Dausaku Ikeda: A Millionaire's Lifestyle
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2003-12-09 02:54:09 UTC

Weekly Post, 10/14/94

By: Masao Okkotsu

Ikeda's house in Malibu, on the outskirts of L.A.,
has gilded bathrooms. Isn't that in violation of
Federal Tax Laws?

"This is my home in America." - Mr. Daisaku Ikeda once
made that comment about a building on the grounds of the Malibu
Training Center, located in a high- class city on the outskirts
of Los Angeles. However, it is the property of Soka Gakkai,
which is recognized as a religious corporation in the States.
If it is actually private property, it raises doubts about its legality.
Continuing from the preceding issue, we report on location about the
overseas activities of the enigmatic huge religious group.

Three Conditions for Religious Corporate Tax Exemption

SGI-USA (Soka Gakkai International-United States of America),
Soka Gakkai's American religious corporation, owns vast
real estate around Los Angeles. We reported about this fact in our
previous issue, but since most of the property purchased is
owned by a religious corporation, no fixed asset taxes are assessed.

"American religious corporations, the same as in Japan, receive
preferential treatment from the standpoint of tax laws. But in
Japan, if a group possesses the qualifications to be a religious
corporation, then no taxes are assessed unconditionally. That's
different from America, where, even if religious corporate
status is granted, they are not given tax exempt privileges unless a
tax exempt petition is submitted to the local and state tax
authorities and an audit is passed. Three prerequisites for tax
exemption are stipulated in Article 501 of the City Tax
Code. The first is, political activities and political donations are
forbidden. The second is, excessive for-profit enterprises
are forbidden. And the third is, the privatization of the religious
group's assets by the head or the leaders is forbidden.
If these regulations are violated, tax exempt privileges are not given."
(International Business Law Professor Ishimura of Asahi University)

I flew to Los Angeles and received from many former
SGI-USA leaders detailed testimony concerning the reality of the Soka
Gakkai's overseas assets and overseas activities, which up to
now have remained largely unrevealed. According to their
testimony, there are suspicions about whether the SGI-USA
is in violation of two of the three conditions which must be met to
receive tax exempt status.

Among those former leaders, former SGI-USA Chapter
Chief, James Eagleton points out the privatization of the religious
group. "At the Malibu Training Center, there's a house for
Ikeda that we members are never allowed to enter. We are allowed
to enter only the training center itself. The house is a private
building which is used only when Ikeda comes to Los Angeles,
and it's shrouded in a veil of secrecy."

Daisaku Ikeda, Soka Gakkai Honorary President, is also
the SGI President, the head of the SGI wherever it exists around the
world. The Malibu Training Center, which occasionally
appears in Mr. Ikeda's collections of photos, was opened in 1972 by
the SGI-USA (at the time it was known as NSA, Nichiren
Shoshu of America). The area of the site is approximately 9800
tsubo. (Translator's note: A tsubo is approximately 36 square
feet.) The city of Malibu is an extremely high-class city which abuts the
Pacific Ocean and is approximately one hour's drive by car
to the northwest from the center of Los Angeles. It is well known
that many stars, such as actor Kevin Costner and tennis' John McEnroe, live there.

When looking at the Malibu Training Center from the air,
two buildings and a Western style park can be clearly discerned on
the extensive site, which includes a private beach. The huge
building nestled against a mountain is the training center, and the
building nearer the ocean is the aforementioned "Ikeda house."

According to registration documents, the training center
building was built in 1973. Its floor space is approximately 150 tsubo.
The Ikeda house is older, having been built in 1964. Its
floor space is approximately 60 tsubo. Former Los Angeles SGI-USA
leaders who are familiar with the Ikeda house all testify that it is luxurious.

"When Ikeda came to America in 1990, I was ordered
by a top Women's Division leader to clean the bathroom in the Ikeda
house. I have entered the Ikeda house just that once, but
I clearly remember that the bathroom was luxurious. The door and
faucets did not have knobs. They had the expensive handle
types. Furthermore, they were all gold plated. Also, a thick carpet
covered the bathroom floor. I cleaned it completely, but the
Women's Division leader who was supervising told me repeatedly,
'Ikeda Sensei's going to see it! Get it cleaner, get it cleaner.'
I even shoved my hand down the pipes." (a former SGI-USA
Young Men's Division leader who left the Gakkai in 1992) He
says that it made him feel somewhat ill at ease that the
bathroom in the Ikeda house was gilded.

A former leader, who is Japanese and who currently resides
in Los Angeles, says, "I recently spoke with the caretaker, who
said he's been a caretaker there for the past seven years, but
that last year was the first time he had ever cleaned the Ikeda
house. Originally, the wives of the top leaders, including the
wife of the SGI-USA General Director, were responsible for it,
but last year the wife of the man who became General Director
was busy, so she requested a substitute. He said that there are
no words to describe how luxurious it is."

Local Leaders In Particular Are Not Allowed Near It

Even the caretaker first entered the Ikeda house after seven
years on the job. I was able to meet with the person who carried
out the renovations. His name is Mr. Steve Gore (46).

Mr. Gore joined NSA in 1965 at the age of sixteen. After
graduating from UCLA, he became an employee of the NSA
Headquarters. He is a former top leader who, at the age of
twenty-one, became America's youngest Los Angeles Territory
General Chapter Chief and who also worked on the planning
staff of the Young Men's Division. He left the organization in

"The Malibu Training Center is a facility which used to be the
villa of a famous playwright. NSA bought it in 1972 for
$109,000. They built the training center building from scratch,
and renovated the already existing building to be Ikeda's villa.
An opening ceremony was conducted on April 19, 1972.
When I was renovating the Ikeda house, I was instructed by
Vice-General Director Mike Kikumura, 'Spare no expense.
Take special care to use the best materials.'I remember
purchasing the inside furnishings from Schneider Diamond
Co., which handles only very top quality materials."

According to Mr. Gore's recollections, the house consisted
of four spacious rooms: a living room, a dining room, a bedroom
and a Gohonzon room, as well as a bath, a bathroom and
a kitchen. (Translator's note: In Japan, the room containing the toilet is
separate from the room containing the bath. Apparently,
the Ikeda house in Malibu follows this pattern.) He says that, then, when they
renovated it, they built a new open air hot tub lined with
rocks, which Mr. Ikeda loved, and a sauna. "The interior had been
built in the style of a cabin, with thick logs showing. But
we renovated it in a semi-European style using plenty of top quality
Japanese cypress."

Mr. Gore says that at the time they paid particular attention
to soundproofing. "Ikeda hates noise, so we laid lumber over the
wooden floors, spread sound proofing material over it, and
then laid a double layer of three inch thick boards. We then put
Japanese cypress on top of that, giving the floor four layers
of wood. We put Japanese cypress on the ceilings and the walls
for sound proofing. The bedroom windows were double
paned as well. We covered the floor with thick white shag carpet.
The bed was king size, with gold plated piping. We demolished
a parking area big enough to hold three limousines and built a
rock-lined hot tub. The water is always maintained at 102
degrees with a heater, and the hot water flowed down over the
rocks like a cascade. Ikeda was extremely pleased with it,
and often said, 'This is my home in America."'

When the Malibu Training Center was opened, local leader
s and members gathered there and held a training meeting and
garden party in the training center building and the Western
style garden, but they were not allowed near the Ikeda house.

Even the leaders who accompanied him from Japan, except
for the No. 1 General Affairs Dept. female employees who looked
after Ikeda, all slept huddled together in the training center building.

However, things were different for one portion of Women's
Division leaders and Young Women's Division leaders. "From
Friday night until Sunday, Ikeda would occasionally assemble
a small number of top Women's Division leaders and Young
Women's Division leaders and hold special guidance meetings.
Since they would enter the stone hot tub together, they were
called 'Nude Guidance Meetings.' This was an open secret
between leaders in America." (Mr. Gore)

While the Ikeda house on the grounds of the Malibu Training
Center is the possession of he religious corporation SGI-USA, it
is, in actuality, used as a facility and villa for Mr. Ikeda's
individual private use.

"The privatization of a religious body concretely means
that the head of the sect or the leaders personally use the religious
group's assets, and that they receive excessive remuneration.
Ultimately, it depends upon what sort of decision would be
handed down by the American tax authorities, but if actual
privatization can be proved, it is possible that their tax exempt
privileges would be revoked." (the aforementioned Professor Ishimura)

Mr. Gore, who majored in political science at UCLA, also
says that he was encouraged by Mr. Ikeda to "Create an American
Komei Party." In 1972 and 1974, he accompanied Mr.
Ikeda to both England and Panama as a bodyguard.

"During the '72 visit to England, Ikeda bought up paintings,
bronze statues and the like. I suppose the total amount exceeded
$10 million. The No. 1 General Affairs Chief Shigeru Ishida
(presently a Vice President), who traveled with us, wrote memos
saying that Ikeda indicated, 'This one, this one and this one,'
and they would be purchased with cash using dollars, yen and

Mr. Gore entertained doubts about Mr. Ikeda, who used
money as freely as water, and determined to leave the organization
over a certain incident. "In 1974, it was discovered that
Brazil Soka Gakkai General Director Robert Saito (currently
Honorary General Director) was embezzling the organization's
money. Vice President Satoru Izumi (currently Chief of the
Supreme Guidance Council) came from Japan to handle the
incident, and the three of us, he, NSA General Director George
Williams (currently General Director Emeritus) and I, set off
for Brazil. In the end, he was told that if he returned the money, no
questions would be asked, and we collected $1 million. We
put it into 2 suitcases and conveyed it to Los Angeles. At the
same time, Williams said that he had purchased uncut gems as
souvenirs and he asked me to carry them. He handed 3 boxes
of gems over to me. But when we arrived at the L.A. airport,
the customs agent called out my name and told me to show him
the boxes of gems. When I did, rings and such with processed
diamonds were rolling around inside the boxes. The customs
form said they were uncut gems, so I was immediately
arrested as a smuggler. In the meantime, Williams and Izumi passed
through Customs carrying the suitcases. They used me as a scapegoat."

"Everything Depends on Money"

Along with the Ikeda house, SGI-USA's political contributions
have also become problematic in terms of tax laws. A number
of local mass media offices report that the SGI-USA sent large
political contributions to the mayor of Los Angeles.

As stated in the Los Angeles Times (paraphrased), despite
the fact that as a tax exempt religious organization they are
prohibited from making political contributions, Nichiren Shoshu
of America (NSA)...in 1985 and 1986 twice gave Mr.
Bradley (Editor's note: The former L.A. mayor from 1973-93)
a total of $16,700 for his election fund. This is made clear by
any number of articles. (11/17/91 Los Angeles Times)
(Translator's note: This is a translation of the Japanese, and is not a verbatim
quote directly from the Los Angeles Times.)

Former SGI-USA Vice Headquarters Chief Thomas McCord (50),
who left the organization in 1992, says, "Political
contributions have become a problem within NSA as well.
In 1986, Mayor Tom Bradley attended the opening ceremony for
the World Peace Ikeda Auditorium and sat shoulder to
shoulder with Ikeda. I had doubts about it, thinking, 'Mayor Bradley
has no faith. Why is he here?' Later a member discovered
a copy of a personal check which NSA had hurriedly sent to the
mayor. This became a problem. As may be expected, they
had many political problems, such as trouble over buying the land
for the site of the Los Angeles branch of Soka University.
The aim of the political contributions was to receive
accommodations over these problems."

Mr. Steve Gore has very interesting testimony about political
contributions. "It was the end of 1971, Christmas night, I think.
Williams and I visited the municipal mansion of Mayor Sam
Yoty with a political contribution. The purpose was to request that
Ikeda receive the title of Honorary Citizen and to request
approval for a planned parade down Wilshire Boulevard, a principal
city street, when NSA held its nation-wide general meeting
in April the following year. I waited outside the room, but when
Williams came out, he laughed, saying, 'Steve, it's OK. Everything
depends on money.' The impression I received from that
remains with me."

The authorities have not investigated this problem of political
contributions, but reporter John Datz of the Los Angeles Times
says, "Reporters who have covered the SGI-USA know that
Soka Gakkai, its parent organization, is becoming a topic of
conversation in Japan as a problematic religion, and in particular
that it is being inundated with severe criticism over the issue of
the union of Church and State. They are also well aware that in
America, SGI-USA is deluged with criticism over being a cult.
However, it could only be said that the average citizen's concern
for and knowledge of the SGI is low. That's because there
have not been enough reports concerning the SGI. Therein lay
the makings for SGI to expand its influence."

It is being said that the Soka Gakkai problem will once again
become a focus in the Diet this fall. It is being reported that Mr.
Ikeda has spoken about the political situation, but the facts do
not stop at Japan's boundaries.


"Pain and suffering caused by one person on another person is evil."
Pat Matthews, Follower of Ikeda

"Members of the group have used arson and a bomb threat against
temples of rival Buddhist groups. Soka Gakkai has also tried to block the
publication of critical books, and it was convicted of wiretapping the
house of the Communist Party leader. A spokesman said the bomb threat
and arson incidents involved "individuals with history of mental illness"
NY Times 11-14-99

"How do we distinguish between evil acts and bad acts?"
Pat Matthews

"it isn't worth spending a lot of money on spying on the Temple, since
so many people are willing to do it for free"
Chris Holte

Daisaku gave the orders:
"Let us proudly advance on the supreme road to Kosenrufu as we
BRING AN END to the [High Priest] Nikken sect"
WT, March 1, 1993, p. 4

The followers reply to their sensei:

The Soka Gakkai also has begun a campaign of harassment
against the priests. Rumors have been spread that the Taisekiji
Temple grounds are in disarray, with stray dogs wandering
about and robbers lurking in the shadows. Right-wing groups
park their sound trucks outside the temple and blast out their
criticism of the priests..."
Los Angeles Times, 12/16/91

"I know what the group does to people whom it
regards as its enemies. It's not safe for anyone
who dares to criticize it."


Ms. U witnessed four SGI senior leaders storm Bukkenji Temple.
She attempted to take a photograph of the vehicle that they
had arrived in. The four persons turned their attention on her
and charged her, knocking her into the air. When she hit the
ground, they brutally kicked and assaulted her. She suffered
multiple serious injuries, a broken hip and spinal fractures.
Shukan Jitsuwa 12/02/93

One member of the group of four monks and six followers
said they were verbally abused and punched by local members of
the Singapore Nichiren Shoshu Buddhist Association
(SNSBA) [Soka Gakkai Singapore].
The Straits Times - TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1991

"They tried to chase us when my sisters
went out. They came to our home to try to harass us. My former
friends told lies to get my phone number. When they called,
they said,‘You will go to hell, you will be unhappy’. Some were
subjected to physical violence. There was an order by Ikeda to
harass members who leave the cult."
Japan’s Rush Hour of The Gods

..."a mob of Soka Gakkai members, marched into the Kaishinji temple during a
religious service. Shoving aside worshippers, they seized Yahiro and
Kashiwazaki. I thought I was going to die, recalls Yahiro, an
asthmatic. He almost did. A large man grabbed Yahiro by his necktie and lifted
him off the floor, and others took turns punching him until he passed out."
TIME Magazine November 20, 1995 Volume 146, No. 21

"...several hundred Soka Gakkai members invaded his temple during a
service and beat him so severely that he was hospitalized for three months.
Yahiro's hospitalization in April 1991 brought to light a brewing battle..."
San Francisco Chronicle: - Japan Fears Another Religious Sect
SGI charter:
3.SGI shall respect and protect the freedom of religion and religious

7.SGI shall, based on the Buddhist spirit of tolerance, respect other
SOURCE: SGI Homepage

2003-12-09 05:05:13 UTC
What about Nikkens SILK robes, his expensive living circumstances, his family
with the best temples? His retirement plans? His expensive Geisha birthday

Just monk living?

