The Three Great Secret Laws
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Derek N.P.F. Juhl
2004-09-06 18:21:54 UTC

The Doctrines and Practice of Nichiren Shoshu

Chapter 13
The Three Great Secret Laws

The Three Great Secret Laws (Sandai hiho) are the Object of Worship
(Honzon) of the Essential Teaching, the High Sanctuary (Kaidan) of the
Essential Teaching, and the Daimoku of the Essential Teaching.

The Three Great Secret Laws can be expanded into the Six Great Secret
Laws. The Object of Worship of the Essential Teaching is composed of
the "Object of Worship in terms of the Person" (Nin-no-honzon) and the
"Object of Worship in terms of the Law" (Ho-no-honzon). The High
Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching is composed of the "Actual High
Sanctuary" (Ji no kaidan) and the "Tentative High Sanctuary" (Gi no
kaidan). The Daimoku of the Essential Teaching is composed of the
"Daimoku of Faith" (Shin no Daimoku) and the "Daimoku of Practice"
(Gyo no Daimoku).

The Six Great Secret Laws can be further expanded into what is called
the "Eighty Thousand Repositories of the Law," or all the lifelong
teachings of Shakyamuni Buddha. Conversely, the broad and wide Eighty
Thousand Repositories of the Law can be condensed into the Six Great
Secret Laws, and ultimately can be condensed into the One Great Secret
Law of the Object of Worship of the Essential Teaching.

The Object of Worship, or the "One Great Secret Law," is called the
"Object of Worship of the entirety of the Three Great Secret Laws." It
is presently enshrined in the Hoando Sanctuary at the Head Temple,
Taisekiji. The purpose of the Daishonin's advent was to establish the
Object of Worship, the entirety of the Three Great Secret Laws, for
the purpose of the salvation of all people.

The Purpose of the Daishonin's Advent

The Three Great Secret Laws are the great laws concealed in the depths
of the Juryo ("Life Span"-16th) Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. In the
Gosho, "The Essentials of the Lotus Sutra" (Hokke shuyo sho), Nichiren
Daishonin gave concrete instructions on the Three Great Secret Laws,
one by one:

What are the secret laws that Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, T'ien-t'ai, and
Dengyo kept secret during the two thousand years after the Tathagata's
passing? They are the Object of Worship, the High Sanctuary, and the
Daimoku of the Essential Teaching."(Gosho, p.736)

Regarding the purpose of His advent, the Daishonin stated in the
Gosho, "Persecutions of the Sage" (Shonin gonanji) as follows:

It took the Buddha forty-odd years, the Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai
thirty-odd years, and the Great Teacher Dengyo twenty-odd years to
accomplish the purpose of their advent. Great and severe persecutions
befell them during those years. I have already discussed this matter
with you. It has taken me twenty-seven years. The great and severe
persecutions I suffered during this period are well known to you
all.(Gosho, p.1396)

The period of time from the fifth year of Kencho (1253) when Nichiren
Daishonin first began to invoke the Daimoku of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, to
the second year of Koan (1279) when He accomplished the purpose of His
advent, was twenty-seven years. In other words, it took the Daishonin
twenty-seven years after His declaration of the establishment of True
Buddhism to achieve the purpose of His advent.

In the second year of Koan (1279), the Atsuhara Persecution took
place. Twenty innocent farmers who firmly believed in the Buddhism of
the Daishonin were arrested on false charges. They were transferred to
Kamakura, the capital city of the Japanese Shogunate government. They
never ceased chanting "Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo," in
spite of the threats and torture they suffered from Hei-no Saemon-nojo
Yoritsuna. Yoritsuna felt uneasy and anxious when he witnessed the
resolute faith of the arrested farmers. His arrogance and the hatred
he held for the Mystic Law drove him mad. He ordered three major
people among the arrested farmers, Jinshiro, Yagoro, and Yarokuro to
be brutally executed. The other seventeen farmers were then released
though they were banished from their respective lands. Throughout the
time of the Atsuhara Persecution, Nikko Shonin played an important
role and continuously led and guided the Hokkeko members. Having
understood the entire circumstances of the incident and especially the
determined faith of the Atsuhara farmers, Nichiren Daishonin
established the Dai-Gohonzon of the High Sanctuary of the Essential
Teaching (Honmon kaidan no Dai-Gohonzon). The Dai-Gohonzon is the
foremost among the Three Great Secret Laws, the entirety of the Three,
and the purpose of the Daishonin's advent in this world.

The Three Great Secret Laws are the Foundation of our Denomination

The Daishonin, Himself, declared in the Gosho, "A Sage Perceives the
Three Existences of Life":

I, Nichiren, am the greatest sage in all Jambudvipa.(Gosho, p.748)

Through devoting His life to the Lotus Sutra, suffering various
persecutions, living the phrases of the Lotus Sutra with His behavior,
and proving its truth, Nichiren Daishonin demonstrated that He is the
greatest and the only true votary of the Lotus Sutra. Furthermore, the
Daishonin indicated that His true identity is the Original Buddha.

The Gosho, "On the Three Great Secret Laws" (Sandai hiho sho) states:

The one great purpose of all Buddhas for making their advent is to
preach the Lotus Sutra. This is because the sutra contains the Three
Great Secret Laws. ... Keep it a secret, keep it a secret.(Gosho, pp.

The Three Great Secret Laws the Daishonin intended to propagate are
the essential laws of the very beginning of the remotest past. The
essence of the Three Great Secret Laws were transmitted to Bodhisattva
Jogyo. They are the entities of the Law for the people in the age of
Mappo to instantly attain Buddhahood in their present forms. These
Three Great Secret Laws are the origin of all the teachings in
Buddhism. They are not only the lifelong teachings of Shakyamuni
Buddha. They are also the infinite sutras expounded by the various
Buddhas of the Three Existences. They have all originated from the
Three Great Secret Laws. Moreover, the Three Great Secret Laws are the
very basic fundamentals of our denomination, Nichiren Shoshu.

The Three Types of Learning: Precepts, Meditation, and Wisdom

The Three Great Secret Laws are based upon what is called the "three
types of learning," precepts, meditation, and wisdom.

Precepts (Kai) signify rules or guidelines for the behavior of a
Buddhist practitioner. Their purpose is to eradicate evil in body,
mouth, and mind, and to prevent injustice. Precepts lead us toward
good behavior. Meditation (Jo) signifies a method of contemplation to
promote calm and deep thinking. Through efforts to adhere to the mind
of the Buddha and to prevent the mind from being disordered,
meditation stabilizes the mind and body. Wisdom (E) signifies wise
thoughts, or intelligence. Embodying the law (teaching) of the Buddha,
wisdom leads the practitioner to overcome desires.

The Daishonin stated in the Gosho "On the Four Stages of Faith and the
Five Stages of Practice" (Shishin gohon sho):

Whether during the lifetime of Shakyamuni Buddha, or during the age
after his passing, those who practice the Lotus Sutra must uphold the
three types of learning with devotion. If any one of these three types
of learning is neglected, the practitioner cannot attain
enlightenment.(Gosho, p.1111)

Furthermore, in the "Orally Transmitted Teachings" (Ongi Kuden) the
Daishonin states as follows:

This Gohonzon is based upon "the Tathagata's secret and his mystic
power." The meaning of the three types of learning: precepts,
meditation, and wisdom is contained in "the Tathagata's secret and his
mystic power." The actual Three Great Secret Laws of the Juryo Chapter
are based upon the phrases therein. I, Nichiren, certainly inherited
them on Eagle Peak. The Object of Worship is the very entity of the
life of the votary of the Lotus Sutra.(Gosho, p.1773)

Thus, the Three Great Secret Laws concealed in the depths of the Juryo
Chapter of the Lotus Sutra were transmitted specifically in the
"Mystic Powers" (Jinriki-21st) Chapter of the Lotus Sutra. Moreover,
in the "Orally Transmitted Teachings" (Ongi kuden) we read:

The sutra passages of this portion bequeath all the three types of
learning. There is the universal absolute precept (Koku fudokai), the
universal absolute meditation (Koku fudojo), and the universal
absolute wisdom. (Koku fudoe). Myoho is so called because it bequeaths
all of these three types of learning comprehensively.(Gosho,

The Daishonin indicated that the complete bequeathal of the three
types of learning is Myoho.

Thus, the origin of Shakyamuni's lifelong sacred teachings of
precepts, meditation, and wisdom lies in the Three Great Secret Laws
of the Daishonin's Buddhism. The three types of learning are generally
expounded in Buddhism. However, the Daishonin selected the three types
of learning contained in the Mystic Law of Kuon ganjo, and established
them as the Three Great Secret Laws.

The Daishonin invoked Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo for the first time on April
28th in 1253. At that time, the religious denomination that will save
the people in Mappo was established. After that, the Daishonin
continued to refute the slanders of all the other schools, and three
times remonstrated with the government on its religious policy. This
resulted in the Daishonin suffering four great persecutions and many
minor ones. The Daishonin read the passages of the Lotus Sutra with
His body. He proved Himself to be the votary of the Lotus Sutra in the
age of Mappo as predicted by Shakyamuni Buddha. The Daishonin proved
through His lifelong behavior that the Lotus Sutra is the true and
perfect teaching. He did so because of His great compassion and mercy
for the salvation of all the people in Mappo.

Causes and Conditions Concerning the One Great Purpose

The purpose of Shakyamuni's advent was to expound the Lotus Sutra and
to lead the people to attain Buddhahood. In the Hoben ("Expedient
Means"-2nd) Chapter of the Lotus Sutra, we read:

Various Buddhas appeared in this world due to causes and conditions
concerning one great purpose.(Kaiketsu, p.102)

During Shakyamuni's lifetime, the phrase "causes and conditions
concerning one great purpose" refers to his expounding the Lotus
Sutra. However for the age of Mappo this phrase signifies the
propagation of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism of the Three Great Secret

In "The Meaning Hidden in the Depths" (Montei hichin sho),
Twenty-sixth High Priest Nichikan Shonin stated:

"One" is the Object of Worship of the Essential Teaching. It is the
foremost in Jambudvipa. (There should be neither second best nor third
best Object of Worship in Jambudvipa. This is the reason why we call
it "one.")

"Great" is the High Sanctuary of the Essential Teaching. The present
High Sanctuary is far superior to the former ones because it surpasses
those of the expedient and theoretical teachings. Moreover, the site
of construction of the actual High Sanctuary shall be well selected as
to the most suitable place.

"Purpose" is the Daimoku of the Essential Teaching. "Purpose" is so
called because it is not theoretical in nature. It is due to the fact
that it differs from T'ien-t'ai's theoretical practice. Moreover, we
call it the "actual" since it is actually to be practiced."
("Six Volume Writings," p. 41)


The Daishonin stated in His Gosho, "On Remonstration with Hachiman"
(Kangyo Hachiman sho) as follows:

Now, I, Nichiren, for the past twenty-eight years, from April 28th in
the fifth year of Kencho (1253) to the present time, December in the
third year of Koan, have done nothing other than try to have all the
people in Japan chant the five or seven characters of
Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.(Gosho, p.1539)

Herein, the True Buddha displayed His deep compassionate heart and
tender emotion.

We are now truly upholding the Buddhism of the Three Great Secret Laws
because of the profound, deep relationship we have with the Daishonin.
The Daishonin devoted His life to the propagation of the Great Pure
Law. Since then, the second High Priest Nikko Shonin, the successive
High Priests, and the genuine pioneers of the Hokkeko have been
protecting and bequeathing it generation after generation. Let us, the
present Hokkeko members, reconfirm the Daishonin's great spirit for
the salvation of all people and His earnest wish for Kosen-rufu.
Keeping in mind the debt of gratitude we owe Him, let's overcome the
many types of difficulties we are now facing. For the sake of the
eternal flourishing and worldwide propagation of the Law, let us
continue to practice day by day.

Copyright 2003-2004 Nichiren Shoshu Overseas Bureau. All Rights

Derek Juhl
2004-09-08 19:57:22 UTC
Post by Derek N.P.F. Juhl
The Doctrines and Practice of Nichiren Shoshu
Chapter 13
The Three Great Secret Laws
Warning, this spam is a complete rewrite of history, completely unsupported
by Nichiren Buddhist doctrine and historical fact.

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