Nikken Launches His Timed Attacks !!!
(too old to reply)
''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
2005-07-05 10:08:16 UTC
Nikken Abe, the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu is arriving in
Washington D.C., July 6th at 10:45AM.

Nikken Abe is an enemy of the United States, which can easily be
demonstrated by his connections and past history. Homeland Security
should be notified when he disembarks upon American soil.

Nikken's Flight Info:

The one and only nonstop flight which goes from Japan to Washington,
D.C. is operated by All Nippon Airways (ANA): flight NH002 which
departs NRT (Narita Airport in Tokyo, Japan) at 11:10 AM and arrives at
IAD (Dulles Airport in Washington, D.C.) at 10:45 AM on the same day
(it crosses the dateline). It is a 12 hour and 35 minute flight.

ANA flight number 2 is also listed under United Airlines flight number

Here are some pictures of Nikken Abe for identification purposes:

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Nikken Abe is an enemy of America and human freedom.

Nikken Abe is an alias. Nikken's original name Hikosaka has never been
reported to the U.S. Immigration authorities in connection with
obtaining a Visa to travel in the United States.

Nikken Abe states that his father is Nikkai Abe, but that is a lie, his
father was really Hogen (Nichijin) Takano. So Nikken Hikosaka has lied
multiple times in obtaining a United States Visa.

Nikken Abe was a part of the Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood during World
War II that aided and helped foment the attack on Pearl Harbor. His
mentor, High Priest Nikkyo sent a congragulatory message on the day of
the attack, when its aftermath was fully known, and this is attached at
the end. This is while the leaders of the Soka Gakkai were imprisoned
for years for resisting the Imperial State Zen war machine, which
operated under the banner of Imperial Shinto.

Nikken Abe hates everything Western, in the same way that Osama Bin
Laden and radical Islam does: as an example in 1991 he excommunicated
12 million Soka Gakkai members for performing Beethoven's Ninth
Symphony, because the text which is sung in the fourth movement invokes
the name "God".

After excommunicating the Soka Gakkai, Nikken Abe had his followers
attack and destroy a billion dollar temple named the Sho Hondo which
they had built in Taisekiji. It was completely leveled in 1999.

Nikken Abe is secretly behind the terrorist movements that have
happened since. He is the shadowy central figure behind the Nichiren
Shoshu support for Al Qaeda.


Nichiren Shoshu received a certificate of commendation for their
financial support for the buildup leading to the attack on Pearl Harbor
from the Japanese Minister of the Imperial Navy -

| Certificate of Commendation
| Upon receiving the financial contributions for the
| repletion of national defense at the time of the War of
| the Great East Asia, we hereby express our profound
| appreciation.
| December 1941
| Hantaro Shimada Minister 0f the Navy
| To Nichiren Shoshu


Taken from the January 1942 issue of the Dai-Nichiren, a Nichiren
Shoshu journal -

| (Translation) The 29th Admonition To all Nichiren Shoshu
| priests
| As we declared war against the United States today, I
| was overwhelmed by a deep feeling. More than four years
| have passed since our Empire punished the tyrannical
| Chiang Kai-Shek administration to launch the creation of
| the new order in East Asia. Japan, Manchuria, and China
| now enjoy mutual friendship and prosperity due to these
| accomplishments. However, the United States and Britain
| have ignored these facts, and continued to support the
| Chongqing government to keep it engaged in hostilities
| against us. They have also attempted to hamper us with
| economic sanctions. They called upon their allies to
| form a militaristic encirclement to threaten us and
| obstruct the Imperial scheme. Although the Imperial
| Government patiently sought to reach a resolution
| peacefully, the United States and Britain not only
| arrogantly refused it but also denied the Imperial
| principle. We should not allow ourselves to accept their
| abuse any longer. Our Empire and its great achievements
| are faced with a serious crisis. The Japanese Empire has
| thus entered war against them resolutely. We must stand
| up to overcome all obstacles as the heirs of Japan's
| immortal history of over 2600 years.
| Fortunately, the Empire is endowed with an army and navy
| of unrivaled valor and loyalty under the imperial
| authority. They have already made remarkable
| achievements upon the very opening of this war. We
| profoundly appreciate their efforts, and their success
| is expected to continue. However, in light of the
| surrounding circumstances, this war will last for a long
| time, and we must be ready for that.
| Based on the Buddha's mandate, we must now summon our
| faith to endure all and take part in ensuring our
| victory in this unprecedented war.
| December 8, 1941
| Nikkyo Suzuki, High Priest, Nichiren Shoshu.


That was the mentor of Nikken Abe.

Nikken Abe has never stopped being a loyal follower of Nikkyo Suzuki.

Nikken Abe has never disavowed the 29th Admonition of Nikkyo Suzuki,
his dead leader, and he never will. He still schemes for the defeat of
the United States as a secret emissary and agent of worldwide terror.

His ultimate purpose is to bring America to its knees in subjugation to
him and the Nichiren Shoshu Priesthood.

Don't let Nikken Abe succeed !!!

Bar Nikken Abe from entering the United States and place him on the
no-fly list.

Resist him and the great evil he personifies !!!

2005-07-05 10:57:53 UTC
"''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with
Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000"
Post by ''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
Nikken Abe, the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu is arriving in
Washington D.C., July 6th at 10:45AM.
And how is that your business?
Post by ''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
Nikken Abe is an enemy of the United States, which can easily be
demonstrated by his connections and past history. Homeland Security
should be notified when he disembarks upon American soil.
You're so full of shit, it's pathetic.

Snip uninformed, hateful DRIVEL

You really are the poster child for all the ASSHOLES in the SGI Ikeda CULT,

Use the Reply to Sender feature of your news reader program to email me.
Utiliza Responder al Remitente para mandarme un mail.
''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
2005-07-05 16:14:53 UTC
Post by Cody
Post by ''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
Nikken Abe, the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu is arriving in
Washington D.C., July 6th at 10:45AM.
And how is that your business?
I'll repeat why Nikken and his activities are of interest to

Even though Nikken's appearance is of a banal and malignant funeral
Buddhist priest, and nothing special in his manifestion (or
infestation) of the three poisons of greed, anger and foolishness ...
the truth of Nikken behind that mask of the the three poisons is that
he is the Great Devadatta to the True Buddha of Humanity.

His true purpose is to end human history with a final Holocaust.

Nikken made his determination clear throughout the nineties, by (1)
excommunicating the Sangha which reflects the DaiGohonzon, (2) changing
Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism into Nikkenism, and (3) destroying the
ShoHondo which protects the DaiGohonzon. This is a clear and
unmistakeable attempt to reverse the Three Great Secret Laws.

As Nichiren Daishonin states in "The True Aspect of All Phenomena", p.
384 -

. The "Thus Come One's secret" refers to the entity of the
. Buddha's three bodies, and it refers to the true Buddha.
. "His transcendental powers" refers to the functions of
. the three bodies, and it refers to provisional Buddhas.
. A common mortal is an entity of the three bodies, and a
. true Buddha. A Buddha is a function of the three bodies,
. and a provisional Buddha. In that case, though it is
. thought that Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the three
. virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for the sake
. of all of us living beings, that is not so. On the
. contrary, it is common mortals who endow him with the
. three virtues.

Since the time that Nikken has declared himself the master of humanity
[humanity is in reality the true Buddha (A common mortal is ... a true
Buddha, as stated clearly by Nichiren above)] humanity has openly and
bluntly expressed its desire to end life in a catastrophic way, rather
than be minions of Nikken and his dubious progeny. Hence the 911 wakeup
call ... could it be any clearer?

Humanity will choose destruction over the circumstances of the
Nikkenist trap.

I must say that I can see humanity's point, which demonstrates nothing
less than excellent taste.

I would, however, avert this fate in any manner that I can, however
imperfect my methods and execution.

Humanity is being quite strict on this point, if I lose, I will lose

Only the Hokkeko can prove humanity worthy of continued survival, by
abandoning Nikken, the Great Devadatta, to his ultimate fate. And by
joining the SGI to do Kosen Rufu.

No one else can save humanity, only the Hokkeko can step up and prove
that the Law is superior to the Priesthood.

To answer your question, Michael, the itinerary of the Great Devadatta
is everyone's business. He is what any mass murder investigation would
call a "person of interest", which means a perpetrator as of yet
avoiding ultimate prosecution and punishment.

2005-07-05 16:36:10 UTC
"''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with
Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000"
Post by ''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
Post by Cody
Post by ''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
Nikken Abe, the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu is arriving in
Washington D.C., July 6th at 10:45AM.
And how is that your business?
I'll repeat why Nikken and his activities are of interest to
Snip uninformed drivel big time.
Post by ''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
To answer your question, Michael, the itinerary of the Great Devadatta
is everyone's business. He is what any mass murder investigation would
call a "person of interest", which means a perpetrator as of yet
avoiding ultimate prosecution and punishment.
You're so full of shit I can smell it from here.

As I said, and you ignored, you are the poster child for SGI Ikeda CULT

Use the Reply to Sender feature of your news reader program to email me.
Utiliza Responder al Remitente para mandarme un mail.
2005-07-05 19:39:24 UTC
''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with
Post by ''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
Nikken made his determination clear throughout the nineties, by (1)
excommunicating the Sangha which reflects the DaiGohonzon
"If, in the future, having grown larger, the Gakkai should exert
pressure on the Priesthood or interfere in its internal affairs,
please, at any time, order the Gakkai to disband." 2nd Soka Gakkai
President, Josei Toda, August 10, 1956, Myodenji, Okayama City

"Since the time of the former president, Mr. Makiguchi, the Gakkai
spirit has been to support any High Priest, and the Gakkai will keep
this spirit forever. If anyone in this organization complains about
this, and goes against this Gakkai spirit, I'll be ready to expel him
from the organization even if he should be a top leader. The lay
believers' spirit and attitude toward the Head Temple must be like
this." Josei Toda, January 29, 1956. Reference Toda Josei Zenshu, Vol.
3, p. 235.

"Any person who is not obedient to the High Priest, whatever the reason
may be, is no longer a Priest or lay member of Nichiren Shoshu. This is
because there is no error more fundamental than this." SGI President
Daisaku Ikeda, November 24, 1981, predicting his excommunication a
decade later

Derek Juhl
''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
2005-07-06 06:19:51 UTC
Post by Cody
''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with
Post by ''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
Nikken made his determination clear throughout the nineties, by (1)
excommunicating the Sangha which reflects the DaiGohonzon
"If, in the future, having grown larger, the Gakkai should exert
pressure on the Priesthood or interfere in its internal affairs,
please, at any time, order the Gakkai to disband." 2nd Soka Gakkai
President, Josei Toda, August 10, 1956, Myodenji, Okayama City
Even so loyal a follower of Nichiren Daishonin and Nikko, as Toda,
cannot be expected to follow a Nikken that excommunicates the Soka
Post by Cody
"Since the time of the former president, Mr. Makiguchi, the Gakkai
spirit has been to support any High Priest, and the Gakkai will keep
this spirit forever. If anyone in this organization complains about
this, and goes against this Gakkai spirit, I'll be ready to expel him
from the organization even if he should be a top leader. The lay
believers' spirit and attitude toward the Head Temple must be like
this." Josei Toda, January 29, 1956. Reference Toda Josei Zenshu, Vol.
3, p. 235.
Even so loyal a follower of Nichiren Daishonin and Nikko, as Makiguchi,
cannot be expected to follow a Nikken that excommunicates the Soka
Post by Cody
"Any person who is not obedient to the High Priest, whatever the reason
may be, is no longer a Priest or lay member of Nichiren Shoshu. This is
because there is no error more fundamental than this." SGI President
Daisaku Ikeda, November 24, 1981, predicting his excommunication a
decade later
Even so loyal a follower of Nichiren Daishonin and Nikko, as President
Ikeda, cannot be expected to follow a Nikken that excommunicates the
Soka Gakkai.
Post by Cody
Derek Juhl
Even a dog will not follow the master that beats it to death. Death
ends the contract and you will perceive that at some point, Derek.

2005-07-06 06:44:38 UTC
Post by ''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
Even so loyal a follower of Nichiren Daishonin and Nikko, as Toda,
cannot be expected to follow a Nikken that excommunicates the Soka
The excommunication accords perfectly with the SGI presidents' words:

"If, in the future, having grown larger, the Gakkai should exert
pressure on the Priesthood or interfere in its internal affairs,
please, at any time, ***order the Gakkai to disband.***" 2nd Soka
Gakkai President, Josei Toda, August 10, 1956, Myodenji, Okayama City

"Since the time of the former president, Mr. Makiguchi, the Gakkai
spirit has been to support any High Priest, and ***the Gakkai will keep
this spirit forever.*** If anyone in this organization complains about
this, and goes against this Gakkai spirit, I'll be ready to expel him
from the organization even if he should be a top leader. The lay
believers' spirit and attitude toward the Head Temple must be like
this." Josei Toda, January 29, 1956. Reference Toda Josei Zenshu, Vol.
3, p. 235.

"Any person who is not obedient to the High Priest, ***whatever the
reason may be,*** is no longer a Priest or lay member of Nichiren
Shoshu. This is because there is no error more fundamental than this."
SGI President Daisaku Ikeda, November 24, 1981, predicting his
excommunication a decade later

Derek Juhl

Mark P.
2005-07-05 12:25:42 UTC
On 5 Jul 2005 03:08:16 -0700, "''My view of the teachings of Nichiren
Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken,
Post by ''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
Nikken Abe, the High Priest of Nichiren Shoshu is arriving in
Washington D.C., July 6th at 10:45AM.
I thought you said he was in the air the other day?
Whazzamatter, intel a little weak?

Mark Porter
"I spread this teaching because I too heard thus"
Try the new refined search feature on 175 Gosho at
''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
2005-07-05 16:20:31 UTC
Nikken did a head fake ... made me jump off. My bad.

2005-07-05 15:31:34 UTC
Nikken Abe is secretly behind the terrorist movements that have
happened since. He is the shadowy central figure behind the Nichiren
Shoshu support for Al Qaeda. <<<

Wow.....That's a keeper...
''My view of the teachings of Nichiren Shoshu has been polluted with Minobu's wicked teachings,'' Nikken, Dai-Nichiren May 2000
2005-07-05 16:25:10 UTC
Condemned prisoners always gloat over the expiration of those whose
time is currently up.

The priority list will advance inexorably, however.

Death row is, after all, subjectively a life sentence.
