Happy new year Do Kwon...
(too old to reply)
Brad Klee
2024-01-01 02:34:33 UTC
Don't worry I've got a plan for you too, I'm saying
a Kwan Seum Bosatsu. I think that will help...

And in case you've forgotten how to do the bows,
here's the instructional video from Kathy Park Seoul:

You don't need to go to Stanford and ruin your life on
a crypto ego trip, just keep your home tight, and do
the 540 bows on new years day.


Brad Klee
2024-01-01 04:09:19 UTC
Reflect on one person who is truly
compassionate: maybe someone who
lovingly took care of you when you
were ill or a public figure who’s well
known for their compassion * Let
yourself resonate with this person
and connect with the experience of
compassion. * Now bring to mind
someone who is struggling and open
May you transform any pain and
suffering you are experience at
this time.
May you be free from anger, fear,
and sadness.
May you be open to receive others
love and compassion.
May you see your own limits with
May you be filled with compassion
for others and yourself.
source: http://0x0.st/HEC5.txt
