Simplicity is SGI's problem ...
(too old to reply)
2016-09-03 10:28:03 UTC
SGI's problem - "Simplicity" - that's why it uses lots of words.

You may know the problem, if you've ever had partner or friend cheat on you. The relationship may be failing but you're still in love. You've noticed the changes, the little things that unsettle you but you don't want to believe are true.

What do you do? Use words. To tell yourself it's nothing or you're imagining things. You use words to put it out of your mind, to think the best if someone you know deep down isn't playing straight.

And then later, when it gets more obvious, the unexpected lateness, the more frequent "working late" or missed appointments. You use more words "oh where were you, I was expecting you at 8?" or "you're working late a lot recently, they're putting a lot in you". Starting to probe but still not wanting to know the truth.

And then they start using words if they're not wanting to end it with you just yet. "Yeah, we've got an important project, the deadline's looming, I need to be there for my boss...".

It starts to get complex.

And then later still, when all the little things have begun to add up, you know something's not right, perhaps you confront them and they use loys of words to reassure, deny, make it thay you are imagining things, try to make you doubt yourself. "Don't be silly, course I still..."

It gets really complicated.

Chas uses lots of words. So does today's SGI. Faith is now this....kosen rufu means that...Daisaku Ikeda is this..."don't be silly, of course he still loves you, you're imagining it".

Depending on how deceitful your partner is and how adept they are at getting you to believe them and doubt yourself, this can go on for years. Untill maybe you're contacted by the other man or woman who's just found out about you. Even then, maybe you get duped again "they're out to stir it, they couldn't accept the break".

Or worse, the halve truths, a blend of truths used to make the lies believable "yeah we kissed and hugged at a party, we were both drunk but it didn't go anywhere. I didn't want to get involved, I've got YOU. They couldn't accept that now they're making trouble."(when really it was a full blown affair).

The words, the lies get more elaborate, their quantity increases as they work harder to get you to believe in them.

Why do people cheat on each other and then lie?

Because they are getting something from the relationship with the person they're lying to, that person is giving them something they want or need and the truth would put that in danger.

And words get used to convince the deceiver that the lies they are telling are for the best. "I couldn't do that to them (tell them the truth), it would hurt/destroy them" or "It was only a short fling, we've built so much together, they wouldn't thank me for it". Lying words always couched to make it seem that the lier is doing the person they're lying to a favour.

Truth is simple. Yeah there maybe arguments, there may even be a break but the word count stays down. The truth, however unpleasant, is simple, straightforward. This happened and this is why. Discussion quickly shifts to what we're going to do about it.

And that's part of the problem, if you've lied in any relationship, trust is damaged. It's disrespect writ large. How much do you really care for a person if you're willing to take away their ability to decide, to make new choices based on the new information and are cause them to doubt their judgement, to doubt themselves?

Conversely, with truth, you see respect played out. On telling the truth, you hear brave and honorable people being willing to fess up "I've got to tell them, I couldn't do that to them (lie), it's not fair on them."

When I compare the word count, spoken and written, of SGI with other organsations in the World Peace and Buddhist spheres, it's stratospheric by comparison.

So many words telling people how great the SGI and Daisaku Ikeda is, how it is doinh this, that and the other. Simplicity comes in their slick presentation. But why is this needed? Why does SGI need to write so many words about itself? If SGI and Daisaku Ikeda so great, wouldn't that be obvious?

Ghandi, King and Rosa Parks didn't need to write many words about themselves. Nor Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Florence Nightingale or Albert Einstein. Or come to, that Nichiren. They all got on with the doing and let the words take care of themselves.

Daisaku Ikeda's 1979 lecture on Heritage of the Ulimate Law of life took 105 pages. Around 400 words per page, about 42,000 words in all.

Daisaku Ikeda's 2009 lecture on the same Gosho, 30 years later was 183 pages, somewhere up near 63,000 words, allowing for formatting changes. Why all the extra words?

Gohonzon, Daimoku and Nichiren are mentioned less in 2009. "Mentor and disiple" are mentioned much more. The "three presidents" concept never made it into the first lecture but it certainly made it into the second!

What was wrong with the first lecture?
How many times do you need to give a lecture if your purpose is to illustrate the Gosho? Revise it, sure, maybe bring it up to date langauge wise but a whole different lecture? Why? What's the purpose?

If the historical context and basic concepts are the same, which they should be, there should be no need to rework it and add 20,000 extra words. In fact if anything, it should have got shorter, with and improved ability to put it across simply.

It's complicated.

On the other hand Nichiren's Buddhism is simple.

Sure there are complex doctrinal stances but it's not necessary to get into all that stuff for it to be effective. The higher the teaching the more people it can benefit. So Nichiren's teaching, the practice he taught is simple.

What do you need to attain buddhahood? Faith in Namu Myoho Renge-kyo. That's it folks.

As you progress, that broadens a bit to faith in Gohonzon and Daimoku. Still simple.

Then maybe later, you might start picking uo some of the concepts like ten worlds, ten factors, oneness of mind and body, oneness of life and environment, ten factors, three thousand realms etc. And you might start fitting them together.

But do you need to? No. Faith is enough. In fact a person of really deep and sincere faith, could get away without knowing any of these. We find Nichiren taking just that veiw in the Gosho. Chanting Daimoku with faith in Gohonzon is enough. And that's the point. It's simple, it's superior.

What's the process? Chanting with faith brings forth enlightenment as you are, right here, right now. Put another way, the Buddha comes forth from within and teaches the Law. What you need right here, right now. Simple.

You respond to that (or don't) you move and change based on enlightenment (or don't) and the next time you bring forth enlightenment, the Buddha teaches the next bit of the Law you need (or the same bit if you've not listened, maybe in a different way).

Nichiren says this:


"You should by all means perform as much good as you possibly can for the sake of your deceased husband. The words of a wise man of old also teach that “you should base your mind on the ninth consciousness, and carry out your practice in the six consciousnesses.” How reasonable it is too!"

"Base oneself on the ninth consciousness", enlightenment, the seat of the Buddha within each of us. Reached reliably and made active by our practice of chanting Namu Myoho Renge-kyo with faith. "Carrying out our practice in the sixth consciousnesses" with our everyday minds. In our daily lives.

As we do that, faith deepens and one gets better at it. For sure it's nit always plain sailing. Sometimes when we turn on the light we don't like what we find. Also, we can get blocked by external events or internal doubts. If we don't expect these we can stop or think we're doing it wrong.

That's why we need faith in the first place, it's the tool to get out from the midst of delusion and into our enlightened minds. That's why encouragement, especially in the early stages is also important. But once we've been through those blocks a few times and applied practice in different situations, we should become fairly self reliant and moreover, take over our own learning.

Faith naturally deepens because we've got more examples of "basing our minds on the ninth consciousness, and carrying out our practice in the six consciousnesses" and the results of having done that. The trick is getting the early stages right. For which we need simplicity. Chant regularly with the right focus on faith, be clear what your doing and note the results. Always return to yourself, you and your Daimoku. Simple.

In fact, it can all get a bit confusing if one gets into all the doctrinal stuff, especially if you're not prepared to attempt it properly and keep a firm eye on maintaining faith and that basic process. One can lose oneself in the forest of words.

If someone needs to keep telling you, how deep is your faith? How much have you mastered the practice? And why haven't you progressed to a state of greater self reliance? It eithet doesn't work, in which case it would be better doing something else. Or it does but you've been taught wrong or taught poorly.

So, why doesn't SGI just focus on teaching people to chant and encouraging their faith, just like Nichiren did? Because simple is it's enemy.

SGI needs complex, it needs to make it seem much more difficult that it is. "Ah yes but you also need to do x, y, z to gain buddhahood to" (you don't). It needs that so it has a role, so it can become the indispensible ingredient in your practice. SGI and Daisaku Ikeda needs to insert itself into your practice and become the thing that you will have to rely on to get results and keep getting results.

Simple is giving people the Daimoku and facilitating them just enough in faith and study until they're up and running and ready to go it alone. It's much more like a college course and much less like "the nobel mission for kosen rufu" (for which you can read spreading the SGI).

SGI has branded itself that way with 'mentor-disciple" teaching. As Chas once defined the term "mentor", it's a "wise and trusted teacher". So SGI is essentially selling teaching just like a college.

The difference between a good college and the SGI is the quality of it's teaching, the results. Would you sign up for a cookery, car maintenance, computer or accountancy course if at the end of it you knew you wouldn't gain competance in that skill? Would you sign on with a teacher who wasn't able to demonstrate their results in the accomplishment of former students?

Given that Nichiren's teaching is about attaining buddhahood as you are and that itcs a very simple process and practice, one might expect to find lots of people who've been through the SGI academy, graduated and gone on to do great things from what they learned. SGI Alumni would be expected to be crawling out of the woodwork, singing the SGI's praises. But we don't find that. They're either still with the SGI, still ttying to kearn and master a very simple practice, sometimes after decades or if they've left or been expelled, thier voices are mostly negative about SGI.

SGI might answer that it's all about "kosen rufu" but thatcs simply about spreading the Law. Nichiren's simple practice. If SGI was doing it's teaching job effectively, they'd be plenty of SGI graduates out there not only stable in their own faith and practice and showing results but fully able to teach others. I'd argue that's a much more effective means of accomplishing wide spread of Nichiren's buddhism. In fact, it's a direct compliment to the effectiveness of the practice and the quality of the SGI's teaching of it were that to happen, but it doesn't.

Nichiren on the other hand was confident. It's surprising how little he urged his disciples to go out and propogate, or for that matter mentioned kosen rufu or spreading the Sutra. A very quick search in the Nichiren library shows it's refered to just 96 times in volumes 1&2. That's not to say propogation isn' important, it most definitely is, just that Nichiren didn't sweat it as a direct exhortation in his teaching and encouragement.

He seems to have realised that itcs oretty hard to spread someting effectively if you either don't believe in it (faith) or you haven't mastered it sufficiently (practice and study) or if it's not getting results. So he focussed in getting those things right with his students.

Why, he was confident in this approach? He knew he had something that worked. So in one of his most famous phrases he says:


"At first only Nichiren chanted Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not signify “emerging from the earth”?"

A very quick word search likewise shows that "Faith" is mentioned as staggering 650 times in volumes 1&2. Both in what you should and shouldn't have faith in.

Myoho renge kyo 148 times, Namu Myoho Renge-kyo 231, times and Daimoku 123 times. So, the Sutra and its daimoku are mentioned 492 times.

It seems clear to me that the focus of Nichiten's writing was faith in the Sutra and the advocacy of embracing it by means if it's Daimoku. Simple.

"Base your mind on the ninth consciousness, and carry out your practice in the six consciousnesses" Get that bit right first. Simple.

That then gives them the means to counter erroneous doctrines depending on their ability. Which was the other theme that's present in his writings, most notably those to othet priests or to lay priests.

For all people, the basis is faith, translated into practice Namu Myoho Renge-kyo, which results in a natural progession in faith, practice and study and the application of thise things to daily life. It's a process.

Once you've learned to ride a bike, you take the stabilisers off and you don't have your teacher running behind you holding the saddle. You ride off and explore, you begin to learn through experience, simple. If you need an advanced course in some aspect, you book it, attend, finish it, then apply it. Simple.

And ut's exactly the same with Nichiren's Buddhism and it spreads naturally as a result. Simple.

Why? Because when you give people a simple practice that effective and encorage faith, you put the Buddha in the driving seat of each person's life.

The Buddha comes forth to teach, naturally. How? By embracing the Sutra through faith. And when that happens, it shows.

Nothing sells like success, with the Buddha in charge, with the benefit of inherant enlightenment working as each person follows the Law, they know what to do to help the Sutra spread. Simple.


"At first only Nichiren chanted Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not signify “emerging from the earth”?"

The only things it seems are worthy of noting above and beyond the simplicity of the practice are that something so liberating inevitably arouses opposition. People and organisations can seek to take advantage or try to block practioners from meeting, using and benefiting.

Powerful people or organisations especially are threatened by the other people gaining their own self reliance, their own liberation, their own power and freedom. It doen't generate profits for the few and it dissolves the hold that such rely on to maintain their status and position.

People who actively spread such a simple liberaring teaching are often subject to opposition and in some cases persecution. But that's OK, the enlightened mind, The Buddha can handle it. All we need to do is make sure they're always on hand, faith & practice. Simple.

As Nichiren writes elsewhere:


"When I look at the situation in Japan, I find that the devil king of the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons, transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says, “Evil demons will take possession of others.”

"Although I, Nichiren, am not a man of wisdom, the devil king of the sixth heaven has attempted to take possession of my body. But I have for some time been taking such great care that he now no longer comes near me. Therefore, because the power of the heavenly devil is ineffectual against me, he instead possesses the ruler and his high officials, or foolish priests such as Ryōkan, and causes them to hate me."

So in a way, if you want a really quiet life, don't practice. If you dinct want to face the baggage you've been carrying and clear out your closets and transform the root causes of stuff that happens to you, don't practice. If youcd rather turn off the light and remain in darkness, with the junk still there but hidden, don't practice.

However, it's unlikely that if you've met the Law, you're going to get a quiet life anyway. It's your time, your chance, your opportunity to break free, liberate yourself. Your own life is saying you're ready to get sorting and clearing. So my take is that you might as well embrace it and take faith and explore a whole deeper and richer life. But if you do, keep it simple, watch the words and those who use lots of them, me included.

Are they being honest and true or lying and deceitful? Keep close to your faith and Daimoku and for study, read Sutra and Gosho directly, without guidance and interpretation and chant about them first. Let the Buddha teach you.

Keep it simple, trust yourself. And in the forest of words, always remember to.

I hope this helps.

Namu Myoho Renge-kyo

Be well :)
2016-09-03 10:31:03 UTC
This thread will probably get spammed with hate from the usual SGI voices in here - Chas, Richard or Julian, but no worries. :)
2016-09-03 10:35:05 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
This thread will probably get spammed with hate from the usual SGI voices in here - Chas, Richard or Julian, but no worries. :)
In your dreams, Mary.
You are not significant enough to hate.
2016-09-03 11:08:25 UTC

Ah just significant enough to take note of and respond to Julian. As usual you undermine your own words with your actions but that's not surpising.

People with either read or they won't. That's up to them. I just do what comes from the inside. That's my guide, which frustrates the hell out of people like you.

But then you don't seem to have much to say other than "I'm enlightened and I'm doing it right but I'm not telling you any more than that."

And your problem is that people do read and they take note, then goand think about things fir themselves. Thatcs tge real problem that Chas, you and Ruchatd have.

So immediately, we have three posts to spam the thread and try to break it up, disrupt it, create negative SGI noise. Excactly thr same approach "Chas" has been using in the other threads. Youcve lost the arguments but the posts threaten profits, so they've git to be dealt with somehow. Break up the threads and try to trun their tone negaive, to make the forum less appealing to readers. Try to prevent more contributions from others.

It's why you in particular jumped so heavily on the new voices coming in a while back, it's your job to switch people off. What a bummer of a job to have. That's got to skew with your brain and most lije the rest if your life. Still it's your life.

Try to be well :)
2016-09-03 11:12:02 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Ah just significant enough to take note of and respond to Julian. As usual you undermine your own words with your actions but that's not surpising.
People with either read or they won't. That's up to them. I just do what comes from the inside.
Yes, in my previous post I noted your verbal diarrhoea.
2016-09-03 11:55:32 UTC
Noted Julian, here's some of your's and the thread in which you had no choice but to undermine your credibility reveal yourself as a troll (near the end of the thread folks)


And below are the two threads you've been busily engaged with trying to disrupt today.

I guess the SGI tactic has moved to rapid response to add negative noise up front to threads so that readers will switch off and not read down the threads. Not unlike Cgas has been desperately trying to do with his longer hate filled, vitrioloic posts.

I'm onto that, it's easily fixed by letting readers know that this is likely to happen, like I've added the spamming caution. Naming you, Chas and Richard and giving them the means to collapse the threads and skip over you guys if they wish to.

(One of these links is to this thread )



Be well :)
2016-09-03 12:20:13 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Noted Julian, here's some of your's and the thread in which you had no choice but to undermine your credibility reveal yourself as a troll (near the end of the thread folks)
See... my efforts are paying off.
you've finally leaned how to correctly post a URL for a thread.
2016-09-03 13:24:46 UTC
Thanks Julian, yes I spotted the exchange with Katie you posted in the other thread, tucked down at the bottom of the Gongyo thread and I answered it there.

I doubt very much your public spiritedness is your motivation but hey ho.

Katie will have to do her own thinking about this.

I repost that below.

"Sorry, Julian my error. I keep trying to remind myself that maybe you aren't actually, Chas..

In any case, I cannot find a reason to say you, Julian are lying - actually, iainx posted that you admitted to being a troll.-- that's exemplary honesty, in fact.

I apologize for insinuating you are lying-- just because, perhaps you are Chas--, but that has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Thanks for calling me out on this, Julian--


Actually a point of correction to you both, I did that based on a duscussion Katie that you read and that Julian particiapted in.

And I have repeatedly posted the link to that discussion. As I have in the above post.

But let's examine some facts here.

1)This forum had very little activity in it apart from Chas's repeated duplicate posting

This makes Julian's claim about publicly spirited participation dubious at best.

2) Julian was asked directy to state what he believed, why and hiw he got there. His response was to say that readers should search his 10,000 posts, some of which he has deleted. So he avoided the question.

You are well aware of this Katie since you have quoted that thread and that discussion.

3) Julian debated with Mark, yet when quoted back by Mark, claimed that was not him.

This makes it difficult for readers to ascertain the truth and always leaves Julian in a defensible position.

4) Alex gave proof within a thread using Chas and Julian's email responses that suggested Jules and Chas are the same person.

5) Chas and Julian follow each other around, they both post over on Alt Zen and are supportive of each other.

Julian's "compassion" and public spiritedness doesn't seem to extend to critiquing Chas's posts in the same way that Julian will do with almosy every other commentator, despite the lines that Chas uses. The favour is returned.

6) Julian's posting is almost always negative, it's directly disparaging as a form of personal attack. Attacks on peoplr's enlightenment, delusion, ego, understanding etc. Character assaination seems to be the dominant theme. That's where the "drunk" labelling came from, Julian. He shares this trait with both Richard and Chas. You can check by going to the index and reading their postings.

Yet asked for his own doctinal position, Julian hides behind search and "that's a different Julian" He gives no substance. He also admits to hypocrisy, so how could one engage and have a sensible discussion?

So again, plausibiliy about public service and participatiion falls down.

Just why is Julian here? What is his purpose? To help others, to learn, to discuss or debate? To inform?

7) Julian's stated position is that these contibutors are x,y,z below his level of attainment and understanding or that they are x,y,z not worth reading. So why does he bother? Why does he bother to respond? To say that?

That doesn't stack up, would you bother reading someone you thought was drunk or deluded? Would you bother to keep track of those posts and to respond? I doubt very much you would.

Maybe for entertainment, yes. The response, to provoke a reaction but what is your purpose in doing that? If it's some sort of peverse Zen teaching, thatcs pitting yourself in the position of Guru but asked about your credentials you decline to give them.

And so to your post Katie, I cannot help noticing that two things happen in this. A subtle change of position that starts to support Julian, which is fine if you want to do that and also "it was Iainx that said that.

If that's happening Katie, fine but why not challenge me directly on that? If you think I have misled or unfairly chatacterised, why not call me out directly? Do you not think I'd value that? This seems odd. Iy also diesn't seem consistent with your thanks to Julian for doing just that with you.

I've waited for a plausible voice to emerge and then take the discussion off course and turn it and ferment dissent. I anticipated this would move slowly and by increments.

Whether you are that voice or not I have no idea Katie. I keep an open mind. I'm analytical in nature, so I extrapolate many scenarios and outcomes yet remain neutral on their likelyhood.

Being totally honest, it could fit but I make no judgement as to whether it actually does. Only you know that.

I hope that you are as you say, a sincere practitioner with a bright mind and a good sense of fun who I've personally found inspiring. One who is committed to spreading Namu Myoho Renge-kyo and Nichiren's teaching.

I've had no reason to doubt that until this post, which jarred:

"actually, iainx posted that you admitted to being a troll."

Which I did on a thread that you had read and a thread I have repeatedly linked to. And on an analysis thst you commented on. So if you thought I was in error, why did you not address that with me directly at the time or subseqently?

One way or another it doesn't matter, so long as the Law spreads and people come to practice it as Nichiren taught. I'm not important. Which is why I direct back to the Sutra and Gosho and urge direct readings.

As for my analysis of what's going on in this forum, readers can make up their own minds, I have tried to help make that easier for them by providing indexing and links.

They can read me, or dismiss me as they think fit. I lay out analysis as I see it. I refernce threads, quote accurately and fully reference all material I use. I urge readers to go and check for themselves and make up their own minds.

Whether they agree or not is up to them but I would expect that they would and should do that. That they follow the Law not the person.

What I would not expect is to find that someone has uncritically accepted my words, taken them on board and then acted on them, so that they them find themselves in a position of saying this:

"actually, iainx posted that you admitted to being a troll."

Especially when it has not been addressed directly with me. I do not advocate uncritical acceptance, which shoukd be clear by my critique of the SGI mentor-disciple model. People are error prone and they change, including me. I have always been clear and consitent about this position.

The Law and the Buddha are the refernce points. A person's own practice. Not me.

Be well :)
2016-09-03 13:58:07 UTC
Readers will note that Mark Rogow and Katie smear along with what the KGB used to call the "useful idiot" Iain, while I quote the many history books to make my case against the un-indicted war criminals of Nichiren Shu, initiators and co-perpetrators of the Asian Holocaust against the peoples of the Pacific Rim and especially the Chinese people of Nanking.

These war criminals have never been brought to justice.

It is high time that they are hauled into court, because there is no statute of limitations on war crimes.

Justice for the victims of the Rape of Nanking and elsewhere, and prosecution of the war criminals of Nichiren Shu, whose radical militaristic followers and chaplains misled the Japanese people and the royalty into this abomination!

Their distortions of Nichiren Buddhism into Shinto statue worship is the cause, and that distortion continues to be perpetuated by Mark Rogow and Katie Higgins and their "useful idiot", Iain.

Their attacks on the SGI are merely a cover for their perpetual guilt over their complicity in war crimes while the founders of the SGI were cornered by Imperial Way Buddhism and their Shinto Talisman supporting the Pacifc War of Imperial State Zen. Mr. Makiguchi and Mr. Toda were ultimately imprisoned in Tokyo until Mr. Makiguchi's death and Mr. Toda's release at the end of the War, while the forces unleashed by Nichiren Shu (and with the complicity of the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood) ran rampant over China and the Pacific Rim.



and here:


The Rape of Nanking (1937), also known as the Nanjing Massacre

The Bangka Island Massacre (1942): Slaughter of Australian Army Nurses

The Bataan Death March (1942)

The Sandakan Death March (1945)

Murder and cannibalism on the Kokoda Track (1942)

Conscripting women for sexual slavery in Japanese Army brothels (1937-1945)

Mutilation and murder of Dutch civilians in Borneo

Murder and cannibalism - captured American pilots

2016-09-03 14:09:30 UTC
"we are the movement for Kosen Rufu" your own mentor, Daisaku Ikeda refutes you on that one Chas. The SGI has abandoned teaching or upholding faith in the Dai Gohonzon, ironically because it was holding back worldwide kosen rufu. But this is Daisaku Ikeda's opinion. I quote:

"As I have said repeatedly, it is nothing other than the Dai-Gohonzon that is the basis of our worldwide of our worldwide kosen-rufu movement. It is my honour that I have been able to use what little ability I am endowed with in order to blaze a trail for future world peace as well as fir the furtherance of kosen rufu in Japan where the Dai-Gohonzon is kept."

Page 92
Buddhism In Action Volume 1
ISBN 4-88872-015-0 C1315
Daisaku Ikeda

So, the SGI has abandonded the basis for kosen ruru, ergo, it's kosen rufu movemnet now has no basis and cannot therefore be a movement for kosen rufu.

Likewise, it cannot be a movement of faith either because Daisaku Ikeda defines that as, I quote:

Ibid Pages 33 & 34

"Faith means accepting the Dai-Gohonzon as absolute"

And it can't be a movement fulfilling it's mission because as Mr Ikeda, quoting Mr Toda defined that mission, I quote:

"We thus have a mission to share the benefits of the Gohonzon with people in suffering, because we are the first to know of its greatness and our great karma...it is the noble mission of the SGI to guide people to the Treasure Mountain of the Dai Gohonzon" (The History and Conviction of the Soka Gakkai page 7)."

Put simply, according to the second two of your three President's, SGI today is not a movement for kosen rufu, it has abandoned it's faith and it has abandined its mission. As for it's first President, well he died in prison for his faith, because he would not enshrine the Shinto talisman because he considered that to do so would be a grave slander of the Dai Gohonzon.

And as far as membership goes, well it doesn't really, SGI was 20 million globally in 1988, when it was still part of Nichiren Shoshu and upheld faith in the Dai Gohonzon, it's 12 million today a 40% drop and meanwhile, global population has grow by 45%. So even without faith, a mission and no basis for kosen rufu, simply as a religious business, trying to spread itself like Scientology, it's not doing very well. And it contiues to lose members at an increasingly alarming rate.

Are you surprised? I'm not - it's cause and effect Chas."
2016-09-04 16:31:42 UTC
On Saturday, September 3, 2016 at 7:09:31 AM UTC-7, ***@gmail.com wrote:


||| So, the SGI has abandonded the basis for kosen ruru, ergo


We have not abandoned the Dai Gohonzon or anything in Taisekiji, where the squatter Shinto priesthood of Nichiren Shoshu currently holds forth. This arrogant obstacle too shall pass: peripeteia!

In the meantime, your statue-worshiping masters (Mark Rogow and Katie Higgins) are still merely deflecting attention away from the unprosecuted war crimes of the Kempon Hokke and Nichiren Shu priests and their militant followers in the military in the Asian Holocaust during the Pacific War, in your joint attacks on the SGI, whose founders went to prison rather than go along with the Imperial Way Buddhism Shinto talisman underlying the civilian support for the Imperial State Zen war to enslave the human race.

Those millions of innocent lives cut short horribly by the catastrophic events instigated and complicitly perpetrated by Kempon Hokke and Nichiren Shu priests and their militant followers; those dead cry out for justice and will never be ignored again in this or any other context. No more deflection, because Holocaust denial equals continuing the Holocaust.

What motivates Katie Higgins, Mark Rogow (Buku) and what the KGB calls their "useful idiot", Iain, to go on like this (aside from their inner demons cultivated by slandering the Law through chanting to statues and images), what causes them to attack the SGI so vigorously? They are connected to Nichiren Shu and Kempon Hokke and other temples and these temples are un-indicted co-conspirators in war crimes.

It's not just that their Nichiren Shu youth militia groups were the incendiary driving force behind the inner officer corps of the Imperial Japanese forces that pushed for expansion into the Asian Pacific War.

It's not just that their Nichiren Shu chaplains were on the front lines with those ravenous militias as they committed war crimes around the Asia Pacific, cheering them on and correcting their style of Zen beheading of innocents, and using bound captives for bayonet and other kinds of practice.

It's that at the very beginning, Nichiren Shu priests created the premise for invasion of China, they were the match that lit the conflagration.

They will deny the truth in their usual incendiary manner, but the two posts below quote many history books and you cannot deny the condemnation of history.

From: "Nichiren Shu (with Kempon Hokke Myomanji Sect) and the Asian Holocaust #1"

and from "Nichiren Shu (with Kempon Hokke Myomanji Sect) and the Asian Holocaust #2"

So the answer to why they attack the SGI?

It's to cover up with flak the fact that Mr. Makiguchi died in prison, while Mr Toda spent the War in prison to be released at the end, for standing up the the imperial Way Buddhism and Imperial State Zen government perpetrating the Pacific War and its countless atrocities, which Nichiren Shu initiated, promulgated and rode the four horses of the Apocalypse straight through.

They can do no other than what they are doing to save the shreds of face that they still possess. That's why.

2016-09-04 16:59:07 UTC
"So the answer to why they attack the SGI?

It's to cover up with flak the fact that Mr. Makiguchi died in prison, while Mr Toda spent the War in prison to be released at the end, for standing up the the imperial Way Buddhism and Imperial State Zen government perpetrating the Pacific War and its countless atrocities, which Nichiren Shu initiated, promulgated and rode the four horses of the Apocalypse straight through.

They can do no other than what they are doing to save the shreds of face that they still possess. That's why.


The answer is much more simple and straightforward as to why we highlight the SGI's changes of teaching and faith.

We want SGI members and those who would join it to be aware that it has done this, that Daisaku Ikeda was saying one thing from 1940's to 1999. We also want them to be aware that SGI is very wealthy, that it has little or not financial transparency or accountability to it's members. And that members have little or no say in deciding changes of teaching.

In the former period (40's to 99), Daisaku Ikeda was proclaiming the Dai Gohonzon as the basis of kosen rufu, defining faith as faith in the Dai Gohonzon and Mr Toda's mission for the SGI, as being to spread that faith.

Now, he is saying that faith in the Dai Gohonzon is to be discarded and mentor disciple teaching to be adpoted.

I have quoted Daisaku Ikedacs words at length and invited you to comment and to explain this discrepancy. You have so far not taken up that invitation Chas.

How could this be characterised as an attack, when you have been given the opporunity to correct and inaccuracies or out of context quotes? And have been invited to comment explain?

Are you saying that to quite Daisaku Ikeda's own words and guidance is to attack the SGI? That seems very odd.

Please be well. :)
Katie Higgins
2016-09-04 17:43:03 UTC
"We have not abandoned the Dai Gohonzon or anything in Taisekiji, where the squatter Shinto priesthood of Nichiren Shoshu currently holds forth. This arrogant obstacle too shall pass: peripeteia! <""
However Chas and SGI have ABANDONED

" THOSE MILLIONS OF INNOCENT LIVES cut short horribly by the catastrophic events instigated and complicitly perpetrated by Kempon Hokke and Nichiren Shu priests and their militant followers; those dead cry out for justice and will never be ignored again in this or any other context. No more deflection, because Holocaust denial equals continuing the Holocaust<<"

Because Chas and the SGI are SO outRAGED at their SELF- INVENTED ENEMIES: Nichiren shoshu, Nichiren Shu, Harry Potter and J.K. Rowling !!

not to mention: other ENEMIES >>".....statue-worshiping masters (Mark Rogow and Katie Higgins)"<<

So out RAGED, is chas that right here, again today.....

Chas performs his work for SGI, >> deflecting attention away from...<<" EVERY post that clearly points out the duplicity of Daisaku Ikeda per HIS OWN words--

OutRAGEous, Chas! truly---

2016-09-04 17:55:20 UTC
">>"We have not abandoned the Dai Gohonzon or anything in Taisekiji, where the squatter Shinto priesthood of Nichiren Shoshu currently holds forth. This arrogant obstacle too shall pass: peripeteia! <"""

Well you'd better go and tell Mr Harada that. Also your fellow SGI USA members who think you have and think that Mr Harada said that. I posted the link to the SGI USA video where that was stated and discussed at length. Are you saying they all got that wrong? There were leaders in that room and they were using Daisaku Ikeda's guidance. Whay's gking on in SGI USA if any meeting like that can get so confused over something so important? It doesn't bode well Chas.

Are you suprised people are leaving. Either they got it wrong or you have. If you guys still embrace Dai Gohonzon, let us know what the SGI official position is and post a link will you?

I'm sure you should be able to quickly grab one from any SGI site. It should be central shouldn't it? I looked on several but couldn't find any mention of Dai Gohonzon. Thanks.

Be well :)
2016-09-05 18:59:07 UTC
On Sunday, September 4, 2016 at 10:55:21 AM UTC-7, ***@gmail.com wrote:

Post by i***@gmail.com
Are you suprised people are leaving. Either they got it wrong or you have. If you guys still embrace Dai Gohonzon, let us know what the SGI official position is and post a link will you?
I'm sure you should be able to quickly grab one from any SGI site. It should be central shouldn't it? I looked on several but couldn't find any mention of Dai Gohonzon. Thanks.
Be well :)
Understand that all Gohonzon are the same as the one inside, there is no difference in the correct object of worship, except the slanderous causes you make to come to it (like paying Nichiren Shoshu money to chant to the Dai Gohonzon, or receiving a Gohonzon from a slanderous temple, etc.), in the same way that there are no distinctions between Bodhisattvas of the Earth who are common mortals and true Buddhas, except the slanderous causes they make in their practice (like chanting to statues, etc..)

However, Taisekiji and all of its contents are the property of Nichiren Daishonin and Nikko Shonin's Fuji School, which has nothing whatever to do with the Shinto priesthood of Nichiren Shoshu that squats there now: none of whom follow the 26 admonitions of Nikko Shonin.

Hence the eventual extraction of the rotten tooth of Nichiren Shoshu from the mouth of the Fuji School: peripeteia!

It is the purpose of the challenge of Nichiren Shoshu to the Kosen Rufu movement of the SGI to weaken it and allow their allies in the devilish function from Kempon Hokke and Nichiren Shu to kill the weakened SGI by draining off their members of weakened faith, like Iain. Or to drive them into some "independent" Limbo-like irrelevance, until they perish in a failed state.

That is the purpose of this "challenge" to the Kosen Rufu movement of the SGI, to get it first to bow and then to heel, which means death.

Don't get sucked in by this diatribe from the statue-worshipers, unless you too want to be worshiping Shakyamuni like a Hindu god. Where this has led historically is to the Holocaust.

Mark Rogow, Katie Higgins and now what the KGB/FSB/GRU calls their "useful idiot" Iain, now submit endless attacks against the SGI as a deflection from their joined guilt as Holocaust Deniers of the Asian Holocaust of the Pacific War: which was instigated and complicitly perpetrated by the Kempon Hokke and Nichiren Shu corrupted priests and their militant fanatical followers in the Imperial Military.

They attack the SGI explicitly, because the founders of the SGI went to prison rather than submit to the Imperial Way Buddhism's Shinto talisman, which was the unifying religious drive to get the population fanatically behind the Imperial State Zen War for the enslavement of humanity.

To deny the Holocaust, you must undermine the victims (Nanking and countless other places, Tsunesaburo Makiguchi) and survivors (People's Republic of China, Republic of China, North and South Korea, etc., Josei Toda).

To deny the Holocaust, you must deny it ever happened by keeping it out of the history books and then attack the history books that actually tell the accounts of how Nichiren Shu priests and their militant followers led the way in provocation of the Chinese people during their military incursions into Chinese cities along the great rivers of China, with their Japanese Naval military vessels carrying Japanese Marine regiments led by Nichiren Shu fanatics in all branches of the military.

More details here:



And the sordid older history of these failed attempts to bury Kosen Rufu by causing it to bow and then heel over many centuries:


As is seen in that last historical analysis above, the statue-worshiping distortions of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism lead to worshiping the military and government leaders as gods (think Trump) and then we have primed ourselves for another and perhaps final Holocaust.

Worshiping human beings as gods through status and images bears an intentional resemblance to having a mentor and appreciating him, which is NOT deification but instead setting a goal for your own self to become a better person and aspire to accomplish great things in your own home town, place of business and families.

Worshiping human beings and their images as gods leads in every case to the grinding yoke of dictatorship (re: the Korean Kims, the Russian Putins, Third Reich, Imperial State Zen created Shinto worship of the Emperor, etc.) which can take generations to work our way out from under, if we do at all (it took hundreds of years to rid ourselves of the Tokugawas and their Shinto cult of worshiping Ieyasu as God Almighty at Mt. Nikko.)

Don't be sucked into countless kalpas of Avichi Hell by these corrupted persons of Kempon Hokke, Nichiren Shu and their "useful idiots"!

Why statues are not to be chanted to -
Post by i***@gmail.com
Since SGI is wrong about the identity and nature of the Eternal Buddha why would you believe it is correct about anything else?
The entire thrust of the Rissho Ankoku Ron is that the Treasure of the Buddha is Shakyamuni and the Treasure of the Law is Myoho renge kyo (Lotus Sutra).
Make a quote, please.

Taking just the first few horrible translations of the Gosho that you quote to "prove" your fictitious points...
Post by i***@gmail.com
Nichiren says in "Reply to Lady Nichinyo": "I for the first time reveal, as a banner of the spread of the Hokkekyo the Great Mandala which even Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, and so on, and Tendai, Myoraku, and so on did not reveal. This is not at all something which I, Nichiren made myself. It is the Object of Worship which is from the print block of the Great Muni, the World Honored One within the Stupa of Taho and the Separate-Body Buddhas."
Clearly, the Daishonin inscribed the Gohonzon as taught to him by the Great Muni.
Your text is a profound forgery and utter uglification of the true text of the Gosho, written to Nichinyo.

From "The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon", WND I, pp. 831-832:

. How wondrous it is that, around two hundred years and more
. into the Latter Day of the Law, I was the first to reveal
. as the banner of propagation of the Lotus Sutra this great
. mandala that even those such as Nāgārjuna and Vasubandhu,
. T’ien-t’ai and Miao-lo were unable to express. This mandala
. is in no way my invention. It is the object of devotion
. that depicts Shakyamuni Buddha, the World-Honored One,
. seated in the treasure tower of Many Treasures Buddha, and
. the Buddhas who were Shakyamuni’s emanations as perfectly
. as a print matches its woodblock. Thus the five characters
. of the Lotus Sutra’s title are suspended in the center,
. while the four heavenly kings are seated at the four
. corners of the treasure tower. Shakyamuni, Many Treasures,
. and the four leaders of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth are
. side by side at the top. Seated below them are the
. bodhisattvas, including Universal Worthy and Manjushrī, and
. the voice-hearers, including Shāriputra and Maudgalyāyana.
. [Beside them are] the gods of the sun and moon, the devil
. king of the sixth heaven, the dragon king, and an asura. In
. addition, the wisdom kings Immovable and Craving-Filled
. take up their stations to the south and north. The evil and
. treacherous Devadatta and the ignorant dragon king’s
. daughter form a group. Not only the Mother of Demon
. Children and the ten demon daughters, who are evil demons
. that sap the lives of people throughout the major world
. system, but also the Sun Goddess, Great Bodhisattva
. Hachiman, and the seven reigns of the heavenly gods and
. five reigns of the earthly gods, who are the guardian
. deities of Japan—all the various great and small gods, that
. is, the main gods, are ranged in rows. How then could the
. remaining subordinate gods be left out? The “Treasure
. Tower” chapter states, “[Shakyamuni Buddha used his
. transcendental powers to] lift all the members of the great
. assembly up into the air.”
. Without exception, all these Buddhas, bodhisattvas, great
. sages, and, in general, all the various beings of the two
. worlds and the eight groups who appear in the
. “Introduction” chapter of the Lotus Sutra dwell in this
. Gohonzon. Illuminated by the light of the five characters
. of the Mystic Law, they display the dignified attributes
. that they inherently possess. This is the object of devotion.
. This is what is meant when the sutra says “the true aspect
. of all phenomena.” Miao-lo stated: “The true aspect
. invariably manifests in all phenomena, and all phenomena
. invariably manifest in the ten factors. The ten factors
. invariably manifest in the Ten Worlds, and the Ten Worlds
. invariably manifest in life and its environment.” It is
. also stated that the profound principle of the true aspect
. is the originally inherent Myoho-renge-kyo. The Great
. Teacher Dengyō said, “A single moment of life comprising
. the three thousand realms is itself the Buddha of limitless
. joy; this Buddha has forsaken august appearances.”
. Therefore, this Gohonzon shall be called the great mandala
. never before known; it did not appear until more than 2,220
. years after the Buddha’s passing.

Your priests have corrupted this beautiful description and will suffer the ages in Avichi hel for it, and now you, too, for climbing on the bandwagon with them. They wanted to worship Shakyamuni as a god, because they think so little of themselves. They wanted to worship stupas, like the Hinayana believers of the Pali canon. This was the original error that led to statue worship, abandoning the teachings and taking up with images of men as your object of worship.
Post by i***@gmail.com
"Thus it was revealed that Shakyamuni had long been the Buddha since the eternal past, and it became clear that various Buddhas in other worlds were all manifestations of Shakyamuni Buddha..[ ] now, however, as Shakyamuni was proved to be the Eternal Buddha, those Buddhas in the Flower Garland Sutra, or Buddhas in the Hodo, Hannya, or Great Sun Buddha sutras all became subordinates of Shakyamuni Buddha." (Kaimoku Sho, p. 174, translated by Kyotsu Hori, 1987)
"When Shakyamuni Buddha revealed that he had gained enlightenment in the far distant past and had since then been constantly in the world, it became apparent that all the other Buddhas were emanations of Shakyamuni....but now it became apparent that Vairocana Buddha of the Kegon Sutra and various Buddhas of the Hodo, Hannya and Dainichi sutras are in fact all followers of Shakyamuni Buddha." (MW V.2, p.149)
Here is the actual quote from "The Opening of the Eyes", WND I, p. 256:

. When Shakyamuni Buddha revealed that he had gained
. enlightenment in the far distant past, it became apparent
. that all the other Buddhas were emanations of Shakyamuni.
. When the Buddha preached the earlier sutras and the first
. half, or theoretical teaching, of the Lotus Sutra, the
. other Buddhas were pictured as standing on an equal footing
. with Shakyamuni, after completing their respective
. practices and disciplines. Therefore, the people who take
. one or another of these Buddhas as their object of devotion
. customarily look down on Shakyamuni Buddha. But now it
. becomes apparent that Vairochana Buddha, who is described
. in the Flower Garland Sutra as being seated on a lotus
. pedestal, and the various Buddhas who appear in the sutras
. of the Correct and Equal and the Wisdom periods, such as
. the Mahāvairochana Sutra, are all in fact followers of
. Shakyamuni Buddha.

There is simply no end to the distortions you can vomit forth, perjured for you evil purpose: to support your Hindu/Shinto practice of worshiping Shakyamuni as a god, which he would himself decry. Shakyamuni was added to the Hindu pantheon of gods to the end of enfolding and crushing the life out of the corrupted practice of Buddhism after it had passed into the East.

Your Middle Day of the Law practice of worshiping statues is NOT for the era Nichiren Daishonin, it is the hollow and ghostly practice of the dead. The practice of the Latter Day of the Law is to chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to the Gohonzon, not the image of any person, Shakyamuni or Nichiren Daishonin.

As I made clear earlier from this passage of the "Immeasurable Meanings Sutra", pp. 12-13, which is preached during the first chapter of the Lotus Sutra and is concurrent with it and not previous to the Lotus Sutra, and which is in no way provisional or to be discarded in any way. In fact the Lotus Sutra and the Gosho reference the true aspect, and without this definition, THEY WOULD BE INCOMPLETE!

Here's the quote that destroys all your statue worshiping, I have highlighted the key phrase so that you cannot miss it (although I fear your mind cannot read it):

. “When bodhisattvas have in this manner observed the
. beginning and end of these four aspects and have understood
. them in their entirety, then they will clearly perceive
. that all phenomena, never abiding from one instant to
. the next, are constantly being born anew and passing into
. extinction, and then they will immediately perceive the
. true aspect of birth, abiding, change, and extinction.
. “Once they have gained this perception, then they must turn
. to the capacities, natures, and desires of living beings.
. Because such natures and desires are immeasurable in
. variety, the ways of preaching the Law are immeasurable;
. and because the ways of preaching the Law are immeasurable,
. its meanings are likewise immeasurable. THESE IMMEASURABLE
. “When bodhisattvas mahasattva rest and abide in this
. understanding of the true aspect of all phenomena, then the
. pity and compassion that they put forth will be based on
. clear understanding and not groundless, and they will be
. truly capable of rescuing living beings from the sufferings
. that they undergo. And once they have rescued them from
. suffering, they will preach the Law for them and enable
. living beings to enjoy ease and delight.

Santai or the Three Truths can only be found in the Lotus Sutra, this is one of the glories of the Lotus Sutra. "The truth of non-substantiality, the truth of temporary existence, and the truth of the Middle Way." from the SGI Dictionary:

The images of human beings are the images of their Temporary Existence alone, their impermanence.

I am impermanent and will vanish from the world, this is my destiny from birth: to be born is to die, that is the guarantee of the four sufferings. Birth, aging, sickness and death.

And yet, like an electron that has a particle and a wave function, I am also Non-Substantial and that was true before my birth, during my aging, sickness and after my death. In fact I am dying now, cells that were crucial to my function ar born and then die all the time. I am also like a wave.

In all those phases of my life I am in the Middle Way, the unification of the Three Truths.

Images of living beings are images of impermanence alone, and like "the Tripitaka teaching and the connecting teaching do not reveal the truth of the Middle Way and therefore lack the three truths," (from the definition of Santai) ... they do not possess the "true aspect."

The highest object of worship, the Gohonzon possesses the "true aspect" in the fact that it is an arrangement of characters and does not look like you or me or anyone you know. This is how it can reflect ALL THE LIVING BEINGS, not just here, but everywhere that life has or will develop in the ten directions and the three existences of past, present and future.

All living being possess the true aspect and they are all Buddhas, like the characters of an enormous version of the Lotus Sutra. However, not even the images of the Lord of Teachings, Shakyamuni or the Lord of Practice, Nichiren Daishonin reflect anything other than impermanence.

Only the Gohonzon reflects the true aspect. It is the highest object of worship and all others are pitiful in their aspect, by comparison: why would anyone chant the daimoku, Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to any other object of worship?

How dishonorable!

Katie Higgins
2016-09-06 00:21:20 UTC
"Understand that all Gohonzon are the same as the one inside, there is no difference in the correct object of worship, except the slanderous causes you make to come to it (like paying Nichiren Shoshu money to chant to the Dai Gohonzon, or receiving a Gohonzon from a slanderous temple, etc.), in the same way that there are no distinctions between Bodhisattvas of the Earth who are common mortals and true Buddhas, except the slanderous causes they make in their practice (like chanting to statues, etc..) <<"
Sorry, Chas, not taking your word about the Gohonzon-- please provide Gosho passages to support "ALL" Gohonzons are the same?

You/SGIkeda and NST don't have Nichiren Gohonzons-- this much we know, because Nikko did not leave a Nichiren Gohonzon at Taisekiji when he left!!

Thanks, Chas,

2016-09-07 04:25:39 UTC
If it is indeed a Gohonzon that you are chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to (and assuming you are not doing grievous slander of the Law to prevent the following), the it mirrors the one inside your life and your life responds to it in kind, reflecting Ichinen Sanzen, the opening of the treasure tower and revealing the priceless gems contained therein. Surely you know what I am referring to.

It is importnant to note, however, that as Nichiren Daishonin states in "Encouragement to a Sick Person", pp. 77-78, (note the bolded phrase)

... Moreover, every single person is guilty of slander of the
... Law, an offense exceeding even the ten evil acts or the
... five cardinal sins. Although few people slander the Lotus
... Sutra with actual words of abuse, there are none who accept
... it. Some appear to accept the sutra, but their faith in it
... is not as deep as their faith in the Nembutsu or other
... teachings. And even those with profound faith do not
... reproach the enemies of the Lotus Sutra. However great the
... good causes one may make, or even if one reads and copies
... the entirety of the Lotus Sutra a thousand or ten thousand

Impossible, Katie. Impossible.
The most perverse sect at the time of Nichiren was Tendai [Mikkyo] which mixed Lotus Sutra Buddhism and Shingon. Today, we have a similar problem but NST and SGI ...

You are projecting. It is you and your Shinto-ized version of Hinduistic statue-worshiping distortion of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism that is clearly a corruption. Nichiren Daishonin declared the Gohonzon as the supreme object of worship throughout Jambudvipa, not your pictures and statues. They do not possess the true aspect.

From "The True Aspect of All Phenomena", WND I, p. 383-385:

... NO ONE BUT NICHIREN has ever revealed teachings like these.
... Though T’ien-t’ai, Miao-lo, and Dengyō knew about them in
... their hearts, they never put them into words. They went
... about their lives keeping this knowledge to themselves. And
... there was good reason for this. The Buddha had not
... entrusted them with the task, the time had not yet come,
... and they had not been the Buddha’s disciples from the
... distant past. Only Superior Practices, Boundless Practices,
... and the other foremost leaders and guiding teachers among
... the Bodhisattvas of the Earth cannot only appear during the
... first five hundred years of the Latter Day of the Law and
... spread the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, the essence
... of all phenomena, BUT ALSO GIVE CONCRETE FORM TO THE
... TREASURE TOWER. The reason is that what they are to spread
... and give concrete form to is none other than the teaching
... of the actual three thousand realms in a single moment of
... life in the “Life Span” chapter of the essential teaching.

1. "No one but Nichiren" has revealed these teachings, not even Shakyamuni, Lord of Teachings, who is negatively included with all others in the phrase "no one".

It was no one else's mission, but Nichiren Daishonin to reveal the highest truth hidden at the heart of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren Daishonin explains this in various other places as due to the time, however, it is also due to who Nichiren Daishonin is.

Nichiren Daishonin is the man for that moment, who turns that wheel that makes the new era of the Latter Day of the Law or Mappo, by revealing the truth that no one else can reveal.

This is the man Iain calls a "latter commentator", and who I call Daishonin or True Buddha. Nichiren Daishonin is the revealer, not the commentator, oddly, that role is left to Shakyamuni who predicted Nichiren Daishonin's revelation of the heart of the Lotus Sutra: the heart of the highest teaching.

The heart of the highest teaching that he reveals is not indicated directly in any quote in the Lotus Sutra, such that you can actually logically prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that what Nichiren Daishonin reveals is the truth.

The truth of the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra, as in all far lesser religious truths, is not logically deduced or induced, but is based on faith alone: however, in both the Western and Eastern worlds, Reason includes both Logic AND Faith.

Hence, faith-based logic is reasonable, unless you are without faith, then that logic is not reasonable and makes no sense whatsoever.

Faith in this case implies practice, you have to chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to come to believe in it and experience the result to gain faith.

2. However, before you can have faith in the power of the daimoku, you had to have faith in Nichiren Daishonin, who reveals that highest truth, you would have to have faith in the mentor, that he is revealing to you, the disciple, the absolute truth and nothing else. Otherwise, your practice of the Lotus Sutra would be Tendai, and simple recitation of its chapters to your statues.

Not having faith in Nichiren Daishonin, since you had never heard of him, you had to have faith in the mentor that introduced you, or taught you to chant, or led the first district meeting you went to, or ... whoever the bodhisattva was: that person had faith in the daimoku, the Gohonzon and hence, that Nichiren Daishonin was in fact, completely right! The disciple first receives faith in the veracity of Nichiren Daishonin (or an echo of it) from their mentor.

3. "Only Superior Practices, Boundless Practices, and the other foremost leaders and guiding teachers among the Bodhisattvas of the Earth ..." "... also give concrete form to the ceremony of the two Buddhas seated side by side in the treasure tower." That concrete form is the Gohonzon, the highest object of worship.

Shakyamuni not only cannot reveal the highest teaching ... also, he cannot enscribe the Gohonzon.

Why? Because it is not his mission given by the eternal Buddha. That was given to the very first of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, Nichiren Daishonin, as the embodiment of Superior Practices, or Jogyo.

This means you either trust what Nichiren Daishonin says and choose the Gohonzon as your highest object of worship to chant the daimoku to, or distrust Nichiren Daishonin and chant the daimoku to your statues. You will however, have to choose which path to take, with hell to pay upon your mistaken choice.

... described in the sutra as “the Thus Come One’s secret and
... his transcendental powers.” THE “THUS COME ONE’S SECRET”
... REFERS TO THE TRUE BUDDHA. “His transcendental powers”
... refers to the functions of the three bodies, and it refers
... to provisional Buddhas. A COMMON MORTAL IS AN ENTITY OF THE
... THREE BODIES, AND A TRUE BUDDHA. A Buddha is a function of
... the three bodies, and a provisional Buddha. In that case,
... though it is thought that Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the
... three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for the
... sake of all of us living beings, that is not so. ON THE

4. "Therefore, the two Buddhas, Shakyamuni and Many Treasures, are Buddhas who are functions [of Myoho-renge-kyo]. It is Myoho-renge-kyo that is the true Buddha."

Shakyamuni (and Taho) are functions of the eternal Buddha, Myoho-Renge-Kyo, which we invoke in the daimoku.

Is that crystal clear? If you chant the daimoku, you have to have faith that Nichiren Daishonin is correct, otherwise Myoho-Renge-Kyo would not be the eternal Buddha: and if you accept that, then Shakyamuni would not be a function of Myoho-Renge-Kyo.

You cannot have it both ways, you must give up the supremacy of Shakyamuni and stop chanting to images of him, since you cannot chant the highest teaching hidden in the Lotus Sutra that was revealed by Nichiren Daishonin unless you agree with him on this completely central point. Stop chanting to functions, and chant to the Gohonzon.

5. These three phrases (a through c, below) refer to the common mortal, or true Buddha, which Nichiren Daishonin is, and also you and I as well as every common mortal. Common mortals in the Mappo era, after Nichiren Daishonin revealed the truth, are also Bodhisattvas of the Earth, according to Josei Toda.

Here's the proof of Nichiren Daishonin's point.

a. '“Thus Come One’s secret” refers to the entity of the Buddha’s three bodies, and it refers to the true Buddha.'

b. "A common mortal is an entity of the three bodies, and a true Buddha."

c. "On the contrary, it is common mortals who endow him [Shakyamuni] with the three virtues."

6. These two phrases (d and e) refer to provisional Buddhas like Shakyamuni, who are functions of the three bodies of the true Buddha.

d. '“His transcendental powers” refers to the functions of the three bodies, and it refers to provisional Buddhas.'

e. 'A Buddha is a function of the three bodies, and a provisional Buddha. In that case, though it is thought that Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for the sake of all of us living beings, that is not so.'

... The “Thus Come One” is explained clearly in T’ien-t’ai’s
... commentary as follows: “The Thus Come One is a general
... designation for the Buddhas of the ten directions and the
... three existences, for the two Buddhas, the three Buddhas,
... the true Buddha, and provisional Buddhas.” THE “TRUE
... BUDDHAS” MEANS BUDDHAS. However, because of the difference
... between ordinary people and Buddhas that stems from the
... disparity between delusion and enlightenment, ordinary
... people are unaware that they are endowed with both the
... entity and the functions of the three bodies.

'The “true Buddha” here means common mortals, whereas “provisional Buddhas” means Buddhas.'

That is another direct quote making this very point again. Clear and straightforward and unmistakable.

The common mortal is the true Buddha, whereas Shakyamuni and Many Treasures in all their eternal glory as inscribed on the Gohonzon, are functions of the entity that is any common mortal enveloped in his or her delusion.

That means that if a statue worshiper really wanted to enshrine a more proper image to chant to, it would be the picture of a drunk or a hooker on the street: better that, than just a FUNCTION of that true Buddha, that very human being.

This is why we don't chant to images, since images cannot have the true aspect, only the Gohonzon has the true aspect, which means without having aspect (from the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra, without which the Lotus Sutra would lack the clear understanding of true aspect, and would therefore be less complete.)

... “All phenomena” in the sutra refers to the Ten Worlds, and
... the “true aspect,” to what they actually are. THE “TRUE
... phenomena are Myoho-renge-kyo. Hell’s displaying the form
... of hell is its true aspect. When hell changes into the
... realm of hungry spirits, that is no longer the true form of
... hell. A Buddha displays the form of a Buddha, and a common
... mortal, that of a common mortal. The entities of all
... phenomena are entities of Myoho-renge-kyo. That is the
... meaning of “the true aspect of all phenomena.” T’ien-t’ai
... states that the profound principle of the true aspect is
... the originally inherent Myoho-renge-kyo. This
... interpretation identifies the phrase “true aspect” with the
... theoretical teaching and “the originally inherent
... Myoho-renge-kyo” with the essential teaching. You should
... ponder this interpretation deep in your heart.

'The “true aspect” is another name for Myoho-renge-kyo; hence all phenomena are Myoho-renge-kyo.'

This is the fruit of the clear understanding of that description of true aspect.

If the true aspect was an image of Shakyamuni, then it could not be Myoho-Renge-Kyo, because Myoho-Renge-Kyo is without aspect, you cannot view it from any point and see an aspect.

Also, then all entities and phenomena could not be the true entity of Myoho-Renge-Kyo, without having the aspect of Shakyamuni, were Shakyamuni's image the true aspect.

All phenomena are the true aspect AND Myoho-Renge-Kyo, precisely because the true aspect means without having the aspect of any specific or particular entity.

This also, BTW explains that passage with all of the negations from the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra:

'his body neither existing nor not existing,
neither caused nor conditioned, neither self nor other,
neither square nor round, neither short nor long,
neither appearing nor disappearing, neither born nor extinguished,
neither created nor arising, neither acted nor made,
neither sitting nor lying down, neither walking nor standing,
neither moving nor turning, neither idle nor still,
neither advancing nor retreating, neither in safety nor danger,
neither right nor wrong, neither gaining nor losing,
neither that nor this, neither departing nor coming,
neither blue nor yellow, neither red nor white,
neither crimson nor purple nor any other sort of color'

This is all straightforward and clear from the reading of the supreme teaching and the Gosho.

... Although not worthy of the honor, I, Nichiren, was
... nevertheless the first to spread the Mystic Law entrusted
... to Bodhisattva Superior Practices for propagation in the
... Latter Day of the Law. I was also the first, though only
... Bodhisattva Superior Practices is so empowered, to inscribe
... [the object of devotion as] the embodiment of Shakyamuni
... Buddha from the remote past as revealed in the “Life Span”
... chapter of the essential teaching, of Many Treasures Buddha
... who appeared when the “Treasure Tower” chapter of the
... theoretical teaching was preached, and of the Bodhisattvas
... of the Earth who arrived with the “Emerging from the Earth”
... chapter. Though people may hate me, they cannot possibly
... alter the fact of my enlightenment.

Nichiren Daishonin enscribed all of those onto the Gohonzon. Not onto an image of Shakyamuni. Shakyamuni could not reveal the daimoku at the heart of the Lotus Sutra, not inscribe the Gohonzon, according to Nichiren Daishonin, who did both.

... Therefore, to have exiled me, Nichiren, to this remote
... island is, I believe, an offense that can never be
... expiated, even with the passing of countless kalpas. A
... passage from the “Simile and Parable” chapter reads, “If I
... were to describe the punishments [that fall on persons who
... slander this sutra], I could exhaust a kalpa and never come
... to the end.” On the other hand, not even the wisdom of the
... Buddha can fathom the blessings that one will obtain by
... giving alms to Nichiren and by becoming his disciple and
... lay supporter. The sutra reads, “[The benefits he gains
... thereby will be such that] even the Buddha wisdom could
... never finish calculating their extent.”

Hence, slanderers, who deny the very intent of this sutra, which is its heart, commit"

"an offense that can never be expiated, even with the passing of countless kalpas."

However, there is hope even for them, because:

'The sutra reads, “[The benefits he gains thereby will be such that] even the Buddha wisdom could never finish calculating their extent.”'

... Nichiren alone took the lead in carrying out the task of
... the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. He may even be one of them.
... If Nichiren is to be counted among the Bodhisattvas of the
... Earth, then so must his disciples and lay supporters. The
... sutra states: “If one [of these good men or good women in
... the time after I have passed into extinction] is able to
... secretly expound the Lotus Sutra to one person, even one
... phrase of it, then you should know that he or she is the
... envoy of the Thus Come One. He has been dispatched by the
... Thus Come One and carries out the Thus Come One’s work.”
... Who else but us can this possibly refer to?

Let's look into "The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon", and see what Nichiren teaches us.
"This mandala is in no way my invention. It is the object of devotion that depicts Shakyamuni Buddha, the World Honored One, seated in the treasure tower of Many treasures Buddha, and the Buddhas who were Shakyamuni's emanations as perfectly as a print matches its print block."
Your argument is a non sequitor and is sign of your fallacious reasoning and mental corruption. I never claimed that Nichiren Daishonin invented the Gohonzon, which is a depiction of the ceremony in the air at the moment that the Law is passed from the mentor (Shakyamuni) to the disciples (Bodhisattvas of the Earth, chiefly Jogyo Superior Practices, who is Nichiren Daishonin).

Nichiren Daishonin is the common mortal, who is the true Buddha, as are you and myself. Shakyamuni is a function of our true Buddhahood, this is what Nichiren Daishonin says. Take it or leave it. If you leave it, you cannot believe in the daimoku, which Nichiren Daishonin revealed and that you have to take on faith. He sadi it, I didn't, why do you want to thwart what he says so clearly with all this flak? Just accept it.

According to the Ongi Kuden and thus Nichiren Daishonin, the Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings: the Lotus Sutra in the Parable of the Phantom City chapter identifies the eternal Buddha (the Buddha of Limitless Joy, AKA the Buddha of Beginningless Time) as the grandfather of Shakyamuni, who as one of the sixteen princes, was the son of Great Universal Wisdom Excellence Thus Come One, son of "the grandfather".


... The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: In
... this passage we learn about the Buddha of the original
... state [that is, the Buddha of limitless joy]. “Grandfather”
... is another name for the Dharma-realm. The first three of
... the ten factors listed in the “Expedient Means” chapter,
... the factors of appearance, nature, and entity, are referred
... to as “grandfather.” Outside of these three factors, there
... is no wheel-turning sage king.
... The word “wheel-turning” refers to the phases of birth,
... abiding, change, and extinction. The words “sage king”
... refer to the element of the mind. These three factors,
... appearance, nature, and entity, are the father and mother
... of all the Buddhas of the three existences of past,
... present, and future.
... Now, when Nichiren and his followers chant
... Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they are acting as father and mother
... of the Buddhas of the three existences, as their
... grandfather, the wheel-turning sage king.

That passage refers to this one, the one and only reference to "the grandfather", where the son and father of Shakyamuni, Great Universal Wisdom Excellence, attains enlightenment when "the Law of the buddhas finally appeared before him" :

The Parable of the Phantom City, LS-7, pp 156-157:

... “Now, monks, the buddha Great Universal Wisdom Excellence
... passed ten small kalpas before the Law of the buddhas
... finally appeared before him and he attained supreme perfect
... p.157enlightenment. Before this buddha left the
... householder’s life, he had sixteen sons, the first of whom
... was named Wisdom Accumulated. These sons each had various
... kinds of rare objects and toys of one kind or another, but
... when they heard that their father had attained supreme
... perfect enlightenment, they all threw aside their rare
... objects and went to where the buddha was. Their mothers,
... weeping, followed after them.
... “Their grandfather, who was a wheel-turning sage king,
... along with a hundred chief ministers, as well as a hundred,
... thousand, ten thousand, million of his subjects, all
... together surrounded the sons and followed them to the place
... of enlightenment, all wishing to draw close to the thus
... come one Great Universal Wisdom Excellence, to offer alms,
... pay honor, venerate, and praise him. When they arrived,
... they bowed before his feet, touching their heads to the
... ground.

Aside from that, who knows, I don't. As far as I can tell, the eternal Buddha has no person otherwise identified in the Lotus Sutra. Shakyamuni attained enlightenment after his father.

At any rate, who was first hardly matters, unless you want to worship a statue of the first enlightened one.

I am satisfied that the Buddha leading our regiment of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth is Nichiren Daishonin, AKA Jogyo Superior Practices. He is the mentor whose Gosho I have made my mentor. I practice as he says and only that way. I worship no person and images of no person.

I worship the Gohonzon of the True Aspect of all Phenomena, which, BTW is a topic none of you have touched on, although I have elucidated it fully for your edification.
"It is also stated that the profound principle of the true aspect is the originally inherent Myoho-renge-kyo.[Lotus sutra Chap.2] The Great Teacher Dengyo said, "A single moment of life comprising the three thousand realms is itself the Buddha of limitless joy. this Buddha has forsaken august appearances." [The Treatise on the Secret and Sacred Teachings]
Are you listening to yourself? The Buddha of Limitless Joy is without aspect, just as I quoted.

Not a statue of Shakyamuni. Get it?
Do you need page#'s-- not sure which text you have.
IF Nichiren were the Original Buddha, teacher of Shakyamuni, WHY wouldn't he claim credit for the SOURCE of the Gohonzon as "his own invention"?
OR REVEAL the identity you claim is is TRUE identity?
Didn't claim that. Putting words in my mouth is lying. Don't do that.

All common mortals are the true Buddha, led by Nichiren Daishonin. Nichiren Daishonin is the leader of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, AKA Jogyo.
With your own presumptions,You, Chas are identifying Nichiren as a cunning, duplicitous teacher-- when it is your Sensei who has earned that title a million times over!!
This is a pile of crap and wierd supposition, avoid it Katie.
And that is the crux of the matter. You lost your true mind before you posted your first comment on this site---such is the fate of those who "follow evil teachers".
[snip the rest.]
How fortunate that we can possess and chant to an *authentic* Gohonzon inscribed by Nichiren's own hand...
These Gohonzon were received from the hands of an entire line of priests that betrayed Nichiren Daishonin and turned to Shinto-ized Hinduistic cult worship of images that Shakyamuni himself would have spurned, and ancient practices that were before Nichiren Daishonin turned the wheel to create the new era: of the Latter Day of the Law.

Receiving distortions of Nichiren's Buddhism and then Nichiren's stolen Gohonzon from evil priests worshiping in ancient and now-dead practices will incur instead a serious admonition from the Daishonin.

Cause and effect rules the world. You cannot steal Gohonzon and then expect benefit from distortions of the founder's practice.

Here's a refresher for you, Chas-- Nichiren's description of the Eternal Buddha and his attitude towards him--
The passages are from "The Opening Of The Eyes"-
"But the Buddha, our great teacher, has advanced beyond even transmigration with change and advance, let alone transmigration with differences and limitations. He has wiped out even the very root of fundamental darkness, let lone the illusions of thought and desire that are as minor as branches and leaves."
"The Buddha, from the time of his enlightenment at the age of thirty until his passing at the age of eighty, expounded his sacred teachings for a period of fifty years. Each word, each phrase he spoke is true, not a sentence, not a verse is false. The words of the sages and worthy preserved in the scriptures and teachings of Confucianism and Brahmanism, as we have noted, are free of error, and the words match the spirit in which they were spoken. But how much more true is this in the case of the Buddha, who had spoken not a false word for countless kalpasI In comparison to the non-Buddhist scriptures and teachings, the doctrines that he expounded in a period of fifty or so years represent the great vehicle, the true words of the great man, Everything that he preached, from the dawn of his enlightenment until the evening that he entered into nirvana , is none other than the truth."
Interesting that you missed the next paragraphs and the meaning of this passage, which applies directly to you all.

It has to do with how the supreme teachings are attacked by “appropriating Buddhism” or “plagiarizing Buddhism”, by efforts to "twist what is lofty and force it into a mean context; they destroy what is exalted and drag it down among the base, striving to put the two on an equal level."

Here is the passage that describes what you and your traitorous priests do, by merging Hinduism and Shinto statue worshiping with Nichiren's Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra ("The Opening of the Eyes (I)", WND I, pp. 223-225)

... However, when we examine the eighty thousand teachings of
... Buddhism expounded during a period of fifty or so years and
... recorded in scriptures, we find that they fall into various
... One of Great Enlightenment designated a specific period of
... the preceding forty years and more, and defined the various
... sutras preached during that period, numerous as the sands
... of the Ganges, as the sutras in which he had “not yet
... revealed the truth.” He designated the Lotus Sutra preached
... during the eight years as the sutra in which he “now must
... reveal the truth.” Thus Many Treasures Buddha came forth
... from beneath the earth to testify that “all that you have
... expounded [in the Lotus Sutra] is the truth,” and the
... Buddhas who are emanations of Shakyamuni gathered together
... and extended their long tongues up to the Brahmā heaven in
... testimony. These words are perfectly clear, perfectly
... understandable, brighter than the sun on a clear day, or
... like the full moon at midnight. Look up to them and believe
... them, and when you turn away, cherish them in your heart!
... The Lotus Sutra contains two important teachings. The
... Dharma Analysis Treasury, Establishment of Truth, Precepts,
... Dharma Characteristics, and Three Treatises schools have
... never heard even so much as the name of these teachings.
... three thousand realms in a single moment of life is found
... in only one place, hidden in the depths of the “Life Span”
... chapter of the essential teaching of the Lotus Sutra.
... Nāgārjuna and Vasubandhu were aware of it but did not bring
... it forth into the light. T’ien-t’ai Chih-che alone embraced
... it and kept it ever in mind.
... The doctrine of three thousand realms in a single moment of
... life begins with the concept of the mutual possession of
... the Ten Worlds. But the Dharma Characteristics and Three
... Treatises schools speak only of eight worlds and know
... nothing of the entirety of the Ten Worlds, much less of the
... concept of their mutual possession. The Dharma Analysis
... Treasury, Establishment of Truth, and Precepts schools
... derive their teachings from the Āgama sutras. They are
... aware only of the six worlds and know nothing of the other
... four worlds. They declare that in all the ten directions
... there is only one Buddha, and do not even preach that there
... is any other Buddha in any of the ten directions. OF THE
... refuse to acknowledge that even a single person possesses
... NATURE. This is because the teachers of these schools who
... appeared after the passing away of the Buddha had stolen
... these Mahayana doctrines and incorporated them into the
... teachings of their own schools.

Buddhas in the ten directions. Do you know who they are? The world of living beings.


How could you possibly miss this point?

... To illustrate, in the period before the appearance of
... Buddhism, the proponents of the non-Buddhist teachings in
... India were not so bound up in their own views. But after
... the appearance of the Buddha, when they had listened to and
... observed the Buddhist teachings, they became aware of the
... shortcomings of their own doctrines. THEY THEN CONCEIVED

And this appropriation into Hinduism (the non-Buddhist schools of India), continues with the statue worshipers of Nichiren Shu, and now Nichiren Shoshu, since Alex is an active part of your Sangha.

... The same thing occurred in the case of non-Buddhist
... scriptures in China. Before Buddhism was brought to China,
... Confucianism and Taoism were rather naive and childish
... affairs. But in the Later Han, Buddhism was introduced to
... China and challenged the native doctrines. In time, as
... Buddhism became more popular, THERE WERE CERTAIN BUDDHIST

This is much like the Nichiren Shu and now, Nichiren Shoshu and Iain's Sangha.

... In volume five of Great Concentration and Insight we read:
... “These days there are many devilish monks who break the
... precepts and return to lay life. Fearing that they will be
... punished for their action, they then go over to the side of
... the Taoists. Hoping to gain fame and profit, they speak
... extravagantly of the merits of Lao Tzu and Chuang Tzu,
... usurping Buddhist concepts and reading them into their
... erroneous scriptures. THEY TWIST WHAT IS LOFTY AND FORCE IT
... LEVEL.”

"They twist what is lofty and force it into a mean context; they destroy what is exalted and drag it down among the base, striving to put the two on an equal level."

That's what you guys are all about.
Do you notice, Chas--- how Nichiren upheld the Lotus Sutra? Do you notice that he doesn't call himself, "Buddha"?
Absolutely Nichiren Daishonin does, over and over.

He refers to himself as a "common mortal".

The term "Daishonin" or "true Buddha" means "common mortal." Shakyamuni is a provisional Buddha, or a function of the true Buddha, which is a common mortal.

That's why the Gohonzon works so perfectly for everyone. It raises the enlightened aspect of not only the provisional Buddha function of Shakyamuni, but all the other provisional Buddhas and other functions in your life, when you add the "pure and far-reaching voice" invoking the daimoku of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.

Do I need to include those passages again? I will until you can grasp their truth, which you repeatedly are missing.

[snip the rest.]


On Wednesday, July 6, 2016 at 10:41:22 PM UTC-7, Katie Higgins wrote:

Yo! Chas - maybe the reason Nichiren does not refer to himself or his staunch followers as "Buddha" is because they are not " Buddha"-

Maybe you have noticed that only in the disputed Gosho, "The True Aspect of All Phrnomena" and the proven forgery , the Ogni Kuden , will you find such nonsensical references re: common mortals are Budfhas -- yaddy yaddy ---


On Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 12:50:26 AM UTC-7, ***@gmail.com wrote:

But Chas, this is exactly your behaviour which can be clearly seen by reveiwing your postings. The evidence for such is actual in relation to you (readers can chevk this for themselves by using the forum index):

... LEVEL.”


On Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 10:18:43 AM UTC-7, Katie Higgins wrote:

iainx, I think you are pointing out a very fundamental aspect of the attitudes and beliefs that Chas exemplifies here; the same *ends* justifies the *means* attitude that produced forgeries, fake doctrines -- in the name of *widespread propagation*.

What is Chas actually propagating? if not; Make it easy, make it about materialism, make it into a *business* --- He has no more qualm about lying and manipulation than the originators of the transfer documents, the ogni kudon , the dai-no-honzon!! They all believed the *ends* justified the *means*--


On Thursday, July 7, 2016 at 10:59:38 PM UTC-7, Chas. wrote:

How you congratulate and reinforce each other's different delusions! What a deadly embrace.

Katie (and Mark Rogow) discard the parts of Nichiren Daishonin's life work that they disagree with: those parts that point to the erroneous nature of their practice of worshiping Shakyamuni as a GOD.

Bowing down to images of another human being, they are like impoverished and starving children looking through the window outside of the supermarket, who will never get to eat the nutritious food inside, but will perpetually place all their devotion and desire on that food.

Little do they know there is food in their pockets already: as common mortals they have always been and will always be true Buddhas possessing the three bodies of the Buddha received from their parents, and entities of the Mystic Law, the Buddha of limitless joy.

Iain is worshiping the Law itself and has divorced that Law from the true Buddha, who is a common mortal. He is like a man in prison on a hunger strike, who has the keys to his cell in his pocket: as a common mortal he has always been and will always be the true Buddha of Beginningless Time and the Buddha of Absolute Freedom.

Although they appear to believe differently: Katie and Mark thinking the eternal Buddha is someone other than themselves who they must worship, and Iain thinking that the Buddha is the Law and no one he would follow in particular, they actually agree. They all think the Buddha is outside.

How tragic and pitiful.

Katie Higgins
2016-09-07 05:47:51 UTC
I didn't see any Gosho passages in that mega-comment, Chas to support your saying "All Gohonzon are the same"-

I chant to A Nichiren Gohonzon. It is not the same as the Nichikan no-honzon, that I respectfully burned or the Nikken Gohonzon I returned , as *ordered* by the SGI in 1994 when they were saying the Nikken Gohonzon was *no good*-- remember that, Chas?

Anyway, I also have all the Gakkai translated into English writings of Nichiren--.

Nichiren writes beautiful, detailed descriptions of the unique aspects of the Gohonzons he inscribed. He even said "I inscribed my life in sum ink"-- Remember?

So whose life is inscribed in the ink on the Nichiren Shoshu no-honzons? You think that doesn't matter-- well, at least not until you find out the truth about Nichikan, the *mad man* who made up doctrines out of thin air-- yeah, wait until your SGIkeda gets around to telling you the truth about Nichikan-- then what?

An IKEDA-honzon-mandala??

Wouldn't be surprised Chas--

2016-09-08 03:31:17 UTC
Not listening again.

"If it is indeed a Gohonzon that you are chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to (and assuming you are not doing grievous slander of the Law to prevent the following)"

By receiving your Gohonzon from evil priests inheriting from the very same senior priests that betrayed Nichiren Daishonin to become statue-worshipers of Shakyamuni as a Hindu God... you have slandered in the same way as if you had stolen the Gohonzon from a member you had murdered and expected to receive benefits from chanting to it. You would not expect that, I assume, that you draw some connection between cause and effect.


Iain makes a new buddhism, starting by attacking and replacing the SGI and President Ikeda +

On Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 2:42:29 PM UTC-8, ***@gmail.com wrote:
||| Does the emphasis modern SGI teaching places on the
||| mentor-disciple relationship help or hinder practice
||| of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's Buddhism?
||| To address this question it is first necessary to define
||| what the SGI means by 'mentor'. The term is used in
||| 6 main ways by SGI:
||| 1) The Law as mentor
||| 2) The Buddha as mentor
||| 3) One or other of the "3 Presidents"
||| 4) Mr Ikeda as mentor
||| 5) A generalised umbrella term that is used to refer to
||| any of 1-5 without being specific 6) A general concept that
||| wraps 1-5 into a 'oneness'

You forgot countless. President Ikeda once called the Gohonzon the true mentor, he has mentioned being mentored by children he talks to, and by Zhou Enlai of China (and many others), and has said the SGI is filled with great mentors and that they should mentor each other.

||| Using this term in so many different senses invites
||| confusion.

The true state of affairs in life is as confusing as hell. So, what?

Mentoring and being mentored in Nichiren Buddhism is good. If I shakubuku someone and they decide to come to a meeting, even if they don't decide to take up the practice and receive the Gohonzon right away, this is still an absolute good. They will without doubt attain enlightenment sooner than they would if they only heard me say Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo when I first invited them (I never, ever, forget to say Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.)

In all three cases the result is guaranteed, so why do I bother trying to get people to come to meetings (acting as their parent and mentor)? The answer is that there is an untold amount of human misery that can happen along the path towards enlightenment and I am a determined enemy of human misery: to diminish and end it, forthwith.

When I was yet unborn but residing in my mother's womb after September 1950, the martyred Tsunesaburo Makiguchi was still the President of the Soka Gakkai. Before my birth in June 1951, Josei Toda became the President of the Soka Gakkai. When I was nine, Daisaku Ikeda became the President of the Soka Gakkai. I claim all three as mentors.

Mr. Toda said, "Abolish human misery," and I have vowed to do so.

||| In terms of the Law and the Buddha, it is unnecessary,
||| since the acts of teaching, learning,  embracing and
||| following are already implicit and explicit. In terms of
||| Nichiren's teaching 'Namu' underscores those actions.
||| It can be helpful to describe the relationship between
||| human mentors and their disciples and a shared mission to
||| accomplish something. The question is should this linear
||| and usually personal relationship be conflated with faith
||| and practice of the Law or relationship with the Buddha?
||| What happens, for instance, if the 'mentor' in the sense
||| of the 3 presidents or Mr Ikeda are at variance with the
||| Law or the Buddha? And if one has conflated them, will one
||| be able to spot if there is a variance?
||| Associating these different usages things together, as is
||| done in 5) and 6), makes it hard to think about them
||| separately.
||| Specifically, if one has got used to thinking about 1-5
||| as a 'oneness', if there is variance, then cognitive
||| dissonance with result. If one has accepted the proposition
||| that it is RIGHT to think of these things as a 'oneness'
||| then the likely response to any dissonance, will be to
||| excuse, overlook or dismiss the incongruity. And that's a
||| problem when it comes to practicing the Law.

So picky. The principle mentor and disciple is about practicing the Lotus Sutra, not theorizing about it. In the Ceremony in the Air, the Buddha preaches the Law and the Bodhisattvas of the Earth arise and vow to receive the Law, protect it and spread it widely. This is an organized action and they had a leader name Jogyo, Superior Practices. They were not theorizing, like Shakyamuni's followers who were monks (and yourself), they were taking action (like President Ikeda and the SGI.)

||| Nichiren's stance is clear, he resisted bringing the Law,
||| The Buddha, The Sutra and spiritual teachers together in
||| this way and in the following passage we can see why.

Baloney, not clear at all. You are simply avoiding doing the hard work of Kosen Rufu, by sitting and meditating about theory and chanting to pagodas.

||| "How Those Initially Aspiring to the Way Can Attain
||| Buddhahood Through The Lotus Sutra"
||| WND Volume 1 page 872-873
||| "A sutra says: 'Rely on the Law and not upon persons.
||| Rely on the meaning of the teaching and not on the words.
||| Rely on wisdom and not on discriminative thinking. Rely on
||| sutras that are complete and final and not on those that
||| are not complete and final.'
||| The meaning of this passage is that one should not rely
||| upon the words of the bodhisattvas and teachers, but should
||| heed what was established by the Buddha. It further means
||| that one should not rely upon the teachings of the True
||| Word, Zen, and Nembutsu schools, which are based upon the
||| sutras of the Flower Garland, Āgama, Correct and Equal, and
||| Wisdom periods, but should uphold the sutras that are
||| complete and final. And by relying upon 'sutras that are
||| complete and final,' it means upholding the Lotus Sutra."
||| By keeping teachers (or mentors) and bodhisattvas
||| separate, he maintains the supremacy of the Law and The
||| Buddha as the spiritual authority. And by making
||| distinctions between the Sutras, he does the same.

You are conflating "True Word, Zen, and Nembutsu schools" with the SGI and upholding the Lotus Sutra with yourself? You are clearly creating a new Sangha of Iain Buddhism now, by replacing the SGI and President Ikeda with yourself.

Also, the "A sutra" quoted by Nichiren Daishonin is the Nirvana Sutra, which we all know is final, but incomplete, although it is the Buddha's last word and testament. Literalists like yourself would note the inconsistency. Disciples who follow their mentors, like myself, will try to understand and follow the Buddha's last will and testament. That is mentor and disciple, too.

||| Clearly, it was important to him to ensure that his
||| followers understood this but why?
||| Nichiren's writings are full of instances where he argues
||| that 'teachers' can and do lead their disciples astray,
||| specifically away from a correct faith in the Lotus Sutra.
||| He was also went to great lengths to avoid doing that
||| himself, which is why some people refer to Nichiren as a
||| 'scriptural' Buddhist.
||| We can see this approach in the two translations of the
||| following passage:
||| Writings of Nichiren Daishonin Vol , Page 543.
||| "Your process of questioning is backwards. If I had cited
||| passages from the commentaries of men such as T’ien-t’ai
||| and the others and you had then asked whether there were
||| passages from the sutras and treatises to support them,
||| that I could understand. But since I have already cited
||| sutra passages that clearly prove the argument, it is
||| hardly necessary to ask if there are similar passages in
||| the commentaries. If by chance you found that the sutras
||| and the commentaries disagreed, would you then discard the
||| sutras and follow the commentaries?"
||| Writings of Nichiren Shonin, Doctrine 1, University of
||| Hawaii Press, page 195
||| "Your question is out of order. You may ask for
||| scriptural proofs to back up statements in later
||| commentaries, but you may not look for proofs in later
||| commentaries when the statements in sutras are clear. Are
||| you going to side with commentaries against sutras in cases
||| where you find then contradictory?"

I'm sorry, you can't dismiss Nichiren Daishonin (as a "later commentator" to be ignored) to avoid his admonitions against slander of the Law and towards refuting slander of the Law (which you have), and then quote him to support your attack on his true followers in the SGI.

You yourself said that the Lotus Sutra is the only mentor you will follow, so to be consistent with your denial of Nichiren Daishonin as mentor, please quit quoting him to undermine those true disciples of Nichiren Daishonin that actually follow him closely and carry out his intent by their actions, in the SGI.

You are either with Nichiren Daishonin or you are in Avichi Hell:

From the Orally Transmitted Teachings, p. 138,

... Point Seventeen, on the words "Abandoning restraint, they
... give themselves up to the five desires / and fall into the
... evil paths of existence."
... The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says:
... "Abandoning restraint" is a term designating slander of
... the Law. Those who do so are without doubt destined to
... fall into the Avichi hell.
... But now Nichiren and his followers, who chant
... Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, are exempted from the fate referred
... to in this passage of the sutra.

After summarily dismissing Nichiren Daishonin (have you every called him "Daishonin" in this forum? I think not) and then having the temerity to quote the dismissed Bodhisattva Superior Practices, you then have the utter gall to go on and interpret what he says and re-interpret the Lotus Sutra for yourself.

||| Here Nichiren is setting a priority between reliance on
||| the Sutra and the commentaries.
||| It is not automatically bad to take heed of what teachers
||| or mentors have to say, they may have genuinely useful
||| insights.
||| The issue is about keeping a separation between them and
||| setting the correct hierarchy so that one can evaluate
||| those insights against the benchmark of the Law,  Buddha
||| and (Lotus) Sutra, whist maintaining the priority order
||| that maintains the supremacy of Law, Buddha and Sutra. 
||| In terms of any modern Nichiren sect that claims to
||| practice his teachings, one might add Nichiren's teaching
||| to the end of that pecking order.
||| So we can see by this that the teaching of "the way
||| mentor disciple" as currently used by the SGI is at best
||| unclear and invites confusion in the practice of the Lotus
||| Sutra and at worst is open to abuse.
||| Further more it is at odds with Nichiren's approach.
||| Where he deliberately separated these concepts to avoid
||| risk, the SGI brings then together and invites it.
||| One particular problem is the emphasis with which the
||| mentor is given by some practitioners, which has potential
||| to obstruct their faith and hinder their practice. This
||| results from the general focus that is currently accorded
||| to thus teaching by SGI.
||| It results in strange statements about having a
||| 'supercharged practice' as a result of embracing the mentor
||| or achieving radical life transformation as a result of
||| having 'made a relationship with Sensei (or 'my mentor').
||| As if pure faith in Namu myoho renge kyo and the Gohonzon
||| wasn't enough!

People who have experienced what you have not, try and express their experiences in human terms that you can understand. That is mentoring. Just having faith in the Lotus Sutra and undermining the Sangha that encouraged your practice of that faith, is not a small evil, Iain.

||| Given that Nichiren Buddhism is fundamentally about
||| correct faith in the correct object of worship, this trend
||| should be worrying to any organisation that is concerned
||| with teaching thus Buddhism.
||| There are indications that the focus on the mentor is
||| displacing Namu myoho renge kyo and the Gohonzon and
||| becoming a thing in itself that is considered as the means
||| for salvation.
||| I'm sure some will object, pointing out that SGI continue
||| to chant the Daimoku to the Gohonzon and to teach about
||| Nichiren, the Daimoku and the Gohonzon. This is all true
||| however it's a red herring. It's not that the SGI does
||| these things, it's a question of how and to what degree.
||| Put simply, anything that has the potential to damage
||| correct understanding and correct faith or to divert from a
||| central correct focus on the power of Namu myoho renge kyo
||| and the Gohonzon, should be put aside.
||| We have seen how conflating different things by using the
||| same term to refer to them is not correct in terms of
||| Nichiren's teaching.
||| If one goes further and then states "if one forgets the
||| way of mentor-disciple, one cannot attain enlightenment" as
||| Mr Ikeda does in his 2009 lecture on the Heritage of the
||| Ultimate Law of Life and Death, one can clearly see the
||| danger that Nichiren was warning his disciples about.
||| To assert such a thing is not only irresponsible but it
||| is unsupportable on the basis of the Lotus Sutra and
||| Nichiren's teaching. The Sutra clearly teaches that if one
||| makes a relationship with the Sutra, even if one rejects it
||| or slanders it, one will attain enlightenment. Nichiren
||| teaches the same thing. So how can Mr Ikeda assert such a
||| thing and who do we take as right?

What President Ikeda says is simply a reflection of his experience doing Kosen Rufu and by doing countless shakubuku and leading activities and seeing what has worked and what has not. You have none of that experience, Iain. Those who divide and undermine the Sangha, EVEN WHEN THEY MIGHT BE RIGHT IN SOME SMALL PRINCIPLE, are doing a great evil to the greater Kosen Rufu movement.

Note that the Three Presidents all suffered under the yoke of an absolutely corrupt priesthood, and remained supportive, handing over vast amounts of money and follwing their rituals loyally. It was the ingratitude and jealousy of the NST priesthood that caused THEM to excommunicate US. That was the reward the SGI received from them. We didn't leave them, they kicked us out. We followed Nikko Shonin's admonitions to the bitter end as loyal disciples of the Fuji School. And like a tongue pushed to the side as the rotten tooth of Nichiren Shoshu is extracted from the mouth of the Fuji School, we will remain healthy in spite of their corruption. Their will be peripeteia, a reversal of fortune, for the Fuji School.

||| The answer should be clear based on Nichiren's statements
||| above. Mr Ikeda's teaching is to be disregarded. And yet
||| for many SGI members who have accepted the teaching of
||| mentor-disciple and accepted the notion that it is
||| legitimate to bring different things together to form a
||| oneness, will most probably either miss this variance with
||| the Sutra or find a way explain it away. It is likely that
||| if they have taken Daiseku Ikeda as their mentor that they
||| will favour him and accepted his teaching rather than
||| reject it on the basis of the Sutra.
||| One nutshell, they are likely to reject Nichiren, reverse
||| the priority and assert his supremacy over that of the Law,
||| Buddha, The Sutra and Nichiren. And if they do that, they
||| will have damaged their faith.
||| So, does the teaching of mentor disciple help or hinder
||| practitioners of Nichiren Buddhism? My answer to that is a
||| resounding no.
||| The purpose of a teacher of the Law is to facilitate
||| their students to a correct faith and practice that becomes
||| self motivated and self sustaining and to get out of their
||| way when it does. In a sense it is the most humble role
||| that if done well is as effective as it is invisible.
||| When the student establish a faith and practice that
||| results in the Law pulsing strongly through their lives as
||| it did with the Atsuhara believers the teacher knows they
||| have done what they came to do, it is time to quietly
||| celebrate one's achievement, laud the students achievement
||| and let go.
||| Now that really is a mentor...

I take it that you are the "great teacher" showing President Ikeda and the SGI (and the "later commentator" Nichiren Daishonin) how to do this properly?

I will repeat what I said to you in another post.

I note that your preaching to your new Sangha is an attempt to mentor and collect disciples to your new Buddhism, Iain.

You have identified both Nichiren Daishonin as "later commentators" that you can ignore at your whim, by virtue of your vast wisdom and interpretation of the Lotus Sutra, replacing them both and putting forth your new Iain Buddhism.

There are three treasures, not two.

The Sangha is third of those, and a Sangha must have a
leader to survive.

Hence, not following the Sangha's leader means abandoning
the Sangha and forgoing one of the legs of that three
legged platform for your life.

Even though you misrepresented yourself as a member of
the SGI for two months after you abandoned it, you must
at least comprehend that.

Replacing the Buddha with oneself and stealing the
Buddha's Sangha are the acts of Devadatta, Iain. It all
starts out with lies and ends in misery.

Here's the initial revealing of the misrepresentation,
complete with putting the blame on others for your


On Wednesday, February 3, 2016 at 8:59:06 AM UTC-8, ***@gmail.com wrote:
||| Oh and on a related note, I parted company with SGI on
||| the last day of 2015 and have been remiss in thanking you
||| for enabling me to understand how far it had drifted from
||| the organisation I joined (and would still join if it
||| taught the sane things and facilitated the sane pure
||| faith). I owe you a great debt of gratitude. :D

Note that the disciples are collecting already at the
bottom of that list of posts.

On Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 9:13:22 PM UTC-8, ***@gmail.com wrote:
||| *applause* Iain your posts continue to give me life and
||| are a source of encouragement. Thank you. Daily life is
||| busy so at the moment i do not have time to post or even
||| read. But i do have a question I would like to get answered
||| from the gosho steeped people of this forum so will post
||| later.
||| Happy Thursday.

Here's the first failed attempt to form a Sangha outside
ARBN, which failed utterly [with Julian's responses],
which is why you continue to attempt to make this
forum your new Sangha:

||| Thanks Chas, I know it wasn't directed at me and I've
||| guessed there's a history between David and you, lool I've
||| seen some of the exchanges here and on Narchive! Still, I
||| found it surprising and I restate that I don't think you do
||| that, at least I hope you wouldn't!!!
||| Odd that you're having posts blocked, I haven't had
||| that at all but hey. So what do you reckon? Shall we move
||| out of the wild west and into a moderated forum? What's
||| your vote? Alex? David? Mark? Anyone else?
||| If we want to do that, I'd want to set some ground
||| rules we could agree on and that keep the forum lively,
||| free yet not prone to excesses of objectionable posting.
||| Provided that's agreed and stated up front, very happy to
||| moderate a group on that basis...
||| What say you guys? :)
I'm not interested in moderated fora unless I, alone, am
the moderator.
Even then it would be too tiresome to keep my interest
beyond a day
or so.
||| OK, thanks Julian, that's a pity. Not even if it's a
||| loosely moderated forum and moderated openly to jointly
||| agreed criteria? If you change your mind, let me know. I
||| hope you're doing well by the way. Happy New Year to you :)
In my experience, invariably, the moderators go insane
corrupted by even so little power.
I have nothing to add there.

Katie Higgins
2016-09-08 04:54:36 UTC
" receiving your Gohonzon from evil priests inheriting from the very same senior priests that betrayed Nichiren Daishonin to become statue-worshipers of Shakyamuni as a Hindu God..."<<
I did ask you to site something Nichiren wrote that supports your thinking that the Gohonzon is altered by whomever touches it --with their hands, Chas.

Enough already with the statue worshipping, Hindu god *sound bytes*-- A SGI member reading this discussion, who visits my home, laughed at this stuff you write Chas-- and she has one foot out of SGI and the other on a banana peel!! So, keep up the good work!!
" you have slandered in the same way as if you had stolen the Gohonzon from a member you had murdered and expected to receive benefits from chanting to it. "<<
Bizarre. I hope this quote of yours is widely circulated--, for reasons I cited above it.

Just how deeply has the poison of Ikedaism penetrated your mind?

You are the poster boy for the warning labels, Chas--

2016-09-08 05:28:14 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
" receiving your Gohonzon from evil priests inheriting from the very same senior priests that betrayed Nichiren Daishonin to become statue-worshipers of Shakyamuni as a Hindu God..."<<
I did ask you to site something Nichiren wrote that supports your thinking that the Gohonzon is altered by whomever touches it --with their hands, Chas.
Enough already with the statue worshipping, Hindu god *sound bytes*-- A SGI member reading this discussion, who visits my home, laughed at this stuff you write Chas-- and she has one foot out of SGI and the other on a banana peel!! So, keep up the good work!!
" you have slandered in the same way as if you had stolen the Gohonzon from a member you had murdered and expected to receive benefits from chanting to it. "<<
Bizarre. I hope this quote of yours is widely circulated--, for reasons I cited above it.
Just how deeply has the poison of Ikedaism penetrated your mind?
You are the poster boy for the warning labels, Chas--
I am sure you will post it out of context, like the tabloids do.

Katie Higgins
2016-09-08 05:54:41 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
" receiving your Gohonzon from evil priests inheriting from the very same senior priests that betrayed Nichiren Daishonin to become statue-worshipers of Shakyamuni as a Hindu God..."<<
I did ask you to site something Nichiren wrote that supports your thinking that the Gohonzon is altered by whomever touches it --with their hands, Chas.
Enough already with the statue worshipping, Hindu god *sound bytes*-- A SGI member reading this discussion, who visits my home, laughed at this stuff you write Chas-- and she has one foot out of SGI and the other on a banana peel!! So, keep up the good work!!
" you have slandered in the same way as if you had stolen the Gohonzon from a member you had murdered and expected to receive benefits from chanting to it. "<<
Bizarre. I hope this quote of yours is widely circulated--, for reasons I cited above it.
Just how deeply has the poison of Ikedaism penetrated your mind?
You are the poster boy for the warning labels, Chas--
Chas responds--[after snipping my comment-above]
Post by Katie Higgins
"I am sure you will post it out of context, like the tabloids do.
-Chas. <<"

Thanks, Chas. You employed this analogy that characterizes me as capable of murder- within this context:

<<"By receiving your Gohonzon from evil priests inheriting from the very same senior priests that betrayed Nichiren Daishonin to become statue-worshipers of Shakyamuni as a Hindu God... you have slandered in the same way as if you had stolen the Gohonzon from a member you had murdered and expected to receive benefits from chanting to it. You would not expect that, I assume, that you draw some connection between cause and effect. <<"

Murder a "member", steal his/her Gohonzon and chant to it??--THIS idea came from YOUR mind, Chas-- as did your assumption that I could not connect "cause and effect" to these actions.

I am amazed you do not realize how your own statements reflect upon you-- the source.

It is apparent you are dwelling in the worlds of anger and animality, no different than the life condition of Nichikan the madman who inscribed the no-honzon you chant to.

These facts put your causes in their proper context, slander of the Lotus Sutra.

2016-09-08 06:21:43 UTC
"I am sure you will post it out of context, like the tabloids do.


Says Chas, who for 20 years or more has carefully done just that. Chas you need to start answering the questions.

Let me refresh your memory, I have invited you to dicuss points you quoted out of, back in context and in the conversations they were occured in. You avoided doing that.

You have been repeatedly corrected on positions or have beem asked to evidence you charges if slander etc. You have not done that.

I'm still waitung for you to address the points on Daisaku Ikeda's statements.

Why do you not do that? Because you are unable to, so instead you try to attack those who highlight the issues.

It's a very effective way of saying, you've lost.

Be well :)
2016-09-09 09:06:04 UTC
Actually that is a false accusation. It is possible that I have slipped up here or there, but most people complain about my quoting passages, not snippets out of context, like half a line. I'm pretty consistent on that, because I hate to see it.

You (Iain and Katie) on the other hand are wicked offenders of out-of-context and distorting back what is said.

Iain learns about Mentor and Disciple on the eve of his departure from the SGI +

On Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 2:42:29 PM UTC-8, ***@gmail.com wrote:
[Written 7 days after Iain's belated announcement
that he had left the SGI on January 1st.]
Post by Chas.
Does the emphasis modern SGI teaching places on the
mentor-disciple relationship help or hinder practice of the
Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's Buddhism?
To address this question it is first necessary to define
what the SGI means by 'mentor'. The term is used in 6 main
1) The Law as mentor
2) The Buddha as mentor
3) One or other of the "3 Presidents"
4) Mr Ikeda as mentor
5) A generalised umbrella term that is used to refer to
any of 1-5 without being specific 6) A general concept that
wraps 1-5 into a 'oneness'
You forgot countless. President Ikeda once called the Gohonzon the true mentor, he has mentioned being mentored by children he talks to, and by Zhou Enlai of China (and many others), and has said the SGI is filled with great mentors and that they should mentor each other.
Post by Chas.
Using this term in so many different senses invites
The true state of affairs in life is as confusing as hell. So, what?

. Skip all this ...

We begin with Iain's first (and I'm sure not the last) failed attempt (foiled by Julian) to create a new Sangha, one day after he secretly left the SGI:

Post by Chas.
Thanks Chas, I know it wasn't directed at me and I've
guessed there's a history between David and you, lool I've
seen some of the exchanges here and on Narchive! Still, I
found it surprising and I restate that I don't think you do
that, at least I hope you wouldn't!!!
Odd that you're having posts blocked, I haven't had
that at all but hey. So what do you reckon? Shall we move
out of the wild west and into a moderated forum? What's
your vote? Alex? David? Mark? Anyone else?
If we want to do that, I'd want to set some ground
rules we could agree on and that keep the forum lively,
free yet not prone to excesses of objectionable posting.
Provided that's agreed and stated up front, very happy to
moderate a group on that basis...
What say you guys? :)
I'm not interested in moderated fora unless I, alone, am
the moderator.
Even then it would be too tiresome to keep my interest
beyond a day
or so.
OK, thanks Julian, that's a pity. Not even if it's a
loosely moderated forum and moderated openly to jointly
agreed criteria? If you change your mind, let me know. I
hope you're doing well by the way. Happy New Year to you :)
In my experience, invariably, the moderators go insane
corrupted by even so little power.

What follows are exchanges on the same topic of Mentor and Disciple in the previous month of December 2015 as Iain was secretly planning to leave the SGI and start a new Buddhism with a new Sangha on January 1st, but still hiding behind the false cloak of SGI membership: to freely denounce Sensei and the SGI from the inside, with impunity.


On Monday, December 14, 2015 at 8:59:05 AM UTC-8, ***@gmail.com wrote:
[Written 17 days before Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]
Post by Chas.
Chas, my point was specific "organisation needed to propogate". My push back > If you are suggesting that the 'cadres' representated in the passage you quoted somehow mystically translates into this day and age in the shape of the SGI, I think that's a poor suggestion. No doubt in that mythology, Nichiren would be Superior Practices and the three presidents the other leaders of the bodhisattva's of the earth. I have no doubt that this could be what the forces that are reshaping the SGI away from the Law and Gohonzon are driving towards. Those who interpret the meaning have control over that meaning. Beats me Why anyone would need to write Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra when one can simply read it and chant Daimoku...
Your rhetorical technique of declaring some things to be others, or relabeling, is specious. The SGI history and struggle is not a "mythology", it is a fact.

Since you haven't bothered to read "The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra", how can you present a critique? You probably haven't read "The Living Buddha", "Buddhism, The First Millennium", or "The Flower of Chinese Buddhism", yet either. Those are world-renowned and widely-taught histories, as well. I would suggest reading them, you might learn something you don't already know.

Recent studies of how the human brain actually works presents some interesting insight. The technicolor and stereo picture you have of the world around us is not the way it really is. Vision signals come into the thalamus from the optic nerves and flow to the visual cortex in the back for processing and then to the cortex on top to create your world model a half-second delayed, incorporating the other sense paths.

What's interesting about this is that there is six times as much signal flowing back into the thalamus and modifying your vision signal as the original signal from the optic nerves. So what you see as "objective reality" is six times as much subjective as objective. Hence the people rambling around talking to themselves and seeing things are actually talking to people and seeing those things. Or the people who see their mother in a photo, feeding back six times as much information into the recognized image, surrounding her face with a golden aura and love and warmth...

Hence, what people perceive when the chant to the Gohonzon, or when they see Sensei, or go to an SGI meeting and chant together and talk with other members ... this is mostly context from the inside and not from the outside.

So, when David Cole was standing guard outside the chamber where President Ikeda was having personal meetings with one after another young women's division leader for many hours in Southern California all those years ago ... he perceived Sensei having sex with all those girls one after another in an act of superhuman sexual prowess unmatched by any human male in history. It was the only way he could explain what was progressing, and I'm sure he received visual, aural and other sense queues to reinforce that world model in his cortex. This was because he did not have the mentor and disciple relationship to protect him from the demons that arise at the beckoning of the devil king in all people who chant and attempt to attain enlightenment to challenge the dominion of the devil king over the six worlds.

You may have had similar "experiences" of SGI life.

My experiences are quite different.

My first experience with Sensei close up was in 1973? or 1974?, when I was a bus toban at the San Diego convention. There I was on the street holding back the crowd behind me to protect them from running out into the motorcade passing by 20 feet away. As Sensei smiled and waved at each of us: a joined wave of joyous sound passed up the street and finally got to me as we looked at each other.

I had no idea of what to expect and no preconceived expectations of any kind. I had precious little religious belief or faith in Buddhism. I was chanting, because I had a desire to make something of my life, and absolutely no faith in anything else whatsoever, so Buddhism was my only hope. I was, however, quite sincere and diligent in protecting my bus load of members, every step of the way from the very beginning of the trip until the last member stepped off the bus at the end and went on their way. Their well-being was my entrustment and in that moment I was fulfilling my vow, with no idea of what the effect would be of that cause. I was chanting like crazy on that trip, because every time the bus made a rest stop was another chaotic opportunity for deviltry to destroy the trip for someone or everyone. I would watch everyone like a hawk, and make precision head counts every time we got back on the bus.

As our gazes came close, my life condition soared, I know this now, because I have chanted many tens of millions of daimoku and that is how it feels to chant a lot.

As our gazes met, I perceived an image of black Chinese characters on a purest white background, I think the character myo (to open, to revive, to be fully endowed). I had never heard of such a thing from anyone and it was a surprise to me. As the motorcade went up the street and looked back at the people I was protecting and they were all similarly blown away.

It took me a while to process that experience and come up with a conclusion that in the mirror of the Gohonzon, we were simply two bus tobans doing our job, although his bus was significantly larger.

However, before and after coming to an understanding of that, a deep bond was formed in that moment, and every time there is an opportunity for devils to arise in the relationship of myself and Sensei, or the SGI or any leader or member of the SGI, that mentor and disciple relationship, like a grandmother cell in the visual cortex, recognizes him and them as true self. And anything that attacks them as something I have to deal with, sometimes with great care, other times very strictly.

And that sums up the world view residing in my cortex, permanently colored by that mentor and disciple relationship, never to be swayed by anything.

Now, this experience didn't make me a great bodhisattva or anything, I was still a lousy Buddhist, pursuing my career flying around the world, repeatedly out of touch from the organization periodically, missing gongyo a lot (so glad it's shorter), sometimes only chanting when I was miserable, which of course guaranteed a lot of that. But like the jewel sewn into the robe, the one and only thing in the world I had faith in was that relationship with Sensei, and that finally brought me back into focus in the SGI, where I found out we had been excommunicated. Being permanently on Sensei's side in any dispute, I traded in my Nittatsu Gohonzon for a larger Nichikan Gohonzon and here is my unworthy self, completely shed of any attachment to the NST priesthood.

As Nichiren states in "Encouragement to a Sick Person", pp. 77-78,

. Moreover, every single person is guilty of slander of the
. Law, an offense exceeding even the ten evil acts or the
. five cardinal sins. Although few people slander the Lotus
. Sutra with actual words of abuse, there are none who accept
. it. Some appear to accept the sutra, but their faith in it
. is not as deep as their faith in the Nembutsu or other
. teachings. And even those with profound faith do not
. reproach the enemies of the Lotus Sutra. However great the
. good causes one may make, or even if one reads and copies
. the entirety of the Lotus Sutra a thousand or ten thousand
. REALMS IN A SINGLE MOMENT OF LIFE, if one fails to denounce
. the enemies of the Lotus Sutra, it will be impossible to
. attain the way.

Note the characters in bold, even if you perceive ichinen sanzen in the Gohonzon and fail to denounce the enemies of the Lotus Sutra, it is impossible to attain the way.

Iain, I note that you started chanting in 1988 (27 years ago, according to you), did you receive a Nikken Gohonzon? Have you done the Gohonzon exchange?



***@gmail.com Dec 17, 2015 1:31 PM
[14 days until Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]

Thanks Chas,

I don't see any point discussing anything further with you. You have clearly formed a particular belief system founded on Mr Ikeda and SGI as absolute and unchangeable entities that seem not to be subject to delusion or capable of corruption. I have expressed my views and they are very clearly different from yours and incompatible. Our worldviews and view of the practice are mutually exclusive. Although I disagree with your views and your beliefs, you have a right to them. You are the boss of your life Chas and you alone are responsible for it. Likewise for me.

I would however like to correct you on your baseless assumption:

"Since you haven't bothered to read "The Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra", how can you present a critique?"

I suggest you read my posts to understand how wrong you are. Especially the one that clearly states when I got my copies of that series. I find it surprising that you would make this error towards someone who clearly has an extensive library and who has clearly read and can reference the books within that library.

"You probably haven't read "The Living Buddha", "Buddhism, The First Millennium", or "The Flower of Chinese Buddhism", yet either."

These were among the first books of Mr Ikeda's that I got along with the Buddhism in action series. And, like many of Mr Ikeda's writings of that era, I got a lot from them. I can't remember precise dates of acquisition but I remember I got them from Richmond Green, when that was our National Centre, so 1988 - 1990? not much later.

"Those are world-renowned and widely-taught histories, as well. I would suggest reading them, you might learn something you don't already know."

Not quite Chas, I enjoyed them but by Mr Ikeda's own admission, they are to someone extent reimaginings. Buddhist history told in a digestible format and from a very particular standpoint. There is always more we can know Chas, I haven't stopped learning, nor will I.

On the Gohonzon exchange, what an odd question! Why even would it matter if I had or had not exchanged the Mandala? Gohonzon is Gohonzon, is Gohonzon. But since you are curious about the Mandala I chant to, Omamori was bestowed in about 1998 and Tokabetsu was bestowed in 2005, you work it out. Just let's be very clear, Gohonzon is found in the two characters for faith. That's the really important thing, not the Mandala in and of itself.

To end, I have noticed you like to try and keep the exchange going. In future of I need to respond, I will simply reference this post. As I said at the start of this post, I am not interested in further discussion with you for the reasons given. Good wishes to you and farewell. :)


Chas. Dec 18, 2015 6:41 AM
Post by Chas.
Thanks Chas,
I don't see any point discussing anything further with you....
To end, I have noticed you like to try and keep the exchange going. In future of I need to respond, I will simply reference this post. As I said at the start of this post, I am not interested in further discussion with you for the reasons given. Good wishes to you and farewell. :)
Farewell, again, Iain.



***@gmail.com Dec 19, 2015 5:30 AM
[12 days until Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]

An observation on the following statement from earlier in the thread is that if one understands and applies the nine consciousnessess model, this is self evident. In fact what is notable is the extent to which the findings of modern neuroscience support that model.

"... So what you see as "objective reality" is six times as much subjective as objective. Hence the people rambling around talking to themselves and seeing things are actually talking to people and seeing those things. Or the people who see their mother in a photo, feeding back six times as much information into the recognized image, surrounding her face with a golden aura and love and warmth...
Post by Chas.
Hence, what people perceive when the chant to the Gohonzon, or when they see Sensei, or go to an SGI meeting and chant together and talk with other members ... this is mostly context from the inside and not from the outside."
So briefly, on the nine consciousnessess. The 'sensory' consciousnesses are aligned to the senses of sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell but they are not those senses in and of themselves.

Their job is to filter and make sense of the input from the external world that comes via each of those inputs.

The sixth consciousness puts it all together into a coherent whole. However that is not a one way street. The 6th interplays with the sensory consciousnessess.

The seventh, allows deeper judgement, Dick Causton locates the ego in the seventh consciousness.

The eight is the 'storehouse' at a superficial level this is memory itself, a deeper reading would, in psychological terms be the subconscious, unconscious and even collective unconscious. A still deeper reading in Buddhist terms is that it is the seat of our karma and quite possibly the single greatest factor in shaping who we are.

Likewise, as for the 6th, there is an interplay between the collective of 6,7 & 8 and the sensory consciousnesses. Our internal subjective reality is the product of their collective operation.

One can look at this in a different way, thought (perception), influences feeling (emotion), emotion, influences behaviour, behaviour influences the way our external world responds, which in turn influences out thoughs (perception).

Our subjective perception (subjective reality) is essentially a model of the world (objective reality) that's all, it is not the fact itself.

How accurate our subjective reality is is determined by the limits on the amount of information we can hold and process plus the choices we make in rendering the world and the cognitive mistakes we make. Eugene Gendlin, in his philosophical works, has an interesting take on this.

The problem of subjective reality is that it's really hard to spot the limits of something that seems so real and spot the choices/errors we have made in creating it. Hence the usefulness of the ninth consciousness. Hence also why the ninth consciousness is said to 'purify' the other consciousnessess when it is active and operative.

Once one can see clearly, one then has a better basis for living well. Again, there similarities with this view, which could be said to be reliance on the Law, and with Gendlin's research in his counselling works, suggest the same phenomenon.

As Nichiren once said, attaining Buddhahood is nothing extraordinary. I think he's right. It is a purely natural function with us that should be simple but that gets overcomplicated and sometimes deliberately so by those with vested interests.

Most of the problem of becoming enlightened and routinely using enlightenment as an aid to living comes from trying to get past the compelling delusion of the perception we are presented with, which is created by the workings of the unenlightened 8 consciousnessess.

Just to make things more difficult, there is money to be made and power to be had by keeping people in an unenlightened state and keeping them dependent. It's unsurprising that any teachings and teachers that advocate and deliver people into the independence of their enlightened minds meet with persecution and resistance.

In today's world, that's probably most typified by powerful corporations that have become adept at using the nudges of behavioural economics and the insights that come from data mining, psychological profiling and neurological research to inform and drive whole marketing industries that effectively influence behaviour in unenlightened people.

Not that all powerful organisation are problematic but for some, can you imagine how undesirable a massive outbreak of enlightenment and thus independence, would be in the world population? People would be much harder to control, heavens they might even start thinking for themselves, challenging inequalities and elites. The share prices of some could plummet and careers left in tatters.

That's why a clear focus on reliance on the Law and steadfast faith are needed. It's the only route past an internal reality that is so compulsively believable even when it is so flawed and which is so ably supported and encouraged by elements in the external world.

This is indeed a difficult age...


***@gmail.com 12/19/15
[12 days until Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]
[Not the "appeal to authority" made by wrapping himself in the SGI leadership, even though he is secretly leaving it.]

Correction to this statement:

"You may have had similar "experiences" of SGI life."

That is made against the backdrop of the quotion further down.

The simple answer is no, my experience of SGI life has been very positive. The embedded assumption in the statement quoted is as follows: If you (I) had experienced a positive SGI life, I would have formed the same mystical bind with 'Sensei' and therefore I would not see anything but good in the SGI or Mr Ikeda. So by extension, I must have had a negative SGI life and not formed the proper bond with 'sensei' and not been protected by the mentor-disciple relationship. Therefore, by further extension I am in the 'other' group and therefore what I say can be dismissed.

OK now for the truth, not only have I had a very positive experience of SGI and its NST lay society forerunner, not only am I on record for having Saud so and credited Mr Ikeda but it is precisely because of taking careful note of what Mr Ikeda taught and of those wonderful people who helped me shape my faith that I dissent in some areas not.

I will not have the a lazy labelling applied, particularly when it is not accurate or true.

Let's be really clear about this, SGI teaching and those credited to Mr Ikeda have objectively changed. One can see that objectively by comparison of then and now teachings, side-by-side and like-for-like.

This is not a product of the internal workings of an imagining compelling deluded internal subjective reality, this is careful side-by-side textual analysis. Clearly there are differences.

I am true to what I embraced and was taught and remain so. I have put that into practice to great effect and continue to.

My view is that SGI has and is deviating from that true root, so as I am obliged to, as the SGI charter exhorts me to, I speak out.

It is unsurprising that those who would see an organisation they profess to fervently follow and a person who they have all but apothosised, try and dismiss such inconvenient views.

Every time an indisputable point is put it is ignored. As was the case in the textual analysis using Mr Ikeda's lectures on the same Gosho, then and now. Heaven forbid that objectivivity should get in the way of a nicely running, 6 fold thalamus feedback created subjective thrall We really don't want to disturb that Nice warm cosy golden glow now do we?

Such fake followers are like so many cunning and cowardly foxes barking in the night. They care naught for their organization nor their 'sensei' and even less for the Law.

So long as their selfish beliefs remain intact and they can continue to live in La, La land with the warmth of their golden internal reality decorated with black mystical Chinese characters on a pure white background floating in the air, like a bad rendition of the "The Bullet Proof Monk", they're happy. And they'll go to any length's to keep it that way.

This was the pitiful attempt at a slur on my SGI experience (rofl):

"So, when David Cole was standing guard outside the chamber where President Ikeda was having personal meetings with one after another young women's division leader for many hours in Southern California all those years ago ... he perceived Sensei having sex with all those girls one after another in an act of superhuman sexual prowess unmatched by any human male in history. It was the only way he could explain what was progressing, and I'm sure he received visual, aural and other sense queues to reinforce that world model in his cortex. This was because he did not have the mentor and disciple relationship to protect him from the demons that arise at the beckoning of the devil king in all people who chant and attempt to attain enlightenment to challenge the dominion of the devil king over the six worlds.

You may have had similar "experiences" of SGI life."

Good luck with trying to get anyone who knows me, including our current and two previous General Director's to support your view and your slur.


Chas. Dec 20, 2015 6:02 AM

Didn't say you had those experiences.

Was saying that the mentor and disciple relationship is protective against such experiences.

Sorry you took it that way, was truly speaking from the heart.



***@gmail.com Dec 20, 2015 12:48 PM
[11 days until Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]

That's true Chas you did not say 'I had' those experiences, you actually said I 'may have had' those experiences.

Still, I am having trouble reconciling your later statement, that you were illustrating your claim that the mentor disciple relationship was protective against, for want of a better phrase 'demon attack', with your speculation about whatever experiences I may or may not have had.

You choose David Cole to as a foil for your point, so why speculate about me and my experiences? Your point could have been made quite adequately without reference to me. Do you not think I'm close enough to Mr Ikeda and his teachings? Has it ever crossed your mind that I may just actually care quite a bit for him and this organisation? That I might just actually be one of the best 'disciples' he has? I know little but I know this, those who stray from the Law, suffer, that gives me no delight. So my first priority is as a votary of the Sutra. Who the heck do you think taught me that??? And who the heck, besides Mr Toda & Mr Makaguchi made it possible for him to be able to teach so??? Think, Chas think...

This was your actual quote. I 'took it that way' because it was put that way, it had no place being there.

But your apology, even though it is couched in the 'sorry you' (your problem) rather than 'sorry I' (I am responsible for my words) language, is accepted. Thank you.


Chas. Dec 21, 2015 7:52 AM

There are clearly different writing styles at play here.

I make it perfectly clear at the outset who I am with and who is my Sensei, and [that] is the SGI and Daisaku Ikeda. No one has to ponder for a moment to get that from what I write.

I do not want anyone to think even briefly, that I might be objective or diffident about any of this, and willing to consider or to change over to their distortions of Lotus Sutra Buddhism, or some even lesser amalgamation with Hinduism, like Mark Rogow's.

I am utterly inflexible on that point, due to the mentor and disciple experiences I have described and many others.

The mentor and disciple principle has closed that door into chaos and misery for me. It is like armor, and I always strap on that armor.



***@gmail.com Dec 21, 2015 9:56 AM
[10 days until Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]

And that Chas is precisely my point.

That inflexiblity and that concern only for yourself is what will be manipulated so that you end up betraying what you say you hold dear. Unless you are in direct and regular contact with Mr Ikeda? Which I very much doubt.

As I said in my previous post, this is just like the barking of cowardly, cunning foxes in the night. I'm not yet decided as to which type of fox you are.

The problem you refuse to confront in your naivete or wilful blindness, is that those who hold the image of the mentor and filter his words hold the power over such unthinking and gullible disciples.

Of course that could be benign, of course it could but that really isn't the point. 'If you slacken for even a bit demons will take advantage', seems an appropriate quote.

It is the same with those who hold the power over the lectures on the Gosho and the Sutra, likewise they who hold the power over the message, when the norm is that one reads Gosho and Sutra, only through the commentary, hold the power to make the Gosho and Sutra support whatever they want it to support. They are free from challenge, especially if it was the mentor's supposed interpretation!

That, my friend was exactly why SGI changed its regulations, to prevent such a situation arising or at least to counter it if it did. A fact that seems lost on you and which I note you have consistently refused to address.

You are so busy refuting and defending the enemies without, it doesn't seem to occur to you that the simplest way to defeat the good work that's been done is to corrupt the organisation from within.

But of course, you no doubt will be able to spot that if it happens, won't you Chas? Because those nice corruptors will have the decency to say 'Hi, we're here to corrupt the SGI', they'll wear nice big signs on their backs 'Icky a corruptor', just so as you can see them easily and take aim.

So, ridiculousness aside, just how would you spot such people? Just how would you know they are at work? Or do you propose that the mentor-disciple thingy is so potent, it will protect against that too?

So, is your proposition that all the nice people who say, act and do like good disciples should - they're OK.

All the slightly dodgy ones, like me for instance, who question, analyse and probe, we'll we are so obviously the ones to be wary of. Yeah, 'I've got a nice big sign on my back Chas', I'm a real threat.

Get real Chas, it's a leitmotive throughout human history that deceivers will always say and do what people want them too in order to get what they want and they will always have a plausible reason to cover any inconsistentcies. Only people who are solidly based, rely on the Law and take careful notice are not deceived and cannot be so.

You still haven't taken up the challenge to make a side-by-side comparison of Mr Ikeda's 1979 and 2009 lectures on the same Gosho Chas. Why not? You called me out on the shift of emphasis from Gohonzon to mentor-disciple relationship. I responded, as I said I would with direct proof, fully referenced, of that shift. And since you have been silent on that point. You refuse to look, or it's convenient for you not to, just let the indisputable point quietly drop...interesting behaviour.

Be streafast in you armour but since you are using militaristic analogies, you might take lesson from Agincourt to see the perils of becoming so locked in, bogged down and inflexible. That way defeat lies but it is your choice.


The flexible, who are fleet of foot and who have superior range, they, not the elites, win. And I thought in one of your posts that you said you knew how to fight, clearly not...


Chas. Dec 22, 2015 7:21 AM

Nah. The armor of mentor and disciple is both light and flexible and worth wearing. Without it you an unprotected from evils like that with befell David [Cole]. Your analogy is more befitting Hitler's wunderwaffe foolishness.

And I am not blind to evil. However, there is a long distance between espousing higher principles, which I do, and leveling charges, which I won't do inside the sangha.

In your analysis of "shift", are you allowing for evolution of thought and of learning from experience? Dealing with the corruptions and evils of the NST priesthood was an advanced education in Buddhist ethics and philosophy in action. We would be poor students if we did not learn from it. Those shifts you describe are partly from that, partly from the wisdom of age and reflection.

Even though the 69,384 character Lotus Sutra and the Law are immutable, our understanding of it grows and changes. WE change.



***@gmail.com Dec 22, 2015 9:31 AM
[9 days until Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]

Lool, reliance on the Law protects us from evil and only that. There are some things that should not change with learning from experience, reliance on the Law, which is the true object of worship and ultimately self reliance, is one of them. Your defence is weak.

If you have Omamori, you should know that difference well. The Gohonzon is subtly different because it's bearer has the faith to perform the protectivr function. Or didn't they tell you that when you received yours, if in fact it was bestowed on you.


***@gmail.com Dec 22, 2015 10:36 AM
[9 days until Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]
[And here is where Iain make a grievous error of miscategorization of the sutra.]

And just to be absolutely doubly without doubt, whilst the Immeasurable Meanings sutra, is indeed mentioned in the introduction to the Lotus Sutra, note that it is referenced there as a distinct entity. Also note the following passage, which you omitted to quote.

If you followed Nichiren's Buddhism as you claim, you would not quote a provisional teaching and treat it as equal to the Lotus Sutra, even if it is the opening sutra to the Lotus Sutra.

It is still provisional in comparison with the latter. The passage you omitted is the reason this is so. It clearly sets out why the Lotus is superior. What follows that passage is the unfolding of the wisdom of all Buddhas. Immeasurable meanings does not give one that, the Lotus does.


"At that time the world-honored one, surrounded by the four kinds of believers, received offerings and tokens of respect and was honored and praised. And for the sake of the bodhisattvas he preached the great vehicle sutra entitled Immeasurable Meanings, a teaching to instruct the bodhisattvas, one that is guarded and kept in mind by the buddhas.

When the Buddha had finished preaching this sutra, he sat with his legs crossed in the lotus position and entered into the samadhi of the origin of immeasurable meanings, his body and mind never moving. At that time heaven rained down mandarava flowers, great mandarava flowers, manjushaka flowers, and great manjushaka flowers, scattering them over the Buddha and over the great assembly, and everywhere the buddha world quaked and trembled in six different ways."

Fat lot of good studying the 'Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra' regularly has done you if you cannot understand this most basic point. There seems to be a distinct lack of wisdom in your approach and understanding.

May I suggest you go back to the Gosho and carefully read Nichiren's writings on the matter until you grasp the point?

You might also ponder how the events unfold from there on. Later in that chapter, to understand why Immeasurable Meanings is provisional. Later in that same chapter (note the term 'great Law'):


"At that time Manjushri said to the bodhisattva mahasattva Maitreya and the other great men: "Good men, I suppose that the Buddha, the world-honored one, wishes now to expound the great Law, to rain down the rain of the great Law, to blow the conch of the great Law, to beat the drum of the great Law, to elucidate the meaning of the great Law.

Good men, in the past I have seen this auspicious portent among the buddhas. They emitted beams of light like this, and after that they expounded the great Law. Therefore we should know that now, when the present Buddha manifests this light, he will do likewise. He wishes to cause all living beings to hear and understand the Law, which is difficult for all the world to believe. Therefore he has manifested this auspicious portent."

So in other words, the Lotus Sutra is clearly telling us that this great Law has not been expounded in Immeasurable Meanings. The Buddha then starts expounding this great Law in chapter 2 of the Lotus Sutra.

Parroting terms like 'theoretical ichinen sanzen' and bandying them around is of little use if one can't distinguish provisional and true and if one thinks the object of worship is simply an expedient concept that can be de-emphasised and legitimately replaced with the mentor-disciple relationship because of acquiring learning since the time of practicing with the priesthood.

But thank you for confirming that a change of doctrine has in fact taken place.


Chas. Dec 27, 2015 8:19 AM

I think you are incorrect.

The SGI Dictionary says this:

. Immeasurable Meanings Sutra (Chin Wu-liang-i-ching;
. Muryōgi-kyō): Also known as the Sutra of Immeasurable
. Meanings. A sutra regarded as the introductory teaching, or
. prologue, to the Lotus Sutra. It was translated into
. Chinese in 481 by Dharmagathayashas, a monk from central
. India. The sutra describes the Buddha’s preaching on Eagle
. Peak and consists of three chapters. In the first, or
. “Virtuous Practices,” chapter, Bodhisattva Great Adornment
. praises Shakyamuni Buddha in verse on behalf of the
. assembly. This verse section contains the passage known as
. the thirty-four negations, referring to the substance or
. essence of the Buddha. In the second chapter, “Preaching
. the Law,” Shakyamuni explains that all principles and
. meanings derive from a single Law. He then declares:
. “Because their [people’s] natures and desires are not
. alike, I preached the Law in various different ways.
. Preaching the Law in various different ways, I made use of
. the power of expedient means. But in these more than forty
. years, I have not yet revealed the truth,” indicating that
. all the prior teachings were provisional and expedient. The
. final, “Ten Benefits,” chapter explains that by practicing
. this sutra one can obtain ten kinds of blessings. The
. Buddha encourages Bodhisattva Great Adornment and the other
. eighty thousand bodhisattvas present to propagate the
. sutra, and they vow to do so.

Nothing that I can see, other than from you, specifically describes the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra as a provisional teaching.

They say the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra is "A sutra regarded as the introductory teaching, or prologue, to the Lotus Sutra."

The Immeasurable Meanings Sutra is preached after Myoho-Renge-Kyo is heard in the title of chapter one, or introduction to the Lotus Sutra. It is preached inside the Lotus Sutra and nowhere else, as far as I can see.

Provisional teachings cannot follow the utterance of the title of the Lotus Sutra.

And provisional teachings do not know the word provisional, that distinction is first drawn in the Lotus Sutra.

Now that is not to say it is the highest teaching, because it is not complete, in the same way that the Nirvana Sutra is not provisional, but is also not complete. Only the Lotus Sutra is both complete and final.

The first word of the title of the Lotus Sutra (Myo) encompasses all of the Lotus Sutra, according to Nichiren Daishonin. After the Lotus Sutra is preached, none of the Buddha's teachings are provisional.

In fact, I believe it is in the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra that Shakyamuni describes first what is provisional and what is true (in the above references.)

Note that in the "Immeasurable Meanings Sutra, chapter 3, Ten Benefits", it refers to the Lotus Sutra as "this sutra", not "that sutra". This implies, if not identity, at least that it [the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra] is non-provisional.

If a provisional teaching were used to support the complete and final teaching of the Lotus Sutra as the highest teaching in Buddhism, this would be a structural flaw in the support [of} the highest teaching, I believe.

Here are those 59 instances, capitalized:

. “If there are living beings who are able to hear THIS
. SUTRA, they will gain great profit. Why? Because if they
. can practice it, then without fail they will quickly gain
. unsurpassed enlightenment. As for those living beings who
. are unable to hear it, one should know that they will lose
. great profit, for though immeasurable, boundless,
. inconceivable asamkhya kalpas may pass, they will in the
. end fail to gain unsurpassed enlightenment. Why? Because
. they will not know about the great direct way to
. enlightenment, but will travel perilous byways beset by
. numerous hindrances and trials.
. “World-Honored One, THIS SUTRA is beyond comprehension. We
. beg that the world-honored one, taking pity upon this great
. assembly, will broadly expound the profound and
. unfathomable matters contained in THIS SUTRA. World-Honored
. One, where does THIS SUTRA come from, where does it lead
. to, where does it abide, that it should possess such
. immeasurable benefits, such inconceivable powers, assuring
. to the multitude the quick attainment of supreme perfect
. enlightenment?”
. At that time the world-honored one said to the bodhisattva
. mahasattva Great Adornment: “Excellent, excellent, good
. men. It is just so, just so, just as you have spoken. Good
. men, THIS SUTRA I preach is profound, profound, truly
. profound! Why do I say so? Because it assures that the
. multitude will quickly attain unsurpassed enlightenment.
. Because once one hears it, one can uphold all the
. doctrines. Because for living beings it brings great profit
. and enrichment. Because practicing it, one travels a great
. direct way free of hindrances and trials.
. “Good men, you ask where THIS SUTRA comes from, where it
. leads, where it abides. Listen carefully and with
. attention. Good men, THIS SUTRA issues originally from the
. dwelling and abode of the buddhas. Its aim is to lead all
. living beings to conceive the desire for enlightenment. And
. it abides in the practices carried out by bodhisattvas.
. Good men, this is where THIS SUTRA comes from, where it
. leads, and where it abides. Therefore THIS SUTRA is able to
. possess such immeasurable benefits, such inconceivable
. powers, and to assure to the multitude the quick attainment
. of unsurpassed enlightenment.
. “Now, good men, would you like to hear about the ten
. inconceivable benefits and powers that THIS SUTRA possesses?”
. Bodhisattva Great Adornment said, “Please, we wish very
. much to hear!”
. The Buddha said: “Good men, the first is that THIS SUTRA
. can cause bodhisattvas who have not yet conceived the
. desire for enlightenment to conceive such a desire. It can
. cause those who are without compassion or benevolence to
. nurture compassionate minds. It can cause those who delight
. in killing and slaughter to nurture minds of great pity. It
. can cause those filled with envy and jealousy to nurture
. minds of joyful acceptance. It can cause those who are
. begrudging and attached to things to nurture minds capable
. of relinquishing. It can cause those who are close-fisted
. and greedy to nurture minds of almsgiving. It can cause
. those of abundant arrogance and pride to nurture minds that
. uphold the precepts. It can cause those much given to wrath
. and anger to nurture forbearing minds. It can cause those
. who are indolent and lazy to nurture minds of diligence. It
. can cause those who are scatterbrained and disordered to
. nurture minds devoted to meditation. It can cause those
. with much ignorance and folly to nurture minds of wisdom.
. It can cause those who are not yet capable of saving others
. to nurture minds set upon saving others. It can cause those
. who practice the ten evil acts to nurture minds devoted to
. the ten good acts. It can cause those who delight too much
. in the conditioned to strive for minds fixed on the
. unconditioned. It can cause those whose minds are given to
. regression to cultivate minds of non-regression. It can
. cause those given to outflows to nurture minds free of
. outflows. It can cause those with many earthly desires to
. nurture minds that cleanse and extinguish such desires.
. “Good men, this is called the first benefit and
. inconceivable power of THIS SUTRA.
. “Good men, the second inconceivable benefit and power of
. THIS SUTRA is this: If living beings are able to hear THIS
. SUTRA, though they hear only one recitation, one verse, or
. just one line, they will be able to comprehend and master
. hundreds, thousands, millions of meanings, so many that
. although immeasurable numbers of kalpas should pass, they
. would never be able to finish expounding the teaching they
. have received and uphold. Why? Because the meanings of this
. teaching are immeasurable.
. “Good men, THIS SUTRA may be likened to a single seed from
. which grow hundreds, thousands, ten thousands of other
. seeds, and from each of these seeds in turn grow more seeds
. numbering in the hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, so
. that they keep on increasing in this way until they become
. immeasurable. THIS SUTRA is like this. From a single Law
. grow hundreds and thousands of meanings, and from each of
. those hundreds and thousands in turn grow more, numbering
. in the hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, so that they
. keep on increasing in this way until there are an
. immeasurable, boundless number of meanings. That is why
. THIS SUTRA is called Immeasurable Meanings.
. “Good men, this is called the second benefit and
. inconceivable power of THIS SUTRA.
. “Good men, the third inconceivable benefit and power of
. THIS SUTRA is this: If living beings are able to hear THIS
. SUTRA, though they hear only one recitation, one verse, or
. just one line, and are thereby able to comprehend and
. master hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of
. meanings, then although they have earthly desires, it will
. be as though they were free of earthly desires, and they
. will go in and out of the realm of birth and death without
. thoughts of fear or dread. Toward living beings they will
. acquire minds of pity and tenderness, and they will
. confront all phenomena with brave and stalwart thoughts.
. “They will be like a young man of great strength who can
. lift and hold aloft various heavy objects. The person who
. upholds THIS SUTRA will in like manner be able to shoulder
. the weighty treasure of unsurpassed enlightenment and bear
. living beings on his back, carrying them out of the path of
. birth and death.
. “Even before he is capable of saving himself he will be
. capable of saving others. He will be like a ship’s captain
. whose body is afflicted with grave illness, whose four
. limbs fail to function properly, and who remains on this
. shore. But he has a sound and durable ship and can always
. explain to others the articles needed to get them over the
. water, so that by providing these he can insure their
. crossing. The person who upholds THIS SUTRA will be like
. this. Though he is afflicted with the body of one who
. dwells in the five realms, constantly beset by one hundred
. and eight illnesses, and though he remains on this shore,
. the shore of ignorance, aging, and death, yet he will
. possess this durable great vehicle sutra, Immeasurable
. Meanings, which explains how living beings can be saved and
. how, if one practices it as it directs, one can escape from
. birth and death.
. “Good men, this is called the third benefit and
. inconceivable power of THIS SUTRA.
. “Good men, the fourth inconceivable benefit and power of
. THIS SUTRA is this: If living beings are able to hear THIS
. SUTRA, though they hear only one recitation, one verse, or
. just one line, they will be filled with brave and stalwart
. thoughts. Though they have not yet saved themselves, they
. will be able to save others. They will become companions of
. the bodhisattvas, and the buddhas, the thus come ones, will
. at all times turn toward such persons when they expound the
. Law. And once these persons have heard it, they will be
. able to accept and uphold all of it, abide by it without
. violation, propagate it for the sake of others, and preach
. it widely in accordance with what is appropriate.
. “Good men, such persons will be like a prince newly born to
. the king of a country and his queen. When he is one day,
. two days, or seven days old; one month, two months, or
. seven months old; one year, two years, or seven years old,
. though he is not yet able to manage the affairs of state,
. already he is respected and looked up to by the ministers
. and the people. He is a companion to the sons of other
. great kings, and the king and queen love and dote on him
. and are forever talking of him. Why? Because he is still
. just a child.
. “Good men, the person who upholds THIS SUTRA will be like
. this. The buddhas, who are the king, and the sutra, which
. is the queen, join together in harmony to give birth to
. this bodhisattva son. If the bodhisattva is able to hear
. THIS SUTRA, whether it is one line or one verse, one
. repetition, two repetitions, ten, a hundred, a thousand,
. ten thousand, or immeasurable, countless repetitions equal
. to the sands of a million ten thousand Ganges Rivers,
. though he cannot fully grasp the extent of its truth, and
. though he cannot make the lands of the major world system
. quake and tremble or with brahma sounds like the roll of
. thunder turn the great wheel of the Law, already he will be
. revered and looked up to by all the four kinds of believers
. and eight kinds of guardians, and he will have the great
. bodhisattvas for his companions. He will enter deeply into
. the secret Law of the buddhas and will be able to expound
. it without error or omission. He will be constantly guarded
. and kept in mind by the buddhas, who will pity and love
. him, favor and shelter him, because he is new in these
. studies.
. “Good men, this is called the fourth benefit and
. inconceivable power of THIS SUTRA.
. “Good men, the fifth inconceivable benefit and power of
. THIS SUTRA is this: If there are good men or good women
. who, while the Buddha is in the world or after he has
. passed into extinction, accept, uphold, read, recite, or
. copy this profound, unsurpassed great vehicle Immeasurable
. Meanings Sutra, then although such persons are still bound
. and encumbered by earthly desires, unable to remove
. themselves from the concerns of the ordinary individual,
. yet they will be able to manifest and show to others the
. way of the great bodhisattva. They will be able to expand a
. single day so that it covers a hundred kalpas, or compress
. a hundred kalpas into a single day, causing other living
. beings to rejoice and give wholehearted assent [to their
. words].
. “Good men, these good men and good women will be like
. little dragons who, only seven days after they are born,
. are already able to make clouds rise up and rain to fall.
. “Good men, this is called the fifth benefit and
. inconceivable power of THIS SUTRA.
. “Good men, the sixth inconceivable benefit and power of
. THIS SUTRA is this: If good men or good women, while the
. Buddha is in the world or after he has passed into
. extinction, accept, uphold, read, or recite THIS SUTRA,
. then although they are still encumbered by earthly desires,
. they will be able to preach the Law for living beings and
. enable them to break away from earthly desires, from the
. realm of birth and death, and to cut off all suffering.
. Once living beings have heard them, they will carry out
. religious practice, gaining the doctrines, gaining various
. stages, and gaining the ways, just the same as if they had
. been taught by the Buddha, the thus come one.
. “Suppose, for example, there is a prince who, although
. still just a boy, is entrusted with the management of
. affairs of state because the king is abroad on a journey or
. has been seized by illness. If at that time the prince
. follows the king’s orders and abides by the law in issuing
. directives to the various clerks and government officials,
. guiding the flow of affairs in a proper manner, then each
. of the people of the state will comply with the spirit of
. his instructions, and the order that prevails will be like
. that when the king himself is in charge.
. “The good men and good women who uphold THIS SUTRA will be
. the same as this. Whether the Buddha is in the world or has
. passed into extinction, if these good men, though they have
. not yet been able to reach the stage of immobility, follow
. the Buddha’s methods of preaching and giving instruction
. when they expound the Law, then once living beings have
. heard them and single-mindedly applied themselves to
. practice, they will be able to cut off earthly desires,
. gain the doctrines, gain various stages, and gain the ways.
. “Good men, this is called the sixth benefit and
. inconceivable power of THIS SUTRA.
. “Good men, the seventh inconceivable benefit and power of
. THIS SUTRA is this: If good men or good women, while the
. Buddha is in the world or after he has passed into
. extinction, are able to hear THIS SUTRA and rejoice and put
. faith and hope in it, greeting it as something rare; if
. they accept, uphold, read, recite, copy, explain, preach,
. and practice it as it directs, conceiving a desire for
. enlightenment, cultivating good roots, nurturing minds of
. great compassion, and desiring to save all living beings
. from their sufferings, then although they have not yet been
. able to practice the six paramitas, the six paramitas will
. of themselves appear before them. In their present bodies
. they will be able to gain the truth of birthlessness, their
. earthly desires and their sufferings of birth and death
. will in one moment be cast off and destroyed, and they will
. ascend to the seventh stage of the bodhisattva.
. “Suppose, for example, there is a stalwart hero who wipes
. out the king’s enemies. Once these enemies have been
. destroyed, the king rejoices greatly and takes half of his
. kingdom and presents it all to the hero as a fief. The good
. men and good women who uphold THIS SUTRA will be similar to
. this. They will be the bravest and most heroic of all
. practitioners. And though they do not seek for them, the
. six paramitas, those treasures of the Law, will come to
. them naturally. Their enemies, birth and death, will of
. themselves be scattered and destroyed, and they will be
. enlightened to the truth of birthlessness, which is like
. receiving half the buddha land in fief and its treasures as
. a gift to enjoy in tranquillity.
. “Good men, this is called the seventh benefit and
. inconceivable power of THIS SUTRA.
. “Good men, the eighth inconceivable benefit and power of
. THIS SUTRA is this: If there are good men or good women
. who, while the Buddha is in the world or after he has
. passed into extinction, are able to obtain THIS SUTRA, they
. will revere and put faith in it as though they were gazing
. upon the Buddha’s body, and will not let themselves treat
. it any differently. They will love and delight in THIS
. SUTRA, accept, uphold, read, recite, copy, and do obeisance
. to it, putting it into practice as the Law directs,
. strictly observing the precepts, firmly persevering,
. carrying out the paramita of almsgiving, cultivating
. profound pity and compassion, and preaching this
. unsurpassed great vehicle Immeasurable Meanings Sutra far
. and wide for the sake of others.
. “If there are persons who have never believed in the
. existence of sinfulness or blessing, then they will show
. them THIS SUTRA and, employing various kinds of expedient
. means, will convert them and prevail upon them to believe.
. Through the authority and power of the sutra, such persons
. will be able to develop minds of faith, abruptly changing
. their direction. And once having developed minds of faith,
. because they proceed with courage and diligence, they will
. be able to acquire the dignity, virtue, authority, and
. power of THIS SUTRA, to gain the ways, and to gain various
. stages.
. “Therefore these good men and women, because of the
. benefits they gain through being converted, will in their
. present forms as men and women be able to gain the truth of
. birthlessness, to gain the upper level, and to become
. companions of the bodhisattvas. Quickly they will be able
. to lead living beings to success, to purify the buddha
. land, and before long to gain unsurpassed enlightenment.
. “Good men, this is called the eighth benefit and
. inconceivable power of THIS SUTRA.
. “Good men, the ninth inconceivable benefit and power of
. THIS SUTRA is this: If there are good men or good women
. who, while the Buddha is in the world or after he has
. passed into extinction, are able to obtain THIS SUTRA, who
. leap with joy on having gained what they never had before,
. who accept, uphold, read, recite, copy, and offer alms to
. it and for the sake of the multitude, observing
. distinctions, expound and preach the message of THIS SUTRA
. far and wide, then in one instant they will be able to wipe
. out the lingering guilt and heavy obstacle of their deeds
. in former existences and to attain a state of purity.
. Thereafter they will acquire great eloquence, step by step
. adorn themselves with the paramitas, acquire various
. samadhis including the shuramgama samadhi, enter the great
. gate of the dharani teachings, gain the power of diligent
. effort, and quickly attain the highest levels. They will be
. skilled at dividing their bodies and producing emanations
. of themselves, dispatching them to the lands in the ten
. directions to rescue and save all living beings in the
. twenty-five realms of existence from their dire sufferings,
. enabling them all to gain emancipation. This is because the
. sutra possesses this power.
. “Good men, this is called the ninth benefit and
. inconceivable power of THIS SUTRA.
. “Good men, the tenth inconceivable benefit and power of
. THIS SUTRA is this: Suppose there are good men or good
. women who, while the Buddha is in the world or after he has
. passed into extinction, are able to obtain THIS SUTRA, and
. are filled with great joy, greeting it as something rare.
. After they themselves have accepted, upheld, read, recited,
. copied, offered alms, and put it into practice as it
. directs, they will also be able far and wide to encourage
. those in household life and those who have left such life
. to accept, uphold, read, recite, copy, offer alms, explain,
. and preach the sutra and practice it as the Law directs.
. Because they have the power to cause others to practice
. THIS SUTRA, others will gain the ways and gain various
. stages. All this will come from the fact that these good
. men and good women are moved to compassion and have the
. power to convert others diligently. As a result, these good
. men and good women in their present bodies will be able to
. gain immeasurable dharani teachings.
. “While they are still at the stage of ordinary persons,
. while they are just beginning, they will find themselves
. naturally capable of committing themselves to countless
. asamkhyas of broad resolutions and great vows,
. demonstrating profound determination to save all living
. beings, exercising great compassion, rescuing multitudes
. far and wide from their sufferings, gathering to themselves
. a mass of good roots, and bringing enrichment and benefit
. to all. They will expound the moisture of the Law, pouring
. it everywhere to water the dry and barren places. They will
. show themselves able to dispense the medicine of the Law to
. living beings, bringing peace and happiness to all.
. Gradually they will come forth and ascend until they reside
. at the stage of the clouds of the Law. The moisture of
. their favor will water all places; nothing will be outside
. their compassion. They will encompass all living beings who
. suffer, causing them to enter upon the buddha path. And
. because of all this, these people will before long gain
. supreme perfect enlightenment.
. “Good men, this is called the tenth benefit and
. inconceivable power of THIS SUTRA.
. “Good men, this unsurpassed great vehicle Immeasurable
. Meanings Sutra fully possesses great and marvelous
. supernatural powers such as these. It is worthy of
. unsurpassed veneration, for it can enable ordinary persons
. all to attain the stage of sage; leaving forever the realm
. of birth and death, they will all gain freedom. Therefore
. THIS SUTRA is called Immeasurable Meanings. It can cause
. all living beings who are still at the level of ordinary
. persons to put forth immeasurable shoots that will grow
. into the way of the bodhisattva, to plant trees of benefits
. that will flourish, put out branches, and spread. Therefore
. THIS SUTRA is dubbed the possessor of inconceivable
. benefits and power.”
. At that time the bodhisattva mahasattva Great Adornment and
. the others of the eighty thousand bodhisattvas mahasattva,
. speaking in a single voice addressed the Buddha, saying:
. “World-Honored One, as the Buddha has preached, this
. profound, subtle, wonderful, unsurpassed great vehicle
. Immeasurable Meanings Sutra is true and correct in word and
. principle, worthy of unsurpassed veneration. It is guarded
. and protected by all the buddhas of the three existences.
. There is no devil host, no congregation of non-Buddhist
. believers who can invade it, nor can it be destroyed by any
. erroneous views or accidents of birth and death.
. “Thus it is that THIS SUTRA possesses ten benefits and
. inconceivable powers such as have been described. It brings
. great enrichment and benefit to all living beings
. immeasurable in number. It causes all bodhisattvas
. mahasattva each one to gain the samadhi of immeasurable
. meanings. Or perhaps they will gain hundreds and thousands
. of dharani teachings, or they will be able to gain the
. various levels and various types of cognition of the
. bodhisattva, or they will gain the four-way and four-stage
. enlightenment of the cause-awakened one and the arhat. The
. world-honored one in his compassion and mercy has been
. pleased to preach the Law for us in this way, enabling us
. to gain the great profits of the Law. This is most
. wonderful, something never known before. The compassion and
. favor of the world-honored one is indeed difficult to repay!”
. When they had finished speaking these words, the major
. world system quaked and trembled in six different ways.
. From the sky there rained down various kinds of heavenly
. flowers, heavenly utpala flowers, padma flowers, kumuda
. flowers, pundarika flowers. There also rained down
. countless varieties of heavenly incense, heavenly robes,
. heavenly necklaces, and priceless heavenly jewels that came
. tumbling and turning through the air and descended as
. offerings to the Buddha and the great assembly of
. bodhisattvas and voice-hearers. Heavenly vessels from
. heavenly kitchens were heaped and overflowing with a
. hundred heavenly flavors; merely observing their forms and
. smelling their aromas was enough to make one feel
. satisfied. Heavenly streamers, heavenly banners, heavenly
. canopies, and wonderful heavenly playthings were ranged
. here and there, heavenly musical instruments played, and
. songs were sung to praise the Buddha.
. Then in the eastern region the buddha worlds numerous as
. Ganges sands also quaked and trembled in six different
. ways, raining down heavenly flowers, heavenly incense,
. heavenly robes, heavenly necklaces, priceless heavenly
. jewels, heavenly vessels from heavenly kitchens with a
. hundred heavenly flavors, so that observing their forms and
. smelling their aromas was enough to make one feel
. satisfied. Heavenly streamers, heavenly banners, heavenly
. canopies, and wonderful heavenly playthings were ranged
. here and there, heavenly musical instruments played, and
. songs were sung in praise of the buddhas and the great
. assemblies of bodhisattvas and voice-hearers there, and the
. same occurred in the southern, western, and northern
. regions, in the four intermediate directions, and in the
. upper and lower regions.
. At that time the Buddha addressed the bodhisattva
. mahasattva Great Adornment and the others of the eighty
. thousand bodhisattvas mahasattva, saying: “You should
. approach THIS SUTRA with profound feelings of respect,
. practice it as the Law directs, convert all beings far and
. wide, and propagate it with a diligent mind. At all times
. be industrious in its cause, guard it day and night, and
. enable living beings, each one of them, to enjoy the
. profits of the Law. You will then in truth be showing great
. compassion and great pity. Use the transcendental power of
. your vows to guard and protect THIS SUTRA, and do not let
. it be impeded by doubt. In the time given you, you must
. without fail cause it to spread throughout Jambudvipa,
. making certain that all living beings are able to see and
. hear it, to read, recite, copy, and offer alms to it. Then
. as a result you yourselves will be able quickly to gain
. supreme perfect enlightenment.”
. At that time the bodhisattva mahasattva Great Adornment and
. the others of the eighty thousand bodhisattvas mahasattva
. rose from their seats and proceeded to where the Buddha
. was. They bowed their heads to the ground in obeisance
. before the Buddha’s feet and circled around him a hundred
. thousand times. Then they advanced, knelt on one knee, and
. all blending their voices in unison, spoke to the Buddha,
. saying: “World-Honored One, we have been fortunate enough
. to receive the compassion and mercy of the world-honored
. one, who for our sake has preached this profound, subtle,
. wonderful, unsurpassed great vehicle Immeasurable Meanings
. Sutra. Respectfully we accept the Buddha’s charge. After
. the thus come one has passed into extinction, we will
. propagate THIS SUTRA far and wide, causing all beings
. everywhere to accept, uphold, read, recite, copy, and offer
. alms to it. We beg you to have no concern or fret on that
. account. We will employ the power of our vows to enable all
. living beings everywhere to see, hear, read, recite, copy,
. and offer alms to THIS SUTRA, and to gain the sutra’s
. marvelous supernatural blessings.”

In spite of the fact that I think you are wrong, I do not means this as criticism of you, Iain, remembering the immortal words of Bodhisattva Never Disparaging:

“I have profound reverence for you, I would never dare treat you with disparagement or arrogance. Why? Because you are all practicing the bodhisattva way and are certain to attain Buddhahood.”

I don't know what this has to do with a change in doctrine in the SGI, but I'm sure you will explain that.



Chas. Dec 27, 2015 8:21 AM

Oh, and happy holiday! I hope you and yours are doing well.



***@gmail.com Dec 28, 2015 4:21 AM
[3 days until Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]

Thanks Chas and likewise. My holiday has been filled with good people and good vibes. Truely I am blessed in this regard as I hope you are also. But the world is still a difficult place and many are not so fortunate, my enjoyment is tempered by this fact.

The change in doctrine should be obvious from the thread. I presented a like for like, side by side comparison of Mr Ikeda's lectures on the same gosho, one in 1979 the other in 2009 to support my assertion that Gohonzon had been de-emphasised and replaced by an emphasis on the mentor-disciple relationship. I did thus because you disputed my assertion. You did not address my comparison directly but made the statement to the effect that the change can be explained by learning since the SGI split with the priesthood (and so presumably legitimate). This is the change in doctrine. To stop emphasising Gohonzon and trying to develop correct faith in it as a means to enlightenment and instead emphasise the mentor-disciple relationship and develop a correct relationship with the mentor as a means to enlightenment is a fundamental change of doctrine. Such a change is not legitimate in terms of Nichiren's teaching nor in terms of SGI teaching of that earlier period. It cannot be explained away by claiming it is learning acquisition since the priesthood split. It is just wrong in terms of the two criteria I set out above.


Chas. Dec 28, 2015 7:19 AM
Post by Chas.
Thanks Chas and likewise. [Snip]
The change in doctrine should be obvious [Snip]
You are inserting another topic again, instead of dealing with my refutation of your claim that the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra is provisional: it is not and you are wrong about that.

The Lotus Sutra is the highest teaching, both complete and final.

The accompanying sutras are concurrent with the Lotus Sutra, and the Nirvana Sutra is after the Lotus Sutra. None of those are provisional and therefore candidates for discarding.

Before means "preceding the beginning of" and not "concurrent with".

"I have profound reverence for you, I would never dare treat you with disparagement or arrogance. Why? Because you are all practicing the bodhisattva way and are certain to attain Buddhahood." - Bodhisattva Never Disparaging.


***@gmail.com Dec 28, 2015 9:07 AM
[3 days until Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]

I answered the point on provisional/true in the other thread and I did not 'change' topic. Read your own posts Chas, you asked about the change of doctrine, so I answered that.

You are conflating provisional with discarding. Again you make the same error. The two are not synonymous but I can see why you might do that. Again, this comes down to mixing frames.

With regard to before and after versus concurrent, it simply isn't relevant. Even if Immeasurable Meanings were preached at the same time as the great Law is expounded, it makes no difference. The key point is that it is a separate entity and in being so, it does not teach or reveal the great Law. That is why it is inferior, the timing of its preaching or whether or not it is referred in the Sutra, is if no consequence.

In so many of these exchanges, you argue like a dog refusing to let go of its bone, only to have it finally prised from your jaws with incontrovertible evidence, then you run off to the next bone to pick. When questioned on the non response to the proof, you disemble, play dumb or attempt to distract.

It's not hard Chas, just read the Gosho and chant sincerely about it. Quoting isn't the same as studying. What I can't understand is that people of my generation of SGI were taught to do that and that remained so until about mid 2000's, so how comes you weren't?


***@gmail.com Dec 28, 2015 10:59 AM
[3 days until Iain's secret departure from the SGI.]
[And here is where Iain makes a final connection to the Mentor before departing the SGI.]

Against my better judgment, I'll throw you a bone Chas, this is probably a good place to start in the Gosho to understand the relative merits of each Sutra and the collection of Immeasurable Meanings, Lotus & Nirvana sutras.

In the first paragraph of the quote below, Nichiren makes the distinction between the three Sutras mentioned above and all other sutras.

In the second paragraph, he makes distinctions between these three sutras. Note that Nichiren is treating each sutra as a distinct entity. Note also that he reserves the highest place for the Lotus Sutra and note his reasons for doing so. So yes, Immeasurable Meanings is Ghee but no, it is not the Lotus Sutra, it is inferior to the latter and so provisional in terms of the latter. Should it be discarded? No but then again it is not necessary for the aims of the Lotus Sutra to be achieved. The Gosho quote below should also help you understand this point.

Put another way, if you were escaping a burning building and you could take one of these three Sutras with you but only one because you could not carry more than one, which would you take with you? There is only one right answer in terms of Nichiren's teachings. More importantly, why would you make that choice, because Nichiren told you too? Or because of the reason Miao-Lo gives below?

King Rinda


"[Among all the Buddhist teachings] the Āgama sutras may be compared to the flavor of milk; the Meditation and the other sutras of the Correct and Equal period may be compared to the flavor of cream; the Wisdom sutras may be compared to the flavor of curdled milk; the Flower Garland Sutra may be compared to the flavor of butter; and the Immeasurable Meanings, Lotus, and Nirvana sutras may be compared to the flavor of ghee.

Again, if the Nirvana Sutra is compared to the flavor of ghee, then the Lotus Sutra may be compared to a lord who rules over the five flavors. Thus the Great Teacher Miao-lo stated: “If we discuss the matter from the point of view of the doctrines taught, then the Lotus Sutra stands as the true lord of all the teachings, since it alone preaches ‘opening the provisional and revealing the distant.’ This is the reason that it alone is permitted the word myō, or ‘wonderful’ [in its title].”1 He also said, “Therefore, we understand that the Lotus Sutra is the true lord of the ghee.”


Finally, Iain admits his error, without really understanding the extent of it.

He has doggedly clung to labelling the introductory Immeasurable Means sutra of the Lotus Sutra as provisional, which implies that one of the foundations of the Lotus Sutra is discardable, even arguing that you could leave it to burn.

So many things in the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra, which is concurrently preached inside the Lotus Sutra, are only preached in the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra, that it is difficult to even imagine what Iain considers.

One can summarize the extent of the damage done, by imagining having a tooth knocked out and continuing to smile with a gap-toothed grin. It is the hole, the missing tooth that everyone expects to see that is noticed, and not the smile.

What would happen in Chapter one of the Lotus Sutra when the Buddha starts to preach the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra and then stands there speechless for the good part of an hour? I wouldn't like to consider it.

However, even after admitting his mistake: "I'll throw you a bone Chas", Iain persists in this infamy as he leaves the SGI to start his brand new Iain Buddhism, collecting his brand new Iain Sangha, with himself as brand neww Iain Sensei, closely studying the accreted phrases of his brand new Hurvitz translation of the Lotus Sutra. All brand new!

2016-09-09 17:06:28 UTC
Yoi've reapeated this post again Chas, to what purpose.

Lool and not a peep out of Jukes at itcs long windedness. Lool.

Be well :)
2016-09-10 03:28:45 UTC
Try some non-fallacious reasoning and summon up a cogent point, Iain.

Iain needs to fear slander of the Law, as Nichiren Daishonin and his followers do +

On Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 11:18:32 AM UTC-8, ***@gmail.com wrote:
||| Here's one for you Chas..."BOO!"...
||| I know I shouldn't do that to people wracked with
||| phobias (irrational fears), who are scared of their own
||| shadow (not to mention, hell, yakuza, martial arts,
||| alternative healing arts, most movies, porn stars,
||| anything that could possibly touched toxic Zen, recycling
||| - probably - see the toxic Zen point) but I can't resist.
||| There is a great way to overcome those phobias apart
||| from some good professional intervention. I know of a
||| really good practice that reliably brings forth the
||| qualities of wisdom, courage and compassion...not to
||| mention abundant life-force.
||| Let me know if you're interested. It's not hard to
||| learn, can be bit difficult to carry on, like anything -
||| gym, diet, etc. etc.
||| But do watch out for the cowboys, they'll have you
||| thinking you need to buy it and that you have to do extra
||| things for it to work AND they don't teach it right - well
||| they have to keep adding things to convince you theirs is
||| unique and change the formula to keep you hooked and keep
||| it profitable.
||| It's - like soap powder really, you end up with less
||| active ingredient, mixed with with lots of useless crap
||| and you end up paying through the nose - advertising and
||| marketing costs.
||| In some cases those additives are harmful, just like the
||| bakers additives in years gone by or the modern
||| equivalents that have made it into diets worldwide
||| especially in USA and UK...
||| But you don't need those branded spiritual "products",
||| the original is simple, cheap and much more effective,
||| ditch the personal trainer, get a better results and save
||| yourself lots of money and harm.
||| What about spiritual humanism, helping suffering people?
||| Oh well if you want to join an organisation that's
||| focussed on that well there are lots of aid agencies but
||| be careful, charities and "humanitarian" orgs. in
||| particular have a reputation for using this as a cover.
||| You want to check out their finances in particular and
||| their mission statement. There should be independent
||| scrutiny and evidence on how effective they are at
||| achieving their goals and maximising use of their
||| donations. They should have good governance and financial
||| transparency and control.
||| For example, a few have been found to be diverting funds
||| away from their primary goals and the people they're
||| supposed to be helping. In such orgs, a high percentage is
||| spent on administration costs, chief executive and senior
||| leaders salaries, plush offices, unnecessary technology
||| advertising, unnecessary real estate acquisition, vanity
||| projects, consultant costs, political lobbying,
||| entertaining etc.
||| That leaves little to actually help the people they are
||| supposed to be helping or achieve the mission they are
||| supposed to be focused on.
||| Three religious organisations provide a comparison to
||| SGI and a prompt for further research. SGI is by no means
||| the only player in this spiritual arena that espouses the
||| warm and fluffy values that it pushes forward. It was
||| distinct in its faith, belief in Gohonzon and Daimoku but
||| it seems not the quite understand what it teaches it
||| believes anymore or at least keeps changing it. Current
||| flavour of the month is 'mentor-disciple'
||| Arguably there are other organisations that are much
||| more effective and from whom SGI may have borrowed.
||| The Quakers seem to have a good rep.
||| https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quakers
||| Originally from the UK, they seem to keep it small in an
||| organisational sense but are very good at putting their
||| beliefs into action, they've been doing it well for
||| centuries. The SGI deems to have borrowed quite a lot of
||| their approach, turned it into rhetoric but hasn't modeled
||| their organisation along Quaker lines and their sense of
||| equality of faith either.
||| There's Tzu Chi, seems very good at actually helping
||| people in crisis and responding to disasters.
||| https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tzu_Chi
||| Started in the 60's from a sewing circle of 6 people.
||| Also Lotus Sutra based but non Nichiren. Some
||| controversies.
||| In the Nichiren line there's Rissho Kosei Kai. They
||| chant Daimoku but it's a different focus.
||| Established before Mr Toda's Nichiren Shoshu Soka
||| Gakkai, it's entirely possible that RKK may have provided
||| NSSG (SGI) with some of the templates that the latter then
||| adopted for its organisational activities/structure. The
||| similarities are stiking. Equally, RKK may have learned
||| from NSSG (SGI). It's likely the two nay have learned
||| from each other but RKK seems to have attracted less
||| critical press, be generally well-regarded and better at
||| delivering practical help.
||| https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Risshō_Kōsei_Kai
||| Is very good on interfaith, seems quite good on
||| campaigning to end poverty and hunger, some controversies
||| but generally seems to be effective and we'll thought of.
||| Has a similar discussion meeting type thing going on. Not
||| sure about financial transparency though. Might be worth
||| futher checking out.

A phobia is a psychological condition that you are uncredited to diagnose, that being an unreasonable fear of something that can only be feared by an irrational person.

You think you are making light of me (and WHO would care about THAT), but in fact you are making light of Nichiren Daishonin and the Lotus Sutra.

Iain, you should fear slander of the Law more than fearing attack or disapproval from the authorities, or from your peer group, or from the risk of death itself. Nichiren speaks volumes on this one topic, and in fact he never fails to warn his followers and whomever he is writing to, with regards to fearing slander of the Law. I will highlight the key points in UPPERCASE, so that you won't miss them, this time.

This on evil friends and mad elephants, from "On the Protection of the Nation", WND II

... Therefore the Nirvana Sutra states: “Bodhisattvas and
... mahāsattvas, have no fear of mad elephants. WHAT YOU SHOULD

And also this on the same topic, from "Reply to Hoshina Gōrō Tarō", WND I


... Yet it should be known that, while the non-Buddhist
... practitioners possessed such impressive powers, they could
... not escape the flames of the Avīchi hell, not to mention
... those with only trivial powers of transformation. Even
... less can slanderers of the great vehicle avoid this fate.
... The priests of the True Word school are evil friends to
... all living beings. Avoid them; fear them. The Buddha
... states: “Have no fear of mad elephants. WHAT YOU SHOULD
... FEAR ARE EVIL FRIENDS! Why? Because a mad elephant can
... only destroy your body; it cannot destroy your mind. But
... an evil friend can destroy both body and mind. A mad
... elephant can destroy only a single body, but an evil
... friend can destroy countless bodies and countless minds. A
... mad elephant merely destroys an impure, stinking body, but
... an evil friend can destroy both pure body and pure mind. A
... mad elephant can destroy the physical body, but an evil
... friend destroys the Dharma body. Even if you are killed by
... a mad elephant, you will not fall into the three evil
... paths. But if you are killed by an evil friend, you are
... certain to fall into them. A mad elephant is merely an
... enemy of your body, but an evil friend is an enemy of the

And then also this, from "What It Means to Slander the Law", WND II


... Answer: The various sutras say that one should shun the
... company of women, but I would point to the passage in the
... Nirvana Sutra, which the Buddha preached in the grove of
... sal trees just before his death: “Bodhisattvas! Though you
... can perceive the countless faults and ailings that attach
... to and beset your bodies, because you have made up your
... minds to accept and abide by the Nirvana Sutra, it will
... guide and protect you and will not cause you to be
... lacking. Bodhisattvas, have no fear of mad elephants. WHAT
... The meaning of this passage is that, if one cares about

In this passage Nichiren Daishonin goes into much detail describing precisely how the evil friending process works with deception and flattery, etc. Seems reminiscent of someone in this forum, yes?

From "On Reciting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra", WND II

... Therefore the “Encouraging Devotion” chapter reads: “In a
... muddied kalpa, in an evil age there will be many things to
... fear. Evil demons will take possession of others and
... through them curse, revile, and heap shame on us. . . .
... [The evil monks of that muddied age], failing to understand
... the Buddha’s expedient means, how he preaches the Law in
... accordance with what is appropriate . . .” This passage
... means that, in that muddied and evil age, monks will fail
... to understand that the teachings they put their faith in
... are no more than an expedient means preached by the Buddha
... in accordance with what is appropriate. Thus when persons
... appear who clearly distinguish between the provisional
... teachings and the true teaching, these monks will revile
... them and attempt to refute their arguments. This is all
... because evil demons have taken possession of them, although
... they are not aware that this has happened.
... For this reason, the twenty-second volume of the Nirvana
... Sutra states: “Have no fear of mad elephants. WHAT YOU
... Regarding the meaning of this sutra passage, the Great

In the Letter to Niike, WND I, Nichiren Daishonin warns us that simply associating with slanderers: "those with impure hearts" (beyond the point of shakubuku) is complicity.

... Neither Buddhas nor gods would ever accept contributions
... from those who slander the correct teaching. Then how can
... we human beings accept them? The deity of Kasuga Shrine
... proclaimed through an oracle that he would accept nothing
... from those with impure hearts, though he should have to
... eat the flames of burning copper; that he would refuse to
... set foot in their homes, though he should have to sit on
... red-hot copper. He would rather come down to a miserable
... hut with weeds choking the passageway, or to a poor
... thatched house. He declared that he would never visit
... persons lacking in faith, even if they hung sacred
... festoons for a thousand days to welcome him, but that he
... would go to a house where the people have a mind of
... faith, even though they might be in mourning for a
... parent. Lamenting that slanderers have overrun this
... country, the benevolent gods have abandoned it and
... ascended to heaven. “THOSE WITH IMPURE HEARTS” MEANS
... IN THE FIFTH VOLUME OF THE SUTRA. If the gods themselves
... regard alms from slanderers as more abominable than the
... flames of burning copper, how could we human beings
... possibly accept them? If someone were to kill our parents
... and then try to offer us some gift, could we possibly
... Shakyamuni Buddha is the father, sovereign, and teacher
... of all the other Buddhas and all the gods, of the whole
... assembly of human and heavenly beings, and of all living
... beings. How could the heavenly gods and benevolent
... deities rejoice if the Buddha were killed? Today all the
... people of our country have proved to be enemies of
... Shakyamuni Buddha, but more than laymen or laywomen, it
... is the priests with perverse wisdom and hearts who are
... the Buddha’s worst enemies. There are two kinds of
... wisdom, correct and perverse. NO MATTER HOW WISE A PERSON
... person has the wisdom to know the true meaning of the
... Lotus Sutra, no matter how lowly he may appear, pay
... respect to him and make offerings to him as though he
... were a living Thus Come One . Thus it is written in the
... sutra. That is why the Great Teacher Dengyō says that
... the men and women who believe in this sutra, even if they
... lack knowledge or violate the precepts, should be seated
... above priests who observe all two hundred and fifty
... precepts of the Hinayana teachings, and never be seated
... in a humble position, and that this is all the more true
... of the priests of this Mahayana sutra.

And complicity in slander is a complex and wide-reaching phenomenon: for individuals, for families and for countries. Hence the importance of the Kosen Rufu movement and the profound punishment that comes from undermining it. From the "Letter to Akimoto", WND I


... In practicing the teaching of the Lotus Sutra, there are
... three principles that must be understood. The first is
... that regarding slanderers. The monk Superior Intent, the
... monk Shore of Suffering, the Scholar Vimalamitra, and the
... Great Arrogant Brahman are examples. These men dressed
... their bodies in the three robes, lifted a single begging
... bowl up before their eyes, and meticulously observed the
... two hundred and fifty precepts, and yet they were in fact
... enemies of the Mahayana and in the end fell into the great
... citadel of the hell of incessant suffering.
... In recent times in Japan there have been men like Kōbō,
... Jikaku, and Chishō who observed the precepts just as those
... earlier monks did and who did not differ from them in
... wisdom. But because they asserted that the True Word
... teaching of the Mahāvairochana Sutra ranked first and the
... Lotus Sutra ranked second or third, if my view of the
... matter should by any chance be correct, they are now in
... the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering.
... It is not that one does not recall the calumny, the staves
... and stones that were suffered by Bodhisattva Never
... Disparaging. It is not that one is unafraid of the world.
... It is just that the censure of the Lotus Sutra is even
... more severe. It is like the case of Sukenari and
... Tokimune, who acted as they did even though they found
... themselves in the camp of the shogun, because they longed
... to avenge themselves upon their enemy and were
... ashamed at the thought of failing to do so.
... those persons who were born into the family of the monk
... Superior Intent or the monk Shore of Suffering and became
... their disciples or lay supporters all fell, against their
... will, into the hell of incessant suffering. Or it is like
... the family members of Yoshimori. Setting aside those who
... gave their lives in battle, even the children still in
... their mothers’ wombs, torn from their mothers’ bellies,
... were killed before birth.
... When the three calamities pile up month after month and
... the seven disasters appear day after day, then hunger and
... thirst will prevail and the country will be changed into a
... realm of hungry spirits. When plague and disease sweep
... over the land, the country will become a realm of hell.
... When warfare breaks out, it will be transformed into a
... realm of asuras. And when parents, brothers, and sisters,
... ignoring the fact that they are kin, begin taking each
... other for a husband or wife, the country will become a
... realm of animals. Under such circumstances, one does not
... have to wait until death to fall into the three evil
... paths. While one is still alive, the country in which one
... lives will be changed into these four evil realms.
... The people in such a country will be like those who lived
... in the Latter Day of the Law of the Buddha Great
... Adornment, or in the defiled age of the Buddha Lion Sound
... King. Or if what the Repaying Debts of Gratitude Sutra
... tells us is true, people will eat the flesh of their own
... deceased parents or brothers or sisters or of any other
... dead person, and they will eat live creatures as well.
... Ryūzō-bō is merely one of the countless eaters of human
... beings whose case has happened to come to light. In a
... spirit similar to his, people procure human flesh and mix
... it with boar or deer meat, or cut it up and blend it with
... fish or fowl, pound it or pickle it, and then sell

Even the buddhist gods fear slandering the Law. This is why they flee countries where slander of the Law prevails widely, unabated by refutation and shakubuku. This causes their protection to dwindle for an entire country.

From "Letter to Niike", WND I

... Now that I am spreading the Lotus Sutra as the Buddha’s
... envoy, however, everyone from the ruler on down to the
... common people has become a slanderer of the correct
... teaching. So far Hachiman has done everything possible to
... prevent hostility toward the Lotus Sutra from developing
... among the people of this country, as reluctant to abandon
... them as parents would be to abandon an only child, even
... if it were unfilial. BUT NOW IN FEAR OF BREAKING THE
... since both the Sun Goddess and Great Bodhisattva Hachiman
... have gone, how could the other gods remain in their
... shrines? Even if they did not wish to leave, how could
... they stay another day if I reproached them for not
... keeping the promise they made at Eagle Peak? A person may
... be a thief, but as long as no one knows, he can live
... wherever he wishes. But when denounced as a thief by
... someone who knows him, he is forced to leave his dwelling
... against his will. In the same way, because I know of
... their vow, the gods are compelled to abandon their
... shrines. Contrary to popular belief, this country has
... become inhabited by evil demons. How pitiful!

What are the major constituents of slander of the Law in a practical sense? They mostly come down to plagiarizing and appropriating Buddhism and the Lotus Sutra into their corrupted teachings and practices (hence Zen, the martial arts, etc.: what Iain calls my phobias)

The Opening of the Eyes (I)

... They refuse to acknowledge that even a single person
... possesses the Buddha nature. In spite of this, one will
... sometimes hear members of the Precepts and Establishment
... of Truth schools declaring that there are Buddhas in the
... ten directions, or that all living beings possess the
... Buddha nature. This is because the teachers of these
... schools who appeared after the passing away of the Buddha

After observing the history of plagiarizing and appropriating and distorting and piling slander upon slander for dozens of generations, Nichiren Daishonin came up with what Nikko Shonin called the "Four Dictims". From "Letter to Akimoto", WND I

... Because I do so, from the sovereign on down to the common
... people, all people fear me more than they would an enemy
... of their parents, an enemy from a past existence, a
... plotter of treason, a night raider, or a bandit. They
... rage, they curse, they strike at me. Those who slander me
... are given grants of land, while those who praise me are
... driven from their areas or fined, and the people who
... desire to kill me are singled out for rewards. And on top
... of all this, I have twice incurred the wrath of the
... authorities.

However, as it was in the case of T'ien-T'ai and Miao-lo, some new slanders have emerged since Nichiren Daishonin's lifetime. They also must be refuted. From "On Repaying Debts of Gratitude", WND I

... In the T’ien-t’ai school, however, there appeared a priest
... known as the Great Teacher Miao-lo. Though he lived more
... than two hundred years after the time of the Great Teacher
... T’ien-t’ai, because he was extremely wise and had a clear
... understanding of the teachings of T’ien-t’ai, he perceived
... that the meaning of T’ien-t’ai’s commentaries was that the
... Lotus Sutra is superior to the Profound Secrets Sutra and
... the Dharma Characteristics school, which were both
... introduced to China after T’ien-t’ai’s time, and to the
... Flower Garland school and the True Word school with its
... Mahāvairochana Sutra, both of which were first established
... in China.
... Up until then, either because T’ien-t’ai’s followers
... lacked the wisdom to see what was wrong, or because they
... feared others or were in awe of the ruler’s power, no one
... had spoken out. It was clear that a correct understanding
... of the teachings of T’ien-t’ai was about to be lost, and
... that the erroneous doctrines that were rife surpassed even
... those that had prevailed in northern and southern China in
... the period before the Ch’en and Sui dynasties. THEREFORE,

Sadly, it is quite difficult to call out the latter day followers so far removed from the initial crime of plagiarizing and appropriating the Lotus Sutra into their corrupted teachings. A good example of this is Dogen, who fancied the Lotus Sutra so much that he incorporated pieces into his writings. He is the father of Soto Zen (seated meditation), which is what most Zen believers practice, and he died not long after the Daimoku was first chanted on April 28, 1253.

Nichiren says that in spite of the extreme difficulty of calling out the profoundly ignorant followers of evil, that you must do so anyway. From "On Repaying Debts of Gratitude", WND I


... Question: Do you really proclaim that Ch’eng-kuan of the
... Flower Garland school, Chia-hsiang of the Three Treatises
... school, Tz’u-en of the Dharma Characteristics school, and
... Shan-wu-wei and the others of the True Word school on down
... to Kōbō, Jikaku, and Chishō are the enemies of the Buddha?
... Answer: This is a very important question, a matter of the
... gravest concern to the Buddha’s teachings. Yet, on
... examining the text of the sutra, I find that, if someone
... should declare that there is a sutra superior to the Lotus
... Sutra, then regardless of who that person may be, he or
... she cannot escape the charge of slandering the Law.
... Therefore, if we go by what the sutra says, then persons
... such as this must be regarded as enemies of the Buddha.
... And if, out of fear, I fail to point out this fact, then
... the distinctions of relative merit made among the various
... sutras will all have been made in vain.

What constitutes slander is in contrast, that which glorifies the Lotus Sutra even more: the ability of the Lotus Sutra to save ALL the people. From "Rebuking Slander of the Law", WND I

... over the past more than twenty years I have never ceased
... to cry out in a loud voice against these errors, fearing
... neither the ruler of the nation nor the common people. I
... am in no way inferior to the outspoken ministers Kuan
... Lung-feng and Pi Kan of old. I am like the thousand-armed
... Perceiver of the World’s Sounds, the bodhisattva of great
... compassion, who strives to rescue at once all the beings
... confined to the hell of incessant suffering.

Challenging Iain's depictions of these "phobias", Nichiren Daishonin warns his followers to be truly fearful of slander of the Law, outlining the punishments that go on and on ...

From "Reply to Hoshina Gōrō Tarō", WND I

... The Great Teacher Miao-lo states, “I call upon those with
... eyes to examine this thoroughly.” Is one not without
... eyes who regards the Lotus Sutra as inferior to the
... Flower Garland Sutra? The Nirvana Sutra reads, “If there
... are persons who slander the correct teaching of the
... Buddha, their tongues should be cut off.” Ah, how pitiful
... that those slandering tongues will utter no words in
... world after world, and that the eyes clouded by false
... views will fall out in lifetime after lifetime, seeing
... nothing! Moreover, the Lotus Sutra says: “If a person
... fails to have faith but instead slanders this sutra . . .
... When his life comes to an end he will enter the Avīchi

And those punishments apply to those slandering the Law and also those attacking the Sangha that faithfully propagates the Law correctly. From "Embracing the Lotus Sutra", WND I


... For this reason, a person who commits this offense will
... never be able to hear the preaching of the Buddhas of the
... three existences, and will be cut off from the doctrines
... of the Thus Come Ones, who are as numerous as the sands of
... the Ganges. Such a person will move from darkness into
... greater darkness. How could he escape the pains and
... sufferings of the great citadel of the Avīchi hell? Could
... a thoughtful person fail to dread the prospect of lengthy
... kalpas of misery?

In "On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land", WND I, Nichiren Daishonin, speaking as the host, strictly explains the matter of punishment to the guest, who is questioning why the punishments are so severe. You should listen to the hosts words, Iain, as if he were speaking directly to you. He declares his only hatred is for the act of slandering the Law.


... If we stop to consider, we must realize that, regardless
... of whether one is good or bad, right or wrong, if he is a
... priest, then he deserves to have alms and nourishment
... extended to him. For how could one beat and insult the son
... and still not cause grief and sorrow to the father? The
... Brahmans of the Bamboo Staff school who killed the
... Venerable Maudgalyāyana have for a long time been sunk in
... the depths of the hell of incessant suffering. Because
... Devadatta murdered the nun Utpalavarnā, he has for a long
... time gasped in the flames of the Avīchi hell. Examples
... from earlier ages make the matter perfectly clear, and
... later ages fear this offense most of all. You speak of
... punishing those who slander the Law, but to do so would
... violate the Buddha’s prohibitions. I can hardly believe
... that such a course would be right. How can you justify that?
... The host said: You have clearly seen the sutra passages
... that I have cited, and yet you can ask a question like
... that! Are they beyond the power of your mind to
... comprehend? Or do you fail to understand the reasoning
... behind them? I certainly have no intention of censuring
... the sons of the Buddha. MY ONLY HATRED IS FOR THE ACT OF
... SLANDERING THE LAW. According to the Buddhist teachings,
... prior to Shakyamuni slanderous monks would have incurred
... the death penalty. But since the time of Shakyamuni, the
... One Who Can Endure, the giving of alms to slanderous monks
... is forbidden in the sutra teachings. Now if all the four
... kinds of Buddhists within the four seas and the ten
... thousand lands would only cease giving alms to wicked
... priests and instead all come over to the side of the good,
... then how could any more troubles rise to plague us, or
... disasters come to confront us?

Written 27 years after first chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, Nichiren Daishonin writes about four kinds of punishment: general and individual, conspicuous and inconspicuous. He indicates that responding to the challenges posed by those facing these kinds of punishments takes the courage of the Lion King. From "On Persecutions Befalling the Sage", WND I

... In the past, and in the present Latter Day of the Law, the
... rulers, high ministers, and people who despise the
... votaries of the Lotus Sutra seem to be free from
... punishment at first, but eventually they are all doomed to
... fall. The same is true in the case of Nichiren. There
... seemed at first to be no signs of protection for me. The
... gods who vowed to protect the Lotus Sutra, however—Brahmā,
... Shakra, the gods of the sun and moon, and the four
... heavenly kings—by now have realized in terror that if they
... leave their oath to the Buddha unfulfilled, as they have
... done for these twenty-seven years, they will fall into the
... great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering.
... Consequently each of them is now striving to carry out his
... vow. The deaths of Ōta Chikamasa, Nagasaki Jirō Hyōe-no-jō
... Tokitsuna, and Daishin-bō, who was thrown from his
... horses, can be seen as punishment for their treachery
... against the Lotus Sutra. THERE ARE FOUR KINDS OF
... LIONS. The lay priest of Saimyō-ji, now deceased, and the
... present ruler permitted my return from my exiles when
... they found that I was innocent of the accusations against
... me. The present ruler shall no longer take action on any
... charge without confirming its truth. You may rest assured
... that nothing, not even a person possessed by a powerful
... demon, can harm Nichiren, because Brahmā, Shakra, the gods
... of the sun and moon, the four heavenly kings, the Sun
... Goddess, and Hachiman are safeguarding him. Strengthen
... your faith day by day and month after month. Should you
... slacken in your resolve even a bit, devils will take
... advantage.
... Saemon and Akitajō-no-suke, in their anger, wreak havoc
... upon us, you must demonstrate a firm resolve. Men are now
... being sent to Tsukushi [to fight the Mongols]; consider
... yourselves in the same position as those who are on their
... way or are already at the fortifications. So far our
... believers have not experienced sorrows of that sort. The
... warriors in Tsukushi, however, now face a dreadful fate,
... and if they are killed in battle, they are doomed to fall
... into hell. Although at present we are encountering the
... severe trials of persecution, in our next life we will

In this passage from "Letter from Sado", WND I, Nichiren Daishonin writes about the confusion regarding Buddhism in his time, and in ours there is not less confusion. Then he explains why the heart of the lion is needed to fight for the true teaching, and against the false and corrupt teachings that have powerful and aggressive followers, such as Zen.


... Buddhism should be spread by the method of either shōju or
... shakubuku, depending on the age. These are analogous to
... the two worldly ways of the literary and the military. The
... great sages of old practiced the Buddhist teachings as
... befitted the times. The boy Snow Mountains and Prince
... Sattva offered their bodies when urged that by doing so
... they would hear the teaching in return, and that
... giving one’s life constitutes bodhisattva practice. But
... should one sacrifice one’s life at a time when it is not
... required? In an age when there is no paper, one should use
... one’s own skin. In an age when there are no writing
... brushes, one should use one’s own bones. In an age when
... people honor the observers of the precepts and the
... practitioners of the correct teaching while they denounce
... those who break or ignore the precepts, one should
... strictly follow the precepts. In an age when Confucianism
... or Taoism is used to suppress Shakyamuni’s teachings, one
... should risk one’s life to remonstrate with the emperor, as
... did the Dharma teachers Tao-an and Hui-yüan and the
... Tripitaka Master Fa-tao. In an age when people confuse
... Hinayana and Mahayana teachings, provisional and true
... teachings, or exoteric and esoteric doctrines, as though
... unable to distinguish gems from tiles and stones or cow’s
... milk from donkey’s milk, one should strictly
... differentiate between them, following the example of the
... great teachers T’ien-t’ai and Dengyō.
... Even a word or a phrase of the correct teaching will
... enable one to gain the way, if it suits the time and the
... capacity of the people. But though one studies a thousand
... sutras and ten thousand treatises, one will not attain
... Buddhahood if these teachings are unsuitable for the time
... and the people’s capacity.

In the Gosho letter "Wu-lung and I-lung", WND I below, Nichiren Daishonin deals with an example of a situation where slander of the Law is incurred at the death of a father with ceremonies based on teachings other than the Lotus Sutra. The Daishonin explains that the father's eternal life will be based on the meretorious practice of the daughter and the slanderous ceremonies will not have the deleterious effect that they might otherwise have had.

However, Nichiren Daishonin DOES NOT counsel her to join in with those slanderers and practicers of evil. In fact, it is her attitude of concern over the issue of slander of the Law that he praises. Be like her, Iain.


... In your letter you mention the anniversary of the passing
... of your compassionate father, the lay priest Matsuno
... Rokurō Saemon. You say, “Since he left many sons behind,
... memorial services for him will be conducted in as many
... different ways. I fear, however, that such ceremonies will
... be slanderous unless strictly based on the Lotus Sutra.”
... Shakyamuni Buddha’s golden teaching states, “The
... World-Honored One has long expounded his doctrines and now
... must reveal the truth.” The Buddha Many Treasures gave
... testimony, declaring, “The Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful
... Law . . . all that you [Shakyamuni] have expounded is the
... truth!” And the Buddhas of the ten directions gave
... credence to the sutra’s verity by extending their tongues
... to the Brahmā heaven.
... ...
... I-lung said, “It was my hand that wrote the titles. How
... could you have been saved? Moreover, I did not write them
... with sincerity. How could it possibly have helped you?”
... His father replied: “HOW IGNORANT YOU ARE! YOUR HAND IS MY
... among the laity, however, we are in a better position to
... repent of our past slanderous words, no matter how grave
... they may have been.”
... I-lung reported all this to the ruler. The ruler said, “My
... wish has been answered with splendid results.” From then
... on, I-lung basked increasingly in the royal favor, and the
... entire populace of the country came to revere the Lotus
... Sutra.
... The late Gorō and the late lay priest Matsuno were,
... respectively, your son and father. YOU ARE THE LAY
... YOU. Since I wrote in haste, it was impossible to furnish
... details.

Iain, you can complain all you want about your relationship with the ruler who has given you the message to deliver (see the below passage.) In the end you will either deliver the full content of Nichiren's unaltered message from the Lotus Sutra, or remain a traitor to the Daishonin and the Lotus Sutra.

What you are preaching now in your brand new Iain school, the practice of effectively "just chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo and focus on the Lotus Sutra" is not what Nichiren teaches, no matter how you twist his words (and you are one hell of a good twister of words, Iain.)

Nichiren Daishonin and the Lotus Sutra both teach the way of shakubuku. Shakubuku is NOT the propagation of slander and distortions of the Lotus Sutra, which is what it would be to be propagating the Daimoku and the Lotus Sutra without its protection from corruption, distortion, appropriating and plagiarism of the Lotus Sutra. That protection from slander of the Law is shakubuku and that practice must be propagated along with the Lotus Sutra and its Daimoku, otherwise slander of the Law will invariably result.

From "On Repaying Debts of Gratitude"


... If, out of awe of these great teachers of the past, I
... should simply point at their latter-day followers and call
... them enemies of the Buddha, then these latter-day
... followers of the various schools would say: “The assertion
... that the Mahāvairochana Sutra is superior to the Lotus
... Sutra is not something that we ourselves invented on our
... own. It is the doctrine taught by the patriarchs of our
... school. Though we may be no match for them in observing
... the precepts, in wisdom and understanding, or in status,
... when it comes to the doctrines that they taught, we never
... diverge from them in the slightest.” And in that case, one
... would have to admit that they are guilty of no fault.

Leaving the Lotus Sutra unprotected by refusing to refute slander of the Law IS slander of the Law. And it is cowardice, as well. To attain supreme perfect enlightenment, you must be a heroic protector of the Lotus Sutra, like Nichiren Daishonin. That means being fearful of slander and then dealing with it, when it presents itself in a challenge to your buddhahood.

From "Condolences on a Deceased Husband", WND II

... Unless I had some astute plan in mind, it seemed best to
... remain silent and not to speak out. And yet in the classics
... of non-Buddhist literature it is said that if a worthy man
... knows that the world faces destruction and fails to speak
... out, then he is a mere toady, a sycophant, a person with no
... sense of obligation. Therefore the worthy men Kuan
... Lung-feng and Pi Kan spoke out fearlessly on matters that
... concerned the safety of the nation, even though it meant
... that Kuan Lung-feng’s head was cut off and Pi Kan’s breast
... torn open.
... For this reason, Bodhisattva Āryadeva, who was an envoy of
... the Buddha, was killed by a follower of the non-Buddhist
... teachings; the Venerable Āryasimha had his head cut off by
... King Dammira; the Chinese priest Chu Tao-sheng was driven
... into exile in a mountain in Su-chou; and the priest Fa-tao
... was branded on the face. All these men met with such fates
... because they honored the Buddhist teachings and did not
... quail before the authority of the ruler.

And likewise in "Letter to Akimoto", WND I


... accordingly accused all those throughout the nation who
... were deserving of it, and more than once I was condemned
... to exile or to death. Believing that my past offenses had
... now been eradicated, and that I was blameless of any
... fault, I left Kamakura to take up residence on this
... mountain, and since then seven years have passed.

Cowards cannot attain the supreme perfect enlightenment of the Lotus Sutra in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. And being a heroic protector of the Lotus Sutra will not likely make you stylish, popular or sexy. From "Letter to Hōren", WND I


... Question: At what times should one offer one’s body, and
... at what times should one observe the precepts?
... Answer: A person of wisdom is one who, understanding the
... time, spreads the teachings of the Lotus Sutra
... accordingly; this is his most important task. If a
... person’s throat is dry, what he needs is water; he has no
... use for bows and arrows, weapons and sticks. If a person
... is naked, he wants a suit of clothes but has no need for
... water. From one or two examples you can guess the
... principle that applies in general.
... Suppose there is a great demon who is working to spread
... the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. In such a case one
... should offer one’s own body as alms to the demon; there is
... no need to offer any other food or clothing.
... The Lotus Sutra says, “We care nothing for our bodies or
... lives but are anxious only for the unsurpassed way.” And
... the Nirvana Sutra states, “It is like a royal envoy who .
... . . would rather, even though it costs him his life, in
... the end conceal none of the words of his ruler.” The Great
... Teacher Chang-an commented on this: “‘[A royal envoy . . .
... would rather], even though it costs him his life, in the
... end conceal none of the words of his ruler’ means that
... one’s body is insignificant while the Law is supreme. One
... should give one’s life in order to propagate the
... Law.”
... Because of this, even my own kindred dare not visit me, to
... say nothing of those who are not related to me. They fear
... the authority of the government officials and regard with
... apprehension the sneers of the populace. Persons who have
... been helped by me, not only in religious matters but in
... secular affairs as well, fearful of the eyes of others and
... hoping thereby to put an end to talk, make a show of
... condemning me, though I do not think they do so in their
... hearts.

As I wrote this, I had a brush with death on Friday going to work at 6:20 AM. I acquired some cosmetic injuries and a couple of broken bones, but thankfully it was no where near what it could have been. I saw this coming from some ways off, but the lessening of karmic retribution from Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is truly the most wonderful thing. I sleep in the palm of the Buddha.

It is so important to keep chanting and fighting until the moment of your death. From "On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings", WND I

... CEREMONY AT EAGLE PEAK. Taking our hands and bearing us on
... their shoulders, they will carry us to Eagle Peak. The two
... sages, the two heavenly kings, and the ten demon
... daughters will guard us, while all the heavenly gods and
... benevolent deities will raise a canopy over our heads and
... unfurl banners on high. They will escort us under their
... protection to the treasure land of Tranquil Light. How can
... such joy possibly be described!

I trust the Gohonzon absolutely and without limit. I will act in faith with the courage of a lion, no matter what occurs. From "Reply to Kyō’ō", WND I

... Since I heard from you about Kyō’ō, I have been praying to
... the gods of the sun and moon for her every moment of the
... It is written that those who embrace the daimoku of the
... Lotus Sutra will be protected by the Mother of Demon
... Children and by the ten demon daughters. Such persons will
... enjoy the happiness of the wisdom king Craving-Filled and
... the good fortune of the heavenly king Vaishravana.
... Wherever your daughter may frolic or play, no harm will
... come to her; she will move about without fear like the
... lion king. Among the ten demon daughters, the protection
... of Kuntī is the most profound. BUT YOUR FAITH ALONE WILL

Those fears of Nichiren Daishonin and Shakymuni Buddha, which are shared gratefully by myself and others are real. It is irrational to ignore them. You can disagree if you want, Iain, but you should be real careful of just who you make light of.

2016-09-10 11:12:27 UTC
"Actually that is a false accusation. It is possible that I have slipped up here or there, but most people complain about my quoting passages, not snippets out of context, like half a line. I'm pretty consistent on that, because I hate to see it.

You (Iain and Katie) on the other hand are wicked offenders of out-of-context and distorting back what is said."

Nope Chas, we've got the evidence and have put it in an index complete with links back to your distorting postings, remember?

You on the other hand fling out charges like ne slandering the Law, yet when repeatedly asked for proof that I have done that, can't.

Let's just be clear about the differnce between evidence and unevidenced assertions. Readers will know that Icm a stickler for that and you yourself have called me niggling.

Be well :)
Katie Higgins
2016-09-10 15:33:10 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
"Actually that is a false accusation. It is possible that I have slipped up here or there, but most people complain about my quoting passages, not snippets out of context, like half a line. I'm pretty consistent on that, because I hate to see it.
You (Iain and Katie) on the other hand are wicked offenders of out-of-context and distorting back what is said."
Nope Chas, we've got the evidence and have put it in an index complete with links back to your distorting postings, remember?
You on the other hand fling out charges like ne slandering the Law, yet when repeatedly asked for proof that I have done that, can't.
Let's just be clear about the differnce between evidence and unevidenced assertions. Readers will know that Icm a stickler for that and you yourself have called me niggling.
Be well :)
2016-09-10 15:38:25 UTC
On 10/09/2016 17:33, Katie Higgins wrote:


Are you intending to post with no added text?
2016-09-11 09:05:12 UTC
Post by Julian
Are you intending to post with no added text?
I believe she is posting on Google Groups and must be noticing the diminishing of her output to: -show quoted text-

Iain and Katie learn about the common mortal, the true aspect vs. statues, and mentor and disciple +


On Saturday, June 4, 2016 at 9:40:36 AM UTC-7, ***@gmail.com wrote:
||| Stick to the point Chas, you have 8 points outstanding
||| that you are avoiding addressing based on Gosho. Your
||| attempts to divert discussion to another irrelevant track
||| are noted.
||| Readers can decide for themselves the extent to which
||| your over generalised assertions about scientists and
||| scholars are correct based on the fact that the airplanes
||| the fly in generally but not always take off, stay in the
||| air and land safely.

Bernoulli's principle which underlies lift is well understood. It has to do with the mean free path of the random walk of particles in a gas which is always largest in the direction of low density (less traffic.)

||| How does that happen, ah yes scholarly and scientific
||| rigor. The computers and the net they use are products of
||| quantum mechanical understandings of the world. How does
||| that happen? Oh yes the same rigor.

However, quantum mechanics is the least understood of all disciplines, even by the best. Feynman would often remark that we know the general rules that Mother Nature operates by, but they are mighty strange and no one understands why she does things the way she does. This is even more true now as we mix quantum mechanics with relativity in small areas. Did you know that an un-accelerated observer looking at a vacuum sees only occasional virtual particles being created and destroyed, but an observer under strong acceleration sees the vacuum filled with particles?

There is even a rocket engine that appears to work that uses these virtual particles as reaction mass. The world is mighty strange indeed, and few would profess to have the kind of deep understanding that would allow anyone to have blind faith in one scholar.

||| The fact that they can now often survive what were once
||| terminal illnesses because of advances in medical
||| science, how does that happen? Oh yes, the same rigor.

The most effective of modern medicines extracted from natural sources are used, but little understood in terms of why they work and others like them don't, an exception to this is CRISPR and other synthetic approaches which we understand quite well, precisely because we made them with a purpose. The purposes and intent of the plants, fungi and animals we get most medicines from are not yet clear to us. We just have found them to be effective in certain cases, under certain regimes.

||| If Jacqueline Stone is such a poor scholar, because she
||| happens to present an argument and information that is
||| inconvenient to your fantasy view of the world, how come
||| she was good enough to help translate the very writings
||| you have relied upon for so many years? Why did SGI
||| employ her?

I don't remember analyzing that scholar or any other. What I am challenging is your blind trust in one academic source in probably what is the softest of sciences: Buddhist historiography. The academy in that discipline is filled with Theravada/Hinayana scholars who cannot be trusted. They regularly ignore physical evidence in favor of their cherished beliefs, which are distortions of the truth.

||| But that's besides the point isn't it? Because you
||| can't quote Gosho to support your case and even the Oral
||| Record doctrine you have quoted undermines it.
||| I'll say again, if we are all "born a buddha", which is
||| your sentence not mine, what need for Shayamuni, Nichiren
||| etc. what need for activities for kosen rufu?

I showed this to you before in part, but you ignored it, which is the main reasons you still have eight points for me: such is my Sisyphean role in this Greek tragedy. I will continue to roll the stone up the hill of your ignorance, however.

This time I will walk you through it, both highlighting and inserting commentary, so that you cannot miss the point. ("Hope springs eternal", said Sisyphus under the watchful eye of Persephone)

From "The True Aspect of All Phenomena", WND I, p. 383-385:

... NO ONE BUT NICHIREN has ever revealed teachings like these.
... Though T’ien-t’ai, Miao-lo, and Dengyō knew about them in
... their hearts, they never put them into words. They went
... about their lives keeping this knowledge to themselves. And
... there was good reason for this. The Buddha had not
... entrusted them with the task, the time had not yet come,
... and they had not been the Buddha’s disciples from the
... distant past. Only Superior Practices, Boundless Practices,
... and the other foremost leaders and guiding teachers among
... the Bodhisattvas of the Earth cannot only appear during the
... first five hundred years of the Latter Day of the Law and
... spread the five characters of Myoho-renge-kyo, the essence
... of all phenomena, BUT ALSO GIVE CONCRETE FORM TO THE
... TREASURE TOWER. The reason is that what they are to spread
... and give concrete form to is none other than the teaching
... of the actual three thousand realms in a single moment of
... life in the “Life Span” chapter of the essential teaching.

1. "No one but Nichiren" has revealed these teachings, not even Shakyamuni, Lord of Teachings, who is negatively included with all others in the phrase "no one".

It was no one else's mission, but Nichiren Daishonin to reveal the highest truth hidden at the heart of the Lotus Sutra. Nichiren Daishonin explains this in various other places as due to the time, however, it is also due to who Nichiren Daishonin is.

Nichiren Daishonin is the man for that moment, who turns that wheel that makes the new era of the Latter Day of the Law or Mappo, by revealing the truth that no one else can reveal.

This is the man Iain calls a "latter commentator", and who I call Daishonin or True Buddha. Nichiren Daishonin is the revealer, not the commentator, oddly, that role is left to Shakyamuni who predicted Nichiren Daishonin's revelation of the heart of the Lotus Sutra: the heart of the highest teaching.

The heart of the highest teaching that he reveals is not indicated directly in any quote in the Lotus Sutra, such that you can actually logically prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that what Nichiren Daishonin reveals is the truth.

The truth of the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra, as in all far lesser religious truths, is not logically deduced or induced, but is based on faith alone: however, in both the Western and Eastern worlds, Reason includes both Logic AND Faith.

Hence, faith-based logic is reasonable, unless you are without faith, then that logic is not reasonable and makes no sense whatsoever.

Faith in this case implies practice, you have to chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to come to believe in it and experience the result to gain faith.

2. However, before you can have faith in the power of the daimoku, you had to have faith in Nichiren Daishonin, who reveals that highest truth, you would have to have faith in the mentor, that he is revealing to you, the disciple, the absolute truth and nothing else. Otherwise, your practice of the Lotus Sutra would be Tendai, and simple recitation of its chapters to your statues.

Not having faith in Nichiren Daishonin, since you had never heard of him, you had to have faith in the mentor that introduced you, or taught you to chant, or led the first district meeting you went to, or ... whoever the bodhisattva was: that person had faith in the daimoku, the Gohonzon and hence, that Nichiren Daishonin was in fact, completely right! The disciple first receives faith in the veracity of Nichiren Daishonin (or an echo of it) from their mentor.

3. "Only Superior Practices, Boundless Practices, and the other foremost leaders and guiding teachers among the Bodhisattvas of the Earth ..." "... also give concrete form to the ceremony of the two Buddhas seated side by side in the treasure tower." That concrete form is the Gohonzon, the highest object of worship.

Shakyamuni not only cannot reveal the highest teaching ... also, he cannot enscribe the Gohonzon.

Why? Because it is not his mission given by the eternal Buddha. That was given to the very first of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, Nichiren Daishonin, as the embodiment of Superior Practices, or Jogyo.

This means you either trust what Nichiren Daishonin says and choose the Gohonzon as your highest object of worship to chant the daimoku to, or distrust Nichiren Daishonin and chant the daimoku to your statues. You will however, have to choose which path to take, with hell to pay upon your mistaken choice.

... described in the sutra as “the Thus Come One’s secret and
... his transcendental powers.” THE “THUS COME ONE’S SECRET”
... REFERS TO THE TRUE BUDDHA. “His transcendental powers”
... refers to the functions of the three bodies, and it refers
... to provisional Buddhas. A COMMON MORTAL IS AN ENTITY OF THE
... THREE BODIES, AND A TRUE BUDDHA. A Buddha is a function of
... the three bodies, and a provisional Buddha. In that case,
... though it is thought that Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the
... three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for the
... sake of all of us living beings, that is not so. ON THE

4. "Therefore, the two Buddhas, Shakyamuni and Many Treasures, are Buddhas who are functions [of Myoho-renge-kyo]. It is Myoho-renge-kyo that is the true Buddha."

Shakyamuni (and Taho) are functions of the eternal Buddha, Myoho-Renge-Kyo, which we invoke in the daimoku.

Is that crystal clear? If you chant the daimoku, you have to have faith that Nichiren Daishonin is correct, otherwise Myoho-Renge-Kyo would not be the eternal Buddha: and if you accept that, then Shakyamuni would not be a function of Myoho-Renge-Kyo.

You cannot have it both ways, you must give up the supremacy of Shakyamuni and stop chanting to images of him, since you cannot chant the highest teaching hidden in the Lotus Sutra that was revealed by Nichiren Daishonin unless you agree with him on this completely central point. Stop chanting to functions, and chant to the Gohonzon.

5. These three phrases (a through c, below) refer to the common mortal, or true Buddha, which Nichiren Daishonin is, and also you and I as well as every common mortal. Common mortals in the Mappo era, after Nichiren Daishonin revealed the truth, are also Bodhisattvas of the Earth, according to Josei Toda.

Here's the proof of Nichiren Daishonin's point.

a. '“Thus Come One’s secret” refers to the entity of the Buddha’s three bodies, and it refers to the true Buddha.'

You can grammatically reconstruct that sentence correctly thus: '“Thus Come One’s secret” refers to the entity of the Buddha’s three bodies, AND “Thus Come One’s secret” refers to the true Buddha.' This is because the sentence contains two logical declarations conjoined as a logical tautology (true in all circumstances or interpretations - Wittgenstein).

This is where the logical connection is made between the entity of the Buddha’s three bodies, and the true Buddha. The AND means that the logical tautology is dependent on both pieces being conjoined in referential identity (otherwise the reference could not be true to both, because they could not be aliased together.)

{the true Buddha = entity of the three bodies.}

b. "A common mortal is an entity of the three bodies, and a true Buddha."

You can grammatically reconstruct that sentence correctly thus: "A common mortal is an entity of the three bodies AND a common mortal is a true Buddha." This is because the sentence contains two logical declarations conjoined and they are jointly logically tautological in nature. The AND means that the logical tautology is dependent on all three pieces being conjoined in the strong identity "is".

{a common mortal = the true Buddha = entity of the three bodies.}

c. "On the contrary, it is common mortals who endow him [Shakyamuni] with the three virtues."

You can logically insert the connected declaration (from section b.) into that sentence thus: "On the contrary, it is common mortals {a common mortal = the true Buddha = entity of the three bodies} who endow him [Shakyamuni] with the three virtues."

6. These two phrases (d and e) refer to provisional Buddhas like Shakyamuni, who are functions of the three bodies of the true Buddha.

d. '“His transcendental powers” refers to the functions of the three bodies, and it refers to provisional Buddhas.'

Similarly, this can be reduced to:
{provisional Buddhas(e.g., Shakyamuni) = functions of the three bodies}

e. 'A Buddha is a function of the three bodies, and a provisional Buddha. In that case, though it is thought that Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for the sake of all of us living beings, that is not so.'

Finally, this can be reduced to:
[provisional Buddhas(e.g., Shakyamuni) = functions of the {three bodies of {the entity = a common mortal = the true Buddha}}]


Any decent logician can verify this result. Find one with no skin in the game, like a Jesuit logic professor.

That suggestion follows the same reasoning whereby the Zen practitioner Burton Watson became part of the effort to translate all the SGI documents along with the Gosho translation committee. He had zero skin in the game with the disputing Nichiren sects, the only exception being his reputation as the world's foremost translator of Japanese and Classical Chinese writings by scholars of that era (Buddhist monks) into English.

Go ahead, challenge his veracity on any phrase in any of the texts he was part of. I'd like to see that.

This is why these translations are correct and those of the various Nichiren temples are not. It's because Sensei went to the top outside expert in the field, and paid a price for that.

... The “Thus Come One” is explained clearly in T’ien-t’ai’s
... commentary as follows: “The Thus Come One is a general
... designation for the Buddhas of the ten directions and the
... three existences, for the two Buddhas, the three Buddhas,
... the true Buddha, and provisional Buddhas.” THE “TRUE
... BUDDHAS” MEANS BUDDHAS. However, because of the difference
... between ordinary people and Buddhas that stems from the
... disparity between delusion and enlightenment, ordinary
... people are unaware that they are endowed with both the
... entity and the functions of the three bodies.

'The “true Buddha” here means common mortals, whereas “provisional Buddhas” means Buddhas.'

That is another direct quote making this very point again. Clear and straightforward and unmistakable.

The common mortal is the true Buddha, whereas Shakyamuni and Many Treasures in all their eternal glory as inscribed on the Gohonzon, are functions of the entity that is any common mortal enveloped in his or her delusion.

That means that if a statue worshiper really wanted to enshrine a more proper image to chant to, it would be the picture of a drunk or a hooker on the street: better that, than just a FUNCTION of that true Buddha, that very human being.

This is why we don't chant to images, since images cannot have the true aspect, only the Gohonzon has the true aspect, which means without having aspect (from the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra, without which the Lotus Sutra would lack the clear understanding of true aspect, and would therefore be less complete.)

... “All phenomena” in the sutra refers to the Ten Worlds, and
... the “true aspect,” to what they actually are. THE “TRUE
... phenomena are Myoho-renge-kyo. Hell’s displaying the form
... of hell is its true aspect. When hell changes into the
... realm of hungry spirits, that is no longer the true form of
... hell. A Buddha displays the form of a Buddha, and a common
... mortal, that of a common mortal. The entities of all
... phenomena are entities of Myoho-renge-kyo. That is the
... meaning of “the true aspect of all phenomena.” T’ien-t’ai
... states that the profound principle of the true aspect is
... the originally inherent Myoho-renge-kyo. This
... interpretation identifies the phrase “true aspect” with the
... theoretical teaching and “the originally inherent
... Myoho-renge-kyo” with the essential teaching. You should
... ponder this interpretation deep in your heart.

'The “true aspect” is another name for Myoho-renge-kyo; hence all phenomena are Myoho-renge-kyo.'

This is the fruit of the clear understanding of that description of true aspect.

If the true aspect was an image of Shakyamuni, then it could not be Myoho-Renge-Kyo, because Myoho-Renge-Kyo is without aspect, you cannot view it from any point and see an aspect.

Also, then all entities and phenomena could not be the true entity of Myoho-Renge-Kyo, without having the aspect of Shakyamuni, were Shakyamuni's image the true aspect.

All phenomena are the true aspect AND Myoho-Renge-Kyo, precisely because the true aspect means without having the aspect of any specific or particular entity.

This also, BTW explains that passage with all of the negations from the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra:

... his body neither existing nor not existing,
... neither caused nor conditioned, neither self nor other,
... neither square nor round, neither short nor long,
... neither appearing nor disappearing, neither born nor extinguished,
... neither created nor arising, neither acted nor made,
... neither sitting nor lying down, neither walking nor standing,
... neither moving nor turning, neither idle nor still,
... neither advancing nor retreating, neither in safety nor danger,
... neither right nor wrong, neither gaining nor losing,
... neither that nor this, neither departing nor coming,
... neither blue nor yellow, neither red nor white,
... neither crimson nor purple nor any other sort of color

This is all straightforward and clear from the reading of the supreme teaching and the Gosho.

... Although not worthy of the honor, I, Nichiren, was
... nevertheless the first to spread the Mystic Law entrusted
... to Bodhisattva Superior Practices for propagation in the
... Latter Day of the Law. I was also the first, though only
... Bodhisattva Superior Practices is so empowered, to inscribe
... [the object of devotion as] the embodiment of Shakyamuni
... Buddha from the remote past as revealed in the “Life Span”
... chapter of the essential teaching, of Many Treasures Buddha
... who appeared when the “Treasure Tower” chapter of the
... theoretical teaching was preached, and of the Bodhisattvas
... of the Earth who arrived with the “Emerging from the Earth”
... chapter. Though people may hate me, they cannot possibly
... alter the fact of my enlightenment.

Nichiren Daishonin enscribed all of those onto the Gohonzon. Not onto an image of Shakyamuni. Shakyamuni could not reveal the daimoku at the heart of the Lotus Sutra, not inscribe the Gohonzon, according to Nichiren Daishonin, who did both.

... Therefore, to have exiled me, Nichiren, to this remote
... island is, I believe, an offense that can never be
... expiated, even with the passing of countless kalpas. A
... passage from the “Simile and Parable” chapter reads, “If I
... were to describe the punishments [that fall on persons who
... slander this sutra], I could exhaust a kalpa and never come
... to the end.” On the other hand, not even the wisdom of the
... Buddha can fathom the blessings that one will obtain by
... giving alms to Nichiren and by becoming his disciple and
... lay supporter. The sutra reads, “[The benefits he gains
... thereby will be such that] even the Buddha wisdom could
... never finish calculating their extent.”

Hence, slanderers, who deny the very intent of this sutra, which is its heart, commit"

"an offense that can never be expiated, even with the passing of countless kalpas."

However, there is hope even for them, because:

'The sutra reads, “[The benefits he gains thereby will be such that] even the Buddha wisdom could never finish calculating their extent.”'

... Nichiren alone took the lead in carrying out the task of
... the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. He may even be one of them.
... If Nichiren is to be counted among the Bodhisattvas of the
... Earth, then so must his disciples and lay supporters. The
... sutra states: “If one [of these good men or good women in
... the time after I have passed into extinction] is able to
... secretly expound the Lotus Sutra to one person, even one
... phrase of it, then you should know that he or she is the
... envoy of the Thus Come One. He has been dispatched by the
... Thus Come One and carries out the Thus Come One’s work.”
... Who else but us can this possibly refer to?

Who else but Sensei, the SGI, and my unworthy self?

||| Of course, to get out of that one and make a case for
||| mentor-disciple transmission, you'll have to fess up that
||| the argument you are attempting to make is about inherant
||| functions of life, not defacto manifestation of those
||| qualities. For that one needs faith and Daimoku.

Let's deal with Iain's false complaint upon his secret departure from the SGI, that Sensei and the SGI only recently veered away from Buddhism into the mentor and disciple principle. This is an ignorant proposition due to the evidence of mentor and disciple in the Lotus Sutra that I have presented now many times, and also a baseless complaint on your faux 'surprise' at the discovery of the veering.

Here is an example of two speeches, one from 1991 and one from 2007, both of which are focused on the mentor and disciple principle that was present from the beginning in the very first volume of the Human Revolution written by Sensei, and in fact the first volume of the Human Revolution written by Josei Toda.

From SGI President Ikeda’s speech at a youth training meeting held at Soka University of America, Calabasas, Calif., October 1st, (1991),

... Yesterday, at the conference for leaders of the United
... States and Canada, I talked briefly about the reasons for
... Nikko Shonin’s departure from Mount Minobu.
... The fundamental cause for his departure lay with the
... decadent priest Mimbu Niko [one of the five senior
... priests], who tolerated and even encouraged slanderous
... actions on the part of Hakiri Sanenaga, the steward of the
... area. This caused the area of Minobu [where Nichiren
... Daishonin spent the latter years of his life] to become
... defiled.
... Among Niko’s perverse views were his accusations that Nikko
... Shonin indulged in non- Buddhist literature. [Non-Buddhist
... literature here indicates Brahman writings of India, the
... Confucian and Taoist works of China, and general, secular
... and literary works. In some cases, the term is used to
... indicate scholarly writings and the Chinese classics, which
... at the time were considered the basic foundation of all
... learning, much as the liberal arts are today.]
... Nikko Shonin strictly upheld the spirit of Nichiren
... Daishonin as revealed in “On Establishing the Correct
... Teaching for the Peace of the Land.” Based on this spirit,
... he instructed Hakiri that for him to make pilgrimages to
... Shinto shrines was [against the Daishonin’s teaching and
... therefore] impermissible.
... Hakiri thereupon sought the counsel of Niko. Niko told
... Hakiri: “Being a person who indulges in non-Buddhist
... literature, Nikko reads ‘On Establishing the Correct
... Teaching for the Peace of the Land’ from that perspective,
... and so he fails to grasp its more profound meaning.” He
... thus undermined Hakiri’s trust in Nikko Shonin.
... Nikko Shonin cites Niko’s words in the letter, “Reply to
... Lord Hara,” saying: “[Mimbu Ajari Niko answered Hakiri’s
... queries, saying:] ‘That the tutelary benevolent deities
... have abandoned this country is written in “On Establishing
... the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land.” However,
... Byakuren Ajari [Nikko Shonin], basing himself on
... non-Buddhist scriptures, reads it in a biased manner and so
... is incapable of understanding its true intention’”
... (Hennentai Gosho, p. 1731).
... Niko contradicted the Daishonin’s teaching in telling
... Hakiri that it was therefore all right to visit Shinto
... shrines. Furthermore, he told him to visit shrines as often
... as he wished on the grounds that the Buddhist gods would
... gather at a shrine if a person who embraced the Lotus Sutra
... went there to pray.
... Hakiri placed his complete trust in this false teaching,
... which allowed him to do as he wished. “Niko is a priest who
... can be reasoned with,” Hakiri probably thought with
... delight. Almost invariably, a lay person’s deviation from
... the Daishonin’s teaching can be traced to the influence of
... a decadent priest skilled at accommodating the demands of
... lay people [regardless of what is correct from the
... standpoint of Buddhism].
... To Hakiri—who had lost his faith—the admonitions of Nikko
... Shonin, who strictly protected the Daishonin’s teaching by
... staunchly refuting slander, had already become little more
... than a source of irritation.
... Nikko Shonin declared Niko’s tolerance of slander to be
... “the workings of the devil king,” “a betrayal of the late
... mentor” and “[an offense equal in gravity to committing]
... the seven cardinal sins.” If someone who is charged with
... responsibility for protecting and spreading the Daishonin’s
... teaching willfully distorts and arbitrarily alters the
... teaching, then the actions of such a person certainly
... represent the workings of the devil. They are the actions
... of a priest of the greatest evil, who is guilty of
... betraying the mentor and committing the seven cardinal
... sins. This is what Nikko Shonin taught.
... These historical facts contain an important lesson.
... First of all, those who betrayed the mentor [Nichiren
... Daishonin] after his death all sought to justify themselves
... by making reference to some “more profound meaning”
... contained in his teaching, despite all documentary proof to
... the contrary.
... In Buddhism, the offense of betraying the mentor is
... extremely grave. It amounts to destroying the very life of
... Buddhism. People who do so try to win acceptance for their
... false views by saying, “You should listen to what I say,
... irrespective of what my mentor wrote.” And if someone
... presents them with written proof that shows their words or
... actions to be wrong, they try to gloss over the
... contradiction by saying: “That is a superficial level of
... interpretation. The true meaning is found elsewhere.”
... In exactly this manner, the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood is
... contradicting the Gosho and the guidance given by the
... successive high priests, desecrating them and attempting to
... consign them to oblivion. [A contemporary example of this
... is found in the priesthood’s abrupt denial of high priest
... Nittatsu’s view on the significance of the Grand Main
... Temple. This view had served as a fundamental guideline for
... both priests and lay believers of Nichiren Shoshu for more
... than twenty years. Yet now the priesthood claims claim that
... “the former high priest’s true intention is not contained
... in his official statements but is found elsewhere.”]
... ‘Although the mentor has died, his writings remain.’
... Nikko Shonin came to learn that Hakiri, in a quandary over
... whether it was permissible for him to make pilgrimages to
... Shinto shrines, had been making such remarks as: “The
... priests in the Kamakura area (followers of the five senior
... priests) say it is all right for me to go, but Nikko Shonin
... of Minobu has told me that I must not. Who should I listen
... to now that the Daishonin has died?”
... Thereupon, Nikko Shonin strictly instructed him: “Although
... the mentor has died, his writings remain. This is in ‘On
... Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the
... Land’” (Hennentai Gosho, p. 1731). When the Daishonin is no
... longer in the world, it is his writings that we should make
... our mentor. So long as we continue practicing in accordance
... with the Gosho, what possible cause for confusion can there
... be? Here Nikko Shonin teaches the fundamental attitude for
... the Daishonin’s followers.
... What a remarkable contrast between the attitude of Nikko
... Shonin, who made the Gosho his foundation, and that of
... Niko, who based himself on his own personal views and
... neglected the Gosho!
... We in the SGI are advancing in perfect accord with the
... teaching of Nikko Shonin, who represents the treasure of
... the Priest, as we make the Gosho our foundation. At the
... same time, we are now witnessing the appearance of the
... followers of Niko within Nichiren Shoshu.

Ikeda, D. (2001, April 6). Mystic Law Gives New Life to All Knowledge. World Tribune, pp. 1-2.

Note, how sixteen years later, nothing has changed in the view of President Ikeda, in regards to mentor and disciple. From President Ikeda's "The Great Vow of Kosen-Rufu and the Path of Mentor and Disciple" (2007),

... Nichiren then emphasizes the profound karmic bonds of
... mentor and disciple that link him and Sairen-bo, to whom
... this writing is addressed and who had weathered persecution
... on account of upholding Nichiren's teaching. To cherish the
... same great desire and to fight with the same spirit of
... selfless commitment as the mentor, even in the face of
... arduous difficulties, is the path of the oneness of mentor
... and disciple in the struggle for kosen-rufu in the Latter
... Day of the Law.
... It is the mentors and disciples of the Soka Gakkai who have
... revived the great path of Nichiren Buddhism in the present
... age, widening and expanding it further so that today it
... connects people throughout the world.
... The mentor of the "kosen-rufu of the entity of the Law (the
... Gohonzon)" is Nichiren Daishonin -- the Buddha of the
... Latter Day who revealed the Law of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo for
... the enlightenment of all humanity into the eternal future
... and set forth the method for its propagation.
... The Soka Gakkai is an organization carrying out the
... Buddha's will and decree. It is a harmonious gathering of
... believers directly connected to Nichiren and has spread
... Nichiren Buddhism throughout the world while overcoming
... countless hardships and obstacles.
... Kosen-rufu is a struggle to help all people transcend the
... suffering of death and actualize lives of genuine
... happiness, thus establishing a world in which genuine peace
... prevails. This is the true purpose of Nichiren's propagation.
... The Soka Gakkai's founding president, Tsunesaburo
... Makiguchi, fully inherited this spirit and set an example
... of selfless dedication to Buddhism by giving his life for
... his beliefs. The second president, Josei Toda, carried on
... Mr. Makiguchi's struggle with the same unwavering
... commitment. He established the ideals and practice of the
... Soka Gakkai and laid the framework for the harmonious
... community of believers founded on the spirit of "many in
... body, one in mind."
... Earnestly following this great path of mentor and disciple,
... upholding the principles of humanism and pacifism that are
... the essence of Nichiren Buddhism, I have spread its
... essential message across the globe through the pursuit of
... dialogue. When this path followed by the first, second and
... third presidents of the Soka Gakkai flows vibrantly as the
... lifeblood transmitting the philosophy and practice of
... Nichiren Buddhism throughout the world, the foundation of
... kosen-rufu in the present age will have been completed. The
... crucial five-year period for completing this process has
... now begun.

Ikeda, D. (2007). The Heritage of the Ultimate Law of Life. 2007 Buddhist Learning Review, pp. 75-76.

Your complaining about your "surprise" that Sensei only recently focuses closely on mentor and disciple as a prime requirement for achieving itai doshin, the unity of true believers (which is a prime requirement for achieving Kosen Rufu: if one truly cares about that,) is specious and unfounded: it was always there and you probably followed it until you started looking around for a good reason to make your deceptively secret departure, and then replace Sensei, steal his followers and start your own Sangha.

Once again, I express my condolences to the suffering friends and leaders of Iain in the SGI that had to go through the selfish and pointless finger-pointing theatrics of your departing Olympian death-scene.

||| You are ignoring one very key part of the Sutra in
||| trying to argue your case. You are also ignoring, as did
||| Mr Ikeda, one very key part of the Gosho he purports to
||| lecture on. I've been saving that, letting you tie
||| yourself in knots first.

Spill it and your confused misinterpretation with it, or hold it back with your Tenji-ma gloating: that's your choice.

||| I suggest you do your homework and go read Heritage in
||| it's entirety, see if you can spot the extremely explicit
||| paragraph about transmission that directly refutes all
||| your objections and attempts to narrow the debate onto
||| what you foolishly thought was safe ground.

Have read it. Ditto "Spill it and your confused misinterpretation with it, or hold it back with your Tenji-ma gloating: that's your choice."

||| Consider that me giving you a head start to prepare
||| your defense. Don't worry, I'll easily catch you up and
||| overtake you. It's not hard when SGI and Mr Ikeda's 2009
||| teaching is so variant with Nichiren's.

The 2009 principle of mentor and disciple, and the 1991 principle, and Mr. Toda's, and Mr. Makiguchi's, and Nikko Shonin's (the finest disciple of the finest mentor, ever!) Nikko Shonin is invariant with respect to Nichiren Daishonin.

[snip the final perfidy of putting words in my mouth, again. That is not unlike lying, if I have never said those words, yes?]


On Friday, June 10, 2016 at 11:40:58 AM UTC-7, ***@gmail.com wrote:


||| "The meaning of this passage is that one should not
||| rely upon the words of the bodhisattvas and teachers, but
||| should heed what was established by the Buddha."
||| Presumably bodhisattvas and teachers are common mortals.
||| So here's the substitution:
||| "The meaning of this passage is that one should not
||| rely upon the words of the common mortals and common
||| mortals, but should heed what was established by common
||| mortal".

Wrong and out of context.

I was substituting in the same set of statements describing who is the true Buddha (common mortal) and who is a provisional Buddha (Shakyamuni). In context in the same logical flow of the same paragraph, not from another Gosho letter written in another year.

Oh, well, you cannot get it, your eyes are blinded to the truth of what Nichiren Daishonin is saying.

But at least I tried.

My point is proven, and you are wrong.


On Friday, June 10, 2016 at 9:47:28 AM UTC-7, ***@gmail.com wrote:
||| Chas, you forgot to take note:
||| Let's look into "The Real Aspect of the Gohonzon", and
||| see what Nichiren teaches us.
||| "This mandala is in no way my invention. It is the
||| object of devotion that depicts Shakyamuni Buddha, the
||| World Honored One, seated in the treasure tower of Many
||| treasures Buddha, and the Buddhas who were Shakyamuni's
||| emanations as perfectly as a print matches its print
||| block."

Your argument is a non sequitor and is sign of your fallacious reasoning and mental corruption. I never claimed that Nichiren Daishonin invented the Gohonzon, which is a depiction of the ceremony in the air at the moment that the Law is passed from the mentor (Shakyamuni) to the disciples (Bodhisattvas of the Earth, chiefly Jogyo Superior Practices, who is Nichiren Daishonin).

Nichiren Daishonin is the common mortal, who is the true Buddha, as are you and myself. Shakyamuni is a function of our true Buddhahood, this is what Nichiren Daishonin says. Take it or leave it. If you leave it, you cannot believe in the daimoku, which Nichiren Daishonin revealed and that you have to take on faith. He sadi it, I didn't, why do you want to thwart what he says so clearly with all this flak? Just accept it.

According to the Ongi Kuden and thus Nichiren Daishonin, the Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings: the Lotus Sutra in the Parable of the Phantom City chapter identifies the eternal Buddha (the Buddha of Limitless Joy, AKA the Buddha of Beginningless Time) as the grandfather of Shakyamuni, who as one of the sixteen princes, was the son of Great Universal Wisdom Excellence Thus Come One, son of "the grandfather".


... The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: In
... this passage we learn about the Buddha of the original
... state [that is, the Buddha of limitless joy]. “Grandfather”
... is another name for the Dharma-realm. The first three of
... the ten factors listed in the “Expedient Means” chapter,
... the factors of appearance, nature, and entity, are referred
... to as “grandfather.” Outside of these three factors, there
... is no wheel-turning sage king.
... The word “wheel-turning” refers to the phases of birth,
... abiding, change, and extinction. The words “sage king”
... refer to the element of the mind. These three factors,
... appearance, nature, and entity, are the father and mother
... of all the Buddhas of the three existences of past,
... present, and future.
... Now, when Nichiren and his followers chant
... Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, they are acting as father and mother
... of the Buddhas of the three existences, as their
... grandfather, the wheel-turning sage king.

That passage refers to this one, the one and only reference to "the grandfather", where his son who is the father of Shakyamuni, Great Universal Wisdom Excellence, attains enlightenment when "the Law of the buddhas finally appeared before him" :

The Parable of the Phantom City, LS-7, pp 156-157:

... “Now, monks, the buddha Great Universal Wisdom Excellence
... passed ten small kalpas before the Law of the buddhas
... finally appeared before him and he attained supreme perfect
... p.157enlightenment. Before this buddha left the
... householder’s life, he had sixteen sons, the first of whom
... was named Wisdom Accumulated. These sons each had various
... kinds of rare objects and toys of one kind or another, but
... when they heard that their father had attained supreme
... perfect enlightenment, they all threw aside their rare
... objects and went to where the buddha was. Their mothers,
... weeping, followed after them.
... “Their grandfather, who was a wheel-turning sage king,
... along with a hundred chief ministers, as well as a hundred,
... thousand, ten thousand, million of his subjects, all
... together surrounded the sons and followed them to the place
... of enlightenment, all wishing to draw close to the thus
... come one Great Universal Wisdom Excellence, to offer alms,
... pay honor, venerate, and praise him. When they arrived,
... they bowed before his feet, touching their heads to the
... ground.

Aside from that, who knows, I don't. As far as I can tell, the eternal Buddha has no person otherwise identified in the Lotus Sutra. Shakyamuni attained enlightenment after his father.

At any rate, who was first hardly matters, unless you want to worship a statue of the first enlightened one.

I am satisfied that the Buddha leading our regiment of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth is Nichiren Daishonin, AKA Jogyo Superior Practices. He is the mentor whose Gosho I have made my mentor. I practice as he says and only that way. I worship no person and images of no person.

I worship the Gohonzon of the True Aspect of all Phenomena, which, BTW is a topic none of you have touched on, although I have elucidated it fully for your edification.

||| "It is also stated that the profound principle of the
||| true aspect is the originally inherent
||| Myoho-renge-kyo.[Lotus sutra Chap.2] The Great Teacher
||| Dengyo said, "A single moment of life comprising the three
||| thousand realms is itself the Buddha of limitless joy. this
||| Buddha has forsaken august appearances." [The Treatise on
||| the Secret and Sacred Teachings]

Are you listening to yourself? The Buddha of Limitless Joy is without aspect, just as I quoted.

Not a statue of Shakyamuni. Get it?

||| Do you need page#'s-- not sure which text you have.
||| IF Nichiren were the Original Buddha, teacher of
||| Shakyamuni, WHY wouldn't he claim credit for the SOURCE of
||| the Gohonzon as "his own invention"?
||| OR REVEAL the identity you claim is is TRUE identity?

Here is the text reference and also 450 or so lines above this line:

Didn't claim that. Putting words in my mouth is lying. Don't do that.

All common mortals are the true Buddha, led by Nichiren Daishonin. Nichiren Daishonin is the leader of the Bodhisattvas of the Earth, AKA Jogyo.

||| With your own presumptions,You, Chas are identifying
||| Nichiren as a cunning, duplicitous teacher-- when it is
||| your Sensei who has earned that title a million times
||| over!!

This is a pile of crap and weird supposition, avoid it Katie.

||| And that is the crux of the matter. You lost your true
||| mind before you posted your first comment on this
||| site---such is the fate of those who "follow evil
||| teachers".
[snip the rest.]

2016-09-25 20:12:27 UTC
2016-09-25 21:44:52 UTC
Hey Kalieh, I hiope you're well. Yes it has gotten a bit like that but hope is on the horizon. :)

You stay well though :)
2016-09-03 18:28:33 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
Thanks Julian, yes I spotted the exchange with Katie you posted in the other thread, tucked down at the bottom of the Gongyo thread and I answered it there.
I doubt very much your public spiritedness is your motivation but hey ho.
Katie will have to do her own thinking about this.
I repost that below.
"Sorry, Julian my error. I keep trying to remind myself that maybe you aren't actually, Chas..
In any case, I cannot find a reason to say you, Julian are lying - actually, iainx posted that you admitted to being a troll.-- that's exemplary honesty, in fact.
I apologize for insinuating you are lying-- just because, perhaps you are Chas--, but that has not been proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
Thanks for calling me out on this, Julian--
Actually a poin
snip. Your rank hypocrisy is a sight to behold.

I've lost count of how many times you have castigated Chad for
multiple repeat post... and you follow it up with multiple
repeat posts.

What a tosser you are... I hope for other peoples sake
you aren't like that in the meat world but I fear you must
certainly be.. since it seems so deeply engraved in your character.

Please express my sympathy to your parents and offspring,
if you have any, and they haven't already run a mile.
if they haven't already run a mile.
Katie Higgins
2016-09-03 19:36:25 UTC
Post by Julian
snip. Your rank hypocrisy is a sight to behold.
I've lost count of how many times you have castigated Chad for
multiple repeat post... and you follow it up with multiple
repeat posts.
What a tosser you are... I hope for other peoples sake
you aren't like that in the meat world but I fear you must
certainly be.. since it seems so deeply engraved in your character.
Please express my sympathy to your parents and offspring,
if you have any, and they haven't already run a mile.
if they haven't already run a mile.
Case in point: Here you are Julian spending a fair amount of energy keeping track of the posts made here today by ianx especially. I can attest to how time consuming that is-- You doing this for FREE? Because you care so much about readers getting the wrong impression about a practice you *already got* and an *organization you take with a grain of salt*??

Not buying that, Julian-- I have been at my computer for over 4 hours-- uncompensated, Julian. I am motivated by propagating what is True and refuting what s False -- neither has ever been your stated or expressed *style*.

You, Julian , conclude above that ianx is *repeat posting/ copy and pasting* ; doing what he and I criticize Chas for doing-- "hypocrisy!"you declare . What a shock, coming from an aloof bystander :-)

I think a more detailed investigation of your accusation is warranted, so I will donate my free time to explain how ridiculous it is that you are here crying, "foul"!!

I copy and paste to assure that the best response I am making to any one of a number of Chas' decade old postings is READ-- it is playing the odds. And it is a last resort when chas has gone either Spam crazy to copy/paste crazy. It has taught me how much the is required to *manage this board* -- hours, Julian-- literally.

Chas takes up space-- on purpose, it seems ,if one looks at where he deposits his doo doo! You can Always find Chas' poop where the most damaging information for readers to see about the SGI and/or Daisaeku Ikeda has been posted. He tries to *create a repugnant odor* as a first line of defense. :-)

I appreciate how much time it takes to minimize the disruptions-- but, for me, this is practicing the way I live. I attend to what needs attending to. And for weeks I have been watching the clock on this endeavor---

Why? I am invested in re- claiming an internet discussion forum; employing it for the best purpose[dialogue & education] with respect to the topic [Nichiren's Buddhism].

I consider this is a good use of my time-- It is no less laborious or frustrating than to engage any SGI member or leader in true dialogue on REAL points from Nichiren's teachings-- or even what Ikeda himself has written.

I happen to already know that new readers here appreciate there are *come backs* to the tactics you, Chas and Richard use--

You are the fools who don't realize you are just prototypes of the same disruptive forces IN the SGI. This is both educational and encouraging for readers to see-- one does not have to leave in a huff, or explode!! There is a *middle way*-- it is sustained engagement.

It takes hours to accomplish what what you Chas' and Richard are doing --- and hours to clean up your mess.

No way would any of the three of you do what you do here for *free*--with as little heart and soul that you invest in any of the topics, or discussion, NO WAY could anyone even sustain his interest--much less believe this is anything but a compensated task paid for by members contributions to a pseudo-buddhist cult of personality.

Cheap labor that !!

2016-09-03 19:43:55 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
snip. Your rank hypocrisy is a sight to behold.
I've lost count of how many times you have castigated Chad for
multiple repeat post... and you follow it up with multiple
repeat posts.
What a tosser you are... I hope for other peoples sake
you aren't like that in the meat world but I fear you must
certainly be.. since it seems so deeply engraved in your character.
Please express my sympathy to your parents and offspring,
if you have any, and they haven't already run a mile.
if they haven't already run a mile.
Case in point: Here you are Julian spending a fair amount of energy keeping track of the posts made here today by ianx especially. I can attest to how time consuming that is-- You doing this for FREE?
I'm in Serbia at the moment and my wife has been out with the girls
and I can't make head nor tail of Serbian TV apart from the Grand Prix
qualifying which needs no Serbian language skiills to follow and my home
group absfg has been particularly quiet so yes, today I have had plenty
of time on my hands.
Katie Higgins
2016-09-03 19:50:34 UTC
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
snip. Your rank hypocrisy is a sight to behold.
I've lost count of how many times you have castigated Chad for
multiple repeat post... and you follow it up with multiple
repeat posts.
What a tosser you are... I hope for other peoples sake
you aren't like that in the meat world but I fear you must
certainly be.. since it seems so deeply engraved in your character.
Please express my sympathy to your parents and offspring,
if you have any, and they haven't already run a mile.
if they haven't already run a mile.
Case in point: Here you are Julian spending a fair amount of energy keeping track of the posts made here today by ianx especially. I can attest to how time consuming that is-- You doing this for FREE?
I'm in Serbia at the moment and my wife has been out with the girls
and I can't make head nor tail of Serbian TV apart from the Grand Prix
qualifying which needs no Serbian language skiills to follow and my home
group absfg has been particularly quiet so yes, today I have had plenty
of time on my hands.
So you don't mind wasting your enlightened state of life on this-- for free??

Couldldn't pay me enough to sit here and keep track of this board--

Certainly would not consider it a leisure activity either--

If I did not believe in the Gosho, literally-- or take Nichiren's teachings to heart, I would be not sitting here reading your comments--

Not for love and definitely Not for money-- !!

You fail to persuade, Juilan--

2016-09-03 19:53:57 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
snip. Your rank hypocrisy is a sight to behold.
I've lost count of how many times you have castigated Chad for
multiple repeat post... and you follow it up with multiple
repeat posts.
What a tosser you are... I hope for other peoples sake
you aren't like that in the meat world but I fear you must
certainly be.. since it seems so deeply engraved in your character.
Please express my sympathy to your parents and offspring,
if you have any, and they haven't already run a mile.
if they haven't already run a mile.
Case in point: Here you are Julian spending a fair amount of energy keeping track of the posts made here today by ianx especially. I can attest to how time consuming that is-- You doing this for FREE?
I'm in Serbia at the moment and my wife has been out with the girls
and I can't make head nor tail of Serbian TV apart from the Grand Prix
qualifying which needs no Serbian language skiills to follow and my home
group absfg has been particularly quiet so yes, today I have had plenty
of time on my hands.
So you don't mind wasting your enlightened state of life on this-- for free??
I didn't pay to receive the dharma so it would be rather naughty of me
to charge for my dharma related activities.
Katie Higgins
2016-09-03 20:06:29 UTC
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
snip. Your rank hypocrisy is a sight to behold.
I've lost count of how many times you have castigated Chad for
multiple repeat post... and you follow it up with multiple
repeat posts.
What a tosser you are... I hope for other peoples sake
you aren't like that in the meat world but I fear you must
certainly be.. since it seems so deeply engraved in your character.
Please express my sympathy to your parents and offspring,
if you have any, and they haven't already run a mile.
if they haven't already run a mile.
Case in point: Here you are Julian spending a fair amount of energy keeping track of the posts made here today by ianx especially. I can attest to how time consuming that is-- You doing this for FREE?
I'm in Serbia at the moment and my wife has been out with the girls
and I can't make head nor tail of Serbian TV apart from the Grand Prix
qualifying which needs no Serbian language skiills to follow and my home
group absfg has been particularly quiet so yes, today I have had plenty
of time on my hands.
So you don't mind wasting your enlightened state of life on this-- for free??
I didn't pay to receive the dharma so it would be rather naughty of me
to charge for my dharma related activities.
Glad to hear you didn't pay for what you're peddling here, as Dharma, Julian--

Though if you really were ever a member of SGI, you paid dearly--

Who would blame you for dipping into the till ??

It's your money, plus interest, after all.

2016-09-03 20:20:09 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
snip. Your rank hypocrisy is a sight to behold.
I've lost count of how many times you have castigated Chad for
multiple repeat post... and you follow it up with multiple
repeat posts.
What a tosser you are... I hope for other peoples sake
you aren't like that in the meat world but I fear you must
certainly be.. since it seems so deeply engraved in your character.
Please express my sympathy to your parents and offspring,
if you have any, and they haven't already run a mile.
if they haven't already run a mile.
Case in point: Here you are Julian spending a fair amount of energy keeping track of the posts made here today by ianx especially. I can attest to how time consuming that is-- You doing this for FREE?
I'm in Serbia at the moment and my wife has been out with the girls
and I can't make head nor tail of Serbian TV apart from the Grand Prix
qualifying which needs no Serbian language skiills to follow and my home
group absfg has been particularly quiet so yes, today I have had plenty
of time on my hands.
So you don't mind wasting your enlightened state of life on this-- for free??
I didn't pay to receive the dharma so it would be rather naughty of me
to charge for my dharma related activities.
Glad to hear you didn't pay for what you're peddling here, as Dharma, Julian--
Though if you really were ever a member of SGI, you paid dearly--
Not a penny piece. I simply received the best of what they had to offer
and went merrily and gratefully on my way.
Katie Higgins
2016-09-03 20:38:15 UTC
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
snip. Your rank hypocrisy is a sight to behold.
I've lost count of how many times you have castigated Chad for
multiple repeat post... and you follow it up with multiple
repeat posts.
What a tosser you are... I hope for other peoples sake
you aren't like that in the meat world but I fear you must
certainly be.. since it seems so deeply engraved in your character.
Please express my sympathy to your parents and offspring,
if you have any, and they haven't already run a mile.
if they haven't already run a mile.
Case in point: Here you are Julian spending a fair amount of energy keeping track of the posts made here today by ianx especially. I can attest to how time consuming that is-- You doing this for FREE?
I'm in Serbia at the moment and my wife has been out with the girls
and I can't make head nor tail of Serbian TV apart from the Grand Prix
qualifying which needs no Serbian language skiills to follow and my home
group absfg has been particularly quiet so yes, today I have had plenty
of time on my hands.
So you don't mind wasting your enlightened state of life on this-- for free??
I didn't pay to receive the dharma so it would be rather naughty of me
to charge for my dharma related activities.
Glad to hear you didn't pay for what you're peddling here, as Dharma, Julian--
Though if you really were ever a member of SGI, you paid dearly--
Not a penny piece. I simply received the best of what they had to offer
and went merrily and gratefully on my way.
Wouldn't count my chickens just yet, if I were you, Julian.

Quite a number of rotten eggs in that basket of *free*offerings from the SGI--

Just saying--

Look out, man!!

2016-09-03 20:59:59 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
snip. Your rank hypocrisy is a sight to behold.
I've lost count of how many times you have castigated Chad for
multiple repeat post... and you follow it up with multiple
repeat posts.
What a tosser you are... I hope for other peoples sake
you aren't like that in the meat world but I fear you must
certainly be.. since it seems so deeply engraved in your character.
Please express my sympathy to your parents and offspring,
if you have any, and they haven't already run a mile.
if they haven't already run a mile.
Case in point: Here you are Julian spending a fair amount of energy keeping track of the posts made here today by ianx especially. I can attest to how time consuming that is-- You doing this for FREE?
I'm in Serbia at the moment and my wife has been out with the girls
and I can't make head nor tail of Serbian TV apart from the Grand Prix
qualifying which needs no Serbian language skiills to follow and my home
group absfg has been particularly quiet so yes, today I have had plenty
of time on my hands.
So you don't mind wasting your enlightened state of life on this-- for free??
I didn't pay to receive the dharma so it would be rather naughty of me
to charge for my dharma related activities.
Glad to hear you didn't pay for what you're peddling here, as Dharma, Julian--
Though if you really were ever a member of SGI, you paid dearly--
Not a penny piece. I simply received the best of what they had to offer
and went merrily and gratefully on my way.
Wouldn't count my chickens just yet, if I were you, Julian.
Quite a number of rotten eggs in that basket of *free*offerings from the SGI--
Of course... that is the case with all "religious" organisations
particularly once time moves on from their foundation. It's the nature
of the beasts.

And that is why it is important to try to access the source rather
than latterday commentaries... opinions.

I'm not saying it's easy or even always possible but one should
try... thus it's not really enough to assiduously practice but also
assidously study... not just the source but the context at the the time
of the source and even further... like Nichiren as deeply prior to
source to further understand the context.

That is the gripe I have will ALL Nichiren sects I have encountered
thus far. They don't encourage studying like Nichiren but try to
limit one to just studying Nichiren and dismissing everything prior
as provisional.

Don't even try to suggest that is exclusively an SGI problem.

The archive if full of non SGI Nichies who try to propagate such bull.

There's no doubt in my mind that Nichiren could not have set out on his
teaching careerr without a comprehensive grasp of vast ammounts of
theory that proceded his advent.
2016-09-03 21:08:23 UTC
"And that is why it is important to try to access the source rather
than latterday commentaries... opinions.

I'm not saying it's easy or even always possible but one should
try... thus it's not really enough to assiduously practice but also
assidously study... not just the source but the context at the the time
of the source and even further... like Nichiren as deeply prior to
source to further understand the context. "

Then you're directly at odds with both Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra Julian. Nichirencs explicit point and the reason for the practice he set oiut was soecifuaclly so all people,,regatdless of rank, status, edcational attainment could attain enlightenment.

What you are advocating is deep study as a prerequisite, which Nichiren refuted.

Fair play if you're noy a Nichiren Buddhist and if you don't hold that veiw but that is Nichiren's teaching. Accept it or don't.

Be well :)
2016-09-03 21:17:41 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
"And that is why it is important to try to access the source rather
than latterday commentaries... opinions.
I'm not saying it's easy or even always possible but one should
try... thus it's not really enough to assiduously practice but also
assidously study... not just the source but the context at the the time
of the source and even further... like Nichiren as deeply prior to
source to further understand the context. "
Then you're directly at odds with both Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra Julian. Nichirencs explicit point and the reason for the practice he set oiut was soecifuaclly so all people,,regatdless of rank, status, edcational attainment could attain enlightenment.
What you are advocating is deep study as a prerequisite, which Nichiren refuted.
No... your dyslexia is full on tonight it seems.

I absolutely did not specify it a prerequisite.
I merely said it is helpful to understand the context.
Katie Higgins
2016-09-03 21:11:25 UTC
"> There's no doubt in my mind that Nichiren could not have set out on his
Post by Julian
teaching careerr without a comprehensive grasp of vast ammounts of
theory that proceded his advent."
I totally agree with this statement, Julian, but I can't help but remind you that Nichiren provided in painstaking detail, his course of study. Each and every one who has an inclination to comprehend or critique Nichiren's resume can do so, but forgetting that he provided this as *background* and focuses exclusively on propagating the one vehicle, the Lotus Sutra one automatically misunderstands the primacy of the Lotus Sutra.

In fact, I would say that unless one does employ Nichiren's practice, exactly as he taught it, one could not hope to develop the wisdom to make sense of Nichiren's own curriculum .

Ay they's the rub!!

You are approaching a reasonable argument from the back door-- .

Or maybe thinking you can re-invent the wheel, so to speak, which would not even cross your mind if you embraced the jewel of Myoho-renge-kyo and practiced as Nichiren did. Though such a thing as re-invention may cross an enterprising mind... and history proves this is just the case with SGI and NST.

2016-09-03 21:20:03 UTC
This is perfect:

"In fact, I would say that unless one does employ Nichiren's practice, exactly as he taught it, one could not hope to develop the wisdom to make sense of Nichiren's own curriculum .

Ay they's the rub!!

You are approaching a reasonable argument from the back door-- .

Or maybe thinking you can re-invent the wheel, so to speak, which would not even cross your mind if you embraced the jewel of Myoho-renge-kyo and practiced as Nichiren did. Though such a thing as re-invention may cross an enterprising mind... and history proves this is just the case with SGI and NST.


Much better than I said it. Thanks Katie - you hit the nail right in the head! :)
Katie Higgins
2016-09-03 21:31:37 UTC
" Much better than I said it. Thanks Katie - you hit the nail right in the head! :) <"
It is easy to forget why Nichiren developed the simplest practice EVER-- in the first place :-)

We seem so wicked smart about most things--

This might help convey the message even better :

Nichiren started with FAITH-- and prayer.


2016-09-03 21:38:22 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
" Much better than I said it. Thanks Katie - you hit the nail right in the head! :) <"
It is easy to forget why Nichiren developed the simplest practice EVER-- in the first place :-)
If you mean chanting NMRK I think you'll find he wasn't the first
to chant NMRK but it has been done by other people in the previous
couple of hundred years.
2016-09-03 21:32:30 UTC
"thus it's not really enough to assiduously practice but also
assidously study..."
I rather think you've caught my dyslexia Julian.

"not just the source but the context at the the time"

This is what you said.

If you want to re-post a clarification please do so otherwise your words stand.

Which is as you've stated them:

"thus it's not really enough to assiduously practice but also assidously study..."

Nichiren taught that faith alone is the requirement. The Sutra teaches the same. In fact the Sutra explicitly refutes your veiw.

So Thus it is not really enough is directly at odds with both Nichiren and the Sutra, which both teach it is.

Assiduous practice is necessary because Nichiren teaches enlightenment as a one is. It's a process not a destination. The determinant is faith.

Be well :)
2016-09-03 21:41:12 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
"thus it's not really enough to assiduously practice but also
assidously study..."
I rather think you've caught my dyslexia Julian.
"not just the source but the context at the the time"
This is what you said.
If you want to re-post a clarification please do so otherwise your words stand.
"thus it's not really enough to assiduously practice but also assidously study..."
Nichiren taught that faith alone is the requirement.
Yes, but one doesn't simply pluck faith from thin air.
Strong faith has to be nurtured from a seed and best the way
to do that is practice and study.
2016-09-03 21:24:57 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
"> There's no doubt in my mind that Nichiren could not have set out on his
Post by Julian
teaching careerr without a comprehensive grasp of vast ammounts of
theory that proceded his advent."
I totally agree with this statement, Julian, but I can't help but remind you that Nichiren provided in painstaking detail
Reminding me of something I haven't forgotten is counterproductive activity.

All it achieves is to undermine any respect I have for you.
Katie Higgins
2016-09-03 21:34:13 UTC
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
"> There's no doubt in my mind that Nichiren could not have set out on his
Post by Julian
teaching careerr without a comprehensive grasp of vast ammounts of
theory that proceded his advent."
I totally agree with this statement, Julian, but I can't help but remind you that Nichiren provided in painstaking detail
Reminding me of something I haven't forgotten is counterproductive activity.
All it achieves is to undermine any respect I have for you.
Respect the Law, Nichiren, Shakyamuni and the Lotus Sutra-

a gentle reminder in case you think I am seeking your respect, personally.

2016-09-03 21:44:06 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Julian
Post by Katie Higgins
"> There's no doubt in my mind that Nichiren could not have set out on his
Post by Julian
teaching careerr without a comprehensive grasp of vast ammounts of
theory that proceded his advent."
I totally agree with this statement, Julian, but I can't help but remind you that Nichiren provided in painstaking detail
Reminding me of something I haven't forgotten is counterproductive activity.
All it achieves is to undermine any respect I have for you.
Respect the Law, Nichiren, Shakyamuni and the Lotus Sutra-
a gentle reminder in case you think I am seeking your respect, personally.
I never said you were seeking my respect only that
it is possible for you to lose it.

I'm quite happy that you are able to function without my respect..
in fact it make my path a lot easier if it's another thing I needn't
concern myself with.
2016-09-03 21:49:38 UTC
I love this track! Takes me back to my youth! Great choice "simple minds" and "don't you forget about me"! That's two more nails, hit right on their heads! :D

">" Much better than I said it. Thanks Katie - you hit the nail right in the head! :) <"

It is easy to forget why Nichiren developed the simplest practice EVER-- in the first place :-)

We seem so wicked smart about most things--

This might help convey the message even better :


Nichiren started with FAITH-- and prayer.


2016-09-03 22:09:52 UTC
"Yes, but one doesn't simply pluck faith from thin air.
Strong faith has to be nurtured from a seed and best the way
to do that is practice and study."

Nope soz Jules this is wrong. That may be the process for you but it is was not the process for me. Nor is it for many others. You have it the wrong way round, Nichiren, Sutra and Tien Tai and Dengyo all refute you on that.

What you're missing is cause and effect. The Sutra, which is so often just refered to as The Lotus Sutra, is probably better thought of in one of it's Chinese variants of it's title, e.g. "The Sutra of the white Lotus blossoming of the wonderful dharma"

It's an arrive ongoing process. Cause and effect enables one to "meet" the Law, then the Law nutures it's flowering. As Nichiren observes practice and study arise from faith. Tge first faith one has is to recognise the Law and take note. Even if one doesn't understand. The next is to try it (practice) and recognise the effect. That may cause one to want to find out more, it may not. That's also the process of the Law's flowering. Faith and practice proceed that way. Where study may be helpful is to find out what's going on if one hits a block. But again, the pricess of the Law guides these activities and that's based on faith.

Again Nichiren exicitly pints out the process of the Law nuturing it's flowering. I've recently quoted that passage, I think it's in the Nichiren Good stuff thread.

Be well :)
2016-09-03 22:15:49 UTC
Here it is Julian, save you looking.

"The Dharma (The Law) Is More Precious Than Treasures.

Namu myoho renge kyo

1 The Merit of Upholding the Lotus Sutra

"The reason why upholding a verse of the Lotus Sutra is more meritorious than donating the seven treasures to the four holy ones is that the Dharma, even in verse form, is the teacher of the holy ones.

The Dharma, more than anything else can give life to beings, raise them and make them grow and prosper. Therefore, in terms of spiritual weight, a person is light while the Dharma is heavy.

Grand Master Miao-le explains this in his Annotation on the Words and Phrases of the Lotus Sutra fascile 10: 'Parents bring up children and protect them through four stages: birth, rearing, growth and prosperity.

Likewise in Buddhism, the aspiration for Buddhahood is awakened by the Dharma (birth). This aspiration grows when one follows the Dharma from birth through the nurturing stage (rearing) until one attains Buddhahood (growth). As a Buddha, one can appear in the Dharma worlds throughout the universe to spread the teaching of the Buddha (prosperity).

These four stages differ from one another, but they are all based on the Dharma.'

Hokyo Hoju Ji - NOPPA Writings of Nichiren Shonin Volume 4 Faith & Practice page 95"

Hope that helps. Be well :)
2016-09-03 20:41:27 UTC
"my way"

The era's right, I suspect the need fir attention is...maybe the haircut too? Perhaps that's what the hat's about? Dickie and Julrs do a nice line in hats, almost the same colour too. Frank's a much better performer though ;)

Be well :)
2016-09-03 19:51:33 UTC
As the heat goes up,the insecurity and anger get expressed more clearly. Frustrated now? That you're counting is in itself interesting.

"I've lost count of how many times you have castigated Chad for
multiple repeat post... and you follow it up with multiple
repeat posts.

What a tosser you are... I hope for other peoples sake
you aren't like that in the meat world but I fear you must
certainly be.. since it seems so deeply engraved in your character.

Please express my sympathy to your parents and offspring,
if you have any, and they haven't already run a mile.
if they haven't already run a mile."

Yes Jules, I've pointed out the duplicate posts, that's true, one post wonders posted relentlessly over 20 odd years. It is also true that the first time I posted across threads was when Chas and you did the "Iain's setting up his own sangha" double act nonesense.

I realised then that you and he were more than two individuals hanging out in a forum and I've since learned that the tactics used are underhand and down right decietful.

So, yes now I will post across threads to counter the thread jumping tactic. I'll also do the same to interrupt your disrupting of threads.

The message to you both and your SGI masters is clear, the more you don't address the points directly, the more you use tactics to try and misrepresent, smear and discredit, the more you use cunning strategies, the more you try to disrupt, the more all this will be used as a means to push you back.

If you were sensible, you'd withdraw and let the forum become a place were people actually discussed and encouraged each other in the Buddhism of Nichiren Daishonin.

I suggest you pause, take a careful look at each time a new tactic has been deployed and note carefully what the response was. It's not even like I have not forewarned you.

As I've said we are instruments of the Law both. The only difference between us is I know that, I do not have a choice, well not one that I'd contemplate taking, the effect would be too severe. Itcs much the same with Katie and Mark.

So if you understand that, you'll understand that you are trying to break a unity that you cannot. It's unity in diversity and it's way beyond your power or means to disrupt.

Which is why you've started piling on curses on both me and my family, well that's enlightened Jules isn't it now? Very Buddhist. It's your feeling of powerlessness showing clearly.

I, meanwhile, am perfectly calm. You cannot frustrate or anger me, you cannot wear me down.

I strongly suggest that now would be a really good time for you to chant Namu Myoho Renge-kyo, with faith as Nichiren taught. Find out what you have been missing out on all these years.

I'm sure any of Mark, me or Katie would be happy to help you, should you ever wish to do that. In fact any of our fellows would.

Please be well :)
2016-09-03 10:31:32 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
SGI's problem - "Simplicity" - that's why it uses lots of words.
You may know the problem, if you've ever had partner or friend cheat on you. The relationship may be failing but you're still in love. You've noticed the changes, the little things that unsettle you but you don't want to believe are true.
What do you do? Use words. To tell yourself it's nothing or you're imagining things. You use words to put it out of your mind, to think the best if someone you know deep down isn't playing straight.
And then later, when it gets more obvious, the unexpected lateness, the more frequent "working late" or missed appointments. You use more words "oh where were you, I was expecting you at 8?" or "you're working late a lot recently, they're putting a lot in you". Starting to probe but still not wanting to know the truth.
And then they start using words if they're not wanting to end it with you just yet. "Yeah, we've got an important project, the deadline's looming, I need to be there for my boss...".
It starts to get complex.
And then later still, when all the little things have begun to add up, you know something's not right, perhaps you confront them and they use loys of words to reassure, deny, make it thay you are imagining things, try to make you doubt yourself. "Don't be silly, course I still..."
It gets really complicated.
Chas uses lots of words. So does today's SGI. Faith is now this....kosen rufu means that...Daisaku Ikeda is this..."don't be silly, of course he still loves you, you're imagining it".
Depending on how deceitful your partner is and how adept they are at getting you to believe them and doubt yourself, this can go on for years. Untill maybe you're contacted by the other man or woman who's just found out about you. Even then, maybe you get duped again "they're out to stir it, they couldn't accept the break".
Or worse, the halve truths, a blend of truths used to make the lies believable "yeah we kissed and hugged at a party, we were both drunk but it didn't go anywhere. I didn't want to get involved, I've got YOU. They couldn't accept that now they're making trouble."(when really it was a full blown affair).
The words, the lies get more elaborate, their quantity increases as they work harder to get you to believe in them.
Why do people cheat on each other and then lie?
Because they are getting something from the relationship with the person they're lying to, that person is giving them something they want or need and the truth would put that in danger.
And words get used to convince the deceiver that the lies they are telling are for the best. "I couldn't do that to them (tell them the truth), it would hurt/destroy them" or "It was only a short fling, we've built so much together, they wouldn't thank me for it". Lying words always couched to make it seem that the lier is doing the person they're lying to a favour.
Truth is simple. Yeah there maybe arguments, there may even be a break but the word count stays down. The truth, however unpleasant, is simple, straightforward. This happened and this is why. Discussion quickly shifts to what we're going to do about it.
And that's part of the problem, if you've lied in any relationship, trust is damaged. It's disrespect writ large. How much do you really care for a person if you're willing to take away their ability to decide, to make new choices based on the new information and are cause them to doubt their judgement, to doubt themselves?
Conversely, with truth, you see respect played out. On telling the truth, you hear brave and honorable people being willing to fess up "I've got to tell them, I couldn't do that to them (lie), it's not fair on them."
When I compare the word count, spoken and written, of SGI with other organsations in the World Peace and Buddhist spheres, it's stratospheric by comparison.
So many words telling people how great the SGI and Daisaku Ikeda is, how it is doinh this, that and the other. Simplicity comes in their slick presentation. But why is this needed? Why does SGI need to write so many words about itself? If SGI and Daisaku Ikeda so great, wouldn't that be obvious?
Ghandi, King and Rosa Parks didn't need to write many words about themselves. Nor Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Florence Nightingale or Albert Einstein. Or come to, that Nichiren. They all got on with the doing and let the words take care of themselves.
Daisaku Ikeda's 1979 lecture on Heritage of the Ulimate Law of life took 105 pages. Around 400 words per page, about 42,000 words in all.
Daisaku Ikeda's 2009 lecture on the same Gosho, 30 years later was 183 pages, somewhere up near 63,000 words, allowing for formatting changes. Why all the extra words?
Gohonzon, Daimoku and Nichiren are mentioned less in 2009. "Mentor and disiple" are mentioned much more. The "three presidents" concept never made it into the first lecture but it certainly made it into the second!
What was wrong with the first lecture?
How many times do you need to give a lecture if your purpose is to illustrate the Gosho? Revise it, sure, maybe bring it up to date langauge wise but a whole different lecture? Why? What's the purpose?
If the historical context and basic concepts are the same, which they should be, there should be no need to rework it and add 20,000 extra words. In fact if anything, it should have got shorter, with and improved ability to put it across simply.
It's complicated.
On the other hand Nichiren's Buddhism is simple.
Sure there are complex doctrinal stances but it's not necessary to get into all that stuff for it to be effective. The higher the teaching the more people it can benefit. So Nichiren's teaching, the practice he taught is simple.
What do you need to attain buddhahood? Faith in Namu Myoho Renge-kyo. That's it folks.
As you progress, that broadens a bit to faith in Gohonzon and Daimoku. Still simple.
Then maybe later, you might start picking uo some of the concepts like ten worlds, ten factors, oneness of mind and body, oneness of life and environment, ten factors, three thousand realms etc. And you might start fitting them together.
But do you need to? No. Faith is enough. In fact a person of really deep and sincere faith, could get away without knowing any of these. We find Nichiren taking just that veiw in the Gosho. Chanting Daimoku with faith in Gohonzon is enough. And that's the point. It's simple, it's superior.
What's the process? Chanting with faith brings forth enlightenment as you are, right here, right now. Put another way, the Buddha comes forth from within and teaches the Law. What you need right here, right now. Simple.
You respond to that (or don't) you move and change based on enlightenment (or don't) and the next time you bring forth enlightenment, the Buddha teaches the next bit of the Law you need (or the same bit if you've not listened, maybe in a different way).
"You should by all means perform as much good as you possibly can for the sake of your deceased husband. The words of a wise man of old also teach that “you should base your mind on the ninth consciousness, and carry out your practice in the six consciousnesses.” How reasonable it is too!"
"Base oneself on the ninth consciousness", enlightenment, the seat of the Buddha within each of us. Reached reliably and made active by our practice of chanting Namu Myoho Renge-kyo with faith. "Carrying out our practice in the sixth consciousnesses" with our everyday minds. In our daily lives.
As we do that, faith deepens and one gets better at it. For sure it's nit always plain sailing. Sometimes when we turn on the light we don't like what we find. Also, we can get blocked by external events or internal doubts. If we don't expect these we can stop or think we're doing it wrong.
That's why we need faith in the first place, it's the tool to get out from the midst of delusion and into our enlightened minds. That's why encouragement, especially in the early stages is also important. But once we've been through those blocks a few times and applied practice in different situations, we should become fairly self reliant and moreover, take over our own learning.
Faith naturally deepens because we've got more examples of "basing our minds on the ninth consciousness, and carrying out our practice in the six consciousnesses" and the results of having done that. The trick is getting the early stages right. For which we need simplicity. Chant regularly with the right focus on faith, be clear what your doing and note the results. Always return to yourself, you and your Daimoku. Simple.
In fact, it can all get a bit confusing if one gets into all the doctrinal stuff, especially if you're not prepared to attempt it properly and keep a firm eye on maintaining faith and that basic process. One can lose oneself in the forest of words.
If someone needs to keep telling you, how deep is your faith? How much have you mastered the practice? And why haven't you progressed to a state of greater self reliance? It eithet doesn't work, in which case it would be better doing something else. Or it does but you've been taught wrong or taught poorly.
So, why doesn't SGI just focus on teaching people to chant and encouraging their faith, just like Nichiren did? Because simple is it's enemy.
SGI needs complex, it needs to make it seem much more difficult that it is. "Ah yes but you also need to do x, y, z to gain buddhahood to" (you don't). It needs that so it has a role, so it can become the indispensible ingredient in your practice. SGI and Daisaku Ikeda needs to insert itself into your practice and become the thing that you will have to rely on to get results and keep getting results.
Simple is giving people the Daimoku and facilitating them just enough in faith and study until they're up and running and ready to go it alone. It's much more like a college course and much less like "the nobel mission for kosen rufu" (for which you can read spreading the SGI).
SGI has branded itself that way with 'mentor-disciple" teaching. As Chas once defined the term "mentor", it's a "wise and trusted teacher". So SGI is essentially selling teaching just like a college.
The difference between a good college and the SGI is the quality of it's teaching, the results. Would you sign up for a cookery, car maintenance, computer or accountancy course if at the end of it you knew you wouldn't gain competance in that skill? Would you sign on with a teacher who wasn't able to demonstrate their results in the accomplishment of former students?
Given that Nichiren's teaching is about attaining buddhahood as you are and that itcs a very simple process and practice, one might expect to find lots of people who've been through the SGI academy, graduated and gone on to do great things from what they learned. SGI Alumni would be expected to be crawling out of the woodwork, singing the SGI's praises. But we don't find that. They're either still with the SGI, still ttying to kearn and master a very simple practice, sometimes after decades or if they've left or been expelled, thier voices are mostly negative about SGI.
SGI might answer that it's all about "kosen rufu" but thatcs simply about spreading the Law. Nichiren's simple practice. If SGI was doing it's teaching job effectively, they'd be plenty of SGI graduates out there not only stable in their own faith and practice and showing results but fully able to teach others. I'd argue that's a much more effective means of accomplishing wide spread of Nichiren's buddhism. In fact, it's a direct compliment to the effectiveness of the practice and the quality of the SGI's teaching of it were that to happen, but it doesn't.
Nichiren on the other hand was confident. It's surprising how little he urged his disciples to go out and propogate, or for that matter mentioned kosen rufu or spreading the Sutra. A very quick search in the Nichiren library shows it's refered to just 96 times in volumes 1&2. That's not to say propogation isn' important, it most definitely is, just that Nichiren didn't sweat it as a direct exhortation in his teaching and encouragement.
He seems to have realised that itcs oretty hard to spread someting effectively if you either don't believe in it (faith) or you haven't mastered it sufficiently (practice and study) or if it's not getting results. So he focussed in getting those things right with his students.
"At first only Nichiren chanted Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not signify “emerging from the earth”?"
A very quick word search likewise shows that "Faith" is mentioned as staggering 650 times in volumes 1&2. Both in what you should and shouldn't have faith in.
Myoho renge kyo 148 times, Namu Myoho Renge-kyo 231, times and Daimoku 123 times. So, the Sutra and its daimoku are mentioned 492 times.
It seems clear to me that the focus of Nichiten's writing was faith in the Sutra and the advocacy of embracing it by means if it's Daimoku. Simple.
"Base your mind on the ninth consciousness, and carry out your practice in the six consciousnesses" Get that bit right first. Simple.
That then gives them the means to counter erroneous doctrines depending on their ability. Which was the other theme that's present in his writings, most notably those to othet priests or to lay priests.
For all people, the basis is faith, translated into practice Namu Myoho Renge-kyo, which results in a natural progession in faith, practice and study and the application of thise things to daily life. It's a process.
Once you've learned to ride a bike, you take the stabilisers off and you don't have your teacher running behind you holding the saddle. You ride off and explore, you begin to learn through experience, simple. If you need an advanced course in some aspect, you book it, attend, finish it, then apply it. Simple.
And ut's exactly the same with Nichiren's Buddhism and it spreads naturally as a result. Simple.
Why? Because when you give people a simple practice that effective and encorage faith, you put the Buddha in the driving seat of each person's life.
The Buddha comes forth to teach, naturally. How? By embracing the Sutra through faith. And when that happens, it shows.
Nothing sells like success, with the Buddha in charge, with the benefit of inherant enlightenment working as each person follows the Law, they know what to do to help the Sutra spread. Simple.
"At first only Nichiren chanted Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not signify “emerging from the earth”?"
The only things it seems are worthy of noting above and beyond the simplicity of the practice are that something so liberating inevitably arouses opposition. People and organisations can seek to take advantage or try to block practioners from meeting, using and benefiting.
Powerful people or organisations especially are threatened by the other people gaining their own self reliance, their own liberation, their own power and freedom. It doen't generate profits for the few and it dissolves the hold that such rely on to maintain their status and position.
People who actively spread such a simple liberaring teaching are often subject to opposition and in some cases persecution. But that's OK, the enlightened mind, The Buddha can handle it. All we need to do is make sure they're always on hand, faith & practice. Simple.
"When I look at the situation in Japan, I find that the devil king of the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons, transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says, “Evil demons will take possession of others.”
"Although I, Nichiren, am not a man of wisdom, the devil king of the sixth heaven has attempted to take possession of my body. But I have for some time been taking such great care that he now no longer comes near me. Therefore, because the power of the heavenly devil is ineffectual against me, he instead possesses the ruler and his high officials, or foolish priests such as Ryōkan, and causes them to hate me."
So in a way, if you want a really quiet life, don't practice. If you dinct want to face the baggage you've been carrying and clear out your closets and transform the root causes of stuff that happens to you, don't practice. If youcd rather turn off the light and remain in darkness, with the junk still there but hidden, don't practice.
However, it's unlikely that if you've met the Law, you're going to get a quiet life anyway. It's your time, your chance, your opportunity to break free, liberate yourself. Your own life is saying you're ready to get sorting and clearing. So my take is that you might as well embrace it and take faith and explore a whole deeper and richer life. But if you do, keep it simple, watch the words and those who use lots of them, me included.
Are they being honest and true or lying and deceitful? Keep close to your faith and Daimoku and for study, read Sutra and Gosho directly, without guidance and interpretation and chant about them first. Let the Buddha teach you.
Keep it simple, trust yourself. And in the forest of words, always remember to.
I hope this helps.
It might have had you used 97% less words.
2016-09-03 10:34:08 UTC
Post by Julian
Post by i***@gmail.com
SGI's problem - "Simplicity" - that's why it uses lots of words.
You may know the problem, if you've ever had partner or friend cheat
on you. The relationship may be failing but you're still in love.
You've noticed the changes, the little things that unsettle you but
you don't want to believe are true.
What do you do? Use words. To tell yourself it's nothing or you're
imagining things. You use words to put it out of your mind, to think
the best if someone you know deep down isn't playing straight.
And then later, when it gets more obvious, the unexpected lateness,
the more frequent "working late" or missed appointments. You use more
words "oh where were you, I was expecting you at 8?" or "you're
working late a lot recently, they're putting a lot in you". Starting
to probe but still not wanting to know the truth.
And then they start using words if they're not wanting to end it with
you just yet. "Yeah, we've got an important project, the deadline's
looming, I need to be there for my boss...".
It starts to get complex.
And then later still, when all the little things have begun to add up,
you know something's not right, perhaps you confront them and they use
loys of words to reassure, deny, make it thay you are imagining
things, try to make you doubt yourself. "Don't be silly, course I
It gets really complicated.
Chas uses lots of words. So does today's SGI. Faith is now
this....kosen rufu means that...Daisaku Ikeda is this..."don't be
silly, of course he still loves you, you're imagining it".
Depending on how deceitful your partner is and how adept they are at
getting you to believe them and doubt yourself, this can go on for
years. Untill maybe you're contacted by the other man or woman who's
just found out about you. Even then, maybe you get duped again
"they're out to stir it, they couldn't accept the break".
Or worse, the halve truths, a blend of truths used to make the lies
believable "yeah we kissed and hugged at a party, we were both drunk
but it didn't go anywhere. I didn't want to get involved, I've got
YOU. They couldn't accept that now they're making trouble."(when
really it was a full blown affair).
The words, the lies get more elaborate, their quantity increases as
they work harder to get you to believe in them.
Why do people cheat on each other and then lie?
Because they are getting something from the relationship with the
person they're lying to, that person is giving them something they
want or need and the truth would put that in danger.
And words get used to convince the deceiver that the lies they are
telling are for the best. "I couldn't do that to them (tell them the
truth), it would hurt/destroy them" or "It was only a short fling,
we've built so much together, they wouldn't thank me for it". Lying
words always couched to make it seem that the lier is doing the person
they're lying to a favour.
Truth is simple. Yeah there maybe arguments, there may even be a break
but the word count stays down. The truth, however unpleasant, is
simple, straightforward. This happened and this is why. Discussion
quickly shifts to what we're going to do about it.
And that's part of the problem, if you've lied in any relationship,
trust is damaged. It's disrespect writ large. How much do you really
care for a person if you're willing to take away their ability to
decide, to make new choices based on the new information and are cause
them to doubt their judgement, to doubt themselves?
Conversely, with truth, you see respect played out. On telling the
truth, you hear brave and honorable people being willing to fess up
"I've got to tell them, I couldn't do that to them (lie), it's not
fair on them."
When I compare the word count, spoken and written, of SGI with other
organsations in the World Peace and Buddhist spheres, it's
stratospheric by comparison.
So many words telling people how great the SGI and Daisaku Ikeda is,
how it is doinh this, that and the other. Simplicity comes in their
slick presentation. But why is this needed? Why does SGI need to write
so many words about itself? If SGI and Daisaku Ikeda so great,
wouldn't that be obvious?
Ghandi, King and Rosa Parks didn't need to write many words about
themselves. Nor Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Florence
Nightingale or Albert Einstein. Or come to, that Nichiren. They all
got on with the doing and let the words take care of themselves.
Daisaku Ikeda's 1979 lecture on Heritage of the Ulimate Law of life
took 105 pages. Around 400 words per page, about 42,000 words in all.
Daisaku Ikeda's 2009 lecture on the same Gosho, 30 years later was 183
pages, somewhere up near 63,000 words, allowing for formatting
changes. Why all the extra words?
Gohonzon, Daimoku and Nichiren are mentioned less in 2009. "Mentor and
disiple" are mentioned much more. The "three presidents" concept never
made it into the first lecture but it certainly made it into the second!
What was wrong with the first lecture?
How many times do you need to give a lecture if your purpose is to
illustrate the Gosho? Revise it, sure, maybe bring it up to date
langauge wise but a whole different lecture? Why? What's the purpose?
If the historical context and basic concepts are the same, which they
should be, there should be no need to rework it and add 20,000 extra
words. In fact if anything, it should have got shorter, with and
improved ability to put it across simply.
It's complicated.
On the other hand Nichiren's Buddhism is simple.
Sure there are complex doctrinal stances but it's not necessary to get
into all that stuff for it to be effective. The higher the teaching
the more people it can benefit. So Nichiren's teaching, the practice
he taught is simple.
What do you need to attain buddhahood? Faith in Namu Myoho Renge-kyo. That's it folks.
As you progress, that broadens a bit to faith in Gohonzon and Daimoku. Still simple.
Then maybe later, you might start picking uo some of the concepts like
ten worlds, ten factors, oneness of mind and body, oneness of life and
environment, ten factors, three thousand realms etc. And you might
start fitting them together.
But do you need to? No. Faith is enough. In fact a person of really
deep and sincere faith, could get away without knowing any of these.
We find Nichiren taking just that veiw in the Gosho. Chanting Daimoku
with faith in Gohonzon is enough. And that's the point. It's simple,
it's superior.
What's the process? Chanting with faith brings forth enlightenment as
you are, right here, right now. Put another way, the Buddha comes
forth from within and teaches the Law. What you need right here, right
now. Simple.
You respond to that (or don't) you move and change based on
enlightenment (or don't) and the next time you bring forth
enlightenment, the Buddha teaches the next bit of the Law you need (or
the same bit if you've not listened, maybe in a different way).
"You should by all means perform as much good as you possibly can for
the sake of your deceased husband. The words of a wise man of old also
teach that “you should base your mind on the ninth consciousness, and
carry out your practice in the six consciousnesses.” How reasonable it
is too!"
"Base oneself on the ninth consciousness", enlightenment, the seat of
the Buddha within each of us. Reached reliably and made active by our
practice of chanting Namu Myoho Renge-kyo with faith. "Carrying out
our practice in the sixth consciousnesses" with our everyday minds. In
our daily lives.
As we do that, faith deepens and one gets better at it. For sure it's
nit always plain sailing. Sometimes when we turn on the light we don't
like what we find. Also, we can get blocked by external events or
internal doubts. If we don't expect these we can stop or think we're
doing it wrong.
That's why we need faith in the first place, it's the tool to get out
from the midst of delusion and into our enlightened minds. That's why
encouragement, especially in the early stages is also important. But
once we've been through those blocks a few times and applied practice
in different situations, we should become fairly self reliant and
moreover, take over our own learning.
Faith naturally deepens because we've got more examples of "basing our
minds on the ninth consciousness, and carrying out our practice in the
six consciousnesses" and the results of having done that. The trick is
getting the early stages right. For which we need simplicity. Chant
regularly with the right focus on faith, be clear what your doing and
note the results. Always return to yourself, you and your Daimoku.
In fact, it can all get a bit confusing if one gets into all the
doctrinal stuff, especially if you're not prepared to attempt it
properly and keep a firm eye on maintaining faith and that basic
process. One can lose oneself in the forest of words.
If someone needs to keep telling you, how deep is your faith? How much
have you mastered the practice? And why haven't you progressed to a
state of greater self reliance? It eithet doesn't work, in which case
it would be better doing something else. Or it does but you've been
taught wrong or taught poorly.
So, why doesn't SGI just focus on teaching people to chant and
encouraging their faith, just like Nichiren did? Because simple is
it's enemy.
SGI needs complex, it needs to make it seem much more difficult that
it is. "Ah yes but you also need to do x, y, z to gain buddhahood to"
(you don't). It needs that so it has a role, so it can become the
indispensible ingredient in your practice. SGI and Daisaku Ikeda needs
to insert itself into your practice and become the thing that you will
have to rely on to get results and keep getting results.
Simple is giving people the Daimoku and facilitating them just enough
in faith and study until they're up and running and ready to go it
alone. It's much more like a college course and much less like "the
nobel mission for kosen rufu" (for which you can read spreading the SGI).
SGI has branded itself that way with 'mentor-disciple" teaching. As
Chas once defined the term "mentor", it's a "wise and trusted
teacher". So SGI is essentially selling teaching just like a college.
The difference between a good college and the SGI is the quality of
it's teaching, the results. Would you sign up for a cookery, car
maintenance, computer or accountancy course if at the end of it you
knew you wouldn't gain competance in that skill? Would you sign on
with a teacher who wasn't able to demonstrate their results in the
accomplishment of former students?
Given that Nichiren's teaching is about attaining buddhahood as you
are and that itcs a very simple process and practice, one might expect
to find lots of people who've been through the SGI academy, graduated
and gone on to do great things from what they learned. SGI Alumni
would be expected to be crawling out of the woodwork, singing the
SGI's praises. But we don't find that. They're either still with the
SGI, still ttying to kearn and master a very simple practice,
sometimes after decades or if they've left or been expelled, thier
voices are mostly negative about SGI.
SGI might answer that it's all about "kosen rufu" but thatcs simply
about spreading the Law. Nichiren's simple practice. If SGI was doing
it's teaching job effectively, they'd be plenty of SGI graduates out
there not only stable in their own faith and practice and showing
results but fully able to teach others. I'd argue that's a much more
effective means of accomplishing wide spread of Nichiren's buddhism.
In fact, it's a direct compliment to the effectiveness of the practice
and the quality of the SGI's teaching of it were that to happen, but
it doesn't.
Nichiren on the other hand was confident. It's surprising how little
he urged his disciples to go out and propogate, or for that matter
mentioned kosen rufu or spreading the Sutra. A very quick search in
the Nichiren library shows it's refered to just 96 times in volumes
1&2. That's not to say propogation isn' important, it most definitely
is, just that Nichiren didn't sweat it as a direct exhortation in his
teaching and encouragement.
He seems to have realised that itcs oretty hard to spread someting
effectively if you either don't believe in it (faith) or you haven't
mastered it sufficiently (practice and study) or if it's not getting
results. So he focussed in getting those things right with his students.
Why, he was confident in this approach? He knew he had something that
"At first only Nichiren chanted Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two,
three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others.
Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not
signify “emerging from the earth”?"
A very quick word search likewise shows that "Faith" is mentioned as
staggering 650 times in volumes 1&2. Both in what you should and
shouldn't have faith in.
Myoho renge kyo 148 times, Namu Myoho Renge-kyo 231, times and Daimoku
123 times. So, the Sutra and its daimoku are mentioned 492 times.
It seems clear to me that the focus of Nichiten's writing was faith in
the Sutra and the advocacy of embracing it by means if it's Daimoku.
"Base your mind on the ninth consciousness, and carry out your
practice in the six consciousnesses" Get that bit right first. Simple.
That then gives them the means to counter erroneous doctrines
depending on their ability. Which was the other theme that's present
in his writings, most notably those to othet priests or to lay priests.
For all people, the basis is faith, translated into practice Namu
Myoho Renge-kyo, which results in a natural progession in faith,
practice and study and the application of thise things to daily life.
It's a process.
Once you've learned to ride a bike, you take the stabilisers off and
you don't have your teacher running behind you holding the saddle. You
ride off and explore, you begin to learn through experience, simple.
If you need an advanced course in some aspect, you book it, attend,
finish it, then apply it. Simple.
And ut's exactly the same with Nichiren's Buddhism and it spreads
naturally as a result. Simple.
Why? Because when you give people a simple practice that effective and
encorage faith, you put the Buddha in the driving seat of each
person's life.
The Buddha comes forth to teach, naturally. How? By embracing the
Sutra through faith. And when that happens, it shows.
Nothing sells like success, with the Buddha in charge, with the
benefit of inherant enlightenment working as each person follows the
Law, they know what to do to help the Sutra spread. Simple.
"At first only Nichiren chanted Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two,
three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others.
Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not
signify “emerging from the earth”?"
The only things it seems are worthy of noting above and beyond the
simplicity of the practice are that something so liberating inevitably
arouses opposition. People and organisations can seek to take
advantage or try to block practioners from meeting, using and benefiting.
Powerful people or organisations especially are threatened by the
other people gaining their own self reliance, their own liberation,
their own power and freedom. It doen't generate profits for the few
and it dissolves the hold that such rely on to maintain their status
and position.
People who actively spread such a simple liberaring teaching are often
subject to opposition and in some cases persecution. But that's OK,
the enlightened mind, The Buddha can handle it. All we need to do is
make sure they're always on hand, faith & practice. Simple.
"When I look at the situation in Japan, I find that the devil king of
the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons,
transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good
teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says,
“Evil demons will take possession of others.”
"Although I, Nichiren, am not a man of wisdom, the devil king of the
sixth heaven has attempted to take possession of my body. But I have
for some time been taking such great care that he now no longer comes
near me. Therefore, because the power of the heavenly devil is
ineffectual against me, he instead possesses the ruler and his high
officials, or foolish priests such as Ryōkan, and causes them to hate
So in a way, if you want a really quiet life, don't practice. If you
dinct want to face the baggage you've been carrying and clear out your
closets and transform the root causes of stuff that happens to you,
don't practice. If youcd rather turn off the light and remain in
darkness, with the junk still there but hidden, don't practice.
However, it's unlikely that if you've met the Law, you're going to get
a quiet life anyway. It's your time, your chance, your opportunity to
break free, liberate yourself. Your own life is saying you're ready to
get sorting and clearing. So my take is that you might as well
embrace it and take faith and explore a whole deeper and richer life.
But if you do, keep it simple, watch the words and those who use lots
of them, me included.
Are they being honest and true or lying and deceitful? Keep close to
your faith and Daimoku and for study, read Sutra and Gosho directly,
without guidance and interpretation and chant about them first. Let
the Buddha teach you.
Keep it simple, trust yourself. And in the forest of words, always remember to.
I hope this helps.
It might have had you used 97% less words.
The notion that anyone with a life would bother
to read your long winded rants without falling into
a coma is further proof of your delusions.
Katie Higgins
2016-09-03 15:29:25 UTC
" [Why does] SGI need to write so many words about itself? <<"
The answer is obvious. Despite all of the honors Mr. Ikeda is reported to have received, despite all of the meetings with prominent people he is reported to have developed deep bonds of friendship with, it takes just a few moments to determine that *only* Soka Gakkai publications publish these *reports*

. Daisaku Ikeda is not mentioned, much less honored by any of his *reported* "close friends" nor do we find glowing reports of his achievements in any reputable publication --even as a *foot note*.

Indeed, if the Soka Gakkai did not own a publishing conglomerate, and if SGI did not invest members' contributions in their PR and marketing endeavors, literally no one would have ever heard of Daisaku Ikeda.

In Boston, and elsewhere, I am certain, the glorifying of Daisaku Ikeda and the claims to achievements of the SGI are the foundation of SGI activities.

Members contribute their hard earned money so that they can continue to believe they belong to an organization leading the way to establishing *World Peace*, and that their "Mentor" is a worthy candidate for the Nobel Peace Prize!

If you want to test the waters of the cult of personality that many now claim SGI Ikeda is, simply ask this question at the largest activity you attend-- [maybe kosen-rufu Gongyo] ." Where can I find reports about the greatness of SGI and Pres. Ikeda other than the Soka Gakkai publicity publications? "

Actually, you may already be asking this question IF you have finally met someone who is NOT impressed with what SGI reports about itself in its own publications, and points out to you what that *looks like*.

SGI USA leaders encourage members to use *the books written by Ikeda; dialogues with *other leaders*; pamphlets of Ikeda's speeches at Harvard University; his "Peace Proposals"; yes, and leaders encourage members to *share the greatness of SGIkeda* to entice others into the organization. So, when a member encounters someone who is suspicious of the sources proclaiming SGIkeda's greatness, then what?

Then, members are told how this is to be expected and they compare Pres. Ikeda to the Buddha who was harradded, even hated for propagating the Lotus Sutra. THIS, is where I draw the line, the pivotal moment where I awakened to the difference between "letting SGIkeda do whatever it wants-- free speech, peaceful practices, and employing my own faith in Nichiren's teachings, recognizing the grave harm committed by SGIkeda's bastardizing and slandering the Buddha himself. According to Nichiren's teachings, disregarding the True teachings , propagating lesser teachings using *selected* aspects of the True teaching , is the cause for unspeakable misery for *the people*--- just as we have seen unfold since SGIkeda went global.

">>If SGI and Daisaku Ikeda so great, wouldn't that be obvious? <<"

Yes, of course it would be obvious! Right here on this discussion board, it is obvious that the number one proponent and cheerleader for SGIkeda, "Chas", is morally bankrupt and totally brainwashed.

He is neglecting the most fundamental practice of Nichiren's Buddhism--- for all to see, right here-- always discounting the very soul of Nichiren's teachings ! Take a moment to reflect on what Chas *neglects* to do here on this public forum:

Chas defames those who challenge him on this, neglecting to sustain engagement when he is shown to be in error.

Chas cannot name a single accomplishment of the SGI that is recorded anywhere BUT in a Soka Gakkai publishing conglomerate *rag*.

Chas cannot name a single endeavor he is dedicating his life to *for the sake of others* .

What is Chas' *practice for others* For over 20 years, Chas shows us his *one constant thought*: "how can I continue to disrupt discussions here!

It is obvious that discussions about the true benefit of Nichiren's Buddhism and the profound simplicity of the practice are a major threat to Chas' mission to promote the Ikeda corporation. This could be Chas' livelihood, his job, because there are PAID employees of SGIkeda, a concept that insults Nichiren specifically and Buddhism in general. Whether Chas is paid to disrupt this board or not, he promotes an organization calling itself *Buddhist* that does employ PR people-- and is known to pay 6 figure salaries to the *cream of that crop*.

Julian is the passive antagonist-- basically saying WE are foolish or just plain stupid for bothering with SGIkeda. Julian claims they *do no harm* and that SGIkeda is actually a worthwhile stepping stone to *awakening*, claiming it was his own path.

IF this were Julians *only* position , he would not be HERE. He would be expanding his own awakening in his share of influence and happily practicing his enlightenment. Perhaps he is here to provide another means for managing the threat to SGIkeda--

Intention is tough to prove. It is revealed over time and only those with the patience and diligence to pay attention over a long period of time will notice the patterns and the evidence that calls out Julian's duplicity. Inainx did that way ahead of me. thinking about how easily I will leave what is entire;y unpleasant -- how easy it was for me to shut my door to Ikeda-bots and their nonsense peaked my curiosity for Julians mixed bag. Julian claims he shut that door-- but then he is here-- where I would never be back in my *egotistical* practice days. Julian is an enigma... who sniped at me, and evoked my reaction to *leave this unpleasant* board. Hmmmm-- something a but strange about that-- and I determined to come back here after stating *once* my intention to leave. I came back to answer this an other questions--but, WHY Juilan comments here, I must admit was top of my list.

I had realized-- before meeting Julian that this was exactly the attitude that confined me to an egotistical practice of Nichiren's Buddhism-- but, unlike Julian, when I made the decision to walk away from SGI-- after my second excommunication, I did NOT bother with them at all-or care much what anyone else thought of them; then I awakened to the truth about *not caring* about others who were negatively indlfluenced and hurt by SGI-- and how slander of the Law plays out in society-- especially noticeable when there is a *large* group slandering the Law-- in 192 countries around the world.

That's how you *outed* yourself to me, Julian, IF you were awakened, you would see the destructiveness of SGIkeda- You don't. - But, IF you are just convinced they *do no real harm* you wouldn't be here, This I know.

Julian may admit to trolling, but he fails to adequately explain why he does this. The pattern of his participation does lead to a reasonable conlcusion that he is protecting the SGIkeda-- which no one would do to this extent for *free*--- unless he/she is a bigger fool, than Julian claims Iainx is. Julian says essentially that iainx is a *fool* for engaging in the *practice *, taking ACTION of a follower of Nichiren. Why he would choose this as an argument and a position is his own *secret*--- though the evidence that *there is a method to his madness* is quite obvious.

While these discussions about *motives* are long and maybe intimidating for some, this is actually a vital part of *getting to the next level*, which I hope to help achieve here-- The focus on the practice of Nichiren's Buddhism, the daimoku, the Gosho, the Gohonzon , the Lotus Sutra is the goal I share with iainx.

We have a mess to clean up first. Attending to this mess is the difference between following Nichiren and giving him lip service as a means to secure one's own personal comfort and gain. Demonstrating that difference is a vital part of propagating the True teaching for anyone concerned about his/her own enlightenment , there is no escaping the our connection to *all humanity* .

Nichiren had the stamina to continue-- he veer desisted, and neither will I--
for the same reason; my faith is grounded in Myoho-renge-kyo ; I recognize good teachers from evil ones, and I am energized to continue to share to the best of my ability, what I have gained-- as my practice grows stronger and my understanding deepens. It is that simple.

Thanks iainx!!

2016-09-25 22:17:06 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
SGI's problem - "Simplicity" - that's why it uses lots of words.
You may know the problem, if you've ever had partner or friend cheat on you. The relationship may be failing but you're still in love. You've noticed the changes, the little things that unsettle you but you don't want to believe are true.
What do you do? Use words. To tell yourself it's nothing or you're imagining things. You use words to put it out of your mind, to think the best if someone you know deep down isn't playing straight.
And then later, when it gets more obvious, the unexpected lateness, the more frequent "working late" or missed appointments. You use more words "oh where were you, I was expecting you at 8?" or "you're working late a lot recently, they're putting a lot in you". Starting to probe but still not wanting to know the truth.
And then they start using words if they're not wanting to end it with you just yet. "Yeah, we've got an important project, the deadline's looming, I need to be there for my boss...".
It starts to get complex.
And then later still, when all the little things have begun to add up, you know something's not right, perhaps you confront them and they use loys of words to reassure, deny, make it thay you are imagining things, try to make you doubt yourself. "Don't be silly, course I still..."
It gets really complicated.
Chas uses lots of words. So does today's SGI. Faith is now this....kosen rufu means that...Daisaku Ikeda is this..."don't be silly, of course he still loves you, you're imagining it".
Depending on how deceitful your partner is and how adept they are at getting you to believe them and doubt yourself, this can go on for years. Untill maybe you're contacted by the other man or woman who's just found out about you. Even then, maybe you get duped again "they're out to stir it, they couldn't accept the break".
Or worse, the halve truths, a blend of truths used to make the lies believable "yeah we kissed and hugged at a party, we were both drunk but it didn't go anywhere. I didn't want to get involved, I've got YOU. They couldn't accept that now they're making trouble."(when really it was a full blown affair).
The words, the lies get more elaborate, their quantity increases as they work harder to get you to believe in them.
Why do people cheat on each other and then lie?
Because they are getting something from the relationship with the person they're lying to, that person is giving them something they want or need and the truth would put that in danger.
And words get used to convince the deceiver that the lies they are telling are for the best. "I couldn't do that to them (tell them the truth), it would hurt/destroy them" or "It was only a short fling, we've built so much together, they wouldn't thank me for it". Lying words always couched to make it seem that the lier is doing the person they're lying to a favour.
Truth is simple. Yeah there maybe arguments, there may even be a break but the word count stays down. The truth, however unpleasant, is simple, straightforward. This happened and this is why. Discussion quickly shifts to what we're going to do about it.
And that's part of the problem, if you've lied in any relationship, trust is damaged. It's disrespect writ large. How much do you really care for a person if you're willing to take away their ability to decide, to make new choices based on the new information and are cause them to doubt their judgement, to doubt themselves?
Conversely, with truth, you see respect played out. On telling the truth, you hear brave and honorable people being willing to fess up "I've got to tell them, I couldn't do that to them (lie), it's not fair on them."
When I compare the word count, spoken and written, of SGI with other organsations in the World Peace and Buddhist spheres, it's stratospheric by comparison.
So many words telling people how great the SGI and Daisaku Ikeda is, how it is doinh this, that and the other. Simplicity comes in their slick presentation. But why is this needed? Why does SGI need to write so many words about itself? If SGI and Daisaku Ikeda so great, wouldn't that be obvious?
Ghandi, King and Rosa Parks didn't need to write many words about themselves. Nor Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Florence Nightingale or Albert Einstein. Or come to, that Nichiren. They all got on with the doing and let the words take care of themselves.
Daisaku Ikeda's 1979 lecture on Heritage of the Ulimate Law of life took 105 pages. Around 400 words per page, about 42,000 words in all.
Daisaku Ikeda's 2009 lecture on the same Gosho, 30 years later was 183 pages, somewhere up near 63,000 words, allowing for formatting changes. Why all the extra words?
Gohonzon, Daimoku and Nichiren are mentioned less in 2009. "Mentor and disiple" are mentioned much more. The "three presidents" concept never made it into the first lecture but it certainly made it into the second!
What was wrong with the first lecture?
How many times do you need to give a lecture if your purpose is to illustrate the Gosho? Revise it, sure, maybe bring it up to date langauge wise but a whole different lecture? Why? What's the purpose?
If the historical context and basic concepts are the same, which they should be, there should be no need to rework it and add 20,000 extra words. In fact if anything, it should have got shorter, with and improved ability to put it across simply.
It's complicated.
On the other hand Nichiren's Buddhism is simple.
Sure there are complex doctrinal stances but it's not necessary to get into all that stuff for it to be effective. The higher the teaching the more people it can benefit. So Nichiren's teaching, the practice he taught is simple.
What do you need to attain buddhahood? Faith in Namu Myoho Renge-kyo. That's it folks.
As you progress, that broadens a bit to faith in Gohonzon and Daimoku. Still simple.
Then maybe later, you might start picking uo some of the concepts like ten worlds, ten factors, oneness of mind and body, oneness of life and environment, ten factors, three thousand realms etc. And you might start fitting them together.
But do you need to? No. Faith is enough. In fact a person of really deep and sincere faith, could get away without knowing any of these. We find Nichiren taking just that veiw in the Gosho. Chanting Daimoku with faith in Gohonzon is enough. And that's the point. It's simple, it's superior.
What's the process? Chanting with faith brings forth enlightenment as you are, right here, right now. Put another way, the Buddha comes forth from within and teaches the Law. What you need right here, right now. Simple.
You respond to that (or don't) you move and change based on enlightenment (or don't) and the next time you bring forth enlightenment, the Buddha teaches the next bit of the Law you need (or the same bit if you've not listened, maybe in a different way).
"You should by all means perform as much good as you possibly can for the sake of your deceased husband. The words of a wise man of old also teach that “you should base your mind on the ninth consciousness, and carry out your practice in the six consciousnesses.” How reasonable it is too!"
"Base oneself on the ninth consciousness", enlightenment, the seat of the Buddha within each of us. Reached reliably and made active by our practice of chanting Namu Myoho Renge-kyo with faith. "Carrying out our practice in the sixth consciousnesses" with our everyday minds. In our daily lives.
As we do that, faith deepens and one gets better at it. For sure it's nit always plain sailing. Sometimes when we turn on the light we don't like what we find. Also, we can get blocked by external events or internal doubts. If we don't expect these we can stop or think we're doing it wrong.
That's why we need faith in the first place, it's the tool to get out from the midst of delusion and into our enlightened minds. That's why encouragement, especially in the early stages is also important. But once we've been through those blocks a few times and applied practice in different situations, we should become fairly self reliant and moreover, take over our own learning.
Faith naturally deepens because we've got more examples of "basing our minds on the ninth consciousness, and carrying out our practice in the six consciousnesses" and the results of having done that. The trick is getting the early stages right. For which we need simplicity. Chant regularly with the right focus on faith, be clear what your doing and note the results. Always return to yourself, you and your Daimoku. Simple.
In fact, it can all get a bit confusing if one gets into all the doctrinal stuff, especially if you're not prepared to attempt it properly and keep a firm eye on maintaining faith and that basic process. One can lose oneself in the forest of words.
If someone needs to keep telling you, how deep is your faith? How much have you mastered the practice? And why haven't you progressed to a state of greater self reliance? It eithet doesn't work, in which case it would be better doing something else. Or it does but you've been taught wrong or taught poorly.
So, why doesn't SGI just focus on teaching people to chant and encouraging their faith, just like Nichiren did? Because simple is it's enemy.
SGI needs complex, it needs to make it seem much more difficult that it is. "Ah yes but you also need to do x, y, z to gain buddhahood to" (you don't). It needs that so it has a role, so it can become the indispensible ingredient in your practice. SGI and Daisaku Ikeda needs to insert itself into your practice and become the thing that you will have to rely on to get results and keep getting results.
Simple is giving people the Daimoku and facilitating them just enough in faith and study until they're up and running and ready to go it alone. It's much more like a college course and much less like "the nobel mission for kosen rufu" (for which you can read spreading the SGI).
SGI has branded itself that way with 'mentor-disciple" teaching. As Chas once defined the term "mentor", it's a "wise and trusted teacher". So SGI is essentially selling teaching just like a college.
The difference between a good college and the SGI is the quality of it's teaching, the results. Would you sign up for a cookery, car maintenance, computer or accountancy course if at the end of it you knew you wouldn't gain competance in that skill? Would you sign on with a teacher who wasn't able to demonstrate their results in the accomplishment of former students?
Given that Nichiren's teaching is about attaining buddhahood as you are and that itcs a very simple process and practice, one might expect to find lots of people who've been through the SGI academy, graduated and gone on to do great things from what they learned. SGI Alumni would be expected to be crawling out of the woodwork, singing the SGI's praises. But we don't find that. They're either still with the SGI, still ttying to kearn and master a very simple practice, sometimes after decades or if they've left or been expelled, thier voices are mostly negative about SGI.
SGI might answer that it's all about "kosen rufu" but thatcs simply about spreading the Law. Nichiren's simple practice. If SGI was doing it's teaching job effectively, they'd be plenty of SGI graduates out there not only stable in their own faith and practice and showing results but fully able to teach others. I'd argue that's a much more effective means of accomplishing wide spread of Nichiren's buddhism. In fact, it's a direct compliment to the effectiveness of the practice and the quality of the SGI's teaching of it were that to happen, but it doesn't.
Nichiren on the other hand was confident. It's surprising how little he urged his disciples to go out and propogate, or for that matter mentioned kosen rufu or spreading the Sutra. A very quick search in the Nichiren library shows it's refered to just 96 times in volumes 1&2. That's not to say propogation isn' important, it most definitely is, just that Nichiren didn't sweat it as a direct exhortation in his teaching and encouragement.
He seems to have realised that itcs oretty hard to spread someting effectively if you either don't believe in it (faith) or you haven't mastered it sufficiently (practice and study) or if it's not getting results. So he focussed in getting those things right with his students.
"At first only Nichiren chanted Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not signify “emerging from the earth”?"
A very quick word search likewise shows that "Faith" is mentioned as staggering 650 times in volumes 1&2. Both in what you should and shouldn't have faith in.
Myoho renge kyo 148 times, Namu Myoho Renge-kyo 231, times and Daimoku 123 times. So, the Sutra and its daimoku are mentioned 492 times.
It seems clear to me that the focus of Nichiten's writing was faith in the Sutra and the advocacy of embracing it by means if it's Daimoku. Simple.
"Base your mind on the ninth consciousness, and carry out your practice in the six consciousnesses" Get that bit right first. Simple.
That then gives them the means to counter erroneous doctrines depending on their ability. Which was the other theme that's present in his writings, most notably those to othet priests or to lay priests.
For all people, the basis is faith, translated into practice Namu Myoho Renge-kyo, which results in a natural progession in faith, practice and study and the application of thise things to daily life. It's a process.
Once you've learned to ride a bike, you take the stabilisers off and you don't have your teacher running behind you holding the saddle. You ride off and explore, you begin to learn through experience, simple. If you need an advanced course in some aspect, you book it, attend, finish it, then apply it. Simple.
And ut's exactly the same with Nichiren's Buddhism and it spreads naturally as a result. Simple.
Why? Because when you give people a simple practice that effective and encorage faith, you put the Buddha in the driving seat of each person's life.
The Buddha comes forth to teach, naturally. How? By embracing the Sutra through faith. And when that happens, it shows.
Nothing sells like success, with the Buddha in charge, with the benefit of inherant enlightenment working as each person follows the Law, they know what to do to help the Sutra spread. Simple.
"At first only Nichiren chanted Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not signify “emerging from the earth”?"
The only things it seems are worthy of noting above and beyond the simplicity of the practice are that something so liberating inevitably arouses opposition. People and organisations can seek to take advantage or try to block practioners from meeting, using and benefiting.
Powerful people or organisations especially are threatened by the other people gaining their own self reliance, their own liberation, their own power and freedom. It doen't generate profits for the few and it dissolves the hold that such rely on to maintain their status and position.
People who actively spread such a simple liberaring teaching are often subject to opposition and in some cases persecution. But that's OK, the enlightened mind, The Buddha can handle it. All we need to do is make sure they're always on hand, faith & practice. Simple.
"When I look at the situation in Japan, I find that the devil king of the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons, transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says, “Evil demons will take possession of others.”
"Although I, Nichiren, am not a man of wisdom, the devil king of the sixth heaven has attempted to take possession of my body. But I have for some time been taking such great care that he now no longer comes near me. Therefore, because the power of the heavenly devil is ineffectual against me, he instead possesses the ruler and his high officials, or foolish priests such as Ryōkan, and causes them to hate me."
So in a way, if you want a really quiet life, don't practice. If you dinct want to face the baggage you've been carrying and clear out your closets and transform the root causes of stuff that happens to you, don't practice. If youcd rather turn off the light and remain in darkness, with the junk still there but hidden, don't practice.
However, it's unlikely that if you've met the Law, you're going to get a quiet life anyway. It's your time, your chance, your opportunity to break free, liberate yourself. Your own life is saying you're ready to get sorting and clearing. So my take is that you might as well embrace it and take faith and explore a whole deeper and richer life. But if you do, keep it simple, watch the words and those who use lots of them, me included.
Are they being honest and true or lying and deceitful? Keep close to your faith and Daimoku and for study, read Sutra and Gosho directly, without guidance and interpretation and chant about them first. Let the Buddha teach you.
Keep it simple, trust yourself. And in the forest of words, always remember to.
I hope this helps.
Namu Myoho Renge-kyo
Be well :)
Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire

"When I look at the situation at Eagle Peack and ARBN, I find that the devil king of the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons, transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says, “Evil demons will take possession of others.”
2016-09-25 23:32:51 UTC
"Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire

"When I look at the situation at Eagle Peack and ARBN, I find that the devil king of the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons, transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says, “Evil demons will take possession of others.”

Ah a new voice. So which side of the fence do you sit Space Treasury?

I always find it interesting when individuals online take on the names of great beings or the enlightened to represent themselves.

Your choice is particularly interesting. I wonder, do you really have this insight?

Are you the being that gave Nichiren such a great gift all those years ago?

Or are you simply a normal average woman but most likely a guy. Possibly with a fairly normal body type, but possibly on the slim or heavy side? Possibly in your 50's or 60's, or possibly a young buck who's a bit fresh and eager but yet to find out about the world (though you probably think you alone has got it sussed),

Someone who has read a bit of Sutra and perhaps some other texts and who now sits hunched over a keybaord, tablet or phone, projecting yourself into the cyberspace world, where you can be anything you like, from behind your Oz like visage?

Are you space treasury, who Julian I believe recently mentioned. And have you learned from the brevity of Julian's tight and cryptic posts, that making ambiguous statements, is a way to enlarge yourself, as the reader fills in the deliberate gaps, and protect yourself, for no meaning that is troublesome, can ever be ascribed?

Or perhaps you are robed and tonsured, in service to your cause? Would a monk claim such a name as yours? Is humility out of vogue. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.

Let's read some about who you are, who you seek to be, would have us accept you are, shall we?...


"Ākāśagarbha is regarded[who?] as one of the eight great bodhisattvas. His name can be translated as "boundless space treasury" or "void store" as his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself. He is sometimes known as the twin brother of the "earth store" bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha, and is even briefly mentioned in the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra.

Kūkai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism, met a famous monk who is said to have repeatedly chanted a mantra of Ākāśagarbha as a young Buddhist acolyte. Kūkai took a tutorial with him on Kokuzou-Gumonji (a secret doctorine method, 虚空蔵求聞持法).[1] As he chanted the mantra, he experienced a vision whereby Ākāśagarbha told him to go to China to seek understanding of the Mahāvairocana Abhisaṃbodhi Sūtra.[2] Later he would go to China to learn Tangmi from Huiguo, and then go on to found the Shingon sect of esoteric buddhism in Japan."

Impressive Space Treasury!

"his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself."

But wait! Did you not say...

"Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire"

Were you warning me? Were you warning against SGI members embracing the Daimoku, with faith as Nichiren taught?

Or were you warning us all that despite your name, you are not all you seem to be?

Another voice into the mix, you appeared on Eagle Peak just recently.

And then from there to here you jumped, straight into a post about the SGI and simplicity.

The very same that Julian disparaged. What is it about simplicity?

Since you like Sutra, and Richard does too, please permit me to quote some back to you and for all those who make the Sutra their central refernce, embracing it's Daimoku with sincere and seeking faith:


"At that time Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, in the evil and corrupt age of the last five-hundred-year period, if there is someone who accepts and upholds this sutra, I will guard and protect him, free him from decline and harm, see that he attains peace and tranquillity, and make certain that no one can spy out and take advantage of his shortcomings. No devil, devil’s son, devil’s daughter, devil’s minion, or one possessed by the devil, no yaksha, rakshasa, kumbhanda, pishacha, kritya, putana, vetada, or other being that torments humans will be able to take advantage of him."

Good isn't it? No fear of pans or fire for the practitioners and upholders of the Sutra here! And he goes on:


“Whether that person is walking or standing, if he reads and recites this sutra, then at that time I will mount my six-tusked kingly white elephant and with my multitude of great bodhisattvas will proceed to where he is. I will manifest myself, offer alms, guard and protect him, and bring comfort to his mind. I will do this because I too want to offer alms to the Lotus Sutra.

If when that person is seated he ponders this sutra, at that time too I will mount my kingly white elephant and manifest myself in his presence. If that person should forget a single phrase or verse of the Lotus Sutra, I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding."

Brilliant! "I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding." Thank you Universal Worthy, thank you. :)

And he continues:


"At that time the person who accepts, upholds, reads, and recites the Lotus Sutra will be able to see my body, will be filled with great joy, and will apply himself with greater diligence than ever.

Because he has seen me, he will immediately acquire samadhis and dharanis. These are called the repetition dharani, the hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million repetition dharani, and the Dharma sound expedient dharani. He will acquire dharanis such as these."

Even better...and that time is now! :D

Later in that Chapter The Buddha responds

“Universal Worthy, if there are those who accept, uphold, read, and recite this Lotus Sutra, memorize it correctly, practice and transcribe it, you should know that such persons have seen Shakyamuni Buddha. It is as though they heard this sutra from the Buddha’s mouth."

"You should know that such persons have offered alms to Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that the Buddha has praised such persons as excellent. You should know that such persons have been patted on the head by Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that such persons have been covered in the robes of Shakyamuni Buddha."

Indeed we have to be diligent, we have to be sincere, we have to focus on our faith and be attentive to keep following the Law not the person other than the Buddha. But if we do...well then we are well guarded and well guided are we not?

And in the 26th Chapter we find:


"The Buddha said to the rakshasa daughters, “Excellent, excellent! If you can shield and guard those who accept and uphold the mere name of the Lotus Sutra, your merit will be immeasurable. How much more so if you shield and guard those who accept and uphold it in its entirety, who offer alms to the sutra rolls, flowers, incense, necklaces, powdered incense, paste incense, incense for burning, banners, canopies, music, who burn various kinds of lamps, lamps of butter oil, oil lamps, lamps of various fragrant oils, lamps of sumana flower oil, lamps of champaka flower oil, lamps of varshika flower oil, and lamps of utpala flower oil, and who in this manner offer hundreds and thousands of varieties of alms. Kunti, you and your attendants should shield and guard teachers of the Law such as these!”

So I hope that calms you Space Treasury. Your vast wisdom should not fear. With the Sutra and our faith and diligence, help is always, ever presently near.

It's simple. :D

Be well, be very well :)
Katie Higgins
2016-09-26 03:54:25 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
"Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire
"When I look at the situation at Eagle Peack and ARBN, I find that the devil king of the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons, transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says, “Evil demons will take possession of others.”
Ah a new voice. So which side of the fence do you sit Space Treasury?
I always find it interesting when individuals online take on the names of great beings or the enlightened to represent themselves.
Your choice is particularly interesting. I wonder, do you really have this insight?
Are you the being that gave Nichiren such a great gift all those years ago?
Or are you simply a normal average woman but most likely a guy. Possibly with a fairly normal body type, but possibly on the slim or heavy side? Possibly in your 50's or 60's, or possibly a young buck who's a bit fresh and eager but yet to find out about the world (though you probably think you alone has got it sussed),
Someone who has read a bit of Sutra and perhaps some other texts and who now sits hunched over a keybaord, tablet or phone, projecting yourself into the cyberspace world, where you can be anything you like, from behind your Oz like visage?
Are you space treasury, who Julian I believe recently mentioned. And have you learned from the brevity of Julian's tight and cryptic posts, that making ambiguous statements, is a way to enlarge yourself, as the reader fills in the deliberate gaps, and protect yourself, for no meaning that is troublesome, can ever be ascribed?
Or perhaps you are robed and tonsured, in service to your cause? Would a monk claim such a name as yours? Is humility out of vogue. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Let's read some about who you are, who you seek to be, would have us accept you are, shall we?...
"Ākāśagarbha is regarded[who?] as one of the eight great bodhisattvas. His name can be translated as "boundless space treasury" or "void store" as his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself. He is sometimes known as the twin brother of the "earth store" bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha, and is even briefly mentioned in the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra.
Kūkai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism, met a famous monk who is said to have repeatedly chanted a mantra of Ākāśagarbha as a young Buddhist acolyte. Kūkai took a tutorial with him on Kokuzou-Gumonji (a secret doctorine method, 虚空蔵求聞持法).[1] As he chanted the mantra, he experienced a vision whereby Ākāśagarbha told him to go to China to seek understanding of the Mahāvairocana Abhisaṃbodhi Sūtra.[2] Later he would go to China to learn Tangmi from Huiguo, and then go on to found the Shingon sect of esoteric buddhism in Japan."
Impressive Space Treasury!
"his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself."
But wait! Did you not say...
"Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire"
Were you warning me? Were you warning against SGI members embracing the Daimoku, with faith as Nichiren taught?
Or were you warning us all that despite your name, you are not all you seem to be?
Another voice into the mix, you appeared on Eagle Peak just recently.
And then from there to here you jumped, straight into a post about the SGI and simplicity.
The very same that Julian disparaged. What is it about simplicity?
"At that time Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, in the evil and corrupt age of the last five-hundred-year period, if there is someone who accepts and upholds this sutra, I will guard and protect him, free him from decline and harm, see that he attains peace and tranquillity, and make certain that no one can spy out and take advantage of his shortcomings. No devil, devil’s son, devil’s daughter, devil’s minion, or one possessed by the devil, no yaksha, rakshasa, kumbhanda, pishacha, kritya, putana, vetada, or other being that torments humans will be able to take advantage of him."
“Whether that person is walking or standing, if he reads and recites this sutra, then at that time I will mount my six-tusked kingly white elephant and with my multitude of great bodhisattvas will proceed to where he is. I will manifest myself, offer alms, guard and protect him, and bring comfort to his mind. I will do this because I too want to offer alms to the Lotus Sutra.
If when that person is seated he ponders this sutra, at that time too I will mount my kingly white elephant and manifest myself in his presence. If that person should forget a single phrase or verse of the Lotus Sutra, I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding."
Brilliant! "I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding." Thank you Universal Worthy, thank you. :)
"At that time the person who accepts, upholds, reads, and recites the Lotus Sutra will be able to see my body, will be filled with great joy, and will apply himself with greater diligence than ever.
Because he has seen me, he will immediately acquire samadhis and dharanis. These are called the repetition dharani, the hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million repetition dharani, and the Dharma sound expedient dharani. He will acquire dharanis such as these."
Even better...and that time is now! :D
Later in that Chapter The Buddha responds
“Universal Worthy, if there are those who accept, uphold, read, and recite this Lotus Sutra, memorize it correctly, practice and transcribe it, you should know that such persons have seen Shakyamuni Buddha. It is as though they heard this sutra from the Buddha’s mouth."
"You should know that such persons have offered alms to Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that the Buddha has praised such persons as excellent. You should know that such persons have been patted on the head by Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that such persons have been covered in the robes of Shakyamuni Buddha."
Indeed we have to be diligent, we have to be sincere, we have to focus on our faith and be attentive to keep following the Law not the person other than the Buddha. But if we do...well then we are well guarded and well guided are we not?
"The Buddha said to the rakshasa daughters, “Excellent, excellent! If you can shield and guard those who accept and uphold the mere name of the Lotus Sutra, your merit will be immeasurable. How much more so if you shield and guard those who accept and uphold it in its entirety, who offer alms to the sutra rolls, flowers, incense, necklaces, powdered incense, paste incense, incense for burning, banners, canopies, music, who burn various kinds of lamps, lamps of butter oil, oil lamps, lamps of various fragrant oils, lamps of sumana flower oil, lamps of champaka flower oil, lamps of varshika flower oil, and lamps of utpala flower oil, and who in this manner offer hundreds and thousands of varieties of alms. Kunti, you and your attendants should shield and guard teachers of the Law such as these!”
So I hope that calms you Space Treasury. Your vast wisdom should not fear. With the Sutra and our faith and diligence, help is always, ever presently near.
It's simple. :D
Be well, be very well :)
Excellent, iainx! What an eloquent, brilliant piece you have written here!

It deserves a rereading or two and that I did--- when suddenly I was struck by the eery similarity between @spacetreasury's brief, cryptic, ominous quip and the style of our very own, Julian, who obviously came to mind more quickly for you.

While I totally agree that SGI has created complexities that bedazzle members , after closer examination it is really only confusion they create- like the axiom; "when in trouble, obfuscate"-- It took me about five years to correlate Goshos and to really understand the teachings *in context*-- as soon as these insights developed I was eager to engage the *learned senior leaders* only to find that they could not engage in dialogue because they didn't *study* Nichiren's writings, they flew by the seat of their pants using the same repeated passages quoted here by Richard & Chas. Parrots- all. My understanding that these so-called *seniors in faith* were willful in their ignorance lead to my first experiences being shunned & admonished- in SGI and in my profession where I had begun to voice my perceptions. Funny how that went--- I became more aware of everything at once and more courageous in my desire to share unpopular insights. Concurrently my faith in Nichiren's teachings deepened because HE knew exactly how to explain *these strange occurrences* and was straight forward-- even strict regarding the *correct* response :Do not desist!

Forbearance became the next learning curve and it was the turning point in my practice. No matter what-- I would never recant my faith, nor would I follow anyone but Nichiren. How else does one repay the debt of gratitude one incurs when another sees one through agonizing ordeals that no one else can even imagine? Me, the Gosho and daimoku--it was that simple-- years later I was fortunate enough to encounter the correct daimoku. I embraced Namu-immediately! And the light shone so brightly that my greatest obstacle, my SGIkeda-bot husband, became my best friend. He began chanting Namu- myoho-renge-kyo out of curiosity reading many of your posts here and Mark's as well. This was not an intellectually driven experience-- or even so much as a single doctrinal debate. It was a transformation that was witnessed by those closest to us who were hoping for our own sakes we would divorce!

Forbearance. What an adventure-- . I have my journals from the hell of incessant suffering, and my journals from strict adherence to Nichiren's admonitions against *dwelling with slanderers* that add up to a story that is difficult to convey to anyone who does not know what happens when practice progresses and understanding deepens--, or rather anyone who has not faced the devil of the sixth heaven--- but fortunately, I have the kind of actual proof that is reflected back by the very people whom I have striven the hardest to convince that SGI spawns evil men and women-- because of Ikeda's grave slander. Others can decide for themselves and choose whether or not to consider the errors that were rampant in Makiguchi's and Toda's practice as well--

The main point that you have brought home here, iainx cannot be repeated enough--. Think of how prolific a writer Nichiren was; how many different ways he could convey the meaning of something that will only be viewed as *simple* once one actually practices as he taught. You just won't get the simplicity chanting abbreviated daimoku and abandoning Shakyamuni, the Lotus Sutra and creating a streamlined practice that excludes the Juryo chapter-- for ease of *practice*. Those who veer so far off course cannot grasp the simplicity, or appreciate how many words it may require to convey what is simple, pure and true.

SGI says the same things over and over-- they repeat lies until they all believe them--- and fail to notice the huge discrepancies in their own banal teachings. These are all signs that "the poison has penetrated deeply"

And along comes @spacetreasury taunting a dragon with a riddle. How foolish he is! He seeks to create *personal doubt*-- to cause a reader to pause and feel intimidated by what appears to be a profound statement -- but is no more profound than to proclaim "wet birds don't fly at night"-- LOL-
And this would be laughable except that what @spacetreasury is actually doing is disregarding Nichiren, which is a dead give away as to his/her true identity.

He/she has identified which side of the fence he/she is on--- it is the one where Nichiren is neither believed nor regarded as the true teacher of the correct practice of the Lotus Sutra for this latter age. On *that side* of the fence they give a token high five to Nichiren for handing them the keys to Oz. They are despicable!

I often reflect on a *trusted, well respected senior leader* here in Boston bragging about how *they*, SGI-USA leaders are all in *lock step*-- So any one of them could man the keyboard and litter this forum using obfuscation tactics. Why? THEY are *really* all in trouble now. No one who truly follows Nichiren bothers with their shenanigans-- we go straight to the teachings, continue to devote ourselves to the Lotus Sutra by practicing Devotion to THE LOTUS SUTRA as Nichiren taught :Chanting : Na-mu-myo-ho-ren-ge-kyo.

It is really that simple !

You nailed it, iainx !!

No matter how they present themselves-- we can spot them in short order and they are frightfully similar :-O

Don't you find?

2016-09-26 05:59:30 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
"Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire
"When I look at the situation at Eagle Peack and ARBN, I find that the devil king of the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons, transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says, “Evil demons will take possession of others.”
Ah a new voice. So which side of the fence do you sit Space Treasury?
I always find it interesting when individuals online take on the names of great beings or the enlightened to represent themselves.
Your choice is particularly interesting. I wonder, do you really have this insight?
Are you the being that gave Nichiren such a great gift all those years ago?
Or are you simply a normal average woman but most likely a guy. Possibly with a fairly normal body type, but possibly on the slim or heavy side? Possibly in your 50's or 60's, or possibly a young buck who's a bit fresh and eager but yet to find out about the world (though you probably think you alone has got it sussed),
Someone who has read a bit of Sutra and perhaps some other texts and who now sits hunched over a keybaord, tablet or phone, projecting yourself into the cyberspace world, where you can be anything you like, from behind your Oz like visage?
Are you space treasury, who Julian I believe recently mentioned. And have you learned from the brevity of Julian's tight and cryptic posts, that making ambiguous statements, is a way to enlarge yourself, as the reader fills in the deliberate gaps, and protect yourself, for no meaning that is troublesome, can ever be ascribed?
Or perhaps you are robed and tonsured, in service to your cause? Would a monk claim such a name as yours? Is humility out of vogue. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Let's read some about who you are, who you seek to be, would have us accept you are, shall we?...
"Ākāśagarbha is regarded[who?] as one of the eight great bodhisattvas. His name can be translated as "boundless space treasury" or "void store" as his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself. He is sometimes known as the twin brother of the "earth store" bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha, and is even briefly mentioned in the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra.
Kūkai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism, met a famous monk who is said to have repeatedly chanted a mantra of Ākāśagarbha as a young Buddhist acolyte. Kūkai took a tutorial with him on Kokuzou-Gumonji (a secret doctorine method, 虚空蔵求聞持法).[1] As he chanted the mantra, he experienced a vision whereby Ākāśagarbha told him to go to China to seek understanding of the Mahāvairocana Abhisaṃbodhi Sūtra.[2] Later he would go to China to learn Tangmi from Huiguo, and then go on to found the Shingon sect of esoteric buddhism in Japan."
Impressive Space Treasury!
"his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself."
But wait! Did you not say...
"Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire"
Were you warning me? Were you warning against SGI members embracing the Daimoku, with faith as Nichiren taught?
Or were you warning us all that despite your name, you are not all you seem to be?
Another voice into the mix, you appeared on Eagle Peak just recently.
And then from there to here you jumped, straight into a post about the SGI and simplicity.
The very same that Julian disparaged. What is it about simplicity?
"At that time Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, in the evil and corrupt age of the last five-hundred-year period, if there is someone who accepts and upholds this sutra, I will guard and protect him, free him from decline and harm, see that he attains peace and tranquillity, and make certain that no one can spy out and take advantage of his shortcomings. No devil, devil’s son, devil’s daughter, devil’s minion, or one possessed by the devil, no yaksha, rakshasa, kumbhanda, pishacha, kritya, putana, vetada, or other being that torments humans will be able to take advantage of him."
“Whether that person is walking or standing, if he reads and recites this sutra, then at that time I will mount my six-tusked kingly white elephant and with my multitude of great bodhisattvas will proceed to where he is. I will manifest myself, offer alms, guard and protect him, and bring comfort to his mind. I will do this because I too want to offer alms to the Lotus Sutra.
If when that person is seated he ponders this sutra, at that time too I will mount my kingly white elephant and manifest myself in his presence. If that person should forget a single phrase or verse of the Lotus Sutra, I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding."
Brilliant! "I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding." Thank you Universal Worthy, thank you. :)
"At that time the person who accepts, upholds, reads, and recites the Lotus Sutra will be able to see my body, will be filled with great joy, and will apply himself with greater diligence than ever.
Because he has seen me, he will immediately acquire samadhis and dharanis. These are called the repetition dharani, the hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million repetition dharani, and the Dharma sound expedient dharani. He will acquire dharanis such as these."
Even better...and that time is now! :D
Later in that Chapter The Buddha responds
“Universal Worthy, if there are those who accept, uphold, read, and recite this Lotus Sutra, memorize it correctly, practice and transcribe it, you should know that such persons have seen Shakyamuni Buddha. It is as though they heard this sutra from the Buddha’s mouth."
"You should know that such persons have offered alms to Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that the Buddha has praised such persons as excellent. You should know that such persons have been patted on the head by Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that such persons have been covered in the robes of Shakyamuni Buddha."
Indeed we have to be diligent, we have to be sincere, we have to focus on our faith and be attentive to keep following the Law not the person other than the Buddha. But if we do...well then we are well guarded and well guided are we not?
"The Buddha said to the rakshasa daughters, “Excellent, excellent! If you can shield and guard those who accept and uphold the mere name of the Lotus Sutra, your merit will be immeasurable. How much more so if you shield and guard those who accept and uphold it in its entirety, who offer alms to the sutra rolls, flowers, incense, necklaces, powdered incense, paste incense, incense for burning, banners, canopies, music, who burn various kinds of lamps, lamps of butter oil, oil lamps, lamps of various fragrant oils, lamps of sumana flower oil, lamps of champaka flower oil, lamps of varshika flower oil, and lamps of utpala flower oil, and who in this manner offer hundreds and thousands of varieties of alms. Kunti, you and your attendants should shield and guard teachers of the Law such as these!”
So I hope that calms you Space Treasury. Your vast wisdom should not fear. With the Sutra and our faith and diligence, help is always, ever presently near.
It's simple. :D
Be well, be very well :)
Good to see that you are practicing safe Buddhism and taking precaution in order to protect yourself and others

Be well, stay out of hell
Katie Higgins
2016-09-26 06:33:12 UTC
"Good to see that you are practicing safe Buddhism and taking precaution in order to protect yourself and others
Be well, stay out of hell <<"

Don't spit into the wind, space treasury--- no matter how much you feel tempted to do so...

It's just not a good idea--

Just saying--- in case you are one of those shari hotsu with no common sense.

2016-09-26 07:01:34 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
"Good to see that you are practicing safe Buddhism and taking precaution in order to protect yourself and others
Be well, stay out of hell <<"
Don't spit into the wind, space treasury--- no matter how much you feel tempted to do so...
It's just not a good idea--
Just saying--- in case you are one of those shari hotsu with no common sense.
The Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism

Shāriputra [舎利弗] (; Pali Sāriputta;  Sharihotsu): One of Shakyamuni Buddha’s ten major disciples, known as foremost in wisdom.

Shāriputra means “son of Shārī” (Shārī was his mother). Shāriputra is also known as Upatishya (Pali Upatissa). Born to a Brahman family in Nālaka in the suburbs of Rājagriha, the capital of Magadha, he was a close friend of Maudgalyāyana from childhood. Together they had both become followers of Sanjaya Belatthiputta, a skeptic and one of the six non-Buddhist teachers.

Not long after Shakyamuni attained enlightenment, Shāriputra happened to meet Ashvajit, a disciple of Shakyamuni, at Rājagriha. Ashvajit taught him about the law of causation, and Shāriputra was so impressed by the implication of this doctrine and by Ashvajit’s noble bearing that he became Shakyamuni’s disciple.

Maudgalyāyana followed his friend into the Buddhist Order, and the two brought all of Sanjaya’s 250 disciples with them. From early on in Shakyamuni’s preaching life, both were reckoned by the Buddha as his foremost disciples.

Shāriputra in particular was esteemed by the Buddha so highly as to be regarded by him as his successor. He fell ill, however, and died several months before Shakyamuni in his native village, Nālaka.

In the Lotus Sutra, Shāriputra alone constitutes the first of the three groups of voice-hearers to have grasped the Buddha’s teaching, for he understood the Buddha’s intention on hearing him preach the true aspect of all phenomena in the “Expedient Means” (second) chapter of the sutra. The “Simile and Parable” (third) chapter predicts that he will in a future existence become a Buddha named Flower Glow.
Katie Higgins
2016-09-26 07:27:58 UTC
Post by spacetreasury
Post by Katie Higgins
"Good to see that you are practicing safe Buddhism and taking precaution in order to protect yourself and others
Be well, stay out of hell <<"
Don't spit into the wind, space treasury--- no matter how much you feel tempted to do so...
It's just not a good idea--
Just saying--- in case you are one of those shari hotsu with no common sense.
The Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism
Shāriputra [舎利弗] (; Pali Sāriputta;  Sharihotsu): One of Shakyamuni Buddha’s ten major disciples, known as foremost in wisdom.
Shāriputra means “son of Shārī” (Shārī was his mother). Shāriputra is also known as Upatishya (Pali Upatissa). Born to a Brahman family in Nālaka in the suburbs of Rājagriha, the capital of Magadha, he was a close friend of Maudgalyāyana from childhood. Together they had both become followers of Sanjaya Belatthiputta, a skeptic and one of the six non-Buddhist teachers.
Not long after Shakyamuni attained enlightenment, Shāriputra happened to meet Ashvajit, a disciple of Shakyamuni, at Rājagriha. Ashvajit taught him about the law of causation, and Shāriputra was so impressed by the implication of this doctrine and by Ashvajit’s noble bearing that he became Shakyamuni’s disciple.
Maudgalyāyana followed his friend into the Buddhist Order, and the two brought all of Sanjaya’s 250 disciples with them. From early on in Shakyamuni’s preaching life, both were reckoned by the Buddha as his foremost disciples.
Shāriputra in particular was esteemed by the Buddha so highly as to be regarded by him as his successor. He fell ill, however, and died several months before Shakyamuni in his native village, Nālaka.
In the Lotus Sutra, Shāriputra alone constitutes the first of the three groups of voice-hearers to have grasped the Buddha’s teaching, for he understood the Buddha’s intention on hearing him preach the true aspect of all phenomena in the “Expedient Means” (second) chapter of the sutra. The “Simile and Parable” (third) chapter predicts that he will in a future existence become a Buddha named Flower Glow.
Shariputra lived during the lifetime of the Buddha. Things have changed alot since mappo got underway.

Nichiren was humble in this regard--- grateful to be able to propagate the Buddha's teachings and sincere in his recognition of the obstacles that he would face.

Nichiren emphasized substituting *faith* for *wisdom*--- The voice hearers in the Latter age lack the common sense required to *believe* Nichiren, which we learn about in detail from Nichiren's own writings.

You apparently didn't get the memo, space-d out treasury!!

Was just giving you a "head's up"

2016-09-26 16:31:09 UTC
"The Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism"

Thank you Space and thanks for your good wishes.

The SGI Dictionary, interesting that's Chas's favourite too.

It's useful, I've got both versions in hardcover, which gives a greater range but they are still limited.

Careful you don't blunt your knowledge, if that's what you crave, by sticking to the narrowness of what is after all a particulat Dictionary, curated from a particular, organisational point of view.

But this is an interesting posting, I can understand the interest in Shariputra, a voice hearer, if you dwell on knowledge but it is limited nonetheless and doesn't really fit well woth your chosen screen name. Your interest is surprising:

"Shāriputra [舎利弗] (; Pali Sāriputta;  Sharihotsu): One of Shakyamuni Buddha’s ten major disciples, known as foremost in wisdom.

Shāriputra means “son of Shārī” (Shārī was his mother). Shāriputra is also known as Upatishya (Pali Upatissa). Born to a Brahman family in Nālaka in the suburbs of Rājagriha, the capital of Magadha, he was a close friend of Maudgalyāyana from childhood. Together they had both become followers of Sanjaya Belatthiputta, a skeptic and one of the six non-Buddhist teachers.

Not long after Shakyamuni attained enlightenment, Shāriputra happened to meet Ashvajit, a disciple of Shakyamuni, at Rājagriha. Ashvajit taught him about the law of causation, and Shāriputra was so impressed by the implication of this doctrine and by Ashvajit’s noble bearing that he became Shakyamuni’s disciple.

Maudgalyāyana followed his friend into the Buddhist Order, and the two brought all of Sanjaya’s 250 disciples with them. From early on in Shakyamuni’s preaching life, both were reckoned by the Buddha as his foremost disciples.

Shāriputra in particular was esteemed by the Buddha so highly as to be regarded by him as his successor. He fell ill, however, and died several months before Shakyamuni in his native village, Nālaka.

In the Lotus Sutra, Shāriputra alone constitutes the first of the three groups of voice-hearers to have grasped the Buddha’s teaching, for he understood the Buddha’s intention on hearing him preach the true aspect of all phenomena in the “Expedient Means” (second) chapter of the sutra. The “Simile and Parable” (third) chapter predicts that he will in a future existence become a Buddha named Flower Glow."

Perhaps it would have been better to dwell on the limits of Shariputra's knowledge, by pondering this:


"At that time Shariputra said to the dragon girl, “You suppose that in this short time you have been able to attain the unsurpassed way. But this is difficult to believe. Why? Because a woman’s body is soiled and defiled, not a vessel for the Law. How could you attain the unsurpassed enlightenment? The road to buddhahood is long and far-stretching. Only after one has spent immeasurable kalpas pursuing austerities, accumulating deeds, practicing all kinds of paramitas, can one finally achieve success. Moreover, a woman is subject to the five obstacles. First, she cannot become a Brahma heavenly king. Second, she cannot become a king Shakra. Third, she cannot become a devil king. Fourth, she cannot become a wheel-turning sage king. Fifth, she cannot become a buddha. How then could a woman like you be able to attain buddhahood so quickly?”

At that time the dragon girl had a precious jewel worth as much as the major world system, which she presented to the Buddha. The Buddha immediately accepted it. The dragon girl said to Bodhisattva Wisdom Accumulated and to the venerable one, Shariputra, “I presented the precious jewel and the world-honored one accepted it—was that not quickly done?”

They replied, “Very quickly!”

The girl said, “Employ your supernatural powers and watch me attain buddhahood. It will be even quicker than that!”

And even more so this:


"At that time the bodhisattvas mahasattva who had gathered from lands in other directions, greater in number than the sands of eight Ganges Rivers, stood up in the midst of the great assembly, pressed their palms together, bowed in obeisance, and said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, if you will permit us in the age after the Buddha has entered extinction to diligently and earnestly protect, embrace, read, recite, copy, and offer alms to this sutra in the saha world, we will preach it widely throughout this land!”

At that time the Buddha said to the bodhisattvas mahasattva: “Leave off, good men! There is no need for you to protect and embrace this sutra. Why? Because in this saha world of mine there are bodhisattvas mahasattva who are as numerous as the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers, and each of these bodhisattvas has a retinue equal to the sands of sixty thousand Ganges Rivers. After I have entered extinction these people will be able to protect, embrace, read, recite, and widely preach this sutra.”

And this:

"Be diligent and of a single mind,

for I wish to explain this affair.

Have no doubts or regrets—

the buddha wisdom is hard to fathom.

Now you must put forth the power of faith,

abiding in patience and goodness.

A Law that in the past was never heard

you will now all be able to hear.

Now I will bring you ease and consolation—

do not harbor doubts or fears.

The Buddha has nothing but truthful words,

his wisdom cannot be measured.

This foremost Law that he has gained

is very profound, incapable of analysis.

He will now expound it—

you must listen with a single mind."

Namu Myoho Renge-kyo, Space. No other knowedge is, indeed, purposeful. This is all one needs. Simple.

Be well :)
Katie Higgins
2016-09-26 23:39:25 UTC
Post by spacetreasury
Post by Katie Higgins
"Good to see that you are practicing safe Buddhism and taking precaution in order to protect yourself and others
Be well, stay out of hell <<"
Don't spit into the wind, space treasury--- no matter how much you feel tempted to do so...
It's just not a good idea--
Just saying--- in case you are one of those shari hotsu with no common sense.
The Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism
Shāriputra [舎利弗] (; Pali Sāriputta;  Sharihotsu): One of Shakyamuni Buddha’s ten major disciples, known as foremost in wisdom.
Shāriputra means “son of Shārī” (Shārī was his mother). Shāriputra is also known as Upatishya (Pali Upatissa). Born to a Brahman family in Nālaka in the suburbs of Rājagriha, the capital of Magadha, he was a close friend of Maudgalyāyana from childhood. Together they had both become followers of Sanjaya Belatthiputta, a skeptic and one of the six non-Buddhist teachers.
Not long after Shakyamuni attained enlightenment, Shāriputra happened to meet Ashvajit, a disciple of Shakyamuni, at Rājagriha. Ashvajit taught him about the law of causation, and Shāriputra was so impressed by the implication of this doctrine and by Ashvajit’s noble bearing that he became Shakyamuni’s disciple.
Maudgalyāyana followed his friend into the Buddhist Order, and the two brought all of Sanjaya’s 250 disciples with them. From early on in Shakyamuni’s preaching life, both were reckoned by the Buddha as his foremost disciples.
Shāriputra in particular was esteemed by the Buddha so highly as to be regarded by him as his successor. He fell ill, however, and died several months before Shakyamuni in his native village, Nālaka.
In the Lotus Sutra, Shāriputra alone constitutes the first of the three groups of voice-hearers to have grasped the Buddha’s teaching, for he understood the Buddha’s intention on hearing him preach the true aspect of all phenomena in the “Expedient Means” (second) chapter of the sutra. The “Simile and Parable” (third) chapter predicts that he will in a future existence become a Buddha named Flower Glow.
I think you have this part wrong , space--

<<"In the Lotus Sutra, Shāriputra alone constitutes the first of the three groups of voice-hearers to have grasped the Buddha’s teaching, for he understood the Buddha’s intention on hearing him preach the true aspect of all phenomena in the “Expedient Means” (second) chapter of the sutra. The “Simile and Parable” (third) chapter predicts that he will in a future existence become a Buddha named Flower Glow<<"

Shariputra *believed* Shakyamuni-- the teaching itself was beyond his comprehension and that is the point. It was *faith* NOT wisdom that opened the way for Shariputra to attain Buddhahood.

2016-09-27 04:20:19 UTC
Katie Higgin's Errors +


On Saturday, July 9, 2016 at 5:07:50 PM UTC-7, Katie Higgins wrote:


||| How do I display my own adoring reverence for Shakyamuni ?
||| I have a small statue of Shakyamuni on the altar table
||| beneath my Gohonzon. I bow in reverence to it and chant
||| daimoku three times.


Instead of focusing on your fuzzy distortions of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, let's focus on these clear and indisputable mistakes.

1. In spite of the fact that one might have the "supreme object of devotion throughout Jambudvipa", the Gohonzon of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism enshrined in one's altar, one has decided (horribly) to augment that with the lesser acretion of a statue of Shakyamuni, who is a provisional Buddha and a function of the true and eternal Buddha.

This fact itself is demonstrated on the Gohonzon, and in the ceremony in the air in the one chapter and two halves of the Lotus Sutra.

Shakyamuni is on the left and Many Treasures (Taho) on the right seated in the Treasure Tower, whereas in the assembly centrally located and predominant over all is the devoted name of the eternal Buddha: NAM-MYOHO-RENGE-KYO. The name of the eternal Buddha who presides over the domain of Jambudvipa (our reality) is in fact Myoho-Renge and not Shakyamuni: and that is true in three ways (santai), across all nonsubstantiality, temporary existence and the middle way. This could not have been made more clear by the inscription of the Gohonzon.

Shakyamuni and Many Treasures occupy the same seat in the Treasure Tower that arises when Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is invoked and the ceremony in the air is recapitulated. That is manifesting Buddhahood, which is eternally inherent in all Buddhas (in all common mortals, in all living beings.) Shakyamuni and Many Treasures are provisional Buddhas and functions of the eternal Buddha, which is yourself and myself and all other selves across the ten directions and the three existences.

Otherwise one would be chanting Shakyamuni's name and not Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo. And then one's practice could not possibly work to make their life happier, even if it is true that one completely undermines the effects of chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo with their abundant slanders, which you do and that is why you appear to be an extremely unhappy person, Katie. You merely have to empirically examine your "rhetoric", filled with ad hominem fallacious reasoning to adduce that, it's not rocket science.

"Ad hominem" meaning slurs directed at others, who are common mortals and the true Buddha, as opposed to the erroneous thoughts, words and deeds that they outflow.

2. Because of the logic of number 1 above, one should have discarded all other objects of devotion, which are lesser. This is because one's true nature actually DOES NOTICE that one is worshiping a lesser object of devotion than the supreme object of devotion, the Gohonzon: and then one has undermined their life condition, which WILL ABSOLUTELY DISALLOW ONE FROM MANIFESTING THEIR BUDDHAHOOD.

3. Then there is the practice of ignoring the teachings of Nichiren Daishonin that contradict one's slanderous practice: this creates one's own private version of the Gosho Zenshu (missing the contravening Gosho letters and the Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings, which are hated by you all.) Creating this "personal and private" version of Nichiren Daishonin's writings is an example of what Nichiren Daishonin calls "appropriating" and "plagiarizing."

One hates these offending Gosho passages and those Gosho SO MUCH, that one cannot even open the book to those pages, and then one fabricates stories and reasons to discredit those hated Gosho passages and Goshos, and finally to complete this act of treason, one drops them from their appropriated and plagiarized version of the Gosho (if one is Nichiren Shu.)

4. Numbers 1 and 2 above are the reason why we don't chant to images, since images cannot have the true aspect, only the Gohonzon has the true aspect, which means without having aspect (from the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra, without which the Lotus Sutra would lack the clear understanding of true aspect, and would therefore be less complete.)

From the Gosho you hate, The True Aspect of All Phenomena, WND I, p. 384:

... “All phenomena” in the sutra refers to the Ten Worlds, and
... the “true aspect,” to what they actually are. THE “TRUE
... phenomena are Myoho-renge-kyo. Hell’s displaying the form
... of hell is its true aspect. When hell changes into the
... realm of hungry spirits, that is no longer the true form of
... hell. A Buddha displays the form of a Buddha, and a common
... mortal, that of a common mortal. The entities of all
... phenomena are entities of Myoho-renge-kyo. That is the
... meaning of “the true aspect of all phenomena.” T’ien-t’ai
... states that the profound principle of the true aspect is
... the originally inherent Myoho-renge-kyo. This
... interpretation identifies the phrase “true aspect” with the
... theoretical teaching and “the originally inherent
... Myoho-renge-kyo” with the essential teaching. You should
... ponder this interpretation deep in your heart.

'The “true aspect” is another name for Myoho-renge-kyo; hence all phenomena are Myoho-renge-kyo.'

This is the fruit of the clear understanding of that description of true aspect.

If the true aspect was an image of Shakyamuni, then it could not be Myoho-Renge-Kyo, because Myoho-Renge-Kyo is without aspect, you cannot view it from any point and see an aspect.

Also, then all entities and phenomena could not be the true entity of Myoho-Renge-Kyo, without having the aspect of Shakyamuni, were Shakyamuni's image the true aspect.

All phenomena are the true aspect AND Myoho-Renge-Kyo, precisely because the true aspect means: without having the aspect of any specific or particular entity.

This also, BTW, explains that passage with all of the negations from the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra:

... his body neither existing nor not existing,
... neither caused nor conditioned, neither self nor other,
... neither square nor round, neither short nor long,
... neither appearing nor disappearing, neither born nor extinguished,
... neither created nor arising, neither acted nor made,
... neither sitting nor lying down, neither walking nor standing,
... neither moving nor turning, neither idle nor still,
... neither advancing nor retreating, neither in safety nor danger,
... neither right nor wrong, neither gaining nor losing,
... neither that nor this, neither departing nor coming,
... neither blue nor yellow, neither red nor white,
... neither crimson nor purple nor any other sort of color

This is all straightforward and clear from the reading of the supreme teaching and the Gosho.

A second time, from the Gosho you hate, The True Aspect of All Phenomena, WND I, p. 384:

... Although not worthy of the honor, I, Nichiren, was
... nevertheless the first to spread the Mystic Law entrusted
... to Bodhisattva Superior Practices for propagation in the
... Latter Day of the Law. I was also the first, though only
... Bodhisattva Superior Practices is so empowered, to inscribe
... [the object of devotion as] the embodiment of Shakyamuni
... Buddha from the remote past as revealed in the “Life Span”
... chapter of the essential teaching, of Many Treasures Buddha
... who appeared when the “Treasure Tower” chapter of the
... theoretical teaching was preached, and of the Bodhisattvas
... of the Earth who arrived with the “Emerging from the Earth”
... chapter. Though people may hate me, they cannot possibly
... alter the fact of my enlightenment.

Nichiren Daishonin enscribed all of those onto the Gohonzon. Not onto an image of Shakyamuni. Shakyamuni could not reveal the daimoku at the heart of the Lotus Sutra, not inscribe the Gohonzon, according to Nichiren Daishonin, who did both.

A third time, from the Gosho you hate, The True Aspect of All Phenomena, WND I, p. 384:

... Therefore, to have exiled me, Nichiren, to this remote
... island is, I believe, an offense that can never be
... expiated, even with the passing of countless kalpas. A
... passage from the “Simile and Parable” chapter reads, “If I
... were to describe the punishments [that fall on persons who
... slander this sutra], I could exhaust a kalpa and never come
... to the end.” On the other hand, not even the wisdom of the
... Buddha can fathom the blessings that one will obtain by
... giving alms to Nichiren and by becoming his disciple and
... lay supporter. The sutra reads, “[The benefits he gains
... thereby will be such that] even the Buddha wisdom could
... never finish calculating their extent.”

Hence, slanderers, who deny the very intent of this sutra, which is its heart, commit "an offense that can never be expiated, even with the passing of countless kalpas."

However, there is hope even for them, because:

'The sutra reads, “[The benefits he gains thereby will be such that] even the Buddha wisdom could never finish calculating their extent.”'

Finally, a fourth time, from the Gosho you hate, The True Aspect of All Phenomena, WND I, p. 385:

... Nichiren alone took the lead in carrying out the task of
... the Bodhisattvas of the Earth. He may even be one of them.
... If Nichiren is to be counted among the Bodhisattvas of the
... Earth, then so must his disciples and lay supporters. The
... sutra states: “If one [of these good men or good women in
... the time after I have passed into extinction] is able to
... secretly expound the Lotus Sutra to one person, even one
... phrase of it, then you should know that he or she is the
... envoy of the Thus Come One. He has been dispatched by the
... Thus Come One and carries out the Thus Come One’s work.”
... Who else but us can this possibly refer to?


One more time I will offer up the Immeasurable Meanings Sutra passage explaining the true aspect, which is why Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo is the daimoku and why the Gohonzon is the supreme object of worship and not pictures or statues of dogs, cats, elephants, people, Shakyamuni, Nichiren Daishonin, or any Hindu combinations thereof.

Immeasurable Meanings Sutra, Chapter 2, "Preaching the Law", Lotus Sutra pp.12-13:

... The Buddha said: “Good men, this single doctrine is called
... the doctrine of immeasurable meanings. If bodhisattvas wish
... to practice and study these immeasurable meanings, then
... they should observe and perceive how ALL PHENOMENA, FROM
... “But living beings in their VAIN DELUSIONS MAKE WILD
... transmigrating through the six paths of existence and
... undergoing sufferings and bitterness for immeasurable
... millions of kalpas without ever being able to escape.
... “Bodhisattvas mahasattva, clearly perceiving that this is
... so, are moved to pity in their minds, and inspired by great
... compassion, wish to rescue these beings from their plight.
... “When bodhisattvas have in this manner OBSERVED THE
... “Once they have gained this perception, then they must turn
... to the capacities, natures, and desires of living beings.
... Because such natures and desires are immeasurable in
... variety, the ways of preaching the Law are immeasurable;
... and because the ways of preaching the Law are immeasurable,
... its meanings are likewise immeasurable. THESE IMMEASURABLE
... “When bodhisattvas mahasattva rest and abide in this
... understanding of the true aspect of all phenomena, then the
... pity and compassion that they put forth will be based on
... clear understanding and not groundless, and they will be
... truly capable of rescuing living beings from the sufferings
... that they undergo. And once they have rescued them from
... suffering, they will preach the Law for them and enable
... living beings to enjoy ease and delight.

So, Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo really does not sound like anything else and the Gohonzon really does look like anything else, not like a picture or a statue of Shakyamuni.

It reflects the inner glory of a common mortal, who is the true Buddha.

Katie Higgins
2016-09-27 05:06:09 UTC
Right on cue-- same 'ol rubbish--

Thanks Chas--

2016-09-28 00:35:14 UTC
Sharing these profound gosho's with katie gives true meaning of the phrase Do not cast your pearls before swine lest they trample them under foot
JazzIs TvRicky
2016-09-28 01:17:55 UTC
lyal what a wonderful poem dedicated to the Devils Brigade. I haven't encountered you, who are a fresh breeze of faith.

2016-09-27 10:44:29 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
"Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire
"When I look at the situation at Eagle Peack and ARBN, I find that the devil king of the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons, transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says, “Evil demons will take possession of others.”
Ah a new voice. So which side of the fence do you sit Space Treasury?
I always find it interesting when individuals online take on the names of great beings or the enlightened to represent themselves.
Your choice is particularly interesting. I wonder, do you really have this insight?
Are you the being that gave Nichiren such a great gift all those years ago?
Or are you simply a normal average woman but most likely a guy. Possibly with a fairly normal body type, but possibly on the slim or heavy side? Possibly in your 50's or 60's, or possibly a young buck who's a bit fresh and eager but yet to find out about the world (though you probably think you alone has got it sussed),
Someone who has read a bit of Sutra and perhaps some other texts and who now sits hunched over a keybaord, tablet or phone, projecting yourself into the cyberspace world, where you can be anything you like, from behind your Oz like visage?
Are you space treasury, who Julian I believe recently mentioned. And have you learned from the brevity of Julian's tight and cryptic posts, that making ambiguous statements, is a way to enlarge yourself, as the reader fills in the deliberate gaps, and protect yourself, for no meaning that is troublesome, can ever be ascribed?
Or perhaps you are robed and tonsured, in service to your cause? Would a monk claim such a name as yours? Is humility out of vogue. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Let's read some about who you are, who you seek to be, would have us accept you are, shall we?...
"Ākāśagarbha is regarded[who?] as one of the eight great bodhisattvas. His name can be translated as "boundless space treasury" or "void store" as his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself. He is sometimes known as the twin brother of the "earth store" bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha, and is even briefly mentioned in the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra.
Kūkai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism, met a famous monk who is said to have repeatedly chanted a mantra of Ākāśagarbha as a young Buddhist acolyte. Kūkai took a tutorial with him on Kokuzou-Gumonji (a secret doctorine method, 虚空蔵求聞持法).[1] As he chanted the mantra, he experienced a vision whereby Ākāśagarbha told him to go to China to seek understanding of the Mahāvairocana Abhisaṃbodhi Sūtra.[2] Later he would go to China to learn Tangmi from Huiguo, and then go on to found the Shingon sect of esoteric buddhism in Japan."
Impressive Space Treasury!
"his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself."
But wait! Did you not say...
"Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire"
Were you warning me? Were you warning against SGI members embracing the Daimoku, with faith as Nichiren taught?
Or were you warning us all that despite your name, you are not all you seem to be?
Another voice into the mix, you appeared on Eagle Peak just recently.
And then from there to here you jumped, straight into a post about the SGI and simplicity.
The very same that Julian disparaged. What is it about simplicity?
"At that time Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, in the evil and corrupt age of the last five-hundred-year period, if there is someone who accepts and upholds this sutra, I will guard and protect him, free him from decline and harm, see that he attains peace and tranquillity, and make certain that no one can spy out and take advantage of his shortcomings. No devil, devil’s son, devil’s daughter, devil’s minion, or one possessed by the devil, no yaksha, rakshasa, kumbhanda, pishacha, kritya, putana, vetada, or other being that torments humans will be able to take advantage of him."
“Whether that person is walking or standing, if he reads and recites this sutra, then at that time I will mount my six-tusked kingly white elephant and with my multitude of great bodhisattvas will proceed to where he is. I will manifest myself, offer alms, guard and protect him, and bring comfort to his mind. I will do this because I too want to offer alms to the Lotus Sutra.
If when that person is seated he ponders this sutra, at that time too I will mount my kingly white elephant and manifest myself in his presence. If that person should forget a single phrase or verse of the Lotus Sutra, I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding."
Brilliant! "I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding." Thank you Universal Worthy, thank you. :)
"At that time the person who accepts, upholds, reads, and recites the Lotus Sutra will be able to see my body, will be filled with great joy, and will apply himself with greater diligence than ever.
Because he has seen me, he will immediately acquire samadhis and dharanis. These are called the repetition dharani, the hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million repetition dharani, and the Dharma sound expedient dharani. He will acquire dharanis such as these."
Even better...and that time is now! :D
Later in that Chapter The Buddha responds
“Universal Worthy, if there are those who accept, uphold, read, and recite this Lotus Sutra, memorize it correctly, practice and transcribe it, you should know that such persons have seen Shakyamuni Buddha. It is as though they heard this sutra from the Buddha’s mouth."
"You should know that such persons have offered alms to Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that the Buddha has praised such persons as excellent. You should know that such persons have been patted on the head by Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that such persons have been covered in the robes of Shakyamuni Buddha."
"The Buddha said to the rakshasa daughters, “Excellent, excellent! If you can shield and guard those who accept and uphold the mere name of the Lotus Sutra, your merit will be immeasurable. How much more so if you shield and guard those who accept and uphold it in its entirety, who offer alms to the sutra rolls, flowers, incense, necklaces, powdered incense, paste incense, incense for burning, banners, canopies, music, who burn various kinds of lamps, lamps of butter oil, oil lamps, lamps of various fragrant oils, lamps of sumana flower oil, lamps of champaka flower oil, lamps of varshika flower oil, and lamps of utpala flower oil, and who in this manner offer hundreds and thousands of varieties of alms. Kunti, you and your attendants should shield and guard teachers of the Law such as these!”
So I hope that calms you Space Treasury. Your vast wisdom should not fear. With the Sutra and our faith and diligence, help is always, ever presently near.
It's simple. :D
Be well, be very well :)
Hi iainxcess

I find your's and Katie's reaction overwhelming over how you both can deride new blogger in this forum that chose a beautiful name that represents the wisdom body that we all posses as if they have committed a crime. The wisdom that comes through faith is what we all should be aspiring too but if our faith is warped we will be crooked.

And even though we may have the sutra, nichirens teachings, Daimoku and authentic Gohonzon they will be useless in the hands of a fool of incorrigible disbelief that would exhibit behavior such as yours

iainx"are you simply a normal average woman but most likely a guy. Possibly with a fairly normal body type, but possibly on the slim or heavy side? Possibly in your 50's or 60's, or possibly a young buck who's a bit fresh and eager but yet to find out about the world (though you probably think you alone has got it sussed)," I am not alone we are many and we are one

What does iainx mean, why did you choose it, whats you real name and are you hetro, LGBTQIA I wonder what you get up to when your not stroking your greasy keyboard wondering about the physique of the other blogger.

If you don't like what I say then learn to control that loose cannon mind of yours before you spread your slimy fingertips over that keyboard and stick to copying and pasting reliable Lotus Sutra and Gosho passages so you don't stuff up, like what you have done with me and no doubt with some of the other contributors that you have shown disrespect to in this forum

Hip hip hooray you made it out of SGI and now acting out your delusion of grandeur Moses character. Have you thought it out where you are leading them or is it into a deeper hole than what you have just crawled out of

"Indeed we have to be diligent, we have to be sincere, we have to focus on our faith and be attentive to keep following the Law not the person other than the Buddha. But if we do...well then we are well guarded and well guided are we not?"

Sorry iainx and and co if you are following, have faith in a counterfeit Law the demons will have a field day with you because the Buddhist Gods cannot protect you from the coming onslaught as they can smell death a mile away so you had better freshen up

Be well stay out of hell
2016-09-27 13:08:17 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
"Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire
"When I look at the situation at Eagle Peack and ARBN, I find that the devil king of the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons, transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says, “Evil demons will take possession of others.”
Ah a new voice. So which side of the fence do you sit Space Treasury?
I always find it interesting when individuals online take on the names of great beings or the enlightened to represent themselves.
Your choice is particularly interesting. I wonder, do you really have this insight?
Are you the being that gave Nichiren such a great gift all those years ago?
Or are you simply a normal average woman but most likely a guy. Possibly with a fairly normal body type, but possibly on the slim or heavy side? Possibly in your 50's or 60's, or possibly a young buck who's a bit fresh and eager but yet to find out about the world (though you probably think you alone has got it sussed),
Someone who has read a bit of Sutra and perhaps some other texts and who now sits hunched over a keybaord, tablet or phone, projecting yourself into the cyberspace world, where you can be anything you like, from behind your Oz like visage?
Are you space treasury, who Julian I believe recently mentioned. And have you learned from the brevity of Julian's tight and cryptic posts, that making ambiguous statements, is a way to enlarge yourself, as the reader fills in the deliberate gaps, and protect yourself, for no meaning that is troublesome, can ever be ascribed?
Or perhaps you are robed and tonsured, in service to your cause? Would a monk claim such a name as yours? Is humility out of vogue. I wonder, I wonder, I wonder. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps.
Let's read some about who you are, who you seek to be, would have us accept you are, shall we?...
"Ākāśagarbha is regarded[who?] as one of the eight great bodhisattvas. His name can be translated as "boundless space treasury" or "void store" as his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself. He is sometimes known as the twin brother of the "earth store" bodhisattva Kṣitigarbha, and is even briefly mentioned in the Kṣitigarbha Bodhisattva Pūrvapraṇidhāna Sūtra.
Kūkai, the founder of Shingon Buddhism, met a famous monk who is said to have repeatedly chanted a mantra of Ākāśagarbha as a young Buddhist acolyte. Kūkai took a tutorial with him on Kokuzou-Gumonji (a secret doctorine method, 虚空蔵求聞持法).[1] As he chanted the mantra, he experienced a vision whereby Ākāśagarbha told him to go to China to seek understanding of the Mahāvairocana Abhisaṃbodhi Sūtra.[2] Later he would go to China to learn Tangmi from Huiguo, and then go on to found the Shingon sect of esoteric buddhism in Japan."
Impressive Space Treasury!
"his wisdom is said to be boundless as space itself."
But wait! Did you not say...
"Watch out insidious deception from the frying pan into the fire"
Were you warning me? Were you warning against SGI members embracing the Daimoku, with faith as Nichiren taught?
Or were you warning us all that despite your name, you are not all you seem to be?
Another voice into the mix, you appeared on Eagle Peak just recently.
And then from there to here you jumped, straight into a post about the SGI and simplicity.
The very same that Julian disparaged. What is it about simplicity?
"At that time Bodhisattva Universal Worthy said to the Buddha: “World-Honored One, in the evil and corrupt age of the last five-hundred-year period, if there is someone who accepts and upholds this sutra, I will guard and protect him, free him from decline and harm, see that he attains peace and tranquillity, and make certain that no one can spy out and take advantage of his shortcomings. No devil, devil’s son, devil’s daughter, devil’s minion, or one possessed by the devil, no yaksha, rakshasa, kumbhanda, pishacha, kritya, putana, vetada, or other being that torments humans will be able to take advantage of him."
“Whether that person is walking or standing, if he reads and recites this sutra, then at that time I will mount my six-tusked kingly white elephant and with my multitude of great bodhisattvas will proceed to where he is. I will manifest myself, offer alms, guard and protect him, and bring comfort to his mind. I will do this because I too want to offer alms to the Lotus Sutra.
If when that person is seated he ponders this sutra, at that time too I will mount my kingly white elephant and manifest myself in his presence. If that person should forget a single phrase or verse of the Lotus Sutra, I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding."
Brilliant! "I will prompt him and join him in reading and reciting so that he will gain understanding." Thank you Universal Worthy, thank you. :)
"At that time the person who accepts, upholds, reads, and recites the Lotus Sutra will be able to see my body, will be filled with great joy, and will apply himself with greater diligence than ever.
Because he has seen me, he will immediately acquire samadhis and dharanis. These are called the repetition dharani, the hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million repetition dharani, and the Dharma sound expedient dharani. He will acquire dharanis such as these."
Even better...and that time is now! :D
Later in that Chapter The Buddha responds
“Universal Worthy, if there are those who accept, uphold, read, and recite this Lotus Sutra, memorize it correctly, practice and transcribe it, you should know that such persons have seen Shakyamuni Buddha. It is as though they heard this sutra from the Buddha’s mouth."
"You should know that such persons have offered alms to Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that the Buddha has praised such persons as excellent. You should know that such persons have been patted on the head by Shakyamuni Buddha. You should know that such persons have been covered in the robes of Shakyamuni Buddha."
Indeed we have to be diligent, we have to be sincere, we have to focus on our faith and be attentive to keep following the Law not the person other than the Buddha. But if we do...well then we are well guarded and well guided are we not?
"The Buddha said to the rakshasa daughters, “Excellent, excellent! If you can shield and guard those who accept and uphold the mere name of the Lotus Sutra, your merit will be immeasurable. How much more so if you shield and guard those who accept and uphold it in its entirety, who offer alms to the sutra rolls, flowers, incense, necklaces, powdered incense, paste incense, incense for burning, banners, canopies, music, who burn various kinds of lamps, lamps of butter oil, oil lamps, lamps of various fragrant oils, lamps of sumana flower oil, lamps of champaka flower oil, lamps of varshika flower oil, and lamps of utpala flower oil, and who in this manner offer hundreds and thousands of varieties of alms. Kunti, you and your attendants should shield and guard teachers of the Law such as these!”
So I hope that calms you Space Treasury. Your vast wisdom should not fear. With the Sutra and our faith and diligence, help is always, ever presently near.
It's simple. :D
Be well, be very well :)
Hi iainxcess

I find your's and Katie's reaction overwhelming over how you both can deride new blogger in this forum that chose a great name that represents the wisdom body that we all posses as if they have committed a crime. The wisdom that comes through faith is what we all should be aspiring too but if our faith is warped we will be crooked.

And even though we may have the sutra, nichirens teachings, Daimoku and authentic Gohonzon they will be useless in the hands of a fool of incorrigible disbelief that would exhibit behavior such as yours

iainx"are you simply a normal average woman but most likely a guy. Possibly with a fairly normal body type, but possibly on the slim or heavy side? Possibly in your 50's or 60's, or possibly a young buck who's a bit fresh and eager but yet to find out about the world (though you probably think you alone has got it sussed)," I am not alone we are many and we are one

What does iainx mean, why did you choose it, whats you real name and are you hetro, LGBTQIA I wonder what you get up to when your not stroking your greasy keyboard wondering about the physique of the other blogger.

If you don't like what I say then learn to control that loose cannon mind of yours before you spread your slimy fingertips over that keyboard and stick to copying and pasting reliable Lotus Sutra and Gosho passages so you don't stuff up, like what you have done with me and no doubt with some of the other contributors that you have shown disrespect to in this forum

Hip hip hooray you made it out of SGI and now acting out your delusion of grandeur Moses character. Have you thought it out where you are leading them or is it into a deeper hole than what you have just crawled out of

"Indeed we have to be diligent, we have to be sincere, we have to focus on our faith and be attentive to keep following the Law not the person other than the Buddha. But if we do...well then we are well guarded and well guided are we not?"

Sorry iainx and and co if you are following, have faith in a counterfeit Law and wrong Buddha the demons & Buddhist Gods cannot protect you from the coming onslaught from those demons that would of protected you had you been not slandering the Law and Buddha. They can smell death a mile away so you had better freshen up

Your not the Mr nice guy or Ms Nice lady that you project from under that putrid gossamer veneer your smeared in

You and Hatie make a good bad couple you deserve each other

Be well stay out of hell or Be scared be very scared
2016-09-27 14:14:41 UTC
Ricky... is that you?
Katie Higgins
2016-09-27 16:17:25 UTC
He has a habit of disappearing then reappearing in a poorly constructed disguise 🙀

It's that 'ol SGIkeda " Dances with Wolves in Sheep's garb" maneuver 😁

2016-09-28 05:10:22 UTC
Iain's questions regarding 'who is the eternal Buddha', answered here +

On Wednesday, July 20, 2016 at 10:46:59 PM UTC-7, ***@gmail.com wrote:
||| ... "Here's a question for you, Katie Higgins. Is the
||| ... Lotus Sutra also faked?
||| ...
||| ... If Shakyamuni is the eternal Buddha, then how can
||| ... he be the sixteenth son of the father Great
||| ... Universal Wisdom Excellence from who he became
||| ... enlightened, who became enlightened from the
||| ... nameless grandfather (who is the eternal Buddha we
||| ... call Myoho-Renge of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.)"
||| 1) "who is the eternal Buddha we call Myoho-Renge of
||| Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo"
||| A) For readers convenience can you cite and reference the
||| Gosho quotes where Nichiren defines Myoho Renge as the
||| Eternal Buddha.

Under the presumption that on your slide down into the Nichiren Shu statue worshiping, that you have not yet declared the Gosho, "The Entity of the Mystic Law" to be a fake, then for WND I, p. 417-418:

... Question: What is the entity of Myoho-renge-kyo?
... Answer: All beings and their environments in any of the Ten
... Worlds are themselves entities of Myoho-renge-kyo.
... Question: If so, then is it possible to say that all living
... beings, such as ourselves, are entities of the Mystic Law
... in its entirety?
... Answer: Of course. The sutra says, “This reality [the true
... aspect of all phenomena] consists of the appearance, nature
... ... and their consistency from beginning to end.”
... The Great Teacher Miao-lo comments on this as follows: “The
... true aspect invariably manifests in all phenomena, and all
... phenomena invariably manifest in the ten factors. The ten
... factors invariably manifest in the Ten Worlds, and the Ten
... Worlds invariably manifest in life and its environment.”
... T’ien-t’ai commented, “All phenomena consisting of the ten
... factors, Ten Worlds, and three thousand realms are entities
... of the Lotus Sutra.”
... The Great Teacher Nan-yüeh says, “Question: What does
... Myoho-renge-kyo represent? Answer: Myō indicates that all
... living beings are myō, or mystic. Hō indicates that all
... living beings are hō, or the Law.” T’ien-t’ai also says,
... “The Law of all living beings is mystic.”
... Question: If the entity of all living beings is the Mystic
... Law in its entirety, then are all the actions and their
... results that are associated with the nine worlds, from the
... world of hell up to that of bodhisattvas, in effect
... entities of the Mystic Law?
... Answer: The mystic principle that is the essential nature
... of phenomena possesses two aspects, the defiled aspect and
... the pure aspect. If the defiled aspect is operative, this
... is called delusion. If the pure aspect is operative, this
... is called enlightenment. Enlightenment constitutes the
... realm of Buddhahood. Delusion constitutes the realms of
... ordinary mortals.
... These two aspects, the deluded and the enlightened, are
... indeed two different phenomena, and yet both are workings
... of the one principle, that is, the essential nature of
... phenomena, or the true aspect of reality. It is like a
... piece of crystal. If the crystal is placed in the sun’s
... rays, it will attract them and produce fire. But if it is
... placed in the moon’s rays, it will produce water. The
... crystal is a single entity, but the effects it produces
... differ according to the circumstances.
... The mystic principle of the true aspect of reality is like
... this. The mystic principle of the true aspect of reality is
... one, but if it encounters evil influences, it will manifest
... delusion, while if it encounters good influences, it
... will manifest enlightenment. Enlightenment means
... enlightenment to the essential nature of phenomena, and
... delusion, ignorance of it.
... It is like the case of a person who in a dream sees himself
... performing various good and evil actions. After he wakes up
... and considers the matter, he realizes that it was all a
... dream produced by his own mind. This mind of his
... corresponds to the single principle of the essential nature
... of phenomena, the true aspect of reality, while the good
... and evil that appeared in the dream correspond to
... enlightenment and delusion. When one becomes aware of this,
... it is clear that one should discard the ignorance
... associated with evil and delusion, and take as one’s basis
... the awakening that is characterized by goodness and
... enlightenment.

Myoho is the Mystic Law part, Renge the Entity part and the Sutra is the teaching about their interwoven two, but not two, fusion. Anytime Nichiren Daishonin says in English "Entity(ies) of the Mystic Law", that is Myoho-Renge in Japanese/Chinese.

"... all living beings, such as ourselves, are entities of the Mystic Law in its entirety? Answer: Of course."

That states it from Nichiren Daishonin, then from Miao-lo, then from T'ien-t’ai.

Then Nan-yüeh says it and T'ien-t’ai again: '“Question: What does Myoho-renge-kyo represent? Answer: Myō indicates that all living beings are myō, or mystic. Hō indicates that all living beings are hō, or the Law.” T’ien-t’ai also says, “The Law of all living beings is mystic.”'

The Buddhas in the ten directions are the world of living beings.

Here Nichiren Daishonin directly names Myoho-Renge as the Entity of the Mystic Law, who is the true Buddha and a common mortal:

From "The Entity of the Mystic Law", WND I, p. 423:

... Question: If so, then what passage contains a full
... elucidation of the entity?
... Answer: The passage in the “Expedient Means” chapter that
... deals with the true aspect of all phenomena.
... Question: How do we know that this passage deals with the
... lotus that is the entity?
... Answer: Because T’ien-t’ai and Miao-lo quote this passage
... when they explain the essence of the Lotus Sutra. And the
... Great Teacher Dengyō in his commentary also writes,
... Furthermore, actual evidence of the entity is to be found
... in the examples of the three kinds of Buddhas described in
... the “Treasure Tower” chapter, the bodhisattvas who appeared
... from the earth, and the dragon king’s daughter who attained
... Buddhahood in her present form. The Bodhisattvas of the
... Earth offer actual evidence because, as a passage of the
... Lotus Sutra says, “[They are unsoiled by worldly things]
... like the lotus flower in the water.” Thus we learn of the
... true entity of these bodhisattvas. And the dragon king’s
... daughter offers actual evidence because she made her
... appearance at the gathering at Eagle Peak, “seated on a
... thousand-petaled lotus blossom big as a carriage wheel.”
... Moreover, the thirty-four manifestations of Bodhisattva
... Wonderful Sound and the thirty-three manifestations of
... Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds constitute
... further evidence. For, as the commentary says, “If he had
... not gained the mysterious power of perfect freedom of
... action through the meditation based on the Lotus Sutra,
... then how could he manifest these thirty-three different
... forms?”
... In addition, there is the sutra passage that states, “...
... the characteristics of the world are constantly abiding.”
... All these passages are documentary proofs cited by the
... scholars of our time. Personally, however, I prefer to cite
... the passage in the “Expedient Means” chapter on the true
... aspect of all phenomena and the passage in the
... “Supernatural Powers” chapter that refers to “all the
... doctrines possessed by the Thus Come One.” This last
... passage is also cited by the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai in
... his commentary explaining the five major principles of the
... Lotus Sutra. Therefore, I feel that this passage in
... particular can be cited as certain proof of the entity of
... the Mystic Law.

Of course this is confirmed in the Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings as well.

||| B) And provide the Gosho quotes where Nichiren defines the
||| Eternal Buddha of the 16th Chapter as anyone other than Shakyamuni.

Gosho Zenshu - Ongi Kuden quote I already showed you, "Parable of the Phantom City", Point Four:

... The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: In
... this passage we learn about the Buddha of the original
... state [that is, the Buddha of limitless joy]. “Grandfather”
... is another name for the Dharma-realm. The first three of
... the ten factors listed in the “Expedient Means” chapter,
... the factors of appearance, nature, and entity, are referred
... to as “grandfather.” Outside of these three factors, there
... is no wheel-turning sage king.

||| C) Nichiren disparaged and refuted schools that taught believers to
||| follow other buddha's as a means for salvation, stating
||| that Shakayamuni alone had actual connection with this world.
||| Please cite the Goshos where Nichiren teaches otherwise.

From the "The True Aspect of All Phenomena", WND I, p. 384:

... Therefore, the two Buddhas, Shakyamuni and Many Treasures,
... are Buddhas who are functions [of Myoho-renge-kyo]. It is
... Myoho-renge-kyo that is the true Buddha. This is what is
... described in the sutra as “the Thus Come One’s secret and
... his transcendental powers.” The “Thus Come One’s secret”
... refers to the entity of the Buddha’s three bodies, and it
... refers to the true Buddha. “His transcendental powers”
... refers to the functions of the three bodies, and it refers
... to provisional Buddhas. A common mortal is an entity of the
... three bodies, and a true Buddha. A Buddha is a function of
... the three bodies, and a provisional Buddha. In that case,
... though it is thought that Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the
... three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for the
... sake of all of us living beings, that is not so. On the
... contrary, it is common mortals who endow him with the three
... virtues.

The common mortal is the true Buddha, Shakyamuni and Many Treasures are provisional Buddhas and functions of the true Buddha, such as yourself, Katie Higgins and Mark Rogow, who deny your inheritance of the three bodies of the Buddha from your dear parents, bless their unfortunate hearts for being bound to your collective perfidious thoughts, words and deeds.

||| 2)
||| To conflate the temporal with the timeless is a mistake but hey ho. Here are the quotes for you in return, "is the Sutra also faked?"
||| (Question 3 is at the end of this post)
||| http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/lsoc/Content/16
||| "Life Span of the Thus Come One
||| CHAPTER 16
||| At that time the Buddha spoke to the bodhisattvas and all
||| the great assembly: “Good men, you must believe and
||| understand the truthful words of the thus come one.” And
||| again he said to the great assembly: “You must believe and
||| understand the truthful words of the thus come one.” And
||| once more he said to the great assembly: “You must believe
||| and understand the truthful words of thethus come one.”
||| Note the statement:
||| "You must believe and understand the truthful words of
||| the thus come one.”
||| The Sutra continues:
||| (Ibid)
||| "At that time the bodhisattvas and the great assembly,
||| with Maitreya as their leader, pressed their palms together
||| and addressed the Buddha, saying: “World-Honored One, we
||| beg you to explain. We will believe and accept the Buddha’s
||| words.”
||| So the Sutra is clear who is speaking, no? It continues:

Ah, finally, a question.

Maitreya is asking the provisional Buddha Shakyamuni, who is a function of the true Buddha, for an explanation.

Shakyamuni has the function here of preaching the Lotus Sutra, or as Nichiren Daishonin refers to him: the Lord of Teachings.

||| (Ibid)
||| "At that time the world-honored one, seeing that the
||| bodhisattvas repeated their request three times and more,
||| spoke to them, saying: “You must listen carefully and hear
||| of the thus come one’s secret and his transcendental
||| powers. In all the worlds the heavenly and human beings and
||| asuras all believe that the present Shakyamuni Buddha,
||| after leaving the palace of the Shakyas, seated himself in
||| the place of enlightenment not far from the city of Gaya
||| and there attained supreme perfect enlightenment. But good
||| men, it has been immeasurable, boundless hundreds,
||| thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayutas of kalpas
||| since I in fact attained buddhahood."
||| Shakyamuni then goes on to say (you chant this verse
||| section Chas at least twice a day uf you are doing Gongyo
||| regularly! How could you not understand it?)

The translation into English is at the back of the Gosho book.

Understanding of the true meaning that translation is purchased at the price of faith in the Lotus Sutra itself.

Get some of that, Iain.

||| (Ibid)
||| "In order to save living beings,
||| as an expedient means I appear to enter nirvana
||| but in truth I do not pass into extinction.
||| I am always here, preaching the Law.
||| I am always here,
||| but through my transcendental powers
||| I make it so that living beings in their befuddlement
||| do not see me even when close by.
||| When the multitude sees that I have passed into extinction,
||| far and wide they offer alms to my relics.
||| All harbor thoughts of yearning
||| and in their minds thirst to gaze at me.
||| When living beings have become truly faithful,
||| honest and upright, gentle in intent,
||| single-mindedly desiring to see theBuddha,
||| not hesitating even if it costs them their lives,
||| then I and the assembly of monks
||| appear together on Holy Eagle Peak."
||| 3) Are you refuting the 16th Chapter by asserting that
||| Shakyamuni, who preached it is a liar?

I repeat those words daily.

I am also not a liar.

However, the eternal Buddha's name is Myoho-Renge, not Chas. and not Shakyamuni.

The name Myoho-Renge is free of all aspect of impermanent Chas. or impermanent Shakyamuni, it possesses the true aspect manifesting non-substantiality, impermanence and the middle way simultaneously: the three truths (Santai) of the Lotus Sutra.

Shakyamuni is a provisional Buddha and a function of the true Buddha, so the words remain eternal truth as they exit his mouth.

I am a "common mortal is the true Buddha" (from the True Aspect of All Phenomena), so the words remain eternal truth as they exit my mouth.

2016-09-28 10:57:52 UTC
Post by Chas.
Iain's questions regarding 'who is the eternal Buddha', answered here +
||| ... "Here's a question for you, Katie Higgins. Is the
||| ... Lotus Sutra also faked?
||| ...
||| ... If Shakyamuni is the eternal Buddha, then how can
||| ... he be the sixteenth son of the father Great
||| ... Universal Wisdom Excellence from who he became
||| ... enlightened, who became enlightened from the
||| ... nameless grandfather (who is the eternal Buddha we
||| ... call Myoho-Renge of Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.)"
||| 1) "who is the eternal Buddha we call Myoho-Renge of
||| Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo"
||| A) For readers convenience can you cite and reference the
||| Gosho quotes where Nichiren defines Myoho Renge as the
||| Eternal Buddha.
... Question: What is the entity of Myoho-renge-kyo?
... Answer: All beings and their environments in any of the Ten
... Worlds are themselves entities of Myoho-renge-kyo.
... Question: If so, then is it possible to say that all living
... beings, such as ourselves, are entities of the Mystic Law
... in its entirety?
... Answer: Of course. The sutra says, “This reality [the true
... aspect of all phenomena] consists of the appearance, nature
... ... and their consistency from beginning to end.”
... The Great Teacher Miao-lo comments on this as follows: “The
... true aspect invariably manifests in all phenomena, and all
... phenomena invariably manifest in the ten factors. The ten
... factors invariably manifest in the Ten Worlds, and the Ten
... Worlds invariably manifest in life and its environment.”
... T’ien-t’ai commented, “All phenomena consisting of the ten
... factors, Ten Worlds, and three thousand realms are entities
... of the Lotus Sutra.”
... The Great Teacher Nan-yüeh says, “Question: What does
... Myoho-renge-kyo represent? Answer: Myō indicates that all
... living beings are myō, or mystic. Hō indicates that all
... living beings are hō, or the Law.” T’ien-t’ai also says,
... “The Law of all living beings is mystic.”
... Question: If the entity of all living beings is the Mystic
... Law in its entirety, then are all the actions and their
... results that are associated with the nine worlds, from the
... world of hell up to that of bodhisattvas, in effect
... entities of the Mystic Law?
... Answer: The mystic principle that is the essential nature
... of phenomena possesses two aspects, the defiled aspect and
... the pure aspect. If the defiled aspect is operative, this
... is called delusion. If the pure aspect is operative, this
... is called enlightenment. Enlightenment constitutes the
... realm of Buddhahood. Delusion constitutes the realms of
... ordinary mortals.
... These two aspects, the deluded and the enlightened, are
... indeed two different phenomena, and yet both are workings
... of the one principle, that is, the essential nature of
... phenomena, or the true aspect of reality. It is like a
... piece of crystal. If the crystal is placed in the sun’s
... rays, it will attract them and produce fire. But if it is
... placed in the moon’s rays, it will produce water. The
... crystal is a single entity, but the effects it produces
... differ according to the circumstances.
... The mystic principle of the true aspect of reality is like
... this. The mystic principle of the true aspect of reality is
... one, but if it encounters evil influences, it will manifest
... delusion, while if it encounters good influences, it
... will manifest enlightenment. Enlightenment means
... enlightenment to the essential nature of phenomena, and
... delusion, ignorance of it.
... It is like the case of a person who in a dream sees himself
... performing various good and evil actions. After he wakes up
... and considers the matter, he realizes that it was all a
... dream produced by his own mind. This mind of his
... corresponds to the single principle of the essential nature
... of phenomena, the true aspect of reality, while the good
... and evil that appeared in the dream correspond to
... enlightenment and delusion. When one becomes aware of this,
... it is clear that one should discard the ignorance
... associated with evil and delusion, and take as one’s basis
... the awakening that is characterized by goodness and
... enlightenment.
Myoho is the Mystic Law part, Renge the Entity part and the Sutra is the teaching about their interwoven two, but not two, fusion. Anytime Nichiren Daishonin says in English "Entity(ies) of the Mystic Law", that is Myoho-Renge in Japanese/Chinese.
"... all living beings, such as ourselves, are entities of the Mystic Law in its entirety? Answer: Of course."
That states it from Nichiren Daishonin, then from Miao-lo, then from T'ien-t’ai.
Then Nan-yüeh says it and T'ien-t’ai again: '“Question: What does Myoho-renge-kyo represent? Answer: Myō indicates that all living beings are myō, or mystic. Hō indicates that all living beings are hō, or the Law.” T’ien-t’ai also says, “The Law of all living beings is mystic.”'
The Buddhas in the ten directions are the world of living beings.
... Question: If so, then what passage contains a full
... elucidation of the entity?
... Answer: The passage in the “Expedient Means” chapter that
... deals with the true aspect of all phenomena.
... Question: How do we know that this passage deals with the
... lotus that is the entity?
... Answer: Because T’ien-t’ai and Miao-lo quote this passage
... when they explain the essence of the Lotus Sutra. And the
... Great Teacher Dengyō in his commentary also writes,
... Furthermore, actual evidence of the entity is to be found
... in the examples of the three kinds of Buddhas described in
... the “Treasure Tower” chapter, the bodhisattvas who appeared
... from the earth, and the dragon king’s daughter who attained
... Buddhahood in her present form. The Bodhisattvas of the
... Earth offer actual evidence because, as a passage of the
... Lotus Sutra says, “[They are unsoiled by worldly things]
... like the lotus flower in the water.” Thus we learn of the
... true entity of these bodhisattvas. And the dragon king’s
... daughter offers actual evidence because she made her
... appearance at the gathering at Eagle Peak, “seated on a
... thousand-petaled lotus blossom big as a carriage wheel.”
... Moreover, the thirty-four manifestations of Bodhisattva
... Wonderful Sound and the thirty-three manifestations of
... Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds constitute
... further evidence. For, as the commentary says, “If he had
... not gained the mysterious power of perfect freedom of
... action through the meditation based on the Lotus Sutra,
... then how could he manifest these thirty-three different
... forms?”
... In addition, there is the sutra passage that states, “...
... the characteristics of the world are constantly abiding.”
... All these passages are documentary proofs cited by the
... scholars of our time. Personally, however, I prefer to cite
... the passage in the “Expedient Means” chapter on the true
... aspect of all phenomena and the passage in the
... “Supernatural Powers” chapter that refers to “all the
... doctrines possessed by the Thus Come One.” This last
... passage is also cited by the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai in
... his commentary explaining the five major principles of the
... Lotus Sutra. Therefore, I feel that this passage in
... particular can be cited as certain proof of the entity of
... the Mystic Law.
Of course this is confirmed in the Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings as well.
||| B) And provide the Gosho quotes where Nichiren defines the
||| Eternal Buddha of the 16th Chapter as anyone other than Shakyamuni.
... The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: In
... this passage we learn about the Buddha of the original
... state [that is, the Buddha of limitless joy]. “Grandfather”
... is another name for the Dharma-realm. The first three of
... the ten factors listed in the “Expedient Means” chapter,
... the factors of appearance, nature, and entity, are referred
... to as “grandfather.” Outside of these three factors, there
... is no wheel-turning sage king.
||| C) Nichiren disparaged and refuted schools that taught believers to
||| follow other buddha's as a means for salvation, stating
||| that Shakayamuni alone had actual connection with this world.
||| Please cite the Goshos where Nichiren teaches otherwise.
... Therefore, the two Buddhas, Shakyamuni and Many Treasures,
... are Buddhas who are functions [of Myoho-renge-kyo]. It is
... Myoho-renge-kyo that is the true Buddha. This is what is
... described in the sutra as “the Thus Come One’s secret and
... his transcendental powers.” The “Thus Come One’s secret”
... refers to the entity of the Buddha’s three bodies, and it
... refers to the true Buddha. “His transcendental powers”
... refers to the functions of the three bodies, and it refers
... to provisional Buddhas. A common mortal is an entity of the
... three bodies, and a true Buddha. A Buddha is a function of
... the three bodies, and a provisional Buddha. In that case,
... though it is thought that Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the
... three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent for the
... sake of all of us living beings, that is not so. On the
... contrary, it is common mortals who endow him with the three
... virtues.
The common mortal is the true Buddha, Shakyamuni and Many Treasures are provisional Buddhas and functions of the true Buddha, such as yourself, Katie Higgins and Mark Rogow, who deny your inheritance of the three bodies of the Buddha from your dear parents, bless their unfortunate hearts for being bound to your collective perfidious thoughts, words and deeds.
||| 2)
||| To conflate the temporal with the timeless is a mistake but hey ho. Here are the quotes for you in return, "is the Sutra also faked?"
||| (Question 3 is at the end of this post)
||| http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/lsoc/Content/16
||| "Life Span of the Thus Come One
||| CHAPTER 16
||| At that time the Buddha spoke to the bodhisattvas and all
||| the great assembly: “Good men, you must believe and
||| understand the truthful words of the thus come one.” And
||| again he said to the great assembly: “You must believe and
||| understand the truthful words of the thus come one.” And
||| once more he said to the great assembly: “You must believe
||| and understand the truthful words of thethus come one.”
||| "You must believe and understand the truthful words of
||| the thus come one.”
||| (Ibid)
||| "At that time the bodhisattvas and the great assembly,
||| with Maitreya as their leader, pressed their palms together
||| and addressed the Buddha, saying: “World-Honored One, we
||| beg you to explain. We will believe and accept the Buddha’s
||| words.”
Ah, finally, a question.
Maitreya is asking the provisional Buddha Shakyamuni, who is a function of the true Buddha, for an explanation.
Shakyamuni has the function here of preaching the Lotus Sutra, or as Nichiren Daishonin refers to him: the Lord of Teachings.
||| (Ibid)
||| "At that time the world-honored one, seeing that the
||| bodhisattvas repeated their request three times and more,
||| spoke to them, saying: “You must listen carefully and hear
||| of the thus come one’s secret and his transcendental
||| powers. In all the worlds the heavenly and human beings and
||| asuras all believe that the present Shakyamuni Buddha,
||| after leaving the palace of the Shakyas, seated himself in
||| the place of enlightenment not far from the city of Gaya
||| and there attained supreme perfect enlightenment. But good
||| men, it has been immeasurable, boundless hundreds,
||| thousands, ten thousands, millions of nayutas of kalpas
||| since I in fact attained buddhahood."
||| Shakyamuni then goes on to say (you chant this verse
||| section Chas at least twice a day uf you are doing Gongyo
||| regularly! How could you not understand it?)
The translation into English is at the back of the Gosho book.
Understanding of the true meaning that translation is purchased at the price of faith in the Lotus Sutra itself.
Get some of that, Iain.
||| (Ibid)
||| "In order to save living beings,
||| as an expedient means I appear to enter nirvana
||| but in truth I do not pass into extinction.
||| I am always here, preaching the Law.
||| I am always here,
||| but through my transcendental powers
||| I make it so that living beings in their befuddlement
||| do not see me even when close by.
||| When the multitude sees that I have passed into extinction,
||| far and wide they offer alms to my relics.
||| All harbor thoughts of yearning
||| and in their minds thirst to gaze at me.
||| When living beings have become truly faithful,
||| honest and upright, gentle in intent,
||| single-mindedly desiring to see theBuddha,
||| not hesitating even if it costs them their lives,
||| then I and the assembly of monks
||| appear together on Holy Eagle Peak."
||| 3) Are you refuting the 16th Chapter by asserting that
||| Shakyamuni, who preached it is a liar?
I repeat those words daily.
I am also not a liar.
However, the eternal Buddha's name is Myoho-Renge, not Chas. and not Shakyamuni.
The name Myoho-Renge is free of all aspect of impermanent Chas. or impermanent Shakyamuni, it possesses the true aspect manifesting non-substantiality, impermanence and the middle way simultaneously: the three truths (Santai) of the Lotus Sutra.
Shakyamuni is a provisional Buddha and a function of the true Buddha, so the words remain eternal truth as they exit his mouth.
I am a "common mortal is the true Buddha" (from the True Aspect of All Phenomena), so the words remain eternal truth as they exit my mouth.
Unless they have a total mind reset I don't think understanding the nature of the eternal true Buddha Myoho Renge that you have so brilliantly presented here as you have else where that is based on gosho will ever get through to them. I say thanks Chas for those of us who are fortunate enough to have minds that are open enough to be able to take on board what's been said and for you to know that your words are not all falling on deaf ears
2016-09-28 14:49:23 UTC
XUnless they have a total mind reset I don't think understanding the nature of the eternal true Buddha Myoho Renge that you have so brilliantly presented here as you have else where that is based on gosho will ever get through to them. I say thanks Chas for those of us who are fortunate enough to have minds that are open enough to be able to take on board what's been said and for you to know that your words are not all falling on deaf ears"

Lool SGI Space Treasury, the new voice that bounced into this forum as the SGI corporate media relatioms team that had been managing it for 25 years was on the backfoot and had lost it's traction.

Ask Chas to so brilliantly present Gosho to explain SGI mentor-disciple attainment of Buddhahood, he can't.

Ask him to brilliantly answer any of the 8 mentor-disciple points outstanding and explain them, he can't and he won't.

Ask him to explain why he knowingly lies and mistepresents, he won't.

Ask him to ask another member of the SGI media team to take the screen ID "Space Treasury" and come in here to disemble, try to create more worthless noise and attempted confusion and support his posting "sure thing, anything for SEnsie and profits". (Or even to take that screen name himself to do the same).

Bounce back to your SGI cube farm Space Treasury. Relax in the glare of the sterile office lighting and swivel on your chair.

Readers are noy fooled by inauthentic corporate voices hiding behind inauthentic screen ID's. And they are not fooled by those new voices pop ip when SGI has lost credibility, both in itcs teaching, it's organusation and the media strategy it used for so long to disort discussion.

You apperance here is just another trace, a mark that builds the pattern that will one day soon, be used to indict and convict those who spiritually abuse.

You had no idea the stakes were so high but you were wrong.

Blindsided again. You will simply be evidence one day Space Treasury as will the activities of the rest. Compelling, irrefutable evidence. Preserved in Amber, already retrieved. Lool.

But then one can never see what comes at you from straight ahead when it's hidden in plain sight in the blind spot you created, when you fixed your gaze.

The Sutra always wins. Cause and effect is strict. It reaches past boundaries, does not respect corporate hierarchy, it reaches past the worldly protections of stautus, power and wealth and calls those people, past and present, unfailingly to account. That I predict will be the next lesson, harsh but fair. And you will enable it. Well done!

Be well :)
2016-09-28 21:42:40 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
XUnless they have a total mind reset I don't think understanding the nature of the eternal true Buddha Myoho Renge that you have so brilliantly presented here as you have else where that is based on gosho will ever get through to them. I say thanks Chas for those of us who are fortunate enough to have minds that are open enough to be able to take on board what's been said and for you to know that your words are not all falling on deaf ears"
Lool SGI Space Treasury, the new voice that bounced into this forum as the SGI corporate media relatioms team that had been managing it for 25 years was on the backfoot and had lost it's traction.
Ask Chas to so brilliantly present Gosho to explain SGI mentor-disciple attainment of Buddhahood, he can't.
Ask him to brilliantly answer any of the 8 mentor-disciple points outstanding and explain them, he can't and he won't.
Ask him to explain why he knowingly lies and mistepresents, he won't.
Ask him to ask another member of the SGI media team to take the screen ID "Space Treasury" and come in here to disemble, try to create more worthless noise and attempted confusion and support his posting "sure thing, anything for SEnsie and profits". (Or even to take that screen name himself to do the same).
Bounce back to your SGI cube farm Space Treasury. Relax in the glare of the sterile office lighting and swivel on your chair.
Readers are noy fooled by inauthentic corporate voices hiding behind inauthentic screen ID's. And they are not fooled by those new voices pop ip when SGI has lost credibility, both in itcs teaching, it's organusation and the media strategy it used for so long to disort discussion.
You apperance here is just another trace, a mark that builds the pattern that will one day soon, be used to indict and convict those who spiritually abuse.
You had no idea the stakes were so high but you were wrong.
Blindsided again. You will simply be evidence one day Space Treasury as will the activities of the rest. Compelling, irrefutable evidence. Preserved in Amber, already retrieved. Lool.
But then one can never see what comes at you from straight ahead when it's hidden in plain sight in the blind spot you created, when you fixed your gaze.
The Sutra always wins. Cause and effect is strict. It reaches past boundaries, does not respect corporate hierarchy, it reaches past the worldly protections of stautus, power and wealth and calls those people, past and present, unfailingly to account. That I predict will be the next lesson, harsh but fair. And you will enable it. Well done!
Be well :)
I don't limit Nichirens teachings to any particular group of people because we are are all the oneness of enlightenment and delusion. Just because we may not have it right on some levels doesn't mean that it's wrong on all levels. Some have it right on some level but have it wrong on other levels and being aware enough to see it gives us room for improvement. At the deepest level of our being there are no levels, them and us but rather the eternal abiding true Buddha Myoho Renge

If this is the work of the SGI corporate media relations team then I will like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for getting it right on this most important fundamental level of faith. If the SGI corporate's spiritual base builds it self on what Nikkō viewed as Nichiren's orthodox teachings as they are doing here there is hope for transformation, regaining y/our former strength and be forever young
Katie Higgins
2016-09-28 22:31:01 UTC
Post by spacetreasury
Post by i***@gmail.com
XUnless they have a total mind reset I don't think understanding the nature of the eternal true Buddha Myoho Renge that you have so brilliantly presented here as you have else where that is based on gosho will ever get through to them. I say thanks Chas for those of us who are fortunate enough to have minds that are open enough to be able to take on board what's been said and for you to know that your words are not all falling on deaf ears"
Lool SGI Space Treasury, the new voice that bounced into this forum as the SGI corporate media relatioms team that had been managing it for 25 years was on the backfoot and had lost it's traction.
Ask Chas to so brilliantly present Gosho to explain SGI mentor-disciple attainment of Buddhahood, he can't.
Ask him to brilliantly answer any of the 8 mentor-disciple points outstanding and explain them, he can't and he won't.
Ask him to explain why he knowingly lies and mistepresents, he won't.
Ask him to ask another member of the SGI media team to take the screen ID "Space Treasury" and come in here to disemble, try to create more worthless noise and attempted confusion and support his posting "sure thing, anything for SEnsie and profits". (Or even to take that screen name himself to do the same).
Bounce back to your SGI cube farm Space Treasury. Relax in the glare of the sterile office lighting and swivel on your chair.
Readers are noy fooled by inauthentic corporate voices hiding behind inauthentic screen ID's. And they are not fooled by those new voices pop ip when SGI has lost credibility, both in itcs teaching, it's organusation and the media strategy it used for so long to disort discussion.
You apperance here is just another trace, a mark that builds the pattern that will one day soon, be used to indict and convict those who spiritually abuse.
You had no idea the stakes were so high but you were wrong.
Blindsided again. You will simply be evidence one day Space Treasury as will the activities of the rest. Compelling, irrefutable evidence. Preserved in Amber, already retrieved. Lool.
But then one can never see what comes at you from straight ahead when it's hidden in plain sight in the blind spot you created, when you fixed your gaze.
The Sutra always wins. Cause and effect is strict. It reaches past boundaries, does not respect corporate hierarchy, it reaches past the worldly protections of stautus, power and wealth and calls those people, past and present, unfailingly to account. That I predict will be the next lesson, harsh but fair. And you will enable it. Well done!
Be well :)
I don't limit Nichirens teachings to any particular group of people because we are are all the oneness of enlightenment and delusion. Just because we may not have it right on some levels doesn't mean that it's wrong on all levels. Some have it right on some level but have it wrong on other levels and being aware enough to see it gives us room for improvement. At the deepest level of our being there are no levels, them and us but rather the eternal abiding true Buddha Myoho Renge
If this is the work of the SGI corporate media relations team then I will like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for getting it right on this most important fundamental level of faith. If the SGI corporate's spiritual base builds it self on what Nikkō viewed as Nichiren's orthodox teachings as they are doing here there is hope for transformation, regaining y/our former strength and be forever young
We are not in "oneness of enlightenment" that is a Zen doctrine--

Likewise "reform" is not an option for SGI-- the very basis of this slander machine violates Nichiren's teachings--- the Buddha's intent was not for common mortals in the Latter Day of the Law to create wealthy organizations that focus on personal gain and comfort. Period.

SGI will disappear--

2016-09-28 23:40:52 UTC
"If this is the work of the SGI corporate media relations team then I will like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for getting it right on this most important fundamental level of faith. If the SGI corporate's spiritual base builds it self on what Nikkō viewed as Nichiren's orthodox teachings as they are doing here there is hope for transformation, regaining y/our former strength and be forever young"

The SGI cube farm speaks and in more familair tones, the rehashed split with the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood. Pushing the "SGI got rid of the corrupt priesthood" line.

Spaced, it's subtly dressed but it overlooks several important things.

1) You cannot build a firm spiritual foundation on lies, deceit and dishonesty. These are the product of a corrupt deluded mind, their hallmark. That Daisaku Ikeda was xpreparing the ground to split with the priesthood in the 50's as Tim Janos points out, means that he knowingly used that oriesthood to build the SGI and he lied to and mislead both SG/SGI members and the priesthood alike, for 40 years to do that.

He founded SGI in 1961, so lies and dishonestly are its fojndation, it's heart. We can see this pattern reoeated in the variance between his 1980's statements and his 2009 statements.

Honestly is a core principle of Buddhism Spaced. That we are deluded is a form of dishonestly of the mind but the practice of the Lotus Sutra is about overcoming that dishonestly step by step, purifying and reuniting the mind. That is the intention of the Sutra.

It is honestly to see that one is deluded and see how one is deluded. That veiw is only possible from the 9th Consciousness - Amala - "Pure and undefiled".

Consider, a theatre spotlight is naturally white, enlightrnment unless one puts a coloured filter in front, karmic delusion. We usually live with a perception coloured by the filters of our karmic delusion, our life state and we "believe" that illusion. That is until we move behind the filter and see thst indeed we are clouring your perceptions and how. We may not yet be successful in completely removing that filter but we have a way if more accurately seeing our world and how we are colouring it. We inderstand our karmic impediments and can see through them.

That is the practice of the 9th consciousness. It has for us to be repeated otherwise we slip back into believing the world is as we see it coloured. You would do well to go back to Tien Tai and study the basis of his method (not practice it, there is no need with faith and Namu Myoho Renge-kyo). Then once tou have an understanding, go to Nichiren and read his application of that process to the latter day.

2) There is no restoration in SGI doctrin and practice and it cannot be said even to be consistent with Nikkocs teaching. The fundemental flaw is teaching that buddhahood is attained through the way of mentor-disciple.

This is a hollow teaching. Buddhahood is inly attained through faith, which substitutes for wisdom. Faith is the tool that allows a deluded mind to even considetr there may be a filter in front of the light colouring it. If we were undeluded and nit in the thrall of our delusion, wecd know and woukd simpky step up and remove the filtre. We donct because we have faith but it is in the delusion, rather than the great Law, the correct veiw. Faith, counters faith, thatcs itcs job.

Thatcs why faith in the CORRECT teaching is so important and why one should not mix practices.

If one has incorrect faith or rather faith in the incorrect thinh - e.g. mentir disciple, one cannot counter the delusion. The refernce piont is the Sutra for the enlightenment process.

That's the function of the Sutra, that's it's job. It's like a landmark one navigates by and aims towards. If you walk in a landscape with no landmarks you end up walking around in circles. That's delusion. You end up lost.

It's pointless following someone who is equally deluded, as we all are because you cannot see into their mind nir undrrstand their distortions. You simpky do not know whether they are leading you in the right direction or not. Thatcs why the Law itself is the father and mother if all Buddhas. One has to follow an objective and reliable landmark, that us the Sutra.

Read it sometime. Then read Nichiren.

Integral to the Sutra is it's Buddha. The inly reliable teacher and guide. And both Sutra and it's Buddha are integral to your life.

So SGI mentor teaching asks people to use an external and subjective reference point, Daisaku and follow him, rather than an objective and ultimayely internal refernce point to guide them. Foolhardy, eslecially as we know that Daisaku Ikeda has lied and mislead people knowingly. We have evidence if that in his own statements at differnent times.

Its simple Spaced SGI is not needed, nor is any refiorm or building AN ORGANISATION on a foundation. Tat is a reasserting of the fallacy of schools. "Orthordox Buddhism". They are not needed. The Sutra and Gosho have been translated, well studied and are widely spread. There is no neex for a scool to do that function. Tge Daimoku has spread world wide and tgere is a large vify of practitioners. That doesnct neec an instiution to perpetuate. The Daimoku is deliberately simple and effective. Nothing else is needed.

Faith syarts with awakening and progesses with oractice. As Nichiren points out, the Law itself birth, nutures and rears. That's why it is to be directly worshipped. Faith in the correct thing naturally builds more faith in that thing. This is the orocess Nichiren taught and demonstrated woth his life.

SGI wants to preseve itself, that is why you are here and it wants to preserve its profit, no more and no less. That is it's foundation - money generation. And you are here simply to help. Probably because you are stood on the same foundation.

Foolish n somethings come at a very high price and that is one of them. If I were you I'd quit. You won't have the regrets you will if you don't. And some part if you KNOWS that's true. Youcre right to be uneasy, thatcs your protection, if youcd only listen to it.

But don't take my word for it, take the 150 dau challenge and be sincere about it. Let the Buddha and the Law teach you.

Be well. :)
2016-09-29 03:10:50 UTC
Or ignore the Iain sutras and Iain Sangha and don't take their challenge, which is just a bad copy of the SGI 90 day challenge and will sink you.

Katie Higgins' offences against the true aspect of all phenomena +

Katie, you make yourself an enemy of the Lotus Sutra by slandering the true aspect via your worship of statues. The true aspect is clearly referring to Myoho-Renge, not statues or images of Shakyamuni, as is stated in the bolded part below.

From "The Entity of the Mystic Law", WND I, p. 423:

... Question: If so, then what passage contains a full
... elucidation of the entity?
... Answer: The passage in the “Expedient Means” chapter that
... deals with the true aspect of all phenomena.
... Question: How do we know that this passage deals with the
... lotus that is the entity?
... Answer: Because T’ien-t’ai and Miao-lo quote this passage
... when they explain the essence of the Lotus Sutra. And the
... Great Teacher Dengyō in his commentary also writes,
... Furthermore, actual evidence of the entity is to be found
... in the examples of the three kinds of Buddhas described in
... the “Treasure Tower” chapter, the bodhisattvas who appeared
... from the earth, and the dragon king’s daughter who attained
... Buddhahood in her present form. The Bodhisattvas of the
... Earth offer actual evidence because, as a passage of the
... Lotus Sutra says, “[They are unsoiled by worldly things]
... like the lotus flower in the water.” Thus we learn of the
... true entity of these bodhisattvas. And the dragon king’s
... daughter offers actual evidence because she made her
... appearance at the gathering at Eagle Peak, “seated on a
... thousand-petaled lotus blossom big as a carriage wheel.”
... Moreover, the thirty-four manifestations of Bodhisattva
... Wonderful Sound and the thirty-three manifestations of
... Bodhisattva Perceiver of the World’s Sounds constitute
... further evidence. For, as the commentary says, “If he had
... not gained the mysterious power of perfect freedom of
... action through the meditation based on the Lotus Sutra,
... then how could he manifest these thirty-three different
... forms?”
... In addition, there is the sutra passage that states, “...
... the characteristics of the world are constantly abiding.”
... All these passages are documentary proofs cited by the
... scholars of our time. Personally, however, I prefer to cite
... the passage in the “Expedient Means” chapter on the true
... aspect of all phenomena and the passage in the
... “Supernatural Powers” chapter that refers to “all the
... doctrines possessed by the Thus Come One.” This last
... passage is also cited by the Great Teacher T’ien-t’ai in
... his commentary explaining the five major principles of the
... Lotus Sutra. Therefore, I feel that this passage in
... particular can be cited as certain proof of the entity of
... the Mystic Law.

As I made clear earlier from this passage of the "Immeasurable Meanings Sutra", pp. 12-13, which is preached during the first chapter of the Lotus Sutra and is concurrent with it and not previous to the Lotus Sutra, and which is in no way provisional or to be discarded in any way. In fact the Lotus Sutra and the Gosho reference the true aspect, and without this definition, THEY WOULD BE INCOMPLETE!

Here's the quote that destroys all your statue worshiping, I have highlighted the key phrase so that you cannot miss it (although I fear your mind cannot read it):

"Immeasurable Meanings Sutra", pp. 12-13,

. “When bodhisattvas have in this manner observed the
. beginning and end of these four aspects and have understood
. them in their entirety, then they will clearly perceive
. that all phenomena, never abiding from one instant to
. the next, are constantly being born anew and passing into
. extinction, and then they will immediately perceive the
. true aspect of birth, abiding, change, and extinction.
. “Once they have gained this perception, then they must turn
. to the capacities, natures, and desires of living beings.
. Because such natures and desires are immeasurable in
. variety, the ways of preaching the Law are immeasurable;
. and because the ways of preaching the Law are immeasurable,
. its meanings are likewise immeasurable. THESE IMMEASURABLE
. “When bodhisattvas mahasattva rest and abide in this
. understanding of the true aspect of all phenomena, then the
. pity and compassion that they put forth will be based on
. clear understanding and not groundless, and they will be
. truly capable of rescuing living beings from the sufferings
. that they undergo. And once they have rescued them from
. suffering, they will preach the Law for them and enable
. living beings to enjoy ease and delight.

Santai or the Three Truths can only be found in the Lotus Sutra, this is one of the glories of the Lotus Sutra. "The truth of non-substantiality, the truth of temporary existence, and the truth of the Middle Way." from the SGI Dictionary:

The images of human beings are the images of their Temporary Existence alone, their impermanence.

I am impermanent and will vanish from the world, this is my destiny from birth: to be born is to die, that is the guarantee of the four sufferings. Birth, aging, sickness and death.

And yet, like an electron that has a particle and a wave function, I am also Non-Substantial and that was true before my birth, during my aging, sickness and after my death. In fact I am dying now, cells that were crucial to my function ar born and then die all the time. I am also like a wave.

In all those phases of my life I am in the Middle Way, the unification of the Three Truths.

Images of living beings are images of impermanence alone, and like "the Tripitaka teaching and the connecting teaching do not reveal the truth of the Middle Way and therefore lack the three truths," (from the definition of Santai) ... they do not possess the "true aspect."

The highest object of worship, the Gohonzon possesses the "true aspect" in the fact that it is an arrangement of characters and does not look like you or me or anyone you know. This is how it can reflect ALL THE LIVING BEINGS, not just here, but everywhere that life has or will develop in the ten directions and the three existences of past, present and future.

All living being possess the true aspect and they are all Buddhas, like the characters of an enormous version of the Lotus Sutra. However, not even the images of the Lord of Teachings, Shakyamuni or the Lord of Practice, Nichiren Daishonin reflect anything other than impermanence.

Only the Gohonzon reflects the true aspect. It is the highest object of worship and all others are pitiful in their aspect, by comparison: why would anyone chant the daimoku, Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo to any other object of worship?

How dishonorable!

2016-09-29 03:21:29 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
"If this is the work of the SGI corporate media relations team then I will like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for getting it right on this most important fundamental level of faith. If the SGI corporate's spiritual base builds it self on what Nikkō viewed as Nichiren's orthodox teachings as they are doing here there is hope for transformation, regaining y/our former strength and be forever young"
The SGI cube farm speaks and in more familair tones, the rehashed split with the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood. Pushing the "SGI got rid of the corrupt priesthood" line.
Spaced, it's subtly dressed but it overlooks several important things.
1) You cannot build a firm spiritual foundation on lies, deceit and dishonesty. These are the product of a corrupt deluded mind, their hallmark. That Daisaku Ikeda was xpreparing the ground to split with the priesthood in the 50's as Tim Janos points out, means that he knowingly used that oriesthood to build the SGI and he lied to and mislead both SG/SGI members and the priesthood alike, for 40 years to do that.
He founded SGI in 1961, so lies and dishonestly are its fojndation, it's heart. We can see this pattern reoeated in the variance between his 1980's statements and his 2009 statements.
Honestly is a core principle of Buddhism Spaced. That we are deluded is a form of dishonestly of the mind but the practice of the Lotus Sutra is about overcoming that dishonestly step by step, purifying and reuniting the mind. That is the intention of the Sutra.
It is honestly to see that one is deluded and see how one is deluded. That veiw is only possible from the 9th Consciousness - Amala - "Pure and undefiled".
Consider, a theatre spotlight is naturally white, enlightrnment unless one puts a coloured filter in front, karmic delusion. We usually live with a perception coloured by the filters of our karmic delusion, our life state and we "believe" that illusion. That is until we move behind the filter and see thst indeed we are clouring your perceptions and how. We may not yet be successful in completely removing that filter but we have a way if more accurately seeing our world and how we are colouring it. We inderstand our karmic impediments and can see through them.
That is the practice of the 9th consciousness. It has for us to be repeated otherwise we slip back into believing the world is as we see it coloured. You would do well to go back to Tien Tai and study the basis of his method (not practice it, there is no need with faith and Namu Myoho Renge-kyo). Then once tou have an understanding, go to Nichiren and read his application of that process to the latter day.
2) There is no restoration in SGI doctrin and practice and it cannot be said even to be consistent with Nikkocs teaching. The fundemental flaw is teaching that buddhahood is attained through the way of mentor-disciple.
This is a hollow teaching. Buddhahood is inly attained through faith, which substitutes for wisdom. Faith is the tool that allows a deluded mind to even considetr there may be a filter in front of the light colouring it. If we were undeluded and nit in the thrall of our delusion, wecd know and woukd simpky step up and remove the filtre. We donct because we have faith but it is in the delusion, rather than the great Law, the correct veiw. Faith, counters faith, thatcs itcs job.
Thatcs why faith in the CORRECT teaching is so important and why one should not mix practices.
If one has incorrect faith or rather faith in the incorrect thinh - e.g. mentir disciple, one cannot counter the delusion. The refernce piont is the Sutra for the enlightenment process.
That's the function of the Sutra, that's it's job. It's like a landmark one navigates by and aims towards. If you walk in a landscape with no landmarks you end up walking around in circles. That's delusion. You end up lost.
It's pointless following someone who is equally deluded, as we all are because you cannot see into their mind nir undrrstand their distortions. You simpky do not know whether they are leading you in the right direction or not. Thatcs why the Law itself is the father and mother if all Buddhas. One has to follow an objective and reliable landmark, that us the Sutra.
Read it sometime. Then read Nichiren.
Integral to the Sutra is it's Buddha. The inly reliable teacher and guide. And both Sutra and it's Buddha are integral to your life.
So SGI mentor teaching asks people to use an external and subjective reference point, Daisaku and follow him, rather than an objective and ultimayely internal refernce point to guide them. Foolhardy, eslecially as we know that Daisaku Ikeda has lied and mislead people knowingly. We have evidence if that in his own statements at differnent times.
Its simple Spaced SGI is not needed, nor is any refiorm or building AN ORGANISATION on a foundation. Tat is a reasserting of the fallacy of schools. "Orthordox Buddhism". They are not needed. The Sutra and Gosho have been translated, well studied and are widely spread. There is no neex for a scool to do that function. Tge Daimoku has spread world wide and tgere is a large vify of practitioners. That doesnct neec an instiution to perpetuate. The Daimoku is deliberately simple and effective. Nothing else is needed.
Faith syarts with awakening and progesses with oractice. As Nichiren points out, the Law itself birth, nutures and rears. That's why it is to be directly worshipped. Faith in the correct thing naturally builds more faith in that thing. This is the orocess Nichiren taught and demonstrated woth his life.
SGI wants to preseve itself, that is why you are here and it wants to preserve its profit, no more and no less. That is it's foundation - money generation. And you are here simply to help. Probably because you are stood on the same foundation.
Foolish n somethings come at a very high price and that is one of them. If I were you I'd quit. You won't have the regrets you will if you don't. And some part if you KNOWS that's true. Youcre right to be uneasy, thatcs your protection, if youcd only listen to it.
But don't take my word for it, take the 150 dau challenge and be sincere about it. Let the Buddha and the Law teach you.
Be well. :)
I hear what you say ian and understand your concerns. All of us have something to learn from of this, lets hope it turns out for the best. There is a lot of mud that goes all the way down but out of that grows the beautiful Lotus flower like the Amala consciousness and with this in mind we dont forget who we all are
2016-09-29 04:28:46 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
"If this is the work of the SGI corporate media relations team then I will like to take this opportunity to congratulate you for getting it right on this most important fundamental level of faith. If the SGI corporate's spiritual base builds it self on what Nikkō viewed as Nichiren's orthodox teachings as they are doing here there is hope for transformation, regaining y/our former strength and be forever young"
The SGI cube farm speaks and in more familair tones, the rehashed split with the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood. Pushing the "SGI got rid of the corrupt priesthood" line.
Spaced, it's subtly dressed but it overlooks several important things.
1) You cannot build a firm spiritual foundation on lies, deceit and dishonesty. These are the product of a corrupt deluded mind, their hallmark. That Daisaku Ikeda was xpreparing the ground to split with the priesthood in the 50's as Tim Janos points out, means that he knowingly used that oriesthood to build the SGI and he lied to and mislead both SG/SGI members and the priesthood alike, for 40 years to do that.
He founded SGI in 1961, so lies and dishonestly are its fojndation, it's heart. We can see this pattern reoeated in the variance between his 1980's statements and his 2009 statements.
Honestly is a core principle of Buddhism Spaced. That we are deluded is a form of dishonestly of the mind but the practice of the Lotus Sutra is about overcoming that dishonestly step by step, purifying and reuniting the mind. That is the intention of the Sutra.
It is honestly to see that one is deluded and see how one is deluded. That veiw is only possible from the 9th Consciousness - Amala - "Pure and undefiled".
Consider, a theatre spotlight is naturally white, enlightrnment unless one puts a coloured filter in front, karmic delusion. We usually live with a perception coloured by the filters of our karmic delusion, our life state and we "believe" that illusion. That is until we move behind the filter and see thst indeed we are clouring your perceptions and how. We may not yet be successful in completely removing that filter but we have a way if more accurately seeing our world and how we are colouring it. We inderstand our karmic impediments and can see through them.
That is the practice of the 9th consciousness. It has for us to be repeated otherwise we slip back into believing the world is as we see it coloured. You would do well to go back to Tien Tai and study the basis of his method (not practice it, there is no need with faith and Namu Myoho Renge-kyo). Then once tou have an understanding, go to Nichiren and read his application of that process to the latter day.
2) There is no restoration in SGI doctrin and practice and it cannot be said even to be consistent with Nikkocs teaching. The fundemental flaw is teaching that buddhahood is attained through the way of mentor-disciple.
This is a hollow teaching. Buddhahood is inly attained through faith, which substitutes for wisdom. Faith is the tool that allows a deluded mind to even considetr there may be a filter in front of the light colouring it. If we were undeluded and nit in the thrall of our delusion, wecd know and woukd simpky step up and remove the filtre. We donct because we have faith but it is in the delusion, rather than the great Law, the correct veiw. Faith, counters faith, thatcs itcs job.
Thatcs why faith in the CORRECT teaching is so important and why one should not mix practices.
If one has incorrect faith or rather faith in the incorrect thinh - e.g. mentir disciple, one cannot counter the delusion. The refernce piont is the Sutra for the enlightenment process.
That's the function of the Sutra, that's it's job. It's like a landmark one navigates by and aims towards. If you walk in a landscape with no landmarks you end up walking around in circles. That's delusion. You end up lost.
It's pointless following someone who is equally deluded, as we all are because you cannot see into their mind nir undrrstand their distortions. You simpky do not know whether they are leading you in the right direction or not. Thatcs why the Law itself is the father and mother if all Buddhas. One has to follow an objective and reliable landmark, that us the Sutra.
Read it sometime. Then read Nichiren.
Integral to the Sutra is it's Buddha. The inly reliable teacher and guide. And both Sutra and it's Buddha are integral to your life.
So SGI mentor teaching asks people to use an external and subjective reference point, Daisaku and follow him, rather than an objective and ultimayely internal refernce point to guide them. Foolhardy, eslecially as we know that Daisaku Ikeda has lied and mislead people knowingly. We have evidence if that in his own statements at differnent times.
Its simple Spaced SGI is not needed, nor is any refiorm or building AN ORGANISATION on a foundation. Tat is a reasserting of the fallacy of schools. "Orthordox Buddhism". They are not needed. The Sutra and Gosho have been translated, well studied and are widely spread. There is no neex for a scool to do that function. Tge Daimoku has spread world wide and tgere is a large vify of practitioners. That doesnct neec an instiution to perpetuate. The Daimoku is deliberately simple and effective. Nothing else is needed.
Faith syarts with awakening and progesses with oractice. As Nichiren points out, the Law itself birth, nutures and rears. That's why it is to be directly worshipped. Faith in the correct thing naturally builds more faith in that thing. This is the orocess Nichiren taught and demonstrated woth his life.
SGI wants to preseve itself, that is why you are here and it wants to preserve its profit, no more and no less. That is it's foundation - money generation. And you are here simply to help. Probably because you are stood on the same foundation.
Foolish n somethings come at a very high price and that is one of them. If I were you I'd quit. You won't have the regrets you will if you don't. And some part if you KNOWS that's true. Youcre right to be uneasy, thatcs your protection, if youcd only listen to it.
But don't take my word for it, take the 150 dau challenge and be sincere about it. Let the Buddha and the Law teach you.
Be well. :)
I hear what you say ian and understand your concerns. All of us have something to learn from of this, lets hope it turns out for the best sooner rather than latter. There is a lot of mud that goes all the way down but out of that grows the beautiful Lotus flower like the Amala consciousness and with this in mind we don't forget what we all are

The 8 levels of mud that we are of which I will refer to the Alaya consciousness level that moves our individual karma throughout the 3 existences is not unlike this description given by Chas as the Ku aspect of santai "and yet, like an electron that has a particle and a wave function, I am also Non-Substantial and that was true before my birth, during my aging, sickness and after my death."

Because of our faith in Nichiren Buddhism we don't have to worry about karmic retribution of others that we perceive as not doing the right thing because sooner or latter whether in this life or another we all have to pay the piper rest assured
2016-09-29 07:18:44 UTC
"Or ignore the Iain sutras and Iain Sangha and don't take their challenge, which is just a bad copy of the SGI 90 day challenge and will sink you."

So, let me get this right Chas, you are saying that by chanting the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra to a blank wall purely focussed on faith and the Daimoku, this will sink people?

I just want to get this clear. Is that what you are saying Chas? That faith in the Daimoku alone does not have the power to positively transform?

I will post this later today in a title thread and keep asking the question, attaching it to all of your posts until you answer it ir it becomes ckear to readers that the SGI position and your position is a direct lack of faith in the Daimoku. And then I will start attaching Sutra and Gosho to that to put clear blue water between yoyr SGI Promodoctrine and the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren.

Thank you for your comment that reveals clearly your profound lack of faith. You are indeed an instrument of the Law and now you have revealled yourself and SGI clearly. Perfect, perfect, perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better illustration. But then again,you had no choice but to give me one.


Be well :)
JazzIs TvRicky
2016-09-29 19:28:38 UTC
Lainx writes:
"I just want to get this clear. Is that what you are saying Chas? That faith in the Daimoku alone does not have the power to positively transform? "

I say yes, it dose not have any power. The Gohonzon of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo is the Daimoku of Faith and Practice. Nichiiren's purpose was The Gohonzon of Nam Myoho Renge Kyo not Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. There are many sects of Buddhism who intone Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

2016-09-29 21:27:04 UTC
Brilliant! So let's just get this straight. Namu is written on the mandala, on every mandala Nichiren inscribed.

Namu is written consistently throughout the Japansese Gosho.

In Honzon Modo Sho, (Qurstions and Answers on the Honzon (or obhect of devotion in the SGI version)) in the first question and answer, Nichiren wrote Namu Myoho Renge-kyo.

Namu, not Nam Richard, two characters Na and Mu, not one and a half.

But let's be clear what the challenge is, it's a challenge of faith. The challenge is to focus solely on the Daimoku, visualising it and chanting it and listening to it, whilst summoning faith to the best of one's ability.

I have already covered off why Namu should be chanted.

Firstly it is not wring to do so, quite the contrary. It is not another chant from another religion ir teachibg,it is the Daimoku with every character voiced.

I would push back that many people chant Namu.

Secondly, because the challenge is to strip back practice to it's core for a period of 150 days and create an unimpeded focus on the Law.

Hence the blank wall and not a mandala. That gets rid of any associations that might colour and impede the focus on faith and Daimoku.

Hence chanting Namu instead of Nam. It breaks the habit of mind and any attachments or associations that might also impede that single focus. Such a change requires mindfulness and attention, it reqires effort. That in itself requires sincerity and focus.

It also helps people to focus in just what it is they are dking, what Namu means "I offer my life" "I devote" "I vow" myself to Myoho Renge-kyo, the Lotus Sutra.

That in itself is an act of faith, so making this change and ficussing on it, slows the chant and makes it more deliberate, more intentional.

Although it is a change, it is a change to something that Nichiren advocated, not to some other chant from another religion.

Meanwhile, during this period, I have advocated stepping back from SGI activities and guidance,not leaving SGI, just putting these aside for the time being to wholly focus in faith and the Daimoku.

If people want to read or study, I advocate only direct reading of the Sutra and Nichiren and just the text, not any background notes.

So, what can happen, if people are visualising Namu Myoho Renge-kyo to the best of their ability, they are chanting carefully and intentionally, paying attention to their posture and bodies, feeling the resonace of the chant there. Listening to their Daimoku. Observing their minds.

What can happen if they do this to the best if their abity, being gentle with themselves, immersing themselves in the Daimoku of the Lotus Sutra, engaging with it fully, focussing on faith?

It's doctrinally sound,both in Sutra and Gosho. So what will happen?

Chas thinks it will sink people and apparently you do too.

Both if you think that chanting Daimoku, which however you cut it Richard,is a valid pronunciation, focussing on faith and being intentional, all that will sink you.

So now you show me the Gosho or Sutra passage to support your argument.

You show me where Nichiren wrote a variant character of Mu on the mandala.

Now you support your arguments, I have already supported mune but am happy to refence back to Faith and Practice Gosho again.

Why 150 days?

For this reason, five periods of 30 days.


Sticking it out across the period and going through the inevitable process of reflecting on what faith and the Law actually are and just what is it one is doing and why. That is Namu. The will to grasp the Law and follow it. Namu.

So what will happen? What Chas fears as you do to is the followingm

1) People will think, this is too much bother, I don't belive in the power of Daimoku, and they will give up competely.

Well that's possible but people do that with SGI right now, quite frequently. That's why so many mandala are for sale on ebay or get dumped in the trash. That's why SGI is almost half the size it was in 1988 and why it can't hold onto the peolle it does recruit.

I am not concerned with this risk though, for the simple reason that those most likely to take the challenge are people who are seeking the Law and think it's important.

For the very few who might decide it's not for them, at least they will have really sincerely tried and in so doing, they will have embedded a pure seed within their life that will grow. And those people, when they need the Daimoku, long after they got rid of their accessories and scroll, they will remember Namu Myoho Renge-kyo.

2) Peopple will, like Katie, Mark, Kahlie, Jigoku, other and me, find a joyous bond with the Law. Faith will deepen, practice and study will naturally develop. Peolle will rwalise that this simplicity of practice, allows them to follow the Law correctly and learn as is right for them.

It's up to them what they do at the end. Some may choose to re engage with SGI but they will do so with a firm attachment to the Law. These are tge most feared in SGI, because they are string and of their own mind. They cannot be pushed around.

Some may leave and join another organisation or commuity.

Others may become independent or participate in in loose groupings.

Others may be independent but may practice with others who are in organisations. Clearly outfits like Nichiren Shu or Rissho Kosei Kai and other more welcoming orgs will be more open to that but some SGI members and Districts will be likewise. As some SGI folk and I do.

Again SGI will fear this because it gets people who follow the Law together and they are hard to manipulate or control. It also limits what SGI can do in terms of changing teachings or implementing policies. When you know there is an alternative, if SGI doesnct pkay nice, as it increasingly hasn't and doesn't it's much easier for peole to jump ship and continue.

So much of what SGI relies on, like an abusive partner, to control, goes out yhe window. People have a choice and there are a range of options.

What Chas tellingly doesn't envisage, is that people would go through this challemge and come out thinking, "wow SGI is great and Sensie really is a buddha".

Chas doesn't just not have any faith in Daimoku,he doesn't have any faith in his own organisations teachings. He knows the mentor-disciple teaching is worthless garbage that relies on constant full on selling to stick. It has no traction of it's own.

Namu Myoho Renge-kyo on the other hand does. It needs very little selling. Once itcs explained and tried, well as Mark, Alex, Katie, Jigoku, Kahlie, Daisy and me all show, were still doing it after several decades and we've all followed different paths as are many others.

So it's the weakness of SGI/Chas's mentor-disciple that will be shown,that's what will be sunk, the SGI Promoteachings, in which Chas actually doesn't have any faith of their power.

If he thought SGI promoteaxhing was powerful and effective, if he thougyt the SGI really was a great organisation,hecd be saying "yeah sure, step back for t months if you must and yeas realky focis on Faimoku and faith" in the confidence that SGI and what it was teaching would win through. Except Chas doesn't have tgat confidence in SGI's promoteaxhing nor it's effectiveness as an organisation.

Chas's problem is a TOTAL lack of faith, in Daimoku, in the Lotus Sutra, in SGI and in Daisaku Ikeda and his mentor-disciple way.

That's why 150 days is too much. SGI promoteaching cannot survive a 150 day break, well seemingly to Chas. It will sink them.

I on the other hand am confident about Daimoku, about the Law Namu Myoho Renge-kyo.

Nichiren was right, he was confident too "At first only Nichiren chanted Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not signify “emerging from the earth”?".

I have resisted the Sutra, I have at times tried to run from it but it is futile, the Sutra always wins, itvis always there - I know now, I have no choice, so now I accept it.

And indeed, the Sutra saved my life, so I owe it a great debt, which I am happy in my small way to try to repay, as best I can.

And in no better way can I think yo do that but to encourage people to chant Daimoku and nurtue their faith. In no other way can I think to urge people to be well and point them in the directuon wherby they can do so and that is Namu Myoho Renge-kyo, and to read the Sutra, to read Nichiren - directly.

I have faith. In the Law and in the peolle who seek it.

All be well :)
Mark Rogow
2016-09-30 04:58:32 UTC
Post by i***@gmail.com
SGI's problem - "Simplicity" - that's why it uses lots of words.
You may know the problem, if you've ever had partner or friend cheat on you. The relationship may be failing but you're still in love. You've noticed the changes, the little things that unsettle you but you don't want to believe are true.
What do you do? Use words. To tell yourself it's nothing or you're imagining things. You use words to put it out of your mind, to think the best if someone you know deep down isn't playing straight.
And then later, when it gets more obvious, the unexpected lateness, the more frequent "working late" or missed appointments. You use more words "oh where were you, I was expecting you at 8?" or "you're working late a lot recently, they're putting a lot in you". Starting to probe but still not wanting to know the truth.
And then they start using words if they're not wanting to end it with you just yet. "Yeah, we've got an important project, the deadline's looming, I need to be there for my boss...".
It starts to get complex.
And then later still, when all the little things have begun to add up, you know something's not right, perhaps you confront them and they use loys of words to reassure, deny, make it thay you are imagining things, try to make you doubt yourself. "Don't be silly, course I still..."
It gets really complicated.
Chas uses lots of words. So does today's SGI. Faith is now this....kosen rufu means that...Daisaku Ikeda is this..."don't be silly, of course he still loves you, you're imagining it".
Depending on how deceitful your partner is and how adept they are at getting you to believe them and doubt yourself, this can go on for years. Untill maybe you're contacted by the other man or woman who's just found out about you. Even then, maybe you get duped again "they're out to stir it, they couldn't accept the break".
Or worse, the halve truths, a blend of truths used to make the lies believable "yeah we kissed and hugged at a party, we were both drunk but it didn't go anywhere. I didn't want to get involved, I've got YOU. They couldn't accept that now they're making trouble."(when really it was a full blown affair).
The words, the lies get more elaborate, their quantity increases as they work harder to get you to believe in them.
Why do people cheat on each other and then lie?
Because they are getting something from the relationship with the person they're lying to, that person is giving them something they want or need and the truth would put that in danger.
And words get used to convince the deceiver that the lies they are telling are for the best. "I couldn't do that to them (tell them the truth), it would hurt/destroy them" or "It was only a short fling, we've built so much together, they wouldn't thank me for it". Lying words always couched to make it seem that the lier is doing the person they're lying to a favour.
Truth is simple. Yeah there maybe arguments, there may even be a break but the word count stays down. The truth, however unpleasant, is simple, straightforward. This happened and this is why. Discussion quickly shifts to what we're going to do about it.
And that's part of the problem, if you've lied in any relationship, trust is damaged. It's disrespect writ large. How much do you really care for a person if you're willing to take away their ability to decide, to make new choices based on the new information and are cause them to doubt their judgement, to doubt themselves?
Conversely, with truth, you see respect played out. On telling the truth, you hear brave and honorable people being willing to fess up "I've got to tell them, I couldn't do that to them (lie), it's not fair on them."
When I compare the word count, spoken and written, of SGI with other organsations in the World Peace and Buddhist spheres, it's stratospheric by comparison.
So many words telling people how great the SGI and Daisaku Ikeda is, how it is doinh this, that and the other. Simplicity comes in their slick presentation. But why is this needed? Why does SGI need to write so many words about itself? If SGI and Daisaku Ikeda so great, wouldn't that be obvious?
Ghandi, King and Rosa Parks didn't need to write many words about themselves. Nor Alexander Graham Bell, Thomas Edison, Florence Nightingale or Albert Einstein. Or come to, that Nichiren. They all got on with the doing and let the words take care of themselves.
Daisaku Ikeda's 1979 lecture on Heritage of the Ulimate Law of life took 105 pages. Around 400 words per page, about 42,000 words in all.
Daisaku Ikeda's 2009 lecture on the same Gosho, 30 years later was 183 pages, somewhere up near 63,000 words, allowing for formatting changes. Why all the extra words?
Gohonzon, Daimoku and Nichiren are mentioned less in 2009. "Mentor and disiple" are mentioned much more. The "three presidents" concept never made it into the first lecture but it certainly made it into the second!
What was wrong with the first lecture?
How many times do you need to give a lecture if your purpose is to illustrate the Gosho? Revise it, sure, maybe bring it up to date langauge wise but a whole different lecture? Why? What's the purpose?
If the historical context and basic concepts are the same, which they should be, there should be no need to rework it and add 20,000 extra words. In fact if anything, it should have got shorter, with and improved ability to put it across simply.
It's complicated.
On the other hand Nichiren's Buddhism is simple.
Sure there are complex doctrinal stances but it's not necessary to get into all that stuff for it to be effective. The higher the teaching the more people it can benefit. So Nichiren's teaching, the practice he taught is simple.
What do you need to attain buddhahood? Faith in Namu Myoho Renge-kyo. That's it folks.
As you progress, that broadens a bit to faith in Gohonzon and Daimoku. Still simple.
Then maybe later, you might start picking uo some of the concepts like ten worlds, ten factors, oneness of mind and body, oneness of life and environment, ten factors, three thousand realms etc. And you might start fitting them together.
But do you need to? No. Faith is enough. In fact a person of really deep and sincere faith, could get away without knowing any of these. We find Nichiren taking just that veiw in the Gosho. Chanting Daimoku with faith in Gohonzon is enough. And that's the point. It's simple, it's superior.
What's the process? Chanting with faith brings forth enlightenment as you are, right here, right now. Put another way, the Buddha comes forth from within and teaches the Law. What you need right here, right now. Simple.
You respond to that (or don't) you move and change based on enlightenment (or don't) and the next time you bring forth enlightenment, the Buddha teaches the next bit of the Law you need (or the same bit if you've not listened, maybe in a different way).
"You should by all means perform as much good as you possibly can for the sake of your deceased husband. The words of a wise man of old also teach that “you should base your mind on the ninth consciousness, and carry out your practice in the six consciousnesses.” How reasonable it is too!"
"Base oneself on the ninth consciousness", enlightenment, the seat of the Buddha within each of us. Reached reliably and made active by our practice of chanting Namu Myoho Renge-kyo with faith. "Carrying out our practice in the sixth consciousnesses" with our everyday minds. In our daily lives.
As we do that, faith deepens and one gets better at it. For sure it's nit always plain sailing. Sometimes when we turn on the light we don't like what we find. Also, we can get blocked by external events or internal doubts. If we don't expect these we can stop or think we're doing it wrong.
That's why we need faith in the first place, it's the tool to get out from the midst of delusion and into our enlightened minds. That's why encouragement, especially in the early stages is also important. But once we've been through those blocks a few times and applied practice in different situations, we should become fairly self reliant and moreover, take over our own learning.
Faith naturally deepens because we've got more examples of "basing our minds on the ninth consciousness, and carrying out our practice in the six consciousnesses" and the results of having done that. The trick is getting the early stages right. For which we need simplicity. Chant regularly with the right focus on faith, be clear what your doing and note the results. Always return to yourself, you and your Daimoku. Simple.
In fact, it can all get a bit confusing if one gets into all the doctrinal stuff, especially if you're not prepared to attempt it properly and keep a firm eye on maintaining faith and that basic process. One can lose oneself in the forest of words.
If someone needs to keep telling you, how deep is your faith? How much have you mastered the practice? And why haven't you progressed to a state of greater self reliance? It eithet doesn't work, in which case it would be better doing something else. Or it does but you've been taught wrong or taught poorly.
So, why doesn't SGI just focus on teaching people to chant and encouraging their faith, just like Nichiren did? Because simple is it's enemy.
SGI needs complex, it needs to make it seem much more difficult that it is. "Ah yes but you also need to do x, y, z to gain buddhahood to" (you don't). It needs that so it has a role, so it can become the indispensible ingredient in your practice. SGI and Daisaku Ikeda needs to insert itself into your practice and become the thing that you will have to rely on to get results and keep getting results.
Simple is giving people the Daimoku and facilitating them just enough in faith and study until they're up and running and ready to go it alone. It's much more like a college course and much less like "the nobel mission for kosen rufu" (for which you can read spreading the SGI).
SGI has branded itself that way with 'mentor-disciple" teaching. As Chas once defined the term "mentor", it's a "wise and trusted teacher". So SGI is essentially selling teaching just like a college.
The difference between a good college and the SGI is the quality of it's teaching, the results. Would you sign up for a cookery, car maintenance, computer or accountancy course if at the end of it you knew you wouldn't gain competance in that skill? Would you sign on with a teacher who wasn't able to demonstrate their results in the accomplishment of former students?
Given that Nichiren's teaching is about attaining buddhahood as you are and that itcs a very simple process and practice, one might expect to find lots of people who've been through the SGI academy, graduated and gone on to do great things from what they learned. SGI Alumni would be expected to be crawling out of the woodwork, singing the SGI's praises. But we don't find that. They're either still with the SGI, still ttying to kearn and master a very simple practice, sometimes after decades or if they've left or been expelled, thier voices are mostly negative about SGI.
SGI might answer that it's all about "kosen rufu" but thatcs simply about spreading the Law. Nichiren's simple practice. If SGI was doing it's teaching job effectively, they'd be plenty of SGI graduates out there not only stable in their own faith and practice and showing results but fully able to teach others. I'd argue that's a much more effective means of accomplishing wide spread of Nichiren's buddhism. In fact, it's a direct compliment to the effectiveness of the practice and the quality of the SGI's teaching of it were that to happen, but it doesn't.
Nichiren on the other hand was confident. It's surprising how little he urged his disciples to go out and propogate, or for that matter mentioned kosen rufu or spreading the Sutra. A very quick search in the Nichiren library shows it's refered to just 96 times in volumes 1&2. That's not to say propogation isn' important, it most definitely is, just that Nichiren didn't sweat it as a direct exhortation in his teaching and encouragement.
He seems to have realised that itcs oretty hard to spread someting effectively if you either don't believe in it (faith) or you haven't mastered it sufficiently (practice and study) or if it's not getting results. So he focussed in getting those things right with his students.
"At first only Nichiren chanted Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not signify “emerging from the earth”?"
A very quick word search likewise shows that "Faith" is mentioned as staggering 650 times in volumes 1&2. Both in what you should and shouldn't have faith in.
Myoho renge kyo 148 times, Namu Myoho Renge-kyo 231, times and Daimoku 123 times. So, the Sutra and its daimoku are mentioned 492 times.
It seems clear to me that the focus of Nichiten's writing was faith in the Sutra and the advocacy of embracing it by means if it's Daimoku. Simple.
"Base your mind on the ninth consciousness, and carry out your practice in the six consciousnesses" Get that bit right first. Simple.
That then gives them the means to counter erroneous doctrines depending on their ability. Which was the other theme that's present in his writings, most notably those to othet priests or to lay priests.
For all people, the basis is faith, translated into practice Namu Myoho Renge-kyo, which results in a natural progession in faith, practice and study and the application of thise things to daily life. It's a process.
Once you've learned to ride a bike, you take the stabilisers off and you don't have your teacher running behind you holding the saddle. You ride off and explore, you begin to learn through experience, simple. If you need an advanced course in some aspect, you book it, attend, finish it, then apply it. Simple.
And ut's exactly the same with Nichiren's Buddhism and it spreads naturally as a result. Simple.
Why? Because when you give people a simple practice that effective and encorage faith, you put the Buddha in the driving seat of each person's life.
The Buddha comes forth to teach, naturally. How? By embracing the Sutra through faith. And when that happens, it shows.
Nothing sells like success, with the Buddha in charge, with the benefit of inherant enlightenment working as each person follows the Law, they know what to do to help the Sutra spread. Simple.
"At first only Nichiren chanted Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, but then two, three, and a hundred followed, chanting and teaching others. Propagation will unfold this way in the future as well. Does this not signify “emerging from the earth”?"
The only things it seems are worthy of noting above and beyond the simplicity of the practice are that something so liberating inevitably arouses opposition. People and organisations can seek to take advantage or try to block practioners from meeting, using and benefiting.
Powerful people or organisations especially are threatened by the other people gaining their own self reliance, their own liberation, their own power and freedom. It doen't generate profits for the few and it dissolves the hold that such rely on to maintain their status and position.
People who actively spread such a simple liberaring teaching are often subject to opposition and in some cases persecution. But that's OK, the enlightened mind, The Buddha can handle it. All we need to do is make sure they're always on hand, faith & practice. Simple.
"When I look at the situation in Japan, I find that the devil king of the sixth heaven has taken possession of the bodies of wise persons, transforming correct teachers into erroneous teachers, and good teachers into bad teachers. This is what the sutra means when it says, “Evil demons will take possession of others.”
"Although I, Nichiren, am not a man of wisdom, the devil king of the sixth heaven has attempted to take possession of my body. But I have for some time been taking such great care that he now no longer comes near me. Therefore, because the power of the heavenly devil is ineffectual against me, he instead possesses the ruler and his high officials, or foolish priests such as Ryōkan, and causes them to hate me."
So in a way, if you want a really quiet life, don't practice. If you dinct want to face the baggage you've been carrying and clear out your closets and transform the root causes of stuff that happens to you, don't practice. If youcd rather turn off the light and remain in darkness, with the junk still there but hidden, don't practice.
However, it's unlikely that if you've met the Law, you're going to get a quiet life anyway. It's your time, your chance, your opportunity to break free, liberate yourself. Your own life is saying you're ready to get sorting and clearing. So my take is that you might as well embrace it and take faith and explore a whole deeper and richer life. But if you do, keep it simple, watch the words and those who use lots of them, me included.
Are they being honest and true or lying and deceitful? Keep close to your faith and Daimoku and for study, read Sutra and Gosho directly, without guidance and interpretation and chant about them first. Let the Buddha teach you.
Keep it simple, trust yourself. And in the forest of words, always remember to.
I hope this helps.
Namu Myoho Renge-kyo
Be well :)
Excellent lain
2016-10-01 04:16:11 UTC
____ The Total Abolition of Slander of the Law, v3.0 ________

I state categorically --

1. That those followers of Nichiren Daishonin, who ignore his admonitions to avoid the slander of mixing extraneous practices (Martial Arts, Reiki, Yoga, Shinto statue idolatry, etc.) with Nichiren's practice of the Lotus Sutra are treating the Entity of the Mystic Law as their chattel slave. They bow to the Gohonzon and practice Buddhism devoutly to receive the benefits of that practice deeply in their lives, but after the butsudan doors are closed, they heap abuse, and profound torment on their Entity of the Mystic Law, who has steadfastly stuck with that slandering follower, providing every service through thick and thin: the Gohonzon was always there.

From Theodore Dwight Weld's 1839 work, "American Slavery As It Is: Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses", p. 52-54


"Mrs. Weld is the youngest daughter of the late Judge Grimké, of the Supreme Court of South Carolina, and a sister of the late Hon. Thomas S. Grimké, of Charleston."

"FORT LEE, Bergen Co., New Jersey, Fourth month 6th, 1839."


"I will first introduce the reader to a woman of the highest respectability--one who was foremost in every benevolent enterprise, and stood for many years, I may say, at the head of the fashionable elite of the city of Charleston, and afterwards at the head of the moral and religious female society there. It was after she had made a profession of religion, and retired from the fashionable world, that I knew her; therefore I will present her in her religious character. This lady used to keep cowhides, or small paddles, (called 'pancake sticks,') in four different apartments in her house; so that when she wished to punish, or to have punished, any of her slaves, she might not have the trouble of sending for an instrument of torture. For many years, one or other, and often more of her slaves, were flogged every day; particularly the young slaves about the house, whose faces were slapped, or their hands beat with the 'pancake stick,' for every trifling offence--and often for no fault at all. But the floggings were not all; the scoldings and abuse daily heaped upon them all, were worse: 'fools' and 'liars,' 'sluts' and 'husseys,' 'hypocrites' and 'good for- nothing creatures,' were the common epithets with which her mouth was filled, when addressing her slaves, adults as well as children. Very often she would take a position at her window, in an upper story, and scold at her slaves while working in the garden, at some distance from the house, (a large yard intervening,) and occasionally order a flogging. I have known her thus on the watch, scolding for more than an hour at a time, in so loud a voice that the whole neighborhood could hear her; and this without the least apparent feeling of shame. Indeed, it was no disgrace among slaveholders, and did not in the least injure her standing, either as a lady or a Christian, in the aristocratic circle in which she moved. After the 'revival' in Charleston, in 1825, she opened her house to social prayer-meetings. The room in which they were held in the evening, and where the voice of prayer was heard around the family altar, and where she herself retired for private devotion thrice each day, was the very place in which, when her slaves were to be whipped with the cowhide, they were taken to receive the infliction; and the wail of the sufferer would be heard, where, perhaps only a few hours previous, rose the voices of prayer and praise. This mistress would occasionally send her slaves, male and female, to the Charleston work-house to be punished. One poor girl, whom she sent there to be flogged, and who was accordingly stripped naked and whipped, showed me the deep gashes on her back--I might have laid my whole finger in them--large pieces of flesh had actually been cut out by the torturing lash. She sent another female slave there, to be imprisoned and worked on the tread-mill. This girl was confined several days, and forced to work the mill while in a state of suffering from another cause. For ten days or two weeks after her return, she was lame, from the violent exertion necessary to enable her to keep the step on the machine. She spoke to me with intense feeling of this outrage upon her, as a woman. Her men servants were sometimes flogged there; and so exceedingly offensive has been the putrid flesh of their lacerated backs, for days after the infliction, that they would be kept out of the house--the smell arising from their wounds being too horrible to be endured. They were always stiff and sore for some days, and not in a condition to be seen by visitors."

"This professedly Christian woman was a most awful illustration of the ruinous influence of arbitrary power upon the temper--her bursts of passion upon the heads of her victims were dreaded even by her own children, and very often, all the pleasure of social intercourse around the domestic board, was destroyed by her ordering the cook into her presence, and storming at him, when the dinner or breakfast was not prepared to her taste, and in the presence of all her children, commanding the waiter to slap his face. Fault-finding, was with her the constant accompaniment of every meal, and banished that peace which should hover around the social board, and smile on every face. It was common for her to order brothers to whip their own sisters, and sisters their own brothers, and yet no woman visited among the poor more than she did, or gave more liberally to relieve their wants. This may seem perfectly unaccountable to a northerner, but these seeming contradictions vanish when we consider that over them she possessed no arbitrary power, they were always presented to her mind as unfortunate sufferers, towards whom her sympathies most freely flowed; she was ever ready to wipe the tears from their eyes, and open wide her purse for their relief, but the others were her vassals, thrust down by public opinion beneath her feet, to be at her beck and call, ever ready to serve in all humility, her, whom God in his providence had set over them--it was their duty to abide in abject submission, and hers to compel them to do so--it was thus that she reasoned. Except at family prayers, none were permitted to sit in her presence, but the seamstresses and waiting maids, and they, however delicate might be their circumstances, were forced to sit upon low stools, without backs, that they might be constantly reminded of their inferiority. A slave who waited in the house, was guilty on a particular occasion of going to visit his wife, and kept dinner waiting a little, (his wife was the slave of a lady who lived at a little distance.) When the family sat down to the table, the mistress began to scold the waiter for the offence--he attempted to excuse himself--she ordered him to hold his tongue--he ventured another apology; her son then rose from the table in a rage, and beat the face and ears of the waiter so dreadfully that the blood gushed from his mouth, and nose, and ears. This mistress was a professor of religion; her daughter who related the circumstance, was a fellow member of the Presbyterian church with the poor outraged slave--instead of feeling indignation at this outrageous abuse of her brother in the church, she justified the deed, and said "he got just what he deserved." I solemnly believe this to be a true picture of slave-holding religion."


"The following circumstance occurred in Charleston, in 1828: A slaveholder, after flogging a little girl about thirteen years old, set her on a table with her feet fastened in a pair of stocks. He then locked the door and took out the key. When the door was opened she was found dead, having fallen from the table. When I asked a prominent lawyer, who belonged to one of the first families in the State, whether the murderer of this helpless child could not be indicted, he coolly replied, that the slave was Mr.----'s property, and if he chose to suffer the loss, no one else had any thing to do with it. The loss of human life, the distress of the parents and other relatives of the little girl, seemed utterly out of his thoughts: it was the loss of property only that presented itself to his mind."

From Theodore Dwight Weld, p. 68:

From the Mobile Examiner, August 1, 1837.


"Saturday morning, August 12, 1837."

"His Honor the Mayor presiding."

"Mr. MILLER, of the foundry, brought to the office this morning a small negro girl aged about eight or ten years, whom he had taken into his house some time during the previous night. She had crawled under the window of his bed room to screen herself from the night air, and to find a warmer shelter than the open canopy of heaven afforded. Of all objects of pity that have lately come to our view, this poor little girl most needs the protection of authority, and the sympathies of the charitable. From the cruelty of her master and mistress, she has been whipped, worked and starved, until she is now a breathing skeleton, hardly able to stand upon her feet."

"The back of the poor little sufferer, (which we ourselves saw,) was actually cut into strings, and so perfectly was the flesh worn from her limbs, by the wretched treatment she had received, that every joint showed distinctly its crevices and protuberances through the skin. Her little lips clung closely over her teeth--her cheeks were sunken and her head narrowed, and when her eyes were closed, the lids resembled film more than flesh or skin."

"We would desire of our northern friends such as choose to publish to the world their own version of the case we have related, not to forget to add, in conclusion, that the owner of this little girl is a foreigner, speaks against slavery as an institution, and reads his Bible to his wife, with the view of finding proofs for his opinions."

From Theodore Dwight Weld, p. 74:

"JOHN M. NELSON, Esq., a native of Virginia, now a highly respected citizen of Highland county, Ohio, and member of the Presbyterian Church in Hillsborough, in a recent letter states the following:--"

"In Staunton, Va., at the house of Mr. Robert M`Dowell, a merchant of that place, I once saw a colored woman, of intelligent and dignified appearance, who appeared to be attending to the business of the house, with an iron collar around her neck, with horns or prongs extending out on either side, and up, until they met at something like a foot above her head, at which point there was a bell attached. This yoke, as they called it, I understood was to prevent her from running away, or to punish her for having done so. I had frequently seen men with iron collars, but this was the first instance that I recollect to have seen a female thus degraded."


"Rev. JOHN DUDLEY, Mount Morris, Michigan, resided as a teacher at the missionary station, among the Choctaws, in Mississippi, during the years 1830 and 31. In a letter just received Mr. Dudley says:-- During the time I was on missionary ground, which was in 1830 and 31, I was frequently at the residence of the agent, who was a slaveholder.--I never knew of his treating his own slaves with cruelty; but the poor fellows who were escaping, and lodged with him when detected, found no clemency. I once saw there a fetter for 'the d--d runaways,' the weight of which can be judged by its size. It was at least three inches wide, half an inch thick, and something over a foot long. At this time I saw a poor fellow compelled to work in the field, at 'logging,' with such a galling fetter on his ankles. To prevent it from wearing his ankles, a string was tied to the centre, by which the victim suspended it when he walked, with one hand, and with the other carried his burden. Whenever he lifted, the fetter rested on his bare ankles. If he lost his balance and made a misstep, which must very often occur in lifting and rolling logs, the torture of his fetter was severe. Thus he was doomed to work while wearing the torturing iron, day after day, and at night he was confined in the runaways' jail. Some time after this, I saw the same dejected, heart-broken creature obliged to wait on the other hands, who were husking corn. The privilege of sitting with the others was too much for him to enjoy; he was made to hobble from house to barn and barn to house, to carry food and drink for the rest. He passed round the end of the house where I was sitting with the agent: he seemed to take no notice of me, but fixed his eyes on his tormentor till he passed quite by us."

From Theodore Dwight Weld, p. 75:

"Mr. CURTIS, a journeyman cabinet-maker, of Marietta, relates the following, of which he was an eye witness. Mr. Curtis is every way worthy of credit."

"In September, 1837, at 'Milligan's Bend,' in the Mississippi river, I saw a negro with an iron band around his head, locked behind with a padlock. In the front, where it passed the mouth, there was a projection inward of an inch and a half, which entered the mouth. "The overseer told me, he was so addicted to running away, it did not do any good to whip him for it. He said he kept this gag constantly on him, and intended to do so as long as he was on the plantation: so that, if he ran away, he could not eat, and would starve to death. The slave asked for drink in my presence; and the overseer made him lie down on his back, and turned water on his face two or three feet high, in order to torment him, as he could not swallow a drop.--The slave then asked permission to go to the river; which being granted, he thrust his face and head entirely under the water, that being the only way he could drink with his gag on. The gag was taken off when he took his food, and then replaced afterwards."


"EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM MR. JONATHAN F. BALDWIN, of Lorain county, Ohio. Mr. B. was formerly a merchant in Massillon, Ohio, and an elder in the Presbyterian Church there."

"DEAR BROTHER,--In conversation with Judge Lyman, of Litchfield county, Connecticut, last June, he stated to me, that several years since he was in Columbia, South Carolina, and observing a colored man lying on the floor of a blacksmith's shop, as he was passing it, his curiosity led him in. He learned the man was a slave and rather unmanageable. Several men were attempting to detach from his ankle an iron which had been bent around it. "The iron was a piece of a flat bar of the ordinary size from the forge hammer, and bent around the ancle, the ends meeting, and forming a hoop of about the diameter of the leg. There was one or more strings attached to the iron and extending up around his neck, evidently so to suspend it as to prevent its galling by its weight when at work, yet it had galled or griped till the leg had swollen out beyond the iron and inflamed and supurated, so that the leg for a considerable distance above and below the iron, was a mass of putrefaction, the most loathsome of any wound he had ever witnessed on any living creature. The slave lay on his back on the floor, with his leg on an anvil which sat also on the floor, one man had a chisel used for splitting iron, and another struck it with a sledge, to drive it between the ends of the hoop and separate it so that it might be taken off. Mr. Lyman said that the man swung the sledge over his shoulders as if splitting iron, and struck many blows before he succeeded in parting the ends of the iron at all, the bar was so large and stubborn--at length they spread it as far as they could without driving the chisel so low as to ruin the leg. The slave, a man of twenty-five years, perhaps, whose countenance was the index of a mind ill adapted to the degradations of slavery, never uttered a word or a groan in all the process, but the copious flow of sweat from every pore, the dreadful contractions and distortions of every muscle in his body, showed clearly the great amount of his sufferings; and all this while, such was the diseased state of the limb, that at every blow, the bloody, corrupted matter gushed out in all directions several feet, in such profusion as literally to cover a large area around the anvil. After various other fruitless attempts to spread the iron, they concluded it was necessary to weaken by filing before it could be got off, which he left them attempting to do."

I state categorically --

2. That the abiding system supporting the mixing of extraneous practices (**) with the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra within the Sangha, constitutes a system of chattel slavery of the Sangha held in bondage to those leaders supporting that mixing or tolerating it, and that must be a system of horrible cruelty, where each and every entity is tormented by slander of the Law, juxtaposed to that follower's Nichiren Buddhist practice of the Law. That condition of the perpetual treatment of the Entity of the Mystic Law as a slave en masse cannot possibly persist and is the true cause of the evil effects we see perpetrated upon the Sangha and their environment in the world.
[** Zen Tantric martial arts, Yakushi Kyo Reiki "healing", Yogic seated meditation or dhyana, worship or respect for Shinto or Shen Dao gods or the Shinto crane or Buddha statues, or other practices of the provisional sutras or distortions of Buddhism, many of which have become part of daily life and embedded into the culture within Japan and other "Buddhist" nations]

From Theodore Dwight Weld, p. 69-70:

"Mr. SAMUEL HALL, a teacher in Marietta College, Ohio, and formerly secretary of the Colonization society in that village, has recently communicated the facts which follow. We quote from his letter..."

"The following statement is made by a young man from Western Virginia. He is a member of the Presbyterian Church, and a student in Marietta College. All that prevents the introduction of his name, is the peril to his life, which would probably be the consequence, on his return to Virginia. His character for integrity and veracity is above suspicion."

'On the night of the great meteoric shower, in Nov. 1833. I was at Remley's tavern, 12 miles west of Lewisburg, Greenbrier Co., Virginia. A drove of 50 or 60 negroes stopped at the same place that night. They usually 'camp out,' but as it was excessively muddy, they were permitted to come into the house. So far as my knowledge extends, 'droves,' on their way to the south, eat but twice a day, early in the morning and at night. Their supper was a compound of 'potatoes and meal,' and was, without exception, the dirtiest, blackest looking mess I ever saw. I remarked at the time that the food was not as clean, in appearance, as that which was given to a drove of hogs, at the same place the night previous. Such as it was, however, a black woman brought it on her head, in a tray or trough two and a half feet long, where the men and women were promiscuously herded. The slaves rushed up and seized it from the trough in handfulls, before the woman could take it off her head. They jumped at it as if half-famished.'

'They slept on the floor of the room which they were permitted to occupy, lying in every form imaginable, males and females, promiscuously. They were so thick on the floor, that in passing through the room it was necessary to step over them.'

'There were three drivers, one of whom staid in the room to watch the drove, and the other two slept in an adjoining room. Each of the latter took a female from the drove to lodge with him, as is the common practice of the drivers generally. There is no doubt about this particular instance, for they were seen together. The mud was so thick on the floor where this drove slept, that it was necessary to take a shovel, the next morning, and clear it out. Six or eight in this drove were chained; all were for the south.'

'In the autumn of the same year I saw a drove of upwards of a hundred, between 40 and 50 of them were fastened to one chain, the links being made of iron rods, as thick in diameter as a man's little finger. This drove was bound west-ward to the Ohio river, to be shipped to the south. I have seen many droves, and more or less in each, almost without exception, were chained. I never saw but one drove, that went on their way making merry. In that one they were blowing horns, singing, &c., and appeared as if they had been drinking whisky.'

'They generally appear extremely dejected. I have seen in the course of five years, on the road near where I reside, 12 or 15 droves at least, passing to the south. They would average 40 in each drove. Near the first of January, 1834, I started about sunrise to go to Lewisburg. It was a bitter cold morning. I met a drove of negroes, 30 or 40 in number, remarkably ragged and destitute of clothing. One little boy particularly excited my sympathy. He was some distance behind the others, not being able to keep up with the rest. Although he was shivering with cold and crying, the driver was pushing him up in a trot to overtake the main gang. All of them looked as if they were half-frozen. There was one remarkable instance of tyranny, exhibited by a boy, not more than eight years old, that came under my observation, in a family by the name of D--n, six miles from Lewisburg. This youngster would swear at the slaves, and exert all the strength he possessed, to flog or beat them, with whatever instrument or weapon he could lay hands on, provided they did not obey him instanter. He was encouraged in this by his father, the master of the slaves. The slaves often fled from this young tyrant in terror.' "

From Theodore Dwight Weld, p. 89:

'Hon. JAMES K. PAULDING, the Secretary of the Navy of the U. States, in his "Letters from the South" published in 1817, relates the following:

"At one of the taverns along the road we were set down in the same room with an elderly man and a youth who seemed to be well acquainted with him, for they conversed familiarly and with true republican independence--for they did not mind who heard them. From the tenor of his conversation I was induced to look particularly at the elder. He was telling the youth something like the following detested tale. He was going, it seems, to Richmond, to inquire about a draft for seven thousand dollars, which he had sent by mail, but which, not having been acknowledged by his correspondent, he was afraid had been stolen, and the money received by the thief. 'I should not like to lose it,' said he, 'for I worked hard for it, and sold many a poor d--l of a black to Carolina and Georgia, to scrape it together.--He then went on to tell many a perfidious tale. All along the road it seems he made it his business to inquire where lived a man who might be tempted to become a party in this accursed traffic, and when he had got some half dozen of these poor creatures, he tied their hands behind their backs, and drove them three or four hundred miles or more, bareheaded and half naked through the burning southern sun. Fearful that even southern humanity would revolt at such an exhibition of human misery and human barbarity, he gave out that they were runaway slaves he was carrying home to their masters. On one occasion a poor black woman exposed this fallacy, and told the story of her being kidnapped, and when he got her into a wood out of hearing, he beat her, to use his own expression, 'till her back was white.' It seems he married all the men and women he bought, himself, because they would sell better for being man and wife! But, said the youth, were you not afraid, in traveling through the wild country and sleeping in lone houses, these slaves would rise and kill you? 'To be sure I was,' said the other, 'but I always fastened my door, put a chair on a table before it, so that it might wake me in falling, and slept with a loaded pistol in each hand. It was a bad life, and I left it off as soon as I could live without it; for many is the time I have separated wives from husbands, and husbands from wives, and parents from children, but then I made them amends by marrying them again as soon as I had a chance, that is to say, I made them call each other man and wife, and sleep together, which is quite enough for negroes. I made one bad purchase though,' continued he. 'I bought a young mulatto girl, a lively creature, a great bargain. She had been the favorite of her master, who had lately married. The difficulty was to get her to go, for the poor creature loved her master. However, I swore most bitterly I was only going to take her to her mother's at--and she went with me, though she seemed to doubt me very much. But when she discovered, at last, that we were out of the state, I thought she would go mad, and in fact, the next night she drowned herself in the river close by. I lost a good five hundred dollars by this foolish trick.' " Vol. I. p. 121.'

I state categorically --

3. That slave system permitting the mixing of extraneous practices with the Buddhism of Lotus Sutra within that Sangha thwarts Kosen Rufu and will sustain a deadlock that must be surpassed, and can only be surpassed by a profound determination for the total abolition of slander of the Law, starting with the leadership of the Sangha. Slander of the Law IS chattel slavery for the Entity of the Mystic Law and slavery LEADS INVARIABLY to genocide. For the Sangha and the leaders of the Sangha to commit the great sin of ignoring Nichiren Daishonin and slandering the Law by mixing extraneous practices with Nichiren's practice of the Lotus Sutra is a profound kind of sin against Buddhism: ending that great sin can only be done through committing ourselves to the total abolition of slander of the Law throughout the leadership, then somehow through the Sangha, and finally somehow through society. The eternal Buddha deserves justice.

From Theodore Dwight Weld, p. 25-26:

Darlington, Court House. S. C. March, 28th, 1838.

Under date of July, 1832, Mr. G. writes, "I wish you could have been at the breakfast table with me this morning to have seen and heard what I saw and heard, not that I wish your ear and heart and soul pained as mine is, 'with every day's' observation 'of wrong and outrage' with which this place is filled, but that you might have auricular and ocular evidence of the cruelty of slavery, of cruelties that mortal language can never describe--that you might see the tender mercies of a hardened slaveholder, one who bears the name of being one of the mildest and most merciful masters of which this island can boast. Oh, my friend, another is screaming under the lash, in the shed-room, but for what I know not. The scene this morning was truly distressing to me. It was this:--After the blessing was asked at the breakfast table, one of the servants, a woman grown, in giving one of the children some molasses, happened to pour out a little more than usual, though not more than the child usually eats. Her master was angry at the petty and indifferent mistake, or slip of the hand. He rose from the table, took both of her hands in one of his, and with the other began to beat her, first on one side of her head and then on the other, and repeating this, till, as he said on sitting down at table, it hurt his hand too much to continue it longer. He then took off his shoe, and with the heel began in the same manner as with his hand, till the poor creature could no longer endure it without screeches and raising her elbow as it is natural to ward off the blows. He then called a great overgrown negro to hold her hands behind her while he should wreak his vengeance upon the poor servant. In this position he began again to beat the poor suffering wretch. It now became intolerable to bear; she fell, screaming to me for help. After she fell, he beat her until I thought she would have died in his hands. She got up, however, went out and washed off the blood and came in before we rose from table, one of the most pitiable objects I ever saw till I came to the South. Her ears were almost as thick as my hand, her eyes awfully blood-shotten, her lips, nose, cheeks, chin, and whole head swollen so that no one would have known it was Etta--and for all this, she had to turn round as she was going out and thank her master! Now, all this was done while I was sitting at breakfast with the rest of the family. Think you not I wished myself sitting with the peaceful and happy circle around your table? Think of my feelings, but pity the poor negro slave, who not only fans his cruel master when he eats and sleeps, but bears the stripes his caprice may inflict. Think of this, and let heaven hear your prayers."

From Theodore Dwight Weld, p. 88:

Extract of a letter from Rev. C. S. RENSHAW, pastor of the Congregational Church, Quincy, Illinois. "Judge Menzies of Boone county, Kentucky, an elder in the Presbyterian Church, and a slaveholder, told me that he knew some overseers in the tobacco growing region of Virginia, who, to make their slaves careful in picking the tobacco, that is taking the worms off, (you know what a loathsome thing the tobacco worm is) would make them eat some of the worms, and others who made them eat every worm they missed in picking."

From Theodore Dwight Weld, p. 109-118, and writing for himself:

We here rest the case for the present, so far as respects the presentation of facts showing the condition of the slaves, and proceed to consider the main objections which are usually employed to weaken such testimony, or wholly to set it aside. But before we enter upon the examination of specific objections, and introductory to them, we remark,--

1. That the system of slavery must be a system of horrible cruelty, follows of necessity, from the fact that two millions seven hundred thousand human beings are held by force, and used as articles of property. Nothing but a heavy yoke, and an iron one, could possibly keep so many necks in the dust. That must be a constant and mighty pressure which holds so still such a vast army; nothing could do it but the daily experience of severities, and th ceaseless dread and certainty of the most terrible inflictions if they should dare to toss in their chains.

2. Were there nothing else to prove it a system of monstrous cruelty, the fact that FEAR is the only motive with which the slave is plied during his whole existence, would be sufficient to brand it with execration as the grand tormentor of man. The slave's susceptibility of pain is the sole fulcrum on which slavery works the lever that moves him. In this it plants all its stings; here it sinks its hot irons; cuts its deep gashes; flings its burning embers, and dashes its boiling brine and liquid fire: into this it strikes its cold flesh hooks, grapgling irons, and instruments of nameless torture; and by it drags him shrieking to the end of his pilgrimage. The fact that the master inflicts pain upon the slave not merely as an end to gratify passion, but constantly as a means of extorting labor, is enough of itself to show that the system of slavery is unmixed cruelty.

3. That the slaves must suffer frequent and terrible inflictions, follows inevitably from the character of those who direct their labor. Whatever may be the character of the slaveholders themselves, all agree that the overseers are, as a class, most abandoned, brutal, and desperate men. This is so well known and believed that any testimony to prove it seems needless. The testimony of Mr. WIRT, late Attorney General of the United States, a Virginian and a slaveholder, is as follows. In his life of Patrick Henry, p. 36, speaking of the different classes of society in Virginia, he says,--"Last and lowest a feculum, of beings called 'overseers'--the most object, degraded, unprincipled race, always cap in hand to the dons who employ them, and furnishing materials for the exercise of their pride, insolence, and spirit of domination."

Rev. PHINEAS SMITH, of Centreville, New-York, who has resided some years at the south, says of overseers--

"It need hardly be added that overseers are in general ignorant, unprincipled and cruel, and in such low repute that they are not permitted to come to the tables of their employers; yet they have the constant control of all the human cattle that belong to the master.

"These men are continually advancing from their low station to the higher one of masters. These changes bring into the possession of power a class of men of whose mental and moral qualities I have already spoken."

Rev. HORACE MOULTON, of Marlboro', Massachusetts, who lived in Georgia several years, says of them,--

"The overseers are generally loose in their morals; it is the object of masters to employ those whom they think will get the most work out of their hands,--hence those who whip and torment the slaves the most are in many instances called the best overseers. The masters think those whom the slaves fear the most are the best. Quite a portion of the masters employ their own slaves as overseers, or rather they are called drivers; these are more subject to the will of the masters than the white overseers are; some of them are as lordly as an Austrian prince, and sometimes more cruel even than the whites."

That the overseers are, as a body, sensual, brutal, and violent men is proverbial. The tender mercies of such men must be cruel.

4. The ownership of human beings necessarily presupposes an utter disregard of their happiness He who assumes it monopolizes their whole capital, leaves them no stock on which to trade, and out of which to make happiness. Whatever is the master's gain is the slave's loss, a loss wrested from him by the master, for the express purpose of making it his own gain; this is the master's constant employment--forcing the slave to toil--violently wringing from him all he has and all he gets, and using it as his own;--like the vile bird that never builds its nest from materials of its own gathering, but either drives other birds from theirs and takes possession of them, or tears them in pieces to get the means of constructing their own. This daily practice of forcibly robbing others, and habitually living on the plunder, cannot but beget in the mind the habit of regarding the interests and happiness of those whom it robs, as of no sort of consequence in comparison with its own; consequently whenever those interests and this happiness are in the way of its own gratification, they will be sacrificed without scruple. He who cannot see this would be unable to feel it, if it were seen.


That slaveholders do not practically regard slaves as human beings is abundantly shown by their own voluntary testimony. In a recent work entitled, "The South vindicated from the Treason and Fanaticism of Northern Abolitionists," which was written, we are informed, by Colonel Dayton, late member of Congress from South Carolina; the writer, speaking of the awe with which the slaves regard the whites, says,--

"The northerner looks upon a band of negroes as upon so many men, but the planter or southerner views them in a very different light."

Extract from the speech of Mr. SUMMERS, of Virginia, in the legislature of that state, Jan. 26, 1832. See the Richmond Whig.

"When, in the sublime lessons of Christianity, he (the slaveholder) is taught to 'do unto others as he would have others do unto him,' HE NEVER DREAMS THAT THE DEGRADED NEGRO IS WITHIN THE PALE OF THAT HOLY CANON."

PRESIDENT JEFFERSON, in his letter to GOVERNOR COLES, of Illinois, dated Aug. 25, 1814, asserts, that slaveholders regard their slaves as brutes, in the following remarkable language.

"Nursed and educated in the daily habit of seeing the degraded condition, both bodily and mental, of these unfortunate beings [the slaves], FEW MINDS HAVE YET DOUBTED BUT THAT THEY WERE AS LEGITIMATE SUBJECTS OF PROPERTY AS THEIR HORSES OR CATTLE."


That American slaveholders possess a power over their slaves which is virtually absolute, none will deny.*

* The following extracts from the laws of slave-states are proofs sufficient.

"The slave is ENTIRELY subject to the WILL of his master."--Louisiana Civil Code, Art. 273.

"Slaves shall be deemed, sold, taken, reputed, and adjudged in law to be chattels personal, in the hands of their owners and possessors, and their executors, administrators and assigns, TO ALL INTENTS, CONSTRUCTIONS, AND PURPOSES, WHATSOEVER."--Laws of South Carolina, 2 Brev. Dig. 229; Prince's Digest, 446, &c.

That they desire this absolute power, is shown from the fact of their holding and exercising it, and making laws to confirm and enlarge it. That the desire to possess this power, every tittle of it, is intense, is proved by the fact, that slaveholders cling to it with such obstinate tenacity, as well as by all their doings and sayings, their threats, cursings and gnashings against all who denounce the exercise of such power as usurpation and outrage, and counsel its immediate abrogation.


To deny that cruelty is the spontaneous and uniform product of arbitrary power, and that the natural and controlling tendency of such power is to make its possessor cruel, oppressive, and revengeful towards those who are subjected to his control, is, we repeat, to set at nought the combined experience of the human race, to invalidate its testimony, and to reverse its decisions from time immemorial.

A volume might be filled with the testimony of American slaveholders alone, to the truth of the preceding position. We subjoin a few illustrations, and first, the memorable declaration of President Jefferson, who lived and died a slaveholder. It has been published a thousand times, and will live forever. In his "Notes on Virginia," sixth Philadelphia edition, p. 251, he says,--

"The WHOLE COMMERCE between master and slave, is a PERPETUAL EXERCISE of the most boisterous passions, the most unremitting DESPOTISM on the one part, and degrading submission on the other...... The parent storms, the child looks on, catches the lineaments of wrath, puts on the same airs in the circle of smaller slaves, GIVES LOOSE TO THE WORST OF PASSIONS; and thus nursed, educated, and daily exercised in tyranny, cannot but be stamped by it with odious peculiarities."

Hon. LEWIS SUMMERS, Judge of the General Court of Virginia, and a slaveholder, said in a speech before the Virginia legislature in 1832; (see Richmond Whig of Jan. 26, 1832,)

"A slave population exercises the most pernicious influence upon the manners, habits an character, of those among whom it exists. Lisping infancy learns the vocabulary of abusive epithets, and struts the embryo tyrant of its little domain. The consciousness of superior destiny takes possession of his mind at its earliest dawning, and love of power and rule, 'grows with his growth, and strengthens with his strength.' Unless enabled to rise above the operation of those powerful causes, he enters the world with miserable notions of self-importance, and under the government of an unbridled temper."

The late JUDGE TUCKER of Virginia, a slaveholder, and Professor of Law in the University of William and Mary, in his "Letter to a Member of the Virginia Legislature," 1801, says,--

"I say nothing of the baneful effects of slavery on our moral character, because I know you have been long sensible of this point."

The Presbyterian Synod of South Carolina and Georgia, consisting of all the clergy of that denomination in those states, with a lay representation from the churches, most, if not all of whom are slaveholders, published a report on slavery in 1834, from which the following is an extract.

"Those only who have the management of servants, know what the hardening effect of it is upon their own feelings towards them. There is no necessity to dwell on this point, as all owners and managers fully understand it. He who commences to manage them with tenderness and with a willingness to favor them in every way, must be watchful, otherwise he will settle down in indifference, if not severity."

GENERAL WILLIAM H. HARRISON, now of Ohio, son of the late Governor Harrison of Virginia, a slaveholder, while minister from the United States to the Republic of Colombia, wrote a letter to General Simon Bolivar, then President of that Republic, just as he was about assuming despotic power. The letter is dated Bogota, Sept. 22, 1826. The following is an extract.

"From a knowledge of your own disposition and present feelings, your excellency will not be willing to believe that you could ever be brought to an act of tyranny, or even to execute justice with unnecessary rigor. But trust me, sir, there is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive of the noblest and finest feelings of our nature than the exercise of unlimited power. The man, who in the beginning of such a career, might shudder at the idea of taking away the life of a fellow-being, might soon have his conscience so seared by the repetition of crime, that the agonies of his murdered victims might become music to his soul, and the drippings of the scaffold afford blood to swim in. History is full of such excesses."

WILLIAM H. FITZHUGH, Esq. of Virginia, a slaveholder, says,--"Slavery, in its mildest form, is cruel and unnatural; its injurious effects on our morals and habits are mutually felt."

Hon. SAMUEL S. NICHOLAS, late Judge of the Court of Appeals of Kentucky, and a slaveholder, in a speech before the legislature of that state, Jan. 1837, says,--

"The deliberate convictions of the most matured consideration I can give the subject, are, that the institution of slavery is a most serious injury to the habits, manners and morals of our white population--that it leads to sloth, indolence, dissipation, and vice."

Dr. THOMAS COOPER, late President of the College of South Carolina, in a note to his edition of the "Institutes of Justinian," page 413, says,--

"All absolute power has a direct tendency, not only to detract from the happiness of the persons who are subject to it, but to DEPRAVE THE GOOD QUALITIES of those who possess it. . . . . the whole history of human nature, in the present and every former age, will justify me in saying that such is the tendency of power on the one hand and slavery on the other."

A South Carolina slaveholder, whose name is with the executive committee of the Am. A. S. Society, says, in a letter, dated April 4, 1838:--

"I think it (slavery) ruinous to the temper and to our spiritual life; it is a thorn in the flesh, for ever and for ever goading us on to say and to do what the Eternal God cannot but be displeased with. I speak from experience, and oh! my desire is to be delivered from it."

Monsieur C. C. ROBIN, who was a resident of Louisiana from 1802 to 1806, published a work on that country; in which, speaking of the effect of slaveholding on masters and their children, he says:--

"The young creoles make the negroes who surround them the play-things of their whims: they flog, for pastime, those of their own age, just as their fathers flog the others at their will. These young creoles, arrived at the ago in which the passions are impetuous, do not know how to bear contradiction; they will have every thing done which they command, possible or not; and in default of this, they avenge their offended pride by multiplied punishments."

Dr. GEORGE BUCHANAN, of Baltimore, Maryland, member of the American Philosophical Society, in an oration at Baltimore, July 4, 1791, said:--

"For such are the effects of subjecting man to slavery, that it destroys every humane principle, vitiates the mind, instils ideas of unlawful cruelties, and eventually subverts the springs of government."--Buchanan's Oration, p. 12.

President EDWARDS the younger, in a sermon before the Connecticut Abolition Society, in 1791, page 8, says:--

"Slavery has a most direct tendency to haughtiness, and a domineering spirit and conduct in the proprietors of the slaves, in their children, and in all who have the control of them. A man who has been bred up in domineering over negroes, can scarcely avoid contracting such a habit of haughtiness and domination as will express itself in his general treatment of mankind, whether in his private capacity, or in any office, civil or military, with which he may be invested."

The celebrated MONTESQUIEU, in his "Spirit of the Laws," thus describes the effect of slaveholding upon the master:--

"The master contracts all sorts of bad habits; and becomes haughty, passionate, obdurate, vindictive, voluptuous, and cruel."

WILBERFORCE, in his speech at the anniversary of the London Anti-Slavery Society, in March, 1828, said:--

"It is utterly impossible that they who live in the administration of the petty despotism of a slave community, whose minds have been warped and polluted by that contamination, should not lose that respect for their fellow creatures over whom they tyrannize, which is essential in the nature and moral being of man, to rescue them from the abuse of power over their prostrate fellow creatures."

In the great debate, in the British Parliament, on the African slave-trade, Mr. WHITBREAD said:

"Arbitrary power would spoil the hearts of the best."

I state categorically --

4. The eternal leader of the movement for the total abolition of slander of the Law (and slavery and genocide) is none other than Nichiren Daishonin. Through the Writings of Nichiren Daishonin (Gosho:
http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-1/toc/) and the Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings (Ongi Kuden:
http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/ott/toc/), Nichiren is valiantly leading the way to a better world for the human race: his unknowing abolitionist followers included Louis X, king of France (abolished French national slavery in 1315), Bartolome de las Casas (his book led to the temporary abolition of slavery through the Spanish empire from 1542-1545), James Edward Oglethorpe (temporary abolition of slavery in the Georgian Colony from 1734-1743), Maximilien Robespierre (abolished slavery throughout French empire only to be re-established by Napoleon), William Wilberforce, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Theodore Dwight Weld, Jose Gregorio Monagas, and Abraham Lincoln. One way or another, we will follow Nichiren Daishonin to that better world.

5. That path will become far less grim once the leaders of the Sangha commit themselves to ending the abiding system supporting the mixing of extraneous practices (**) with the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra within the Sangha, that constitutes a system of chattel slavery of the Sangha held in bondage to those leaders supporting that mixing or tolerating it in any way. Silently continuing or abiding with the status quo of this great evil is to court genocide, war and devastation. The reason we have war and the horrors like it in a world filled with Buddhas, can only be because they believe some things are worse than war and the horrors like it, and they will find a way to resolve this intolerable deadlock if we cannot bring ourselves to resolve it in the Sangha.

All practitioners of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism who slander the Law mercilessly will argue with great passion that they treat the Entity of the Mystic Law with respect. However, they, like the slaveholders of the early 19th century, are blinded to their error and are in a profound state of denial.

Here is another illuminating passage from Theodore Dwight Weld, p. 122-124.

'Was there ever a more ridiculous doctrine, than that a man's opinion of his own actions is the true standard for measuring them, and the certificate of their real qualities! -- that his own estimate of his treatment of others is to be taken as the true one, and such treatment be set down as good treatment upon the strength of his judgment. He who argues the good treatment of the slave, from the slaveholder's good opinion of such treatment, not only argues against human nature and all history, his own common sense, and even the testimony of his senses, but refutes his own arguments by his daily practice. Everybody acts on the presumption that men's feelings will vary with their practices; that the light in which they view individuals and classes, and their feelings towards them, will modify their opinions of the treatment which they receive. In any case of treatment that affects himself, his church, or his political party, no man so stultifies himself as to argue that such treatment must be good, because the author of it thinks so.'

... 'The declarations of slaveholders, that they treat their slaves well, will put no man in a quandary, who keeps in mind this simple principle, that the state of mind towards others, which leads one to inflict cruelties on them, blinds the inflicter to the real nature of his own acts. To him, they do not seem to be cruelties; consequently, when speaking of such treatment toward such persons, he will protest that it is not cruelty; though, if inflicted upon himself or his friends, he would indignantly stigmatize it as atrocious barbarity. The objector equally overlooks another every-day fact of human nature, which is this, that cruelties invariably cease to seem cruelties when the habit is formed, though previously the mind regarded them as such, and shrunk from them with horror.'

'The following fact, related by the late lamented THOMAS PRINGLE, whose Life and Poems have recently been published in England, is an appropriate illustration. Mr. Pringle states it on the authority of Captain W. F. Owen, of the Royal Navy.'

"When his Majesty's ships, the Leven and the Barracouta, employed in surveying the coast of Africa, were at Mozambique, in 1823, the officers were introduced to the family of Senor Manuel Pedro d'Almeydra, a native of Portugal, who was a considerable merchant settled on that coast; and it was an opinion agreed in by all, that Donna Sophia d'Almeydra was the most superior woman they had seen since they left England. Captain Owen, the leader of the expedition, expressing to Senor d'Almeydra his detestation of slavery, the Senor replied, 'You will not be long here before you change your sentiments. Look at my Sophia there. Before she would marry me, she made me promise that I should give up the slave trade. When we first settled at Mozambique, she was continually interceding for the slaves, and she constantly wept when I punished them; and now she is among the slaves from morning to night; she regulates the whole of my slave establishment; she inquires into every offence committed by them, pronounces sentence upon the offender, and stands by and sees them punished.' "

'To this, Mr. Pringle, who was himself for six years a resident of the English settlement at the Cape of Good Hope, adds:'

"The writer of this article has seen, in the course of five or six years, as great a change upon English ladies and gentlemen of respectability, as that described to have taken place in Donna Sophia d'Almeydra; and one of the individuals whom he has in his Theodore eye, while he writes this passage, lately confessed to him this melancholy change, remarking at the same time, 'how altered I am in my feelings with regard to slavery. I do not appear to myself the same person I was on my arrival in this colony, and if I would give the world for the feelings I then had, I could not recall them.' "

'Slaveholders know full well that familiarity with slavery produces indifference to its cruelties and reconciles the mind to them. The late Judge Tucker, a Virginia slaveholder and professor of law in the University of William and Mary, in the appendix to his edition of Blackstone's Commentaries, part 2, pp. 56, 57, commenting on the law of Virginia previous to 1792, which outlawed fugitive slaves, says:'

"Such are the cruelties to which slavery gives rise, such the horrors to which the mind becomes reconciled by its adoption."

'The following facts from the pen of CHARLES STUART, happily illustrate the same principle:'

"A young lady, the daughter of a Jamaica planter, was sent at an early age to school in England, and after completing her education, returned to her native country."

"She is now settled with her husband and family in England. I visited her near Bath, early last spring, (1834.) Conversing on the above subject, the paralyzing effects of slaveholding on the heart, she said:"

" 'While at school in England, I often thought with peculiar tenderness of the kindness of a slave who had nursed and carried me about. Upon returning to my father's, one of my first inquiries was about him. I was deeply afflicted to find that he was on the point of undergoing a "law flogging for having run away." I threw myself at my father's feet and implored with tears, his pardon; but my father steadily replied, that it would ruin the discipline of the plantation, and that the punishment must take place. I wept in vain, and retired so grieved and disgusted, that for some days after, I could scarcely bear with patience, the sight of my own father. But many months had not elapsed ere I was as ready as any body to seize the domestic whip, and flog my slaves without hesitation.' "

"This lady is one of the most Christian and noble minds of my acquaintance. She and her husband distinguished themselves several years ago, in Jamaica, by immediately emancipating their slaves."

"A lady, now in the West Indies, was sent in her infancy, to her friends, near Belfast, in Ireland, for education. She remained under their charge from five to fifteen years of age, and grew up every thing which her friends could wish. At fifteen, she returned to the West Indies -- was married -- and after some years paid her friends near Belfast, a second visit. Towards white people, she was the same elegant, and interesting woman as before; apparently full of every virtuous and tender feeling; but towards the colored people she was like a tigress. If Wilberforce's name was mentioned, she would say, 'Oh, I wish we had the wretch in the West Indies, I would be one of the first to help to tear his heart out!' -- and then she would tell of the manner in which the West Indian ladies used to treat their slaves. 'I have often,' she said, 'when my women have displeased me, snatched their baby from their bosom, and running with it to a well, have tied my shawl round its shoulders and pretended to be drowning it: oh, it was so funny to hear the mother's screams! !' -- and then she laughed almost convulsively at the recollection."

'Mr. JOHN M. NELSON, a native of Virginia, whose testimony is on a preceding page [of Hillsborough. Mr. Nelson removed from Virginia to Highland county, Ohio, many years since, where he is extensively known and respected.], furnishes a striking illustration of the principle in his own case. He says:'

"When I was quite a child, I recollect it grieved me very much to see one tied up to be whipped, and I used to intercede with tears in their behalf, and mingle my cries with theirs, and feel almost willing to take part of the punishment. Yet such is the hardening nature of such scenes, that from this kind of commiseration for the suffering slave, I became so blunted that I could not only witness their stripes with composure, but myself inflict them, and that without remorse. When I was perhaps fourteen or fifteen years of age, I undertook to correct a young fellow named Ned, for some supposed offence, I think it was leaving a bridle out of its proper place; he being larger and stronger than myself took hold of my arms and held me, in order to prevent my striking him; this I considered the height of insolence, and cried for help, when my father and mother both came running to my rescue. My father stripped and tied him, and took him into the orchard, where switches were plenty, and directed me to whip him; when one switch wore out he supplied me with others. After I had whipped him a while, he fell on his knees to implore forgiveness, and I kicked him in the face; my father said, 'don't kick him but whip him,' this I did until his back was literally covered with welts."

'W. C. GILDERSLEEVE, Esq., a native of Georgia, now elder of the Presbyterian church, Wilkesbarre, Penn. after describing the flogging of a slave, in which his hands were tied together, and the slave hoisted by a rope, so that his feet could not touch the ground; in which condition one hundred lashes were inflicted, says:'

"I stood by and witnessed the whole without feeling the least compassion; so hardening is the influence of slavery that it very much destroys feeling for the slave."

'[The wife of DAVID L. CHILD, Esq., of Northampton, Massachusetts, Secretary of the United States' minister at the Court of Lisbon during the administration of President Monroe] Mrs. CHILD, in her admirable 'Appeal,' has the following remarks:'

"The ladies who remove from the free States into the slaveholding ones almost invariably write that the sight of slavery was at first exceedingly painful; but that they soon become habituated to it; and after a while, they are very apt to vindicate the system, upon the ground that it is extremely convenient to have such submissive servants. This reason was actually given by a lady of my acquaintance, who is considered an unusually fervent Christian. Yet Christianity expressly teaches us to love our neighbor as ourselves. This shows how dangerous it is, for even the best of us, to become accustomed to what is wrong."

"A judicious and benevolent friend lately told me the story of one of her relatives, who married a slave owner, and removed to his plantation. The lady in question was considered very amiable, and had a serene, affectionate expression of countenance. After several years residence among her slaves, she visited New England. 'Her history was written in her face,' said my friend; 'its expression had changed into that of a fiend. She brought but few slaves with her; and those few were of course compelled to perform additional labor. One faithful negro woman nursed the twins of her mistress, and did all the washing, ironing, and scouring. If, after a sleepless night with the restless babes, (driven from the bosom of their mother,) she performed her toilsome avocations with diminished activity, her mistress, with her own lady-like hands, applied the cowskin, and the neighborhood resounded with the cries of her victim. The instrument of punishment was actually kept hanging in the entry, to the no small disgust of her New England visitors. For my part,' continued my friend, 'I did not try to be polite to her; for I was not hypocrite enough to conceal my indignation.' "

As in chattel slavery (which I consider to be entirely the same thing as slander of the Law: essentially the torture of the Entity of the Mystic Law) it is the constant exposure to slander that destroys the compassion for protecting the Law and the Entity of the Mystic Law, and eventually one becomes blinded to the evils of slander and those evils gradually move to the forefront of one's life to be on display to the Sangha and the Gohonzon during practice. This is the highest desire of the demons of slander of the Law: to manifest themselves inside the Sangha.

I find that last letter from Mrs. Child to be especially enlightening.

How "extremely convenient to have such submissive servants", because the Entity does not directly complain?

How she would punish a slave immediately after serving her family, like slandering immediately after the butsudan doors were closed?

How she kept the whip hanging in the entry hall, like a prized Shinto statue at the back of the room, or a Buddhist antique statue head in the front hall, or the nunchaku hanging on the wall, or the reiki treatments happening at the back of the room during the daimoku toso, or the yoga seated lotus position during district meeting gongyo, or the exchange of Qigong herbs after a shakubuku meeting, ... I could go on? Slander, once hidden, becomes prominent and finally central to one's life inside the Sangha.

Or in the previous letter by Charles Stuart, where the lady from the West Indies wanted to get the famous abolitionist in her clutches and "tear his heart out", for rebuking her slave-holding society?

We can recall the prolonged beating with a stout cane that Senator Charles Sumner took on the Senate floor by a Southern Congressman that almost killed him, for generally characterizing any slaveholder's attachment to the institution of chattel slavery in a famous speech as sexually depraved. After more than a year, he recovered and returned to the Senate and later was the person who introduced the 13th Amendment to abolish slavery, which later passage in the House was dramatized in the Spielberg movie, "Lincoln". Years later he was a principal in shaping the 14th (Civil Rights) and 15th (Voting Rights) Amendments as well, but the kind of reactionary vengeance the prompted his infamous beating does not end with death: in 1960, David Donald of Goodman, Mississippi (in the center of the most deadly cotton plantation state of the deep South at the heart of Jim Crow, Ku Klux Klan, and lynching activity and only 50 miles from where the Klan murdered the 3 civil rights volunteers) actually received a Pulitzer Prize for his profound trashing of Charles Sumner in a biography. This specific kind of demonic hatred is deathless and is, in fact, an eternal tribute.
http://history.furman.edu/~benson/docs/sumnerksh2.htm (the Crime Against Kansas speech)

Certainly, the demon of slander itself possessing slanderers, and eventually those slanderers themselves, cannot bear to hear Nichiren Daishonin's rebuking of slander of the Law and will demonstrate a profound hatred for those who quote Nichiren's words, like the lady from Mrs Child's letter whose face "had changed into that of a fiend".

This raises some interesting questions for research.

Is there a depraved sexual component to slandering the Law and torturing the Entity of the Mystic Law, a rapturous pleasure derived from refusing to heed the Daishonin's pleas to avoid slandering Buddhism at all costs?

Does the devilish function provide a payment for slanderous practices that addicts those who follow him instead of Nichiren Daishonin and makes the attachment to evil a set of biochemical reactions enhanced by repetition, basically an addiction?

Is that what causes their responses to anyone rebuking their slander to be so extreme?

From the Wikipedia article on Addiction:

"Addiction is a state characterized by compulsive engagement in rewarding stimuli, despite adverse consequences. It can be thought of as a disease or biological process leading to such behaviors. The two properties that characterize all addictive stimuli are that they are (positively) reinforcing (i.e., they increase the likelihood that a person will seek repeated exposure to them) and intrinsically rewarding (i.e., they activate the brain's "reward pathways", and are therefore perceived as being something positive or desirable)."

... "Physical dependence occurs when the body has adjusted by incorporating the substance into its "normal" functioning – i.e., attains homeostasis – and therefore physical withdrawal symptoms occur upon cessation of use. Tolerance is the process by which the body continually adapts to the substance and requires increasingly larger amounts to achieve the original effects. Withdrawal refers to physical and psychological symptoms experienced when reducing or discontinuing a substance that the body has become dependent on. Symptoms of withdrawal generally include but are not limited to anxiety, irritability, intense cravings for the substance, nausea, hallucinations, headaches, cold sweats, and tremors."

Chronic high-dose exposure to psychostimulants like amphetamine, methylphenidate, phenethylamine, and cocaine all induce signaling events in the brain's reward centers through the increased concentration of synaptic dopamine:

"Following presynaptic dopamine and glutamate co-release by such psychostimulants, postsynaptic receptors for these neurotransmitters trigger internal signaling events through a cAMP pathway and calcium-dependent pathway that ultimately result in increased CREB phosphorylation. Phosphorylated CREB increases levels of delta-FosB, which in turn represses the c-fos gene with the help of corepressors. A highly stable (phosphorylated) form of delta-FosB, one that persists in neurons for one or two months, slowly accumulates following repeated exposure to stimulants through this process. delta-FosB functions as 'one of the master control proteins' that produces addiction-related structural changes in the brain, and upon sufficient accumulation, with the help of its downstream targets (e.g., nuclear factor kappa B), it induces an addictive state."

Could such a process be responsible for people's demonic attachment to external psychostimulant processes like chattel slavery, genocidal activities and their parents: slander of the Law and torture of the Entity of the Mystic Law?

It is possible that slandering the Law and keeping the Entity of the Mystic Law in the torment of perpetual chattel slavery through mixing slanderous practices with the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra is simply a rapturous psychosexual addiction complete with a dopamine reaction.

If so, then that could explain why rebuking slander of the Law is such a wholly dangerous pursuit, like blocking the path between an addict and their drugs.

Then it should be possible to clinically measure increased dopamine levels and the presence of activities in the neural pathways (delta-FosB increases last for months) after exposure to slanderous objects and practices.

Of course, the objective scientific observation of those processes only augments the subjective observations by the true victim of slanderous practices, who is well aware of them now, and always has been.

Let me put this in another way.

A follower of Nichiren Daishonin steeped in a culture of slander of the Law, enjoying a Judo or Karate match sees something very different from that which the Entity of the Mystic Law, who does not forget the source of that practice, sees. The Entity does not forget that Judo arose from Jujitsu at the Eisho-ji Jodo Pure Land Temple, and Karate from the Fist Law (Guan Fa in Chinese, pronounced Kempo in Japanese) of Shorinji Kempo, and that all the Asian martial arts ultimately derive from the Kung Fu of the Zen Shaolin Temple (Shorinji = Shaolin) where Bodhidharma first invented Zen, Qigong and Tai chi through plagiarizing and then discarding the sutras and the attempted murder of the Buddha and theft of his mantle as founder of Buddhism (which Devadatta attempted during the Buddha's life.) Certainly the victims who are beaten or subjugated by these practices of distortions of Buddhism do not forget, either, because the Buddha did not make his appearance in this world to preach about the art of killing.

Although a follower of Nichiren Daishonin steeped in a culture of slander of the Law might enjoy the silent tranquility of the tea ceremony, the Entity of the Mystic Law does not forget that the tea ceremony arose from the Zen rituals of Eichu and Sen no Rikyu (Rikyu was of Hideyoshi's court, he was forced to commit seppuku over some slight) or that "Tea is Zen and Zen is Tea," and also that Nichiren stated unequivocally that "Zen is the invention of the Heavenly Devil." ("Letter to Akimoto", WND I, pp. 1016,
http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-1/Content/144#para-14 )

Although a follower of Nichiren Daishonin steeped in a culture of slander of the Law might enjoy giving or receiving Acupuncture or following other Qigong practices like Tai Chi, the Entity of the Mystic Law does not forget that the source of these practices was none other than Bodhidharma (also known as Da Mo, Ta Mo or Daruma) a Devadatta of the Shaolin Temple and also that Nichiren stated clearly that "Contamination at the source of a river will pollute its entire length." ("On Curing Karmic Disease", WND I, pp. 634,
http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-1/Content/76#para-11 )

Although a follower of Nichiren Daishonin steeped in a culture of slander of the Law, who is a huge fan of Kendo, might enjoy the action as combatants practice their Samurai arts while whirling their wooden swords, the Entity of the Mystic Law does not forget that during the 14th century after the deaths of Nichiren Daishonin and his Samurai Shijo Kingo, that the new Ashikaga shogunate moved from Kamakura to Kyoto, and the bakufu (military government) subsequently fell under the heavy influence of Gozan Rinzai Zen (Gozan refers to the "five mountains", which were the five huge militarized Rinzai Zen temples in Kyoto.) It was there and then that the Samurai way and its martial arts became completely infused and mixed inseparably with Rinzai Zen, and the bakufu itself became populated with Zen scribes to create the bakufu's river of laws over the next half-millennium, regulating everything from the tea ceremony to which temple must be attended to retain one's head. Certainly the victims of the fine Samurai art of beheading who were bound and helpless captives in front of crowds of soldiers with their snapping cameras, under the watchful eyes of their Zen chaplains during the Rape of Nanking did not appreciate D.T. Suzuki's Zen distortion that "the hand holding the sword is the Buddha's hand," either. ("The rape of Nanking: an undeniable history in photographs" James Yin, Young Shi, pp. 140, Innovative Publishing Group, 1996)

Although a follower of Nichiren Daishonin steeped in a culture of slander of the Law might enjoy giving or receiving Reiki "healing", the Entity of the Mystic Law does not forget that a Reiki or Medicine Master is merely a Tantric practitioner of the mudras of the Medicine Master Sutra, or Yakushi Kyo, which is the sutra about the Buddha of the Eastern Region, and whose practices are clearly identified as extraneous and a slander of a provisional teaching by Nichiren himself, "Then, what great physician or what efficacious medicine can cure the illnesses of all people in the Latter Day of the Law? They cannot be cured by the mudras and mantras of the Thus Come One Mahavairochana, the forty-eight vows of the Thus Come One Amida, or the twelve great vows of the Thus Come One Medicine Master, not even his pledge to 'heal all ills.' Not only do such medicines fail to cure these illnesses; they aggravate them all the more." ("Offering Prayers to the Mandala", WND I, pp. 415,
http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-1/Content/46#para-4 ) So, certainly Nichiren neither forgets nor appreciates the Reiki practice of slander, either.

Although a follower of Nichiren Daishonin steeped in a culture of slander of the Law might give three "Banzai!" cheers in good spirit, the Entity of the Mystic Law does not forget that it is short for the Shinto yell "Tenno Heika Banzai!" or "Long live the Emperor!", which is shortened for the shock effect in a suicide attack as an act of Zen seppuku or hara-kiri. Certainly the corralled and bound victims of mock "Banzai!" bayonet charges, which were captured in photos from the Rape of Nanking did not forget or appreciate that, either. (ibid., Yin, pp. 60)

Although a follower of Nichiren Daishonin steeped in a culture of slander of the Law might enjoy revering or worshiping statues of gods (or god-emperors), or enshrining the Shinto talisman, or the Nichiren Shoshu Shinto crane in their altar, butsudan, or butsugu, the Entity of the Mystic Law does not forget that Shinto is a syncretic faith that was evolved from Tantric Buddhism and distortions of the Lotus Sutra mixed with Confucianism and Daoism. Shinto originated in China as Shen Dao, the Kingly Way, or Way of the Gods and it's purpose was to confuse kings and gods and place them both above the Buddhas: later in Japan for the ends of the Emperors in Kyoto and finally Nobunaga, the Shogun Hideyoshi and at the very summit of distortion for the Shoguns Tokugawa, through the ancient wickedness of a Tendai monk called Tenkai and an army of bakufu Zen scribes. Tenkai, a notoriously traitorous follower of Dengyo, was employed by the Tokugawa Iemitsu and rewarded his mentor Dengyo by placing words in his mouth to the effect that not only were the gods above the Buddhas, but also that the greatest of the gods was the object of worship of the Sanno Ichijitsu (One Truth) Shinto Cult: the ashes of the founder of the Tokugawa Shogunate, Ieyasu (Iemitsu's grandfather), as the one true god over all of creation (presumeably inspired by his Jesuit associates, whom Tenkai later betrayed as well.) The ashes of Ieyasu the God were the focal point of a weary Sankin Kotai, which was really a tozan pilgrimage from all points through Edo (Tokyo), stopping to pay homage to Iemitsu and his heirs, but ending finally to worship at the enormous Sanno Ichijitsu shrine bearing Ieyasu's ashes at Mt. Nikko, just north of Edo. The followers of the Sanno Ichijitsu cult were a select elite: the royal family (emperor, princes), the nobility (daimyo lords) and the high priests of all Buddhist sects in Japan, including Nissei, the 17th High Priest of the Fuji School, all bowing in defeat to Ieyasu (and by reflected glory, to his heirs.) All of the Buddhist sects were placed by Tenkai under the umbrella of the temple hierarchy (Honmatsu-ji), with Sanno Ichijitsu Shinto on top, Mt. Minobu of the traitorous Nichiren Shu in the middle and the Fuji school of Nichiren Daishonin and Nikko Shonin on the bottom. Self-identification of Sankin Kotai pilgrims in heavily armed groups (which could be quite large as they moved through the Kanto heartland of the Tokugawa) was accomplished by round emblems (called mon) denoting the royals and daimyo clans (kamon) or Buddhist sects (shinmon), which were heavily regulated in size and carefully recorded in books for use by the Tokugawa spy networks on the roads, who were always fearing invasion. The Honmatsu-ji-Shinto-regulated and Minobu-conferred shinmon for the Fuji school was the Shinto crane, now the emblem of Nichiren Shoshu, and still residing on many SGI altar butsugu, butsudans, and even the backing paper of Gohonzon received before the (blessed) excommunication by Nichiren Shoshu in 1991. The verminous Nissei the 17th and his next six successive High Priests of the Fuji School (all of whom were statue worshippers from the slanderous Yobo-ji Temple) were adoring Shinto Tozan pilgrims in their worship of Ieyasu's ashes at Mt. Nikko: those evil priests did not forget what their crane emblem (tsuru shinmon) signified: the Shinto crane meant the total defeat and denigration of the Fuji School. (Ooms, H. (1985). "Tokugawa Ideology: Early Constructs, 1570-1680" (pp. 178-181 specifically, generally the whole work). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.), (SGI-USA Study Department. (2000). The Untold History of the Fuji School (1st ed., pp. 61). Santa Monica, CA: World Tribune Press.) and ("Shinto Tsuru Shinmon - A Toynbee Analysis of the Fuji School", pp. 91-97,
http://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B1xmnHkI0Z-dYjM0ZDg5NTMtZDNkNy00MDIxLWE1MjMtNTBiZDIwODBhNzIw&hl=en )

Although a follower of Nichiren Daishonin steeped in a culture of slander of the Law might gain flexibility and tranquility in his practice of the Yoga and the Tantra of Hinduism (referred to by Nichiren as the Non-Buddhist Schools of India in the Opening of the Eyes Gosho), the Entity of the Mystic Law does not forget that the Yoga asanas (the classical positions) are not only physical prayers from the Vedas and Upanishads, but they are nothing more or less than the mudras of Tantric Buddhism, or Shingon. Nichiren talks about Tripitaka Master Hsuan-tsang and his attempts to prove the superiority of the Mahavairochana Sutras of Shingon (True Word School) over the Lotus Sutra, based partly on Hsuan-tsang's distorted view of Bodhisattva Maitreya's Treatise on the Stages of Yoga Practice. Hsuan-tsang argued that the Lotus Sutra was lesser, because it does not include all the variety of the mudras, mantras and mandalas relating to all the Buddhas of the Mahavairochana teachings: ("The Lotus Sutra and True Word Teachings", WND II, pp. 277-278,
http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-2/Content/189#para-30 and "The Bodies and Minds of Ordinary Beings", WND I, pp. 1130,
http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-1/Content/171#para-18 ). In fact, the practice of the Lotus Sutra is infinitely superior PRECISELY BECAUSE it has only one mudra (Gassho: palms held together in prayer), only one mantra (Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo) and only one mandala (Gohonzon) and only prays to one Buddha (Myoho-Renge, the Buddha that rules throughout Jambudvipa, our reality, and the dharma realm from beginning to end.) Nichiren describes how Bodhisattva Maitreya expounded the "Stages of Yoga Practice" in spreading the provisional teachings ("On the Five Guides for Propagation", WND II, pp. 557,
http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-2/Content/247#para-119 ) before the Lotus Sutra was preached and categorizes the "Treatise on the Stages of Yoga Practice" as a connecting teaching ("Rooster Diagram of the Five Periods", WND II, pp. 1036,
http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-2/Content/367#para-2 ) If we might tend to forgive Yoga and other practices of the provisional teachings and become confused, Nichiren reminds us that "In this age, the provisional teachings have turned into enemies of the true teaching. When the time is right to propagate the teaching of the one vehicle, the provisional teachings become enemies. When they are a source of confusion, they must be thoroughly refuted from the standpoint of the true teaching. Of the two types of practice, this is shakubuku, the practice of the Lotus Sutra. With good reason T'ient'ai stated, 'The Lotus Sutra is the teaching of shakubuku, the refutation of the provisional doctrines.'" ("On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings", WND I, pp. 394,
http://www.nichirenlibrary.org/en/wnd-1/Content/42#para-14 )

I also do not forget, and if other followers of Nichiren Daishonin tend to become confused and forget all of this, then they can simply read my arguments again, and remember.

Let me put this in yet another way.

Who has more arbitrary power than an ordinary human being practicing Nichiren's Buddhism with the power to slander the Law at will and exercise that power over a completely defenseless Entity of the Mystic Law, with the arrogance of a Roman Emperor over slaves, who invisibly serve him and are suffering outside of his knowledge.

Who has more arbitrary power than an ordinary human being practicing Nichiren's Buddhism with the power to slander the Law at will and exercise that power over the completely defenseless Entity of the Mystic Law, like an arrogant dictator who can afterwards lie about it to himself and construct an errant history of self-reinforcing rationalization and explanatory illogic to explain his evil acts to himself and cast himself as the hero of his personal narrative, while casting Nichiren as the over-strict, too-rigid-about-slander-of-the-Law, villain of the story:

"That was seven hundred years ago, what Nichiren said about Zen does not apply to Zen now: it's a different Zen,"

or "Reiki isn't Tantric Buddhism, it's just a healing art,"

or "Nichiren himself had a golden statue of Shakyamuni and showed veneration towards it, I should be able to show appreciation to the Buddha, too."

or "It's just Yoga stretches, why are you complaining about that?"

or "Shijo Kingo was a Samurai, and offered to do seppuku (hara kiri) by Nichiren's side, and even though seppuku is a Zen practice, it must be OK,"

or "The crane emblem was Nichiren's family crest,"

or "I've always gone to my Tantric healer, give me a break,"

or "Acupuncture fixed my back problems, we've always used it,"

or "I do Tai Chi with my mother's group, it's just exercise,"

or "Mr. Toda did Judo, the police train with Judo, there's nothing wrong with it,"

or "They're statues of Buddhist gods and deities, I'm just showing respect to the Buddhist gods, what harm can it do?"

These all translate to hatred of Nichiren Daishonin and despising of his message: that at the root of all human misery is precisely this slander of the Law. Mr. Toda urged us to "abolish human misery", and that is my intent.

Here are a small selection of Nichiren's responses to any excuses his followers might make to defend their mixing of extraneous practices of provisional teachings, distortions of Buddhism and other slanders of the Law, with Nichiren's practice of the Lotus Sutra:

"But a vessel is susceptible to four faults. The first is being upset or covered, which means that the vessel can be overturned or covered with a lid. The second is leaking, which means that the water leaks out. The third is being defiled, which means that the contents can be contaminated. Though the water itself may be pure, if filth is dumped into it, then the water in the vessel ceases to be of any use. The fourth is being mixed. If rice is mixed with filth or pebbles or sand or dirt, then it is no longer fit for human consumption," from "Letter to Akimoto", WND I, p. 1014.

'Or we may be the kind of practitioners of the Lotus Sutra whose mouths are reciting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo one moment, but Namu Amida Butsu the next. This is like mixing filth with one’s rice, or putting sand or pebbles in it. This is what the Lotus Sutra is warning against when it says, "Desiring only to accept and embrace the sutra of the great vehicle and not accepting a single verse of the other sutras." [Note: Lotus Sutra, chap. 3.]
The learned authorities in the world today suppose that there is no harm in mixing extraneous practices with the practice of the Lotus Sutra, and I, Nichiren, was once of that opinion myself. But the passage from the sutra [that I have just quoted] does not permit such a view,' from "Letter to Akimoto", WND I, p. 1014.

'Bodhisattva Nagarjuna in his Commentary on the Ten Stages Sutra states, "Do not rely on treatises that distort the sutras; rely on those that are faithful to the sutras." The Great Teacher T'ien-t'ai says, "That which accords with the sutras is to be written down and made available. But put no faith in anything that in word or meaning fails to do so." The Great Teacher Dengyo says, "Depend upon the preachings of the Buddha, and do not put faith in traditions handed down orally." Enchin, also known as the Great Teacher Chisho, says, "In transmitting the teachings, rely on the written words [of scriptures]," ' from "The Opening of the Eyes", WND I, p. 264.

' "Not relying upon persons" means that when persons of the first, second, third, and fourth ranks preach, even though they are bodhisattvas such as Universal Worthy and Manjushri who have attained the stage of near-perfect enlightenment, if they do not preach with the sutra in hand, then they are not to be accepted, ' from "The Opening of the Eyes", WND I, p. 263.

"The meaning of this passage is that, if one turns one's back on even one verse or one phrase of this sutra, one is guilty of a crime equal to that of killing all the Buddhas of the ten directions in the three existences of past, present, and future," from "Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man", WND I, p. 108.

"If we merely rely upon the commentaries of various teachers and do not follow the statements of the Buddha himself, then how can we call our beliefs Buddhism?" from "Questions and Answers about Embracing the Lotus Sutra", WND I, p. 56.

'In a scripture called the Nirvana Sutra, the Buddha says, "Rely on the Law and not upon persons." Relying on the Law here means relying on the various sutras. Not relying upon persons means not relying on persons other than the Buddha, such as the bodhisattvas Universal Worthy and Manjushri or the various Buddhist teachers I have enumerated earlier.' from "On Repaying Debts of Gratitude", WND I, p. 692.

"A sutra says: 'Rely on the Law and not upon persons. Rely on the meaning of the teaching and not on the words. Rely on wisdom and not on discriminative thinking. Rely on sutras that are complete and final and not on those that are not complete and final.' [Note: Nirvana Sutra. These injunctions are termed the 'four reliances,' but they are also known as the 'four standards.'] The meaning of this passage is that one should not rely upon the words of the bodhisattvas and teachers, but should heed what was established by the Buddha. It further means that one should not rely upon the teachings of the True Word, Zen, and Nembutsu schools, which are based upon the sutras of the Flower Garland, Agama, Correct and Equal, and Wisdom periods, [Note: Collectively, the provisional teachings preached prior to the Lotus Sutra, according to T’ien-t’ai’s classification of sutras.] but should uphold the sutras that are complete and final. And by relying upon 'sutras that are complete and final,' it means upholding the Lotus Sutra," WND I, p. 872.

'Each school declares its own sutra to be superior, all other sutras being dismissed as inferior, and on this basis labels itself the correct school. But their arguments are based merely upon the words of the teachers and not upon the Buddha’s teaching. Only the Lotus Sutra was proclaimed superior by the Buddha himself when he expounded the simile of the five flavors, likening them to the teachings of the five periods. He also declared that of all the various sutras that he "has preached, now preaches, and will preach," in terms of the path of attaining Buddhahood, none could rival the Lotus Sutra. These statements are in truth the Buddha’s own golden words,' WND I, p. 874.

Some people respond to hearing Nichiren's quotes on the topic of the abomination that is slander of the Law, by accusing those rebuking slander as "interpreting the Gosho". When Nichiren talks about slander of the Law, he is clear and unequivocal on what is slander and how abominable it is. Even a small child could understand Nichiren's clear and unmistakable message. How could any reasoning adult miss the point? It is only because of attachments to evil.

One could, instead of persecuting and abusing those who rebuke slander of the Law, decide to follow Nichiren Daishonin and attain the way:

As Nichiren states in "The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood", WND I, p. 747, 'The Nirvana Sutra states: "If even a good monk sees someone destroying the teaching and disregards him, failing to reproach him, to oust him, or to punish him for his offense, then you should realize that that monk is betraying the Buddha’s teaching. But if he ousts the destroyer of the Law, reproaches him, or punishes him, then he is my disciple and a true voice-hearer." You should etch deeply in your mind the two words "see" and "disregard" in the phrase "sees someone destroying the teaching and disregards him, failing to reproach him." Both teacher and followers will surely fall into the hell of incessant suffering if they see enemies of the Lotus Sutra but disregard them and fail to reproach them. The Great Teacher Nan-yueh says that they "will fall into hell along with those evil persons." [Note: This phrase is found in a passage from On the Peaceful Practices of the Lotus Sutra, which reads: "If there should be a bodhisattva who protects evil persons and fails to chastise them . . . then, when his life comes to an end, he will fall into hell along with those evil persons."] To hope to attain Buddhahood without speaking out against slander is as futile as trying to find water in the midst of fire or fire in the midst of water. No matter how sincerely one believes in the Lotus Sutra, if one is guilty of failing to rebuke slander of the Law, one will surely fall into hell, just as a single crab leg will ruin a thousand pots of lacquer. This is the meaning of the passage in the sutra, "Because the poison has penetrated deeply and their minds no longer function as before." [Note: Lotus Sutra, chap. 16.]'

As Nichiren states in "Encouragement to a Sick Person", WND I, pp. 77-78, "Moreover, every single person is guilty of slander of the Law, an offense exceeding even the ten evil acts or the five cardinal sins. Although few people slander the Lotus Sutra with actual words of abuse, there are none who accept it. Some appear to accept the sutra, but their faith in it is not as deep as their faith in the Nembutsu or other teachings. And even those with profound faith do not reproach the enemies of the Lotus Sutra. However great the good causes one may make, or even if one reads and copies the entirety of the Lotus Sutra a thousand or ten thousand times, or attains the way of perceiving three thousand realms in a single moment of life, if one fails to denounce the enemies of the Lotus Sutra, it will be impossible to attain the way. To illustrate, it is like the case of someone in the service of the imperial court. Even though he may have served for a decade or two, if he knows someone to be an enemy of the emperor but neither reports him to the throne nor shows personal animosity toward him, all the merit of his past services will be thereby negated, and he will instead be charged with an offense. You must understand that the people of this age are slanderers of the Law. (This is the second [of the five guides for propagation.])"

As Nichiren states in "Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man", WND I, p. 108, "Is not one who fails to heed the warnings of this sutra in effect cutting off the tongues of the Buddhas and deceiving the worthies and sages? This offense is truly fearful. Thus, in the second volume it says, 'If a person fails to have faith but instead slanders this sutra, immediately he will destroy all the seeds for becoming a Buddha in this world.' [Note 34. Lotus Sutra, chap. 3.] The meaning of this passage is that, if one turns one's back on even one verse or one phrase of this sutra, one is guilty of a crime equal to that of killing all the Buddhas of the ten directions in the three existences of past, present, and future.
If we use the teachings of the sutras as a mirror in which to examine our present world, we will see that it is a difficult thing to find one who does not betray the Lotus Sutra. And if we understand the true meaning of these matters, we can see that even a person of disbelief cannot avoid being reborn in the hell of incessant suffering. How much more so is this true, then, for someone like the Honorable Honen, the founder of the Nembutsu school, who urged people to discard the Lotus Sutra in favor of the Nembutsu! Where, may I ask, in all the five thousand or seven thousand volumes of sutras is there any passage that instructs us to discard the Lotus Sutra?"

What happens the first time that the strict admonitions of Nichiren Daishonin are encountered regarding slander of the Law, by a typical lay believer: it is mostly confusion regarding the idea that holding evil views and attitudes, and expressing evil words and acting out evil deeds regarding Buddhahood, the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra, the other sutras, provisional teachings and practices could possibly be as important as holding evil views and attitudes, and expressing evil words and acting out evil deeds towards other members, the Sangha and disturbing the unity of true believers. Nichiren, in his writings, seems to put all of these evils on the same enormous scale of wrongness. It is as if to Nichiren, that the supreme teaching and the people who follow it are one and the same, and without distinction.

When followers of Nichiren Daishonin ignore his admonitions to avoid slandering the Law, they grow attached to their slanderous practices. Successively their compassion for Nichiren's words admonishing them to avoid slander of the Law will diminish, until finally they can no longer bear to hear them: it becomes an agony even to hear the reference and that creates and reinforces a silent conspiracy against the words of Nichiren Daishonin inside the Sangha following Nichiren Daishonin. It becomes disruptive of the unity of true believers even to speak of it, and that disruption is a slander of the Law.

This is how the devilish function turns the medicine of the Law against itself.

Why would anyone cling so ferociously to extraneous practices, when it is obvious they are not Nichiren's practice of the Lotus Sutra? Why would anyone cling so ferociously to Buddhist and Hindu texts that are provisional and extraneous to Nichiren's Gosho and the Lotus Sutra? Why would anyone cling so ferociously to religious objects of worship and other accretions that are not the Gohonzon? These ferocious attachments are nothing more than the functions of demons that accompany slanderous texts, practices and objects. Slander and demons are two in appearance and one in essence.

My constant prayer is to eradicate every demonic slander and replace them all with the shoten zenjin (Buddhist gods), in my five components and every living being, throughout the world of living beings in the ten directions and three existences of Jambudvipa, and across the dharma realm. I only follow Nichiren Daishonin as closely as I do, because my mentor Daisaku Ikeda has taught me to do so. Sensei calls the Daishonin, "the greatest sage in the universe," and he has freed me from any kind of doubt that what he says about the Daishonin is absolutely the truth.

I am the most unworthy of bodhisattvas of the earth, it is certainly true. Nevertheless, because I follow Nichiren Daishonin and am determined to fulfill his desires, then what I am calling for is the Total Abolition of Slander of the Law. I am well aware, from following this path myself in Soka Spirit, that it will call for the most profound kind of human revolution from everybody. The unpleasantries involved will be, in a word, "biblical".

If it were not for my Sensei, Daisaku Ikeda, I would have no hope whatsoever, but I have borrowed Sensei's hope and I keep it close to my heart.


"It's been a long time comin', but ... change goin' come. Oh, yes it is!" - Sam Cooke, 1964

2018-02-11 20:37:26 UTC
2018-02-17 11:51:13 UTC
Chas, who was Mr Makaguchi's mentor? Who Chas, who? You're avoiding the question. It's simple no?

Be well :)
2018-02-18 05:06:56 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Chas, who was Mr Makaguchi's mentor? Who Chas, who? You're avoiding the question. It's simple no?
Be well :)
I already answered that.

2018-02-18 19:57:46 UTC
Chas is crowing about 50,000 youth division SGI members:


And Chas is on record as saying he'd be content it its at or above that number.

So is 50,000 youth division members anything to shout about? I don't think so, in fact if I were Chas, Aiden Strauss, or SGI USA , I'd not be bragging at all, it's embarrasing, it's a real admission of failure and defeat. Here's why, let's do the math...

As always, context is everything, so let's look at that number (assuming it is an accurate figure) in the context of SGI's membership decline over the last 25 years and in the context of the 18 to 30 year old population of the USA.

I'm going to be a little generous to SGI and err on the side that favours them.

So, we know that, on SGI's own published figures, global membership has declined by 40% between 1988 and 2016.

We also know that most of that decline was outside Japan but we'll be nice to SGI USA and assume it was evenly spread. We also know that SGI spread to more countries, spreading the Membership peanut butter and jelly more thinly, but again we'll be nice to poor old long suffering SGI USA and not factor that in.

So, Aiden Strauss and Chas are claiming 50,000 youth members but what number should it be and how many are they short?

Well if they'd stayed at 1988 levels with no population growth about 83,333,so already about 33,000 down.

If they'd have maintained 1988 levels and kept up with global population growth, they should be at 124,166. So just to have stood still in real terms, SGI USA is short of about 74,000 youth members. So they managed to get 50,000 but they needed to have another 74,000. Way to go, long way to go. And that's with NO real terms growth.

So let's factor that in at a very modest growth rate of 0.5% per year over 25 years, that gives us a ballpark figure of around 150,000 youth members.

So 50,000 is a very long way short of 150,000.

See why it's embarrasing? SGI USA is essentially saying, "look at us, aren't we wonderful we managed to get a third of the youth members we should have - look at our spectacular failure!" Do you think that's OK? (Chas we know you'll think its great your tolerance for putting up with fouth best is legendary so long as it's stamped SGI).

Now let's really put those numbers into the context of the USA's 18 to 30 year old population. Again we'll be kind and use 2010 census figures from American Factfinder.


The breakdown by age and gender are below or at the link.

The total USA youth population 18-30 is 51,773,937 the SGI USA figure of 50,000 in that context is tiny, just 0.097%. Even 150,000 is small by 50,000 is positively microscopic.

Why does that matter? Well SGI USA should be worried if it can only scrape 50,000 youth members together and if Chas's complacency and contentment to settle for defeat is replicated across the organisation (which it is if Adin is crowing about it!).

We make most friendship connections when we are young, as Chas rightly points out. Arguably we are also at our most attractive and idealistic, a great combo for growing organisations, youth have pulling power, as Mr Toda seems to have understood.

But we also grow and change and move on from things that don"t work, which is why Amazon has such a low retail price on the "Wisdom of the Lotus Sutra" series. The market is flooded with second hand copies that former youth division members have discarded when they've matured and got the measure of the SGI's real nature.

That shouldn't be the case if youth duvision members are staying and recruiting more.The low price only works if there is a glut and that can only be so if more books are being dumped into that market than are being bought - if demand is low.

In the hyper connected world of the young, that pulling power reaches across boundaries, or at least it should do but for SGI it isn't. 50,000 isn't anything to shout about and what if tomorrow? Already SGI has lost many if it's young people as they've either left, or grown up or both.

That's part of the reason for the decline. As fresh blood fails to come in, the SGI ages, making it less and less attractive and more and more inflexible and rigid. That cycle continues. One needs young people to attract young people or a very good inpirational inter-generational link. SGI has neither.

What it does have, is a whole heap of controversy that it's stirred up itself and which is imortalised online and which is there at a swipe of a screen for savvy young people to access when they're checking out the reviews, which is their default.

What do you think they find on spiritual trip adviser? Well Chas's extensive abusive and garbled posting for starters.

No wonder SGI USA can only muster 50,000 young people and next year it will be less, then less the next and then less the next, until it hits bottom critical mass and spins into its final phase of terminal decline. Just as I predicted 2 years ago... oops...

Be well :)

USA Youth Population 2010:


18 and 19 years 4,647,457
20 years 2,308,319
21 years 2,223,198
22 to 24 years 6,482,659
25 to 29 years 10,635,591

Total Male 26,297,224

18 and 19 years 4,438,632
20 years 2,210,810
21 years 2,131,096
22 to 24 years 6,229,917
25 to 29 years 10,466,258

Total Female: 25,476,713.
2018-02-18 23:16:12 UTC
You did not respond to my point that there are eight million Soka Gakkai families in Japan, which you repeatedly incorrectly assess in your "expertise" on the numbers. Since you "know the statistics" from being a top insider/leader statistician of the SGI, MISSTATING THEM NOW CAN ONLY MEAN THAT YOU ARE A LIAR.

And yes, that eight million quote from Mr. Harada does not imply that everyone in all those families does gongyo twice a day every day, but I'll bet you aren't perfect either. I would however bet that the numbers of members of those Soka Gakkai families occasionally doing at least sansho to the family member's Gohonzon (3 daimoku) is quite high.

Yes we have had setbacks, starting with Sensei being forced to leave his position in 1979, operation C and the mass excommunication and continuing attacks on the SGI from press under the influence of slanderous Buddhism, and cranks like your noble self, m'Lord Iain. These have had their intended deleterious effects on membership, but we have survived in spite of that.

So, you are unwilling to bet on 50,000 because you know that we will accomplish that. That is already a serious blow to your argument that we are dying and not growing.

If we had been so wise as to accept your Lordship as our leader and you were setting the goal, what would you consider sufficient to show growth from our current (according to you) diminished position?

2018-02-19 18:59:32 UTC
Chas wrote:

"You did not respond to my point that there are eight million Soka Gakkai families in Japan, which you repeatedly incorrectly assess in your "expertise" on the numbers. Since you "know the statistics" from being a top insider/leader statistician of the SGI, MISSTATING THEM NOW CAN ONLY MEAN THAT YOU ARE A LIAR.

And yes, that eight million quote from Mr. Harada does not imply that everyone in all those families does gongyo twice a day every day, but I'll bet you aren't perfect either. I would however bet that the numbers of members of those Soka Gakkai families occasionally doing at least sansho to the family member's Gohonzon (3 daimoku) is quite high.

Yes we have had setbacks, starting with Sensei being forced to leave his position in 1979, operation C and the mass excommunication and continuing attacks on the SGI from press under the influence of slanderous Buddhism, and cranks like your noble self, m'Lord Iain. These have had their intended deleterious effects on membership, but we have survived in spite of that.

So, you are unwilling to bet on 50,000 because you know that we will accomplish that. That is already a serious blow to your argument that we are dying and not growing.

If we had been so wise as to accept your Lordship as our leader and you were setting the goal, what would you consider sufficient to show growth from our current (according to you) diminished position?


Oh dear Chas, once again you seem to be out of your depth regarding SGI numbers, readers can check the previous debates that are recorded in a post from the Chas Refutation index (link below), quoted at the bottom of this post.

Lovin the new tactic of stating (falsely) that I've not answered a point you're supposed yi have made (but haven't). Easily defeated Chas, from now on link to your post where you ask the question.

BUT before you are tempted to flood the forum with questions, in a feeble atgempt to overwhelm me. questions that you yourself refuse to answer in like manner, be so good as to deal with ALL the point questions you have been asked and have avoided, refused to answer or run away from.

I asked first and you have a sizable backlog to provide straight answers for.

Be well :)


SGI Membership Numbers - 40% drop since 1988 to 2016.

This is a great example of the tactics Chas (and his SGI media management masters) use to try and defend against something that undermines their claims, in this case their own published membership figures.

In these links is analysis of the claimed current membership published by SGI and a comparison against 1988 figure. There is also calculation and comparison with global population growth across the period to 2016, to give a real terms comparison.

Conclusion, had SGI just kept pace with population expansion, today it would be 29 million, if it had grown modestly in real terms, it should be about 40 million or more today. Instead it's 12 million.

The discussion:

I drew attention to the drop first, in this thread, using SGI's own published figures:


Chas disputed the figures so I responded with fully refeneced sources SGI materials and links to SGI's own websites that I got the numbers from.

In the face of evidence, Chas starts claiming the figures are "hazy"

The chat continued briefly here:


Numbers were referenced again here, specifically the SGI USA membership, Chas didn't challenge these.


Discussion then continued in this thread:


Despite fully referenced material and the links to SGI's own website, Chas tries to cast doubt again (second attempt at defence):

"Your numbers are off, I am sure, becasuse accurate membership counts are not available, except that there are 8 million Soka Gakkai families in Japan, and there are 2.5 average members to a Japanese family. What does that mean in terms of membership?"

So, I ask 6 questions (which I know the answers to) about SGI statistics and data. Chas confirms these. This demonstrates that SGI has enough data to accurarly approximate it's published membership within a reasonable margin of error.

Chas tries various tactics to confuse the issue, including the red herring of issue of Gohozon and tries to change the subject to practing members, which was never the issue. (Third attempt at defence)

I clear each irrelevant point out of the way and give the definition of membership.

Next Chas shifts tactics and now tries to suggest "untrained volunteers" give the data unreliability. (4th attempt at defense)

Actually even if that were true, SGI has enough other data sources to make accurate data analysis and arrive at accurate approximations - but it's not true.

I clear those points and reference the SGI USA handbook on statisics collection, linking to it.

Chas disengages from the membership numbers debate, not challenging further and diverting to another topic.

Chas still tries to claim the figures are doubtful and acts as though he hadn't engaged in these exchanges.

I'm not the only one to highlight SGI membership:


These postings challenge the reliabilty of the numbers themselves, suggesting they are too large.
2018-02-20 13:14:01 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
Post by m***@gmail.com
"You did not respond to my point that there are eight million Soka Gakkai families in Japan, which you repeatedly incorrectly assess in your "expertise" on the numbers. Since you "know the statistics" from being a top insider/leader statistician of the SGI, MISSTATING THEM NOW CAN ONLY MEAN THAT YOU ARE A LIAR.
And yes, that eight million quote from Mr. Harada does not imply that everyone in all those families does gongyo twice a day every day, but I'll bet you aren't perfect either. I would however bet that the numbers of members of those Soka Gakkai families occasionally doing at least sansho to the family member's Gohonzon (3 daimoku) is quite high.
Yes we have had setbacks, starting with Sensei being forced to leave his position in 1979, operation C and the mass excommunication and continuing attacks on the SGI from press under the influence of slanderous Buddhism, and cranks like your noble self, m'Lord Iain. These have had their intended deleterious effects on membership, but we have survived in spite of that.
So, you are unwilling to bet on 50,000 because you know that we will accomplish that. That is already a serious blow to your argument that we are dying and not growing.
If we had been so wise as to accept your Lordship as our leader and you were setting the goal, what would you consider sufficient to show growth from our current (according to you) diminished position?
Oh dear Chas, once again you seem to be out of your depth regarding SGI numbers, readers can check the previous debates that are recorded in a post from the Chas Refutation index (link below), quoted at the bottom of this post.
Lovin the new tactic of stating (falsely) that I've not answered a point you're supposed yi have made (but haven't). Easily defeated Chas, from now on link to your post where you ask the question.
BUT before you are tempted to flood the forum with questions, in a feeble atgempt to overwhelm me. questions that you yourself refuse to answer in like manner, be so good as to deal with ALL the point questions you have been asked and have avoided, refused to answer or run away from.
I asked first and you have a sizable backlog to provide straight answers for.
Be well :)
[snip some bilge]
Post by m***@gmail.com
SGI Membership Numbers - 40% drop since 1988 to 2016.
This is a great example of the tactics Chas (and his SGI media management masters) use to try and defend against something that undermines their claims, in this case their own published membership figures.
In these links is analysis of the claimed current membership published by SGI and a comparison against 1988 figure. There is also calculation and comparison with global population growth across the period to 2016, to give a real terms comparison.
Conclusion, had SGI just kept pace with population expansion, today it would be 29 million, if it had grown modestly in real terms, it should be about 40 million or more today. Instead it's 12 million.
[snip the rest of your bilge]

OK, we are talking at cross-purposes, let's deal at this point by point. First, let's deal with Soka Gakkai Japan.

1. Mr. Minoru Harada is the current President of Soka Gakkai Japan and he is also the acting President of the SGI. He is currently running the operation of both the Soka Gakkai Japan AND the SGI, and his statistics WILL BY DEFINITION TRUMP ANY OTHER STATISTICS YOU MIGHT QUOTE. So, when Mr. Harada says that the Soka Gakkai Japan has eight million households, THEN THAT IS THE NUMBER and all other sources are incorrect. I don't care where those numbers you quoted came from, Mr. Harada's number IS THE OFFICIAL NUMBER NOW.

Are we clear on that? Whoever else you might quote from the SGI who has a different opinion on that number, AND I DON"T CARE WHO THEY ARE, THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY 100% WRONG AND MR. HARADA IS 100% RIGHT.

You have your right to your opinion, m'Lord Iain, but not to your own private set of facts.

2. According to the official Japanese government census:


There are currently, according to the 2017 census, 126.93 million living Japanese right now in 53.33 million households. Their statistics have roughly 4 significant figures and thus greater precision than ours. Nevertheless, according to that ratio (and the bigger the numbers, the more precise the ratio,) there are 2.830 Japanese per household.

3. Taking that ratio to heart (and you simply have no choice,) in eight million Japanese Soka Gakkai households there are 19 million Japanese who live in a Soka Gakkai household with a Butsudan containing a Gohonzon. Or, 20 million if you care about data significance. That is, by the way, precisely 15% of the population of Japan.

As you well know, in a Japanese household it is the custom for Japanese people, to show respect for the family shrine (altar, Butsudan, Gohonzon,) and that means bowing and doing occasional Sansho (three daimoku.)

This, according to Nichiren Daishonin, is sufficient to constitute the practice of Buddhism, since Gongyo is a formality.

Ipso facto, the world SGI member numbers you quote at twelve million are wrong by at least seven million, or rather 37% off. That is very close to your 40% deficit number. Once you add the rest of the world SGI membership you will exceed 20 million easily, which exceeds your 40% number precisely.

2018-02-20 23:12:22 UTC
Chas states Mr Harada is incompetent...

in this thread https://groups.google.com/forum/m/#!topic/alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren/5DQlAVWBDsI and other threads Chas wrote:

"OK, we are talking at cross-purposes, let's deal at this point by point. First, let's deal with Soka Gakkai Japan."

No we're not, you've already quoted the 8 million figure when you lost before 2 years ago in the prevous exchange (referenced in the post below)

Chas continues:

"1. Mr. Minoru Harada is the current President of Soka Gakkai Japan and he is also the acting President of the SGI. He is currently running the operation of both the Soka Gakkai Japan AND the SGI,"

I agree, he is and has been in that position since 2009. He is absolutely ruuning the show and accountable for what SGI publishes.

Chas goes on:


Absolutely Chas, so when the figures I am quoting are SGI's own published figures for a global membership of 12 million they are by definition Mr Harada's figures and TRUMP everything else - THAT'S WHY I USED THEM.

Chas continues (oblivious to the danger):

"So, when Mr. Harada says that the Soka Gakkai Japan has eight million households, THEN THAT IS THE NUMBER and all other sources are incorrect. I don't care where those numbers you quoted came from, Mr. Harada's number IS THE OFFICIAL NUMBER NOW."

Actually what you and Mr Harada are saying is that since 3 Nov 2016, Japanese household membership has dropped by 0.75 million from 8.75 million households to 8 million now. A sizable decline in little more than a year. I suggest you Google SGI membership and look at SGI's map.

Thank you for drawing readers attention to that drop.

Chas went on:

"Are we clear on that?"

Absolutely! So now are readers! :)

Chas continues digging SGI into a hole:

"Whoever else you might quote from the SGI who has a different opinion on that number, AND I DON"T CARE WHO THEY ARE, THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY 100% WRONG AND MR. HARADA IS 100% RIGHT."

Yes Chas, well since you have pointed out that Mr Harada is head honcho and 12 million members is SGI's own published figure as of 2016, and since Mr Harada had been in the job since 2009, I guess that figure is 100% right.

Chas writes:

"You have your right to your opinion, m'Lord Iain, but not to your own private set of facts."

I don't need opinions nore deal with private sets of facts when quoting SGI official statistics and doing the math.

There is no point. It only works if they are Mr Harada's figures published by the SGI and if, like any good mathmatician, I show my workings and arrive at a verifiable right result.

Which is why I don't get into the pseudo number crunching you do next. I'm an analyst Chas, I take account of data quality, confidence intervals etc.

This next bit is completely irrelevant, since one has no link between the two datasets and you have not demostrated or proven one.

Chas writes:

"2. According to the official Japanese government census:


There are currently, according to the 2017 census, 126.93 million living Japanese right now in 53.33 million households."

So what?

Chas continues:

"Their statistics have roughly 4 significant figures and thus greater precision than ours. Nevertheless, according to that ratio (and the bigger the numbers, the more precise the ratio,) there are 2.830 Japanese per household."

Again so what? The accuracy of an irrekevant dataset is just that, irrelevant.

Chas continues:

"3. Taking that ratio to heart (and you simply have no choice,)"

Oh no I don't nor does any reader, we have a choice, I know that's a but alien to SGI mentor-disciple thinking.

Chas continues:

"in eight million Japanese Soka Gakkai households there are 19 million Japanese who live in a Soka Gakkai household with a Butsudan containing a Gohonzon."

No that is an ASSUMPTION using an average. It's a rookie mistake that a self proclaimed person who worked in a NASA lab, as you have, could not and would not make (well not if you wanted to leave the Earth and get to the Moon and back)

One cannot extraplolate SGI household membership from Japanese household statitics without at least samplling both data sets and seeing if IN FACT there was a correlation that held between the two.

That would require rigourous analytical resources and techniques and statitically valid samples controlling for age, gender ratios and regional variations etc.

It would be simpler just to count the SGI membership individually,which no foubt SGI did when it published its global membership figure of 12 million and Mr Harada signed that off.

Chas writes:

"Or, 20 million if you care about data significance."

I do, which is why I've taken the trouble of correcting you - again. It's a strange position yo be defending Mr Harada and SGI against you but even don't think they're that stupid or worthy of being slandered by your hamfisted amateurish attempts at statistical analysis.

Chas goes on:

"That is, by the way, precisely 15% of the population of Japan."

It's also irrelevant.

Chas digs out that hole some more:

"As you well know, in a Japanese household it is the custom for Japanese people, to show respect for the family shrine (altar, Butsudan, Gohonzon,) and that means bowing and doing occasional Sansho (three daimoku.)"

That's tenuous at best. Buddhism in general is declining in Japan. You assume wrongly that SGI "households" have 2.82 people living in them, which is by no means true and that the custom holds in those households. As you've pointed out, household membership has declined by three quarters of million in just over a year, which suggests if anything, that young peolle especially are not following family customs.

Chas goes further down the road to ruin:

"This, according to Nichiren Daishonin, is sufficient to constitute the practice of Buddhism, since Gongyo is a formality."

Yes but the SGI define membership as a the acceptance of a fomal application to join the SGI, that's what SGI membership figures are based on Chad. So once again your point is totally irrelevant.

If you are saying that chanting Daimoku is enough to constitute as practice if Nichiren Buddhism, I agree - indeed who needs the SGI, that's the point.

Chas gets to the bottom of his hole, pulling thr SGI and Mr Harada into his pit with him:

"Ipso facto, the world SGI member numbers you quote at twelve million are wrong by at least seven million, or rather 37% off."

Ipso facto, you are saying that Mr Harada has signed off an official SGI number of 12 million and allowed that to be quoted as the official figure, across the globe and in numerous SGI publications and websites that UNDERSTATES SGI membership by 7 million.

You just could not make this stuff up Chas, well done, now you've shafted Mr Harada as well as Mr Ikeda too. With friends like you the SGI needs no enemies! (cue a Chas vitriolic, foot stamping, hissy fit)

Chas digs in even a little deeper:

"That is very close to your 40% deficit number. Once you add the rest of the world SGI membership you will exceed 20 million easily, which exceeds your 40% number precisely."

Which is all very well if the SGI official membership map, SGI USA and other SGI published materials didn't contradict you. But they do.

And as we've observed, for your guestimates to be true, Mr Harada and SGI has been wildly understating its own published global membership figures, who would do that and for so long? Only an incompetent and a fool. Are you telling SGI members and other readers that Mr Harada and SGI are both incompetent and fools? Seems so!


Who else could it be?!?

Be well :D
2018-02-21 03:31:44 UTC
Nice try Chas but the 12 million global membership figure is SGI's own.
And next time do include my posting with the links you snipped to the original threads.
No thanks, I prefer to use what are now THE OFFICIAL NUMBERS from the acting President of the SGI Mr. Harada, here's MY LINK to that:


The fact that you use now unofficial numbers instead of the most recent official ones from the top leadership, undermines your attempt at objectivity, and clarifies your arrogant hatred of the SGI overriding any shred of intellectual honesty you might retain at this point.

BTW, ignoring the numbers quoted by President Harada is just another example of appointing yourself the insufferable chief of all Bodhisattvas.

Arrogant, filled with entitlement and self-importance, your majesty really must have been a challenge for your all-too-human leaders in the U.K. SGI. I feel their pain, m'Lord Iain standing astride a sprawling mob of lesser, ignoble human beings trying to keep the Kosen Rufu movement going there, in spite of the monumental egotism of your majesty.

And once again, you are spouting lies and twisting what others have said: stating that I have called Mr. Harada incompetent. He is Sensei's hand -picked successor and a far better man than you will ever be, m'Lord Iain the insufferable.


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