CODY Says: I don't hate anyone and don't call out for the destruction of SGI
like SGI
does about Nichiren Shoshu.
D: Well, understand that backing NST after they excommunicate EVERYONE who is
not backing THEM, while knowing they are hurting INNOCENT people's lives (on
purpose), then saying they aren't hurting anyone, is not exactly hate, its
deceitful AND hateful, not JUST hateful.
Cody: I was just talking about the SGI in Argentina
with some Argentine Hokkeko members, and it seems one of the Ikeda SS men
through his dirty political contacts with Menem managed, through lies, to
get one of our priests kicked out of the county.
D: Out of the County? They have counties in Argentina? SS? SGI is not the
SS, it is just a religious organization. Are you afraid of them? And Cody,
are you sure they are lies? You change YOUR story all the time, what makes you
an authoritay when YOU lie? I seem to remember you hacked into a Nichiren Shu
member by typing in her password on YAHOO, does this mean you are DIRTY?
Dirty political contacts...Because they are associated with "Ikeda" or what?
Why do you assume they are dirty political contacts when NST has BENT the truth
100s of times, what about signing all the authorizations for SGIs supposedly
bad actions, they say were bad, why SIGN and hurt members they say they didn't
Cody, frankly, I myself found NST to be hurtful to the members NOT SGI,
teaching them to be confused about this Buddhism's teachings by okaying other
Gohonzons, by letting members in NST harm whoever they want, by FORCING people
to believe THEIR WAY.
You might not agree, but I saw it there and I can read the Gosho WHEN IT SAYS
to follow the law and not Nikken or Cody.
Dont you think it is strange to allow an NST member to have a Nichiren Shu
Gohonzon? I certainly do. How about hacking a person's password, Cody?
How about protecting the priesthood NO MATTER WHAT? Which is in their new
Gohonzon ceremony. What about if they harm innocent people? Protect them
Cody: Then there was the voodoo
Daimoku campaign both for the "destruction of Nichiren Shoshu" and to try
and prevent our High Priest from conducting a ceremony for the victims of
D: Voodoo campaign? Are we slandering Voodoo now, besides ousting and
slandering the SGI? What next Cody?
Cody, what do you know about Voodoo for real? Do you just find the movie
version of religion TRUTH and down EVERYONE IN IT, sight unseen with your
opinions or are your opinions compassionate, insightful and helpful?
Chanting for the destruction of NST Cody? How can SGI be responsible for
something NST has made the cause to hate, and then say SGI chants for NSTs
destruction when NST has hated "Ikeda" and the Gaks LONG BEFORE SGI was upset
about all the hurt and hate.
AS you well know Cody, either the Shoten Zenjin will protect NST or it will
not. Do you really think that WINNING is really winning if you hurt other
people? Is agreeing with and following the HP more important than following
Nichiren Daishonin?
Listen Cody, I would think that stopping the HP from conducting anymore
confusing ceremonies or lectures (including ZEN ceremonies) would be helpful
myself. Considering NSTs actions have created alot of, hurt, pain, and
confusion for 10,000,000 people, knowingly (by openly stating they know they
are hurting them and yet have to), then teaching them the wrong idea about
Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism (by allowing an NST member a Nichiren Shu
Gohonzon). You of course have the RIGHT to your own opinion Cody, in your own
world, but frankly that is exactly what it is Cody...Just your opinion in your
own world. It ISN'T the GOSHO.
Cody: Can you name ONE OFFICIAL INCIDENT that Nichiren Shoshu has promoted
to hate SGI?
ROFL...Why yes, my ousting, saying I would never receive Gohonzon after telling
me to give back my SGI Gohonzon to SGI OR ELSE, and come there and practice,
then telling me I PLAY BALL OR ELSE, telling me NOT TO BOTHER priests with my
????s, then calling me a slanderer, saying I ruined my original Gohonzon myself
(when I didn't), ON PURPOSE (which I never did). Plus the excommunication of
10,000,000 SGI members TWICE for starters, and the expulsion of President Ikeda
after all his hard work (and his belittlement), and allowing an NST member a
Nichiren Shu Gohonzon (despite her being a brand new member) in a Nichiren
Shoshu religion, is that enough for you?
Cody: Can you? I don't think so, crazy lady.
D: I just think I did, and your opinion of me is just that, your opinion, not
reality. It isn't me who is crazy, Cody. You might want to look at your own
actions towards even your own members IN YOUR RELIGION (not mine). Since we
don't belong to the same organization, Cody.
You openly state that we are women over 40, fat, old, whores, while you are
accessing passwords of people you have no business accessing...What is that?
D: After frying Mercia over the flames (your own
Cody: Um, Mercia fries herself; she needs no help from me and she is not "my
member". She's nuts and it's too bad and I hope she gets help some day.
D: It seems you have the problem with MOST women (especially over 40 who you
stole their passwords from) and ALSO NST members who don't AGREE with YOU (like
David or anyone like me FROM SGI). Although Mercia trusts NST because she sees
no evil, it doesn't mean its EVIL doesn't exist, as is your problem (blinders).
And...I notice that you don't get along with most women or NST members that
don't have the same ideas, why is that? You might want to work through why
your having problems with people that don't think like you. Not everyone
thinks like you. (Universe be praised)..
Post by atheramariHate women do you?
Not at all.
D: Well, I noticed you had problems with me, Mercia, and the lady from SGI who
is over 40 and "fat" like we are (according to your posts, not in reality). We
all have one thing in common, we are NOT carbon copies of you (universe be
Is it the disagreement that bothers you, or is it your ego because we don't
think NST is IT (or in Mercia's case, entirely)? US being women over 40, is it
not living up to YOUR expectations of being white, male and wishing you were
under 40? Should we be the perfect NST member (like yourself...chuckle)?
Which is it? Or is it just one or all?
You might want to check out WHY we disagree with you, instead of just thinking
we should agree.
That might add to YOUR sanity. LOL