Just a question about Daisaku Ikeda
(too old to reply)
2018-03-07 01:35:58 UTC
I dont'know where he is. Long time no news from him and as far as I know
he is not seen in public since May 2008.

If his health is fine, why doesn't he come up?

If his health is bad, why doesn't we pray for him?

Are there recent photos from Ikeda? What happened to him?

I want no hostilities or fights around this theme. I have nothing
against SGI or Daisaku Ikeda. This is just a question.

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2018-03-07 13:05:22 UTC
The Self-Appointed High Priest +
Like I said, his photo is in the recent World Tribune, where he and Kaneko attended an art exhibit.
Yet you can't provide it. I suffer Straw Man Arguments so stick that
shit up your cult brainwashed ass.
It wasn't an article, it was a photo with a caption from April 26, 2017 Tokyo in the July 14th, 2017 issue of the World Tribune, page 3.

And most recently in an article in the October 13th, 2017 issue, page 8 of the World Tribune. Sensei and Kaneko visited the Kanagawa Culture Center for a meeting with members.

Hence, Michael Cody and Reddit spew lies that are so easily objectively refuted as to be pathetic.

However, they have no Transfer Box to authenticate the validity of their fake High Priest, the thug Nichinyo "self-appointed" High Priest, Nikken? See the truth here:


Where's the Transfer Box, Michael Cody?

2018-03-07 23:00:46 UTC
Post by Chas.
And most recently in an article in the October 13th, 2017 issue, page 8 of the World Tribune. Sensei and Kaneko visited the Kanagawa Culture Center for a meeting with members.
Are there any photos of them visiting the culture center?
What's Nikken got to do with this topic, please tell me. I'm asking
about Ikeda.

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2018-03-07 18:24:30 UTC
Have you seen a recent ie 2018 photo of him?
Have you heard first hand reports of meetings with him? Private meetings?
Do you have friends in sgi japan who can give you the answer?

Find it strange as a member not to.know the answers to any of these questions.

I hope someone can respond with recent news.
2018-03-07 23:04:45 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
Have you seen a recent ie 2018 photo of him?
Have you heard first hand reports of meetings with him? Private meetings?
Do you have friends in sgi japan who can give you the answer?
Find it strange as a member not to.know the answers to any of these questions.
I hope someone can respond with recent news.
No I haven't seen any recent photo or news of Ikeda. Neither Daisaku nor


Apparently no news since 8 may 2008 when he had his last public
appearance registered on his own timeline, a meeting with Hu Jintao. And
what happened since then?

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2018-03-08 01:03:00 UTC
Post by xyz
Post by k***@gmail.com
Have you seen a recent ie 2018 photo of him?
Have you heard first hand reports of meetings with him? Private meetings?
Do you have friends in sgi japan who can give you the answer?
Find it strange as a member not to.know the answers to any of these questions.
I hope someone can respond with recent news.
No I haven't seen any recent photo or news of Ikeda. Neither Daisaku nor
Apparently no news since 8 may 2008 when he had his last public
appearance registered on his own timeline, a meeting with Hu Jintao. And
what happened since then?
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What happened is that he is 90 years old, and is keeping close to home and finishing off writing projects. He is currently writing the last chapter of the "New Human Revolution," among other projects.

Sensei has selected his successor, President Harada, and will continue his writing until he can no longer keep up with that.

I showed you a photo from last April 2017 in the World Tribune, that was less than a year ago.

I showed you an article about a visit to the Kanegawa Culture Center in the middle of October, attended by many, who can attest to it. That was less than 5 months ago.

So, what's your problem? Eagerly anticipating the death of the greatest Bodhisattva of the Earth for our time, who spread Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism across Japan and to 192 countries in one lifetime? Your show is slipping, or rather your schadenfreude.

You should be ashamed.

2018-03-08 04:56:23 UTC
Like i said no recent pictures.
2018-03-08 10:43:58 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
Like i said no recent pictures.
Like I said, less than a year ago a published photo, and less than 5 months ago a public appearance in front of hundreds of witnesses who know him well (Kansai Soka Gakkai).

Also, like I said, he is 90 and has been replaced by his hand-picked successor (Mr. Harada), who many in this newsgroup declared over and over would be his son: they knew they were lying and they will suffer the consequences of their calumny.

How many 90-year old men are still writing, he is mostly doing that. The lack of public appearances to satisfy vultures like yourself is simply from the infirmity of age. If you were an actual Buddhist you would recognize three of the four sufferings (sickness, again and death) are playing out here and finally give the old man a pass on your carping and sniping.

I know you won't, it will be vultures circling until the end.

I will remind you all that Aristotle declared that the most powerful element of any drama is peripeteia, which translates to "reversal of fortune."

Many times in Buddhism, such as Tatsunokuchi, at the last minute the protagonist pulls out total victory from an impending utter defeat. One of the titles of the Buddha is "Victorious One."

You circling vultures should avoid counting your chickens until they're hatched.

2018-03-08 14:02:37 UTC
So nothing from 2018. Ok then.
2018-03-09 10:41:33 UTC
Post by k***@gmail.com
So nothing from 2018. Ok then.
Peripeteia, remember you heard it here.

2018-03-09 16:05:08 UTC
Post by Chas.
Like I said, less than a year ago a published photo, and less than 5 months ago a public appearance in front of hundreds of witnesses who know him well (Kansai Soka Gakkai).
Show me the published photo

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2018-03-10 05:20:03 UTC
Post by xyz
Post by Chas.
Like I said, less than a year ago a published photo, and less than 5
months ago a public appearance in front of hundreds of witnesses who
know him well (Kansai Soka Gakkai).
Show me the published photo
Waiting for the photo

Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivírus.
2018-03-10 21:41:06 UTC
Post by xyz
Post by xyz
Post by Chas.
Like I said, less than a year ago a published photo, and less than 5
months ago a public appearance in front of hundreds of witnesses who
know him well (Kansai Soka Gakkai).
Show me the published photo
Waiting for the photo
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Find yourself a local SGI center, and strike up an acquaintance with someone having a world tribune subscription and do your own digging. I am not going to place a copyrighted photo onto the internet to please you. Those back issues are online accessible by anyone with a subscription.

2018-03-11 18:56:15 UTC
Post by Chas.
Find yourself a local SGI center, and strike up an acquaintance with someone having a world tribune subscription and do your own digging. I am not going to place a copyrighted photo onto the internet to please you. Those back issues are online accessible by anyone with a subscription.
Seeing Ikeda doing fine with my own eyes would really please me for sure

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2018-03-12 09:43:32 UTC
Post by xyz
Post by Chas.
Find yourself a local SGI center, and strike up an acquaintance with someone having a world tribune subscription and do your own digging. I am not going to place a copyrighted photo onto the internet to please you. Those back issues are online accessible by anyone with a subscription.
Seeing Ikeda doing fine with my own eyes would really please me for sure
You would need to travel to his hometown and find out his schedule for the next (somewhat rarer these days) appearance of that wonderful 90-year-old man.

You and the Japanese paparazzi and the other circling vultures.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-12 11:25:50 UTC
No connection to the SGI. As we
Now know —-

Follow the 💰/ the strings moving the puppeteer -/
Kahleisha Smiles
2018-03-12 19:03:08 UTC
Well spammed Chas...
2018-03-12 21:04:20 UTC
Post by Kahleisha Smiles
Well spammed Chas...
Back at you. I learned the dot-bumpety-bump thing from Katie.

2018-03-12 23:38:28 UTC
Post by Chas.
Post by xyz
Post by Chas.
Find yourself a local SGI center, and strike up an acquaintance with someone having a world tribune subscription and do your own digging. I am not going to place a copyrighted photo onto the internet to please you. Those back issues are online accessible by anyone with a subscription.
Seeing Ikeda doing fine with my own eyes would really please me for sure
You would need to travel to his hometown and find out his schedule for the next (somewhat rarer these days) appearance of that wonderful 90-year-old man.
You and the Japanese paparazzi and the other circling vultures.
I am neither a paparazzo nor a vulture

I am human and I have genuine interest in his well being

What led you to think so bad about me?

There is nothing wrong and no offenses in my interest

What is more important, the money behind photos that anyone could take,
or the good will for a human being?

Seeing Ikeda doing fine with my own eyes would really please me for sure

What is wrong with my question?

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Katie Higgins
2018-03-11 21:54:14 UTC
@chas -evangelical sock puppet , has no direct connection to SGI/

SGI has, and would no doubt continue to disavow @chas as a “member “

As Mudpie pointed out,, SGI instructed its members to stay off of arbn —some members pleaded with @chas to stop posting here —

Do the math -/

And follow the 💰
Katie Higgins
2018-03-12 03:55:24 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
@chas -evangelical sock puppet , has no direct connection to SGI/
Do the math -/
And follow the 💰
@chas blows his cover again !
2018-03-13 00:08:05 UTC
Post by Chas.
Post by k***@gmail.com
Like i said no recent pictures.
Like I said, less than a year ago a published photo, and less than 5 months ago a public appearance in front of hundreds of witnesses who know him well (Kansai Soka Gakkai).
That's a lie, Chas. Show us these photos. In the meantime, I'll go ahead and show everyone the photos that ARE available - here ya go, everybody:

Ikeda and the Mrs. alone in an empty auditorium - is he even awake? Loading Image...

This was printed in 2016, but who knows when it was taken: Loading Image...

Take a look at his face in these - it's the Waxy Vegetable at his finest!

Supposedly from 2014: https://ameblo.jp/masamiusui/image-11954404139-13134139175.html

Supposedly from 2010: Loading Image...

Not sure the date on this, but just *look* at that "diamond-like state of unshakable happiness" emanating from Sensei: Loading Image...

Loading Image...

Supposedly from 2013: Loading Image...

He's not even looking at the camera.

The Soka Gakkai has already gotten slapped in court for using Photoshop to create "incriminating" evidence to slander the priests of Nichiren Shoshu: https://www.reddit.com/r/sgiwhistleblowers/comments/29chwv/soka_gakkai_spanked_in_court_for_using_photoshop/

The Soka Gakkai is apparently still at it with the Photoshop - take a look at these two howlers:

Loading Image...

Loading Image...

Great job, Sensei Immortalization Team!

Okay, Chas - time to put up or shut up!
2018-03-13 01:16:14 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
Great job, Sensei Immortalization Team!
Ikeda seems to be in a very bad shape and this is so sad :(

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Katie Higgins
2018-03-13 10:04:21 UTC
Cause and effect ,xyz, you can’t “ yogscara”mind over that matter !!

@chas is here to demonstrate the similarities between SGIs heretical teachings and christisnty’s “ leap of faith “ teachings !!

The true teachings of Nichiren are based on Shakyamuni’s Lotus Sutra- the only means for attaining Buddhahood is through FAITH in the true teachings . No priestly class , mentors or intermediaries needed !!! Big threat to the wealthy “religious organizations “

~ Katie
2018-03-13 14:26:48 UTC
Katie Higgins just lies endlessly about anything she talks about, and projects all her evils upon those who tell her the plain truth in the Gosho and the Lotus Sutra that she blatantly ignores.

1. Katie falsely deifies Shayamuni by worshiping statues fashioned after how it is thought his physique appeared, idolizing Shakyamuni as a manGod like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.

2. Since she is effectively a practicing monotheist, and Mark Rogow and Iain Dewar along with her, they project their monotheism as a weak defense onto those that challenge their consistency with the true teachings.

3. Katie's tiny Sangha believe in Shakyamuni Almighty as the eternal Buddha like a God, even though Shakaymuni refuted this deification directly in his highest teaching the Lotus Sutra, declaring that he had 15 older brothers, a father named Great Universal Wisdom Excellence and an unnamed grandfather, ALL OF WHOM WERE GREAT BUDDHAS PREACHING THE LOTUS SUTRA BEFORE HIM! When they preached the JIga-Ge, were they lying? Or was he lying when he spoka about them? The answers are NO and NO.


It is Katie Higgins who is on a lying streak, now projecting her monotheism on anyone who might point out her copious errors and unsupportable theories of Buddhism.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-13 17:42:49 UTC
Knee jerk evangelical rant from sock puppet @chas -/

Right on cue !!!😄
2018-03-13 22:31:08 UTC
What people should be concerned with is preventing the utter destruction of Nichiren's Buddhism, facilitated by the nasty, arguing sects----all of them---guilty of slander arising from utter stupidity, greed and ignorance.

In The Selection of the Time, Nichiren expressed the way a teaching flows and declines naturally. The "10,000 years and MORE," of Mappo refers to the hidden meaning related to each individuals futures, not linear time.

Like Donovan wrote in the song "Season of the Witch," ---"you've got to pick up every stitch." Lyrics, no doubt, that emerged from a spontaneous moment of cosmic wisdom, a being must repeat the same karmic challenges untill they get it right. Very strict. Another deep thinking cosmic musician, Keith Relf, wrote, in the cataclysmic warning song "Buzzard," from Armageddon, "...bridges that you thought you crossed, gotta cross them all again."

There is only one way to totally overcome the detours and pitfalls and it has nothing to do with theory, dogma or especially sectarian pronouncements . It DOES have to do with the master-disciple relationship in the inner life of each being. Karmic bonds are deeper then the ocean or outer space. Each stitch needs to be picked up and sometimes that requires starting from scratch if the garment of your own Buddha-hood has too many dropped stitches.

The word Sutra or Kyo refers to thread and the "Three Bodies of the Buddha," is the Buddha's garment. If a Buddha hands you a needle and thread and says, "never allow it to perish," and you instead waste your life with arguing about points of the law, you will detour again and again, repeating lower rebirths seemingly endlessly, you will enter a state of total forgetfulness, where even your good causes in the past evaporate. This is the core of the amimal realms and human beings have one foot firmly planted in the animal realms and they hold on with animal pride.

The most pitiful thing is hearing the truth and arrogantly slandering it with disputes.

The history of true threads of religion were found in Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity and some others less well known-- yet establishment sects and polar politics of each era, from each place, separate true religions, leaving them all warring, squabbling, repeating endless animal realms and never seeing the natural flow or completing the Buddhahood up till the present moment.

Some individuals do attain the goal but most people, as the Juryo chapter warns, "do not see me standing there."
2018-03-13 23:31:27 UTC
Being born again into this life or being born again in a future birth as a Tathagata, whether male or female, performing the task of the Tathagata. At birth, even Gautama, Tien-tai, Nichiren, or Jesus or Krishna, were babies, then children, teenagers, middle ages and then died. As babies they are nearly unconscious, having to regain a footing in the alaya consciousness and remember the Buddhamind. Only the most essential memory remains. They have to cross the same bridges again. This is retrogression.

Birth in the world comes from desire. Nichiren stressed how great it was, to be born at a time, when one can practice as a Bodhisattva. This practice is within one's actual life and actual environment, not arguing dogma or gang turf, power and control, on the internet like a bunch of arguing dogs snapping and gnarling in a barn. That is only decay of Buddhism.
Katie Higgins
2018-03-14 01:47:24 UTC
Post by kelpzoidzl
Being born again into this life or being born again in a future birth as a Tathagata, whether male or female, performing the task of the Tathagata. At birth, even Gautama, Tien-tai, Nichiren, or Jesus or Krishna, were babies, then children, teenagers, middle ages and then died. As babies they are nearly unconscious, having to regain a footing in the alaya consciousness and remember the Buddhamind. Only the most essential memory remains. They have to cross the same bridges again. This is retrogression.
Birth in the world comes from desire. Nichiren stressed how great it was, to be born at a time, when one can practice as a Bodhisattva. This practice is within one's actual life and actual environment, not arguing dogma or gang turf, power and control, on the internet like a bunch of arguing dogs snapping and gnarling in a barn. That is only decay of Buddhism.
Enter sock puppet side kick--, Dave, pontificating bunk !!

2018-03-14 06:15:19 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by kelpzoidzl
Being born again into this life or being born again in a future birth as a Tathagata, whether male or female, performing the task of the Tathagata. At birth, even Gautama, Tien-tai, Nichiren, or Jesus or Krishna, were babies, then children, teenagers, middle ages and then died. As babies they are nearly unconscious, having to regain a footing in the alaya consciousness and remember the Buddhamind. Only the most essential memory remains. They have to cross the same bridges again. This is retrogression.
Birth in the world comes from desire. Nichiren stressed how great it was, to be born at a time, when one can practice as a Bodhisattva. This practice is within one's actual life and actual environment, not arguing dogma or gang turf, power and control, on the internet like a bunch of arguing dogs snapping and gnarling in a barn. That is only decay of Buddhism.
Enter sock puppet side kick--, Dave, pontificating bunk !!
Yes, lying Katie Higgins who is becoming a lie herself meets David Cole the wannabe-Yamazaki lecturing all the warring sides to come together in one mighty slandering Nichiren Shinto. David Cole the slippery mediator of his own glory.

David Cole, Knight of Mirrors and the Quest of Quixote +
Post by Katie Higgins
Imagine, the Lotus Sutra stripped of priests or laypeople!
When Buddhism was spreading there was mostly unity of priest and laypeople. There were specific tasks priests and laypeople performed.
If you a knitting a sweater and drop a stich you have to return to the stitch and fix it. With the karma law you have to pick up every stitch. When you fall down you have o pick yourself up from the same spot you fell down.
When was NSA growing and happy, spreading Buddhism in the USA? Trust what Nichiren said. It applies to today.
Well now here's David Cole, the would-be Yamazaki and failed petitioner of a dying Mr. Williams to get him to denounce Sensei, which didn't happen ... making new lyrics for John Lennon's "Imagine" song:

"Imagine there's NO PEOPLE, living in harmony-y ... Ooh-ooh! Oo-oh,
... you may say Dave's a dreamer ... and he is the only wo-on.
I think that no one will join hi-i-im
... and the wo-rrrld will live as one."

This is David Cole's dream, since no one will follow his particular line of B.S., they should all fail and suffer. You had your chance at leadership once, David, you had a life, a nice place, a nice wife, a nice dog.

However, you abandoned all that when you failed in your attempt to influence a dying George Williams denounce Sensei publicly, because your failure was also public. You went for it and lost the gamble.
- hide quoted text -

You declared your allegiance with evil in that moment and although you will attain enlightenment in the future, like Devadatta, I figure it will be after you have spent vastly more time in Avichi Hell than he.

This is because betrayal in the Latter Day of the Law is a much more severe crime than it was in Shakyamuni's day, precisely because so much more is at stake and the difference between the erroneous and the true much more confusing.

I am not sure what you all gain from throwing your futures away for such a long, long time on this cosmic scale, but my theory is that because the Buddhas do nothing by accident, turning that super-galactic weight of evil karma into mission will at some point in the vast future be necessary.

Trying to stay positive about your future, I thank you for your service.

However, the position of traitorous negotiator is out of the question in this lifetime. That position is taken and we don't need another Yamazaki, David Cole.

Post by Katie Higgins
Using the reporting SPAM feature on Chas's constantly repeated SPAM posts, by all readers here, will work.
We should try and remember that alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren is an alt group, which is the wild west and completely unmoderated.

If you wanted to create your own moderated group, where you can preach your unmitigated hatred of the SGI without ever being rebutted, you will need to form your own group NOT in the alt.group subsection of USENET.

What I do is NOT spam, because I mostly react to hate speech directed at the SGI and distorting Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism into Shinto statue worshiping of Shakyamuni as God Almighty, which is where the association and complicity with Nichiren Shu ultimately leads to.

As I have stated repeatedly, David Cole is not an impartial moderator above the fray and trying to bring peace. David Cole revealed his true intent by preying upon a dying George Williams with the intent of causing him to denounce President Ikeda before Mr. Williams passed away.

That attempt, the grand attempt of David Cole's career as a turncoat traitor to Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, failed utterly to succeed. In that win-or-lose gamble, David Cole revealed his true intent for all to see: the destruction of the SGI.

We really don't need another Yamazaki, David Cole, that job's been filled.

Post by Katie Higgins
What you do is completly against the guidance of Pres Toda in the chapters I posted..
Free speech is not freedom to SPAM and disrupt.
The SGI has already betrayed itself and departed from the spirit of Buddhism by destroying NSA and creating the schsm along with Nikken. What they do in Japan is their business. They only way to fix it in the USA is for priests and laypeople to reunite. This would take the laypeople to demand it and a similar reform movement within the priesthood.
The arbn is pathetic. Your SPAMMING is ill. You are just like a CB spammer clone. Strictly a disrupter and SPAMMER.
You need to actually practice buddhism to overcome what is clearly a disability. You create no value here. You are making bad karma..
Nichiren was not a spammer.
When people listen to what sounds like smooth-tongued confident and influential rhetoric from David Cole, just remember this image:

David Cole visiting Mr. George Williams in his home as he was near the end, working him over, bathing him with that smooth-tongued rhetoric, trying to get him to denounce Daisaku Ikeda, the man who is the single solitary reason that Mr. Williams began to practice Buddhism and found his mission.

Think of poor Mr. Williams, writhing on his death-bed, incapable of escaping from the oily distorting half-truths and outright lies that issued from this snake-oil salesman's mouth.

So many long-time members are ringed with old and dear chanting friends as they lay dying, but what does Mr. Williams get instead? A slimy procurer seeking one simple treasonous phrase, a vicious sound-bite to crush the Kosen Rufu movement that Mr. Williams spent his life helping to build and protect.

In spite of that irresistible onslaught of seductive treachery, like a broken Quixote facing the Knight of Mirrors in complete isolation, Mr. Williams resists to the bitter end, and a welcome death.

The Quest.

Why do you do these things?

What things?

These ridiculous... the things you do!

I hope to add some measure of grace to the world.

The world's a dung heap and we are maggots that crawl on it!

My Lady knows better in her heart.

What's in my heart will get me halfway to hell.
And you, Senor Don Quixote-you're going to take
such a beating!

Whether I win or lose does not matter.

What does?

Only that I follow the quest.

That for your Quest!
(turns, marches away; stops, turns bock
and asks, awkwardly)
What does that mean... quest?

It is the mission of each true knight...
His duty... nay, his privilege!
To dream the impossible dream,
To fight the unbeatable foe,
To bear with unbearable sorrow
To run where the brave dare not go;
To right the unrightable wrong.

To love, pure and chaste, from afar,
To try, when your arms are too weary,
To reach the unreachable star!

This is my Quest to follow that star,
No matter how hopeless, no matter how far,
To fight for the right
Without question or pause,
To be willing to march into hell
For a heavenly cause!

And I know, if I'll only be true
To this glorious Quest,
That my heart will lie peaceful and calm
When I'm laid to my rest.

And the world will be better for this,
That one man, scorned and covered with scars,
Still strove, with his last ounce of courage,
To reach the unreachable stars!

Just think of that image when you hear or read anything that comes from David Cole, the wannabe Yamazaki.

Post by Katie Higgins
Post by kelpzoidzl
Imagine, the Lotus Sutra stripped of priests or laypeople!
When Buddhism was spreading there was mostly unity of priests and laypeople. There were specific tasks priests and laypeople performed.
If you a knitting a sweater and drop a stitch you have to return to the stitch and fix it. With the karma law, you have to pick up every stitch. When you fall down you have o pick yourself up from the same spot you fell down.
When was NSA growing and happy, spreading Buddhism in the USA? Trust what Nichiren said. It applies to today.
True Dave but I'd find it too difficult to totally surrender my will to another authority in case they could be corrupted and I also value the freedom of being able to speak out without the fear of being muzzled.
Are you a Nichiren Shoshu member and if you are which high priests Gohonzon do you have if you don't mind my asking?
Your previous question---I retain my Tokubetsu Ogatagi Gohonzon. I am not active in either N Shoshu or Gakkai.
I follow the CORRECT Nichiren Shoshu Gakkai---that is currently waiting in the gaps again. It is like the White Swans.
Just because everyone went nuts does not mean that anything really changed.
What Ikeda did to GMW was Evil and what Nikken did by destroying the Sho hindo was Evil.
Doctrinal bickering and schisms are insane. The amazing spread and growth of NSA in the west was due to correct Ichinen of Toda, GMW and the good Priests within Nichiren Shoshu, themselves assailed from within.
The Schisms between Elder Priests after Nichiren passed was similar.
People argue and pretend scholarship, "getting stuck up on various points,"
It us silky and shameful, but entirely fixable in time. In fact it is a sure thng.
Peering into the Akasha to see what will come is not a fiction. There is much more then most people have any idea about.
People have been swayed by schsms being blown around like litter and grabbng onto bits of their own karma. It's foolish but fixable.
Like I said, a self-promoting candidate for chief negotiator above the fray between the warring parties. However, he betrayed and exposed himself as a Nichiren Shoshu double agent and lost the gamble, while uttelry failing to gain a denunciation of Sensei from a dying George Williams.

You have been outed, David Williams, and we don't need another Yamazaki!

Post by Katie Higgins
@chas. You have no idea about what Mr. and Mrs. Williams said. Nor what went on. I did speak with them many times. I know the true story. I just listened I had no propaganda to impart. There are also numerous elderly friends of the Williams who know the story and various relatives. Threats on his medical insurance were beyond devilish. The SGIUSA ldrs and the Japan conspirators, will burn in hell.
Don't join them.
Your testimony about any events can be completely discounted after hearing your story about standing guard at the door while Sensei gave individual guidance to one after another young women's division members and leaders during that afternoon.

The spectacular level of sexual prowess you conferred upon him IN YOUR SCHIZOID MIND, IS A MIRROR of your own perverted desires being projected upon him.

Japanese males are not known for this kind of repeat performance, as the scientific studies have shown, indeed, no males can do dozens of women in succession.

That is entirely your own sexual fantasy.

The fact that you would offer up such a story in evidence to others is proof of your own sexual and life corruption, nothing more, nothing less.

After hearing such a story from you, no one should further commit any veracity to any false tale or anything that vomits from from your lips.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-14 16:50:11 UTC
Boring stuff @ Chas-

You failed consistently to establish any credibility as a follower of Nichiren -

But your snarky attacks are legend !

JazzIs TvRicky
2018-03-14 19:01:28 UTC
Great Dave👌

Nichiren Teaches

“No one can escape death once born as a human being, so why do you not practice in preparation for the next life? When I observe what people are doing, I realize that, although they profess faith in the Lotus Sutra and clasp its scrolls, they act against the intent of the sutra and are thereby doomed to the evil paths.

To illustrate, a person has five internal organs, but should even one of them become diseased, it will infect all the others, and eventually the person will die. The Great Teacher Dengyō states that though they praise the Lotus Sutra they destroy its heart.

He means that, even if people embrace, read, and praise the Lotus Sutra, if they betray its intent, they will be destroying not only Shakyamuni Buddha but all the Buddhas in the ten directions.”
Katie Higgins
2018-03-14 22:22:28 UTC
The Buddha’s golden words are his mind. The Buddha’s intent is that we seek him - clearly stated in the words of the Lotus Sutra .

Nichiren’s practice of the Lotus Sutra for this evil age is the means for us to encounter the Buddha in our minds in our lives.

~ Katie
2018-03-14 22:50:03 UTC
Katie Higgins' self-hatred is evident from her false deification of a man +
Noel , you haven’t done your homework !
I don’t need to prove what has been determined by Buddhist scholars -
You also have not bothered to study up
On your original enlightenment, common mortal Buddha, fully endowed doctrines 🙀
You are in no position to be challenging me , BTW. Your negligence in study is well documented here and elsewhere ...😬
~ Katie
State your case with the backing of your esteemed scholars and make your case against original enlightenment, common mortal Buddha and show why we need to have Shakyamuni Buddha as the supreme bee's knees of it all thanks, Katie
My case? I believe Nichiren!
"This is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha. There are not two Buddhas" -- Nichiren
"Volume nine of Great Perfection of Wisdom says: “The major world systems in the ten directions, numerous as the sands of the Ganges, make up what is called the world of a single Buddha. There are no other Buddhas there. Truly it is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha.”
In volume one of On “The Words and Phrases,” we read: “There are not two Buddhas in the world, there are not two rulers in the nation. In the realm of one Buddha, there are not two Venerable Ones.”
And The Treatise on the Upholding of the Stage states: “In one world there are not two Buddhas, in one nation there are not two rulers. Within the realm of a single Buddha’s teachings, there are not two Venerable Ones.”
If you read suggested articles by Buddhist scholars you could see for yourself where hongaku shiso and "common mortal as Buddha" come from !!
Incorrigible disbelief + laziness = Tendai Noel !!
We owe a debt to Shakyamuni that cannot be repaid by false deification of Shakyamuni.

We owe a debt to Shakyamuni that cannot be repaid by worshiping false idols of Shakyamuni.

We owe a debt to Shakyamuni that cannot be repaid by declaring his Lotus Sutra passages lies, that recount his family history: that he had 15 older brothers, a father named Great Universal Wisdom Excellence and an unnamed grandfather, ALL OF WHOM WERE GREAT BUDDHAS PREACHING THE LOTUS SUTRA BEFORE HIM! When they preached the JIga-Ge, were they lying? Or was he lying when he spoke about them? The answers are NO and NO.

“Shakyamuni OF THE LIFE SPAN CHAPTER” is not the Shakyamuni of any other time in his life. When anyone recites the Lotus Sutra they manifest their true humanity, whose eternal name is not “Shakyamuni of the Life Span chapter”, but instead "Myoho-Renge", which is why we chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo and not Nam-Shakyamuni-Butsu.

Before Shakyamuni there was a "Great Universal Wisdom Excellence of the Life Span Chapter", and concurrent with him there are his brothers "Akshobhya of the Life Span Chapter", "Sumeru Peak of the Life Span Chapter", etc. and later a "Heavenly King of the Life Span Chapter," previously known as Devadatta.

Yes, Katie Higgins, this is not the only Buddha realm. At least according to the Lotus Sutra.

That is, unless you believe that when Shakyamuni talks about all of these other Buddhas, either he is lying, or that he would be referring to another teaching entirely from the Lotus Sutra and the Life Span Chapter when he talks about them "preaching the Law"?

The Parable of the Phantom City, LS-7, pp 156-157:

.. "Now, monks, the buddha Great Universal Wisdom Excellence
.. passed ten small kalpas before the Law of the buddhas
.. finally appeared before him and he attained supreme
.. perfect enlightenment. Before this buddha left the
.. householder's life, he had sixteen sons, the first of whom
.. was named Wisdom Accumulated. These sons each had various
.. kinds of rare objects and toys of one kind or another, but
.. when they heard that their father had attained supreme
.. perfect enlightenment, they all threw aside their rare
.. objects and went to where the buddha was. Their mothers,
.. weeping, followed after them.
.. "Their grandfather, who was a wheel-turning sage king,
.. along with a hundred chief ministers, as well as a
.. hundred, thousand, ten thousand, million of his subjects,
.. all together surrounded the sons and followed them to the
.. place of enlightenment, all wishing to draw close to the
.. thus come one Great Universal Wisdom Excellence, to offer
.. alms, pay honor, venerate, and praise him. When they
.. arrived, they bowed before his feet, touching their heads
.. to the ground.

Shakyamuni and his fifteen older brothers all preached in different Buddha lands:

From the Lotus Sutra, Chapter 7, "Parable of the Phantom City", pp.172-173:

.. “You monks, I will now tell you this. These disciples of
.. the buddha, these sixteen shramaneras, have now all
.. attained supreme perfect enlightenment. In the lands in the
.. ten directions they are at present preaching the Law, with
.. immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions
.. of bodhisattvas and voice-hearers for their retinues. Two
.. of these shramaneras have become buddhas in the eastern
.. region. One is named Akshobhya and lives in the Land of
.. Joy. The other is named Sumeru Peak. Two are buddhas in the
.. southeastern region, one named Lion Voice, the other named
.. Lion Appearance. Two are buddhas in the southern region,
.. one named Void-Dwelling, the other named Ever Extinguished.
.. Two are buddhas in the southwestern region, one named
.. Emperor Appearance, the other named Brahma Appearance. Two
.. are buddhas in the western region, one named Amitayus, the
.. other named Saving All from Worldly Suffering. Two are
.. buddhas in the northwestern region, one named Tamala Leaf
.. Sandalwood Fragrance Transcendental Power, the other named
.. Sumeru Appearance. Two are buddhas in the northern region,
.. one named Cloud Freedom, the other named Cloud Freedom
.. King. Of the buddhas of the northeastern region, one is
.. named Destroying All Worldly Fears. THE SIXTEENTH IS I,

And here is Devadatta in the future.

From the Lotus Sutra, Chapter 12, "Devadatta", pp.223-224:

.. Then the Buddha said to the four kinds of believers:
.. “Devadatta, after immeasurable kalpas have passed, will
.. attain buddhahood. He will be called Heavenly King Thus
.. Come One, worthy of offerings, of right and universal
.. knowledge, perfect clarity and conduct, well gone,
.. understanding the world, unexcelled worthy, trainer of
.. people, teacher of heavenly and human beings, buddha,
.. world-honored one. His world will be called Heavenly Way,
.. and at that time Heavenly King Buddha will abide in the
.. world for twenty medium kalpas, broadly preaching the
.. wonderful Law for the sake of living beings. Living beings
.. numerous as Ganges sands will attain the fruit of
.. arhatship. Immeasurable numbers of living beings will
.. conceive the desire to become cause-awakened ones, living
.. beings numerous as Ganges sands will conceive a desire for
.. the unsurpassed way, will gain the truth of birthlessness,
.. and will never regress. After Heavenly King Buddha enters
.. parinirvana, his Correct Law will endure in the world for
.. twenty medium kalpas. The relics from his whole body will
.. be housed in a tower built of the seven treasures, sixty
.. yojanas in height and forty yojanas in width and depth. All
.. the heavenly and human beings will take assorted flowers,
.. powdered incense, incense for burning, paste incense,
.. clothing, necklaces, streamers and banners, jeweled
.. canopies, music and songs of praise and offer them with
.. obeisance to the wonderful seven-jeweled tower.
.. Immeasurable numbers of living beings will attain the
.. fruits of arhatship, numberless living beings will become
.. enlightened as pratyekabuddhas, and unimaginable numbers of
.. living beings will conceive a desire for enlightenment and
.. will reach the level of no regression.”

So, Katie, is Shakyamuni lying or not? Or is Nichiren Daishonin correct when he says that they are all (and we are all) "Myoho-Renge", which is "the actual name of the entity" ?

You see, I believe that he preached those passages in the Lotus Sutra specifically to defy those such as yourself that would seek to deify him later, by putting himself in context with other great Buddhas preaching the Law elsewhere.


@chas & Tendai Noel disbelieve Nichiren , are in effect calling Nichiren a “ statue worshipper “
That's a lie. Nichiren Daishonin called the Gohonzon "the supreme object of devotion in all of Jambudvipa." "Supreme" means don't bow to ANY OTHER OBJECT OF DEVOTION!
@chas & Tendai Noel disbelieve the Buddha’s own “ mind” recorded in the Jiga-ge- so they call Shakyamuni a liar - though maybe they still mouth the Buddha’s golden words ?
It's eternally true when Shakyamuni preaches the Jiga-ge.

It's also eternally true when his 15 elder brothers, father and grandfather preached the Jiga-ge in other Buddha realms before he did, as he recounts in the Lotus Sutra, which is also the eternal truth.

Finally, it's eternally true when you and I recite the Jiga-ge.

All entities are the true entity. The common mortal is the true Buddha.
@chas & Tendai Noel completely dismiss Nichiren’s strong assertions about Shakyamuni and the Lotus Sutra —
His assertions in the common Buddhist vernacular of the time are related to his struggle against the supremacy of other Buddhas claimed by distorters: Amida Buddha of Nembutsu; Mahavairochana of Tantric, True Word, and Shingon; Yakushi-Nyorai the Medicine Master Buddha of Reiki; and the oblivion of anti-sutra Zen.

Referring to the eternal Buddha as Shakyamuni was an expedient means to defeat all of these evils. Their foul purpose was to force him into that expedient and produce the collateral damage of people like you, who falsely deify Shakyamuni Buddha as a manGod like Jesus or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like the transcendent Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.

However, Nichiren Daishonin states in the "Entity of the Mystic Law" Gosho: the "actual name of the entity" is "Myoho-Renge". He restates that name 15 or so times in that Gosho, just to make this point to Sairen-bo, who he could trust not to have to use expedients with, and thus could speak outside of that current struggle and vernacular.
These hobos have no Buddha in their “ practice”. Worse they demote the Buddha and elevate themselves based on the same Tendai teachings Nichiren refuted!
Shakyamuni, to whom we owe a debt that cannot be repaid, is not shown appreciation by falsely deifying him and slandering the Lotus Sutra in the same breath.

All the living Buddhas in the ten directions across the three existences are equal. They are the common mortals who are the true Buddha.
To practice as Nichiren taught is extremely difficult in this evil age , when men turn their back on what is good and give allegiance to evil persons ( Shoshu priests , SGI” mentors”)
When one chants Namu-myoho-renge- kyo woth gratitude and praise for the Buddha and his Lotus Sutra ( one and the same), the Buddha enters one’s mind and one is fortified to joyfully continue seeking and praising the Buddha/Lotus Sutra— truly the merits one attains from correct faith and practice are beyond expression ❤️
~Katie 😊
Falsely deifying Shakyamuni is an insult to the Lotus Sutra and the wonderful human being who preached it. He had 44 chromosomes and one X and one Y chromosome as I do, but that does not make us any different from those with two X chromosomes.

Why would you deify a man as opposed to a woman, unless you thought less of of women and more of men generally? I and the Buddhists of the SGI, think that all common mortals, men and women alike, are true Buddhas and eternally equal to each other.

Your self-hatred is evident from your belief system.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-15 15:45:21 UTC
Oh pleeeez!!

READ the Buddha’s own description of himself - the words you “ mouth” when you do Gongyo !

READ Nichiren’s own words describing Shakyamuni -

You aren’t slamming me so much as you are slamming Nichiren and the Buddha 🙀

@deify— is NOT a concept expounded in Nichiren’s Lotus Sutra Buddhism -/ &chas confuses judeo/ Christian teachings with Buddhism because — has NO grasp whatsoever on the unique aspects of the Buddha — cannot possibly understand how ridiculous his “deification “ bunk appears —

~ Katie
2018-03-16 12:27:21 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
Oh pleeeez!!
READ the Buddha’s own description of himself - the words you “ mouth” when you do Gongyo !
READ Nichiren’s own words describing Shakyamuni -
You aren’t slamming me so much as you are slamming Nichiren and the Buddha 🙀
@deify— is NOT a concept expounded in Nichiren’s Lotus Sutra Buddhism -/ &chas confuses judeo/ Christian teachings with Buddhism because — has NO grasp whatsoever on the unique aspects of the Buddha — cannot possibly understand how ridiculous his “deification “ bunk appears —
~ Katie
Baloney. These are also the words mouthed by his elder 15 brothers and father and grandfather before him, all great Buddhas speaking the same truth.

You have yet to recognize their greatness, the greatness that Shakyamuni himself immortalized in the Lotus Sutra.

False deification is PRECISELY what you and Nichiren Shu have done as a slander of the Buddha. Making him a manGod like Jesus or GodAlmighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah is nothing less than a demotion of his status as a common mortal and a true Buddha. The Buddhas are all exalted above the gods, except in Shinto, which is what your practice amounts to.

When, oh, when are you going to acknowledge Shakyamuni's elder brothers, father and grandfather?

His declaration of their status of equality as great Buddhas is a total refutation of Kaite Higgins Shinto.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-16 13:16:45 UTC
Post by Chas.
Post by Katie Higgins
Oh pleeeez!!
READ the Buddha’s own description of himself - the words you “ mouth” when you do Gongyo !
READ Nichiren’s own words describing Shakyamuni -
You aren’t slamming me so much as you are slamming Nichiren and the Buddha 🙀
@deify— is NOT a concept expounded in Nichiren’s Lotus Sutra Buddhism -/ &chas confuses judeo/ Christian teachings with Buddhism because — has NO grasp whatsoever on the unique aspects of the Buddha — cannot possibly understand how ridiculous his “deification “ bunk appears —
~ Katie
Baloney. These are also the words mouthed by his elder 15 brothers and father and grandfather before him, all great Buddhas speaking the same truth.
You have yet to recognize their greatness, the greatness that Shakyamuni himself immortalized in the Lotus Sutra.
False deification is PRECISELY what you and Nichiren Shu have done as a slander of the Buddha. Making him a manGod like Jesus or GodAlmighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah is nothing less than a demotion of his status as a common mortal and a true Buddha. The Buddhas are all exalted above the gods, except in Shinto, which is what your practice amounts to.
When, oh, when are you going to acknowledge Shakyamuni's elder brothers, father and grandfather?
His declaration of their status of equality as great Buddhas is a total refutation of Kaite Higgins Shinto.
"There are all manner of teachers and sovereigns, but none as admirable as he [Shakyamuni Buddha]." — Nichiren

"Shakyamuni, the World-Honored One, who is our father and mother and is endowed with the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent, is the very one who encourages us, the people driven out by all other Buddhas, saying, “I am the only person who can rescue and protect others.” The debt of gratitude we owe him is deeper than the ocean, weightier than the earth, vaster than the sky. Though we were to pluck out our two eyes and place them before him as an offering until there were more eyes there than stars in the sky; though we were to strip off our skins and spread them out by the hundreds of thousands of ten thousands until they blanketed the ceiling of heaven; though we were to give him our tears as offerings of water and present him with flowers for the space of thousands, ten thousands, millions of kalpas; though we were to offer him our flesh and blood for innumerable kalpas until our flesh piled up like mountains and our blood overflowed like vast seas, we could never repay a fraction of the debt we owe to this Buddha." There are all manner of teachers and sovereigns, but none as admirable as he [Shakyamuni Buddha]." — Nichiren

"How immense, then, must be our gratitude toward Shakyamuni Buddha who, in lifetime after lifetime, has championed the cause of the Lotus Sutra! It is beyond the power of reckoning."

"Therefore we owe a great debt of gratitude to this Shakyamuni Buddha, a debt more weighty than the great earth, broader than the sky, and higher than the heavens. When it comes to such a Buddha as this, both sovereigns, ministers, and common people should honor him more highly than they do their own fathers or mothers, should pay him greater reverence than they pay to the gods. And if they do that much, then even if they should commit some grave offense, heaven will protect them and will not cast them aside, and the earth will not display anger toward them.”

"This is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha. There are not two Buddhas" -- Nichiren
"Volume nine of Great Perfection of Wisdom says: “The major world systems in the ten directions, numerous as the sands of the Ganges, make up what is called the world of a single Buddha. There are no other Buddhas there. Truly it is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha.”

In volume one of On “The Words and Phrases,” we read: “There are not two Buddhas in the world, there are not two rulers in the nation. In the realm of one Buddha, there are not two Venerable Ones.”

And The Treatise on the Upholding of the Stage states: “In one world there are not two Buddhas, in one nation there are not two rulers. Within the realm of a single Buddha’s teachings, there are not two Venerable Ones.”

2018-03-16 13:53:53 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Chas.
Post by Katie Higgins
Oh pleeeez!!
READ the Buddha’s own description of himself - the words you “ mouth” when you do Gongyo !
READ Nichiren’s own words describing Shakyamuni -
You aren’t slamming me so much as you are slamming Nichiren and the Buddha 🙀
@deify— is NOT a concept expounded in Nichiren’s Lotus Sutra Buddhism -/ &chas confuses judeo/ Christian teachings with Buddhism because — has NO grasp whatsoever on the unique aspects of the Buddha — cannot possibly understand how ridiculous his “deification “ bunk appears —
~ Katie
Baloney. These are also the words mouthed by his elder 15 brothers and father and grandfather before him, all great Buddhas speaking the same truth.
You have yet to recognize their greatness, the greatness that Shakyamuni himself immortalized in the Lotus Sutra.
False deification is PRECISELY what you and Nichiren Shu have done as a slander of the Buddha. Making him a manGod like Jesus or GodAlmighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah is nothing less than a demotion of his status as a common mortal and a true Buddha. The Buddhas are all exalted above the gods, except in Shinto, which is what your practice amounts to.
When, oh, when are you going to acknowledge Shakyamuni's elder brothers, father and grandfather?
His declaration of their status of equality as great Buddhas is a total refutation of Kaite Higgins Shinto.
"There are all manner of teachers and sovereigns, but none as admirable as he [Shakyamuni Buddha]." — Nichiren
"Shakyamuni, the World-Honored One, who is our father and mother and is endowed with the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent, is the very one who encourages us, the people driven out by all other Buddhas, saying, “I am the only person who can rescue and protect others.” The debt of gratitude we owe him is deeper than the ocean, weightier than the earth, vaster than the sky. Though we were to pluck out our two eyes and place them before him as an offering until there were more eyes there than stars in the sky; though we were to strip off our skins and spread them out by the hundreds of thousands of ten thousands until they blanketed the ceiling of heaven; though we were to give him our tears as offerings of water and present him with flowers for the space of thousands, ten thousands, millions of kalpas; though we were to offer him our flesh and blood for innumerable kalpas until our flesh piled up like mountains and our blood overflowed like vast seas, we could never repay a fraction of the debt we owe to this Buddha." There are all manner of teachers and sovereigns, but none as admirable as he [Shakyamuni Buddha]." — Nichiren
"How immense, then, must be our gratitude toward Shakyamuni Buddha who, in lifetime after lifetime, has championed the cause of the Lotus Sutra! It is beyond the power of reckoning."
"Therefore we owe a great debt of gratitude to this Shakyamuni Buddha, a debt more weighty than the great earth, broader than the sky, and higher than the heavens. When it comes to such a Buddha as this, both sovereigns, ministers, and common people should honor him more highly than they do their own fathers or mothers, should pay him greater reverence than they pay to the gods. And if they do that much, then even if they should commit some grave offense, heaven will protect them and will not cast them aside, and the earth will not display anger toward them.”
"This is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha. There are not two Buddhas" -- Nichiren
"Volume nine of Great Perfection of Wisdom says: “The major world systems in the ten directions, numerous as the sands of the Ganges, make up what is called the world of a single Buddha. There are no other Buddhas there. Truly it is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha.”
In volume one of On “The Words and Phrases,” we read: “There are not two Buddhas in the world, there are not two rulers in the nation. In the realm of one Buddha, there are not two Venerable Ones.”
And The Treatise on the Upholding of the Stage states: “In one world there are not two Buddhas, in one nation there are not two rulers. Within the realm of a single Buddha’s teachings, there are not two Venerable Ones.”
Like I said, that was an expedient means in the battle against other Buddhas named Amida, Mahavairochana, Yakushi-Nyorai and the void of Zen. He called the one Buddha life Shakyamuni in the common vernacular of the time in the midst of that battle: so as not to confuse the issue. He had no choice.

However, he revealed to Sairen-bo in the "Entity of the Mystic Law" Gosho that the actual name of the eternal Buddha is Myoho-Renge, which is why we chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo instead of Nam-Shakaymuni-butsu.

So what Nichiren Daishonin says is true, and actual name of the entity of the Mystic Law within each one of us and all of us together is Myoho-Renge, not Shakyamuni.

Hence, what Katie Higgins chants and what she believes is totally different. What the SGI chants and has faith in is coherent: faith in unity with practice.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-16 14:11:21 UTC
Post by Chas.
Post by Katie Higgins
Post by Chas.
Post by Katie Higgins
Oh pleeeez!!
READ the Buddha’s own description of himself - the words you “ mouth” when you do Gongyo !
READ Nichiren’s own words describing Shakyamuni -
You aren’t slamming me so much as you are slamming Nichiren and the Buddha 🙀
@deify— is NOT a concept expounded in Nichiren’s Lotus Sutra Buddhism -/ &chas confuses judeo/ Christian teachings with Buddhism because — has NO grasp whatsoever on the unique aspects of the Buddha — cannot possibly understand how ridiculous his “deification “ bunk appears —
~ Katie
Baloney. These are also the words mouthed by his elder 15 brothers and father and grandfather before him, all great Buddhas speaking the same truth.
You have yet to recognize their greatness, the greatness that Shakyamuni himself immortalized in the Lotus Sutra.
False deification is PRECISELY what you and Nichiren Shu have done as a slander of the Buddha. Making him a manGod like Jesus or GodAlmighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah is nothing less than a demotion of his status as a common mortal and a true Buddha. The Buddhas are all exalted above the gods, except in Shinto, which is what your practice amounts to.
When, oh, when are you going to acknowledge Shakyamuni's elder brothers, father and grandfather?
His declaration of their status of equality as great Buddhas is a total refutation of Kaite Higgins Shinto.
"There are all manner of teachers and sovereigns, but none as admirable as he [Shakyamuni Buddha]." — Nichiren
"Shakyamuni, the World-Honored One, who is our father and mother and is endowed with the three virtues of sovereign, teacher, and parent, is the very one who encourages us, the people driven out by all other Buddhas, saying, “I am the only person who can rescue and protect others.” The debt of gratitude we owe him is deeper than the ocean, weightier than the earth, vaster than the sky. Though we were to pluck out our two eyes and place them before him as an offering until there were more eyes there than stars in the sky; though we were to strip off our skins and spread them out by the hundreds of thousands of ten thousands until they blanketed the ceiling of heaven; though we were to give him our tears as offerings of water and present him with flowers for the space of thousands, ten thousands, millions of kalpas; though we were to offer him our flesh and blood for innumerable kalpas until our flesh piled up like mountains and our blood overflowed like vast seas, we could never repay a fraction of the debt we owe to this Buddha." There are all manner of teachers and sovereigns, but none as admirable as he [Shakyamuni Buddha]." — Nichiren
"How immense, then, must be our gratitude toward Shakyamuni Buddha who, in lifetime after lifetime, has championed the cause of the Lotus Sutra! It is beyond the power of reckoning."
"Therefore we owe a great debt of gratitude to this Shakyamuni Buddha, a debt more weighty than the great earth, broader than the sky, and higher than the heavens. When it comes to such a Buddha as this, both sovereigns, ministers, and common people should honor him more highly than they do their own fathers or mothers, should pay him greater reverence than they pay to the gods. And if they do that much, then even if they should commit some grave offense, heaven will protect them and will not cast them aside, and the earth will not display anger toward them.”
"This is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha. There are not two Buddhas" -- Nichiren
"Volume nine of Great Perfection of Wisdom says: “The major world systems in the ten directions, numerous as the sands of the Ganges, make up what is called the world of a single Buddha. There are no other Buddhas there. Truly it is the world of one Buddha, Shakyamuni Buddha.”
In volume one of On “The Words and Phrases,” we read: “There are not two Buddhas in the world, there are not two rulers in the nation. In the realm of one Buddha, there are not two Venerable Ones.”
And The Treatise on the Upholding of the Stage states: “In one world there are not two Buddhas, in one nation there are not two rulers. Within the realm of a single Buddha’s teachings, there are not two Venerable Ones.”
Like I said, that was an expedient means in the battle against other Buddhas named Amida, Mahavairochana, Yakushi-Nyorai and the void of Zen. He called the one Buddha life Shakyamuni in the common vernacular of the time in the midst of that battle: so as not to confuse the issue. He had no choice.
However, he revealed to Sairen-bo in the "Entity of the Mystic Law" Gosho that the actual name of the eternal Buddha is Myoho-Renge, which is why we chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo instead of Nam-Shakaymuni-butsu.
So what Nichiren Daishonin says is true, and actual name of the entity of the Mystic Law within each one of us and all of us together is Myoho-Renge, not Shakyamuni.
Hence, what Katie Higgins chants and what she believes is totally different. What the SGI chants and has faith in is coherent: faith in unity with practice.
Correct- my practice, which accords with the practice Nichiren himself taught is totally different from the heretical bunk of the Shoshu/Gakkai.-- as are the merits I receive, totally different from the personal comfort, material gain benefits claimed by hobos.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-16 16:21:02 UTC
Post by Chas.
I and the Buddhists of the SGI, think that all common mortals, men and women alike, are true Buddhas and eternally equal to each other.
Your self-hatred is evident from your belief system.
Sorry? @chas is misrepresenting the SGI (he claims he is a member of, being the foremost shill for Ikeda)

Here's the reality of "deification" as it rightly applies to SGI:

Jesus and SGI mentor
"The mentor is the spiritual foundation or earth, a source of spiritual sustenance. From that earth, the disciple brings flowers of victory to bloom eternally."(SGINL 7720) -- Daisaku Ikeda

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” -- John 14:6

“I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies.” -- John 11:25

From Eagle Peak blog :-) where the truth lives.

2018-03-17 05:28:36 UTC
Katie Higgins Literally Cannot Deal With The Named Existence Of Other Buddhas In The Lotus Sutra +
Tendai Noel doesn’t know any more about Tendai than he knows about Nichiren .
But we already knew he is a parrot —
I haven't heard you say anything positive about Tendai. Why is that Katie?
I have seen no evidence that you have studied Tendai doctrines and their spurious origin- why is that Noel?
You still have not addressed your fundamental point of disagreement with Shakyamuni in the Lotus Sutra where he relates that he has 15 elder brothers and father and grandfather who are great Buddhas in other Buddha realms in this shared universe. They also preach the Lotus Sutra saying those same words, WHICH ARE ALSO TRUE FROM THEIR MOUTHS. As it will be true from the mouths of all of his top disciples, the Dragon King's daughter and even his cousin Devadatta, who are predicted to preach the Lotus Sutra as great Buddhas in their own Buddha lands in the future.

Oh, and there are also the other 20,000 great Buddhas named Sun Moon Bright also preaching the Lotus Sutra.

In Chapter 1 of the Lotus Sutra:

"buddha named Sun Moon Bright"

... "Then there was another buddha who was also named Sun Moon
... Bright, and then another buddha also named Sun Moon Bright.
... There were twenty thousand buddhas like this, all with the
... same appellation, all named Sun Moon Bright. And all had
... the same surname, the surname Bharadvaja."

All of those 20,000 Buddhas with the same name and surname, all of them attaining enlightenment through the Lotus Sutra, all of them preaching the Lotus Sutra to multitudes of followers, all of them reciting the Jiga-ge during the ceremony in the air to their emanations collected from the ten directions and three existences in a single moment of life.

Note that it is also the eternal truth when you and I recite those same words doing Gongyo:

Lotus Sutra: chapter 16: "Life Span of the Thus Come One", pp. 271-273:

(1) our true lifespan

... Since I attained buddhahood
... the number of kalpas that have passed
... is an immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands,
... millions, trillions, asamkhyas.
... Constantly I have preached the Law, teaching, converting
... countless millions of living beings,
... causing them to enter the buddha way,
... all this for immeasurable kalpas.
... In order to save living beings,
... as an expedient means I appear to enter nirvana
... but in truth I do not pass into extinction.
... I am always here, preaching the Law.
... I am always here,
... but through my transcendental powers
... I make it so that living beings in their befuddlement
... do not see me even when close by.

(2) our true appearance

... When the multitude sees that I have passed into extinction,
... far and wide they offer alms to my relics.
... All harbor thoughts of yearning
... and in their minds thirst to gaze at me.
... When living beings have become truly faithful,
... honest and upright, gentle in intent,
... single-mindedly desiring to see the Buddha,
... not hesitating even if it costs them their lives,
... then I and the assembly of monks
... appear together on Holy Eagle Peak.
... At that time I tell the living beings
... that I am always here, never entering extinction,
... but that because of the power of expedient means
... at times I appear to be extinct, at other times not,
... and that if there are living beings in other lands
... who are reverent and sincere in their wish to believe,
... then among them too
... I will preach the unsurpassed Law.
... But you have not heard of this,
... so you suppose that I enter extinction.
... When I look at living beings
... I see them drowned in a sea of suffering;
... therefore I do not show myself,
... causing them to thirst for me.
... Then when their minds are filled with yearning,
... at last I appear and preach the Law for them.
... Such are my transcendental powers.

(3) our eternal home

... For asamkhya kalpas
... constantly I have dwelled on Holy Eagle Peak
... and in various other places.
... When living beings witness the end of a kalpa
... and all is consumed in a great fire,
... this, my land, remains safe and tranquil,
... constantly filled with heavenly and human beings.
... The halls and pavilions in its gardens and groves
... are adorned with various kinds of gems.
... Jeweled trees abound in flowers and fruit
... where living beings enjoy themselves at ease.
... The gods strike heavenly drums,
... constantly making many kinds of music.
... Mandarava blossoms rain down,
... scattering over the Buddha and the great assembly.
... My pure land is not destroyed,
... yet the multitude sees it as consumed in fire,
... with anxiety, fear, and other sufferings
... filling it everywhere.

(4) the included others of our life

... These living beings with their various offenses,
... through causes arising from their evil actions,
... spend asamkhya kalpas
... without hearing the name of the three treasures.
... But those who practice meritorious ways,
... who are gentle, peaceful, honest, and upright,
... all of them will see me
... here in person, preaching the Law.
... At times for this multitude
... I describe the Buddha’s life span as immeasurable,
... and to those who see the Buddha only after a long time
... I explain how difficult it is to meet a buddha.
... Such is the power of my wisdom
... that its sagacious beams shine without measure.

(5) our means and methods

... This life span of countless kalpas
... I gained as the result of lengthy practice.
... You who are possessed of wisdom,
... entertain no doubts on this point!
... Cast them off, end them forever,
... for the Buddha’s words are true, not false.
... He is like a skilled physician
... who uses an expedient means to cure his deranged sons.
... Though in fact alive, he gives out word he is dead,
... yet no one can say he speaks falsely.
... I am the father of this world,
... saving those who suffer and are afflicted.
... Because of the befuddlement of ordinary people,
... though I live, I give out word I have entered extinction.
... For if they see me constantly,
... arrogance and selfishness arise in their minds.
... Abandoning restraint, they give themselves up to the five desires
... and fall into the evil paths of existence.

(6) our determination and vow

... Always I am aware of which living beings
... practice the way, and which do not,
... and in response to their need for salvation
... I preach various doctrines for them.
... At all times I think to myself:
... How can I cause living beings
... to gain entry into the unsurpassed way
... and quickly acquire the body of a buddha?

Why would Shakyamuni tell the stories and extol the glories of such persons if they are all a bunch of liars and identity thieves?

Your crazy religious views are so culty and unexamined as to be laughable.

They are a laughingstock.

What Shakyamuni says only makes honest sense if all of these great Buddhas are really the same as he, with each having all living beings as emanations of their Buddha life, and that shared Buddha life has an "actual name of the entity" as "Myoho-Renge," just as Nichiren says.

In all those places in the Gosho, where Nichiren Daishonin is talking about the eternal Buddha with the name Shakyamuni, he has no choice: (1) he is speaking to people who know the Buddha by no other name than Shakyamuni, in their vernacular and (2) he is refuting the competition, which has the vast majority of Buddhists under their evil control with their eternal Buddhas named Amida of Nembutsu, or Mahavairochana of True Word Shingon, or Medicine Master Yakushi of Reiki, or the empty void of Zen, or the gods of Shinto above all the Buddhas. It his use of expedient means, necessary at the time, but with the collateral damage of crazy idolaters like you, worshiping statues of a falsely-deified Shakyamuni as a man-God like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth lke Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah. I repeat:

Your crazy religious views are so culty and unexamined as to be laughable.

They are a laughingstock.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-17 06:53:09 UTC
Very poor deflection attempt @chas sock puppet!

Your recycled garbage is just further evidence of your ignorance of Buddhism.
2018-03-17 10:31:03 UTC
Did you know that Nichiren stated all Buddha’s were emanations of Shakyamuni Buddha?
Very quick to disrupt others exchanges and show your sock puppet “colors”😄
As I said, that was an expedient means in the battle against other Buddhas named Amida, Mahavairochana, Yakushi-Nyorai and the void of Zen. He called the one Buddha life Shakyamuni in the common vernacular of the time in the midst of that battle: so as not to confuse the issue. He had no choice.

However, he revealed to Sairen-bo in the "Entity of the Mystic Law" Gosho that the actual name of the eternal Buddha is Myoho-Renge, which is why we chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo instead of Nam-Shakyamuni-butsu.

So what Nichiren Daishonin says is true, and actual name of the entity of the Mystic Law within each one of us and all of us together is Myoho-Renge, not Shakyamuni.

It is true that all Buddhas are emanations of the human being Shakyamuni who died 300 years ago, and the ceremony in the air is proof of that. When Katie Higgins chants Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, all Buddhas are emanations of the human being Katie and make an appearance, in spite of her false deification of Shakyamuni. It is amazing, but that is just the kind of world we live in! Each of us is two, but not two, with the eternal Buddha named Myoho-Renge, including Shakyamuni and Katie Higgins.

Hence, what Katie Higgins chants and what she believes is incoherent. What the SGI chants and has faith in is coherent: the faith is in unity with the practice.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-18 06:51:41 UTC
No recent photos of Ikeda - confirmed 😬
2018-03-18 07:34:26 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
No recent photos of Ikeda - confirmed 😬
So sad :(

I want to see him fine :(

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Katie Higgins
2018-03-18 08:40:06 UTC
The secrecy around Ikeda!s well-being is due to the “effect” his demise will have on the “actual proof” focus of SGI propagation . Ikeda’s demise is “ bad PR”— it is also the effect of Ikeda’s “ life’s work “—

Any true follower of Nichiren is familiar with Nichiren’s disclosing the “ type of death” encountered by a “revered Buddhist leader”/teacher/monk. Though it may appear harsh , this accords with the Buddha’s teaching.

As a follower of Nichiren , if I were a member of the SGI, I would absolutely seek the truth regarding Ikeda’s. Disappearance from the spot light .Likewise, as s follower of Nichiren who knows the SGI propagates Ikeda’s heretical slanderous teaching , I know Ikeda is in dire straights - dead or alive.

This by no means reflects my personal opinion or feelings — it is simply a matter of the true teachings of Nuchiren , based on the Lotus Sutra.

There is no “ get out of jail free” card in true Buddhism . The Law if cause and effect is strict and does not discriminate .

~ Katie
2018-03-18 12:32:26 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
The secrecy around Ikeda!s well-being is due to the “effect” his demise will have on the “actual proof” focus of SGI propagation . Ikeda’s demise is “ bad PR”— it is also the effect of Ikeda’s “ life’s work “—
Any true follower of Nichiren is familiar with Nichiren’s disclosing the “ type of death” encountered by a “revered Buddhist leader”/teacher/monk. Though it may appear harsh , this accords with the Buddha’s teaching.
As a follower of Nichiren , if I were a member of the SGI, I would absolutely seek the truth regarding Ikeda’s. Disappearance from the spot light .Likewise, as s follower of Nichiren who knows the SGI propagates Ikeda’s heretical slanderous teaching , I know Ikeda is in dire straights - dead or alive.
This by no means reflects my personal opinion or feelings — it is simply a matter of the true teachings of Nuchiren , based on the Lotus Sutra.
There is no “ get out of jail free” card in true Buddhism . The Law if cause and effect is strict and does not discriminate .
~ Katie
What a pile of crap that is. There are pictures and witnesses.

Living forever would be actual proof of the supernatural, which is not Buddhism. We all are afflicted with the four sufferings (birth, sickness, aging, death) and at age 90, you get the last three in spades.

You people are like vultures, I swear. Leave the old man alone!

Katie Higgins
2018-03-18 13:16:30 UTC
Spoken like a non-Buddhist con man !

@chas doesn’t know the Buddha’s teachings and has no connection to Nichiren . Seems like he just likes to perform like an ill bred zealot— making SGI look even worse ( if that’s possible )
Katie Higgins
2018-03-18 13:27:08 UTC
Katie Higgins
2018-03-19 22:46:14 UTC
The secrecy around Ikeda!s well-being is due to the “effect” his demise will have on the “actual proof” focus of SGI propagation . Ikeda’s demise is “ bad PR”— it is also the effect of Ikeda’s “ life’s work “—

Any true follower of Nichiren is familiar with Nichiren’s disclosing the “ type of death” encountered by a “revered Buddhist leader”/teacher/monk. Though it may appear harsh , this accords with the Buddha’s teaching.

As a follower of Nichiren , if I were a member of the SGI, I would absolutely seek the truth regarding Ikeda’s. Disappearance from the spot light .Likewise, as s follower of Nichiren who knows the SGI propagates Ikeda’s heretical slanderous teaching , I know Ikeda is in dire straights - dead or alive.

This by no means reflects my personal opinion or feelings — it is simply a matter of the true teachings of Nuchiren , based on the Lotus Sutra.

There is no “ get out of jail free” card in true Buddhism . The Law of cause and effect is strict and does not discriminate .

~ Katie
2018-03-20 04:42:57 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
The secrecy around Ikeda!s well-being is due to the “effect” his demise will have on the “actual proof” focus of SGI propagation . Ikeda’s demise is “ bad PR”— it is also the effect of Ikeda’s “ life’s work “—
Any true follower of Nichiren is familiar with Nichiren’s disclosing the “ type of death” encountered by a “revered Buddhist leader”/teacher/monk. Though it may appear harsh , this accords with the Buddha’s teaching.
As a follower of Nichiren , if I were a member of the SGI, I would absolutely seek the truth regarding Ikeda’s. Disappearance from the spot light .Likewise, as s follower of Nichiren who knows the SGI propagates Ikeda’s heretical slanderous teaching , I know Ikeda is in dire straights - dead or alive.
This by no means reflects my personal opinion or feelings — it is simply a matter of the true teachings of Nuchiren , based on the Lotus Sutra.
There is no “ get out of jail free” card in true Buddhism . The Law of cause and effect is strict and does not discriminate .
~ Katie
What a pile of crap that line of reasoning is.

To be born is to grow old, become sickly and die: in Buddhism the "Four Sufferings" are birth, sickness, aging and death.

Sensei is 90 years old: for a person suffering from advanced tuberculosis when he entered the Soka Gakkai at the age of 19 in 1946 that is a miracle.

From the Wikipedia: "In 1946, the development of the antibiotic streptomycin made effective treatment and cure of TB a reality."

One might say, cause and effect simultaneous? But then one would need faith in the Lotus Sutra to say that. Something you lack, Katie Higgins.

At any rate, faith notwithstanding, the fact that anyone who had advanced tuberculosis at 19 has lived to be 90 years of age is by any account: a miracle. A miracle of science is still a miracle. Brace yourself for more miracles from CRISPR/Cas-9, version 2 - single gene editing repairing 60% of genetic diseases in situ, all of which afflict SGI members around the world who chant a lot of daimoku.

Don't let your monumental ingratitude smack you in the backside on your way out the door, Katie Higgins and Mark Rogow. Just bear witness to the the revolution in medicine coming your way.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-20 07:48:47 UTC
Why don’t you visit your sensei and shoot a video to post here ? Or just add violin music to your sappy tributes !

~ Katie
2018-03-20 11:53:54 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
Why don’t you visit your sensei and shoot a video to post here ? Or just add violin music to your sappy tributes !
~ Katie
Any stupid comment to avoid the obvious, he is very old and you are a circling vulture.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-21 19:35:46 UTC
Post by Chas.
Post by Katie Higgins
Why don’t you visit your sensei and shoot a video to post here ? Or just add violin music to your sappy tributes !
~ Katie
Any stupid comment to avoid the obvious, he is very old and you are a circling vulture.
Not so devoted after all--eh?

@chas is blind to the obvious!


2018-03-21 20:55:53 UTC
This is what cornered rats do. I have cornered you with the Buddha's own words refuting your distortions of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism into a statue worshiping cult falsely deifying Shakyamuni into a manGod like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah.

Since you can't fact the music there, you sing this crazy song.

Face the simple fact that you are wrong and Shakyamuni was a common mortal AND a true Buddha, just like the rest of us: 46 chromosomes per cell. Not a god, certainly not the look of the pretty-boy statues you worship. The Buddha that preached the Lotus Sutra was an old man. Like Sensei, who you circle like a vulture.

Katie Higgins
2018-03-22 03:09:59 UTC
Bullies are so last decade ‼️
2018-03-22 06:27:31 UTC
Then you are calling Nichiren Daishonin a bully:

As Nichiren states in "The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood", WND I, p. 747,

To hope to attain Buddhahood without speaking out against slander is as futile as trying to find water in the midst of fire or fire in the midst of water. NO MATTER HOW SINCERELY ONE BELIEVES IN THE LOTUS SUTRA, IF ONE IS GUILTY OF FAILING TO REBUKE SLANDER OF THE LAW, ONE WILL SURELY FALL INTO HELL, JUST AS A SINGLE CRAB LEG WILL RUIN A THOUSAND POTS OF LACQUER. This is the meaning of the passage in the sutra, "Because the poison has penetrated deeply and their minds no longer function as before." [Note 5. Lotus Sutra, chap. 16.]

As Nichiren states in "Encouragement to a Sick Person", WND I, pp. 77-78,

MOREOVER, EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS GUILTY OF SLANDER OF THE LAW, an offense exceeding even the ten evil acts or the five cardinal sins. Although few people slander the Lotus Sutra with actual words of abuse, there are none who accept it. Some appear to accept the sutra, but their faith in it is not as deep as their faith in the Nembutsu or other teachings. AND EVEN THOSE WITH PROFOUND FAITH DO NOT REPROACH THE ENEMIES OF THE LOTUS SUTRA. HOWEVER GREAT THE GOOD CAUSES ONE MAY MAKE, or even if one reads and copies the entirety of the Lotus Sutra a thousand or ten thousand times, or attains the way of perceiving three thousand realms in a single moment of life, IF ONE FAILS TO DENOUNCE THE ENEMIES OF THE LOTUS SUTRA, IT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE TO ATTAIN THE WAY.

As Nichiren states in "Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man", WND I, p. 108,

"Is not one who fails to heed the warnings of this sutra in effect cutting off the tongues of the Buddhas and deceiving the worthies and sages? This offense is truly fearful. Thus, in the second volume it says, 'IF A PERSON FAILS TO HAVE FAITH BUT INSTEAD SLANDERS THIS SUTRA, IMMEDIATELY HE WILL DESTROY ALL THE SEEDS FOR BECOMING A BUDDHA IN THIS WORLD.' [Note 34. Lotus Sutra, chap. 3.] THE MEANING OF THIS PASSAGE IS THAT, IF ONE TURNS ONE'S BACK ON EVEN ONE VERSE OR ONE PHRASE OF THIS SUTRA, ONE IS GUILTY OF A CRIME EQUAL TO THAT OF KILLING ALL THE BUDDHAS OF THE TEN DIRECTIONS IN THE THREE EXISTENCES OF PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE.

"IF WE USE THE TEACHINGS OF THE SUTRAS AS A MIRROR IN WHICH TO EXAMINE OUR PRESENT WORLD, WE WILL SEE THAT IT IS A DIFFICULT THING TO FIND ONE WHO DOES NOT BETRAY THE LOTUS SUTRA. AND IF WE UNDERSTAND THE TRUE MEANING OF THESE MATTERS, WE CAN SEE THAT EVEN A PERSON OF DISBELIEF CANNOT AVOID BEING REBORN IN THE HELL OF INCESSANT SUFFERING. How much more so is this true, then, for someone like the Honorable Honen, the founder of the Nembutsu school, who urged people to discard the Lotus Sutra in favor of the Nembutsu! Where, may I ask, in all the five thousand or seven thousand volumes of sutras is there any passage that instructs us to discard the Lotus Sutra?

From "On Curing Karmic Disease", WND p. 634:


Katie Higgins, Mark Rogow and Iain Dewar are Evil Friends and Worse Than Mad Elephants +

Lies, all lies.
If you could actually read Nichiren’s OWN words , you could comment on his “ mind” . How can you be so brazenly arrogant as to claim to know Nichiren’s mind ? —especially when you are not concerned about authenticity of Nichirens writings and correct translation ?
It's an unresolvable problem since your solution is to declare Gosho and Lotus Sutra translations defunct inauthentic from one authority which I trust, Sensei and the SGI, by virtue of another set of Nichiren Shu authorities that have demonstrably been shown to be false and treasonous to Nichiren Daishonin.

The only objective resolution of the "trust" problem is as I have stated: scientifically objective verification of documents according to their provenance: AMS carbon dating down to seven year's accuracy during the age of Nichiren Daishonin and the image analysis methods created for the analysis of the Archimedes Palimpsest to spot any adulteration of those date-verified documents.

Since you and Nichiren Shu refuse the deployment of scientifically objective methods to resolve the authority "trust" problems, this casts deep suspicion on the validity of your documents.
I’m seeking Nichiren’s true teachings- and share what I’m learning— about two years into seeking and researching , I can only say confidently , that your “teachings” are NOT Nichiren’s - because I know their origins and evolution —
I can say confidently that since you have not supported the use of objective methods above to determine validity that your documents CANNOT BE VERIFIED, and lacking the desire to verify them means you are not seeking Nichiren Daishonin's true teachings, but are part of the Nichiren Shu Sham Parade.
And BTW-it might surprise you to know that I read articles written by Tendai leaning scholars who are as infatuated with their “mind only“ practice as you are , but are solid in knowledge of their doctrines and where they come from !
I have no idea about "mind only" practices, but if you were referring to T'ien-T'ai's practice of meditation upon the Lotus Sutra, that practice became invalid as the Middle Day of the Law waned before Nichiren Daishonin was born. We chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo in Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, and not to statues of a falsely deified Shakyamuni as a manGod like Jesus, or as God Almighty Creator of Heaven and Earth like Yahweh/Elohim/Jehovah/Allah as you and your buddies at Nichiren Shu do.
It’s fine with me if readers do their own research / I am not trying to convince or convert you- just want to assist in discovering and revealing Nichiren’s true teachings .
~ Katie
Baloney. The demon of your Nichiren Shu corruption residing in your heart drives everything you do: pulling as many lives into Avichi Hell as possible. You can't help yourself:

From "Reply to Hoshina Gōrō Tarō," WND I, p. 159:

... elephant can only destroy your body; it cannot destroy
... your mind. But an evil friend can destroy both body and
... mind. A mad elephant can destroy only a single body, but
... an evil friend can destroy countless bodies and countless
... minds. A mad elephant merely destroys an impure, stinking
... body, but an evil friend can destroy both pure body and
... ENEMY OF THE GOOD LAW.” Therefore, even more than venomous
... serpents or malevolent demons, one should fear the evil
... friends who follow Kōbō, Shan-tao, and Hōnen. This is just
... a brief clarification of the error of holding distorted
... views.

And, also fear evil friends like Katie Higgins, Mark Rogow and Iain Dewar.

2018-03-22 20:35:54 UTC
Buddhism is about enlightment in every being and every one

But you people are using buddhism to scoff and to whip at each other

This is not what Buddhism is about

What a shame


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2018-03-23 06:46:23 UTC
Post by xyz
Buddhism is about enlightment in every being and every one
But you people are using buddhism to scoff and to whip at each other
This is not what Buddhism is about
What a shame
You have just completely marginalized what Nichiren Daishonin said in most of his Gosho letters regarding slander of the Law and mixing extraneous practices with the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra.

You should re-read those passages above if you actually give a damn about what Nichiren Daishonin is saying:


2018-03-23 14:24:16 UTC
Post by Chas.
You have just completely marginalized what Nichiren Daishonin said in most of his Gosho letters regarding slander of the Law and mixing extraneous practices with the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra.
I have no control over what other people chants

Everybody should be free and praise whatever they want

I am happy with what I do regarding faith

If you regard my faith as slander, I shrug it off, I do not own the truth

Using Buddhism to scoff and to whip at each other is a real shame


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2018-03-24 12:08:38 UTC
Post by xyz
Post by Chas.
You have just completely marginalized what Nichiren Daishonin said in most of his Gosho letters regarding slander of the Law and mixing extraneous practices with the Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra.
I have no control over what other people chants
Everybody should be free and praise whatever they want
I am happy with what I do regarding faith
If you regard my faith as slander, I shrug it off, I do not own the truth
Using Buddhism to scoff and to whip at each other is a real shame
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The real shame is to completely ignore Nichiren Daishonin and just invent your own Buddhism. That is a profound slander of everything involved.

2018-03-25 00:59:25 UTC
Post by Chas.
The real shame is to completely ignore Nichiren Daishonin and just invent your own Buddhism. That is a profound slander of everything involved.
And are you sure you're not doing exactly this

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2018-03-25 07:27:27 UTC
Post by xyz
Post by Chas.
The real shame is to completely ignore Nichiren Daishonin and just invent your own Buddhism. That is a profound slander of everything involved.
And are you sure you're not doing exactly this
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Yes, I am sure. Here are copious numbers of quotes to back me up that Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism is all about refuting distortions, and not about the pretense of sitting back and pretending to yourself that you are like Bodhisattva Never Disparaging, who actually did real shakubuku and got attacked for it:

Refuting Katie Higgins and her minions is a noble act, according to Nichiren Daishonin +

I wrote this in response to the umpteenth complaint about my refuting distortions of Buddhism: that it is not "Buddhist" or like a "Buddha" to point out that someone is distorting the meaning and intent of Gosho or the Lotus Sutra, or just outright lying about them, adulterating those words, translating them incorrectly, or replacing Buddhism with a blithering and stupid monotheism raising up and deifying Shakyamuni as God Almighty to support their statue-worshiping.
Post by xyz
I'm an unaffiliated believer in thr Lotus Sutra and Nichiren's revelation of the Daimoku as the path to buddhahood. I've visited various groups (Nichiren Shu, SGI, Rissho Kosei Kai) and tried to get info about others. I've hoped to find a group that lifted others up through dedication to the One Vehicle and chanting daimoku. This forum breaks my heart and makes me lose faith that Nichiren's teachings will ever spread as they should. The vitriol, name-calling, and arrogance of the contributors here are appalling. Nichiren may have used strong words at times to express his faith, but always with compassion and humility. The words here have none of that and seem only aimed at self-aggrandizement.
One does one's best to avoid the ad hominem fallacy, but when some people's views are distorting Buddhism they will take offense and become enraged when you refute their attachments to the fundamental darkness and Tenji-Ma the Devil King. That is simply their demon making its voice heard. One has to learn that hearing that demonic voice is actually hearing the cheers of the Buddhas in the ten directions.

As Nichiren Daishonin says below, if you mouth the words and slander the intent, that is not the correct practice. Here are Nichiren Daishonin's views on refuting evil distortions of Buddhism, AKA Shakubuku:

As Nichiren states in " The Fourteen Slanders", WND I, p. 756,

In your letter you write: “Since I took faith in this sutra [the Lotus], I have continued to recite the ten factors of life and the verse section of the ‘Life Span’ chapter and chant the daimoku without the slightest neglect. But how great is the difference between the blessings received when a sage chants the daimoku and the blessings received when we chant it?” To reply, one is in no way superior to the other. The gold that a fool possesses is no different from the gold that a wise man possesses; a fire made by a fool is the same as a fire made by a wise man.


As Nichiren states in "The Third Doctrine ", WND I, p. 856,

There are two kinds of practitioners at the initial stage of rejoicing. Practitioners of keen faculties may keep the precepts, while those of dull faculties are restrained from doing so. Moreover, there are differences among the Former, Middle, and Latter Days of the Law, and differences between the practices of shōju and shakubuku. You should also take into account the Great Teacher Dengyō’s remark about a tiger in the marketplace. [Teacher Dengyo’s remark "IF IN THE LATTER DAY OF THE LAW THERE SHOULD BE PERSONS WHO KEEP THE PRECEPTS, THAT WOULD BE SOMETHING RARE AND STRANGE, LIKE A TIGER IN THE MARKETPLACE. WHO COULD POSSIBLY BELIEVE IT?"]

As Nichiren states in "On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings ", WND I, p. 394,


As Nichiren states in "On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings ", WND I, p. 394,

In this age, the provisional teachings have turned into enemies of the true teaching. When the time is right to propagate the teaching of the one vehicle, the provisional teachings become enemies. When they are a source of confusion, they must be thoroughly refuted from the standpoint of the true teaching. Of the two types of practice, this is shakubuku, the practice of the Lotus Sutra. With good reason T'ient'ai stated, "THE LOTUS SUTRA IS THE TEACHING OF SHAKUBUKU, THE REFUTATION OF THE PROVISIONAL DOCTRINES."

As Nichiren states in "On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings ", WND I, p. 394,

The four peaceful practices [in the "Peaceful Practices" chapter] correspond to shoju. TO CARRY THEM OUT IN THIS AGE WOULD BE AS FOOLISH AS SOWING SEEDS IN WINTER AND EXPECTING TO REAP THE HARVEST IN SPRING.

As Nichiren states in "On Practicing the Buddha’s Teachings ", WND I, p. 394,


As Nichiren states in "The Essentials for Attaining Buddhahood", WND I, p. 747,

To hope to attain Buddhahood without speaking out against slander is as futile as trying to find water in the midst of fire or fire in the midst of water. NO MATTER HOW SINCERELY ONE BELIEVES IN THE LOTUS SUTRA, IF ONE IS GUILTY OF FAILING TO REBUKE SLANDER OF THE LAW, ONE WILL SURELY FALL INTO HELL, JUST AS A SINGLE CRAB LEG WILL RUIN A THOUSAND POTS OF LACQUER. This is the meaning of the passage in the sutra, "Because the poison has penetrated deeply and their minds no longer function as before." [Note 5. Lotus Sutra, chap. 16.]

As Nichiren states in "Encouragement to a Sick Person", WND I, pp. 77-78,

MOREOVER, EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS GUILTY OF SLANDER OF THE LAW, an offense exceeding even the ten evil acts or the five cardinal sins. Although few people slander the Lotus Sutra with actual words of abuse, there are none who accept it. Some appear to accept the sutra, but their faith in it is not as deep as their faith in the Nembutsu or other teachings. AND EVEN THOSE WITH PROFOUND FAITH DO NOT REPROACH THE ENEMIES OF THE LOTUS SUTRA. HOWEVER GREAT THE GOOD CAUSES ONE MAY MAKE, or even if one reads and copies the entirety of the Lotus Sutra a thousand or ten thousand times, or attains the way of perceiving three thousand realms in a single moment of life, IF ONE FAILS TO DENOUNCE THE ENEMIES OF THE LOTUS SUTRA, IT WILL BE IMPOSSIBLE TO ATTAIN THE WAY.

As Nichiren states in "Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man", WND I, p. 108,

"Is not one who fails to heed the warnings of this sutra in effect cutting off the tongues of the Buddhas and deceiving the worthies and sages? This offense is truly fearful. Thus, in the second volume it says, 'IF A PERSON FAILS TO HAVE FAITH BUT INSTEAD SLANDERS THIS SUTRA, IMMEDIATELY HE WILL DESTROY ALL THE SEEDS FOR BECOMING A BUDDHA IN THIS WORLD.' [Note 34. Lotus Sutra, chap. 3.] THE MEANING OF THIS PASSAGE IS THAT, IF ONE TURNS ONE'S BACK ON EVEN ONE VERSE OR ONE PHRASE OF THIS SUTRA, ONE IS GUILTY OF A CRIME EQUAL TO THAT OF KILLING ALL THE BUDDHAS OF THE TEN DIRECTIONS IN THE THREE EXISTENCES OF PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE.

"IF WE USE THE TEACHINGS OF THE SUTRAS AS A MIRROR IN WHICH TO EXAMINE OUR PRESENT WORLD, WE WILL SEE THAT IT IS A DIFFICULT THING TO FIND ONE WHO DOES NOT BETRAY THE LOTUS SUTRA. AND IF WE UNDERSTAND THE TRUE MEANING OF THESE MATTERS, WE CAN SEE THAT EVEN A PERSON OF DISBELIEF CANNOT AVOID BEING REBORN IN THE HELL OF INCESSANT SUFFERING. How much more so is this true, then, for someone like the Honorable Honen, the founder of the Nembutsu school, who urged people to discard the Lotus Sutra in favor of the Nembutsu! Where, may I ask, in all the five thousand or seven thousand volumes of sutras is there any passage that instructs us to discard the Lotus Sutra?

From "On Curing Karmic Disease", WND p. 634:


From "When the Roots Are Exposed, the Branches Wither", WND II, p. 1085:


The Nembutsu school, the Zen school, and the True Word school have roots that are founded in error and their springs lead to deception. But if their roots and their springs are exposed to view, though this may be done by so lowly a person as I, Nichiren, then, so long as Heaven's design is to bring about a time when the great Law will spread abroad, those evil teachings will be defeated and the true Law will be established-there can be no doubt of this.

Do you realize that already the time is at hand when these evil teachings will vanish? I may be despised and mercilessly hounded ...

From the Orally Transmitted Teachings, chapter 16 "Life Span", WND I, p. 139:

Ultimately, now that we have entered the Latter Day of the Law, those who “practice the way” are the votaries of the Lotus Sutra, while those who “do not” are the slanderers of the Law. The word “way” stands for the Lotus Sutra. As T’ien-t’ai says, “The term ‘Buddha way’ refers to this sutra [the Lotus] in particular.”

Now Nichiren and his followers, who chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, are those who “practice the way,” while those who do not chant it are those who “do not [practice the way].”

From "The Embankments of Faith", WND I, p. 74:

Now you should make a great vow and pray for your next life. If you are disbelieving or slander the correct teaching even in the slightest, you will certainly fall into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering. Suppose there is a ship that sails on the open sea. Though the ship is stoutly built, if it is flooded by a leak, those on the ship are sure to drown together. Though the embankment between rice fields is firm, if there is an ant hole in it, then surely, in the long run, it will not remain full of water. BAIL THE SEAWATER OF SLANDER AND DISBELIEF OUT OF THE SHIP OF YOUR LIFE, AND SOLIDIFY THE EMBANKMENTS OF YOUR FAITH. If a believer’s offense is slight, overlook it, and lead that person to obtain benefits. If it is serious, encourage him to strengthen his faith so that he can expiate the sin.

From the Orally Transmitted Teachings, WND I, p. 138,

Point Seventeen, on the words "Abandoning restraint, they give themselves up to the five desires / and fall into the evil paths of existence."

The Record of the Orally Transmitted Teachings says: "Abandoning restraint" is a term designating slander of the Law. Those who do so are without doubt destined to fall into the Avichi hell.

But now Nichiren and his followers, who chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, are exempted from the fate referred to in this passage of the sutra.

Continuing that posting ...
Post by xyz
I am ashamed to share a faith with people who would behave this way in private, let alone on an open forum. We've fallen from the Lotus and sunk to the mud. Better that the world had never received it than that the Lotus Sutra should be so maligned. I pray that no honest seeker find this forum.
If one has actual faith in the Lotus Sutra (and Nichiren Daishonin's practice of chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo, the Gohonzon, the Gosho, and his true sangha that DID NOT BETRAY HIM AFTER HIS DEATH, which is the Fuji School of his closest disciple Nikko Shonin and now the SGI, which I can defend via the 26 Admonitions upon request,) ... then one does not lose faith in it all simply because it is either maligned outright, distorted horribly, or there is 'sturm und drang' surrounding refuting those slanderous acts.

When one is greeted by a DEMON, one simply puts on the ARMOR OF PERSEVERANCE and the ROBE OF FORBEARANCE and stays calm and carries on. [see below for those...]

DEMON [悪鬼・鬼] (Jpn akki or ki):
Also, evil demon, evil spirit, or simply spirit. Evil beings who torment people. Indian mythology and Buddhist scriptures mention various kinds of demons, such as rākshasa, yaksha, and kumbhānda. The “Encouraging Devotion” (thirteenth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra, for example, states: “In a muddied kalpa, in an evil age there will be many things to fear. Evil demons will take possession of others and through them curse, revile, and heap shame on us. But we, reverently trusting in the Buddha, will put on the armor of perseverance. In order to preach this sutra we will bear these difficult things.” Demon also means negative functions or influences that deprive people of happiness or vitality, and obstruct correct judgment. In contrast with the function of gods that protect people’s welfare, demons indicate forces in the environment that act to prevent or destroy human happiness. In Great Concentration and Insight, T’ien-t’ai (538–597) regarded attack by demons as one of the six causes of illness.

ARMOR OF PERSEVERANCE [忍辱の鎧] (Jpn ninniku-no-yoroi):
Also, armor of forbearance. A metaphor for the spiritual endurance with which one withstands insult or persecution. The armor of perseverance is also that which protects one against evils and hindrances. The “Encouraging Devotion” (thirteenth) chapter of the Lotus Sutra says: “In a muddied kalpa, in an evil age there will be many things to fear. Evil demons will take possession of others and through them curse, revile, and heap shame on us. But we, reverently trusting in the Buddha, will put on the armor of perseverance. In order to preach this sutra we will bear these difficult things.”

FORBEARANCE [忍・忍辱] (Skt kshānti; Jpn nin or ninniku):
Also, patience or endurance. One of the six pāramitās, or six practices required of bodhisattvas. In practicing the pāramitā, or perfection, of forbearance, bodhisattvas are required to bear persecutions and difficulties and remain unperturbed. The Sutra on the Wise and the Foolish tells the story of an ascetic named Forbearance (Skt Kshāntivādin), who was Shakyamuni Buddha in a previous incarnation. This ascetic, when engaged in the practice of forbearance, suffered mutilation at the hands of the ruler and yet remained unperturbed. A forbearing mind is compared to a robe or armor; hence expressions such as “the robe of forbearance” and “the armor of perseverance.” They enable one to bear insult and all persecutions and to protect oneself against evils and obstructions.

One also has to be careful not to fall into the trap (David Cole) of "rising above the fray" and casting "a pox upon you all", which is in reality an attempt to take control, usually to lead everyone into your special brand of distorting Buddhism.

We have been there and done that with David Cole, the would-be-Yamazaki bringing the combatants together under HIS banner of truce/truth. He was an expert at this strategy, and I would presume that no one showing up would match his special skill at navigating that narrative.

2018-03-26 01:01:54 UTC
Buddhism is about coexistence and tolerance

Everybody is free and people should attract each other via good examples

Those who either does good or slander will have their acts answered

And the response will come from neither me nor you

This is why I let people alone with their free will

Why waste time with a "combat" that sums zero

Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivírus.
2018-03-26 08:11:46 UTC
Post by xyz
Buddhism is about coexistence and tolerance
Everybody is free and people should attract each other via good examples
Those who either does good or slander will have their acts answered
And the response will come from neither me nor you
This is why I let people alone with their free will
Why waste time with a "combat" that sums zero
Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivírus.
I coexist with and tolerate the existence of slanderers. I don't advocate coercion or any corrective action outside of their own common-sense self-correction.

However, you all don't get to have your own private set of "facts" that do not align objectively with the facts objectively present in the real world.

1. Your totally fictional smearing accounts of the SGI and Sensei will be refuted by me.

2. Your totally distorted views of Buddhism which negate or undermine the Buddha's highest teaching in the Lotus Sutra will be refuted by me, via quotes from the Lotus Sutra at nichirenlibrary.org.

3. Your totally distorted views of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra will be refuted by me, with quotes from the Gosho and the other references from nichirenlibrary.org.

The fact that you responded to my quotes from Nichiren Daishonin that completely refute and negate your views of "coexistence" and "tolerance"

... [which in reality mean nothing more than "you have to agree with whatever crap I say" or "I think Buddhism is this or that" - which neither the Buddha, for which that "ism" is named, does not agree and which the Buddha of the Latter Day of the Law Nichiren Daishonin completely disagrees with]

... the fact of you ignoring what the Buddha and the Daishonin say, that says to me that you are clearly not a follower of Nichiren Daishonin, and that means you are not a Buddhist.

Buddhism in the Latter Day of the Law IS ONLY Lotus Sutra Buddhism, because the provisional teachings and their practices and mixing practices have all become enemies of the Law according to Nichiren Daishonin, which was predicted by the Buddha as well in the Lotus Sutra.

Religious Tolerance does not mean repeating and accepting each other's erroneous views. Islamic Terror and Islamist views have made this point in a very pronounced way in the last two decades. Before that, the point was made by the international crusade of the communist manifesto of Karl Marx, who made lying a virtue (still practiced by Putin, et al.) Before that, or during it, we had the Nazi SS Aryan religious crusade in the West and the Imperial State Zen/Imperial Way Shinto Syncretic Buddhism/Nichiren Shu fostered Emperor's religious Pacific War of conquest and enslavement of the Pacific Rim.

Evil feeds on your kind of "tolerance" and it always leads to war and megadeath. Here is a script from and NPR report on this point:

Religious Tolerance: Transcribed from NPR +

This segment is from National Public Radio

. Weekend Edition - Sunday Sunday, January 27, 2002
. Religious Tolerance
. -------------------
. Host John Ydstie speaks with Dr. Joseph Hough, Jr.,
. President of New York's Union Theological Seminary,
. about the state of religious tolerance amongst
. Christians in America and why tolerance is not a lofty
. enough goal. (9:00)
. Host: In an article earlier this month in the New York
. Times, Dr. Hough called on Christians to adopt a new
. theology, a new approach to other religions.
. Dr. Hough: Tolerance is a response of a dominant
. religion towards subordinate religions. And if you think
. about it, the use of the term itself suggests that we a
. decision to make about whether you can operate in our
. context with minimal interference. Now, I don't want to
. be misunderstood, because I think we need a lot more
. tolerance in this country than we have, that is
. certainly important. But I think we need to go beyond
. that, and the way we go beyond that is, I think to begin
. to acknowledge that in our own tradition we have a
. theological problem that prevents us from giving full
. and authentic respect to other religious traditions.
. Host: What is that theological problem?
. Dr. Hough: It's what I call the Exclusionary Principle.
. It is the claim that God is only known, truly and fully,
. in the Christian tradition and not in any other
. tradition. And that the knowledge of God that might
. appear in other places in the world is insufficient, in
. the Christian tradition it is claimed to be insufficient
. for the salvation of human beings.
. Host: Now that's not an exclusive problem for
. Christianity is it?
. Dr. Hough: Of course not. But I'm a committed Christian,
. and so I begin with the theological problem in my own
. faith, and I think that it's up to other people to raise
. this question within the context of their own faith
. tradition. I do think all religions tend to move toward
. a kind of Exclusionary Principle, because the claim is
. that what we're looking at is thinking and believing in
. the highest one, or the highest value. And if you come
. through a single tradition to that understanding and to
. that revelation, it's tempting to say "This is the one
. true one", because it's changed your life. And I think
. it's wonderful to be passionate about your faith. I am
. passionately Christian. But part of being passionately
. Christian is having a little humility about any claim to
. absolute knowledge about what God is doing in the world.
. I know something about what God is doing in the world,
. because I've experienced it in my faith. But I would
. never want to make that claim that, "I know everything
. that God's doing in the world that's redemptive, and
. it's only in my tradition." That to me, is a step that
. divides human beings from each other across the board.
. Host: Why isn't it all right simply to be tolerant and
. to say, "You believe what you believe. I'll believe what
. I believe. I won't try to convince you. You don't have
. to try to convince me, but we can believe different
. things and get along." What's wrong with that.
. Dr. Hough: Well that's not how tolerance operates for
. the most part. That's indifference. It's sort of like
. one of our Presidents said one time, "It doesn't make
. any difference what you believe, as long as you believe
. it." It does make a great deal of difference what you
. believe. What you believe about your own religious faith
. and what you believe about the religious faith of other
. persons. And if you want to just draw a line, the
. Exclusionary Principle ultimately has appeared in
. Christian history in a variety of ways. Just have a look
. at the history of Christians and Jews. The Crusades
. against the Muslims. It shows that in the name of Jesus
. Christ, the Prince of Peace, Christians have killed,
. looted, raped, and murdered and a host of other
. transgressions. In the the name of Jesus Christ, why?
. Because ultimately the Exclusionary Principle says that
. these people are infidels and therefore they are
. "Enemies of God". There's a a sort of line that you
. move, when you make that claim. And if you look at some
. of the statements made by American religious leaders
. about Islam & some have said, "It's a Satanic religion."
. The president of one of the major denominations of this
. country, just a few years ago, described Hinduism,
. Buddhism and Islam, as instruments of Satan in the
. world. I think that there's got to be a way to combine a
. passionate response to the revelation of God in your own
. tradition, with a capacity to say, "It's valid for other
. persons to experience this, in a another culture, in a
. different way, and it is equally redemptive for them."
. Host: How do you respond to members of your own church
. who might quote you these words from the New Testament
. that are attributed to Jesus. That Jesus says, "I am the
. Way, the Truth and the Light. No one comes to the
. Father, but by me." How did you pass that roadblock?
. Dr. Hough: Well, for me that's not a roadblock, because
. the Johannon materials were written by a Jewish man to
. other Jewish followers of Jesus. At the time it was not
. a church. There was a Jesus movement, and it was in
. contention with other Jewish movements about the future
. of Judaism. The answer the Jesus movement gave was:
. "Look , we're expecting the Messiah to come back. We
. need to be ready & ", in the words of John the Baptist,
. "& to repent." That was not absent in other groups in
. Judaism, but there was this sense: that while the
. Messiah was to be expected, in the interim, Judaism
. needed a unifying center and it became the Torah. So
. that conflict between those two was very intense. You
. see, what you've got is an intra-religious conflict.
. Now, by the end of the first century there was a church.
. And the church was predominantly gentile, so they didn't
. know this history. All of those sayings, in John and
. other places in the Gospels, were then translated into
. an anti-Jewish position, then you had the emergence of
. the Christ-killer myth which was the basis for
. enormously brutal persecution of Jews down through the
. centuries by Christians. So, I just think what happened
. is, to just put it out there bluntly, that there is an
. interpretive mistake here, and it needs to be corrected.
. The blessing of the Jews and their Covenant is still
. valid, and it's just as valid as the blessing of the
. Christians in the New Covenant.
. Host: How do you deal with fringe cults that might be a
. danger to individuals who join them, or to society, the
. David Koresh's of the world, or the Aum Shinrikyo's of
. the world, the Japanese cult that attacked the Tokyo
. subway with lethal gas.
. Dr. Hough: Yes, I just don't think that all religions
. are morally permissable. But, that's a moral test. The
. principle I operate on is that redemption means God's
. activity in the world to bring hope, promise and
. redemption to human beings. And any religious group
. that's acting in the world that brings destruction upon
. other people cannot be possibly acting with the God I
. know. And that's true with the highest and best of all
. the world's great religions. I think that some of the
. things that Christian fundamentalism is advocating in
. the United States are destructive. And I do think, that
. they simply do not represent the heart in the best of
. Christianity. That's true of fundamentalist Islam, and
. any other religion that's acting totally on an
. Exclusionary Principle in acting in a destructive way
. toward other human beings, on the basis of classifying
. them as less than human. The term used is usually
. infidel.
. Host: You've been preaching this view since before
. September 11th, but have you found any more interest in
. it after September 11th?
. Dr. Hough: What I've said has been said by some scholars
. years ago. But, the response to this small article has
. been so overwhelming that I think we haven't realized
. the degree to which many people who aren't theological
. specialists, are ahead of some theologians and the
. clergy on this issue. The overwhelming response from
. Christians, who have written and emailed and called has
. been positive. There are a number, whose responses are
. less than positive, and some warning me the fact that
. God will bring judgement upon me because I'm a false
. teacher. Actually, I'm willing to take that risk.
. Host: The Reverend Dr. Joseph Hough, Jr. is President of
. New York's Union Theological Seminary. He joined us from
. our New York Bureau. Well, thank you very much.
. Dr. Hough: Thank you.

A Comment ... notice how in the last three questions he discusses evil religions. Where religion crushes people underfoot, or randomly destroys the lives of people, it stops being about the ultimate, and becomes a less-than-ultimate political movement, or merely banditry. That is the line where religious tolerance ends. We fight evil, without fail, as best we can .... or the darkness will surely descend.

The Three Treasures (Law, Buddha and Sangha) spring forth from the True Teachings. They are your inconspicuous benefit of practice according to the True Teachings.

. Treasure of the Law - The life condition you acquire
. from the correct practice. This appears to be
. indistinguishable from Happiness.
. Treasure of the Buddha - The determination for Kosen
. Rufu (widespread propagation of the Law), that you
. acquire from correct practice. This appears to be
. indistinguishable from Buddhahood.
. Treasure of the Sangha - Activities of the Sangha which
. are centered around the Gohonzon, around propagation of
. the Law, that you acquire from the correct practice as a
. group. This appears to be indistinguishable (in
. microcosm) from Kosen Rufu, itself.

That inconspicuous benefit is undermined in two ways:

. 1. Slander of the True Teachings which are the source of
. the Three Treasures. This means any action which
. consists of accepting, retaining an attachment to, or
. worst of all transmitting distorted teachings. Any of
. these are like upholding the distortion of the Law, next
. to the Law. All Three Treasures will suffer as a result.
. 2. Slander of any one of the Three Treasures as a means
. to protect either of the other two. The net result will
. be diminishment of all three.

The end of upholding the Law is never, ever justified by intentional slander of the Law.

You can't win by giving up ground. If you stay silent when a slander occurs, to protect unity, it stops being itai doshin, the unity of many in body, one in mind (around the True Teachings) and becomes wagoso, the unity of following the priests, or leaders.

It's a difficult task, like threading the eye of a needle at a great distance.

2018-03-27 03:57:29 UTC
Post by Chas.
1. Your totally fictional smearing accounts of the SGI and Sensei will be refuted by me.
2. Your totally distorted views of Buddhism which negate or undermine the Buddha's highest teaching in the Lotus Sutra will be refuted by me, via quotes from the Lotus Sutra at nichirenlibrary.org.
3. Your totally distorted views of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra will be refuted by me, with quotes from the Gosho and the other references from nichirenlibrary.org.
This is why I prefer ignoring your messages from now on and will rarely
answer your messages from now on

What's the point of debating with you if you own the entire truth and
have nothing to learn with others

You do not even know me and you do not even know about my faith but you
already assume my views are fictional and distorted so why should I
teach anything to you

You want neither debate nor dialogue which Daisaku Ikeda tells people to do

You just want to impose yourself


Este email foi escaneado pelo Avast antivírus.
2018-05-28 16:40:03 UTC
Post by xyz
Post by Chas.
1. Your totally fictional smearing accounts of the SGI and Sensei will be refuted by me.
2. Your totally distorted views of Buddhism which negate or undermine the Buddha's highest teaching in the Lotus Sutra will be refuted by me, via quotes from the Lotus Sutra at nichirenlibrary.org.
3. Your totally distorted views of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism of the Lotus Sutra will be refuted by me, with quotes from the Gosho and the other references from nichirenlibrary.org.
This is why I prefer ignoring your messages from now on and will rarely
answer your messages from now on
What's the point of debating with you if you own the entire truth and
have nothing to learn with others
You do not even know me and you do not even know about my faith but you
already assume my views are fictional and distorted so why should I
teach anything to you
You want neither debate nor dialogue which Daisaku Ikeda tells people to do
You just want to impose yourself
Unfortunately for Chaz, the rest of us know that, in SGI parlance, "dialogue" means "monologue"; "dialogue" means "you sit quietly and attentively and listen to ME while I preach". Once again, it appears that the psychological principle of "projection" is what we're seeing - Chaz is objecting to everyone else's understanding of what "dialogue" entails. SGI zealots seem to feel that they cannot possibly learn anything from anyone else; they are so superior that everyone must learn from THEM.

From Wikipedia: "Projection tends to come to the fore in normal people at times of personal or political crisis but is more commonly found in the neurotic or psychotic in personalities functioning at a primitive level as in narcissistic personality disorder or borderline personality disorder."

Oh dear...

Here are a few quotes from SGI about "dialogue" - you'll see what I mean:

Former SGI-USA national men's leader Tariq Hasan: "Our movement is based upon dialogue. And as such, discussion of anything pertinent to kosen-rufu is encouraged. At the same time, dialogue means standing up to resolutely assert our fundamental beliefs and convictions as leaders of the SGI. It does not mean compromising those fundamental beliefs and convictions. Any claim that these fundamental beliefs and convictions are wrong should be challenged through confident dialogue. We must be able to discern between constructive input and disparaging criticism that can disrupt the faith of individuals and the harmonious unity of believers. As leaders, we have to be vigilant in this regard. We need to develop such wisdom to protect our organization into the future and guarantee that Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism will become a world religion."

Yeah, good luck with that, pal.

And from their President Ikeda himself: "IN our organisation, there is no need to listen to the criticism of people who do not do gongyo and participate in activities for kosen-rufu. It is very foolish to be swayed at all by their words, which are nothing more then abuse, and do not deserve the slightest heed."

Yep, that *sure* sounds like "dialogue", doesn't it??
2018-05-29 10:34:17 UTC
I would think that a dialogue needs to be more than just letting people rattle on ignorantly and ignoring the logical arguments refuting what they spout.

I have tried incessantly to get Katie to respond to the following points, which she refuses to without exception:

Katie Higgins Calls Nichiren Daishonin, Shakyamuni Buddha, Many Treasures/Taho Buddha, the Buddhas In the Ten Directions, and the Lotus Sutra Liars +
" Many wooden statues and portraits were made of Sakyamuni Buddha as he preached Hinayana or quasi-Mahayana sutras, but statues and portraits of the ETERNAL SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA revealed in ‘ THE LIFE SPAN CHAPTER IF YHE LOTUS SUTRA were never made. Now in the beginning of the Latter Agr of Degeneration , is it not time that such statues and portraits are made for the first time ?"
Nichiren made such s portrait, enshrining Gohonzon . Nichiren also kept a statue of the "historical" Shakyamuni Buddha /and priced his disciples who fashioned images of the historical Buddha. I
One of Nichiren’s most important writers , extant in his own hand , written in Classical Chinese , the Kanjin honzon sho is the most formidable source of information on Nichiren’s teachings about the Buddha, the daimoku.
~ Katie
Yes, I take Nichiren’s authentic writings literally — to ascribe another "meaning " and dismiss the actual words Nichiren used is the definition of "corruption "—
~ Katie
Once again, your translation and your interpretation are in question if it leads to calling Nichiren Daishonin, the Lotus Sutra, the Lord of Teachings Shakyamuni and Many Treasures/Taho Buddha all liars ..

From the Lotus Sutra: Chapter 7 - "Parable of the Phantom City", p. 173:

.. After I have entered extinction, there will be other
.. disciples who will not hear this sutra and will not
.. understand or be aware of the practices carried out by the
.. bodhisattvas, but who, through the blessings they have been
.. able to attain, will conceive an idea of extinction and
.. enter into what they believe to be nirvana. AT THAT TIME I
.. DIFFERENT NAME. Those disciples, though they have conceived
.. an idea of extinction and entered into what they take to be
.. nirvana, will in that other land seek the buddha wisdom and
.. will be able to hear this sutra. For it is only through the
.. buddha vehicle that one can attain extinction. THERE IS NO

Note that the Shakyamuni of 3000 years ago will be preaching the Lotus Sutra under another name in the future, AND THAT NAME IS NOT SHAKYAMUNI ! ..

This prediction, of the future preaching the Lotus Sutra by the person Shakyamuni and employing expedient means, under an entirely different name at another place and in another form (maybe a woman, maybe not human!) is also repeated in the Juryo Chapter of the Lotus Sutra (the essential teaching) ..

From the Lotus Sutra: Chapter 16 - "Life Span of the Thus Come One," pp. 266-267:

.. "Good men, if there are living beings who come to me, I
.. employ my buddha eye to observe whether their faith and
.. other faculties are keen or dull, and then depending upon
.. how receptive they are to salvation, I APPEAR IN DIFFERENT
.. describe my life span as long or short. Sometimes when I
.. make my appearance I say that I am about to enter nirvana,
.. SUBTLE AND WONDERFUL LAW, thus causing living beings to
.. awaken joyful minds.

That is the central point: the person Shakyamuni in the future not having the name Shakyamuni, still preaching the Lotus Sutra, because "Shakyamuni" is not an eternal name, and in that future life he will not be looking like your idols, either. So if that is not the eternal Buddha's name, what is it? Nichiren Daishonin says it is "Myoho-Renge" ..

Can you answer this point: 1.A: Shakyamuni is not even HIS eternal name. How can it be the name of the eternal Buddha? ..

Those images of a sculptor's model are not even fashioned to represent HIS eternal image, which will be different when he has a different name. He may be a woman, he may not be human ! ..

In may Gosho letters, Nichiren Daishonin writes that not even a single character, of the Lotus Sutra's 69,384 characters, is false:

Here is the Sage speaking in "Conversation between a Sage and an Unenlightened Man", WND I, p. 108:

.. "Now this Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law I have been
.. speaking of represents the true reason why all Buddhas make
.. their advent in the world and teaches the direct way to the
.. attainment of Buddhahood for all living beings. SHAKYAMUNI
.. Lotus Sutra, chap. 11.] EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IN THIS

I reiterate, not a single word of the Lotus Sutra is untrue, unlike your interpretation of Nichiren Daishonin's words that he now refutes ..

From 'The Recitation of the "Expedient Means" and "Life Span" Chapters', WND I, p. 70:

.. EXPOUNDED IS THE TRUTH!" [Note: Lotus Sutra, chap. 11.] AND
.. FALSE. It was as though a great king, his consort, and his
.. most venerable subjects had all with one accord given their
.. word.

I reiterate, not a single word of the Lotus Sutra is false, unlike your interpretation of Nichiren Daishonin's words: Nichiren Daishonin in this Gosho speaks directly to utterly refute your corrupted literal interpretation of his Goshos ..

From "The Proof of the Lotus Sutra", WND I, p. 1108:

.. How does the mirror of the Lotus Sutra portray the people
.. who, in the evil world of the latter age, believe in the
.. teachings of the Lotus Sutra just as they are set forth in
.. the sutra? Shakyamuni Buddha has left us words from his
.. golden mouth revealing that such people have already made
.. offerings to a hundred thousand million Buddhas in their
.. past existences. But ordinary people in the latter age
.. might well doubt the words spoken by just one Buddha. With
.. this in mind, Many Treasures Buddha came expressly all the
.. way from his World of Treasure Purity, many lands to the
.. EXPOUNDED IS THE TRUTH!" [Note: Lotus Sutra, chap. 11.] If
.. this is so, then there can be no room for doubt about the
.. matter. Nevertheless, Shakyamuni Buddha may have felt that
.. ordinary people in the latter age would still be skeptical.

Many Treasures/Taho Buddha and the Buddhas in the ten directions all appear for the purpose of refuting Katie Higgin's literal interpretation of Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho.

From "On Prolonging One’s Life Span", WND I, p. 954:

.. Buddha, for it includes his declaration of "honestly
.. discarding expedient means." [Note: Lotus Sutra, chap. 2.]
.. sutra contains the greatest of all secrets. It tells of a
.. woman who suffers from illness in the last
.. five-hundred-year period of the twenty-five hundred years
.. following the Buddha’s passing.

The Lotus Sutra is the "truth of all truths" and unmistakably exposes the lies of Katie Higgins and the corrupted literal interpretation of Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho that would call Shakyamuni, Many Treasures/Taho Buddha, the Buddhas in the ten directions and the Lotus Sutra to be liars.

From "The Opening of the Eyes", WND I, p. 223:

.. The World-Honored One of Great Enlightenment designated a
.. specific period of the preceding forty years and more, and
.. defined the various sutras preached during that period,
.. numerous as the sands of the Ganges, as the sutras in which
.. he had "not yet revealed the truth." He designated the
.. Lotus Sutra preached during the eight years as the sutra in
.. which he "now must reveal the truth." Thus Many Treasures
.. Buddha came forth from beneath the earth to testify that
.. TRUTH," [Note: Lotus Sutra, chap. 11.] AND THE BUDDHAS WHO
.. [Note: Lotus Sutra, chap. 21.] These words are perfectly
.. clear, perfectly understandable, brighter than the sun on a
.. clear day, or like the full moon at midnight. Look up to
.. them and believe them, and when you turn away, cherish them
.. in your heart!

And here is that moment of truth of all truths from the Lotus Sutra:

From the Lotus Sutra: 21 "Supernatural Powers of the Thus Come One", pp. 314-315:

.. At that time the world-honored one, in the presence of the
.. men such as Manjushri, the immeasurable hundreds,
.. thousands, ten thousands, millions of bodhisattvas
.. mahasattva who from of old had dwelled in the saha world,
.. and the monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen, the heavenly beings,
.. dragons, yakshas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras,
.. mahoragas, the human and nonhuman beings—before all these
.. he displayed his great supernatural powers. He extended his
.. long broad tongue upward till it reached the Brahma heaven,
.. and from all his pores he emitted immeasurable, countless,
.. colored beams of light that illuminated all the worlds in
.. the ten directions.
.. The other buddhas, seated on lion seats underneath the
.. numerous jeweled trees, did likewise, extending their long
.. broad tongues and emitting immeasurable beams of light.
.. When Shakyamuni Buddha and the other buddhas beneath the
.. jeweled trees thus displayed their supernatural powers,
.. they did so for fully a hundred thousand years. After that
.. they drew in their tongues again, coughed in unison, and
.. all together snapped their fingers. The sounds made by
.. these two actions filled all the buddha worlds in the ten
.. directions, and the earth in all of them quaked and
.. trembled in six different ways.
.. The living beings in their midst, the heavenly beings,
.. dragons, yakshas, gandharvas, asuras, garudas, kimnaras,
.. mahoragas, the human and nonhuman beings, thanks to the
.. Buddha’s supernatural powers, all saw in this saha world
.. the immeasurable, boundless hundreds, thousands, ten
.. thousands, millions of buddhas seated on lion seats under
.. the numerous jeweled trees, and also saw Shakyamuni Buddha
.. and Many Treasures Thus Come One seated together on a lion
.. seat in the treasure tower. Moreover, they saw
.. immeasurable, boundless hundreds, thousands, ten thousands,
.. millions of bodhisattvas mahasattva and the four kinds of
.. believers who reverently surrounded Shakyamuni Buddha.
.. When they had seen these things, they were all filled with
.. great joy, having gained what they had never had before. At
.. that time the heavenly beings in the midst of the sky cried
.. out with loud voices, saying: “Beyond these immeasurable,
.. boundless hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of
.. asamkhya worlds there is a land named saha, and in it a
.. buddha named Shakyamuni. Now for the sake of the
.. bodhisattvas mahasattva he is preaching the great vehicle
.. sutra called the Lotus of the Wonderful Law, a teaching to
.. instruct the bodhisattvas, one that is guarded and kept in
.. mind by the buddhas. You must respond with joy from the
.. depths of your hearts, and also offer obeisance and alms to
.. Shakyamuni Buddha!”
.. When the various living beings heard the voices in the sky,
.. they pressed their palms together, faced the saha world,
.. and spoke these words: “Hail, Shakyamuni Buddha! Hail,
.. Shakyamuni Buddha!”

Now, when Katie Higgins says that her literal interpretation of Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho casts doubt upon a single character of the Lotus Sutra, calling all of these Buddhas and Nichiren Daishonin himself a liar in what would be their august calumny ... the question arises: who is lying, that assembly including Nichiren Daishonin in the form of Jogyo Superior Practices? Or is Katie Higgins the liar?

I ask you, which is it?


P.S.: having a dialogue requires sticking to the rules of logic. Otherwise it is the "barking of foxes".
Katie Higgins
2018-05-30 22:20:55 UTC
Yes! let's stick to rules of logic-- and simple common sense, too!

@chas says :>>"Now, when Katie Higgins says that her literal interpretation of Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho casts doubt upon a single character of the Lotus Sutra,>>"

I am stating my belief in Nichiren's exact words-- which @chas is saying here are "in error"; that Nichiren's teachings in the Kanjin honzon sho "cast doubt upon a single character of the Lotus Sutra".

Let that sink in-- @chas himself/herself, claiming that his/her understanding of the Lotus Sutra is superior to Nichiren's-- as expressed in Nichiren's OWN words in a treatise that is extant in Nichiren's own hand,

This is not about "my literal interpretation"-- No.-- It is about @chas not wanting to admit that he disregards Nichiren's true teachings --But, this has been so obvious for some time-- @chas and SGI do not read and study Nichiren-- they absorb and parrot the "interpretations" of Ikeda as preached by the "senior leaders".-- AKA heretical hobo slanderers.

Employing simple logic, in just a few sentences @chas changes the argument to "who is the liar"? because he cannot respond directly to Nichiren's own words!

2018-05-31 12:06:40 UTC
Post by Katie Higgins
Yes! let's stick to rules of logic-- and simple common sense, too!
@chas says :>>"Now, when Katie Higgins says that her literal interpretation of Nichiren Daishonin's Gosho casts doubt upon a single character of the Lotus Sutra,>>"
Shakyamuni said the Buddhas use expedient means, and Nichiren Daishonin is a Buddha who uses expedient means when he writes the Gosho, because his audiences vary in comprehension. When he uses expedient means he uses all three types of expedient means, including the 'third category, or “secret and wonderful expedient means” (himyō-hōben), is the teaching that contains the truth', Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo.



2018-05-28 16:24:51 UTC
Post by Chas.
Sensei is 90 years old: for a person suffering from advanced tuberculosis when he entered the Soka Gakkai at the age of 19 in 1946 that is a miracle.
From the Wikipedia: "In 1946, the development of the antibiotic streptomycin made effective treatment and cure of TB a reality."
One might say, cause and effect simultaneous? But then one would need faith in the Lotus Sutra to say that. Something you lack, Katie Higgins.
At any rate, faith notwithstanding, the fact that anyone who had advanced tuberculosis at 19 has lived to be 90 years of age is by any account: a miracle. A miracle of science is still a miracle. Brace yourself for more miracles from CRISPR/Cas-9, version 2 - single gene editing repairing 60% of genetic diseases in situ, all of which afflict SGI members around the world who chant a lot of daimoku.
Wow - you're just all over the place, aren't you? First of all, when Ikeda was 19, it was 1947. So it was already a WHOLE YEAR *AFTER* the discovery of streptomycin as a therapy for tuberculosis. And the BCG vaccine against tuberculosis was introduced in Japan in 1943.

So much for your "cause and effect simultaneous" - Ikeda's always been chasing after effect without understanding anything of cause. He predicted the Soka Gakkai takeover of the government of Japan in 1979 - that didn't happen. So he then said:

"Therefore my resolution is to completely realize the cause of Kosen-rufu by 1990." - read more about it here: https://www.reddit.com/r/sgiwhistleblowers/comments/5f9z1x/daisaku_ikeda_is_so_foolish_and_out_of_touch_with/


But back to tuberculosis. First of all, WHERE did you get the idea his condition was "ADVANCED" tuberculosis?? Tuberculosis was very common in Japan from the late 1800s on up until modern medicine caught up (late 1940s and beyond), and a lot of people simply got better on their own! I'll bet you have *NO IDEA* what tuberculosis is or what it means. It just sounds "oooooo SCARY! MUST BE *TERMINAL*!!" Toda had tuberculosis too, you know - his first wife and daughter died from it, but he didn't, despite smoking like a chimney. Toda's alcoholism was what eventually did HIM in - so much for "earthly desires are enlightenment"!

Ikeda was a heavy smoker as well, you know. Oh, the SGI won't allow any pics of him with his smokes NOW, but they're out here - here he is, enjoying a cancer stick with criminal dictator Manuel Noriega! Loading Image...

Back to tuberculosis.
Post by Chas.
Effective measures to control tuberculosis were implemented in Japan starting in the 1930s.
Ikeda was born in 1928 O_O
"As a public health measure, THE STATE SAW TO IT THAT TREATMENT WAS PROVIDED FREE TO ALL PATIENTS THROUGHOUT THE COURSE OF THEIR DISEASE. As additional highly effective drugs became available, the epidemic was brought under control." Source: https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJM199603143341121
Post by Chas.
So while Ikeda claims his doctor expected him to die young, we don't have any evidence that was the fact. We don't have the doctor's name; we have no report on the doctor's letterhead, even. All we have, as in the case of virtually every other "faith healing" claim, regardless of the religion, is just that person's word for it, which we're supposed to just accept without question.
What we DO know is that Ikeda's favorite son died young (age 29) of a stomach ailment that is rarely fatal. So that's solid evidence against any claims of "faith healing" or "protection of the Mystic Law". If Daisaku Ikeda, the self-proclaimed "world's foremost authority on Nichiren Buddhism", can't make it work, what chance do YOU have??
Post by Chas.
The disease Ikeda claimed to have had was treated effectively and for free in Japan (so his insistence that his family was poor has no bearing) and tuberculosis was thus brought under control in the population by the 1950s. Ikeda was 22 in 1950 - easily defined as "youth" in SGI-speak.
When Ikeda and the SGI talk about "youth", this could mean anything up to about mid 40s - in the SGI, I have seen a YMD who did not graduate to the men's division until he was 45, and two YWD leaders in their early 40s. (Read more in the comments here: https://www.reddit.com/r/sgiwhistleblowers/comments/2hkv1q/i_have_joined_sgiusa_last_march_as_a_result_of/ )
And here is photographic evidence that the tales of how the young Daisaku Ikeda suffered so terribly from the horrible *tuberculosis* were just more hot air: https://www.reddit.com/r/sgiwhistleblowers/comments/8mdeu4/more_myths_about_how_the_young_ikeda_suffered_so/

Also, it appears that the disorder that has resulted in Ikeda looking so unsightly is upper motor neuron palsy or hereditary gelsolin amyloidosis - you can read more here: https://www.reddit.com/r/sgiwhistleblowers/comments/8mdeu4/more_myths_about_how_the_young_ikeda_suffered_so/

So let's have no more stupid talk about "health miracles" where none exist, okay?

It's a shame his wonderfully strong practice, the strongest practice in the entire WORLD, wasn't enough to overcome that, isn't it?
2018-03-13 00:27:07 UTC
On Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 2:43:59 AM UTC-8, Chas. wrote:> Also, like I said, he is 90 and has been replaced by his hand-picked successor (Mr. Harada), who many in this newsgroup declared over and over would be his son: they knew they were lying and they will suffer the consequences of their calumny.
Post by Chas.
Chas, when you don't know what you are talking about, you should shut up. Ikeda was forced by the Nichiren Shoshu priesthood to RESIGN in 1979 (this is common knowledge) due to his many heresies and misleading the Soka Gakkai in the direction of worshiping himself. At that time, he became "Honorary President of the Soka Gakkai" - FOR LIFE. He's still supposedly in that office - no one has succeeded him. He's also the President of the SGI - and he's still in THAT office as well. Harada is the 3rd Soka Gakkai president since 1979. Take a look (feel free to look up what "incumbent" means if necessary) - from Wikipedia (also feel free to inform them if their information is wrong):

President of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) - Incumbent
Assumed office
26 January 1975

Honorary President of Soka Gakkai - Incumbent
Assumed office
24 April 1979

Succeeded by

President of Soka Gakkai
Hiroshi Hojo (北条浩)
Einosuke Akiya
Minoru Harada

3rd President of Soka Gakkai - In office
3 May 1960 – 24 April 1979

Do your research, Chas. It matters.

For anyone who would like to see how Daisaku Ikeda rewrote the rules of the Soka Gakkai to make himself dictator for life, see https://www.reddit.com/r/sgiwhistleblowers/comments/5e6ljf/changing_the_rules_how_ikeda_remade_his_role/

Ikeda was originally supposed to serve a 4-year term as President of the Soka Gakkai. Oh, that would not suit The Man Who Would Be King at all!
2018-03-13 09:16:10 UTC
Post by b***@gmail.com
On Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 2:43:59 AM UTC-8, Chas. wrote:> Also, like I said, he is 90 and has been replaced by his hand-picked successor (Mr. Harada), who many in this newsgroup declared over and over would be his son: they knew they were lying and they will suffer the consequences of their calumny.
Post by Chas.
If those charges were true, then why were we brought back together again so quickly by the Nikken? They were originally a lie.

The point is we served a purpose then (source of money) for the NST priesthood before and after 1979, and that's the reason behind all of that.

Nikken needed us because of his problems with different factions in his priesthood, and because it was obvious, we were not going to be parted from Sensei.

They didn't like it and you don't and who cares what you think?
Post by b***@gmail.com
President of Soka Gakkai International (SGI) - Incumbent
Assumed office
26 January 1975
Honorary President of Soka Gakkai - Incumbent
Assumed office
24 April 1979
Succeeded by
President of Soka Gakkai
Hiroshi Hojo (北条浩)
Einosuke Akiya
Minoru Harada
3rd President of Soka Gakkai - In office
3 May 1960 – 24 April 1979
Do your research, Chas. It matters.
For anyone who would like to see how Daisaku Ikeda rewrote the rules of the Soka Gakkai to make himself dictator for life, see https://www.reddit.com/r/sgiwhistleblowers/comments/5e6ljf/changing_the_rules_how_ikeda_remade_his_role/
Ikeda was originally supposed to serve a 4-year term as President of the Soka Gakkai. Oh, that would not suit The Man Who Would Be King at all!
Your own evidence is self-contradictory!

If he were President for life, he would be a 90-year-old President now, and yet he chose his successor, as Mr. Toda and Mr. Makiguchi before him did. And unlike everyone except myself in this newsgroup predicted, he did not choose his son, I told you all he would not.


You hate the Kosen Rufu movement of the SGI and would cast any pile of crap on Sensei and the SGI, and none of it will stick.

I was right in my prediction before, and my prediction now is a total victory for Sensei at the end of his life: peripeteia (reversal of fortune, as Aristotle pointed out was a critical element in any drama.)

2018-03-13 22:28:09 UTC
Post by Chas.
If he were President for life, he would be a 90-year-old President now, and yet he chose his successor, as Mr. Toda and Mr. Makiguchi before him did. And unlike everyone except myself in this newsgroup predicted, he did not choose his son, I told you all he would not.
Even a president for life must appoint a sucessor for obvious reasons

Ikeda is still in office and will be as long as he wants

But somebody is already handpicked by Ikeda because he wants his legacy
to move on

I do not see any contradiction

Or will Ikeda resign from his posts? I do not think so

Anyhow I was sad to see his bad shape and I prayed for him

And I think everybody else should do the same with no hypocrisy

BTW Ikeda is free to choose whoever he wants to succeed him

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2018-03-12 23:44:53 UTC
Post by Chas.
I showed you a photo from last April 2017 in the World Tribune, that was less than a year ago.
I showed you an article about a visit to the Kanegawa Culture Center in the middle of October, attended by many, who can attest to it. That was less than 5 months ago.
I saw none of them, where is the topic?
Post by Chas.
So, what's your problem? Eagerly anticipating the death of the greatest Bodhisattva of the Earth for our time, who spread Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism across Japan and to 192 countries in one lifetime? Your show is slipping, or rather your schadenfreude.
None of them, as I told before, I have no problems neither with SGI nor
with Ikeda, please read it again
Post by Chas.
You should be ashamed.
You too

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2018-03-08 04:12:19 UTC
Post by xyz
Post by k***@gmail.com
Have you seen a recent ie 2018 photo of him?
Have you heard first hand reports of meetings with him? Private meetings?
Do you have friends in sgi japan who can give you the answer?
Find it strange as a member not to.know the answers to any of these questions.
I hope someone can respond with recent news.
No I haven't seen any recent photo or news of Ikeda. Neither Daisaku nor
Apparently no news since 8 may 2008 when he had his last public
appearance registered on his own timeline, a meeting with Hu Jintao. And
what happened since then?
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There may be some major announcement preparing all for whats to come regarding Ikeda

Advancing toward the 60th anniversary of March 16, Kosen-rufu Day, 1 million SGI youth around the world will hold a united World Youth Gongyo from their homes on Saturday, March 10 at 9:30 p.m. PDT/11:30 p.m. CT/ 12:30 a.m. EDT.

This will be held at the same time as the March 11 youth gathering in Japan, when 600,000 Soka Gakkai youth will connect via simulcast for a World Youth General Meeting broadcasted from Tokyo.

Toward this meeting, SGI youth members all around the world are chanting Nam-myohorenge-kyo and tracking their progress on downloadable charts at http://www.sokayouth.jp/content/files/8wygm/2018/shodaihyo.pdf. Feel free to join them and share your efforts on Instagram using the hashtag #wygm316. For more details, visit http://www.sokayouth.jp/wygm316-en.html.