might say things that are wrong about all of this before a certain date (Koan 2nd), but Noel will get it right and straighten everyone out 700+ years from now ...
Try again your not making too much sense as usual
Your arguments imply that these "Sears catalogue" rules you have coined (Good, Better, Best, noted above) could have only have been discovered by you and thus the proper path of Antiques-Road-Show-Gohonzon-Collector righteousness laid out by the Supreme-Wisdom-Of-Noel-That-Hasn't-Occurred-To-Anyone and isn't documented anywhere else like the Gosho Zenshu.
Your arguments imply that neither Nichiren Daishonin, nor Nikko and Nichimoku had the insight to perceive the Supreme Noel Insight, and that all of the history of Nichiren Buddhism was just waiting for the advent of Noel and his Supreme Insight to perceive the truth. This is merely Solipsism mixed with sheer Sophistry.
Post by Noel PantonThat stuff about "private collection" of Gohonzons is a dead giveaway, Noel. You are a pirated stolen Gohonzon printout collector and are projecting that on the founders and rescuers of the Fuji School (Nikko Shonin, Nichimoku Shonin, Nichikan Shonin.)
Post by Noel PantonSurly you have some Japanese contacts that can help verify that I said that Nichiren Shoshu High Priests made many less than 10 world Gohonzons. What do you think they made them for if they are supposed to only transcribe 10 world Gohonzons from the legendary 10 world Dai Gohonzon !
Your arguments for the Sears-catalogue-rules that you have coined (Good, Better, Best, noted above) out of your Supreme-Noel-Insight that has only occurred to Noel and is not recorded in the Gosho Zenshu or anywhere else that you have dug up, are the stupidest arguments I have ever heard.
Post by Noel PantonWhy can't we find any trace of your special "Noel wisdom" anywhere in the Gosho, Noel? Because it's all crap!
Because you are too thick Chas!You don't know Nichiren either does your lying mentor Ikeda
Wipe the crap from your own eyes before you point at the speck in others eyes
And now you have added your own brand of ad hominem fallacious reasoning to your pile of crap arguments: the ad oraculi fallacy: when you cannot summon up a rational counter argument, insult your opponent's mentor.
Post by Noel PantonAdmit it, you are pulling all of this out of your ass. You are making all of this up whole cloth.
Who are you to talk you have spent your life with your head firmly planted in Ikeda's rectum that's why you speak so much crap like mentor like disciple
Like I said, ad oraculi fallacious reasoning does not change the obvious fact that you hate and despise the founders Nichiren Daishonin, Nikko Shonin, Nichimoku Shonin and the restorer Nichikan Shonin with a passion borne of your desire to steer the entire world into your path to Antiques-Road-Show-Gohonzon-Collector-Nirvana laid out by the Supreme-Wisdom-Of-Noel-That-Hasn't-Occurred-To-Anyone and isn't documented anywhere else like the Gosho Zenshu.
Find me a quote supporting this crap theory from the Gosho Zenshu. Just one.
Post by Noel Panton観心本尊抄文段 上七 Document title - Kanjin Honzon Sho Mondan Jo
Volume 7 there is no page number in this online document. Why don't you find and expert in Japanese to interpret it for you Dumass and stop wasting time
Actually, I can accept your translation of the key phrase your logic depends on: "Nichiren's Gohonzons from 2nd Koan were the best of the best."
That is Nichikan's opinion, but does not state categorically your three admonitions: (1) Good: Only Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons are good, all others harbour demons. (2) Better: Only Nichiren Daishonin's ten-world Gohonzons are better. (3) Best: Only Nichiren Daishonin's ten-world Gohonzons at the end of his life are the best - they are superior and every other Gohonzon gives a lesser effect, and maybe is demonic.
Nichikan does not characterize what he means by "best of the best." Clearly, by virtue of his own inscribing and bestowing of Gohonzons to followers, Nichikan does not make your inference leap that "best of the best" means "the only Gohonzons that really work or are not demonic." That is your inference, not his implication: proven by the physical evidence of his Gohonzons inscribed for his followers.
Post by Noel PantonAt least I have a brain that's not colored by the deceptive fraud that you idolize
More ad hominem fallacious reasoning of your special ad oraculi brand. These are irrational arguments, and not for or against anything.
Post by Noel PantonYour faith is too far gone in Ikeda to acknowledge that 80 - 90% of what was written in his name was from his army of ghost writers
More ad hominem fallacious reasoning of your special ad oraculi brand. These are irrational arguments, and not for or against anything.
Post by Noel PantonGood: Only Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons are good, all others harbour demons.
Pay attention:I have told you that Priests who have grasped the essence of the Lotus Sutra can inscribe Gohonzons that would be demon proof
Listen up chas I have already explained from Nichiren's words.
"Unless one who has grasped the essence of the Lotus Sutra conducts the eye-opening ceremony for a wooden or painted image, it will be as if a masterless house were to be occupied by a thief, or as if, upon death, a demon were to take possession of one's body.
When, in present-day Japan, eye-opening ceremonies for the Buddha images are conducted according to the True Word rite, demons occupy them and deprive people of their lives, for a demon is also known as a robber of life."
Then your arguments are contradictory: both you and I and the vast majority of Nichiren Buddhists outside of Japan would not be talking about this were it not for the Fuji School, and Sensei. And the Fuji School would be irrelevant were it not for Nichikan Shonin the Restorer, who dumped the statue worshiping idolatry of the five senior priests and cleaned up the Fuji School. It is his Gohonzon the SGI members chant to, and that Gohonzon was eye-opened by him and therefore not possessed by demons according to your own logic: presuming you don't shift your ground yet again?
I presume you do not consider Nichikan Shonin a demonic Gohonzon inscriber?
And if Nichiren Daishonin's less-than-ten-worlds Gohonzons work because he eye-opened them, then Nichikan's less-than-ten-worlds Gohonzons work because he eye-opened them.
You may have an issue with the missing worlds that you have theoretically identified, but we do not, because they are all there in the actual ichinen sanzen that is manifested in the mirror of the Gohonzon when we chant with pure faith and with NOT HAVING MADE your causes suborning your life to evil, by pirating and downloading a stolen Gohonzon printer image, from the source of the traitorous priests at Nichiren Shu who distorted Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra into a statue-worshiping cult idolizing Shakyamuni as a man-God like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.
Our actual ichinen sanzen trumps your theoretical ichinen sanzen, because we can perceive all nine worlds in the world of Buddha, simply by chanting to a Gohonzon with Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nichiren written down the middle of it.
Post by Noel PantonBetter: Only Nichiren Daishonin's ten-world Gohonzons are better.
That's right best of the best
More insupportable fantasy theory from Noel's brain.
Post by Noel PantonBest: Only Nichiren Daishonin's ten-world Gohonzons at the end of his life are the best - they are superior and every other Gohonzon gives a lesser high, and maybe is demonic.
The more holistic best of the best Gohonzons started happening in Koan 2nd when he said that he completed his mission that took 27 years
More insupportable fantasy theory from Noel's brain. His statements do not rise to a sufficient proof of your goofy Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon theories.
Post by Noel PantonYou have created this fantasy, which puts the spotlight on Nichiren Daishonin for handing out low-function Gohonzons to his earliest and most loyal followers, showing just how much you think of his compassion and concern for those loyal followers.
Read before Koan 2nd Gosho and during and after Koan 2nd Gosho's
That's an irrelevant comment due to the fact that your arguments are utterly weak and defenseless and you have no defense.
Post by Noel PantonYou have yet to produce a single quote from the Gosho Zenshu on this garbage theory. If this theory were true, why would his two closest disciples Nikko Shonin, Nichimoku Shonin and the restorer of the Fuji School inscribe Gohonzons? You claim it was only for their "private collection" and not for anyone else to chant to, thereby projecting your own "Gohonzon collector" antiques-road-show-bullshit on the founders and the restorer.
Enshrined in all the head temples of the major sects KH NS NST are 10 world Gohonzons except your backward cult. They issue copies of these 10 world Gohonzons where your cult issues copies of 5 world Gohonzons after a Gohonzon from Nichikans private collection that I believe were never meant to be distributed to the masses
I do not see a relevant quote from the Gosho Zenshu in that mockery of a defense paragraph. All I see are ad hominem, ad oraculi and ad religionem fallacies. And Nichikan Shonin sometimes designated who was to receive a Gohonzon by putting their name on it, so that's a lie once again projecting your "Gohonzon private collector" fetish upon Nichikan Shonin.
You keep making crap up out of your ass to defend your indefensible Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon theories.
Post by Noel PantonFind me a quote supporting this crap theory from the Gosho Zenshu. Just one.
観心本尊抄文段 上七
English, please.
On Saturday, January 20, 2018 at 1:08:13 AM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonAll phenomena are Myoho Renge Kyo. True aspect is another name for Myoho Renge Kyo which is all phenomena
All phenomena are the ten worlds.
All the ten worlds are in Myoho Renge Kyo but since there aren't all the Ten world phenomena present then each world doesn't display its true aspect
I agree with Nichiren that you should ponder this interpretation deep in your heart.
Astonishing how you can twist what clearly refutes your insane ideas into a pretzel with oblique phrasing, into a nonsense sentence that any child can see does not support your views and Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon theories.
All phenomena are Myoho-Renge-Kyo, but that relationship is not commutative.
Myoho-Renge-Kyo IS NOT JUST the ten worlds.
Myoho-Renge-Kyo IS NOT EVEN JUST just the three thousand realms in a single moment of life, which includes the ten worlds in ten worlds (really the nine worlds in the world of Buddha,) along with the ten factors and the three realms. That is theoretical ichinen sanzen.
Myoho-Renge-Kyo IS NOT EVEN JUST the actual ichinen sanzen manifested when we chant to the Gohonzon with faith. That is an effect and far from the sum total of the effects of chanting one daimoku, even without chanting to the Gohonzon.
Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to a blank wall manifests actual ichinen sanzen quite well, thank you. You don't need a ten-world Nichiren Daishonin Gohonzon for that.
The Gohonzon is there to protect the members from chanting to statues, like the ones the evil priests who betrayed Nichiren Daishonin after his death chant to, who are the source of your pirated printout copy of a Nichiren Daishonin Gohonzon sourced from the Nichiren Shu idolatry cult worshiping Shakyamuni as a manGod like Jesus, or as God Almighty like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.
Remember, it is the "Lotus Sutra is the teacher of all the Buddhas of the ten directions and the three existences," ** and the essence of the Lotus is Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo in the most concise form of the Lotus Sutra.
** "The Drum at the Gate of Thunder," WND I, p. 948.
From 'The Recitation of the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span" Chapters,' WND I, p. 68,
... Thus the sutra states [concerning these blessings], "Even
... the Buddha wisdom could never finish calculating their
... so marvelous that it knows even the number of raindrops
... that fall in this major world system during a period, for
... instance, of seven days or twice seven days. AND YET WE
... CANNOT FATHOM. How, then, could ordinary people like
... ourselves, who have committed grave offenses, possibly
... understand these blessings?
I will also remind you in your utter ignorance and inability to listen to the words of Nichiren Daishonin without twisting them: Nichiren Daishonin was born as Zennichimaru, and was ordained as Zeshō-bō after praying to a statue of Bodhisattva Space Treasury. It was only after he chanted Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo that he became Nichiren, and only after "being beheaded" at Tatsunokuchi that he revealed his true and noble self as the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law. There was no Gohonzon in the picture at the time, and he is no manGod, either, but merely a common mortal like ourselves. Chanting the daimoku and suffering great persecutions was the forge of Nichiren Daishonin, not the Gohonzon. The Gohonzon as the "supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa" is the expression of his compassion for his followers, to protect them from the slanders and demons, like the Nichiren Shu treason and hatred of the Kosen Rufu movement known as the SGI, which Nichiren Shu treason and hatred has such a profound choke hold on your soul, Noel.
On Sunday, January 21, 2018 at 8:41:34 PM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonActually, I believe that through your interpretations that are a fusion of the old Soka Gakkai and new version that is more like Nichiren Shu where I'm closer to the true Nikko lineage than you
Absolutely and totally wrong, Nikko Shonin would turn his nose up at your corruption from your connection with the Five Senior priest traitors of Nichiren Shu. You would be turned away at the door.
Post by Noel PantonSo what is it Chas?
The Buddha fulfilled the purpose of his advent in a little over forty years,
What was the fulfillment of Shakyamuni's advent?
I wish you could do your own research, but you are spectacularly bad at at it, so I might as well get ahead of your impending goof-ups and get it right for you.
Forty years after he began his teaching of the sutras, Shakyamuni preached the Lotus Sutra, accompanying sutras, Nirvana Sutra and solidified the Sangha (defeating Devadatta and converting King Ajātashatru) to protect and carry on propagating the true teachings, most importantly to China.
Post by Noel PantonGreat Teacher T'ien-t'ai took about thirty years,
What was the fulfillment of T'ien-t'ai's advent?
T'ien-t'ai became a Buddhist in 555 BCE. Thirty or so years later, "In 587, at Kuang-che-ssu temple in Chin-ling, he gave lectures on the Lotus Sutra that were later compiled as The Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra. After the downfall of the Ch'en dynasty, he returned to his native Ching-chou and there expounded teachings that were set down as The Profound Meaning of the Lotus Sutra in 593 and Great Concentration and Insight in 594 at Yü-ch'üan-ssu temple. The three works mentioned above were all compiled by his disciple Chang-an and became the three major texts of the T'ien-t'ai school."
Post by Noel PantonGreat Teacher Dengyō, some twenty years.
What was the fulfillment of Dengyo's advent?
In 802, Dengyō expounded those three major treatises of T'ien-t'ai at Kyoto, and obliterated his opponents of the six schools in debate, establishing the Lotus School in the Southern Kingdom. 20 years later, just before his death, he received permission for his school to abandon the ordination of Tendai priests in the Hinayana Precepts (which are traitorous) and allow Tendai priests to be ordained in the Mahayana ordination center at Mt. Hiei, which his disciple and Chinese translator Gishin finished later.
Those were their missions, all having to do with the teachings, shakubuku, building the Sangha, and obtaining recognition of their schools by the government at the time.
That recognition only effectively happened for Nichiren Daishonin thanks to the Chinese, at the cost of a naval fleet of ships.
None of this supports your corrupted Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories, however.
You have yet to deal with my thorough rebuttals of your crazy ideas.
On Monday, January 22, 2018 at 5:04:48 PM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonThe fulfillment of Shakyamunis T'ien-t'ai's Dengyo's advent that you equate with recognition is because of their teachings, shakubuku, building the Sangha. There is no mention of them having to go through persecution which is what happens when higher truths are revealed .
Wrong. Let's see what Nichiren Daishonin says about it that refutes you directly.
From "The Opening of the Eyes", WND I, p. 242:
... When it comes to understanding the Lotus Sutra, I have only
... a minute fraction of the vast ability that T'ien-t'ai and
Note that enduring persecution for the sake of the Lotus Sutra and wealth of compassion for others are directly connected. They grow together. That is why the Buddhas ALL SUFFER PERSECUTION. When you do shakubuku, you will suffer persecution. When you start to become an active SGI member and people notice, you will suffer persecution. When you try to get members whose practice has waned to come to meetings, you will suffer persecution. When you start to get your district moving together and become successful, you will suffer persecution. When you struggle to achieve goals in your district and your own personal life, you will suffer persecution. When you start to make more money in your job and do more zaimu, you will suffer persecution.
Sufferings and persecution are obviously character-building (Einstein, Galileo, Da Vinci, Socrates, Kant, Darwin, etc.) What is less obvious is that the persecutors that afflict you, actually move you in the direction of your mission. What is really subtle about it, is how all of that process is the true actual proof that gets you to trust the Gohonzon above all else.
So, yes, great hair-raising persecutions are the measure of a great Buddha. All of you Gakkai and Sensei-haters here in ARBN are just a tiny part of the persecution of Sensei, which is at a roaring pitch now as we enter the final phase of this chapter of SGI history. I would say thank you, but my job is refutation of evil, so I must admonish you to cease and desist.
Post by Noel PantonWhat seems to be the most important event of their lives is the content of that truth they revealed and not about the persecutions they had to go through because of their revelations
That's part of it, and that is what I meant by the word "teachings" in my line above: "Those were their missions, all having to do with the teachings, shakubuku, building the Sangha, and obtaining recognition of their schools by the government at the time."
[snip the wrapping your garbage arguments in Gosho quotes.]
Post by Noel PantonWhen we take this into consideration we can see Nichiren first inscribed 10 world Gohonzons in Koan 2nd the same year he wrote the ' persecutions befalling the sage'. I believe that the fulfillment of Nichiren's advent was bigger than sinking of ships and being persecuted but more about the object of devotion
The Gohonzon is part of his building of the Sangha, it is the compassion for his followers embodied in the "supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa", not embodied in lesser function and greater function objects of devotion, all of them are in fact: supreme objects of devotion in all of Jambudvipa.
Post by Noel PantonFour Bodhisattvas as the Object of Devotion
Now that we have entered the Latter Day of the Law, an object of devotion should be made of the original Buddha flanked by his original attendants, since, according to the Buddha's golden words, this is the most appropriate time. Because this age corresponds to the predicted time, the Bodhisattvas of the Earth will appear soon and establish an object of devotion of the four bodhisattvas. Now is truly the proper time. That is why the Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai longed for this age, saying, "In the last five-hundred-year period, the mystic way will spread and benefit humankind far into the future,"5 and why the Great Teacher Dengyō yearned for this time, saying, "The Former and Middle Days are almost over, and the Latter Day is near at hand. Now indeed is the time when the one vehicle of the Lotus Sutra will prove how perfectly it fits the capacities of all people."6
From a mundane view, I am the poorest person in Japan, but in the light of Buddhism, I am the wealthiest person in all Jambudvīpa. When I consider that this is all because the time is right, I am overwhelmed with joy and cannot restrain my tears. It is impossible to repay my debt of gratitude to Shakyamuni Buddha, the lord of teachings. Perhaps even the rewards of the Buddha's twenty-four successors are inferior to mine, and even those of the great teachers such as T'ien-t'ai Chih-che and Dengyō cannot approach mine.
That is because now is the time to establish the object of devotion of the four bodhisattvas.
Question: Have you any passages of proof that the four bodhisattvas should be established as an object of devotion?
Answer: The "Emerging from the Earth" chapter of the Lotus Sutra reads, "Among these bodhisattvas were four leaders. The first was called Superior Practices, the second was called Boundless Practices, the third was called Pure Practices, and the fourth was called Firmly Established Practices."
The seventeenth day of the fifth month in the second year of Kōan (1279)
Now you have just refuted your Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories, Noel.
Nichiren here is talking about establishing the Four Bodhisattvas as the object of devotion, not the ten worlds. I have the Four Bodhisattvas on my Nichikan Gohonzon along with Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo Nichiren down the middle.
You have now completely refuted Noel and his Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories.
Nice job!
On Wednesday, January 24, 2018 at 12:36:28 AM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonSo, now you are shifting your ground once again!
First you said, like over and over a million times, that Nichikan the Restorer of the Fuji School, which is a crucial reason that most of the people who chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo ever heard of it ... that Nichikan Shonin inscribed Gohonzons that were demon-possessed.
Then, you reeled that back in saying you didn't mean that, he was right to restore the Fuji School that led to most of the people who chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to do so.
Now you are saying that his Gohonzons are demon-possessed again. Come to a permanent decision on whether you should have ever heard about Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, or not.
The possibility of being demon possessed where for Nichiren's Gohonzons are impossible of being demon Possessed so I rest assured that I have a demon free Gohonzon trusting that I wont become possessed by devils
Shifting your ground again, you are softening your slander of Nichikan Shonin the Restorer of the Fuji School, and the crucial person in that period to keep any Nichiren Buddhist from being an idolater, which is why Nichiren Buddhism could be propagated to 192 countries in one lifetime (thank you once again, Sensei,) ... which is why you and I ever heard of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo at all.
Instead of calling him an inscriber of demonic Gohonzons, you are merely smearing him with the possibility, the uncertainty that his Gohonzon is possessed by demons. He who has made it possible for you to chant at all. Slandered and smeared by your ungrateful self.
Is that about the size of it?
Post by Noel PantonAha according to nst it's the soka Gakkai who has turned Nichikans Gohonzon an object of devotion into something that is demon possesed. And you dare point the finger at Nichiren's Gohonzons as being demon possessed. Pitiable indeed you are Chas
And, BTW, that's another blatant lie from Noel. I have never called any of Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons as "possessed by demons", only as stolen and "possessed by the thieves and genocidal murderers of Nichiren Shu," of which you are by complicity, one.
Post by Noel Panton"Now you are saying that his Gohonzons are demon-possessed again."
So now you have detracted from saying that I said Nichikans Gohonzons are demon possessed. But now if its true that Soka Gakkai has had their grubby hands all over it and by more than one person there is a much stronger likelihood that Nichikans Gohonzon is demon possessed because some of those people may not have grasped the essence of the Lotus Sutra
I don't have to worry about having a demon possessed Gohonzon because I have Nichiren's and you cant beat that no matter how many stories you make up to justify your sensei's Gohonnzon that you are so emotionally attached to
I didn't make up the fact that you made profoundly evil causes to pirate download a printed Gohonzon from the source of traitorous priests of Nichiren Shu, who betrayed Nichiren Daishonin after his death to pervert his Buddhism into a statue-worshiping cult of idolizing Shakyamuni as a manGod like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.
Your causes have effects, and chanting to a Gohonzon stolen by the genocidal murderers who instigated the Asian Holocaust is a profoundly evil cause. You cannot expect to receive benefit from a Gohonzon that has cause and effect written in the Law at its center.
You make evil causes, you get evil effects, not good ones:
What motivates Katie Higgins, Mark Rogow (Buku) and what the KGB calls their "useful idiots", Iain and now Noel and Ricky, to go on like this (aside from their inner demons cultivated by slandering the Law through chanting to statues and images), what causes them to attack the SGI so vigorously? They are connected to Nichiren Shu and Kempon Hokke and other temples and these temples are un-indicted co-conspirators in war crimes.
It's not just that their Nichiren Shu youth militia groups were the incendiary driving force behind the inner officer corps of the Imperial Japanese forces that pushed for expansion into the Asian Pacific War.
It's not just that their Nichiren Shu chaplains were on the front lines with those ravenous militias as they committed war crimes around the Asia Pacific, cheering them on and correcting their style of Zen beheading of innocents, and using bound captives for bayonet and other kinds of practice.
It's that from the very beginning, Nichiren Shu priests created the premise for invasion of China, they were the match that lit the conflagration.
They will deny the truth in their usual incendiary manner, but the two posts below quote many history books and you cannot deny the condemnation of history.
From: "Nichiren Shu (with Kempon Hokke Myomanji Sect) and the Asian Holocaust #1"
and from "Nichiren Shu (with Kempon Hokke Myomanji Sect) and the Asian Holocaust #2"
So the answer to why they attack the SGI?
It's to cover up with flak the fact that Mr. Makiguchi died in prison, while Mr Toda spent the War in prison to be released at the end, for standing up to the Imperial Way Buddhism and Imperial State Zen government perpetrating the Pacific War and its countless atrocities, which Nichiren Shu initiated, promulgated and rode the four horses of the Apocalypse straight through.
They can do no other than what they are doing to save the shreds of face that they still possess. That's why.
On Saturday, January 27, 2018 at 5:11:51 PM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonYou speak like the filthy demon that you are Chas which proves the point of what I've been saying about you and your Gohonzon mixed with Ikeda Worship
You can fool yourself all you like but it doesn't change the fact that a Nichiren inscribed Gohonzon is risk free of being possessed by Demons and Devils
You compensate the risk of your Gohonzon for the admiration and Faith in Ikeda to fill the doubt and everyone on this site knows what a bad risk Ikeda is
A perfectly good Gohonzon, obtained by treachery and theft, is not going to be a source of good fortune. It would entail violating the law of cause and effect, which is rooted in Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Thus it is a grave slander of the Law, no matter what state of life the person who inscribed it possessed.
It is not the stolen and pirated Gohonzon that is infected by demons, it is the people chanting to stolen and pirated Gohonzons. Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the very root of the law of cause and effect, does not diminish the effects of the nefarious deeds committed in obtaining a stolen and pirated Gohonzon printout to chant to, in fact it must by its nature increase those effects.
We did not steal our Nichikan Gohonzon, but instead obtained it from the owning temple in a straightforward manner. It was inscribed by a loyal priest-follower of Nichiren Daishonin, Nichikan the Restorer, who saved the Fuji School from an awful fate. Neither his Gohonzon, nor ourselves, who did not steal, pirate, download, and printout the stolen "supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa," are possessing any taint like the poison right now coursing through your life.
Let's take note, however, that these tactics of diversion do not change the fact that Noel cannot find any support anywhere in the Gosho Zenshu for his Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories that continue to be the stupidest ideas, ever!
His attempts to change the subject away from the total defeat of his insupportable views are completely apparent to all.
On Sunday, January 28, 2018 at 12:01:44 AM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonWe were taught that the those young priests that left Nichiren Shoshu offered Nichikans Gohonzon to Sokka Gakkai but they were paid for it
The difference being if you pay for something then you have choice but if its offered then this can be used as the excuse that they had no choice but to accept
How ironic that you accuse those who have Nichiren's Gohonzons when it is you who have obtained by treachery and deceit Nichikan's Gohonzon, which is not a source of good fortune and violates the law of cause and effect, which is Myoho Renge Kyo.
The story goes that you missed out on Nikko's Gohonzon because the temple cut his Gohonzon so it would fit into the butsudan so Sokka Gakkai decided on Nichikan's because it wasn't complete so that the Soka Gakkai can head toward cutting off the Gohozon altogether in the future...step by step process
It would entail violating the law of cause and effect, which is rooted in Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. Thus it is a grave slander of the Law, no matter what state of life the person who inscribed it possessed.
You deny the power of Nichirens Gohonzon something you know nothing of
It is not the stolen and pirated Gohonzon that is infected by demons, it is the people chanting to stolen and pirated Gohonzons. Chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the very root of the law of cause and effect, does not diminish the effects of the nefarious deeds committed in obtaining a stolen and pirated Gohonzon printout to chant to, in fact it must by its nature increase those effects.
Nichirens Gohonzons can transform negative karma from infinite life times so why would it cease as something as trivial as what you suggest. It shows how little if any at all faith you have in Nichiren's Gohonzon
We did not steal our Nichikan Gohonzon, but instead obtained it from the owning temple in a straightforward manner. It was inscribed by a loyal priest-follower of Nichiren Daishonin, Nichikan the Restorer, who saved the Fuji School from an awful fate. Neither his Gohonzon, nor ourselves, who did not steal, pirate, download, and printout the stolen "supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa," are possessing any taint like the poison right now coursing through your life.
[snip the brain-damaged repetition]
Post by Noel PantonNow the Sokka Gakkai has cut off the relationship with the 10 world Dai Gohonzon and say's the the fulfillment of Nichiren's advent was not the inscription of the Gohonzon instead of the Law of Nam myoho renge kyo the oneness of the person and the Law that is the Gohonzon. Now the big focus is that of a Zen Nam myoho renge kyo mantra alone that is the source of everything. Chas you have already been brainwashed in this way that's why you cant see it
SGI leaders told me 10 years in the local Kaikan that we didn't need a Gohonzon. I can see this prophecy coming to fruition
You are once again, making this crap up about the Nichikan Gohonzon and how we acquired it, pulling it out of your ass, Noel.
You are also lying about the DaiGohonzon and the SGI. The priesthood said that the DaiGohonzon is somehow greater and more powerful than any other Gohonzon. That is balderdash. They only said that to erect a toll gate in front of it for Tozan revenue and to make the High Priest the center of all humanity, it's a scam. That was revealed when Nikken appointed himself High Priest grabbing the position before anyone else could with his lies. Having now a line of fake High Priests proves the lie that the High Priest is the center of humanity and we must all subjugate ourselves to him and turn our pockets inside out to satisfy his greed.
Zaimu is an opportunity and a gift to us: the chance to change our entire family's karma across the kalpas, and the smart people do it with passion. And there is no onus for not doing it in the SGI, unlike the NST.
You will pay dearly for all of your lies. And you will pay for every single person that is misled by them, even temporarily. It's just cause and effect. You are piling up an Everest of evil causes, which will all come home to roost.
You are being lulled by the rapture you receive for doing it, in the form of dopamine delivered by the devilish function. I know that I'm not getting through to your mind, but I am merely stating what's happening in your life, so that you COULD have known better, which will increase the karmic effect.
Your mind is unreachable by logic or truth. However, I will continue to rebut your arguments, no matter how obviously untrue and silly they are, because someone gullible out there might be drawn in and join you in avichi hell, if there were no rebuttals. That is your purpose, to get others to join your hellishness. I guess misery loves company.
Finally, none of this flak changes the fact that you have been thoroughly refuted and that you cannot find any support anywhere in the Gosho Zenshu for your Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories that continue to be the stupidest ideas, ever!
Your attempts to change the subject away from the total defeat of your insupportable views are completely apparent to all, Noel.
More Ad Hominem Fallacious Reasoning from Noel in the place of Reason +
On Thursday, January 18, 2018 at 12:12:03 AM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonThe reference I gave you was from the author Nichikan. Here it is again get it translated and don't be so slack then you will see what Nichikan said: "Nichiren's Gohonzons from 2nd Koan were the best of the best."
All you do is evade the killer questions destroying your Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon theories, which are not mentioned in the Gosho Zenshu anywhere. That lack of mention guarantees that the stuff that you are making up out of your brain, or where it's permanently lodged, is bunk.
Of course they are not mentioned directly however he says it through whats behind his sentences and in his actions.It is a fault of yours and your fellow cultists that you cannot see deeply into situations because you have had your head so deeply planted in Ikedas ass that unless it comes from him you cant accept anything
Nichiren ALWAYS MENTIONS EVERYTHING CRITICAL REGARDING THE PRACTICE DIRECTLY. Your inference IS NOT his implication, it is your inference not backed by a single quote from the Gosho Zenshu, which means not even from his follower Nikko Shonin.
Like I said before, Nichiren would not have failed to mention the Noel Admonitions:
(1) Nichiren Daishonin's Gohonzons are the only ones to ever chant to.
(2) No one truly following Nichiren Daishonin should therefore ever inscribe a Gohonzon, except for his own "private collection," and never to be shared outside that "private collection,"
(3) Nichiren Daishonin might say things that are wrong about all of this before a certain date (Koan 2nd), but later Noel will appear and get it right and straighten everyone out 700+ years after Nichiren's death ...
Post by Noel PantonSince we have originals why wouldn't we. Why bother with a transcription unless your emotionally involved with the person Ikeda who authorized the printout for you
Why bother with other Gohonzons inscribed by other High Priests who follow Nichiren Daishonin, like Nichikan the Restorer?
Because Nichiren Daishonin didn't mention the Noel Admonition #1 not to do that!
Because Nikko Shonin, his closest follower inscribed Gohonzons and put them into use, why would he do that if only Nichiren Daishonin Gohonzons were to be used?
Because your crazy Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories are simply mind-numbingly stupid made-up garbage out of the head of a person corrupted by chanting to a pirated printout of a Nichiren Gohonzon stolen by the traitorous Nichiren Shu priests who betrayed Nichiren Daishonin after his death to worship statues idolizing Shakyamuni as a manGod like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.
Post by Noel PantonHave you bothered to click on the link I sent you ... blah blah
Never will click on your corrupted links, make your argument in clear text, or don't bother because they are crazy stupid unsupported-by-the-Gosho ideas!
Post by Noel PantonThat stuff about "private collection" of Gohonzons is a dead giveaway, Noel. You are a pirated stolen Gohonzon printout collector and are projecting that on the founders and rescuers of the Fuji School (Nikko Shonin, Nichimoku Shonin, Nichikan Shonin.)
Surly you have some Japanese contacts that can help verify that I said that Nichiren Shoshu High Priests made many less than 10 world Gohonzons. What do you think they made them for if they are supposed to only transcribe 10 world Gohonzons from the legendary 10 world Dai Gohonzon !
Nobody anywhere and not Gosho Zenshyu quote supports your now fourth admonition: (4) They are supposed to only transcribe 10 world Gohonzons from the legendary 10 world Dai Gohonzon.
Post by Noel PantonWhy can't we find any trace of your special "Noel wisdom" anywhere in the Gosho, Noel? Because it's all crap!
Because you are too thick Chas!You don't know Nichiren either does your lying mentor Ikeda
More ad hominem in the place of a rational argument that makes sense.
Not a single line or word of that Lotus Sutra quote supports any of your Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon theories, Noel. Neither does any line quoted from the Gosho Zenshu.
One more time, there is absolutely no substantiation of any kind of your Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories, in the Gosho, the Lotus Sutra or anywhere else. I have several direct quotes stating why you should reject this kind of garbage, unsubstantiated by even a single quote from the teachings or writings:
From "Questions and Answers about Embracing the Lotus
Sutra", WND I, p. 56:
.. then how can we call our beliefs Buddhism?
From "On Repaying Debts of Gratitude", WND I, p. 692:
From "How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain
Buddhahood through the Lotus Sutra", WND I, p. 872:
.. The meaning of this passage is that ONE SHOULD NOT RELY
From "The Opening of the Eyes", WND I, p. 263:
.. Bodhisattva Nagarjuna in his Commentary on the Ten Stages
.. Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai says, "THAT WHICH ACCORDS WITH THE
.. The Great Teacher Dengyo says, "DEPEND UPON THE PREACHINGS
.. DOWN ORALLY." Enchin, also known as the Great Teacher
From "The Opening of the Eyes", WND I, p. 263:
.. "NOT RELYING UPON PERSONS" means that when persons of the
.. first, second, third, and fourth ranks preach, even though
.. they are bodhisattvas such as Universal Worthy and
.. Manjushri who have attained the stage of near-perfect
Clearly, nothing in Noel's Low-Function Versus High-Function Gohonzon Theories should be heeded by anyone.
Furthermore, whatever flak he fires into the air to cover up this fact, is just more crapola freight on Noel's crazy train.
On Friday, February 16, 2018 at 5:15:50 AM UTC-8, Noel wrote:
Post by Noel PantonYou get it right on some things but when it comes to Gohonzon from where I see it you fail to grasp what I've been saying and have become confused by taking out of context what has been shared because of your preconceived fixed ideas of the nature of Gohonzons and I can see that your mentor Ikeda shares in the blame for that
You got your crazy Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon theories along with the downloaded printout of a pirated stolen Nichiren Daishonin Gohonzon from the traitorous priests of Nichiren Shu who betrayed Nichiren Daishonin after his death by distorting his Buddhism into a statue-worshiping idolatry cult falsely deifying Shakyamuni as a manGod like Jesus Christ, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.
It's a package deal wrapped up in complicity with traitors, which is why you hate the Kosen Rufu movement so much.
It's simply cause and effect. And it's also why you will never go beyond theoretical ichinen sanzen, simply reading off the names of what you think are the ten worlds on your Gohonzon, instead of perceiving actual ichinen sanzen in the mirror of a non-stolen Gohonzon.
You cannot slander the Gohonzon and receive inconspicuous benefits from it simultaneously, because the law of cause and effect is written down the middle of it.
Post by Noel PantonThey all worked in Nichiren's Day but he left 10 world Gohonzons for the people in the age of Mappo that were identical with his life, not dysfunctional SGI Nichikan Gohonzons and we can all see as proof of their practice by a what mess the Soka Gakkai and its offspring are in
No matter how high our cultivated state of the 10 worlds maybe we are all Beings that have the potential to fall/regress and Nichiren's layout in his 10 world Gohonzons bare witness to that fact otherwise what would the great Transformer Myoho Renge Kyo be doing in smack bang in the middle of all that...its pretty self explanatory if we think about it because it's staring us in the face except for the SGI's Nichikan Gohonzon that has only 5 Beings representing the 5 worlds which tell only half the story which is a distortion of the truth. The SGI falsely states that their Gohonzon is a ten world Gohonzon
There are different schools of thought among Nichiren Buddhists that do not agree on a final evolution of an individuals cultivated state that lasts for all eternity however we all agree on the mutual possessions of the ten worlds that means we don't have to be a cultivated Buddha like Shakyamuni who's dominant life condition was that of Buddha to experience that enlightened state.
[snip your garbage]
So, now you are changing your tune?
It is not the ten-world character of the Gohonzon that satisfies your collector fetish, it is the fact that it is an authentic Nichiren Daishonin printout of a pirate downloaded image of a stolen Gohonzon, obtained from the source of the Nichiren Shu traitorous priests who betrayed Nichiren Daishonin immediately after his death to distort his Buddhism into a statue-worshiping idolatrous cult falsely deifying Shakyamuni as a manGod like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.
Either your collector's fetish is turned on by:
1. the fact that it has ten worlds ...
2. the fact that it is authentically inscribed by Nichiren Daishonin ...
Here's your problem:
A. if it is #1, but not #2, then the Denpo Gohonzon would be great and your whole prancing around waving your authentic Nichiren Daishonin Gohonzon collection is an egoistic dance of the foolish, and well ... completely erroneous.
B. if it is #2, but not #1, then any Nichiren Daishonin Gohonzon is great, and your whole prancing around waving your ten world Gohonzon collection is an egoistic dance of the foolish, and well ... completely erroneous.
C. if it is both #1 and #2, then Nichiren Daishonin and Nikko Shonin have demonstrated their utter lack of compassion in not informing us of this critical discernment regarding Gohonzon power, and now Noel Buddhism is the true way for everyone to practice and Noel is the Compassionate Buddha of True Gohonzon Discernment for the Latter Day of the Law, and Nichiren Daishonin's teachings should be abandoned as neither complete, not final.
D. if it is neither #1 nor #2, then Noel is the fraud and will surely not escape his just punishment for assailing the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law as neither being compassionate, nor competent.
Get my drift, Noel? You have to choose who is the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law, you or Nichiren Daishonin. You cannot have this both ways and there are no other combinations of these points you have made, only 4 possible combinations.
Post by Noel PantonAnd lacking ANY SUPPORT WHATSOEVER, from the Gosho Zenshu for your inane theories is what prevents you from listening to the worlds of Nichiren Daishonin and the Gosho that call the Gohonzon, not the ten-world Gohonzon, or only Gohonzon inscribed by Nichiren Daishonin ... the Gohonzon is "the supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa."
How could a Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law miss that critical point, unless the point is simply the purest horse apples lying in the dust.
On the Treasure Tower
Faith like yours is so extremely rare that I will inscribe the treasure tower especially for you. You must never transfer it to anyone but your son. You must never show it to others unless they have steadfast faith. This is the reason for my advent in this world.
Can you see Chas that in the second year of Kōan (1279), cyclical sign tsuchinoto-u was the time when Nichiren first started inscribing 10 world Gohonzons which Nichiren realized that he fulfilled the purpose of his advent
Nichiren says On the Treasure Tower Gosho (1272), cyclical sign mizunoe-saru that the reason for his advent in this world was to inscribe Script Mandalas and 7 years later On Persecutions Befalling the Sage he says "for me it took twenty-seven years, and the great persecutions I faced during this period are well known to you all. In the 2,230 and more years since the Buddha's passing, Nichiren is the only person in the entire land of Jambudvīpa who has fulfilled the Buddha's words"
Its clear as an unmuddied lake to me what Nichiren is saying here but if you want to stir up the mud and obscure clarity well then be on your head shall befuddlement stay
This is all the weakest of inferences on your part, Noel.
To leave such an important aspect of Gohonzon to need to be inferred by someone so much later, would be the summit of incompetence and neglect.
Your Low-Function versus High-Function Gohonzon Weak Inferences require the height of neglect and incompetence of Nichiren Daishonin for your inferences to hold.
Nichiren Daishonin went on and on about all the crucial aspects of his practice of the Lotus Sutra, Noel, such as avoiding all forms of slander of the Law in Goshos like "Letter to Akimoto" and "The Fourteen Slanders." He literally SIMPLY COULD NOT HAVE NEGLECTED TO MENTION SOMETHING SO IMPORTANT ABOUT THE GOHONZON, NOEL!
Wake up, dude!